Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 04, 1902, Image 2

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    TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, December 4, 1902
It is a popular rule not to gather as-
change for the letter, as another change
paragus, after peas have come into
will certainly take place for the better
in a few years hence, when the small fac­ Profitable Vegetable for Sea- season: to enjoy the finest flavor, it
Ered C. Baker. Publisher.
should be eaten immediately after it is
We want consignments of the best article and
tories will be absorlied by larger ones
Coast Farms.
' cut ; if kept longer than one day, or if
where the cost of manufacture can be
get too much. We are Headquarters for Butte/
set into water, its finer flavor is |ilto-
reduced to a minimum and a uniformity
and will get you top prices.
( strictly in advance .)
of make easily established. Anyway,
The Tillamook Headlight is a live 1 gether lost. If properly treated, aspara-
One year.............................................. 1
the enter prising dairymen of the county
75 will continue to make Tillamook famous newspaper. It has, by its intelligent I In France the growers of asparagus
Six months..........................................
exposition of the character of the coun­
Three months.....................................
with their butter and cheese.
try, succeeded in drawing very marked i plant in trenches instead of
and valuable attention to that interest­ ■ beds
The Portland Journal has every few
Forcing Asparagus,
Farm Dairying.
ing region. It has inspired and aided
nights a Jack Matthews nightmare and
j The most common methods of forcing
in its ravings imagines that every repub­
Renovated butter is fast taking the the dairy industry and has been a wit-
I asparagus is to prepare early in the
lican is under the control of the chair­ place of oleomargarine, which it has mss to its success.
year, a moderate hot bed of stable litter
in <n of the city and county central com­ been found does not find a ready market
■ with a bottom head of 70 degrees and
mittee of Multnomah county.
in its uncolored condition, says the torial of that paper, which may be
! cover it with a common frame. After
* * *
Dakota Farmer. This is all right, for taken to heart in other parts of the
itheheatof fermentation has somewhat
Too much stress cannot be put upon butter, though renovated, is certainly State. The Headlight says ;
the fact that the financial stringency in lietter than oleo. But why should we
“The way for Tillamook to grow com­ ’ abated, the surface of the bed is covered
the east is the result of gambling and have to renovate our butter made on mercially is for the people to develop the 1 with a light layer of earth or exhausted
n >t of legitimate business operations. the farm? If the dairyman would pay a country’s resources themselves, and not l tanbark, and in this, place closely the
The -
This fact was early ¡lerceived by the little more attention to this branch of depend on so much outside help. As an | roots of strong mature plants.
country, not withstanding theclamors of dairying, thousands of dollars could be illustration of this, Tillamook people I crowns of the roots are then covered |
stock jobbers, promoters and birds of made and saved that are now’ lost. Of have created one industry themselves— j with three to six inches of soil. A com-
prey generally, and recent developments course the methods of handling this but­ that of manufacturing butter and cheese I mon three-pane frame will hold 500 to
bring it out in clear light. It is now as­ ter at country stores is somewhat to —which has grown to such large propor­ ’ 6000 plants and will afford a supply for
serting itself in the continued depression blame for this condition, but the chief tions, and obtained such a wide reputa 1 several weeks. After planting, linings
For San Francisco and Loa Angeles.
in the stock market, and most notably source of trouble is on the farm. Why tion for the quality of its product, there ! are applied when it is required to keep
in those securities which have been the will not people do things right and at is not another county in Oregon which I up the heat, but care must be had not
subject ot exploitation, while in broad the proper time ? The making of butter has made such rapid strides in dairying i to scorch the roots; air must be occas-
contrast commercial values and edrnings is one of those things that must have as Tillamook and brought about ssch ! ionallv admitted.
hold firm, and the volume of legitimate proper attention ; one must commence an era of pros|>eritv as exists in this I Tilllamook bottom land, of which
I there are thousands of acres in the coun-
transactions, enormous and unprece­ at the barn, the cows must have projier county today.
True it is that Tilla­
dented as it has been,even shows a tend­ feed and attention, the milking must be mook is naturally a splendid dairying ' try, is parculiarly adapted to raising as-
ency to expand. The good sense ot the done in a cleanly way ; then there should country, bat it was thrift, energy and l paragus and those who own this kind of
J. P.
American people, braced by the conser­ I be a proper place to keep the milk away enterprise of Tillamook people that I land have become interested in Mr. El-
vative judgment of Euro|>ean financiers, from everything that would impair the created this industry, and which will I more’s new enterprise, especially as the
I experts who were brought from Califor-
has called a halt. The movement marked flavor.
The temperature should be alwavs be a source of profit to those
First Class accommodation at Second Class Rate.
in the records of the New York stock regulated and the churning should be who engage in it; in fact, it would not I nia have declared that soil and climate
market is simply a remedial process done regularly. All utensils should be surprise us much if the dairying industry | conditions in Tillamook are adapted to
whereby prices are being restrained to kept scrupulously clean and the butter is not doubled in the next five or six the growth of asparagus.
I Grown Profitably in Oregon,
values and speculative as well as busi­ should be well made and put up in an years in Tillamook County.”
That is worth knowing, for it will
ness calculations to the line of earnings. attractive form. It is certainly not any
Mr. Samuel Elmore is also one of the
It may be severe on those who have too harder to do things right than to do live citizens of Tillamook, and is now not necessitate the expenditure of
tar transgressed that line, but it is none them w rong, and it is only what we do about to introduce a new' entertrise by I money in making experiments, which
the less on that account necessary and right that counts in this world. It; the turning his farm, which is on rich would, of course take several years to
It is claimed that as-
beneficial. It is fortunate indeed that next world there is a place for those bottom land, into asparagus beds. Mr. determine.
the reaction haicome at this time, for if who do wrong, as well as for those that Elmore was one of those who took per­ paragus can be grown in Tillamook
the gambling movement had gone un­ do right and either method will count sonal interest in the improvement of with the same results as in Cal-
checked to the lengths to which desper­ then. When it can be done, it is much dairying methods, by introducing a ifornia, where 85 per cent, of the as­
Is still here and expects to remain.
ate speculators would have carried it the I better to sell either your milk or cream superior breed of stock. He has kept in paragus which is canned is put up in
consequences of the inevitable collapse and let some expert make the butter.
Thanking you for past favors and a continuance of yourtngRI
circulation a considerable amount of that state. That it is a profitable
might have lieen so far-reaching as to
money by the packing and canning of 1 and paying industry can be seen by Cash paid for HIDES and PELTS and FURS, Etc.
cause another financial panic.
Campaign Against Diseage.
salmon. Under the direction of such a I the big jump in the price of land where
FAT HOGS WANTED right away to pack down.
* * 4f
man the new enterprise will certainly be I it is raised. Land which could be
W ashingson , Nov.29. — In pursuance of a success.
,bought for from §100 down per acre
Tillamook County is interested in the
is now worth §1000 an acre in Cali-
senatorial fight on account ofharbor im­ the purpose of the Agricultural Depart­
Asparagus Long Known.
provement, for it is of paramount impor­ ment to spare no effect to secure the ex­
The young shoots of this plant (as­ fornia. Should the enterprise in Til­
tance to this long bottled-up section of termination of the foot and mouth dis­ paragus officinalis), have, from a remote lamook turn out as satisfactory as is
Oregon that the senator to be elected in ease prevailing among livestock in the period, been in high repute as a culinary predicted, those bottom lands can be
the new year shall go to Washington New Engla nd States, Mr. Salmon, Chief vegetable, owing to their delicate flavor made just as valuable. It has been a
pledged to work for an appropriation in of the bureau of Animal Industry, de­ and diuretic virtues. It grows wild on problem to know what is the best use
the next river and harbor bill for the im­ cided today to go to Boston and take the south coast of England ; and on the for them, since there are several in
provement of Tillamook Bar. Therefore charge of the campaign in person, lie steppes of Russia it is so abundant, that dustries which are extremely tempting
the question naturally arises, who, out will leave for that city next Monday, it is eaten by cattle like grass. In com­ to their owners. They constitute splen­
of the several aspirants, would be most ami will remain as long as may be neces* mon with the marshmallow and some did pasture for the best c’a«s of dairy
influerital in helping bring that improve­ «ary to accomplish the end in view.
other plants, it contains a chemical prin­ stock.« The strawberry also grows
Boiler Work, Logger’s Work anti Heavy Forging.
Discussing the question today. Dr.
ment about ? True, Senator Simon is
ciple called asparagin, to which it owes finely in the gardens of the district,
Fine Machine Work a Specialty.
not the man, for we have nothing to Salmon said that the department had re­ its medicinal .qualities. The roots of while all classes of vegetables that have
thank him for for what he has done for ceived due notice of the action of Great asparagus were once used as an aperient been tried, seem to claim the soil as their
'Jillamook. There is not much doubt but Britian in quarantining against the New medicine and the tops were employed as especial favorite.
It will take two or three years for
what Fulton and Scott are the leading England ports, but that the department's a diuretic. It is a specific for rheuma­
plants to mature from seed, but there
candidates, both of whom could be de- decision had been influenced more by a tism.
|»ended upon to look after this county’s desire to protect the remainder of our
Asparagus is one of the most delicate would be a saving of one to two years
interests. It may require a little discre­ country than by anj fear of loosing our of our esculents and is grown iu private time in the production if plants were
tion on Representative Eddy’s part be­ ex|M)rt trade. He added that the action gardens as well as for the markets. It used. The average hunch of asparagus
fore casting his vote, but as he used good of Great Britain could not I k ? construed prefers a deep, loose, light, sandy soil; contains about fifteen shoots, measures
judgment in making Senator Mitchell as hostile, the conditions apparently jus the depth should lx: three feet, the soil 13 inches in circumference and weighs
pledge himself for the above improve­ tided it. The opinion was expressed being well trenched and all surplus water about two pounds. To give some idea
ment liefo re he could get the Tillamook that so long as there is no general quar­ got away. A considerable quantity of that the industry is a profitable one it is
representative’s support ami vote, it is antine the export could not be materially well rotted dung, or of recent sea-weed, «aid that growers in California received
safe to say that Mr. Eddy will be just as affected, the expectation being that the should be laid in the bottom of the four cents a ponnd for asparagus Each
alert to Tillamook’s interests in the next trade which has hitherto left New Eng trench, and another top dressing of man­ plant will produce from 1’2 to 2 pounds,
Freight in 5-ton lots and over $3.50 per ton.
state legislature as he was in the last. land ports will find outlet through other ure should be dug iu preparatory to which depends to a great extent, as in
Freight in ¡ess than 5-ton lots, $4.00 per ton.
* * *
planting or sowing. Nitrate of soda is a all oilier industries, upon how the plant
Figure« showing the extent of Boston’s
We notice that persons writing to the
Passenger rate, I3.50.
favorite manure and appeals the best of is cultivated. Mr. Elmore is not going
export trade in American livestock place
agricultural papers frequently call atten­
the artificial class ; common salt applied into rasing asparagus for a hobby, but it
the value of the business for last year at
tion to farm made bntter and cheese and
at the rate of two pounds to the square is simply a business enterprise with him
about $8 000,000. There also were quite
that manufactured at the creameries, and
yard is a good dressing while the plants in which he expects to make a good in
extensive shipments from Portland.
terest on the investment.
in doing so point out that where a
are growing.
Discussing the work to las done, Dr.
poorly made article is turned out on the
[What is to be accomplished in Tilla­
The beds should be three or five feet
Salmon said he expected to have a force
farm it is more profitable to take the
wide, with intervening alleys of two mook can also be accomplished in Coos
of from 50 to 100 assistants, who will be
milk or the cream to the creameries. In
feet, the narrower l>eds taking two rows County, which is simiarlv situated.]-Ed.
scattered over the infected district. He
most every dairy couutry there are those
of plants ; the w ider three row s. The
to be found who put themselves upon a said there was no effectual remedy rows should run east and west so that
Bright’s Disease.
level w ith experienced butter and cheese against the disease except the slaughter the sun’s rays may strike the side of the
The largest sum ever paid for a pre
makers, with the result that their pro­
duct does not reach that point of excel­ ed to resort to this remedy wherever
When the beds are made with trans- scription. changed hands in San Fran­
lence nor fetch the same money in the
planting, either one or two-year-old cisco, Aug. 30, 1901. The transfer in­
“In the long run, it is the cheapest/’
market as that projierly manufactured.
plants may be used, for which a trench volved in coin and stock §112,500.00
Right here in Tillamook the same thing he said. ‘ We cannot afford to allow the should be cut sufficient to afford room 1 and was paid by a party of business men
can lx» found hi a small degree, not that disease to spread over the country. ”
for spreading out the roots, the crowns for a specific for Bright's Disease and
l'he de|»artinent today decided to allow
it is accessary for us to point out the in­
being all kept about two inches lielow
dividual cases which have come under
They commenced the serious investi­
the surface. Planting is best done in
Connecting at Astoria with the Oregoa Railroad & Navigation Co. «nd
our observation, for probably they are | states tor immediate slaughter, provided May, after the plants are started into gation of the specific Nov. 15, 1900
also the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. foi San Franctaco, Portlat"!
tinder the impression that they are turn­ the cars containing them are sealed by growth.
They interviewed scores of the cured and
■ mi all point« east. For freight and passenger rates apply to
ing out a first class article. It is not the 1
It would of course be better to sow the tried it out on its merits by putting over
poorly made cheese, but that made by
seed in the beds where the plants are to three dozen cases on the treatment and
B. C. LAMB, Agent. Tillamook Oregon.
the numerous experienced cheese makers seal» remain undisturbed. Thia action remain, if it is practicable, as such a watching them. They also got physi-
R * X- R R- Co • Portland'
at the factories in this county which was taken to protect the packing indus- method would prevent all possible injury cane to name chronic, incurable cases,
M * C. It. R. Co.. Portland.
made Tillamook cheese famous in the
and administered it with the physicians
to the roots.
markets and Tillamook famous as a
In our coast climate, the seed of the for judges. Up to Aug. 25 eighty.seven
Three men sailed from England Sun­
dairy country, thanks to those who had day on a strange mission, and one w hich asparagus should be sow ; in March in percent of the test cases were either well
the foresight mid enterprise to engage will mean much if it is successful. All slight drills ; it is a good plan to sow or progressing favorably.
only experienced cheese makers. Yet it are outcasts returning to their native more than is necessary and thin out to­
There being but thirteen per cent of
is beginning to dawn upon those who land. Former Acting President Schalk- wards the end of the first summer to the failures, the parlies were satisfied and
nre interested in the factories and the berger, of the Transvaal, returns to the distance of six inches in the rows. As­ closed the transaction. The proceedings
commission men as well that it is time to country in which he was once the paragus heads should not lie cut before of the investigating committee and the
grade Tillamook cheese. Then poorly supreme mid ruling power, to l>eg a the third spring, and arc not in perfect clincial reports of the test cases were
made cheese will find its level wdth a cor­ favor from Colonial Secretary Chamber. condition till the fourth or fifth.
I published and will he mailed free on
responding low figure, while that manu­ Inin. It is said that Oom Paul Kruger,
I application. Address John J. Fuiton
Cultivation of Asparagus.
factured by the up-t«>-daie makers, with one« president of the South African Re­
Company,420 Montgomery St..San Fran­
the latest scientific methods, will always public. will be permitted to come back I The manuring of asparagus, which cisco. Cal. ___
Shop next door to Larsen’s Hotel, Tillamook]
command top prices. Besides, ns Tilla­ and die on the veldt. With Schalklierger I
mook Ims obtained a wide reputation go Wessels and Wolmorans. the Boer
The Canard line steamer Sylvania,
1 are removed. When the plants are in which will lie the last vessel to leave
for the purity and excellence of its butter
delegates who solicited funds in the i
beds the surface should be stirred with Boston with cattle for a British port
a ml cheese, any attempt to palm off an
I nited States. Both these men have
inferior article and place it on the mar­ liceii warned never to return to Cape a fork ; a layer of well rotted hot bed until the embargo against their ship­
dung should then be laid on the whole ment on account of the pievalence of
ket as thcliest is not right, and to avoid
Town, but they go in the hope that the
covered with a sprinkling of earth from foot and mouth disense in New England
this Tillamook cheese should lie graded
authorities will irlent and permit them
the alleys. If the plants are grown in is raised. The vessel cannot reach Liver,
in the future. Happily, all through the to remain.
rows, the manure is simply dug in l>e- pool before I»ecember Sth. when the
county there is a dis|x>sition to turn out 1
* * <k
the l*e»t product, but still for all that
J. P. Peterson, an ex-convict, was cap­ tween them with a digging fork, care order of the English Board of Agricul.
some few |*oplc still cling to the idea tured just after dynamiting the safe in being taken not to injure the roots. tare forhidding the landing in Great
that farm made butter and cheese is just Collins & Roberts' tinsmith store in These operations are repeated annually Britain from New England ports will
ns good and marketable as that made at San Francisco. The explosion nearly and noother culture is required ; but it go into effect, but it is said that the
the fact» rirs. Tillamook would never w recked the building. It blew' the safe is necessary to observe a due moderatton Boston agent of the line has received as.
have obtained the rcpatation had this door off, shattered the windows and in reaping a crop, as the shoots, when surances from the company's head1
idea prevailed. for it was the advent of door and frightened the robber. who cut too freely, become gradually smaller offices in England which satisfy him that
jail into the arms of Policeman Mitchell.
I lie creameries and the experienced man* He has sewed a term in the Oregon pen­ A considerable area of ground is there­ the Sylvania's cargo can be landed in
fore required to keep up aupply.
ufactnirr that brought alxiut □ great a itentiary under the name of Howard.
Portland, Or
Truckee Lumber Co
Hobsonville, Or.
Allen House,
-A.t tixs i - tevz
Tillamook Iron Woks
General Machinists & Blacksmiths.
T illamook ,
O regon
Steamer Geo. R. Vosburg
Will Run Between
Tillamook and Astoria
Ship Freight by A. & C. Railroad in Care of
. R. Vosburg.
Pacific Navigation Co. j
Tillamook Meat Market
Fresh and Cured Meats, Hides, Wool, etc