Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 04, 1902, Image 11

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Two Thousand Dead as the Result of
The British Consul at Chicago
the World of
(jives a Few
His Government
Rapid Advance of the
United States in
Chief Cause of Success.
Washington, May 15.—Some plain
suggestions regarding American busi­
ness methods are given by the British
consul at Chicago, Mr. Wyndham, in
a report to the British foreign office, a
copy of which has just reached the
treasury bureau of statistics.
The commercial success in the United
States, and especially of the city at
which he is located, is described by
Consul Wyndham as being due in part
4‘to the education which teaches the
boys independence ami knowledge of
their future responsibilities, and does
not set the professions a Dove business
¿is a means of gaining a living.
“Athletics of all kinds are much en­
couraged in schools and universities,
but very few men continue to take part
in them after completing their educa
lion. Americans are as fond of out­
door life, shooting and fishing, as are
the men of any European country, but
they gratify their taste as a relaxation
only, and never allow it to interfere
with their business.
“Another cause of success is the
keeping of the money, which has been
made in the business, in it as long as
possible, and great thought is devoted
to arrangements whereby, after the
»leath of the builder of the business, it
shall not fall into the hands of his
heir« unless they are practically fitted
to take care of it.
“Another, and probably the chief
cause, is the reward of merit. The
percentage of men fitted for the highest
posts in business is very small com­
pared with the total numbers em­
ployed, and the heads of the big busi­
nesses, bank corporations and whole­
sale films, are always looking out for
men, not only among those already in
their employ, but also outside, capable
of filling some post under them. To
these men, when found, large salaries I
are given, which are drawn by them as
long as they show that they are capable
<of earning them.
Men employe»! in
business houses of all descriptions are
■encouraged to discover new n.ethods of
carrying on the business which may in
any way lessen the cost of production
or carrying on business, and specializa­
tion is carried on to an extreme point.”
bort de France, Island of Martinique,
May 15.—The I nited States govern­
ment tug Potomac, which came to Mar­
tinique from San Juan,
R., cruised
the coast of this island Tuesday. She
encountered an inky black column of
sm»»ke, which made it necessary for her
to go five miles out of her c»»urse.
The Potomac brought a ton of sup­
plies to Martinique, consisting in part
of codfish and flour. A famine here is
imminent. The northern section of
the island is depopulated.
here is suspended.
The Potomac will leave here for the
island of St. Vincent, where conditions
are rei»orte»l to be worse. 1 a Souffriere,
on St. Vincent, was in full eruption
May 10. A stream of stone and mud
half a mile wide was then issuing from
the volcano.
Stones two inches in
diameter fell 12 miles away. At King­
ston, the capital of the island, the
ashes were two inches deep. Seven
hundred dead were reported Sunday,
May 11. It is estimated that, tne total
number of deaths in St. Viwent will
reach 2,000. Most of the seven estates
on the island have been burned to
ashes, and it is authentically reported
that two earthquakes occurred there.
It is believed that the submarine cables
in St. Vincent have been broken by
the disturbances.
The present^ vol­
canic eruption on St. Vincent is the
first since ¿1812.
Governor Hunt, of
Porto Rico, has aske»l Louis Ayme,
United States consul at Gaudeloupe,
who is now here, what assistance he
could render. Governor Hunt’s offer
has been communicated to the govern­
ment, which will accept it.
The looting of the ruins at St. Pierre
has begun already. While coming to
Fort de France the Potomac picked up
a boat containing five colored men and
one white man, whose pockets were
filled with coin and jewelry, the latter
evidently stripped from the fingers of
the dead.
Lieutenant B. B. McCor­
mick, commander of the Potomac, ar­
rested these men and turned them over
to the commander of the French cruiser
Suchet for punishment.
Two Hundred Spectators were Injured and the
Physicians Say that a Majority of Them
will Die—Were Watching a Burning Train
When T>o Tank Cars Exploded, Drench*
ing Them with Burning Oil.
Reviews Their
South Africa.
London, May 14.—The Times relates
the couise of the ¡»eace negotiations as
“On the receipt of the Dutch corre­
spondence intimating that Great Brit­
ain was ready to listen to proposals
from the Boers in the field, Acting
President of the Transvaal Scliaalk
burger came to the British lines and
asked permission to consult with Mr.
Stevn, ex-president oi the Orange Free
State. This led to the Boer delegates
going to Pretoria. Their first proposal
to Iz»rd Kitchener and Ix»r»i Milner,
the British high commissioners in South
Africa, was that the republics should
merely concede all the demands made
by Great Britain regarding the fran­
chise, etc., before the war. The Brit­
ish government, in reply, referred them
to the Middleburg confeience, as the
maximum of ¡possible concessions ami
refused permission to the Boers to con-1
suit their friends in Europe. Event­
ually, while refusing an armistice,
Lord Kitchener undertook not to molest
the burghers while they were actually
holding meetings with the commandoes
to authorize the leaders to negotiate on
the basis of the surrender °f independ­
ence, hot they were told it was useless
to return to Pretoria without being
armed with full powers to negotiate.
Schaalkburger assented to this, but Mr.
Stevn’s aijpiiesence seemed doubtful.
“Mail advices receive»! from Pre-
t» ria,” continues the Times, “declare
that Lords Kitchenqrand Milner prom­
ise«! generous compensation for burned
farms, promised no difficulty with re­
gard to the question oi amnesty for
rebels, which «lid not present insuper­
able obstacles.”
Urowinu r.KK
In f v tions where one is reasonably
close to the large city markets there
is money made in growing egg plants
when one Is willing to give them the
rich soil and careful culture they re­
quire. Of course, this ¡»hint cannot be
raised hi the far North, except by start­
ing the seeds early in the greenhouse
or hot-bed and practically growing
them In a cold frame, so that they may
be protected during the cool ¡»art of the
summer, for the plants are quite ten­
der. One of the best of the few varie­
ties is the New York Improved. shown
In the Illustration. It is larger than the
old Early Long Purple, hence more de-
makes her bread, pies, cookies «nd
often her soft soap iu the old-fash­
ioned. laborious way. The potatoes
are mashed or baked, the meat frhul.
broiled, baked or boiled just as they
were one hundr«‘«l years ago. The
work of the wash day is pretty much
ns ii used to be on the farm. In cities
there is a fountain of water fiowing in
every room hi the house, nini station­
ary stone wash tubs with a faucet In
neh for hot and cold water, with
¡¡»es for drawing off water at the
use of each stationary tub. which
greatly lessens the work on wash day;
but such «levices are not known in the
country, or are hardly possible there.
The farmers kitchen and pantry
should have every possible convenience
for the housewife, so that she may
take as few steps as possible. \Voo»i
or coal should he ¡»laced convenient to
her liaml No woman should be com­
pelled to g»i down cellar and carry up
heavy liods of coal, or armsful of
wood, ami yet 1 know many women
who not only have to do this but who
cut their own woo«l as well. No wom­
an should be obliged to lift ¡»ails of
water or tjollers or tubs of water on
wash »lay The man who allows bls
wife to do such lifting is helping to
shorten h ?r life ami helping to dig her
grave.—Green’s Fruit Glower.
Pittsburg, May 14.—The Sheridan
yard of the Pan Handle Railroad was
the scene this evening of the most dis­
astrous explosion and fire known in
this section in many years. A score of
lives were lost and about 200 persons
were so bad Inhumed that, according to
the judgment of the physicians in at­
tendance, 75 ¡»er cent of them will die
from the effects of their injuries.
The accident happened in the rail-
road yards at Sheridan, where the Pan
Handle Railroad makes a turn near
Cork Run. Banked in by two high
bills, hundreds of people were caught.
In the shifting necessary to make up a
Intensive FurtniriK*
train, five tank cars, two of them filled
Even In the great West, where land
with refine»! petroleum an»l two with
Is comparatively cheap In the beginning
naptha, were switched with too much
of settlements, the time comes when to
force, and one of the cars of naptha
make farming profitable it must be car­
ried on with due regard to economy of
was broken.
Instantly the inflam­
both labor and money. As the first fer­
mable bi-product poured out in a
tility of the soil is removed and farm­
The trainmen, seeing that
ers find it necessary to make heavy and
one of the cars was da maged, started to
more heavy applications of fertilizers,
then it Is realized, if never before, that
pull them out of the way. As the
farming must be conducted on the prin­
damaged car passed a switch light the
ciple of getting as many crops and ns
dripping naptha »aught on the light
heavy as possible from the smallest
flame and almost instantly an explosion
sirable in many cnsea for market, al­ possible aren. This feeling Is becoming
though the last-named sort would be stronger daily, and the farmer who
best for sections where the growing concentrates his labor and fertilizer on
The explosion sent «hewers of burn­
season Is short. The hot-bed founda­ twenty-five acres is making more mon­
ing naptha over the freight station near
tion should be rich In fertilizing mate­ ey than the many who. with the same
at hand, and also envelope»! a number
Their Disposition Will Be Determined by a rial. When the plants show two true labor and fertilizer, spread It over fifty
of carloads of coke an»l lumber that
leaves—not seed leaves—they may be acres.
Forestry Reserve Official.
were close by, «nd in a moment all
This Is good logic and the sooner
Washington, May 14.—Representa­
those who complain they are not nnik-
were blazing
Fifteen minutes after
tive Cushman recently called^on the
the first explosion the two cars of re­
There is still much prejudice against Ing a livlng at farming work on the
commissioner of the general land office the use of Incubators, but, as a rule, it lines Indicated the sooner will the
fined petroleum that bail l»een damaged
to ascertain whether or not certain exists only with those who have had profit come.
by the bursting of the tank of naptha
lands in Skagit and Snohomish coun­ no experience only with the machines
Anchoring it Corner Pont.
and were leaking blew up with a terrific
ties are to lie eliminated from the first manufactured, and which, of
A ertfrespondent of Iowa Homestead
writes: "I have observed many meth­
Washington forest reserve an»l opened
The yards at Sheridan lie in a nar
ered that It would require the services
to settlement. Reports to this effect of seven hens to hatch 100 chicks, or ods of anchoring a corner post for a
row valley. On the south side of the
wire fence, but have not seen a device
President Asks Relief for the Stricken People
recently reached Washington from the
yard is a rounded hill, bare of trees. state, and have led to considerable rather to coVer 100 egg«. It Is plain to
of the West Indies,
see that the food for these seven hens
On the other side of the yard a hill «peculation.
Mr. Cushman learned would cost more than the oil to run the
Washington, May 15.—The following
fully 200 feet high rises sheer al»ove that on April 18 Commissioner Her­ Incubator, while the time required for
was issued from the White House dur­
the roundhouse. In less than 1*5 min­ mann directed I). B. Shelter, superin­ caring for the hens Is much greater
ing the afternoon:
utes both these hills were black with tendent of forest reserve in Washing­ than caring for the Incubator.
“The president has appointed a com­ men, women and children, who were bin, to make an examination of town­
For the beginner the smaller incuba­
mittee to receive fund« for the relief of eagerly watching the flames in the cut ship 32 north, ranges 8, 9 and 10 east; I tors are to be ¡»referred, and t bey
township 31 north, ranges 10 and 11 should lie handled strictly according to
the sufferers from the recent disaster below.
Burning oil had found its way into east, and township 30 north, range 11 the Instructions that come with the ina-
in Martinique and St. Vincent. The
i the sewer, and as soon as it reached the east, with reference to whether it is chines until the operator learns from
gentlemen anpointe»! from each city upen air at the mouth the third explo­ better suited for forestry purposes or experience what changes to make.
will be asked to collect and receive the sion followed. The escaping naphtha agricultural purposes. No report has
If one Intends to go .nto the poultry like the one I have In use. The plan
funds from their localities an<l neigh- had blow'n to atoms the Sumpter hotel yet been received.
business to make it pay, an Incubator shown in the sketch Is the best I have
When Superintendent Shell»‘r shall and brooder are absolutely essential. seen. The brace should be a piece of
■ borhoods as expeditiously as possible and the Collis, house, on River road,
and forward them to Hon. Cornelius N. i and badly wrecked a frame building have been heard from, the general land A h suggested, buy a machine of small 4x4 about twelve feet long, brace “d”
office will convey his recommendation capacity, not to exceed 100-rgg capac­ taking ¡»lace about three feet from the
Ice Goes Out of the River and Freight Will Bliss, treasurer of the New York com­ near by, in which were congregate»! 200
mittee, which committee will act as a or more men from Pittsburg and vicin­ to the secretary of the interior, where ity, but see that It I h of a reliable make. lower end. which Is let Into the post a
Soon Be on the Move.
central distributing point for the coun­ ity, betting on the races and ball the matter will l>e finally acted upon. This machine will answer all purposes little. Brace “d” rests on the top of
Vancouver, B. C., May 15.—The ice try. The presi«lent direct« all the post­ games. Few of the occupants of this It is probable that no final action can
the first year, ami the next season one frost “c” at Its upper end. which should
in the Yukon has broken, and winter masters throughout the country anil re­ building escapeil injury, many being be had until late in the fall. In case will be sufficiently experienced to oper­ lean at an angle of about fifty degrees.
all or a part of the lain! is found to lie
Brace “d” is placed «quare ii|»»»n brace
is over. The breakup was unusually quests the presidents of all the national badly hurt.
ate on a larger scale.
“b’’ and the top of '‘d” Is spiked to the
The third explosion served as a warn­ agricultural, that much will undoubt­
quiet this year. It occurred »luring a banks to act as agents for the collec­
Biirnyurd Turnstile,
post. The strain of the wires pulling
ing to but few of the spectators at edly lx* restored to settlement; other­
blinding snow storm, with the ther­ tion of contributionsand to forward the
If the stock kept in the barnyard Is on post ,,a” will have ii tendency to
same at once to Mr. Bliss at New York. Sheridan. Without a moment’s warn­ wise its ¡»resent status w ill not be al-
not of small stature, like pigs and ¡»nil the post over and upw-ard, which
mometer at 40 above. The water rose The postmasters are also directed to re­ ing there was an awful roar, loud !tered.
sheep, the turnstile shown In the Illus­ will cause the short brace to ¡»nil down­
six feet, but little damage resulted. A port to th»* postmaster general within enough to be heard in the heart of
tration Is one of the best arrangements ward on the long brace which will hold
flood is expected unless the jam break« 10 »lays any funds collected on this ac­ Pittsburg, five miles away, and a sheet
to place at the entrance. Horses and the corner post In tin* ground.”
public to contribute generously for the an»l enveloped both hillsides, even to Congres, Vote, $200,000 for the Sufferer, cows will not be able to get through
The river is now clear from Lower relief of those upon whom this appall­ their tops.
the passage thus protected, and it en­
The Onion an»l It« Culture.
of Martinique.
Onions. It I m hardly necessary to
ables the ¡MTsoiis who nave to care for
Le Barge to Big Salmon. As usual in ing calamity has fallen, and asks that
There was a moment’s lull, as though
the stock to enter tin* barnyard with state, may l»v grown from seeds or sets.
•other years when the ice comes down the contributions l»e sent in as sj»eedily every living thing in the vicinity had
calamity in the West Indies came up
the river, steamers loaded with freight as possible.”
been annihilated, and then came the la-fore the house during bthe aitermam, out having to set down anything they If Reeds lire uswl. they nmy be bowii
In the open ground
»e carrying to open n gate.
which has oeen accumulating at White
The National Re«I Cross Society ha« cries, the «»Teaming for help, anil the
where the bulbs
Horse are following the ioe down, and also issued an appeal for aid for the blanks in the crowd told of the ex­ the District of Columbia measure la-itig
laid aside to permit the relief bill to la-j
nro to mature, or
the first is expected to reach Dawson same cause.
plosion's dread result. Both of the two considereil.
they tnny he sown
this week. This will be the first ar­
remaining tank cars had blown up. A
In view of the president’s message
In greeubouaea or
rival at the wharves since last fall, and
torrent of flames belched forth on each urging un appropriation of $500,000,
The Number Increased.
it will get a big reception. There are
t)otb(*ds nnd the
side of the track, sweeping back the the house committee on appnipriationa
Pittsburg, May 15.—A careful and
jams on the river which will cause
young p I a n 11 ets
terrified spectators like a charge of ar­ unanimously reporter! a substitute to
trnimplnnte<l to the
brief delays. A big one blocks naviga­ systematic search for the dead and in­ tillery, and sending a shower of flame
the senate relief bill making it $200,-
tion at Five Fingers, and smaller ones
rows in tbc* open
over their heads.
000, and placing its disposition under'
are located below Selkirk, net.r Stewart,
ground. In sowing
the president of the United States.
For the Dawson Trade.
put In an
and at Ogilvie.
Ileminwav, of Indiana, the acting
It was expected that the break this be known, as many were able to get
early ns ¡sisslble In shallow drills three
Vancouver, B. C., May 14.—A sj»e- chairman of the appropriation commit­
year would be earlier than last, but away without making known their cial from Dawson says: J. II. Rogers,
to tlir»*o mid a half feet iipnrt mid » ov-
tee, secured Unanimous consent for im­
there is little difference in the time the
Dawson manager of the White Pass mediate consideration. The amount,
constructed, the pred with a half Inch of fine moist
ice has broken. Last year it was on
Yukon Railway, makes the statement he said, had lieen limited to $200,000
main essential living to have the ¡lost c«rtli. TI h -. v ikmm I to be very cure fully
May 14 that the break was recorded,! the numliei more or less seriously hurt that bis company would enter into
because the committee was informed strong and set firmly Into the ground, w'pp«l»*d at first, t'henper. h<'tt«r an»l
ami in 1900 on Mav 8. In 1889 it was
competition with the Noithern Com that large contributions were lieing
In the plan shown In the cut the cross earlier onions can be grown by trans­
May 17, and in 1898 May R. In other
mercial Company and the North Amer­ made by private parties.
are set on an Iron pin, so that planting the ¡»liints frotn grcpnlioii«»»«
Formdttenator in Mining Deal.
ways, the season is very backward. The
ican Trading Company, in re’aliati"n
The turnstile or hotbeds, where the sre»ls are sown
Pierre, S^)., May 15.—Ex-Senator for the statement that the Northern
weather is cold, and verv little sluicing
through the senate without division.
would be stronger If arranged so that very early. When the pliiiiLlfts are as
can be done before noon on any of the John M. Thurston, of Nebraska, and Commercial Company would take in a
, circular hob* was cut out of the cross large a« a lea»l p«*iicll. they nre «et four
days so far this spring. The water is ex-Senator W. J. McConnell, of Idaho, stock of goods for the Dawson trade.
Wilhelmina Steadily Improving.
pieces to fit over the end of the post, liiehe« apart In rows thr» »* feet nsuiuh r.
too cold to allow the work to l»e pro- have joined in a mining venturi* an«l The Dawson retail merchants had been
The Hague, May 14.—The bulletins which could tie trimmed down to three and cultivation Is Immediately begun
ceeded with.
There is frost every will operate in New Mexico. They afraid they would be forced out of busi­
being with the wheel hoe. l$u growing ff^m
night, and it is late in the morning have incorporated the San Ygnacoi de ness by competition of the big corn- issued at i 'astle Loo concerning the Inches In diameter, an Iron pin
erosa sets the planting Is made Itr much the
before the warm effect of the day is ex­ Bora Mining Company, Ltd., with a mercial companies bringing in
there same way Multiplier or pdttyto onloju*
capital of $1,000,000.
stocxs of merchandise.
perience» I.
pected that they will soon ‘ease alto* would be no danger of them working are similarly managed Prize Taker Is
a ¡><q>ulur variety of onion, i
gether. The marked improvement in off the post.
Entire Section Tied Up.
Profits of Steel Trust
Rate War on Alaskan Traffic.
Oregon City, Or., May 15.—The
The Farmer’« Wife,
J ik I k J»»« lluttor.
New York, May 15.—Cheeks aggre­
Seattle, May 14.—An Alaska trans- the constant attendance of her physi­
whole of a section has been tie»l up by
There are very f<*w butter tn »kern
The work of the farmer Ima been
order of the commissioner of the gen­
greatly « hanged during the post twen­ who do not know (lie dlfferenrr be­
eral ian«i offi»*e, owing tn a question Pierpont Morgan Co., in payment of will tie bitterly fought, with disastrous
ty years by Improved mschlnery. Ily tween K‘ mh I and poor butter, and ihu
Lord PauncafoU Quite III.
being raised as to the character of the the second distribution of profits re­
Washington, May 14.—Ixird Paunce- means of these Improvements the far­ «¡»parent dlfferw« between their judg­
land, which rs situated on Ogle Moun­ sulting from the formation of the
public, has been inaugurated. Before fote, the British amiiasaador, continues mer can conduct bls operations with ment and that of the hntt<*r judge 1«
tain, on the headwaters of the Molalla
I United States Steel Corporation. Tie­ the day cloaed, tickets to Lynn canal quite ill here, ami his condition is giv­ far less expemllture of lalair. but bow often due to (he fllffvrmrv iq the ttytfu
river. The section was «electe»! by the
ing the family some concern. He suf. la It with the farmer’s wife? lias she of scoring. If In* has kept «umpleihof
Northern Pacific Railroad ( ompany in amount of cash advanced by the syndi­ points were selling at >7.50 and $5, first
ere from asthma ami stomai h ami other la-ell assisted In like manner or has each day's stake and Is careful at tfie
lieu of tracts relinquished in the Pa­ cate was <25,000,ObO, which was re­ and second class. respectively. The
prevailing tariff has lieen 130 and $20. troubles, and owing to his advance«! her work been lighten«! by Improved weigh can. he will gradually liwprovu
cific forest reserve. A company was quired during the early stages of the
entry of the Pacific Clipper Line« age. his system fails to rcs|s,n«l a« read­ machinery or Inventions? I know his butter for the trade, lie would rl4-
formed, and undertook some develop­ corporation’s negotiations, and returned
Santa Ana <»n the Lynn canal ily to the treatment aswash«qe«l would something about the work of a far­ me tuber the flavor*« h» rrtWi »lay*« iMillc
ment work on the land, which resulted
mer's wife, having been born and «nd noth» how they »iff vet tile keeping
lie the ease
run precipitated the fight.
in the finding of mineral dej»osits.
brought up on a farm My opinion lias quality of Ms butter, tints following
Violated Ruiz» of War.
always been that If there was one per from «•sum«* to effect.
Airship Exploded.
Following English Precedent
Race War in Indian Territory.
Paris, May 14.—The airship l»elong- son upon the farm more seriously over
New York. May 15.—Great carnage
N’ew York. May 14.—The Spanish
I'isriflriM the |*rach Orchard.
Mu«kogee. I. T., May 15.-—A racN*
Augn*te S$*vros. the Brazil­ worked than another It was the farm­
government in following English prece­ ing to
A »otxtJlion prifH!»'»’ among Mnr.xlaiid
war is on at Braggs, 20 miles east of was wrought at Carupano, the Vene­
zuelan seaport town which was at­ dent in entertaining a large body of
pencil it rowers And one t»/ !»«• r$jm-
here. Five negroes an»i on** white man
tacked. says the Port of Spain, Trini­ European prince« and foreign represen­ ing the morning. The airshipexpl«sle«l closes st s reasonable hour In the af­ menfted IS t»» | da fit the or» hnr$l on
have been shot, and one stsbl»©»!. Sev­
dad, correspondent of the Herald, by tatives who will witness the king’» < ivil
enty-five nergoes attempted to w ipe out
lan»l that w«« in aouiv cultivated
land ami sea. May », by government inauguration, nays a Madrid dispatch , Senor Ferros arrived in Paris with a busy until M, 9 or 10 o’clock dally, the pfevtofia «c.ison The glwt of the
the settlement of 15 families bf white
He and often she was the first one up In
to the Tribune. The princes are either flying maHiine la-t November.
people near Braggs, which is one of the
vyhole cnaftor Is this: The »toll «*aitnot
noli e having been given, so that non- guests of the crown in pela**», or , then announced his intention U» sail the morning. What are the Inventions I m » too well prepared before pin lifting
worst districts in the Indian Territory.
combatants could leave the town. For­ hounen with a complete retinue of serv­ tterfMB an«! arxind Paris. Hi« last I w ill ask that have t>een made to help
The white« have applied to the United
the trees. It Is difficult fa correct faulty
eigners are without assistance from ant« ate 'placet! at their disposal. ’ talloon is deecriljed as carrying a rar , the farmer’s wife In the kltrheti work, ¡.ref»«ration after the tree« h*ve be«u
States marshal for protection, and have
their governments. Many women and Special Ambassador Curry, of the ■baped like a k>ng ¡Arallelogram, drawn ' or In her bonne work of all kinds? I
been instmetei to arm and protect
, cannot think of any improvement She aet.
United State«, i«provided with a house up directly beneath the balloon.
children were killed.