Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 21, 1902, Image 5

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I burs ted it wide open. We kicked and
Out of the Ordinary,
| the soldiers put us oft’ the place. This
C F. Keller Porpoees a $10,000,000 I was in 1888, and the case is still hang­ Reform school lads make good fighting
Combine—Tillamook a Mighty
ing fire in Congress.
material, as England had discovered re­
Prosperous Place.
"When we were run out of Kaweah I cently. Lord Leigh say« that in the ■g
. South African war soldiers who grad­
The organizer of the People's Home- we accepted the invitation of the Gov­
ernment Land Office and took up lionie- uated from reform schools won three
Building, Employment & Investment
j steads. We spent $20,000 on irnprove- I Victoria crosses, ten distinguished service
A ttorney - at -L aw ,
Association sat in the steaming interior
j inent, built a little city and were boom, medals (D. S. O.), two promotions to
of a big tent on the corner of Seventh
j ing once more. Well, sir, the Southern commercial rank and four mentions in
T illamook
O regon
and Everett yesterday, talking to several
I Pacific one day stepfied in and took our dispatches.
interested workmen. Mr. C. F. Keller is ! whole outfit up as lieu land. You see
- —r —— •• »*• •
xvu aw
The two principal engineering maga­
a hale and prosperous looking man of
j the railroad gets every other section for zines hitherto published in England have
genial countenance. His blue eyes
so many miles on either side of the right | been Americanized,the text being printed
steadied into seriousness when he sum
' of way, but with the provision that any in New York and the sheets sent to
med up his mission. “I am backing the
A ttorney - at -L aw ,
' sections previously held by good title London to be bound up with local ad­
under dog,” he said. And his whole life
shall he made up to them out of the vertisements. Now England is to have
T illamook
O regon
has been consistently tending toward his
I next 10 miles. Onrs was the next 10
Page's Magazine, anillustrated technical
present attitude.
j miles and while we had our patents monthly, of her own. Mr. David Page,
C. F. Keller was born in Lock Haven
from the United States, it did us no good. the editor, has been the English director
a town in the very center of the manu­
We were informed that the United States ofCassier’s Magazine.
facturing section of Pennsylvania. His
guaranteed no titles under patents.
father was a butcher, and this trade
A ttorney - at -L aw ,
So many horses have been frightened
That decision knocked out 236 settlers,
young Keller learned thoroughly. His
and the only recompense was a paltry | by automobiles in and around aristo­ Office : Opposite Court House,
education he received from the public
$200 on each homestead from the Gov­ cratic Lenox that Courtland Field
T illamook .. O regon .
schools and from “tubbing up against
ernment. I wasn’t half so good a Re­ Bishop and Albert B. Shattuck have
people,” as he put it.
publican after that as I had been before undertaken the task of accustoming all
A Civil War Veteran.
“In 1891 1 vacated the land and spent horses to the unusual sight and sound. ("ALAUDE THAYER,
“In 1864, in the month of February. ’
a year in San Francisco. 1 farmed in Every morning they take out a few of
Mr. Keller continued, ‘I joined the
Contra Costa three years, in Santa Ciuz the thoroughbreds and introduce them
Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry. That I
A ttorney - at -L aw ,
three years, and ran a bakery in San to the motor car«. Their efforts have
have to confess a * as more of a frolic than I .lose. Three dry years put all the farm- met with great success, none of the
O regon
anything else, but I served through the
1 ers in California out at the elbows, and horses so treated now showing any fear
war. Then I went to California by way I I we came to Oregon. I am living now in of the autos.
of the isthmuM, landing in San Francisco |
1 illamook, which is a mighty prosper-
British authorities have been wrestl­ J^OBERT A. MILLER,
in 1866. The first thing I did after 1 got | I ous place. The laborers there are not
ing with the weighty question whether
off the steamer was to buy four glasses | yet divorced from their tools and they
j tail coals should be substituted for the
of beer, and for that beer I paid a $1 J I have no kick coming.”
A ttorney - at -L aw .
short jackets now worn at mess. The
greenback. That sal is tied my thirst.
Oregon City, Oregon.
opinions of regimental commanders
Then I went directly to San Bernor.lino,
and Land Office
From 1892 until 1899 Mr. Keller held
the worst place in the state. It was ab­
Business a Specialty.
one of them has dared to poke fun at
solutely without ready cash, for the
the w hole affair in this profane fashion :
store-check system was in vogue, I took and was a very active organizer. Now
‘ I beg to report that (1) 1 approve the
a contract for building a sawmill dam ' he is promoting the People’s Home-Build-
adoption of a tail coat for mess, and (1)
and with the money went to Los Angeles !
I consider one tail should be red and the
and tried to opto ate a brewery. My which is incorporated with a possible
other blue.”
A ttorney - at -L aw ,
partner had the experience and 1 put up capital of $10,000,000. When some sur­
Passengers arriving on the w est bound
tlu* money. When my partener had got prise was shown at the size of this figure
T illamook
my $2000, which was pretty soon, I left it was explained that it was a trust. To St. Louis & San Francisco train at Jop­
O regon .
th it business. In those days I was a this perfectly satisfactory explanation lin, Mo., report the death of Owen Greel-
red-hot Republican— none hotter, Why, Mr. Keller kindly added : “ I am a little isli of Leavenworth, Kan., whocornmit-
ed suicide by climbing on top of a water
IJcast my first vote for Abe Lincoln at different crank from the rest. 1 believe
in trustifying labor, in making a labor­ tank and leaping into the funnel of a lo­
the age of 18.
ttorney - at -L aw .
“Well, .after I ¡lost the money in the ing man his own employer. Trusts are comotive. The deed was committed be­
tween Lebanon and Springfield. Gree-
Office in the O lsen B lock ,
beer business I went to ranching in ganta I a beneficent institution and the man who
Over the Bakery.'
Barbara, and in 1870 and 1871 that was tries to fight them is silly. Labor pays lish gave a hoop before jumping. He
was pulled out by the trainmen with
good business. It was all home consump­ more tribute to the fear of want in life—
.. O regon .
difficulty, terribly burned. His body
tion, and I got as high as 3 cents a pound
was taken to Lebanon.
for my barley. Then I tried Russian than would be sufficient to forever put
To the king list of strange deaths must J-)AVID WILEY, M.D.,
River until the Spring of ’76. By that them beyond the need of employing cap­
time I was married and so went back to ital. Let laborers control their own in­ be added that of James W. Carroll, a
Centennial and spent a year in old Pen­ dustry, instead of denying the present merchant of Lambertville, N. J. Mr.
P hysician , S urgeon and
want for fear of future insecurity.”
Carroll’s death was caused by a roost-
A ccoucheur .
“Here it was,” Mr. Keller asserted,
“that 1 got my first eye-opener. It was made his own money, and plenty of it. chicken yard when a rooster flew at him All calls promptly attended to.
the time of the Tilden-Hayes campaign, Ilis whole aim was a selfish one, simply ’ and thrust one of bis spurs into Mr.
T illamook .. O regon .
and 1 never in all my life saw business to advance himself, and to do that he ' Carroll’s hand. The wound became
more stagnant. The railroad employes
were working in four-hour shift at half rules the world, and were I Morgan 1 serious. A few hours later he dropped
the usual pay. I figured that the laborer would do precisely what he is doing, ¡ dead. It is supposed that the rooster’s
should be effected by political conditions would pay the same wages and require spur pierced an artery, causing a blood
P hysician and S urgeon .
to that extent, and I saw that the cap­
Office in T odd ’ s Building.
italists were using their influence to alter would be that the dividends which are j The only flag ever allowed to float
market ^conditions by political move­ the unpaid wages of the workman should , above the stars and stripes on the
T illamook
O regon
ments. Why, Clinton County, were I go to him, the workman.”
vessels of our navy is the church flag,
A tremendous megaphone is part of!
was born and raised, could not even pay
' a broad white streamer with a blue
the State tax. I wouldn’t have tikeu the stock in trade and a magic lantern ! cross. Its presence marks one of the
the biggest farm in the slate to stay. I
most impressive sights on shipboard—
wasn’t clear awake, though, for I voted gonian.
the sacred service held every Sunday
for Hayes.”
D entist .
morning, attended by all officers and
The Question of Heredity.
men. Nearly all the denominations, in
Next a Greenbacker.
of Crown and
Prof. Carl H. Eighentnann of Indiana their national assemblies, have lately
After this he returned to California and
protested against the growing secular­
found that ’77 was a dry jear in the
lower part of the state. So he went to ular Science Monthly, states as his ization, of the Lord’s day. In at least
Tillamook City . . Oregon.
Eureka. His experience, while instruc­ opinion that mental peculiarities are one branch of the government service,
tive, Mr. Keller considered anything but transmissible. Sometimes one mental the navy, Sunday has gained rather
pleasant. “ When we were within hail­ trait of the parents is transmitted to than lost with the years in tokens of
ing distance of the wharf the jam of men one child, while others are transmitted respect.________
Agent for the
on it veiled with all their lungs, * Fresh to others. However, allowance is made
Mrs. Berwind, w hose servants all went HOME MUTUAL AND LONDON 81
fish!’ The poor devils had come just as for the effect of environment, especially on strike at her splendid Newport villa a
I had and were stranded there without for education, overcoming hereditary week or so ago. is still having trouble
a cent. Those that could went back, tendencies.
Agent for North West School Supply
Galton has determined just how much,
but I’m not that kind. I bought land
Company, Notary Public.
w hich she replaced the deserters included
and ranched it from '77 to ’79. Then I on an average, each ancestor contribute« some shady specimens, two of whom got
returned to the town of Eureka and to the peculiarities of an individual. into a fistic argument the other evening
opened a meat market. During this time The parents together contribute one half over the question which should serve
my ideas took shape. 1 read Henry of total heritage, the four grandparent« coffee to the guests at dinner. The row
Agent for Fireman’s
George's ‘Progress and Poverty.’ 1 be­
developed in the pantry, and one of the
gan to agitate. I worked under the grandparents one-eighth, the sixteen men nearly lost hii eye, The other was Fund and London and Lanca­
Liberal League, though we changed the great-great-grandparents one sixteenth, sent to jail for thirty days. This deplor
shire Fire Insurance
war cry from opposition to religion to and all the remainder of the ancestry able scandal was one of the reasons why
greenbacks. Yes, sir, I was a Green­
• Mrs. Berwind’s butler took leave on
Referring to this, Dr. Eigenmann says:
.. Oregon.
backer. Now, in those days, Denis
short notice, saying be did not like the
Kearney and the sandlotters were advo­ “This law explains another—that the rules of the establishment.
cating Chinese exclusion. I never did off-spring of exceptional patents are, on
Lighthouse keepers on Percy Island, J-^AOR ABSTRACTS OE TITLE,
belie .e in that sort of business, and I an average, less exceptional than their
off the coart of Queensland, in 1900
don’t now. What I work for is the
height of two parents exceed« the aver­ were forgotton for months by Che gov
enfranchisement of labor. It’s not the
The eminent authorities. The food supply
man that is at fault, but the system. I age height of the race bv 3 inches,
average of the grandparent« and remo­ of Percy Island is supposed to be deliv­
helped organize the International Work­
aver. ered once a quarter, but no food arrive«!
man's League. Among the San Fran­ ter ancestor« will differ from rhe
B. L. E ddy , Sec.
at the island after the first week in June T hos . C oates , Pres.
cisco unions that I organized were age height of the race by much le-s than
until a British sloop chanced to pass in
the tinsmiths, the plumbers and the
parents contributed one-half the entire October. The islanders, twenty in num­
heritage of the individual, they will act ber, were deliric uh from lack of food,
His Brook Farm Project.
as a drag to pull the individual toward mar aged to hale the vessel, which left
At this time Mr. Keller also tried the mediocrity, in the present case by one
behind an ample supply of provisions,
scheme that was tried before in the fa. inch. This law acts impartially, so that
the off-spring of the extremely good and and reminded the Queensland govern­
mous Brook Farm, immortalized by Em­ the extremelv bad are both saved from ment of the lighthouse men whose ex­
General Banking and Exchange bu«i*
erson and Hawthorne. He described the fate of their parents. This regression istence it had forgotton.
this attempt with a good deal ol feeling toward mediocrity mav readily be over-
Exchange on England, Belgium, Ger
The largest raft of lumber that ever
against the forces that render it abor­ come hr selective breeding. In race-
horse breeding, if the ancestry has been floated down the current of the fat tier of many, Sweden, and all foreign cotintrtea
tive. “It was a sort of commune,” he good for three or four generation«, the
waters arrived at St. Louis rerently
remarked, reminiscently. ‘T had discov­ fest are not considered.
Mediocre parentage has little or no in­ from the Minnesota pineri«*«. Not only
ered and surveyed a forest out in Tulare
County, Fifty six of us started the Kaw-
“Among mankind we trust largely for
eah Colony. Kaweah means ‘here we our exceptional men to extreme varia­ made remarkably quick time to its de»*
rest.’ We took np a quarter-section of tions occurring among the common­ t¡nation. It contained 5,500.000 feet of
land and worked it with the idea uf di­ place.” Men of genius are necessarily lumber and was towed by two steamers.
viding the proceeds equally. I was man­ isolated, in that they posses« but lew It left Stillwater, Minn., June 10 and
relation« exceptionally gitted.
arrived at St. Louis in a little over three
ager of the enterprise, and we cut timber
weeks. It would have been in eiriler,
and built a road 18 mile long from the
Abnrr Dunton, of Lincolnville, Mn»» .
but an accident to the machinery of one
valley into our forest. Then we secured ii nearly 95 rear» old and offer« to run a
right of way for two railroads from Tu- raw. walk or wrestle any man of his age of the towing steamboats caused a tietip
tor money. He is lively as a cricket m at Alton until repairs could I** made
lar City. The farmers all promised us spite of his great age a"<1 ,can,.cov"
There is no record of any raft of the size
$1 an acre for all kind within five miles mile as fast ns most men. Another hale
» linei Rft wish
of the road, and we were just going to and heartv Ynnkee is Eli B. Bean, who ever reaching St. Louis.
has served as justice of the peace in
be prosperous. They held a big ratifica­ Brownfield. Oxford county Me.. for
■•Do you lieliexe in
-r-r-w-r b
tion meeting full of good California en­ fiftv-four years. Mr. Benn is 81 years
■•You !«■» i do. '"<r
i i"*n • ti h
thusiasm. A week after Congress passed old’. He served in the inilwar ■»c'lPj building in that high gak aid knocked
rjuartermaiter and
an act setting aside our lands for a Na- tain and assistant q
,ne half aero»» the .treet.”
ti mal park. This dropped our bubble— was brevetted major.
Professional Cards.
C. & E. Thayer.
t T imber L and ,
A ct J une 3, i878,—N otice eor I T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878—N otice F or
P ublication .
P ublication .
United States Land Office,
Uuited States Land Office.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Oregon City, Oregon,
July 12th, 1902.
June uth. 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in einnplialice
Notice is hereby given that in eonipliai.c«*
with the provis 011s of the a t of Congress of , with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3. 1878. entitled "An act f»»r the sale ot ' June8,187s, entitled
An act for the- sale ol
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, timber lands in thei*tates of ( alifornia, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory." as ex­ Nevada, and Washington Territory." as ex
tended to all the Public Land States by act of te nded to all the Public Land States by act of
August 4. 1892.
August 4, 1892.
Of Aberdeen, county of Chehalis, State of Wash., Of Bay City, county of Tillamook. State of Oregon,
has this day filed in this office his sworn state­ has this da> tiled ill this offit e hia svcril
ment No. f82i, for the piucliase of the Lots. statement No. 5,785, for the purchase- of . e
6 and 7 of sec. 6. Tp. 3 N. R. Io W ami E
of Ne
of Section No. 2. in Township No. 3
of See. No. 1. in Township No 3 N. Range South, Range No. 8 Wes. »nd will offer
No. 11 W. ami will offer proof to show that the proof to show that the land sought is more
| land sought is more valuable for its timber or valuable for its timber and stone* than fur
stone than for agricultural purposes, ami to I agi (cultural purposes, and to establish his claim
I establish his claim to said land before the Re­ to said land before the Count v Clerk of Tilla­
gister Hiid Receiver of this office al Oregon it\. mook County. Oregon, at Tillamook ( ity,
Oregon, on Saturday, the 4th day of October, Oiegon, on Friday, the 29th of August, l»o'2.
1 qo 2. He names as witnes-es;
He names as witnesses;
Byron J. Sanford, of Montavilla, Oregon ; 1 George* II. Williams, of Bay Citv, Oiegon ;
William Krirsel. of Portland. Oregon ; James Bessie M. Williams, of Bay’ City, Oicg- n;
W Scott, of Seattle, Wash. ¡George E. Huntley, 1 Williams Hare, of Foley, Oregon , Willi'4 1 .
of Abeideen. W. sh.
Riefenberg, of Bay City, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming a»!v»«rsely the, Any and all persons claiming adversely ne
alM>ve-describe<l lands are requested to file their , ab»>ve desciibed lands are requested co filet ..eir
claims in this office ou or before said 4th dav claims in this office on or l»e-ti*ru said 29th day
October, I902.
ol August, 1902.
(’ has . B. M oores , Register.
(’ has B. M« ores , Register.
I T imber L and , A ct J une 3. ¡878.—N otice for
T imber L and , A ct J une 3. 1878.—N otice for
P ublication .
P ublication
Uuited States Land Office,
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Oiegon,
Oregon City, Oregon,
June 12th, ioo*2.
July 12th. 19O2.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of
with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, I878, entitled "All act for the sale of
June 3. 1S7H, entitle»! An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore­
tinibei lauds in the States of California. Oregon, gon, Nevada and W ashington Tei ritoi y,” as
Nevada and Washington Territory,’ as ex­ extended to all the Public Land States t»v act
tended to all the Public Land States by act of of Ai gust 4, 1892,
August 4th, I8J2.
william s . hare .
Of Tillanioox, county of T llainook. State of
Of Seatt'e, county of King. State of Wash., Oregon, has this day filed in this office his
lias this day filed in this office her sworn sworn statement No. 5784, tor the purchase of
statement No 5820. for the purchase of the the Nw 1 t of section No. 2, III Township 3 S,
Nw ‘4, Section 32, in Township 4 N, Range No. Range No 8 West. an»l will offer proof to
10 \\ , and will offer proof to show that the land show that the lam! s«»uglit is mere valuable for
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone its timber or stone than for agricultural pur­
than foi agricultural purposes, and to establish poses, and to establish h s claim to said land
her claim to said land before tlie Register and befoie the County Clerk of Tillamook County,
Receiver of this office at Oregon City. Oregon, at Til’amook City, Oregon on Friday, the 29th
on Saturday, the 4th »lay of October, *1902 She day of August, 1902. lie names as witnesses :
names as witnesses :
Winfield (’. Trombley George H. Williams,
Byron J. Sanfoul, of Montaxille, Oregon; Bessie M Williamsand William I.. Riefenberg,
William Krirsel, of i'oitlaud, Or. ; George E. of Bay < ity. Oregon.
Huntley, of Abeideen, Wash; Anthony Dumi-
Any and all persons claiming adver ely the
tio, of Aberdeen, Wash.
above described amis are requested to file their
Any and all persons claiming adverse’y the claims in this office on or befo.e said 29th day o f
above-described lands are requested to file their August, 1902.
claims in this office on or before said 4th day
C has B. M oores . Register.
of October, 1902.
T imber L and , A ct J une 8, 1878.—N otice F or
C has . B. M oukes , Register.
P ublication .
T imber L and , A ct J une 3. 1878.—N otice for
Uuited States Land Office,
P ublication .
Oregon City, Oregon,
United States Land Office,
June lath, 1902.
Oregon Ci y, Oregon,
Notice is hereby giv. 11 that in compliance
July 12th, IQ02.
witli the provisions of the act of Congress of
Notice is hereby given that in compliance i June M. 18’8. entitled "An act for the sale
with the provisions of the act of Congress of of timber lands in tlie States of California,
June 3rd, IS78 .entitled '‘An act for the sale of Or» gon, Nevada an«l W ashington Territory," ns
timb» r lands in the States of California, Oregon, j extended to all the Public Land States by act of
Nevada and Washington Territory,'' ns ex j August 4, 1892,
tended to all the Public Land States by act ol [
August 4th. 1892.
Of Bay Ci y, county of Tillamook, State of
Oregon, has this day filedin this office her sworn
Of Montavilln, county of Multnomah, State of statement No
5781. for the pin chase of
Oregon, has this dav filed in this office his 1 the N Lj of Su X and N
of Sc
of Section No.
sworn statement No.'5819. for the purchase of j 4. in l ownshii» No. 3 S. Range No. 7 W . and
til»- S L, <>f N\V
ati»l Lots 3 and 4, of w ill offer proof to show that 'he land sought is
Section 4. in Township 3 North, Range 10 j more valuable for its timber or stone than
W, ami will offer pioof to show that the land ' for agricultural purposes, and to establish her
sought is more aluable for its timber or stone 1 claim to said land before the Countv < h»rk of
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish I Tillamook County, at'1 illamook City. Oregon,
his claim to said land before the Register ami ! on Friday the *2qth day of August, 190*2. She
Receiver oftliis office at Oregon City, on Satur­ names as witnesses:
day, the 4th »lay of October, 1902. He names as 1
Williams. Hare, of Foley, Oregon ; Winfield
witnesses :
('.Trombley, George It Williams and William
William Krirsel, of Pori land, Or. : George E. ! L. Riefenberg, of Bay City Oregon.
Huntley, of Aberdeen, \\ ash. ; Anthony Danii- j Any and all persons chinning adversely the
tio of Aberdeen, Wash. ; James W. Scott, of above-described lands are requested to tile their
Seattle, Wash.
claims in tins office on or before said 29th tiny
Any and all persons claiming adversely the ot August, 1902.
above described lands are requested t«» file
C has . IL M oorer . Register.
their clairi s in this office on or before said
T imber L and , A ct J une 3. 1878.—N otice for
4th »lay of October, 1902.
P ublication .
( has . B. M oores , Register.
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon,
July qtli I9O2.
Land Office at Oiegon City, Or.,
Notice is hereby given tl...7
hat in compliance
July 19th. 1902.
act of Congress of
__ _-t
Notice is hereby given that the following- with the provisions ol the
-•-*■ ■•• "An
act for the sale of
named pettier has tiled notice of his intention June 3, ih;8, entitled
. ..................
Staten of .............
California, Ore on.
to make final proof in support of his claim, timber laud* 11 the
under sec. 2 j 0 i R.S., and that said pi oof will lie Nevada and Washington Trrritoi y. ’’ as extended
__ of August 4,
made’before the Register and Receiver, l’nited h» all Public Laii<l States by , act
States Land Office, at Oregon City. Oregon, on
EMILY H. M c I ntosh ,
September 6th, i'.»o2, viz. :
Of Tillamook county, of .............
Tillamook, State of
H.E. No. 13610 for the Se *4 Ne % Lot I, Sec. 6 Oregon, has this day filed in Ibis office her
sworn statement No. f-
581M, for the purchase of
ami Sw l4 Nw
lot 4 sec. 5, T. 3N, K. K) W.
He nam.p the f'»Rowing witnesses to prove the L' ts 4 and 5, of sec' U2 and Lot I and N \v ’/4'
hiseoniinuous resilience upon ami mltivati-jii of Ne W of mît '. N . 13. in Township No. 1
South, . Range
N< 9 W, and will offer proof to
___ _ .Io.
of said bl"d, viz :
James I’. < raig, William Luce, Philip Condit show that the laud sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone than lor agricultural pur­
and James Corbett, of Seaside, Oregon
poses, and to establish her claim to said land
C has . B. M oorep . Register.
before the County Clerk of Tillamook county,
Tillamook, Oregon, oil Fiiday, the 19th day of
September, mo‘2. She niinies as witnesses :
Deportment of the III erjor,
Albert W. Plank, David Mai liny, Peter Mc­
Land Office at Oregon ( ity, Ore.,
Intosh and Wesley Rush, of Tillntnook. Oregon.
.July ablli, 190*2.
Any and all imtsoiih claiming a<lver-ely the
Notice in hereby given that the fbllowii g
named pettier lias tiled notice of his intention to above-deac ibed lands aie leipiested to file their
make final pro I in suppoit of his ciaim, under claims in this office on or betöre said 19th »lay
section 2301 R s , and that said proof will be of September 19O2.
(' has B. M oores , Register
made beiore the Counts Clerk of Tillamook
County, at Tillamook, Oregon, on September
T imber L and , A ct J unk 3, 1878 -N otice for
Sth, 1902 viz ;
P uui . k a rioN.
United State« Land Office,
HE. 13636, for the N % of Ne
N 'J of Nw
Oiegon City, O egon,
see 17, tp. 2 N. R 7 \\ .
July 25th, 190?.
He names the following witnes-rs to prove
Notice ¡s hereby given that in compliance
hiHcoiitiiiuo s residence upon and cultivation
with the provisions of the a» t of (’ollg ess of
of said land, viz :
Walt J. Smith, of Wilson, Oregon . Samuel J June .3r»l, 18,8, entitled "An act for tlie sii I r of
Smith, of Tillamook, Oregon; William R. t mb«*r lands in In* S atea »d California Oregon,
Illingswoi th. of Tillamook, Oregon; Rufus Nevada and Washington Territory," as ex
'emle<i to all the Public Lam! Stat» h by act of
Cheney, of W ilson. Oregon.
August 4, 189*?,
C has B. M oorkm , Register.
Of Portland, county of Multnoinah, Hiatt of
Oregon, lias this day file«! in thia office bin
Depnrtimnl of the Interior,
sworn slatmmmt No. 5833 for the purclisHe of
Lund Office at Oreg n ( ity, Or.
the Lots 3 ami 411111! S % of.Nw
of Section
Range 7 Weal,
Notice is hereby given that the following- No. 2, hi T owdh I iap i South, Rllllgr
tli«* hunl
named settler hoii filed notice of his intention ami will offer pio<>f to allow that tlie
to make fi al profit in Mipport of his claim, Houithl in mere valuable for its timlwr or atone
under a»*«*. 2301 R.S . and that said proof will than for agriciiltniol purposes, and toeatiibish
be made before Register and Receiver, United Ilia claim to said land befoie the Register mid
States Land Office, at Oregon City. Oregon, on Receiver of thia office at < >regon City, < iregon, on
W'edneaday. tlie Mtli day of October, 1902 He
September 6th, 1902, viz .
namea as witm-Hsea:
Fefer MclntoMli, of Tillamook. Oregon ; David
H.E. No. 136C9, for the W % Sw %, Sec. 32 am!
Martiny, of Tillamook, Or ; Mav W allace Allen,
Se %. set. 31, T 4 N . R. 10 W.
Ih* names the following witnesses to prove of Portland. Or ; Wm Ryan, of Tlllatnook, Or.
Any and all perftonx claiming adversely the
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
above <l«*Mf*rib<*<l landa arc r«*gut*M>p(| to file their
of said land, viz:
I»e Witt T. Roland, William Luce, Philip rlainia in thia office on or l>et. re hhk | 8th day
Conditand James Corlx*tt, of Seaside, Oregon. of October, 1902.
(' hah . H. M oores . Register.
C has B. M oomf . s , Register.
T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice F or
P ubi . icai ION.
United States Lain! Office,
Oregon City, Oie.
August 5tli, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3. 1M7K, entitled "An act for the sale
of timber lands in the States of California,
Oregon Nevada and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Lain! Slates by act of
Auvust 4.
rh H
o I’ hik ba
BA( < ki
KI m
M, ,
Of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of
hoM tbi*
Oregon,, has
this <l«y
«lay fil«-«i
tiled in tliiM
this office her
sworn iitfltement 7 No 5M3,
-,.-4, for the pinch«»«*
o( the Hr
ot Nr
. ? N * i 2 Ke % hh ‘I H<*
Se % of Se< ti»»n No. lo. in ToU'H«hi|> No.
2 North, Range No. 10 Went, mid will offer
pio«d to show that the
I hik I nought
more valuable for its timber orstonr than for
agricultural purposes, and loestahlisli het
h claim
to said lainl before the
Reginter and
he Regi«ter
ami 1 Receiver
of this office at Oregon City, Ore, 011 Tuesday,
th«* 4th
*7*' day of ' November,
' *
. 1902 She names
hi witness«-«
Charles W Mead.
“ ' 7
Robert Osburn, John Neti-
dell, Rolx rt Loudeii.oi if Portlaml, Ore
Any and all person! m clHiitihig
______ „___
___ 1y the
above described lauds are request«-»! t-> file their
caims in tins office 011 or before sabl 4th day of
November, 1902.
(¡HAU. H. MOORRR. Register.
NoTtcR is H krrrv G iven ,—That th«* under
HiKiu-d, administratrix of the estate of Robert
K reba, d«*eease«i, ha- filedin the < ouiit) <'ouit,
of th«- State of Oregon, lor Tillwrn»>«»k County,
her thia! H>-n<Aint hr Minh ii'hnliiifttrRtria and
that Turaday, the second day of September,
1902. at the hour of ten o't lock am . ha» I m en
fixed by said Court a«* the time for hiding ob­
jection» to »»aid account and the aetlleinent
CT ficaia
Sold by COHN & CO
Tillamook, Or,
Electric Bath« nicely fitted up Good for
person« suffering with rh« urna’Rm
T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice F or
PUHI.ICA 1 ion .
United SI h U h I. hik ! Office,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Jufy 25th. lyna.
Notice I m hereby given Hint in coinpiiHiK*«
with the provisb-ns of th«- h < t <•( C<<iiKf« *'M »>(
Julie 8, 1M78. entithd "An net lor the Hille ot
timber I hik I h in tin* tHt»-»ofCHlilornia. On gon,
N<*\H<la, and WaMhingtmi Territory," hm «- x -
ti-uped to all the Public Lum! btalt« by a» t of
AngiiNt 4, i8<^2.
Of Portlnn»!, county of MtiltiKJinah, Stat»* of
Oregon, haa Hii« »lay filed in thia «»111« »• her
awoi n statement No. M.34. i»»r the purchase »if
of Section 2 ill I ownsliip 3 H, Rang»* 7 W,
»»nd will offei pro«d t«» -how that the lnn«l
•couglit I m more valuable for ite tiinlx r or atone
than for agi¡cultural iiiirpco»«-» uud to ratHbliMli
her rlaltn to “«¡<1 land Iwforr the Register and
Rec«-iver of tliiM office nt Oregon City, Oregon,
on Wednesday the 8th duy of Orhiber, I902 she
narnea mm witiiea%eM
E»l T Allen, of Portland, Oregon; Peter Me-
Int<»ah, David Mai tiny and A in Ryan, of Tilla­
mook, (»r.
A ii) a nd all peiaoiiM «■ niiiiitig adveraeJy the
above-deaeribed landa are ie»pieMed t«» file then
c I m I iiin In tliix office on or before raid 8th day
ol October, 190a
C ham . B. M oore «, RvgiHter.
T imhkm L and , A ct ji ne 3, 1878.—N otice for
P ublicat ion .
Unite«! stat»** Land Office»,
Oiegon City, Oregon,
Jnur 23rd, l</»2.
Notice im hereby given th .t hi » ompliaiu-a
with the provÍHi'iiia <'f the a«» ot ('«nigre. h of
jnne 3, 1878. entitle«! *’An «« t for the mh I m of
fniPer I hii «I m in tlie State« «»I ( HÍif«>rnÍH. Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Teiritory.” a* ex
tended t«» all »hr Public l.i-ud -tht«M bv act of
Alignât 4. i 8>/2.
BYON G HA» Ki ri’.
Of Tillani<N»k, county ot Tillamook, Htate of
Oregon, hw thia «lay fll««l in thia office hi«
rworn rtJitetileni N«». ^»i for the pure Iruce of
the Ne 'Ï of Se >4 an«! s
<»f Hr
of a«-«, im ,
hik I Nr % ot Ne 1 4 of
• < N«» I9, In townrhip
No. i H rang» No. 8 W ar <1 will offer pr»-«»f
•o ah«»w that file land »«»»IgM la more valua­
ble for ita timber or Mone Ilian for ag K-ulmial
purp«»aea. and to eatahliah hiac Inim to aaid land
i»elore the < «»urity (,'lerk of Tillamook < «»limy,
at Tillaniíxik < Ity, Oregon «»n Saturday, the
6th «lay of September, i'g»2. He name« «« wít-
Erank H Kearney, ot Porfían«!, Oregon ,
Walter <’ Hailey. W hm | c > Ruah nn«i John B
Paquet,«*f Tillaniiw.k, Or.
Any an«l all t»er«ona < laiming ndv«rre]y the
abo» • <1«9 m r ibed land« are r«*«ine* • • to filetln ir
claims 'n thl« oAre on or before «aid 6th day
, ol nep'eniber« I9 2.
Co ah B. 8'0 r * Regir -r.