Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 26, 1902, Image 1

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Vol. XV
McCormick & Deering Mowers and Rakes
Hardware, Tinware, Stoyes and Ranges. Iron and Steel.
The Celebrated Buhl Milk Cans.
Paints, Oils, Glass, Sash and Doors.
All Plumbing and Tin Work Promptly Attended to.
Guns, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, etc
The big fire in Portland on Saturday is
a loss also to Tillamook, inasmuch as it
destroyed two boats and one schooner
w nch J. H. Johnson was building for
| the Wheeler Luml>er Company. It will
l>e remembered that the schooner was
! launched a few weeks ago, and she was
1 practically completed with masts and all
. other appliances on board, and she
1 would have been turned over to the
Wheeler Lumber Company had she not
been destsoyed by the fire in that citv
in a week. The schooner was to have
taken the place of the ill-fated lumber
barge C. H. Wheeler which was abandon­
ed at sea in a storm after the hawser
had parted while being towed to San
1 Francisco by the tug Geo. R. Vosburg,
and which came ashore and was wrecked
at Yaquina._______________
Who ia the Burglar ?
The county authorities investigated a
case of attempted burglary on Mondar.
which occurred on the previous night 11
John Marolf’• plate, South of this city.
According to the statement of Sid Lowry,
who was looking after the place in the
absence of Mr. Marolf, he was woke up
on Sunday night, sometime after nine
o’clock by someone in his bedroom open­
ing the lid of a box He sprang out of
bed and encountered a man with a mask
on. In the tussel which follow Lowry
claims he struck the intruder in the face,
grabbed a chair to defend himself, which
was wrenched away from him, and then
seizing a jack knife began slashing
right and left with it in the dark.
He believed he struck his assailant in the
back with the knife, when Lowry was
knocked over the head and rendered
unconscious. On recovering he was in a
dazed condition, and on getting a light
saw that one of the chairs had been
broken and a number of drops of blood
were on the floor. This was traced
down the stairs and out to an old milk
house, where a number of drops of blood
were seen on straw. Lowry’s knuckles
were skinned, the side of his face had a
slight scrase and his shirt was smeered
with blood on the front. Lowry claims
that sometime ago he heard parties com­
ing up the stairs one night, but being
awake at the time he scared them off.
>1.50 per year
Guilty or Not Guilty 7
Card of Thanks.
Mr. C. W. Talmage handed us the fol­ We wish to extend our sincere an I
heart felt thanks to our many friend*
lowing letter, asking us to publish it :
who gave us their aid and showed us so
McMinnville, Oregon, June 16th,1902. much kindness and sympathy during the
sickness of our husband and father,
whom we are glad to say is recovering
D ear S ir : I have made a diligent very rapidly.
inquin into the supposed authorship of
M rs . G ko . W. P helps and F amily .
the communications that appeared in
the Telephone-Register during the late
Oleo Men’s Device.
campaign, emanating from Tillamook,
over the no in de plume of “Pro Bono
The olco manufacturers, it is reported,
Publico” and the “ Che Chaco” and
“ Puritan,” and am now convinced are already preparing to evade the law
beyond a doubt that Mr. C. w. recently passed requiring them to pay a
Talmage had nothing whutever to tax of 10 cents a pound on oleo colored
do with the writing or publica
pnblica- ­ to look like butter by coloring sub­
tion of these communications, or either
of them. I ask you to kindly publish stances. They think they can work in
this statement, for the reason we domot enough real yellow butter to make the
wish any injustice done
Mr. Talmage oleo look like butter and sell for butter,
through a former communication pub­ and that will, in fact, be in small part
lished in your paper from the McMin- butter, yet mostly oleo. This trick is
ville News, suggesting him as the prob­ not likely to succeed very well, and if it
does the law can easily lie amended so
able author of these articles.
as to make a standard below which
Very truly yours,
is not butter but oleo. There is no
W. j. ’ V inton ,
Chairman Republican County objection totheoleo being manufactured,
Committee for Yamhill Co. put on the market and sold. Congress
recognized it as a legitimate article of
and food by imposing a tax of
The editor of the Headlight does not commerce
a cent on uncolored oleo ; but
care to resurrect the recent political con- what Vi is of demanded
is that it shall be
troverv, but if Mr. Talmage was not the sold for what it is, and
not for butter ;
writer of these letters, hud nothing to do that consumers shall not
be imposed
with them in anv shape or form, nor upon and ' swindled by these
docs not know who were, then he is en­ tricks ; and this it is the business coloring
of Con­
titled to l>e heard on the subject, and the
the executive officers and the
proper way for him to do this is under gress,
to accomplish, if it lakes all of
his own signature denying any connec­ courts,
tion, finger in the pie, or knowledge of several summers.—Telegram.
who were, also with a statement from
the editor of the Telephone-Register to a
The cow, for economy, is the one that
like effect. When xMr. Talmage does this from a given amount of feed will produce
then the letter of Mr. W. T Vinton will the ffiost and best milk or butter. She
he perfectly in order and proper, for we should not be any larger than is necessa­
wish to point out that Mr Talmage has ry to do her work and when giving
not himself publicly denied being the au­ milk will not store up u lot of fat that
thor or being mixed up in concocting the will be of no particular use to her owner.
libelous matter and getting it into the While she will eat much more than a
McMinnville newspaper. As far as we wasteful cow, she will given larger per
are concerned the Headlight has buried cent of returns. The diffi rencc between
the hatchet over the election, and if the keeping a herd of economical cows and
controversy should be started again and a heard of wasteful cows may be the
terminates in libel suits against the difference between profit and loss and
writers to the Telephone-Register, thé certainly will lie a difference in the margin
Ocean Wave and the defunct Independ­ of profit. For profitable dairy work
ent, we wish to state that we do not along we must look to the individuality
wish to be held responsible.
of each cow.
$40 has been subscribed by a Sunday zens of that section, Mr. Crawford will
school in the East toward a bell for the continue to make his home in this coun­
Presbyterian church in this city, and it is ty during the summer.
We intend to sell onr Stock of proposed to have a bell in that church
The board of school directors decided
Clothing at coat. Do not miss this to cost about $120.
to call another meeting of the district to
opportunity to save money. The
Having paid cash for their new stock reconsider the question of putting an ad-
old Reliable Firm.—Cohn 8c Co.
of farm implements, Gangloff & 8nuffer dition on the old building, and Julv 20 is
---------— • /
will give the farmers the benefit of the the date fixed for holding the meeting.
discount at the new farm implement The meeting is for the purpose of author­
Shingles wanteJ at Cohn & Co.’s. *
warehouse near the John Day barn. *
izing the directors to put up a new build-
$2.00 buys a $2.50 hat at Todd’s.
John H. Stewart, the shoemaker, is I ing and giving them the authority to
money for that purpose anil to
A $12.50 suit for $10.00 at Todd’s.
prepared to do all kinds of repairing to borrow
repair the old building.
Take your county warrants to Todd boots and shoes and rubber shoes, with
neatness and all work guaranteed first
& Co.
The competition between the Pacific
class. Shop in rear of Jenkins’ store. *
Navigation Co. and the Nehalem Trans­
Attend the sale at Todd's and save
Co. is still on, and the end of
Someone had the audacity to tell the
editor that the countv school superin­ quick trips and low freight and passen­
For good horse pasture apply to A. tendent would return a Benedict on Wed­ ger rates are not in sight vet. It is seen
nesday. It did not prove correct, but that since the competition with the
Mr. Geo. Cohn returned from a busi­ Cupid will capture him when he least steamers began the passengers crossing
the mountainson the stage are very few,
expects it.
ness trip last week.
which will not be very satisfactory for
Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. Snuffer returned to
dence just South of the old McIntosh the new contractors next month.
Extraction of teeth absolutely without pain by the use of
the city on Friday.
cheese factory. His office is still over
Two boys by the name of Vernon Olds
the reliable anaesthetic nitrous-oxide. By this method we are
Mrs. Nettie Stephens came in on the Sturgeon’s drug store. Phone in resi. and William Sippv stole two bicycles last
steamer on Saturday.
dence and office. Calls attended to day week and road off with them. They
enabled to extract from one to 32 teeth without any pain or bad
* 1 were arrested and brought back, but had
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Talmage returned or night.
after effects whatever.
from McMinnville last week.
Grunt & Stinson, of McMinnville, have' previously returned the bicycles. They
All dental operations performed with the least possible pain
Lost, a Degree of Honor pin, with in­ the contract for carrying the mail over were brought liefore Judge Sappington
mountain between North Yamhill J 0,1 Monday, and after their parents had
itials on the back. Return to this office. the
and work guaranteed to give satisfaction.
andTilhimcwk at $3760, the 1st of July . agreed to look after the boys and the
Died, in this city, this (Thursday) being the date when the new contractors I judge had gi ven them a good talking to,
I they were allowed
to go this time.
morning, Mr. W. H. Hubbard, aged 69 will take hold-
the expert piano
The best saw on earth. Use the
Superintendent G. B. Lamb and Miss Western saws and you will soon be * tuner and tone regulator, is in the city
Is now at his office and will remain as long as busy.
Stratton returned on Wednesday on the convinced of this fact, for they are re­ I He ia a representative of the Eilers Piano
cognized to be the best saw now on the i House, Portland, and those in need of
A marriage license was issued on the market. For sale at McIntosh & Mc­ I piano or organ tuning, etc., would do
23rd to George W. Pierce and Belle M. Nair’s hard-ware store.
• | well to place their instruments in Mr.
; Anderson’s care. Anyone contemplating
Judge Alfred F. Sears came in from buying n piano or organ would do well
Steamer Sue H. Elmore arrived in Portland last week on a month's vaca-
yesterday with 17 passengers and a full tion for the benefit of his health. Beside to figure with Mr. Anderson, of the
Eilers House. Orders left in care of the
load of freight.
lieing an able jurist, the judge is well Allen house will receive prompt atten-
Razor honing a specialty with Davis aware that Tillamook is the place to tion.
the barber, opposite the Allen house. come to for the benefit of health.
The committee appointed at the school Recently cho.cn principal of Tillamook
Price 25 cents.
So many have gone into the contest
Public School.
Mrs. Sturgeon can supply your milli­ business, we move that theTillamookers meeting to audit the financial report of
Prof. A. L. Briggs is a graduate of the
nery wants and furnish yon the latest at who filed on timber claims but ate being the clerk reports as follows: “Your com
State Normal School at Monmouth, and
reasonable figures.
deprived of them, so as to make it inter­ cial report of the clerk of this district for attended Williamette University for four
The citv marshal has taken up a sub­ esting, go into the contest business as the year ending June 16, 1902. respect­ years, taking special work in fiedagogv
On that day you will need a New
scription from those who have cows for well and make it an endless chain affair. fully report that we have carefully ex­ and psychology. He is credited with 13
a watering trough.
It is surprising to see so many farmers amined the same, and after correcting a years experience as a teacher, having had
Corsets, hose supporters, ladies hose, from the outside.who drive to Tillamook few minor errors, we find the balance on charge of the following schools : Silver-
all styles of ladies' and children’s under, to rusticate in the mountains or camp hand to be $545.11.” The report is ton, two years ; Stayton, two years,
on the beach, who have narrow tired signed by T. B. Handley, P. McIntosh resigning to take charge of the school at
wear, at Mrs. Sturgeon's.
Butteville, where he remained four years;
wagons. When will the farmers on the and J. S. Stephens.
VVni. Johnson, Mr. Owens and wife, “outside” take a tumble to themselves
resigning, he went to Cottage Grove to
Geo. Lamb and Miss E. Stratton were and discard them ?
arrived yesterday were the following take charge ol the work there, and de-
passengers on the Elmore.
dined a third election with an increase of
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hider are in from traveling men : E. J. Deven, Mayfield salary so as to come to Tillamook.
Messrs.E S. Edwards and G. F. Fuller, ' San Francisco on a visit to Mr.and Mrs. Woolen Mills, St. Louis, Mo. ; B. F.
When you make your purchase be sure and patronize your
He has built up a four years course in
government inspectors of boilers and I H. A. Brock,and as thev intend spending Shambrook, Cudhav Packing Co.,
the high school, making it an accredited
hulls, came in on Wednesday.
' considerable of their time on fishing trips, Omaha ; Louis Hansen, Willamette school to the State University, receiving
I will allow you from $5 to $20 for ^./be‘n5 fixc<l *°
trou‘, back to Tent and Awning Co., Portland ; Carl faybrable mention for his work in mathe­
with them,
your old sewing machine in exchange California
, r “
‘ ‘ they will sure to Bartholmew, Max lorgensen & Co., matics.
Then your conscience will feel clear ; when you admire your­
Portland; Archie Cook, Union Meat
have plenty of sport.
for a new one.—W. E. Page.
Prof. Briggs had charge of the Local self before the mirror, you will know that the taxes have been
Co., Portland ; G. M. Powers, Newton
The Glenora House, on the Wilson Gun Co., S.F. ; A. J. McDaniel, Segler Teacher’s Association in Marion county paid on your outfit.
Dr. O. H. Davenport, dentist, will lie
for four years and have had charge of
in his office in Tillamook City from the River Road, is half way across the moun- Milling Co , Portland.
You will know that they were bought from men who pay for
feographv work in the Marion County
1st to the 15th of each month.
• ' tains. Good fishing and bunting, free
| camp grounds, fried chicken, fresh butter,
Go to McIntosh & McNair’s when you nstitute. The professor’s name appear their goods and buy from the manufacturer, from men who contri­
W. Fraser, a son of Mrs. Frazer, died abundance of cream, strawlierries and want farm implements, lor thev are the on the program of the State Teacher’s
bute to your roads, churches, school houses, and credit you when
on Wednesday from inflamation of the other fruit in their seasons, are on the local agents for the Flano Manufactur­ Association at Eugene this month.
lungs. He was 14 years of age.
you are broke.
ing Company, carrying in stock the cele­
menu at the Glenora House. Try it. •
Jones’ Mowersand Teddars. rec
Axel Nelson brought in some samples
Fashionable Clothing was never
If you buy from junk shops, traveling fakes, who never pay
The fifth annual commencement of St. brated
of rye which were grown on his place Alphonsus Academy will take to-morrow
Sold at such low Prices, at actual any taxes, who jump from town to town, and never meet the
al Cape Meares and it measured 8ft.
(Friday) evening at the academy, when
manufactured at Fort Wayne, cost and ¡below, in Tillamook, as assessor ; and at the same time you are in debt to your home
Mfes Maud Sturgeon and Mr. New. j another pleasing entertainment is in Wagons,
Ind., which are made of the finest i.ia- is now being sold at Cohn’s.
merchant. You will loose yourself respect, other people will not
man came in on the steamer Saturday, store for the citizens who makeit a point terial
that can lie procured You will
Mrs. Kiger returning with them.
to attend. The commcncemeni «xeroises save money
respect you, and the fake that takes your money will call you a
General Charles Egan, of Army beef
in previous years have proved such en- ments at McIntosh & McNair’s.
Drv hot air and electricity are great jovable
fame, and Al« Goldbaum, who has sucker.
for rheumatism. See Dr. Bartel about ing is sure to be largely patronized.
[ Eight additional contests against the charge of W. C. Green’s cattle interest
them. He knows how to use them. *
I contestees in the famous Hays contest j in the State of Sonora, quarreled in a
restaurant in Hermosillo. After some
Studebaker’s Wagons, Buggies and
on the Fourth, the biggest in the cases were filed in the United States hot words Egan drew a revolver and
Carriages kept in stock at Gangloff & I tion
I Land Office Monday by Attorney John i
would have "
if tí
the latter
Suuffrr’f. Call in and inspect them. *
,ot Goldbaum
'’?'«'>aU.n if
tractions ami amusement for the entire W. Draper. The contestant in the cases i
J. Law, who filed 37 similar Jad not been too quick for him. (»old
New supply of Mowers. Rakesand Ted­ dav, but all that is wanted to make it a is William
ba urn grasped Egan’s arm o and the
der« at Gangloff & Snuffer’s new impfe i success is for the ladies to throw goo cases in the land office last Friday, »nd bullet was discharged into the ceiling.
incut warehouse near the fohn Day bam.* 1 goo eyes at Gid Sol and ask that lumi­
The revolver was wrested from Egan’s
nary to smile down on the garden against 45 entrymen. The eight con-
Mr. and Mrs W. D. Stillwell returned spot of Oregon on the national holiday. testers are Oak Nolan. Henry Himes, hands and he was thrown to the ground
on Saturday from Portland, where they
Blanche Newman, G. W. Ha«llev, A. G. by Goldbaum. Friends interfered before
had Ixen attending the pioneers’ reunion. | After several weeks of bright, warm West, M. H. Larsen, [. W. Hunt ami any other damage was done.
weather, the refreshing patter of the rain
The contestant’s
Wanted, at Page's store. To trade was heard again on Monday and at a Maude Sturgeon.
new Singer sewing machines lor old ! tim« when it was required. Copious affidavits in the eight cases are the same
sewing machines of anv make.—W. E. slniwers of rain in the Summer and Pall as in the 37 cases, and allege fraud on
the part of the entrvmcn. and also on
other parts ol Oregon are deprived of,' the part of Hays, contestant, G. O.
Have you seen the new rtihber tier bug­ but not «oiit Tillamook, where everything N< Ian. junior contestant.
gies at Gangloff & Snuffer's new store ? is kept green ami fresh, while Ohl Bossv i
It is reported that the recent spell of
A good many |>eople have thought that a congh didn’t amount to much—most excellent
[Every farmer in the county will I k want­ does Hie rest and puts value into flairy
drv weather in the Willamette valley is
lauds. .
ing one lietore long.
whose friends were sorry tolose them. Now don’t make this mistake—a cough is the
going to cause some of the crofis to l»e
Mr Robert Crawford returned Satur­ short this year. Tillamook dairymen
first step toward serious and often fatal sickness ; stop it right there.
■ When you want to know anything
jal>ont the Oregon Fire Relief Association day, having l<en on a visit to his da ugh read about drv weather and poor crops,
Our Syrup, Tolu Tar and Wild Cherry, 25c., 50c., and $1.00 bottles, has proved a
Lei’ll upon or write J. S. Stepliens, who is trrs in CaHornia. He is one of the early but the oldest settler in the county has
marvellous cough stopper. If you’ve just begun to cough, the 25c. size will fix you ; if it’s
settlers of Tillamook county, having never experienced that inTillamooK. and
|lhe agent tor Tillamook county.
located at Nehalem some 32 years ago,
an old cough, try a larger bottle. It alwayi relieves, and except in the most desperate cases it
I When yon visit the Wilson River, or where he made one of the best dairy to the vonng pecqile who were born and
always cures.
[cross the mountains,stop at the Glenora farm« in the county after years of hard 1 raised here, they have a poor conception
mouse. James F. Reeher, proprietor. work, and where he raised a large fam­ of a country which experience crop fail­
And everything a well-stocked drug store ought to have, we have.
ures and the hard times which follows.
Biew house, good meals, good beds. *
ily, consequently his visit to California Tillamook county is noted for no crop
■ 1 he 1 a dies of the Presbyterian church after lieitig in Tillamook «o many xears failure«, no bnsiness failures, for if a per.
bt Hay City will give a strawberry and was quite an enjoyable outing. He has son cannot make a living and something
■re ere im social on Saturday evening, to p irtly disp»»wed of his fine bottom land to spare dairying in Tillamook he is a
* hieh they extend a most hearty invi- farm «at Nehalem, where he was comfftL failure.no matter what part of the coun- j
Painless Dentistry.
DR. T. P. WISE, Dentist.
We ßhBll All Celebrate I
Do you Intend to Join Us ?
Hat, Pair Shoes, Shirt, Tie, ete.
Home Merchants.
The beading
Clothers, Hatters, and Shoers.
The Reliable