Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 30, 1902, Image 1

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Gun?, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, etc
PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, Sash and Doors
Wagons, Buggies, Plows, Harrows and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS
All Plumbing and Tin Work Promptly Attended to.
Corner Main and
Stilimeli Avenue
$1.50 per year
Sparks from the Editor’? Anvil.
Real Estate Transfers.
The politician or office seeker who an­
tagonises the Headlight has something
to learn in politics.
* * *
Those who think the political party
they belong to owes them a living had
better be getting out their shingle.
* * *
The two S’s who have been tried and
found wanting—Simon and Sappington.
Hadn’t they better form a silent partner­
ship ?
* * *
If you’re one of Judge Sappington’s
political pups don’t get mad if the editor
curries your back—the wrong way about
—and makes the bristles stand up.
* * *
Judge Conder didn’t do a thing to Sap­
pington in 1894, when he beat him by
128 votes for county judge, and if the
democrats nominate to ex-judge it will
jiaye to be a pretty strong republican
who can beat him.
• * # *
This is about the situation in the com­
ing senatorial fight : Little Joe Simon is
seeking the office and the office is seeking
Harvev. Joe will result to every politi­
cal trick to secure the prize, while it will
have to be a spontaneous demand of the
people before Harvey Scott would ac­
cept it.
* ,* *
Ex-Senator J. W. Maxwell called upon
the editor on Saturday and assured us
that he was not a candidate for joint
representative or any other office. Altho­
ugh we had previously been confiden­
tially told otherwise by reliable parties,
we will let that pass and believe that
Mr. Maxwell is tbicere in what he now
tells us.
* * *
Senator Simon lias a bigger political
fight on his hands than he is aware of,
for although he may have his hand on
the political machine and the biggest
political pot,- ttte citizens of Oregon fail
to see whatJie has done in Washington
for the state, and as he is looked upon as
a very, very small potato, surely it will
be little trouble to defeat him and send
someone of influence to occupy the seat.
* * *
The editor hail a conundrum put to
him on Saturday by a person who called
upon him, and as they would notexplain
we do not know whether it is a joke
upon the editor or some other fellow.
We can stand it if the other fellow can.
This was the question : “W’liat is the
price of political potatoes at Nehalem ?’’
We never heard of political potatoes be­
fore, and as we are in the dark will some­
one pie ise enlighten us.
* * *
From all indications the political fight
in Multnomah c< u-ity will be between
Simon and his political enemies, for the
latter have become so numerous, influen­
tial and uncontrolable that thy political
whip which Boss. Simon held over their
heads so long is no longer feared. We
hope Simon’s political enemies will come
out on "top, for Simon’s domineering,
dictating course is neither to the interest
of the republican party, the taxpayers or
honest politics.
* * *
Neither faction in the republican party
of this county, political bosses, office
holders or office seekers, do not and can­
not control the H eadlight or dictate to
us who we shall recommend for office at
the next election. It is not the advocate
! of a faction with the avowed intention
l of capturing the party machine to thrust
I objectionable and incompetent candi­
dates upon the party. The public should
know who are aspirants for public office,
| and in that resjiect we propose to carry
1 out the function of a newspaper and
comment upon the merit and demerit of
each, then leave to the convention and
the voters to decide which they think are
best to fill the offices.
J. A. Richardson to John T. McKee,
5 acres in sec. 21, tp. 1 N, R. 10 W.
Malchi Johnson, by sheriff, to Claude
Tlia ver. Ne •< of Nw l4 of sec. 17. Se l4
of Sw Vi and W .’ j of Se l4 of sec. 8, tp. 1
S, R. 8 \V.; same from Claude Thayer to
Ernest Beelitz.
Claude Thayer to Frank Nordberg,
lot No. 7, in block 7, Maloney’s add. to*
Ocean Park.
General Items.
President Palma, the first executive
of the Cuban republic, has just said to a
meeting of Cubans that “ we owe all
that we have, and all that we expect to
be, to the American government.” It is
a pleasure to hear these words of grati­
tude. They have been rather scarce in
the Cuban newspapers.
* * *
By a vote of 3 to 7 the House com­
mittee on commerce decided in favor of
Special Tax
Government construction, operation and
Mills. District.
Mills. maintenance of a Pacific cable, and
No. 1...... ......... 1
No. 22........ .........2Pa ordered a favorable report of the bill of
,, 23....... ........ 5 1 Representative Corliss, of Michigan, pro­
viding the details of such a Government
3...... ......... 2 Vs
,, 24........ .......6
„ 25........ ........ 8
.. 5....... ......... +
* * *
6...... .......... 8
26........ ......... 20
8..... .......... 8
,, 27........ ......... 5 1 Santos-Dumont made a trial ascent of
„ 28........ ......... + 1 his airship Saturday morning at Monte
9..... ........... 15
Carlo. Everything worked smoothly.
„ 10..... ...........3
„ 29........ ......... 5
.. 11..... ...........4
„ 31.:».... ......... »2 The vessel readily answered her helm in.
the light breeze prevailing. After a tour
34.................. 6
of the harbor, Santos-Dumont steered
„ 36.................. 5
his craft back to her shed, amidst the
.. 39...................8
i i
cheers of the assembled crowds.
41.................. 2
* * *
„ 42.................. 4
Two prospectors, Dave Llewellyn and
46.................. 5
who are leasing the
.15 Tillamook City..5
O’Brien mine, at Niehart, Mon., have
struck what is believed to be a mine of
Guns. Guns. Guns.
pure silver. They have secured 13 tons
For a short time we will sell our high of the ore which is almost malleable. An
and medium grade Shot Guns tor 10 per average assay is 18,000 ounces, which
cent discount from our cash prices. We gives a value to the ton of nearly $8000,
do this in order to make room for our
in the white metal.
spring stock of Fishing Tackel. If you
W * *
want guns at your own price, call early,
The reserve supply of high explosives
before our assortment is broken.
stored at the Park-avenue shaft of the
W ade & B riggs .
Rapid Transit tunnel, now in course of
construction at New York, blew up
Notice of Removal.
shortly after noon Tuesday. The giant
blast killed six persons, injured 100
C. H. Woolfe has removed his shoeing
shop from his old stand on the Main others and seriously damaged all the
street to his building on the next street, property reached by the Hying debris
near Grayson & McNamer’s livery barn, and the vibration of the shock. The
where he invites his numerous patrons to irregular square formed bv the Murray
Hill Hotel on the west, the Manhattan
call ution him when they want a good
Eve and Ear Hospital a.,d the Grand
job of shoeing done.
Union Hotel on the east, and the (»rand
Central station on the north, was the
scene of the explosion.
The buildings
named sustained the greatest damage,
I will be at the Blaine schoolhouse Feb. but the area extended for several blocks
4, and at Hebo schoolhouse the 6th for in the four directions 1roin the center.
the purpose of registering votes.
* W *
O. R. C hamberlain .
Serious consequences to the swine­
_____________ Notary Public.
raising industry about Pendleton, Or.,
are threatened unless radical steps are
taken at once to eradicate a disease in
having Platinum, Iridosmium and other several localities. Reputable veterinary
Platinum Metals associated with their I surgeons pronounce it hog cholera, yet
gold, should save them They are worth nothing apparently has been done to
about as much as gold. They cannot be ! prevent its spread beyond a small at­
saved by amalgamation
For sale or tempt at quarantining a few infected
free analysis, semi to the W» lsl»a< h Com i 1 bands. Close inquiry reveals the uudoubt-
pany. Broad & Arch sts., Philadelphia. ! ed fact that no less than 20(1, perhaps
Pa. For information as to methods of i 300, deaths have occurred in the last few
saving the metals, write to the Waratah I weeks. Some believe the total is even
Minerals Company, Limited, 140 Ellis i higher. Efforts have been made to con­
street, San Francisco. Cal.
ceal the fact, and owners have agreed
not to tell anyone. Olliers have been ii -
It the canal negotiations and the naval duced to keep the facts from the public.
controversies could lie unloaded upon It cannot be denied that some very seri-
the proposed new cabinet position, the j ous malady affects swine in that part of
head of the department would never ex- ' the country, demanding quick action by
| the authorities to prevent greater losses.
perience a dull day.
church next Sunday afternoon, at 2:30, with her parents in 1847, who located in
when the oration will be delivered by Yamhill county, Ore., where she resided
the pastor, Rev. Gabriel Sykes.
until her marriage to Benjamin Perry on
Fascinators at Mrs. Sturgeon’s.
Dr. Lawless, resident optician, has October 27, 1862. She moved to Tilla­
Next to Sturgeon’s “C.” Ben Riesland.* opened optical parlors next door east of mook with her family twelve years ago,
and resided here until her death on the
Mrs. Lawless makes tailor made Barnes’ meat ‘market You had better
6th of January, 1962. She was the mo­
* I call on him, and see if your head ache, ther of six children, three of whom are
and nervousness is caused from poor eve
Born, on Sunday, to the wife of Mr. B. ' sight Eyes examined free. Prescription living, Mr. I). C. Pierce and A. L. Perry,
of Tillamook, and Mrs. C. C. Roy, of Au­
Jacobs, a son.
work a specialty.
burn, Wash. The remains were buried
Watch for our future advertisement—
M. F. and E. L. McNeil and Gilbert, beside her daughters in the Stout grave
Issues & Bromley.
old Tillamookers. have returned to Ker­ yard in Yamhill county.
Soon after
There will be preaching at Spruce, next' by from their mine on Chico, and they coming to Tillamook she united with the
are displaying some fine nuggets taken M.E. chinch, of which she was a member
Sunday at 11 a.m.
from it this winter. We feel sure that all at her death.
Mr. A McDonald was in the city on 1 their fi¡ends in this county hope they
We are pleased to record another wed­
Monday from Nehalem.
have struck it rich.
ding of two of our young people who are
Ladies’ and children’s woolen under- I Mr. J. D. Jones came in from Beaver on ! highly respected in Tillamook county,
wear at Mrs. Sturgeon’s.
Wednesday. He will sell his dairy.herd i which took place at the home of the
Messrs. J. S. Anderson and A. R. Gang­ next week. It is not often that an editor groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. C.
receives a wor<l of commendation, but i Quick, at South Prairie on Saturday last
loff left this city on Thursday.
Mr. Jones made the remark that the I at high noon. The parties were Mr. De
When in town remember Davis’ barber Editor of the Headlight had done a great Rov Quick and Miss Ida High, of Netarts,
shop. Opposite the Allen House.
deal of good for the county.
who were united in holy wedlock bv the
Finest line of prairie and grass land in I Cohn & Co. will have a great Clear­ Rev. Gabriel Sykes, pastor of the M.E.
Tillamook county, “C.” Ben Riesland. * 1 ance Sale, to commence on Saturday church. Only relatives of the bride and
groom were present. We only express the
Land is going up rapidly ; get in be next. This sale will last during Febru sentiment of the many friends of the
fore the latest, raise and “C.” Ben Ries­ ary only, when great reductions will be happy couple in wishing them a long life
blade and great bargains offered in all
' lines. Bargains in mackintoshes. Bar­ ol happiness and in doing so compliment
If you want a list of dairy farms and
'd ' gains in clothing. Bargains in boots and them oil their choice of partners for life,
timber claims, write to or call and “C. ¡shoes.
In , fa.t, bargains ill every­ with the hope that nothing will mar
this happv union. Many useful presents
Ben Riesland.
were received, viz., Mrs. and Mrs. 1. C.
Razor honing a specialty with Davis ; A t a meeting of the hose company on Quick, set of silver ware and gold pen ;
the barber, opposite the Allen house^ Thursday Chief Crenshaw appointed W. Harry Quick, tea set ; Dove Quick, pair
Price 25 cents.
H. Cary and Fred Arthur captains of the pillows ; Tadd Quick, table linen ; Rosie
Born, at Spruce, on the 27th inst., to j hose carts and Fred C. Baker captain of Quick, napkin rings ; Mrs. M. A. High,
the wife of Mr. E. R. Hayes, a daughter. the hook and ladder truck. And having quilt and set of glass ware ; M. M High,
discussed several matters pertaining to of Salem, $5; Miss Dora High, lamp;
lOlbs. averdupois.
the protection of the city from fire, the I. H. Smith, butter knife and sugar slidl;
The Auxiliary of the W. F. M. society ■ ho vs enjoved themselves at a fireman’s Mrs I. H. Smith, table linen ; Mr. and
will meetat the home of Mrs. Hathaway feast furnished bv the new officers.
Mrs. Sollie Smith, set of silver teaspoons;
Thursday, Feb. 6, 1902.
Miss Chattie Smith, set of napkins ;
The cold snap of Friday and Saturday i
Mr. Charles Lundquist had the misfor­ was followed on Sunday afternoon with Miss Mary Smith, towls ; Mr. and Mrs.
tune to lose his one year old son, which a fall of snow, the first in the valley this Chas. Wells, counterpane; Mr. and Mrs.
Bovakin, Nehalem, table spoons ; Ida
died on Tuesday of pneumonia.
But it was only the tail end of] I
Von Ehrenkrook, Denver, Col., set of
If you want your face taken care of by the cold snap which was general on the napkins.___________________
a professional barber of 15 ye irs’ exper outside. As snow and cold snaps in this
county are of short duration, the sprinkle
ience go to the Davis barber shop.
A Just Complaint.
of snow did not remain many hours, and
Tommy Johnson, wffo lately left this when the patter, patter of the rain was
the taxpayers in the fourth
county and located at Kerby, has built heard again on Weduesdav night every
ward a few days ago laid bis grievance
himself a new nouse there and moved Tillamooker’s heart leaped for joy.
before us, an I although he had no objec­
into it.
Thus far Star Lodge, No. 76, A.O.U.W., tion to either |. A. Monroe, J. Lahinon
Improved dairy farm, well stocked and 0f this city has gained the largest num or Albert Mason being councilman, and
equipped, 2’/2 miles from Tillamook City, her of new members in the Oregon juris- | would just as soon vote tor one as the
to be sold on easy terms. Apply to |. piction since July. And still applicants other, but thought that several parties
Public Sale.
R. Harter.
for membership from different parts of iix the second ward had meddled too
I will sell at Beaver, on Thursday, Feb.
Are you hard up ? If so and you de­ the county continue to apply and are ad­ much in the election of a councilman for
sire to get a loan, no matter what the mitted to membership, four lieing taken the fourth ward. “While I have no ob­ 6th, to the highest and best bid def*, 24
dairy cows and one four-year old
amount is, call and see Heins, the lead­ over the “rocky road’’ last Monday. For
Cows will begin to
protection to widows and orphans, the interefere with them,’’ said this fair- shorthorn bull.
ing artist.
These cows
A O.J’.W. is recognised as the leading minded taxpayer, “I don’t think it right come in February 15th.
It was something unusual for no trans­ and most substantial fraternal order. -
that the saloon element of the second havenever suckled their calves. Terms
fers to lie filed for record for seven days,
ward should interfere in the election in of Sale—Eight months time will be giv­
UUe ean fit any one and suit
'V. H. Cary has started into business the fourth ward. I never was in favor en at 10 per cent interest on note with For the money,
but none were filed or recorded between
again, having rented the store building of closing up the saloons, but I’ll vote approved security.
the 20th and 28th.
Sale will begin at
Prices, 25c. to $7.50.
them as uiell
recently vacated by King & Kerremans.
184 acres of choice bottom land, on? making-a specialty of plumlnug and tin­ that way when the time comes to close 1 p. m. I am going out of the dairy bus­
mile from Tillamook City. Will sell all ning, where he is now prepared to do all them up.” We mention this liecause the iness.
J. D. J ones .
or any portion on terms to suit pur­ kinds of work in that line of business. person, as all will admit, is justified in
making this complaint. This will give
chaser. Apply to J. R Harter.
Milk cans repaired and made to order, some idea how public sentiment can be
Big Bargains.
also vats for creameries. All plumbing formed against the saloon by those who
E. K. Barnard, ex-countv school super­
and tinning orders will lie promptly at­ have no objection to them when the
intendent of Tillamook, has sold his gen­
greatly reduced prices to
tended to and neatlv executed. Give us
eral merchandise business at Burlington, . i a call when vou want plumbing. Will saloon element is domineering and wants make room for my spring stock of goods
to be the whole thing. But if they per­ which I shall buy in Portland soon.
Wash., and has moved to Seattle.
I guarantee that all work will be first sist in wanting to run everything they
Call early and take your choice in
C. H. Libby, formerly of Tillamook, : class.
mustexfiect that sooner or later a strong goods.
but now of Holland, had the misfortune
The Nehalem Coal Company has had a sentiment will be formed to close them
W. E. P age , Tillamook, Or.
to get his smokehouse burned
/nforce of men at work for some time ex- up for a time, and as there are quite a
losing one and one h.ili tons of bac
13 hi . x ; cavating a tunnel on the property near number of people in this city who do not
To Our Patrons and Friends.
Mrs. Lawless has moved her dress the mouth of the Nehalem river. Last object tn saloons but do to a wide-open
making establishment to one door east week the tunnel was completed for a dis­ town, we believe if a vote was taken to­
Alter a careful review of otir past
of Barnes' me it market, occupying the tance of 1<K) feet and a seam of coal 5 day on that issue it would lie a surprise. i year’s business, we have concluded that
back part of Dr. Lawless optical parlors/ feet 2 inches thick was found. Cross As we stated before, the saloon element , it is no longer profitable for us to con­
tunnels will now lie run, and the mea should have been magnanimous and not
Two himl>er vessels crossed out Mon­ sure uncovered for a considerable dis­ interfered with the citizens nominees, as tinue a credit system and have conclud­
day, the first lieing the steel schooner tance each way. This seam has lieen it was a representative ticket, ami when ed to sell for spot cash, small profits and
Meteor with l.2<fljKM) fret of him tier on traced for over six miles, and the quality men like R. M. W atson undertakes to do quick sales will b* our watch ward. We
board, atid the lumlier schooner W. H of the coal is pronounced by exfierts to something in the interest of the saloon kindly ask all who are indebted to us to
! come in and settle their accounts and
be superior to the British Colu nbia pro­ keepers they must not complain if a sen­ greatly oblige.
timent is createJ thereby against their
An entertainment is being arranged, duct.
M c I ntosh & M c N air .
business. ___________________
under the auspices of the ladies of the
Seventeen of the Hays contest cases
Presbyterian church, for the evening of were set for hearing in the Oregon City
February 21 st. the program of which Land Office on Saturday. The cases and
We are pleased to advise our friends
will appear in due time.
dates are: Frank T. Fitzpatrick, April
and patrons that we are still running
Those who catch the mum ¡is and all 1 ; William M. Hamilton, April 2 ; our Plumbing and Tinning Shop. We
other diseases which come round may Charles H. Himes, April 3 ; Cora Himes. are prepared to attend to all work of
lie interested to know if the small pox. April 4 ; George R. Hiines, April 5 ; this kind on short notice and guarantee
Himes. April 7; William I.
which is somewhat prevailant on the out­ Sarah J
Himes. April 8 ; William R. Illingsworth, satisfaction. Prices as low as consis­
side. is going to pav Tillamook a visit.
April 9; Eugene Jenkins. April 10; tent with first-class work.
May use the greatest learning possible in writing your prescription, but
W ade
B riggs
The b¥st saw on earth. Use the Great Granville T. [enkins, April 11 ; George
Western saws and vou will soon lie con W. Knight, April 12 ; Maydelle Kiger,
unless it is compounded by a pharmacist who has experience and skill it
vinced of this fact, for they are recognized April 14; George Johnson. April 15;
may produce quite another result than that intended. My reputation for
to be the best saw now on the market. Mary Johnson. April 16 ; Jens F. Larsen,
Some people wonder how the bakery
honesty and skill is well-known. I use so many safeguards in my pre­
For sale at McIntosh & .McNair s hard­ April 17 ; .Maurice Leach, April 18 ;
can sell so cheap. Now I will tell you.
ware store.
Thomas Lvster. April 19.
scription room that a mistake is practically impossible.
I sell for cash only, merchants selling on
The memorial sermon of Mrs. Sarah J. time have to charge 10 to 15 percent
I sell everything that a druggist should sell.
Perry was preached at the M.E. church extra for possible loss. Those who pay
on Sunday last bv the pastor. Rev. G. cash have to help pay this possible loss.
By selling for cash. I can buy for cash.
Sykes lhe rev. gentleman spoke words
I buv l>etter goods and get discount
of sympathy to the bereaved relatives,
as well as offering Christian advice. The off. That is the reason we can sell cheap.
Fresh rye bread Wednesday and Satur­
deceased’s maiden name was Sarah J.
A. C. V ogler .
Wright, and she was Ixirn in Missouri day.
Tillamook Bakery.
on April 15. 18?6. She crossed the p a »s I
Are Up-to-Date.
We carry a Full Line of Men’s and Boys’
Hats. Everything from a 25c. Cap
to a it>4-50 Stetson Hat.
Gent ’s and Ladies’ High
Top, are the Best
The Cheapest Place for
The steamer Sue H. Elmore left Sun
dav for Astoria, and her passenger list
included S. Downs. Mis. B. Robinson,
Royal Stillwell. Eugene France, James
Felly. J E Bradlev and wife and faniilv.
and Mrs. J. A. Todd.
The Masonic lodge of this city will at­
tend a memorial service in respect to the
late G orge H. Handley at the M.E