THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. NOVEMBER 21, 1Ö01 I Month ending Nov. 8th. 1901. - ________ This year totals .. .. Last years totals for «osi me month 754 . . 916 850 > . 791 . 7-41 . . 4043 3644 58 .. 1 4 27 0 8Vi . 15 . . 0 0 10Vi 118 223 enrolled. W hole no. il & 2 2 & 3 . 4& 5 6& 7 . . . 8, 9 8c 10 ■ h tnrdv sent nor tracts. C &E Thaverto Wm. Scott, lot No. 3, of blm k No. 2, of Malauev's add. to Ocean Park. U.S. to Charles Grissen, W J-* of W >/4 of sec. 34-, tp. 2 8, R. 7 W. U.S. to W. J. Wisecat ver, E V4 of W Vi of sec’ 34, tp. 2 S, R. 7 W. Amos Bergseth to Winton Lumber Co E Vi ot Ne Vi, Nw >/« of Ne H11™ Ne ViofNw Visec. 1«. tp. 2 S, R. 6 W. Lerov Lewis to Winton Lumber Co., E Vi of E Vi ot sec. 34, tp. 2 S, R. 7 W. August Greenbumi to Gertrude S. Murray. E Vi of Se Nw >/♦ of Se H and Se Vi of Ne Vi, sec. 13, tp. 1 S, R 8 W • Prank Murray to Geo W’. Kiger, tract in sec. 21. tp. 1 N, R. 10 W. Robert Crawlord, to Theodore Kings­ ley, various tracts. John Welch to M. S. Copeland, S Vi of N Vi of see. 16, tp. 3 N, R. i0 W. J. E. Panton to M. S. Copeland. Sc M of see. 16, tp. 3 N, R. 10 W. Joseph Lyons to M. S. Copeland, various tracts. M. S. and W. H. Copeland to Neha- lem Coal Company, various tracts. Daniel and M E. Cronen to Nehalem Coal Company, various tracts. A. A. McNary to W. E. Thomas, E Vi of Ne >4 and F Vi of Se of sec. 12, tp. 6 S. R. 9 W . R. H. Holmes, et al., to Louis Olsen and L. Snuffer, bond for deed, tract in Tillamook City. Louis Olsen, et al., to A. R. Gangloff, quit claim deed, tract in Tillamook City. U.S. to Amos Bergseth final receipt, E Vi of Nc >4-, Nw Vi of Ne '4 and Ne Vi of Nw Vi. sec. 18. tp. 2 S, R. 6 W. H. McDermott to Anna B. and Snsnn O. Todd, tract in block 1C, town of Till- amook. John A. Hawk, et ux., to I). W. and Mary E. Jones, lots 1 and 2, of block 10, Stillwell add. to Tillamook ; same from E. A. Snyder to John A. Hawk, quit claim deed. U.S. to Dennison Billings, Nw ViofSe Vi, S Vi of Se Vi a nd Se >4 ol Sw Vi of sec. 29, tp. 3 S, R. 10 W. R. I. Hendricks, et ux., to H. B. Hen. I dricks, et. ux., to H. B. Hendricks, tract in Bay City. Mrs. Nancy J. Hendricks to H. If. Hen­ dricks, lots 6, 7 and 8 of block 1, Bay City. Mrs Hays .......... Miss Newell . . Miss Cooper Mrs. Severance. B. O. Snuffer ... s’! tardy. Louise Baxter to Foreman S. Baxter, tract it> tp. + S, K- 10 " ■ Oregon & California K. R.Co. to Olean Land Co., various tracts. C. E. Hadley to W. B. Powell, various £ O 3 3 ZL ’< 3 * 3 ä © ■■ ? Real Estate Transfers. Neither ab- t on. . . .. . .. . . 16 31 32 28 30 . . . . . . - . HARDWARE, TINWARE and CHINA. STOVES, RANGES and HEATERS. 40 50 44 42 38 5 137 214 202 65 98 208 B. 0. SNuemn, Teacher. ASTHMA CURE FREE! Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in All Cases. SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON POSTAL. RECEIPT OF Therein nothing like Asthmalene. It brings instant relief even in the worst cases. It cures when all else fails. The Rev. 0. F WELLJ3, of Villa Ridge, III., says ; •• Your trial bottle of Asthmakim received in good condition. I can­ not tell you how tliaiikful I feel for the good derived from it. I was a slave, chained with putrid sore throat and asthma for ten years. I despaired of ever being cured. I saw your ad vertis“nient for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting dis­ ease. asthma, ami though you had overs|»oken yourselves, hut resolved to give it a trial. To my astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send me a full-size bottle. We want to send to every sufferer a trial treatment of Asthmalene, similar to the one that cured Mr. Wells Well send it by mail POSTPAID, ABSOLUTELY FREE OF Oil ARG E. to any sufferer who will write for it, even on’1 postal. Never mind, though you are despairing, however bad your case, Asthmalene will relieve and cure. The worse your case, the more glad we are to send it. Do not delay, Write at once, addressing DR TAFT BROS.’ MEDICINE CO , 79 East 130th St., N.Y. City. Sold by all Druggists. EUGENE JENKINS Watchmaker and Jeweler, Dealer in Watches, Clocks and First Class Jewelry of all kinds, Prices Very Reasonable. STOPS PAIN Athens, Tenn., Jan. 27, 1901. Ever sinoe tho first appearance of mv menses they were very irregular and I suffered with great pain in my hips, back, stomach and legs, with terrible bearing down paius in the abdomen. During the past month I have boon taking Wine of Cardui and Thedford’s Black-Draught, and I passed the month­ ly period without pain for the first time in years. N annis D avis . l'KUl'K PROPRIETORS Ili IUKA Tillamook Iron Works! Î g Genera Boiler Work, Logger’»« Work and Heavy Forging. Fine Machine Work a Specialty. What is life worth to a woman suffer­ ing like Nannie Davis suffered? Yet there are women in thousands of homes to-day who are bearing those terrible menstrual pains in silence. If you are one of these we want to say that this 1 TILLAMOOK. OREGON same WINE-CARDUI will bring you permanent relief. Con­ sole yourself with the knowledge that 1,000,000 women have been completely eurod by Wino of Cardul. These wom­ en suffered from leucorrhoea, irregular menses, headache, bearing down pains. backache, and Wine of Cardul will stop all these aches and pains lor you. Purchase a *1.00 bottle of Wino of Cardui to-day and take It in the privacy of your home. Tor xl.lre lltervuir«, «Mmo alvfn. avwm- The L mj ««’ AUrieory bepartluanL'* The Chattanooga Medicine Co, Chattanooga, T-W-eb- Headquarters for Dairymen’s Supplies. Agent for CHARTER OAK STOVES. Western Washing M&chines Large Stock of l’aintx. Oils, Varnishes and Glass. The Most Reliable GROCERY STORE in Tillamook I New JEWELRY STORE Is the place to have your Watches, Clocks, or Jewelry Repaired. All Work Guaranteed. A fine line of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry at very low prices. Call and see for yourself. FRANKLIN. Barber - SHAVING, HAIR CUTTING, SHAMPOOING, Hot and Cold ßaths EVERYTHING STRICTLY FIRST CLASS Where Do You W e ? It is natural to suppose where you can do the bes- We can duplicate San Francisco prices on HARDWARE, FARMING MACHINERY, Tools, Groceries, Feed and Provisions. CARY THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE STATE LUMBER AT TILLAMOOK A TAFT CO HAV| OR HAND DRY FLOORING, CEILING Finish Rustic, Wainscoting, Mouldings and Ship Also all Sizes of ROUGH LUMBER n EDWARDS & DAVIS Dealers in J. » > J 1 111 a.2 Also ROGERS' SILVERWARE, Children’s Silrer Sets, Fine Tea Sets and Optical Goods. ¡J» M c I ntosh & mcnair , Report of Tillamook Public School. Secretary mid treasurer. Carrie Judd ; Editor, G. H. Ward, asst. R. L. 1 ullcr- Tim«» u or for years succeeding the war. has long Ike were notified. and Detective Day and The Telephone. since liecn filed and that in the interest | Weiner were assigned the case, of honest government and an honest - - “ It will sell hogs, ent tie, stock, or other ..... .. - • fvstem Fystem ol of piusioning this law should be ' Daring Burglar Killed. products. Knowledge of latest quota -[ repealed. • a m n w save a n a the »11.* price .ar flip telephone t 4*1.» till I \ . t l.aa abuse pointed out by the coin-1 S eattle . N ov . 10.—Since last Thurs­ Another tions may of the in ope transaction. It will hire help ; it missioners is the action of guardian ap­ day night T. D Rush had been slowly pointed for insane or mentally feeble boring his way into the Northern Pacific will bring the latest new» Iron» the neigh­ pensioner». Many of these pensioner» I ticket office in this city. About 6:30 borhood, from the nearest town from the are cared lor as paupers in public insti­ Thursday evening Ticket-Seller Kelsey state, the country ami the world. If a tutions, the guardian» drawing ami re-I heard the work going on. but at first machine break down it will order re­ taining the pension money, thus ensioner was being cared for ing the police made an investigation. A ticket case standing close to the safe ed in the fields ; it encourages and makes by the public. Hereafter this abuse will easy an interchange of thought that is lie met bv making the guardian a gov­ was removed, and two large holes were not possible even in the largest city ernment agent under the direction of the uncovered. The would-be burglar was commissioner of pensions. evidently using an inch bit in his auger, without its aid. No one who will read without preju­ and there were already 15 holes in the The telephone has come into the lives dice the annual report of Commissioner floor. These hoks were within two of our people to stav, and must lie con­ sidered as a necessity for all and not as a Evanscan, we think, have any doubt inches of the right edge of the safe. Just that he has administered the pension ser ­ under the right tdge of the big money luxury for the very rich alone. While the residents of towns and cities have vice with an earnest desire to treat box was a trapdoor of about the same need for ami do use it extensively, to-no tail ly and justly all projier claims for dimensions as the aperture under the was This trapdoor class of people d<»es the telephone bring ¡»ensions, while at the same time vigi­ coupon case. so manv advantages of everv kind as it lantly guarding the government against fastened by hinges and a holt. possible fraue remedied by the com- 1 out a short time. He probably put a country. Many a weary ride in inclement missioner and it is unjust to hold him ! holt on the trapdoor in order to cut off weather, many a long haul over roads responsible for them. It will be well for ’ pursuit in case he should be discovered almost impassable, many anxious hours congress tn give heed to his suggestions, J while at work within the office. Last night two policemen and Private in times of illness, and many dollars will to the end that the expenditure» of “snch be saved the farmer who has his house vast sums of the people’» money should ' Detective Hunt, of the Northern Pacific ambushed the cracksman. connected with those of his neighbors rest upon a system containing more ol t Railway, the elements of protection to the govern­ Rush opened the trapdoor and started and with the adjacent town. Have you children living on farms of ment than can be found in the methods i work on the bottom of the safe at about ; 1 o’clock. The officers in some way their own, whom you would like to be now in setting pension claims.” • alarmed him, and he dodged through in talking distance with? Do you, or | the hole, closed the trap and »topped to vour wife, or your children, ever sjiend Canal Treaty Signed. j bolt it. Detective Hunt fired two shots long and weary hours of lonesoineness, which woul I be filled with keenest new through the floor, one of which broke W ashington , Nov. 18 —The pleasure instead, if your acquaintances Hav-Pauncefote treaty was signed to­ Rush’s arm and the other penetrated the | base of his brain. He fell from the plat- for miles around could be called in for conversation and interchange of thought day at 12;05 by Secretary Hay, for the i form on which he was standing to the United States and Lord Pauncefote, the I ground, and was shortly afterward re- or news ? I11 times of illness, when the grim British Ambassador for Great Britain. , moved from under the building in a spectre of death is trying to enter and W ashington , N ov . 18—This treaty dying condition. He breathed his last at the hospital at desolate vour household, is it not a great is intended to replace the first Hav- blessing to be able to communicate in­ Pauncefote treaty. That convention 5 this morning. He was identified by a stantly with your physician ? bankbook found in his shoe. It is not was amended so extensively by the The telephone is a saver of time, an United States Senate at its last session know n whether he had a confederate. annihilator of distance, and the greatest that the British Government declined to boon of modern life. If telephones cost Gets Away With $300. ratify it. Within a few weeks negotia­ more than carriages, they would he tions began afresh between Secretary A nice-appearing young man, who first cheap at tlw price, because each tele­ Hay and Lord Pauncefote, which have gave his name as George Logan, but phone renders a service far greater than just resulted in the signature of the new any carriage. But on the other hand, treaty, drawn with special reference to who, it was learned subsequently,owned the name of Samuel Mills, has disap­ it is a fact that no other household ne­ the objections found bv the Senate with peared from the city with between $300 cessity is lower in price than telephone the first treaty. and $500 in coin belonging to the Pacific service and when it is more generally From a due sense of the courtesy which Floral Nursery Company, on the Powell understood at what small expense it is possible to instal a system,every farmer, must be observed towards the United Valley road, not far from the Clinton- States .Senate wherever a treaty is con ­ Kelly Schoolhouse, Stephens’ Addition. every ranchman, and every village will be supplied with perfect telephone service. cerned, the State Department is estopped Edwin E. Covey, the manager of the Then will life upon the farm he truly from tnAking public the text of the new nursery company, is mourning the trust ideal, and the farmer’s wife will have as convention, and that will remain secret he reposed in Logan two weeks or so mu< h companionship as though she until the Senate itself shall break the ago when the young man came to him lived in a town or village, and much seal of confidence. It is said at the State seeking employment. He looked like an more than if she lived in a crowded citv Department that the various publications honest fellow, and Mr. Covey decided to where no one kn»ws her next door which have been made of the alleged put him to work collecting bills in the text of the treaty are all erroneous and vicinity of Gresham. He furnished the neighbor. conjectural, though, in vie v of the voting man with a horse and cart to rather free admissions that have been make the rounds of the country with. The Pension Service. made of the purpose of the negotiations There was $500 in bills coming to the it has been possible by the use of the text company in the country east of Portland The general facts contained in the an- of the first treaty to construct one nual report of the commissioner of |>en- similar in general terms to the new con- j for stock sold. Mr. Covey has an idea that about $300 of the amount due was sions were made public in advance of vention. collected by Logan, or Mills. The principal point of difference he ■ the issuance of the report. It was al­ Mills is thought to have relatives in tween the new and the failed treaty is Tillamook. He came from the East re­ ready known that the number of pen­ the withdrawal of Great Britain from cently. Because of his alias it is naturally sioners reached the high-water mark at the joint guarantee of the neutrality of presumed that he had previously been in the close of the last fiscal year, June 3 1, the canal, thus leaving the United States trouble. being then 997,731, 4,090 in excess of the sole guarantor. The excision of the No trace has been found of the horse old provision respecting the right to and cart.—Portland Telegram. the number in anv previous year. The fortify the canal leaves that right by in­ value of the pension roll at the end of ference optional with the United States. the year was $131,508,216, which was NETARTS. only a slight increase over the preceding All commerce of whatever nationality passing through the canal will fare alike; Ed. Leach has been visiting with Geo. vear. The total disbursements for pen­ there will be no discrimination in rates W. Phelps the past week. sions during the year was $138,531.- in favor of United States shipping. Frank Withrow and wife went to the 493.8 L There are now 5,6’H Spanish head oi the bay Sunday. war pensioners. At the close of the year over 403,000 claims were pending, more Frank Millsand wife and brother left A Big Haul of Diamond». than half of these being for an addition for their home at Hubbard, Marion Co. During the absence of Albert F. Low­ last Sunday. al allowance. What the public is not so fatndiar with en that from his room in the Hotel Port­ Chas. Mills and family returned to is the fact indicated that there is much land Sunday, a thief broke open his trunk their home on South Prairie Sunday dishonesty in connection with pension and stole diamond set jewelry approxi­ after a week’s stay on the bay. claims and that this is costing the gov­ mately valued at $10.000, and escaped. ernment annually a considerable sum, A few jeweled stickpins were found in HEBO. how much it is quite impossible to de­ the street. For the past 18 years Mr. Lewenthal termine. Under the act of June 7, 1888. Miss Bella Lewallen, had the misfor­ which the commissioner pronounces bad has been coming to Portland and selling tune to carve her arm quite seriously and vicious, because a standing invita­ jewelry, and lie is well known to the lo- with the butcher knife a few days ago. tion to file fraudulent claims, widows c il trade. He lias an establishment of Fred Mills gave a dance in his new are given an unlimited time in which to Ins own at 37 and 39 Maj den Lane, house Saturday night. A good time is file claims for pensions on account of the New York, and makes these trips every reported. death of their husbands. Some of these three months, carrying with him a for­ We are sorry to state that H. M. Far­ claimshave hern filed thirty-five years tune in jewelry on each journey. He ar­ or more after the soldier’s death and it rived in Portland Saturday night. Two mer fell from the roof of A. I, Yeatch’s new house and sustained a severe sprain is almost impossible for the government trunks filed with jewelry were deposited to decide whether they are fraudulent or in his room. “D” and his unmounted of the left ankle, which will lay him up genuine. The arrearages in such cases geins were placed in the office safe. Sun­ for several weeks. Jas. Edwards and family have been are so large, the chances of detection so day evening Mr. Ltienthal visited Mr. small, and the inducements so great to Lesser, a local jew ler, and on his return vititing the home of James Atkinson, of commit perjury in preparing claims, that . to his room, about 11:30 o’clock, he Sand Lake, for a few days. there is great opportunity for fraud. found the door partly open anti the lied zk literary society was organized last Commissioner Evans expresses the opin­ covered with trays of jewelry, while Thursday night at the school house with ion that every legitimate claim for pen-J other trays lay on the floor. He saw at the following roll of officer»: President, A. I »ion, bv reason of death during the war, once that he had been roblied. The po- P. Wagner, Vice President, Nellie Jenson; Lap T imbkr L and . A ct jvn » j, 187S.-N oticb fom >*TBLICAT1ON. United State. Land Office. Oregon City, Oregcn. 7h‘!S’ ’’ h"'Thy ri’"1 ,h*7‘u ’’ompti'noe wtth thè prnvMion. of thè »et <>r Conare» of •»¿l’-f enrltied ‘Anaci far thè «le I gii.7 “r ' «IHwnia. orAon he,ada and Wuhinston Terr torv, „2 Ì ì XVZ’ m , ub 1“' ,-* nd bv *»« ai .M eda j V cxair ! of ™»m offi " j •worn Matement Xn. w for thè lotti 6 «nd 7 and s 14 o7.\’w A Keti»No 4’ Jn ^°* R*ng» No 7 West de STOKES CO -^.storisi, Oze Allen House J. P. ALLEN, Proprietor. First Class accommodation at Second Class Rate. l0*"* “ Hdw.rdm of Tilla. Claim. nthl, o«ee7>"r «S Jh/‘I ®t Xovtmber, 1^,|. Min Mgh day C» a » B. H ook «*. Regger. Best ^vCeals In tlxe City* J