THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER 3L 1901. ASTHMA CURE FREE! I twenty fifth president of the I uited States. ■* er All the presidents but one, Buchanan, Fred C. Baker. Publisher. have been married men. Washington. Madison, Jackson and Polk had no Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure ta KATES OH SUBSCRIPTION. children, while some of the early Presi­ All Cases. ( strictly in advance .) dents had large families. The only lit­ tle folks at the White House during the One year.......................................... $1.50 SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF Six months....................................... 75 first seventy years of the government Three months................................... 50 POSTAL. Facts About Presidents. were grandchildren, or other relatives M ♦ * farther removed than children, and these “The good book tells us that Theodore Roosevelt is the youngest interrupted the quiet of the old mansion EDITORIAL NOTES. Thereto nothing like Asthmalene. It brings inHtant relief who has ever filled the office oi charity begins at home, and until man even in the worst esses. It cures when all else fails. president of the United States; he is the at intervals. The older Harrison was CHAlHkO FOR TEN Not that we wish to discour­ all the street Arabs and unbe­ first president whose birthplace was in a the father of ten and Tvler of 14 child­ The Rev. C. F. WELLS, of Villa Ridge. III., says Your YEARS tiial Little of Asthmah-ne received in good condition. I can. age the proposed Lewis and lievers throughout this land are large city ; he is the first who has ren, hut in Harrison's case those who not tell you how thankful 1 feel for the good derived from it. Clark exhibition in Portland, but converted, it would seem that achieved distinction in war, statesman­ survived were grown when lie became 1 was a slave, chained with putrid sore throat and asthma for we have felt convinced that one of such people would be able to find ship and letters previous to taking the president. The same is true of Tyler s ten years. 1 despaired of ever being cured, I saw your ad- vertis-ment for tiie cure of tins dreadful and toruientingdis­ the first tilings connected with all they can do at home.’’—Till­ chief executive’s chair ; and, with the ex­ children by his first wile, who died while ease. asthma, ami though you had oreraiv mail POSTPAID, ABSOLUTELY FREE OF was 8. Grant and Garfield had little before we believe Portland is at­ such precept is taught in the distinctions were not enough, relates the ones, CH A RUE.’ Ill to any BUIIerer sufferer «nu who win will w write for n. it. even on » a CHARGE. rue ii.r and so did Cleveland in his second _____ tU'(( St. Louis Globe-Democrat, he will bring tempting something of a more good book, for we must confess to the White House the largest family oi term, but President Roosevelt breaks al] .TTTTi mind, though you are despairing, however bad vour ease. ¿.„alene will relieve and cure. The worse your ease, weareto case, the more glad we are to costly magnitude than most peo­ we are awfully ignorant of such small children that ever made its old the records in this particular, having an ¿end it Do no. delay. Write at oneb. addressing DR TAFT BROS,’MEDICINE ple liave any idea of, coupled passages ? Speak out in open walls echo with shouts and laughter. even half-dozen ol happy, healthy, full­ CO., 79 East 130th St . N.Y. City. Sold by all Druggists. with the fact that Portland is a meeting, Bro., and let the con­ loving youngsters. long distance from the centers of gregation know what kind of a The first presidents were all well ad­ population. We have been new doctrine you are trying to vanced in years when summoned to that 12-gauge Exelsor Shells at Ralph Ack­ for 45c. ]ier box. amused how the projectors and inculcate to the surprise of bible ! high office. Washington was 57. John lev's * * Adams 62, Jefferson, Madison and John $1.25 pays for the Headlight to Janu­ the state press and others have students and theologians in this Quincy Adams were each 58, William ary 1st. 1903 ____ started in to boom the exposi­ vicinity. We hope the rev. gen-! Henry Harrison 68, the oldest of all ; tion, yet for all that it is time to , tletnan won’t bob his head down Tyler 51, Taylor 65, Polk and Fillmore ascertain what amount of finan- 50. Pierce was the first president who c al backing it is going to receive behind the pulpit to evade his was under 50 when inaugurated, his age I have the largest and best assorted stock of old Go to assertion, for a man, to be a from the capitalists and wealthy Wines and Liquors that has ever been imported into preacher, should be a man who at that time being 49. Buchanan who people of Portland. Probably E. JENKINS, succeeded him, was almost as old as this City. this will tell more than anything don’t waste his time and money Harrison, 66. Since 1860 four men Who has a fine assortment of fftj? !i ill•' & Si'li!-^-S ing than the valley, an effort ward was offered for his recap-’ 3. —Thomas lefferson. should be made in this county ture he surrendered to a friend, I , 4.—James Madison. to encourage people to clear up who secured the reward for the 1 5 —James Monroe. —John Quincy Adams. land and increase their dairy benefit of the prisoner’s family. ! 6. 7. —Andrew Jackson. A man with ahead on him like herds, for creameries and cheese i 8.—Martin Van Buren. factories in this county have that should be employed financ­ 9.— William H. Harrison. I 10.—John Tvler. grown too fast and a number of ing some great corporate consoli-. | 11.—James K. Polk. dation or trust. 12.—Zachary Taylor, them do not receive milk enough * * * j 13.— Millard Fillmore. to bring the cost of manufacture I —Franklin Pierce. We feel awfully sorry for some 14. down to the minimum. 15. —James Buchanan. of the people in Astoria, for asj 16. —Abraham Lincoln. * * * —Andrew Johnson. People who have read carefully long as they have the impression 17. 18 —Ulysses S. Grant. and without the least prejudice that all the commerce of the 19. —Rutherford B. Hayes. the proceedings of the Schlev Columbia river and the state of 20. —Janies A. Garfield. —Chester A. Arthur. court of inquiry have come to Oregon should find its way there 21. 22. —Grover Cleveland. the conclusion that the whole they will always find people to 23. —Benjamin Harrison. controversy was an attempt to impose upon them. They are 24. —Giover Cleveland. — William M. McKinley. persecute Admiral Schley. In­ up against it again, and in a devil 25. 26. —Theodore Roosevelt. stead of making the admiral a of a dilemma to know what to do The confusion arises from counting coward, the evidence goe while Dewey had only obsolete of a lot of fakers and that they, con ii ted and lie is to lie called the twenty, vessels and badly armed and deserved to be called suckers for second and twenty.fourth president, mantled to destroy. Surely the patronising such a low - down then other double terms should l»e country will have very littlecou- < lenient. counted also. and Washington would l>e i » « the first mid second president and so on. fidence in the traducers of Schley, for the evidence goes to prove Many prominent republicans This mode of enumeration w ould make that the Brooklyn and the Ore­ are being mentioned as candi­ Roosevelt the thirty-fourth president. gon were in the thickest ot the j dates for governor. Governor By no reasonable mode of counting can fight, ami whether a loop or any Geer is good enough for us, any­ he be the twenty-sixth. He is. in fact, the twenty fifth person other movement was necessary way. t<’ fill tie ' ffikt ami cue ue th t e a ■ a a a a a B CHEESE BUTTER MAKERS Billiard Parlors and General Social Resort C. E. HADLEY, Proprietor. s * Agents for Kopp's Brewery, the Brewer of the Finest Beer in the Northwest. Strangers can find here a place to write, attend to correspondence, privatel) confer upon business or social matters and generally feel at home. Oregon. Tillamook City, Truckee Lumber Co., ■ Wecarry the best Machin­ a ery’ and Supplies for Cheese and Butter Making. Our * prices are the lowest. Send for our catalogue. I ■ B^ODICl^ -kEATJNG CO., « GENERAL MERCHANDISE a OF SAN FRANCISCO, DEALERS IN I’ll! & SPRUCE Lumber BOX SHOOKS. 143 FRONT STREET, And LOGGERS’ SUPPLIES PORTLAND, ORE. AGENTS STEAMERS ‘ W. H. KRUGER” AND “ACME." Agents for a For San Francisco and Los Angeles. DeLaval Cream Separators. a Hobsonville, Or. J. E, SIBLEY, Mgr. ’■ a v in bi » • a a a a if THE RED SHOE STORE. J list received a meat and well selected Stock of foot ware oi summer goods. For Gentlemen, Ladies’. Misses and Children Shoes direct from Chicago. It will pav you to examine my GOODS and PRICES before purchasing else­ where. Pacific Navigation Co I STEAMERS—SUE II. ELMORE, W. II. HARRISON. ONLY LINE—ASTOTIA TO TILLAMOOK, GARIBALDI, BAY CITY, HOB8ONVILLE. Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. a"1' also the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. foi San Francisco, Portland and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply to SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. General Agents, ASTORIA. OR B. C. LAMB, Agent. Tillamook Oregon. Agents 1° R & N- R R- Co • PorUand. g nt8 |A & C. R R. Co., Portland. lyates, $1 Per W’ Centrally Lioeated. LARSEN HOUSE, M. H. LiApSEpl, Proprietor. OREGON. TILLAMOOK, The Best Hotel in the pity. M oose S kin No Chinese Employed. shoe : PATENT No. K.Or«, NOTICE—No charge for sewing rip or nailing soles ot shoes that get loose bought of me. F. LEACH, PROPRIETOR OF Tillamook Meat Marke' P. F. BROWNE. Salesman. DEALER IN Fresh and Cured Meats, Hides, Wool, etc i a a « a « W Harness Making, S. M. HAYES Makes a Specialty of Manufactnr. ing all kinds of Shop next door to Larsen's Hotel, Tillamook * 1 Harness. Saddles, " Collars, ' a Carriage Trimmings, g • First Class Work Guaranteed I i In Bailey’s WarehouHe at • ■ 1 ' Tillamook City. X z j L. N BARNES, -A-t tile NEW meat market , Is still here and expects to remain. Thanking you for past favors and a continuance of y0®1 " Cash paid for HIDES and PELTS and FURS, Etc. F T HOGS WANTI-.T right away to yack