Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 20, 1900, Image 4

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    ____________________ THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. DECEMBER 20, 1900.
_________ _
Headquarters for CHRISTMAS GOODS!
O ,
My Stock of Christmas Goods will be found complete in
ever particular, being the Best and Largest display ever in Tillamook.
Now is the time to select and buy. Call in and inspect my
goods before buying elsewhere. Do you want a nice Gold Watch, Chain
or Ring ? Do you want Fancy China, Vases, Albums, Dressing or r©
Manicure Cases, Toys for Boys and Toys for Girls ? Or Pretty and
attractive Medallions ? Then Sturgeon’s is the best place to buy them, r
0 i
Take your
Prescriptions to
The Druggist.
Select Your Christmas Presents at Once
German Training Ship Foundered. plates and put in retorts for the separa­
should be adopted. Hereafter authorize
tion of the quicksilver from the gold.
negotiations with American capitalists
All of the smoke stacks of the Truckee
B erlin , Dec. 17.—An official dispatch , The sand which has been washed over
or with those in London with whom I
mill have been blown down with the ex­ from Malaga received here this morning the plates is made to yield a further
have hitherto been negotiating. No
ception of one, and had not precautions accounts for 314 survivors out of the supply of gold by cyanide treatment and
bonuses or subsidies should be given ex­
I>een taken to secure the lumber on the | 450 persons who were on board the Ger- ' by other processes of gold extraction.
(From the Oregonian-)
, niook Bay the coal could lie shipped by cept a free right of way, if possible.
dock, it would have all been washed into man training-frigate Gneisenau, which
It would cost less than $1,500,000 to I water to San Francisco. The Nehalem
As it is at the end of each calendar
build a standard-gauge railroad from I bar will not admit vessels suitable for
founded at the entrance to the Port of month that the gold is separated and
What is Portland going to do about the bay.
Commissioner L. Parrish has been Malaga yesterday, while she was taking collected, the custom is universal of de-
Portland to Nehalem Bay, with a branch ocean carriage for so great a distance, bringing Nehalem coal in here by rail ?
looking over the Garibaldi beach road refuge from the terrible storm prevailing ? t daring the output of gold month by
10 miles long to Vernonia, in the Upper there being only nine feet of water on it. several
Several men oi
of goou
good judgment anti
and re-
Nehalem Valley, and another branch As to the Nehalem Valley timber, the . sponsibility, notably State Senator Ful- and reports it in bad condition. The at the time.
I month, and this system is made com­
three miles long to the Lower Nehalem branch to Vernonia will give a rail out­ ■ ton, vouch for the excellent quality of roadway is washed out in places and
It is rumored that the commander of1 pulsory by government regulations.
coal. The extension down the coast 12 let to the country about the upper ■ the coal, and Mr. Hammond, it will be filled with driftwood. He thinks that the Gneisenau committed suicide when I
miles to Tillamook Bay would also come courses of the stream, and the river itself remembered, once offered to build the , the road should be put back farther from he saw that all was lost. A nephew of |
within that figure. Indeed, most of the for 40 miles will float every thing out to railroad provided certain concessions the beach, and a good many others thiuk the Imperial Chancellor, Count von No Happiness Save in Mental and
Physical Activity.
estimates place the cost of constructing the railroad that crosses it a dozen miles were made him. The assertion has been so too.
Bulow, named Berndt, was among the
I think our game warden should try saved, though he was injured about thc
the road below $1,250,000. This does from its mouth. Therefore, this project made —perhaps it is exaggerated some­
Bresci, who murdered the Italian king,
not take into consideration any saving embraces that whole region, and gives it what—that the difference in cost between to do something to stop the shooting of head. A sailor who survived the wreck,
is sentenced to solitary confinement for
that might l>e effected by a junction a short cut to a good market.
a visit to Puget Sound and one to the game after night on the bay. What is went mad. The first engineer, the assis­
life. While you read this he sits on a
with the Northern Pacific near Holbrook,
tant engineer and a number of petty
Columbia River, growing ont of the the use of a law if it is not Enforced ?
narrow plank in a cell not much bigger
or with the Southern Pacific at Hills­
officers were drowned.
price of coal at the two places, is, to a
What Mr. Reid has to Say.
than a sleeping car section.
boro or Oswego, in which cate several
It is hoped that the guns, the treasure
trans-Pacific steamship, $1500. These ed the last few days with the spray fly­
If you talk to any friend about Bresci
The 0. R. & N. Co., Union Pacific and
miles of construction would be saved.
chest and perhaps part of the hull will
figures could be shaved down consider­ ing over them.
—and especially if you mention the sub-
Mr. W. H. Hoskins was down repair­ be salvaged.
There are at least two practicable Great Northern have all been individually ably, and still leave a margin of great
ject to any young man inclined to be
routes for an independent line out of consulted and offered the enterprise, and incentive to the development and delivery | ing the telephone line between his place
each has replied that Portland should
idle—call attention to this point. You,
He reported that a
Portland to the Nehalem country.
World’s Richest Gold Field.
of cheap coal for Portland. It is evident and Garibaldi.
of course, can amplify what must be pre­
One is ont the north end of the city of build it, because a local road. President that the project is getting attention in ‘ number of trees had crossed it and the
In 1886 it would have fairly staggered sen ted ly briefly here.
P irtland.a long-side the Northern Pacific, Mohler saying in his letter that “there is railroad circles, and it may yet be car. wire had been broken.
Bresci’s imprisonment is torture—
but clinging to the hillside for a distance nothing to prevent this company (0. R. ried out by some existing railroad com- [ Mr. and Mrs. Johnson miss their last any expert in the production of gold to
of nine miles, where a tunnel half a mile 8c N.) at any time from increasing its pany. But if it is not, then Portland ( son since he has taken unto himself a have been told that in the Witwaters- Why ?
Because it sentences him to do nothing.
long would lie advisable. It might be business in a legitimate manner,” and must itself investigate the Lower Ne-, partner in lite. But when they stop to rand, where Ferreira’s camp then was
avoided by a detour and a rather heavy adding, he would be very glad to see me halem coal, and if its quality and quan- ! think that they were young once them- and Johannesburg now is, there awaited
Every man put on the earth is put
grade ; but railroad men incline to the and talk over that matter. The president tity'prove as’alleged, op^n the mines and( selves antl t)CC’nK' thc victims of C"Pid’8 the miner an accumulation of the pre­ here for a purpose. He is put here to
opinion that the tunnel route is prefer­ of the Northern Pacific, in a letter to build the railroad. Mr. George T. Mvers . <larts’ ,hc* now reahze i£ is a" for thc cious metal which would be four times work, to struggle, to interest himself in
able because of the easy grade it would me, said: “My idea of a fair arrange­ recently offered $25 to start a subscrip- lxst- B,,t’ ^y, Charley, you bare not the amount of all that has Ijeen obtained his fellows, to share the pleasures and
secure, and the saving in mileage and ment would be a rental based upon the tion to investigate the coal problem-vet set
disappointments of others.
The wise
the c,«ars for ‘he boys, and from the Australian gold fields.
It is only within the last five years, laws ruling the universe fill up with a
cost of operation. The cost of the bore value of the property used, the basis of This is not enough to do much with, but (J o^ kn;”^,[ E^itor' ‘''«t don’t go.
is estimated at $156,000. From the charge to be according to the compara­ we have no doubt that Mr. Myers will' Mr. Meary has been taking the mailbv though, that this astounding fact has desire to do that which we were meant
tunnel to a jxiint in section 32, 2 north, tive wheelage of your company with give many times $25 to help along the 1 boat, but since he has got his game eye been proved. The proof of it has been a to do. It is intended that we should be
4 west, the distance is 14’^ miles, and ours; or if von do not desire to run your coal problem if we are sure we have! on one of the fair damsels of East Gari­ long and expensive process, which re­ active here, and therefore, although we
thence to Nehalem Bay is 51 miles. This own trains into Portland, we could ar- found the right coal.* It will take some- ] baldi he lakes his bag and goes around ceived its crowning touch only when one often fail to realize it, our happiness lies
of the costly bore-holes reached a depth in activity.
makes the total distance between Port­ range to haul them to and from the junc­ thing like $1,500,000 to build the rail­ the road. He says he wants a cook.
of 3,200 feet.
tion point (Cornelius Gap) upon the
land and Nehalem Bay 75 miles.
road. Portland can raise this amount
Bresci is to be tortured beyond the
of a train service charge per train in subscriptions to stock, easily, if some
Then it became a matter of direct cal­
The other inde|iendent route would basis
jiower of imagination because he will lie
culation that when the deep levels of
leave East Portland and cross the river |>er
experienced railroad builder is put in
forbidden to follow natures law. He
When C. P. Huntington was handed
There will be a Christmas tree enter­ the existing mines were worked there
by means of a high bridge without a
charge of the work and if the scheme is
will be forced to fullfil man’s destiny here.
draw just above Milwaukie, on the cast this letter and asked if he would give promoted with something rof the vim tainment on Monday evening, to which would be a total vield to the value of
His brain, his muscles, his sentiments
bank and below Oswego on the west the same terms and facilities at Newton and determination our good- friend Dan all are invited.
£700,000,000, and it has been further
must lie idle until death or insanity
side. This would lie about seven miles. and Hillsboro if the company should
Kev. Mr. Armstrong is engaged as engi­ calculated that when the Rand is fully
McAllen has shown in the matter of a
shall come to relieve him.
From Oswego to Newton Junction, near connect with the Southern Pacific there, World's Fair. The little city of Salem neer on the county saw mill.
worked, by additional mines yet to be
Bresci will live on bread and water
Hillsboro, the distance is 18 miles. From he replied that he certainly would not.
Of course it is thought that Beaver sunk, the total yield may probably reach
has refunded its debt in 4 per cent call
—but it is not the bread and water that
Newton Junction to the point previously He said that if the Nehalem road did bonds, all taken by its own residents. will be a great oil field not many days £1,300,000,000. And that will l>e much
will make his life worse than death. He
mention in section 32, 2 north, 4 west, insist on connecting with his west side
hence. Why not ? Nobody has been moro than double the yield of California
Certainly Portland can float $1,500,-
could be happy on such simple fare if his
is 11X miles, 10 miles of which is already
and Australia together.
000 in railroad bonds to, bring coal in
mind had work. Many a man has done
graded ami ready for the superstructure. charge local freight and passenger rates | here and establish impregnablv the city’s
On Monday several people turned out,
Up to the time of the war the value of
his good work and eujoyed life’s greatest
From that ¡mint westward the route is to and from Portland. Mr. Huntington commercial and manufacturing suprem­ and in a short time had cut enough wood gold which had Iwen produced was not
pleasures while sufleringmere hunger and
the same as descrilwd in the route leaving was, however, very kind to me in pro. acy. It is the purpose of The Oregonian for the church to last quite a while.
much more than $400,000,000, so there
poor fare.
the north end of Portland. The total (erring this advice to let the Portland &
Grace Getchel, of Bolder, and her son remains to lie extracted from this belt,
to pursue its investigation of the coal
In his prison Bresci is protected from
length of this line is about 87^4 miles.
Nehalem Railway alone, and advised me
problem, and it invites the aid and co­
the sun and the rain and the cold. He
These routes would be absolutely in­ that the proper course was to extend
amount to upward of $5,000,000,000 in
operation of any who are qualified to as­
can sleep as many hours ns he likes. No
dependent of any other railroad. They Mr. Hammond’s railway south from the
on her way to visit her parents at Cedar, value.
duns can trouble him. He pays no rent.
would also have very light grades. That Seaside, via Nehalem Bay to Tillamook
But this grand total of gold prodne- <
This statement supported by carefnl
out of the north end would have a 1 per City, and for the Southern Pacific Com­
Mr. A. A. Ford, of Tillamook city, was tion will lie wrought by far fewer , There is absolutely nothing that he must
cent grade from a point near the head pany to build from the Willamette V’al analysis of the product, that coal of a in our midst some time ago looking up workers than those hordes of gold- do. But there is absolutely nothing that
he can do.
of Gale's Creek to Portland. From the ley direct via Sheridan north of Tilla­ quality superior to that heretofore G.A.R. boys, of course.
diggers from whom Messrs. Bret Harte
The Saddest slave in Morocco toiling
same point on Gale's Creek to Portland mook Citv. Those who wished timber mined on the Pacific Coast, is found in
George Poteet, of Meda (Oretown post and Boldrewood have drawn their
on the route out of the East Side it carried from central and upper Nehalem practically unlimited quantities on Ne­ office), wrote vour correspondent for a galleries of characters. Such a thing as under the heaviest load would win
would be a water level track. In the to Portland should, he" said, build local halem Bav. is exceedingly gratifying. good school teacher to take charge of a a poor man’s diggings is quite unknown Bresci*s gratitude if only he would let
Nehalem Mountains the grades would be railways themselves down to Nehalem Cheap coal is a prime necessity for the three months subscription school nt once. in the country around Johannesburg. Bresci carry that load.
The most desperate man, harassed by
a little heavier, but at no point would or Tillamook Bays to connect with the increase of manufactures in this section. Teachers wanting a school should write The auriferous deposits of California and
there be any thing to compare w ith the railways to be built there, the Southern When competent evidence supports the to the above address.
Australia were easily washable, in their cares of all kinds, would seem blissfully
Southern Pacific grade on Fourth street, Pacific to haul that timber or luml>er by statement that through the develop­
The rainy weather has stopped travel, earlier
stages, by unskilled labor. By happy is Bresci’s eves, for he has at least
Portland. The maximum grade on thc the long route to Portland via Sheridan ment of the coal fields of Nehalem, coal but is making grass grow.
s sturdy primitive methods of sluicing, at full play for his sentiments, for his ac­
Nehalem route would be but 2 percent, or via Astoria, whichever way was of a superior grade can be laid down in
trifling cost, gold wax directly obtain­
Portland at less than $2 50 a ton, our
To punish Ravnillac’s attack on the
while that of Fourth street is about 4 selected.
able from gravels and soils. Nuggets,
life of the French king long ago they tried
percent. Thc heavy grade out of Port­
Had this suggestion been adopted, citizens may well feel that the dawn of
Thus there were
J. B. Tuttle, of Tillamook, came over . too, were plentiful.
land is w lmt discourages a junction with Portland could never have got 1000 feet a prosperous manufacturing erea is at
fortunes awaiting the more lucky in many ingenious devices. They broke
to Netarts, Saturday.
him on the wheel. They tortured him
thc Southern Pacific at Hillsboro. At <»♦ timber or a ton of coal from the Ne­ hand. The testimony of members of the
Quite a number of trees fell in the roads thousands of instances.
slowly. Finally they poured melted lead
Oswego a junction might be effected, but halem past Astoria at common point United States Geological Survey upon
That never can be done in the Trans­
during the late wind storm.
into his stomach through his navel. It
that would only gain entrance to the rates, ns the extra haul would be 100 the quality of Lower Nehalem Bay coal
Messrs. Kutcher & Watkins have their vaal mines. The capitalist has to be at
and for the area of coal lands of that
was a hard death.
Jefferson-st rest depot, and that would miles.
But they did not punish Ravaillac as
not be satisfactory for such an enter­
For these reasons it seems to me the section leaves nothing to surmise. The
Geo. W. Phelps and J. E. Tuttle were be in vain. The engineer has to design
prise. Sawlogs might be dumped at pro|>er course is to have an independent coal is there to the extent of millions of
severely as Bresci is to be punished.
Oswego, and floated down the river, but line into Portland or i»s suburbs, tons; its quality, as shown bv the tests,
The minutes, the hours, the weeks,
thev succeeded in killing a lot of ducks heavy expenditure of money. The mine
coal and general traffic would need whether with the one-half-mile tunnel on is superior to that of any Pacific Coast
months and years will drag along.
and geese, so many that they had to get has to be made by the sinking of shafts,
access to the terminal grounds in the the north end or via Oswego on the coal heretofore mined. Development of
Idleness, idleness. Nothing, nothing.
the erection of hauling gear, the driving
a boat to take them home.
northern part of the city.
No human smile or voice to measure
south end. If, however, the Northern these properties in the interest of com­
Likewise a connection with the North. . Pacific’s very Uberai offer is preferred, merce and manufactures cannot be long
barn finished, and this makes him plenty The hauling gear for deep mining is r,e-
ern Pacific at the mouth of Cornelius then terminate the Nehalem Bay Rail­ delayed. _________________
Sleep, bread and water; sleep, bread
of room for his stock.
cessanly on a large scale and has to be J
Gap would save the construction of way at the foot of Cornelius Gap, a dis­
and water.
Geo. Hodgdon is building a new resi­ worked by steam power.
several miles of track, but it would ne­ tance of 70 miles, at a cost of $1.096,000.
Inench of the larger batteries of the I Gradually madness will come and
dence on his place.
cessitate a rather strep climb to the exclusive of rolling stock. Dump the
bring relief.
When you want meat go to Leach &
Witwatersrand no less than 900 ton,
Scappoose summit. If the route by way sawlogs there into the Willamette
Be glad that you are active, you who
¡ones' Meat Market, for they will allow
of rock are pounde.1 np daily. Night
of Oswego and Jefferson street would get Slough for Portland saw mills, load coal
work willingly.
no other meat market to undersell them.
All persons who are owing us will
trains to the terminal grounds, that I steamers near Linnton and lumber ships
And you young men who rebel against
Below will be found our prices until fur­ please call and settle their account be- ’‘amps pounding away in this one bat.
would be the cheapest and best, having i there,
and carry the general traffic, |
labor and long for the chance to do no­
ther notice :
the easiest grade and having 10 miles ot freight
ami passengers, to and from
Porterhouse Steak
the weight of the 200 is esactlv 100 thing, study Bresci's case and take up
J. A. T odd & Co.
roadlied already completed.
i I Portland, via the Northern Pacific
your load gladlv.
Sirloin .....................
and a. they are nil thundering
This radroad scheme, including the trains,
a distance of nearly 10 miles.
The decree condemning us to earn our
Beef, roast...............
branches to Vernonia, to the coal mines
Our Clubbing Rates.
In any event a company should be in-
Boiling Beef............ .
make is deatening and the solid earth bread in the sweat of our brow was mer­
and to Tillamook Bav, contemplates corpora ted here wi th 50 stock holders of
ciful. not stern. For that same power
Pork .........................
Headlight and the Oregonian...... 12 25 seems to shake nnder your feet
complete drainage of the commerce of i one share apiece at least, elect promi-
At the end of nearly four week, of which sentences all to work also causes
that country to Portland, and it is one went directors, and decide which of the L each & J ones . C entral M eat M ar Headlight and the Examine ......... 2.35
happiness to be found in work alone.
contmuom work thestampsare rtopp«!.
of the richest sections now open to such I three lines. The Oregonian suggests
krt , T illamook C ity .
Headlight & Thrice-a-Week World 2.00 The amalgam is then «raped off the
Marvelous and beautiful are the ar-
i range nents of divine wisdom.
development anywhere. The coal mines,
Estimates for the Line to Ne­ ! it is presumed, would not be restricted
j to Portland, for their market, for the
halem Bay.—Two Independent
I quality of the product would give them
I entrance to other cities, and from Tilla-