1900. PRETTY AND USEFUL THINGS ! We have a few pretty CAPES and JACKETS that would make your daughter a handsome gift.’ Gents who wish to be dressed up-to-date will do well to see our large assortment of CLOTHING, H- IS, SHOES, TIES, etc. We carry the best line in the city, and for popular priced goods we are the leaders. Our prices sell our goods. We don’t figure how much an article will bring, but how cheap we can sell them, therefore our large trade. We have the prettiest line of FANCY SHIRTS you have ever seen. We have just received the Largest and vi . beeu But don 1 for8et we are t,le recognized Leaders of the county in GROCERIES. shown in the city. Full Dinner Setc a ■ ^toc^ °f CROCKERY that hast ever ___ ____ glass water sets in In “ a nry ,arsc of FOR THE ’XMAS HOLIDAYS ! CO The Leaders We have added to our already laree stock a • . , . . ing Lamps, Parlor Lamps—in different 1 ' e vanetJ LAMPS—Banquet Lamps, Hang- i c P ditterent designs, such as must be seen to be appreciated We have by no meaus forgotten our lady friends for w. 1,. , appreciated. SILKS, DRESS SILKS etc also a fi? a” el^ant assortment of TAFFATA Mohair, Broad Cloth and Ladies Cloths. “^‘«ent of BLACK DRESS GOODS in COHN & legislature Hut the foodpads we are in­ •• Say, that poor fellow put his head clined to believe will be disappointed in down on his hands and wept with all the Fred C. linker, Publisher. coming to Oregon, for most of the legis­ bitterness of a repentant soul. The great lators who were the tools in the hands of big tears ran down his cheeks and trick­ RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. political bosses have been consigned to led through his fingers to the floor, and Dealers in their political coffins, there waiting for with an honest heart lifted up to the ( strictly in advance .) Old Nick to hold them np for their sins Almighty he cried ; One year......... $1.50 Six months..... 75 of commission and political knavery. And “God bless the mother whoremembered Three months. 50 “brimstone and fire" is none too good me at Christmas.’’ for them. Now, we contend that there was a a * * * What about Common Point Rates ? Christinas gift such as the Father of Bryan must have suddenly come to Headquarters for Dairymen’s Supplies. Christmas looked down upon with ap­ In commenting upon the coal prospect the conclusion that Hie pen is mightier proval. Outside in the free and light • Agent for CHARTER OAK STOVES. Western Washing Machines. than jawbone oratory, for he contem ­ in the Nehalem country, the Oregonian world, men and women were quibbling ' Large Stock of Paints, Oils, Varnishes anecn des ­ field of markets, while if common point people have been pursuaded by the per­ S. M. HAYES rates could not be obtained on a railroad troyed by the re-election of McKinley. Makes a Sjiecialty of Manufactur­ sonalty of one man who has thrust him­ * * * rom here the Iumliermen would not lie self into a position of influence. Take, ing all kinds of To eyade the game laws, venison is for instance, Horace Greeley and the ■ in a position to ship lumber to Eastern Harness, markets as cheap as those who manufac­ shipped out of Wisconsin packed in cof­ power he swayed just before the civil ■ ture lumber in Portland, for they would fins. A good many amateur deer hun­ war. The University in a sense works * hayc to pay for the additional haul Ix*- ters come out the same way. hand in hand with the newspaper. It is AGENTS STEAMERS W. H. KRUGER AND TILLAMOOK. ■ Carriage Trimmings. tween here and that city. However, as a part of the University's duty to train * * * First Class Work Guaranteed. ■ Hobsonville, Or to the coal problem, if the coal in the men to understand the newspaper and SIBLEY, The attempt of the English tax gatli- In Bailey’s Warehouse at ■ Nehalem county is in quality and quan erers to asses Mr. Croker on $100,000 to appreciate it. That can only be done tity as represented, then Portland should personal property is in the nature of an by developing the truth—the truth as it N Tillamook City. is. The Uuiversiev is false to its trust if make an effort to develop it, forit will be indirect levy on yice. it lets brilliancy, versatility, sentiment, the means of turning that city into a culture take the place of coming up manufacturing center. But let the quan­ it’s all Wrong. C. A. BAILEY against the real thing of learning to find tity and qualtiiy of the coal be first DKALER IN Even Christmas has its drawbacks, and the truth. We must strive to teach men ascertained—two important matters STUD Eli A KER WAGON which have not been fully investigated to a writer goes on to explain why iu this to lieware of these newspaper vices- OSBORNE MOWERS, emotionalism, sensationalism, dramati­ satisfy all, although on the other hand way. Buggies, hay rakes, plows, and ollie cally. partisanship, vulgarity and fak- others have no fears on this point. If We have reached a point in the course farm machinery. You can save money by dealing with me, Portland is wanting another valuable of human events when t must l>e getting near the time for the dozen at any store-.— to the advantage of both producer and I. SIMLER, Prop., state legislature toconvene, thus attract­ ing a lot of footpads to Oregon to learn "o‘hcr pray* consumer, as been been done with cotton The Fashionable Barber. goods and will be done with sugar. a trick of the trade from the smart politi­ for you. ’ cal wire-pullers who held up the state t fbc ^illitmooh ^bcabligbt. M c I ntosh & mcnair HARDWARE, TINWARE and CHINA OAK STOVES, RANGES and HEATERS. GROCERY Cream of & KING & KERREMANS a Harness Making. Truckee Lumber Co FIR&SPRUCE Lumber BOX SHOOKS. Saddles, Collars, GENERAL MERCHANDISE And LOGGERS’ SUPPLIES, E, Mgr RUSSELL “ SAW MILLS High Grade THRESHERS STACKERS | Machinery RUSSELL & CO. For Carbolineum Avenarius to U.S. Tillamook