CLOUGH’S HOLIDAY ANNOUNCEMENT my CHRISTMAS DISPLAY ALBUMS is now Oj>en for Inspection, and whether you buy or not, it will be a pleasure for me to show you my I Celluloid, Plush and Leather. All good values. A Large Assortment and Prices that is right. flhBU]VIS. All of my Holida No Old Stock or ASSObtment The Balance ’Xmas Pocket Books, Purses. Brush & Comb Sets. Whole PRESENTS I have a variety that is impossible to describe, but I have them in all prices, ranging from $1.00 to ♦ 15.00. Make an elegant, inexpensive gift and one that is desirable and useful. My prices run from 15 cts. to $4-5° each. I have the largest and best selected stock ever in the city. Dressing Gases Leather Goods I have too large an assortment to speak of in detail, but I ain Head­ quarters for PERFUMES, American & Imported, BRUSHES of all kinds, CAMERAS & Photograplies’ Supplies. VIOLINS, Guitars and Mendolins. Goods are New. op Worn Goods. LEACH JONES, 1 morality is among the principle direct tunnels, and most of the assays reported Real Estate Transfers. 1 cause of suicide. Their suicidal effect ; have been of coal obtained from his pro- From Indications the Quality jK-rty. I)r. J. A. Payton and Dr. John U.S. to Earl Stanley, Ne^ofNw^of seems to be felt more by the children of PROPRIETORS OF sec. 25 and E % of Sw % of and Nw the sinners than by the sinners. of Portland, and Dr. August C. and Quantity of the Coal I I Welch, of Sw 14 of sec 24, tp. 2 N, R. 8 W. | If we could scrutenize the causes of: Kinney, of Astoria, three brothers-in- is Satisfactory. law, own the remainder of the section, U.S. to Clara A. Rhude, S of Ne V4 and suicide we should find that the variety but their land is higher, and not so E of Se Vi of sec. 2, tp. 2 S, R. 7 W. ' was infinite. Numberless are the things DEALERS IN (From the Oregonian.) easily prospected. The north half of the U.S. to Carrie Rhude, W Vi of Se V4 and which may make a man, especially if his liver is out of order, fancy that life is not There is high authority for the state- section to the south is owned by Dr. E. E Vi of Sw Vi of sec. 2, tp. 2 S, R. 7 worth living. ment that the Nehalem Bay coal is the Barton, of Portland, and J. M. Batter- W. Some experts maintain that all cases ot best found on the Pacific Coast. It is es­ | son, a merchant of Nehalem. To the Shop next door to I^arstn’s Hotel, Tillamook P. C. Warren to Joseph Lyons, 10acres suicides are causes of insanity; but if you timated that more than 10,000,000 tons : west of section 16 is a tract of 160 acres, in sec. 20, tp. 3 N, R. 10 W. ask them what they mean by insanity, lies ready for mining, and that the coal ■ owned by N. D. Newbery, of Portland. can be laid down in Portland for less Betweenail these holdings and the sea John Rupp to John J. Rupp, E Vi of Sw they will say tendency to suicide; just as Vi and all of W Vi of Sw Vi lying N of in the case of murder, when they are than $2 .50 per ton. No less than a lies 720 acres that is mostly of fine Trask river, all in sec. 36, tp. „1S, called in support of a defense on the dozen analyses by competent assnvers prairie stock ranch, and is owned by P. R. 9. have been made, three of them by the C. Warren, a Warrenton butcher. It is ground of insanity the only account of United States Geological Survey. These classed as coal land. The only habita- Horace Holden to U.S., one acre in lot 5, insanity which they can give is tendency sec. 25, tp. 1 S, R. 10 W. three assays gave results as follows ; to murder. ___ | tion in that section is the house on the First Second Third ' southern edge of Warren’s tract. There P. F. Ducham to Truckee Lumber Co., S hih pie. Sample. Sample. E Vi of Nw Vi and E ViofSw of Price List of Lumber at Tillamook. Fixed carbon 46.81 47 ¡s i are no wagon roads worthy the name. 46-79 V iolatiln mat tor 40.06 41 26 41.54 Thickness of Coal Seams. sec. 28, tp. 2 N, R. 8 W. 8.86 8.91 Moisture «.<* $9.00 ’o’ A*h .... A ver> important consideration is the R. J. Hendricks to Luetta Nelson, all of 1- 3 to 1.12 Ro. Fir........ 4.29 »•3» 1 * 385 9.00 2- 3 to 2-16 ............. . thickness of the coal seams. In many IOO. loo. IOO. bk. 62, Pacific add. to Bay City. 8.50 6.6 to 12-12 ............... The first and second samples came ' places coal of excellent quality has been S. Weaver to George H. Williams, N Vi You will always find prime meat at this store. Give us a call. 8.00 No. 1 Spruce, 2in. Plank but of such thin strata that it found, from different veins or measures on of lot 3 of bk. 11 of Cones & No. 2 6.00 „ „ section 16. Both are marked “ party would not pay to work it. Where the McCoy’s add. to Bay City. 4.00 Cull Lumber, all sizes..... J. F. JENKINS, Proprietor, brilliant and coherent.” The third seams outcrop on Pearson’s tract, they 18.00 No. 1,14 flooring............ sample was taken from section 36 of the are barely an inch thick. They dip to the Why Suicide Increases. 14.00 No. 2.14 ..................... next township north, being about four northward 30 to 45degrees, and tunnels 17.00 No. 1,1-6 ..................... Recently published statistics show sui ­ miles northeastward from the point started in the sidehill below the coal out- 14.00 No. 2,1-6 ..................... where the first two were obtained. It is ' croppings intersected the veins 30 to 40 cide is on the increase. It might be 18.00 No. 1. X ceiling............ hastily inferred that the world is becom ­ j feet from the surface. There the coal marked “ sooty, slightly coherent.” 18.06 No. 1, 1-6 and 1-8 Rustic. The geological survey reported that measures were found to have increased ing less happy. But the inference would 14.00 No. 2 »» these three analyses were made by its ' greatly in thickness, one being 27 inches, be unfounded. Rather it might be said FINISH. own officer, Peter Firman ; that thecoal- i another 33 and a third 40 inches thick. that the means of enjoyment having 18.00 No. 1, 1-3 to 1-18........ been greatly increased and the standard I This shows the measures to be wedge- field so far as known has a length of five 14.00 No. 2, of it generally raised, deprivation is miles, and thequality of the coal is good. shaped, w ith the thin edge to the surface, 1V4, 1V£ and 2in. finish, S48........... 18.00 It occurs in strata so soft as to render and assures sufficient thickness of the more keenly felt and more productive of 1.00 extra for SI8 and sizing. Agents for Kopp’s Brewery, the Brewer of the Finest Beer in the Northwest. despair. The leading cause, however, timbering generally necessary. The seam for practical mining. Strangers can find here a place to write, attend to correspondence, private!) J. A. TAFT CO. probably is sensibility intensified by In a recent report on the Lower Ne- measures dip at a considerable angle. confer upon business or social matters and generally feel at home. October 10th, 1900. civilization. It is admitted that the rate halem coal field, Expert W. W. Hale Results of Various Analyses. of suicide increases with national educa­ said : Three other analyses made in Portland, rOi WCMMvTw BCM *'• M “The chances are that the thickness of tion ; not that national education pro. San Francisco, and Buflalo, N Y.( the veins now exposed may increase as duces suicide, but it produces sensibility. | & showed as follows; It- liz* z.lnoo.fiz.n- It rlrwAxx does wir-vt not appear Lz.,», from 4 the classifica-1 1 they go further under the hill, and also r-s c that other veins may be found by pros­ tion that any particular calling is es •«2 pecting. The dipof the veins is abont 45 pecially suicidal unless it be that of the ; Q. degrees and the elevation above sea level soldier. It would have been easy to i z P Prussian *-* lietween 31X1 and 400 feet, and these veins understand why a British or . i CONST! r CENTS. Make a Specialty of Logging and Machine Work. X o> undoubtedly extend clear through the soldier of former days, subjected to an B s First Class \\ ork Guaranteed. Charges are Reasonable. He employes only Skilled Work iron discipline, deprived of every com- 1 section. Compared with other coal now men. fort in life ar.d mercilessly flogged or mined on the Pacific Coast, I would say CO Shop in Hiner’s old Stand, TILLAMOOK CITY Makes any and nil kinds of Ma. if B ’ C that this coal was as good as any, not caned, should be ready to bolt through V ehinery. Boilers, Engines, Separa­ the only door of escape, especially if he | «Ml ! excepting that from Nanimo, and the tors, Mill Machinery, Loggers’ Fixed CRrbon 54 7> 4K.70 analyses show’ it to l»c nearly as good as had been, like many of Frederick’s Combustible gai 35.08 35.00 4»-75 Outfits, Guns, Saws, Fits Boxes, soldiers crimped, or, like many of those Witter .. 6.05 the famous Rock Springs coal, of Wyom ­ 12.56 7 17 A h I i .................... .. 3o Notice is hereby given that the followin«» carry the immense timber product of the lively, those w hich lead to suicide among named settler has filed notice of his intention the rest. whole Nehalem Valley out to market. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, to make final proof in support of his claim ■ > .» EVERYTHING STRICT LT FIRST CLASS lh.l Mtd prool witl be made be”ore th, itX'iiler Marriage, it appears, is an antidote to ! The question of transportation for the •nd Retx-iver. .t Oregon c(l, T illamook , O regon Janttai y 25. tsitt, : ’■ '"’’E0". 0» CONSTITUI NTS. Nehalem has two important features. suicide, which, on the other hand, pre­ „ „ „ ASA "Tls WELIA; vails among the divorced. The fact is Shall it tie limited to getting out the £ ' 5 '.T 3 ’ i ' » 5 *” d 6 *”d s«°r J J AM EH McCAIN, coal, or shall it be a general development that nine marriages out of ten are i (A. W. 8KVHKANCB «MIEI lit HIUDREtSEIt Ik names the following witnesxea tn nr«.» linklhKr,,Me,,‘l’«P<>n ""d cultivation agency for all the resources of that rich happy; not so happy, perhaps, as, in ^[cCAIN & SEVERANCE, SHAVING, HAIR CUTTING, Fixed carbon spite of all disillusionment, evenness of Sis ocction ? If the-only object be to get the Combustible gasata ‘’•I" Bower’ »nd Perl Hedge., of Montavill. =- Water SHAMPOOING, ETC. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, " coal out, the water route would, doubt­ temper and determination to make less, suffice. But men acquainted with of the union would render them C w A a > B- M ixirrn , Renter. T illamook . O regon . OO. Electric Baths nicely flitted up. Good for the country oar the timlier is of scarcely yet happier than a lonely life. The ten­ New Electric Light Schedule. persons suffering with rheumatism, secondary importance to the coal, and dency to domestic strife and divorce QAVID WILEY. M.D., Nehalem Bay Coal Field. Building next door to the Post Office Q The Lower Nehalem or Nehalem Bay the capacity of the valley for agriculture would naturally prevail most among the •iP” ""d “ft»r the 1st of January, 1901 PHYSICIAN. SURGEON AND coal field occupies an area of perhaps 15 and manufacturing is great, and that it rich and idle, who have no daily need of fono7»edak for e,cctric liKhts *'** ’* •• ACCOUCHEUR. square miles. It should not he confound­ would lie a short-sighted policy to ignore each other’s help and are tempted to fill FIRE INSURANCE. I ............... _ F irst B ase . All call promptly attended to. ed with the Upper Nehalem, which pro. the many-sided development that is snre the vacancy in their lives with irregular ! 1 light. 16candlepowdd-s Buildings. 1st 100 candle power........... 3 lute than men. They are also less ex­ cents. lion. W hile there are numerous outcrop, 2nd 100 candle power........... Agent for North West School Soppb TILLAMOOK — OREGON. Call for County Warrants. 3rd 100 candlepower........... 2% cents. posed to the stress of life. Among Span, Company, Notary Public. pings throughout that territory, little 2'4 cents. 4th 100 candle power.......... TILLAMOOK. — OREGON systematic prospecting has been done. 2V, cent». All County General Fund Warrants, ish women, however, it seems there is a ßOBERT A. MILLER, All over 400 candle power..... 2 cents No attempt at development has Im n Series E. from No 2587 to No. 2614 in. special prevalence of suicide, of which INSURE WITH wifl Ilw,r* l*ht* thi charge made except upon the southwest quarter elusive, are now payable and will be paid the intensity of Spanish passion is no ATTORNEY-AT LAW, 32ea*dk. Van'"e ,nd 125 Claude Thayer, w hen presented. doubt the cause. of section 16, T. 3 N., R. 10 W., owned G regor C ity , O kegok . Interest erases Nov. 28. 19(H). No decant will be allowed on these Agent or Fireman's Fund and London It is rather disappointing to be told by C. F. Pearson, of Portland. He has W. H. C ary , County Treasurer. La ml« Title® an«) lj