THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JUNE 7, 1900, HARDWARE AND DAIRY UTENSILS STOVES & RANCES Large Line Charter Oak Stoves. Star Estate Ranges, Umpire Air Tight Heaters, Doors, Windows & Glass, Churns & Butter Workes, Milk Cans, Paints & Oils. | k. t HARDWARE. We carry the Largest Stock of Hardware in Tillamook County. Before buying Nails, Windows, Doors and Sashes call and get our prices. GROCERIES We carry a First Class Stock of Groceries and Provisions, Canned Goods, etc., which will be found complete in every line. We want your trade and will do our best to give satisfaction in all transactions. We keep in stock a nice line of China, Crockery, Glass, Tinware, etc. CHINA & TINWARE McINTOSH & M c NAIR. Tillamook TILLAMOOK WEATHER. were in a plurality in New Mexico and tility to this country. Whatever feeling how long it would be before another car I Arizona. The Germans, however, have they have against us is entirely of a would leave for downtown. She was 3 Rain. . spread all over the United States, and commercial nature and there is no ques- told that the next car would leave in Mean. fall. | were in a plurality among the foreign 57.1 ... 0.00 JI born in twenty-six States and Territor- tion that in this respect the sentiment is ten minutes. The couple left the car and 1 ! strong. American competition in the sat down on the bench alongside the car. 53.1 ... 0.00 2 60.0 ... 0.00 German market has become so great as j 1 went inside to eat my lunch. Shortly 3 58.1 ... 0.00 i To the several foreign born elements to have aroused, according to the, before it was tune to leave I looked out 4 56.1 ... 0.34 of our population it is a matter of pride 5 American consul general at Berlin, an and they had both disappeared. I paid (Successors to L. Hiner) 55.0 ... 0.57 6 55.0 ... 1.12 and interest to know the number of per­ enmity which is showing itself in the no further attention, and we pulled out. 7 59.0 ... 0.45 sons of their nationality in the United demand for tariff legislation which shall on time." • _____ 58.0 ... 0.45 States, and their general economic con­ strike especially at American competi­ 9 57.0 ... 0.55 10 dition. In 1890 there were more than tion. There is of course some danger Told Out of Court. 58.1 ... 0.47 11 51.0 ... 0 30 9,000,000 residents in the United States that this may lead to conditions unfa­ 12 It once happened a young advocate 56.0 ... 0.55 who were born in foreign countries. Of vorable to friendly relations, but the 13 this number about 30 percent were born wisest statesmanship of both countries, rose before Lord Ellenborough in great 57.1 ... T. 14 55.1 ... 0.56 in Germany, 20 per cent in Ireland, and it is to be expected, will earnestly en­ trepidation to conduct his first case: 15 53.0 ... 0.20 16 about 10 per cent in Canada and New­ deavor to prevent this. What the Amer­ “My lord, my unfortunate client—my Steam Boat and Loggers’ Work and Heavy Forging a Specialty. 52.0 ... T. 17 foundland. From 1821 to 1830 the ican ambassador meant was that the lord, my unfortunate client—my lord—” 50.0 ... Estimates given on new machinery. 0.00 18 49.1 ... 0.00 I United Kingdom contributed 53 jier professed apprehension of some action “Go on, sir,’’ said the judge, “ so far the 19 TIbbflMOOK, OREGON- 51.1 ... T. | cent of the total immigration to the on the part of Germany hostile to the court is entirely with you.” 20 59.1 ... 0.12 United States, and Germany 35 per cent. 21 United States is groundless and in this 51.1 ... 0.01 The divorce case of May McCoy 22 53 1 ... 0.15 In the decade 1881 to 1890 the immi­ he is without doubt correct. Commer­ against Lloyd McCoy was on trial in 23 grants from the United Kingdom con ­ 54.0 ... 0.25 cial rivalries between the two countries Stockton, Kan., and one of the witnesses 24 54.1 ... 1.55 stituted only 28 per cent of the total will become more active, but the idea 25 54.0 ... 0.45 I immigration, the proportion from Ger- that Germany has any political designs for Mrs. McCoy was Uncle Davy Martin. 26 OF 8AN FRANCISCO, DEALERS IN Uncle Davy had given his testimony and 54.0 ... 0.04 27 50.1 ... 0.20 ’ many being slightly less. In the ten in this hemisphere inimical to the I left the stand, when he said to the 28 years 1861 to 1870 the combined immi­ United States is unquestionably base­ judge: “Am I allowed to say anything 510 ... T. 29 55.1 ... 0.10 gration from Austria, Hungary, Russia, less. 30 further?" “You may say anything bear­ 58.0 ... T. 31 Poland, and Italy constituted only 1 ing on this case," responded his honor, Let No Guilty Man Escape. 8.45 per cent of the total immigration. In Stim..l 970.... . 1431.... . 170.8...... whereupon Uncle Davy said : “I think No party can maintain itself in power 55.3...... ..0.00 the decade 1881 to 1890 this proportion Mean63.5 ... 46.5.... this court ought to give the girl a S ummary .—-Mean temp., 00.0 ; max. rose to 17 per cent, and in the nine years ; unless it has the moral courage to dis- divorce and give her a chance to pick her temp., 75; date, 1st and 14th. Min. I 1891 to 1899 to more than 64 per cent. I [ cipline its own members and purge flint and try it again.” And with this temp., 40 ; dates, 2nd, 18th, 27th, 28th i We of the United States are all immi­ I itself of corruption and dishonesty in there was a great laugh over the court and 29th. Total precip. inches, 8.45; grants or the decendents of immigrants. | high and low places. “ Let no guilty room and the judge pounded hard for total snowfall inches, 0; number of day» A proper pride on the part of recent im­ man escape” was the order issued by order. AGENTS STEAMERS W. H. KRUGER AND TILLAMOOK. clear, 3; partly cloudy, 8; cloudy, 20. migrants in the land of their birth, and a General Grant when he discovered some Many things about the United States | ■ I of his most trusted appointees had been reasonable desire to secure that recogni- Dates of frost—Light, 0 ; Killing, 0. J. E, SIBLEY, Mgr engaged in revenue frauds and swin­ supreme court surprise visitors. In the , Dates of hail, 9th and 26th ; sleet, 0 ; tion which is due to their numbers and first place may be mentioned the tobacco , dling conspiracies against the govern ­ thunder storms, 9th and 10th ; auroras, importance, should lead all persons of I foreign birth to welcome the census ment. “Let no guilty man escape” is chewing of Justice Harlan. 0. Prevailing wind—Direction, W. In the second place Chief Justice Fuller j again the watchword of President Mc ­ R emarks .—9th, 11 p.m.,a heavy thun- enumerator and to answer his questions pays less attention to the arguments ofj Kinley in dealing with the Cuban post ­ willingly and accurately. der storm. counsel than government officials do to ( office embezzlers. 10th, 11 a.m.—A thunder storm, no the persuasions of Senator Penrose. ; The same policy should be pursued in ASTORIA lightning. Fuller is almost jierpetually absorbed i dealing with recreant federal officials C apt . J oseph J. D awson , To Have a Monster Fourth of who have perpetrated frauds upon vari­ in some interesting book. Sometimes 1 Voluntary Observer. July Celebration. ous branches of the service in this sec­ the chief justice looks up from his reading The Astoria Fourth of July Committee tion. In the recent indictments by the to talk to Harlan, at his right. At such Agent« for Kopp’s Brewery, the Brewer of the Fii.e«t Beer in the Northwest. The Foreign-Born Population and have arranged a program of unusual United States grand jury the mandate times they exchange stories—capital Strangers can find here a place to write, attend to correspondence, privatelj the Census. splendor and they invite the people of of President McKinley has been carried stories, they must be, for each laughs confer upon bu«iness or social matters and generally feel at home. this vicinity to visit them and enjoy the out. It is to be hoped the Department exceedingly at hisown.and the judgment Few questions asked by the Census Nation's Birthday. of Justice will show no partiality in the of these men is presumed to lie final. Office are of more importance than those The Navy Department has ordered the prosecution of offenders who have will­ Last week in the midst of their remini­ regarding the place of birth of the indi­ first-class Cruiser "Philadelphia" to fully disregarded their oaths of office scences Harlan doubled up his arm and vidual and his parents. There is no great Astoria to take part in the celebration. and brought odium upon the service in called upon Fuller to feel the muscles of country which has received so many im­ The procession will be one of the features, ( which they were employed. The only his biceps, which that supremesolon pro. migrants and lost so few emigrants as composed of blue-jackets from the way to relieve the party for the respon­ ceeded to do. Then both indulged in PROPRIETORS OF the United States. It is doubtful whe-1 J "Philadelphia," artillery from Fort sibility of the misdeeds of men who silent but almost convulsive joy. All ther more than 200,000 Americans by Stevens, elegant floats, numerous civic have betrayed a public trust is to let this time a desperate lawyer was talking birth are living outside of the United [ societies, liberty car and other attractive them suffer the penalties of their law­ like a magaphone. When the chief justice decides that it is States, while the number of persons of features. less conduct. DEALERS IN time for the court to adjourn he puts foreign birth living in the United States The celebration will begin on the after­ aside his book, raps quietly with his Another Tragedy in Portland. is probably t:n million. noon of the 3rd of July with a procession gavel and says quickly: “The court In the present census the enumerators of the “Ancient Order of Horribles" and Mrs. Naomi Moss, better known as stands adjourned.” Instantly he rises, will endeavor to ascertain where each a few other novel features and continue Shop next door to I Arsen's Hotel, Tillamook Miss Naomi Clute, wifcof Riley M. Moss, followed by the associate justices. It is person, and the parents of each person until the evening of the Fourth, when a was shot through the heart and killed nil done with such promptness and so were born ; and, if the person was not brilliant display of fireworks, costing near Willamette Heights Park between unexpectedly that the ho|>eless lawyer horn in the United States, in what year hundreds of dollars, will end the festivi­ 10 and 11 o'clock on Thursday night. bawling his case to indifferent ears is fre­ he cam? to this country, the number of ties. j Suspicion rests upon the woman's hus­ quently shut off in tbe middle of a sen­ years he has been here, whether he has Baloon ascensions, log rolling, trick band. and jealousy is believed to have tence. _ ____ been naturalized or not, and if not, bicycle riding,tugs of war, tight rope per­ lieen the motive. Officers are seeking A prolix and pompous Missouri law­ whether he has taken out naturalization forming, kite flying contests, May pole Moss, but the search thus far has been in papers. dancers, and scores of other things will vain. Mrs. Moss was the daughter of yer, defending an ebony negro, was selecting a jury of white men. He had The tables made from the answers to be given free for the entertainment of Charles Clute, well known in Portland, asked numberless needless questions the inquiries respecting birth place show Astoria's guests. where he has lived several years. when the judge said “ Come, now, Mr. the number and distribution of the for­ The Astorians have subscrilied nearly The conductor of a Washington-street eign-born residents of the United States, $2000.00 for this event and no pains car recalls having taken Mrs. Moss and C----- ,you will be examining the jurors’ the number of them born in tach of the will be spared to give everybody a jolly, a man who answers the description of teeth next. Hurry along. “ Let's get Stage leaves Tillamook daily exeept Sunday. through with this nonsense ” “Well," I great countries, the amount of intermar­ good time. her husband to the entrance of the park riage between these foreigners and the Several hundred people from the Dalles, at about 10 o'clock Thursday evening. said the lawyer, “just one more general Stage leaves N- Yamhill daily exeept fftonday. natives, the proportion of the foreigners Oregon, have hired the steamer "Regula­ The couple left the car and sat down on question. Are any of yon in any way Tickets must lie secured the day previous from the Agents at who settle in the cities and those who tor," and will come to Astoria's mar­ a bench near at hand. The car then related to the defendant at the bar?" North Yarnhill and Tillamook. seek the country, their ability to read velous Fourth of July celebration started back down town. A few mo. and to speak English, and the law-abid­ Crowds are also coming from Portland, ments later a woman's screams for help, County Road Warrants. ing character of the population. It is The Cascades, Hood River and from followed by two pistol shots in quick All warrant» on County Road Fund sometimes said, for instance, that crime everv direction. succession were heard. The police were is specially common among the foreign Anyone failing to attend Astoria s notified and a thorough search of the Series F, presented prior to November 'Population. But this statement can not wonderful celebration will miss a great park made, but without avail. Friday 16th, 1899, are now payable, and will lx Manufacturer» of paid when presented, interest ceases be u,»ported by the census figures Few treat. morning the woman's dead body was ___________ May 17th, 1900. crimes are committed by persons under found. W. H. C ary , County Treasuter. Only Commercial Hostility. fifteen years of age, and vast numbers of The doomed girl and her slayer rode the natives are under that age and there­ to the scene of the tragedy on ear No. TIbüflWOOK. OR. In his address to the delegation of a fore can not commit crime. When com­ 75, of which C. H. Knudson was con­ The White Clover Cheese Factory, New York German society which a few parison is made between the native ductor. The couple boarded the car at days ago visited the American embassy Operated by T. S Townsend, will! prisoners and the natives over fifteen First ami Washington streets. It was at Berlin, Ambassador White said that begin on February 1st. working up the j years of age, and the foreign prisoners the 8:50 trip out and traffic was light. there was no hostility in Germany to- farmer»' milk into cheese by the pound. ’ and the foreign population over fifteen "I reniemlier thecouple well," said Mr. ward the United States and that those or on the co-operatire plan. Will guaran­ Knudson. " They boarded the car at years of age, one finds that the propor­ in authority were most desirous to main- boeal Orders Promptly Filled. Well Stocked the end of the line. He was a dark, »war- tee first-class article and quick sale ; also I tion of persons in prison is about 50 per tain friendly relations with this country. thy-complezioned man, and she was a will guarantee the highest market price rent greater among the natives than Dumber Yard near Court House. He admonished the delegation to take when sold. This change has lieen made good-looking woman. My attention among the foreign-born population. back a firm determination “to resist all at the request of several of my patrons. Another point brought out clearly by the demagogues and sensationalists who was first attracted to them by the quiet- Call at factory for full information. ness that each maintained. Neither •he census figures is that immigrants attempt to stir up ill feeling between Come one. Come all. * Centrally boeated. Rates, $1 Per Day move but a comparatively short dis­ the two countries," and told them their spoke a word from the time they en­ tance. The Canadian immigrants live duty there and in Amenea was to help tered the car until after we passed INSURE WITH Twentv-eighth street. Then only a few mainly along the Canadian frontier, and to promote the knowledge each counrt the Mexicans mainly along the southern has of the other and to show how absurd words were spoken. When we got to Claude Thayer, M. LARSEN, Proprietor. boundary. Thus in 1890 the Canadians many things are which are M.d m the the end the woman objected to fearing Agent or Fireman'» Fond and London the car. The man very gruffly ordered were in a plurality among the foreign and Lancashire Fire Insurance TILLAMOOK, country of the other. her to get out. She obeyed, but before , born in Maine, New Hampshire, Ver­ one Of course ererybody understand..that, Companies. Stag»* and Eipreai Office. The Best Hotel in th« city. No Chinese Employed wont, Michigan. Montana, and Wash­ tbe German people have no political ho^ , leaving the car she asked the motorman ington, The Mexicans, on the contrary, ( Temperature. Mini- Maxi- mum. mum. ... 70 ... 45 ... ... 67 ... 40 ... ... 70 ... 50 ... ... 66 .. 51 ... ... 62 .. 51 ... ... 63 .. 47 ... .. ... 60 ... 50 .. ... 68 .. 50 .. ... 66 .. 50 .. ... 63 .. 51 .. ... 69 .. 48 .. ... 60 .. 42 .. ... 63 .. 49 .. ... 70 .. 45 .. ... 62 .. 49 .. ... 60 .. 46 ... .. 43 ... 61 .. ... 60 .. 40 .. ... 59 .. 40 .. ... 62 .. 41 .. ... 63 .. 56 ... 59 . . 44 . .. ... 61 . .. 46 . .. .. ... 64 . . 44 .. ... 64 . .. 45 .. ... 64 .. 44 .. ... 68 .. 40 .. ... 61 .. 40 .. ... 62 .. 40 .. ... 62 .. 49 .. ... 61 . .. 55 TILLAMOOK IRON WORKS, Practical Machinists And Blacksmiths. Truckee Lumber Co., FIE & SPRUCE Lumber BOX SHOOKS GENERAL MERCHANDISE And LOGGERS’ SUPPLIES, Hobsonville, Or. WINE AND LIQUOR HOUSE Billiard Parlors and General Social Resort. C. E. HADLEY, Proprietor, Tillamook City, Oregon. LEACH & JONES, Tillamook Meat Market Fresh and Cured Meats, Hides, Wool, etc, The DIRECT ROUTE to TILLAMOOK Carrying U.S. Mail. Tillamook & North Yamhill Stage Line. JOHN BARKER, Proprietor PACIFIC LUMBER CO., All Kinds of Fine Merchantable Lumber. Fine Dressed Flooring and Finishing Lumber a Specialty. LARSEN HOUSE, H. OREGON.