Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 07, 1900, Image 1

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® Newiest, Brightest and
eading Newspaper of
Tillamook County.
Patronize Local Industries and all
Home Print Newspuiier.
Guaranteed First Class at
Reasonable Prices.
$1.50 per year
I R.D Peckham, plaintiff, vs. Charles L.
| Chatterton, Oliver Chatterton, F. R.
Six Divorce Cases to be Tried Next | Beals, A. G. Beals and G. W. Pettit, de­
fendants. Foreclosure. A. W. Sever,
Judge R. P. Boise will hold court in mice, attorney for plaintiff, and G. O.
this city on Monday next, the following Nolan for defendant.
cases being on the docket, there being
R. D. Peckham, plaintiff, vs. Wilson
six divorce suits filed.
River Boom Toll Road and Improvement
W. M. Ladd, C. E. Ladd, John Wesley Company, a corporation, defendants. A.
We are Headquarters for PAINTS, OILS, GLA; S, DOORS and WINDOWS.
Ladd, plaintiff, vs. William and Jaco- W. Severance attorney for plaintiff.
bine Olsen, defendants. Suit to set aside
We have the Largest Stock in the city of GUNS, AMI NITION and Fishing Tackle.
George W. Phelps, plaintiff, vs. Mary
deeds. C. Thayer attorney lor plaintiff
J. Phelps, defendants. Suit for divorce.
Inspect our line of CUTLERY before buying elsewhere.
and J. J. Daly for defendent.
B. L. Eddy attorney for plaintiff.
Dell Burdick, plaintiff, vs. Netarts
Allice Roads, plaintiff, vs. David Roads,
Bay Lumber Co., defendants. A. W. defendant. Suit for divorce. W. H.
Severance attorney for plaintiff.
Suit Cooper attorney for plaintiff.
*0 foreclose lein.
Newton Robinson, plaintiff, vs, Mary
W. P. Book, plaintiff, vs Jehiel Forest, B. Robinson, defendant. Suit for divorce.
defendant. Conformation of sale. B. Handlev & llandley attorneys for
L. Eddy attorney for plaintiff.
A. \V. Bill, plaintiff, vs. H. A. Wood.
Sarah F. Smith, plaintiff, vs. Allen N.
ford and W. G. Kelso, defendants, Fore- Smith, defendants. Suit for divorce,
Estimates given mid cost of necessary material for outfitting creameries and cheese factories.
closure. Stott, Boise and Stott attor- Handley & Handley attorneys for plain­
If yon are contemplating putting in a plant call and get our prices.
neys for plaintiff, B. L. Eddy attorney tiff', and A. W. Severance for defendant.
Cheese Vats and all other articles in the Dairy Line made to Order.
Plumbing and
for defendant.
Plumbers’ Supplies. We guarantee and will carefully execute all work intrusted to us.
Jane Conklin, plaintiff, vS. Andrew
The Veterans Gratitude.
Conklin, defendant. Suit for divorce.
Head Quarters, Corinth Port, No. 35,
A. W. Severance attorney for plaintiff.
Dept, of Oregon, G.A.R.
First National Bank of Independence,
In camp assembled on the 2nd day of
a corporation, plaintiff, vs. William E.
Burns and Drucilla Burns defendants. June, 1900, at Tillamook Cit>.
Confirmation of sale. Townsend and
Be it resolved: 1st, that the hearty
Potter attorneys for plaintiff', Daly & and sincere thanks of this post are due
Harter for defendants.
and are hereby tendered to the noble
The third annual commencement of St. contract. Councilman Hiner’s seat was
T. T. Geer (Board of School Fund and patriotic ladies of Tillamook, wlioes
Alphotisus academy will take place on declared vacant on account of absence Commissioners), plaintiff, vs. A. L. Ai­ labor and efforts placed before the de­
Dr. Wise, resident dentist.
Friday, June 22nd, at 7:45 p.m. The en­ from the city and, consequently not able derman, defendant. Suit for forclosure. fenders of our country’s flag, such a
bountiful feast at the noon hour on
Mr. H. V. Hill was in from Dolph on tertainment will be given for the benefit to attend to the duties. An ordinance Claude Thayer attorney for plaintiff.
of the academy. Tickets for sale at the was passed licensing merry-go-rounds at
Wed nesday.
T. T. Geer (board of school fund com­ Memorial day, 1900. Their generous
Justice Newell came down from Nehalem academy. Admission 25c. Reserved $5 a day and $25 a week. A surprise missioners), plaintiff, vs. C. H. Worth­ hospitality so freely accorded us will
was in store for the city dads when Mar­
seats 50c.
on Wednesday.
ington, defendant. Foreclosure. Claude ever be remembered as one of the bright Do you need CLOTHING,
shal Lahm on handed in his resignation Thayer attorney for plaintiff.
spots in life’s journey that cheers our
Mr. J. McGinnis was in the city Wed­
pathway to the tomb.
You as city marshal, who claims that the
Then come to us.
T. T. Geer( Board of School Fund Com­
nesday from Hebo.
can’t afford to take chances with your council is not backing him up in enforc­ mission), plaintiff, vs. E. M. Kegs and
2nd, To the ladies and gentlemen who
Councilman L. Olsen returned to the precious vision. Dr. Lowe, the oculo- ing the city ordinances, and as the mar­
Eliza Kegs, defendants. Suit for fore-1 rendered those grand old patriotic songs,
city last week from a trip to Alaska.
optician, is coming soon. Wait for him. shal would not consent to serve until the closure. Claude Thayer attorney for and to the speakers who represented
We congratulate the winning candi­ j See next issue for dates. He will stop at council could find a suitable person to
law, justice, education, patriotism, Do you need SHOES?
fill the position, the council accepted the plaintiff.
dates and sympathize with the defeated I the Allen house.
Christianity and civilization, and to
J. V. Huntsinger, plaintiff- in error, vs.
We can suit you with
Master II. Cooper and Miss Hazel Mc­
I There is to be a joint celebration by the
L. Shortridge and A. Shortridge, <lu
Nair, representives of the free schools of
Dr. W. A. Wise will be at his Tillamook I three district schools of Oretown, Nes­
fendants in error. Writ of review. II
the Best in the
our land. Thanks are insufficient, they
office on June 11th to remain until the kowin and Meada on the 4th of July at
The Election.
B. Hendricks and W. J. May, attorneys
i deserve applause.
Mineral Park,Slab Creek. The exercises,
for plaintiff; W. H. Cooper for defen­
3rd, To the young veterans of the
A marriage license was issued to Mr. will consist of speaking and a dramatic
The election on Monday in this co untv dant.
Spanish and Philippine war who are
William L. Provoost and Miss Edith entertainment, the proceeds to purchase turned out exactly as was predicted, the
C. R. Hine, plaintiff, vs. John W. Far-|
flags for the schools.
republicans polling two votes to onecast quhar, defendant. Suit for foreclosure, j following in our footsteps we can only
Rev. Benj. McNeil Howell,who has been by the democrats, which is sufficient evi. A. W. Severance attorney for plaintiff. I say:
The grip appears to be at its old game
j When we are gone where our comrades
—gripping some of our citizen somewhat the pastor of the M.E. church at Nehalem, deuce to prove that Tillamook is over­
HATS, Did you say?
Otto Johnson, plaintiff*, vs. James F.
are wasting,
arrived in this city on Tuesday with Miss whelmingly in favor of Presideut McKin­ Tomlinson, defendant. To quiet title. 1 And joined them where endless the glory
We should smile
and joy,
If Frank was defeated on Monday, Margaretta Crawford. They were mar. ley’s expansion policy, thegold standard B. L. Eddy attorney for plaintiff, and
We’ll tell them amidst our rapturous
Cupid brought him out victorious on ried at the M.E. parsonage the same and republican prosperity. Besides, the Handley & Handley for defendants.
evening bv the Rev. S. A. Smith, and the vote cast lor Congressman Tongue is also
Alice Kiger, plaintiff, vs. John J. Pye “Old Glory” is safe in the hands of our
an expression of sentiment in favor of
happy couple leaves for Salem.
Mr. Sol Wise, representing the Massa­
and Elizabeth Pye, defendants. Fore-
W. T. D oughty ,
His honor, Lord Chief Justice Sam local expansion and industrial develop­ closure. A. W. Severance, attorney for
chusetts Mutual Lifelnsurance Company,
ment, which can be brought about by
Port Commander.
is in the city.
terrified democrats of this justice pre­ Mr. Tougue’s influence in congress secur­ J. F. Tomlinson, plaintiff, vs. Andrew C. N. D rew , Adjutant.
Mrs. and Miss Hazel McNair left here cinct. Now, my lord, when the republi­ ing an appropriation for the improve­
and CRASH,
Wednesday to visit friends and relatives cans who scratched their own ticket are ment of Tillamook harbors and bars. Zuercher and John Zuercher, defendants.
Real Estate Transfers.
Injunction. Handley & Handley at­
In the Newest Styles.
in California.
pulled up before you for contempt of This alone should be gratifying to Tilla- torneys for plaintiff, and B. L. Eddy for
mookers who have been bottled up and
Now that the city is without a marshal court you won't do a thing to them ?
U.S. to John Johnson, E ’/a of Se 14 of
here's another chance for the defeated
tied-up with their products for years
sec. 11 and W x/i of Sw *4 of sec. 12,
and with very little pros|iect of relief, but
office seekers.
tp. 2 S, R 9 W.
week is another instance of young women the time has arrived when the present William Trevor, defendant. Suit to set
Miss Charlotte Edie came in on the throwing themselves away by marrying
aside deed. Daly & Hayter and N. L. U.S. to Frederick Johnson, E H of Sc of LADIES’ and
stage last week on a short visit with worthless young men. No matter how unsatisfactory state of affairs should be
Se Vi of sec. 12, tp. 2 S, R. 9 W and
changed, and having confidence in Con.
her numerous friends.
Nw Vi of Sw Vi of Sw Vi of sec. 7, tp.
much good advice may be given young gressman Tongue's influence in congress ; McMahon and Claude Thayer for de-
Mrs. Sturgeon has a nice line of ladies' women by loving parents when they
to help bring government improvements fendant.
and children's underwear, hosiery, under become infatuated with indolent young
In the matter of the guardianship of u. ,S. to G. R. Huff, E Mi of Ne 14 of sec.
about, it is a source of satisfaction to
muslins, dress skirts, etc.
men, it appears as though a large num. know that this county so loyally sup­ Maggie Fay Wilson, et al, minors and
27, and W V» of Nw Vi of sec. 26, tp.
2 S, K. 9 W.
Ruby, the seven year old daughter of her rush into misery, not realizing what > ported him. In doing so the republicans Kate R. Wilson, plaintiff, vs. Fred Scher­
Mr. and .Mrs. John Rees, died in this thev have done until it is too late.
showed they had the business interests inger, J. W. Hellenbrand, et al, peti­ I U.S. to Paul Erickson, Se Vi of Ne X»
city this (Thursday) morning.
28 and S Mi of Nw U and Sw Vi of
The editor's compliments and kind re­ and future development of Tillamook tioners and parties herein on their joint
Ne Vi of sec. 27, tp. 2 S, R. 9 W.
Barnegat having cast five votes, that gards to friend Rev. R. Y. Blalock, but county at heart—two worthy objects petition for the allowance of certain
isolated voting precinct is an expensive the pencil pusher don't have to “die in 1 deserving the support of every voter in credits in the account of C. G. Cutting, ' U.S. to Louis Nelson, lot 4, E ’/a of Sw >4
an epileptic fit or lie sent to the insane I the county. But no thanks is due the former guardian of said minors. R. C.
polling place for so few voters.
and Sw *4 of Se >4
®ec- L 4P- 2
R. 8 W.
The Gem of Golconda, n pure India tea, asylum,” as the rev. gentleman suggest, few disgruntled republicans who adopt­ Wright attorney for plaintiff, and B. L. I
recognized by English tea drinkers as a ed he would should a prohibitionist or a ed a rule or ruin policy, but their jig did Eddy and T. II. Goy lie for defendants.
David Whitney, jr., to Jas. A. Rtmick,
T. J. Lucy, plaintiff, vs. C. G. Cutting,
F ire plead of tea, is on sale at McIntosh democrat lie elected. It is the ediior's not work, although it is freely asserted
Vi int. in various tracts of land.
and McNair's.
* earnest prayer that he be kept from en­ I that they knifed several nominees on the J. J. Daly, as attorney for said C. G. Cut David Whitney, jr., to Chas. Stinchficld,
tertaining any such un-Christian feeling [ republican ticket, a fact which will not ting, J. W. Hellenbrand, Fred Scheringer,
Vi int. in various tracts.
Cupid was not kind to the county towards Bro. Blalock, for the teachings ; be forgotten two years hence. In regard A. Arstill.the Dallas City Bank, vs.M. E.
surveyor when he was at Nehalem, for and precepts of the good book don't ' to the republican county ticket it was a Ellis and R. E. Wdliams, defendants. In­ L. M. Alley to Wilhelmina A. Sibley,
One Priee to all
tract in tp. 1 N, R. 10 W.
somehow lie could not get his lines license an editor, much less one engaged I foregone conclusion that it would be junction. T. H. Goyne and B. L. Eddy
round the infatuated object.
John Ek to Wm. A. Oliver, lot 1, of block
in so sacred a calling, to express such a i elected, the large vote, however, showing attorneys for plaintiff.
21, Tohl’s add. to Nehalem.
that the taxpayers were well pleased
Now that the political tempest in a tea sentiment.
John K. Lesler, plaintiff, vs. Frank S.
kettle is over, let's all get down to busi­ On Thursday morning Mr. Frank T. with the county officials and who were Fairhurst, defendant. Suit to quiet title. David Reasoner to W. H. H. Cary, lot»
1 and 2, in block 4 in Tillamook
ness again, forgetting our political pre­ Fitzpatrick and Miss Mary E. Ross were entitled to another term of office. The Handley & Handley attorneys for plain­
judices and personal feelings—if any ex­ married at the Catholic church by Rev. fight was centered on sheriff and county tiff. C. A. Johnson, W. J. May and W. |
clerk, where a preponderance of demo,
Clara Deism an to Moritz Koester, Se \\
J J Burri. after which the happy couple cratic strength was expected to mate­ H. Cooper, attorneys for defendant.
of Nw 1 ♦ of sec. 5, tp. 2 S, R. 9 W.
Mr. Peter Brant left on Wednesday to went to the home of Mr. D. Fitzpatrick, rialize, but they had attacked the wrong
Bertha Nodine, plaintiff, vs. John No-
visit his daughter at White Salmon, where an elegant wedding breakfast was kobjes, with the result that they were dine, defendant. Suit for divorce. A George A. Monroe to Joseph Geroy, lot
Wash If his health remains good he will served and congratulations extende.l to I greatly surprised when the ballots were W. Severance attorney for plaintiff.
16 in McCoy’s add. to Bay City.
attend the G.A.R. encampment at La the happv couple. Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'counted. What with having to contend
Fitzpatrick are so highly respected and with republican prosperity, expansion
If yon have lost your eve glasses call well-known throughout the county that and pouplarcandidates on the republican
at the Headlight office for them. Wt in extending to them our best wishes that ticket, the democrats had a difficult cam- 1
have no objection to false eves being left heaven's blessings may smi'e upon them paign on their hands. However, they
at our sanctum, but should have to draw in the future, we believe we express the put on a bold front and did the best they
sentiment of the community when we could under the circumstances, and now
They are so Simple in Construction and Easily Understood that any Child can Operate them.
the line at false teeth.
I have the agency for the Famoue Vives, Cyclones, Rays and Prcmos, ranging from $2.50 up.
wish them an abundance of happiness that the election is over it is safe to pre.
Miss Frankie M. Jackson, sister of the
Every instrument guaranteed in every detail.
I also carry a full line oi Photographer s Supplies for the amateur trade at Eastern prices.
late ex-Sheriff J. H. Jackson,writing from
A council meeting was held on Wednes- cials will continue to discharge their
Escondido, Cal , wishes to thank her
many friends in this county for their kind davevening. with President A. J. Cohn duties to the interest of the taxpayers.
Your Prescriptions and Family Receipt* rerehe lhe moat careful attention, and with
letters of sympathy in her great sorrow in the chair and Councilmen M Leach.
my ayntem of checking it i* im potutili le tn make an error.
The official figure« are given on the
caused by the death of her dear brother.
Bill, were ordered pan! Recorder. $10. last page.________________
That stock of shoes is going fast at marshal and street commissioner $49
Letcher’s. He has sold 150 pair in two The bill of $40 from the water company
It is the privilege of every Christian to
weeks, only 75 pair left. Come soon.it for water for the month of -May was not
vou want them. Men's over shoes at paid on account of the contract w,th the have a mountain-moving faith, and yet
5 cts. per pair. Also one second hand citv having expired, the recordy !*mg how many grow faint at the right of
'a ly's bicycle for sale cheap, in good re­ instructed to ask Mr. Cooper for fresh mo’« hill.
* |
War with Spain
has ended
pÄI^DW^RE, ^TOVE£, Tiq & granite Ware.
WAR on
High Prices,
Shoddy and
Goods is still
on at our Store
Agricultural Implements,
VEHICLES, Machinery, etc.
Opposite Bank.
A nd Feed.
Kodaks and Cameras.
Reliable Druggist,
Tillamook, Or