Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 26, 1900, Image 4

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First Invoice
barge SPRING STOCK has Arrived,
of our ]
With a Big Dot more to arrive on next boat
We bought early this Spring, and, therefore, saved money, as goods are advancing
and merchants who buy now will have to pay these advances. A great many goods we
are selling for less than we did last season.
We have a big bargain to offer in pure all Silk Ribbons, all the latest shades,
very wide at 5c. and 10c. a yard. The regular price on these ribbons is 10c. and 25c.
A fine line of Ladies’ Percale Wrappers, from 90c. up.
In DRESS GOODS we are showing the Finest Goods that ever was in the city ;
the newest patterns and styles in Plaid Goods, imported Black Mohair and many others of
the very latest imported goods.
As usual, we have an enormous stock of Fine Calicos, Percales, Duck Goods and
Shirtingr, which we bought before the big advance on cotton goods, and consequently
can give you the advantage of our good buy.
APRIL 26, 1900.
Our Clothing Business has been
> •
styles. We have just
paving more attention to it than ever , no u
kceived a fine new Spring Stock and it *s^tr
"P^Xenty more to follow.
Twenty cases of sh<*es cam.- m on theand prices as usual the
Our stook of Groceries was never as complete as it is now,
1OWeSLWe are the acknowledged Leaders in the County of Every Line we Carry.
Leading Merchaate.
lize that the tertium quid of the preù
deucy is getting there, not being there
nor that the “machine” is much more
U.S. to Wm. Pesterfield, Nw 14 of sec. 7 |
The Treasury Department decided to
And still Nehalemites await a boat.
intricate than a battleship—and alto
tp. 3 S, R. 9 W.
investigate the rumors ofthe alleged ille.
Sheriff Alderman came up Tuesday,
much more costly to run.
M anila , April 22, 10:20 A. M.—Last
Wm. Pesterfield to W. Pavne, Nw *4 of
posting election notices.
gal landing of Japanese on the West
If the disembodied spirits of Washing­
week was one of the bloodiest of the war
Wm. Norris and family have left the
coast. An inspector has lieen ordered to
Jefferson and Lincoln were again to
Cvrus Smith to E. S. Lamb, E V2 of Ne *4
river, and are now at Sheltan, Wash.
go to Seattle and makea complete report
take flesh in some composite existence
I nila, authentic reports, mostly official,
Mr. Johnson, late bookkeeper at the
on this matter. He left Washington for
with all their intellectual activity com
i showing a total of 378 Filipinos killed,
tp. 1 S, R 9 \\ .
lower mill, and wife, went out over the
bined therein, and the said composite ex­
12 officers and 244 men captured, and that city on Tuesday.
trail to Seaside, on Saturday, They do
* * *
istence backed by the said intellectual
I many more wounded, The number
of sec. 25, tp. 2 S, R. 11 W.
The Empress of China arrived at Vic­
not know at present whether they will
activity should get on the stump or
wounded is hardly guessable. Consider­ toria with 600 Japanese on board. She
return to Nehalem or not.
through the medium of a newspaper
all real estate owned by grantor in ing that the Filipinos entirely lack hos­ is held in quarantine. One thousand
G. W. Fearnside took a spin
pital facilities, a great majority of the and fifty have been landed from the
“scrap’’ should inform the people that
Tillamook county.
harbor in his launch Maria, on Sunday.
such composition was a candidate for
Chicago’s Antiquity Craze.
Frances M Jackson to Eugenie Midland, ’ wounded will die. Probably the week’s Braemar, 1+4 of them bound tor Port ;
R. Krebbs has five men at work sawing
work finished 1000 insurgents. The land, and the remainder for Tacoma,
president, at this day success would not
a tract in tp. 2 S, R. 11 W.
The collapse of the famous Ferris wheel necessarily follow.
out stuff for an extension to the mill, U.S. to Ernest J. Gienger, Sw *4 of sec. 3, ‘ American loss was nine killed and 16
This intellectual
Vancouver and Seattle,
in Chicago as a wheel of fortune is sor­ composition, sans “ machine.” sans barl
and also box lumber. Mr. Krebs is
I wounded. Two Sergeants and one pri-
tp. 2 N, R. 8 W.
* * *
away purchasing new machinery
Frank McCormick to J. H. Hathaway, ’ vate were killed in ambushes, while es-
The Sixty-ninth Regiment Veterans. rowfully announced by the Times-Herald —and that means sans every thing­
“Billy” Hoskins has been putting in
Club celebrated the 39th anniversary of of that citv, which says it is doomed to might excite onr admiration as n unique
lots 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 and 8, in block 8, I corting provision trains.
two more separators. A Mikado, for his
I The insurgents have been aggressive it) i their departure for the war, with a din­ the scrap-iron heap. This wheel flour­ phenomenon ; yet we would exclaim
Miller’s add. to Tillamook.
neighbor, Mr. Hare, and an Empire, No. U S. to Thomas J. Harris, lot 5, sec. 20. I almost every province of Luzou. General ner at the Sturtevant House. New York. ished in the wheelv city during the “Magnificent, but it is not politics,’’and
3, for Dan Hickey. The old system of
E >4 of Se ’4 and Sw *4 of Se 14 of Pio del Pilar’s baud, numbering 300, Just before the close of the festivities. World’s fair because the throngs then ! go vote for the senator from Squihoà
dairying will soon be out of vogue en­
sec. 19, lot 6, sec. 29, and lots 7 and which was ontof sight for three months, Sergeant John Gleason, who has been in hail nothing else to do but ride it; but | whose lavish philanthropy had endeared
the leader being reported killed, has re the regiment tor +0 years, offered a reso­ when the fair closed it ought to have him to the sovereign people or for the
H. MC. 3H, tp 8 S. R 10 W.
White Clover Grange held their regular Jasper Luper, et ux, to A. M. Commons, appeared in its old field about San Mi lution offering the services of the regi­ been sent away to save il from this fate. governor of Kalamakee who has pro­
monthly meeting on Thursday, the 19th
Sw 14 of Ne >4 and N ’4 of Se l4 and quel, Pilar is supposed to be again in ment to Paul Kruger. Before introduc­ Chicago has her own wheels to support . mised a friend of ours to appoint our
Ne !4 of Sw 14 of sec. 19, tp. 5 S, R. command. He gave the American gar­ ing the resolution. Sergeant Gleason and some of them are expensive Of brother-in-law, now living with us, to a
Indications in this vicinity now are lor
rison at San Miquil, consisting of three! I said; "I am willing and prepared to go course, an outsider could not expect to consulate in the Solomon islands.
10 W.
an abundance of fruit; the tew light U.S. to W. G. Harris, Se *4 of Ne *4 of companies of the Thirty-fifth Infantry, I 1 to the front with Paul Kruger now, al­ compete with home-made goods. It is
frosts so far ns can be seen, appearing to
sec. 20 and S >4 of Nw 14 and Sw ’4 with a Gatling, three hours’ fighting, though 1 have not shouldered a gun for hoped that, in spite of bad luck, Chicago
America’s Wheat Supply.
ofNe Hof sec. 21, tp. 3 S, R. 10 W. during a night attack. The loss of the
have done no material damage.
+0 years." The resolution was adopted will some day become a little more his­
There appears to be general dissatis­ H. V. Johnson to May J. McGhee, a insurgents in this engagement is not in­ with tremendous cheering.
tract in tp. 4 S, R. 10 W.
English newspapers have been dis­
faction regarding the members of the
cluded in the foregoing total, as they
permanent attraction to offset the wea­ cussing the future of the world’s wheat
* * *
Election Board on Nehalem. The demo­
removed their dead and wounded, but
Inquiries by the Associated Press re- ther handicap. When Libby prison was
Forgot to Give Alarm.
supply and the Spectator says that in
crats find fault, and justly, because the
presumably it was considerable.
garding the attitude of Great Britain purchased from Richmond, Va., at great
1931, “if the present increase of popula.
members are all Republicans; and the
A storia , Or., April 21.—On the after­
and other powers toward the American. cost and rebuilt there, Chicago betrayed
majority of the Republicans, because the noon or early evening, when the two BOERS TROUBLE ROBERTS. Turkish difficulty reveals the fact that her longing in this direction. Richmond tion continues at the same rate as that
of the last thirty years, the 75,000,000
members of the board appear to have boys Hugo Lindstrom and Warren Rob­
no one has the slightest intention of in- would have given the old barn away for
been systematically chosen from the inson were drowned, a woman living ' Drew a Large Number of Troops to terferring in any way. The British Gov. the hauling and shaken hands with her­ population of the United States will have
increased to 130,000,000 and the surplus
bolters, three of them being ringleaders near where the accident occurred saw |
ernmeut officials do not disguise their self for the riddance, but Chicago wasn’t
of wheat for export will be no longer
of the primary fraud, and the general two boys clinging to an overturned boat, |
L ondon , April 24 —All interest is cen­ delight at the stand taken by Washing, expected to know that. Besides, she
opinion being that, viewed in the light drifting down the river.
Her first tered in the complicated situation in the ton, and hope the Sultan's obstinacy will wanted something historic, and wanted available.” The best opinion of Ameri.
can observers is that the fears of the
of past experience, the frauds these men thought was that it might be her own
southeast portion of the Orange Free for once fail to achieve its ends. Great it quick. So old Libby prison was es­ Spectator are groundless The conditions
will perpetrate i> only limited by their boys, and without giving an alarm she
State, from which developments of the Britain herself, during the past years, tablished with great hope, but the visi- I are different from those in Great Britain,
opportunity. If honorable men are ran to her own home to sec if they were
has had much trouble in exacting pay­ tors said: “Libby prison, what is it ?
needed anywhere, it is on an election there, and there found them. This was utmost importance must issue in the ment of debts from the "sick man ofthe
where most of the available land is tilled.
Who was Libby, anyhow ? What did he
near future. General Rundle, it would
such a relief that she forgot to mention seem, has found the Boers confronting East." and appreciates the irritation dis­ do?" It waned and failed And Chicago 1 John B. Conner, the state statistician ol
Indiana, declares that the production of
what she had seen until last evening, him at Dewit’s Dorp, in stronger force played at Washington.
began on a difierent line, that of making
wheat in this country is limited onlv by
when the announcement was made that than he cares to engage, and so he is
» * »
her own antiques, especially Mosaics,
comparative prices of other products
Mrs. Della Lucv has been visiting her
marking time, pending the arrival of sup­
collecting Indian relics, unearthing fossils
sister Mrs. Bain of this place for the past recovered. If she had immediately told ports While General Rundle is prepar­ the threatened attack on Colon may and advertising her oldest inhabitants. rather than by possible areas for its
growth. A11 advance in the price of
what she had seen, the lives of the boys ing to strike Dewit’s Dorp, Generals Bra­ com|>el forcible intervention by the Gov­
w eek.
That is why everybody appears so old
wheat to $1.50, while corn and other
Mr. Johnson, the sheep man, has ar­
bant and Hart are pushing along the
and infirm in Chicago; it is fashionable.
rived with a band of IMO sheep which is evident that the boys drifted past the frontier of Basutoland, where they will the perfect neutrality of the isthmus, Many of her statesmen speak, and nearly agricultural products remained at the
city 011 the overturned boat until they be able to frustrate any attack on Gene- guaranteed by the United States in the
same price, would increase the supplv
he will pasture on his Mt Hebo place.
all of her authors and newspaper men
vastly. I11 Indiana 1 he average area de­
Master Harold Cross has been quite became chilled and were forced to release ral Rundle's right, and Generals French treaty ot 18+6. A treaty exists between write, as if they were in their dotage.
their hold. The body of young Robin­ and Pole-Carew are hastening from the United States and Columbia, by
voted to wheat growing is a little less
ill tor sc vend days.
than 3,000,000 acres, to corn about
Mulkey Bros, who purchased a band son will be taken on Monday to South Bloemlontein to bar the Boer line of re­ which, in exchange for certain cotices,
The Passing of Dewey.
4,000,000, to oats 2,000.000 and to hay
sions made to the United States, this
ot cowsin this vicinity diove the same Bend, where it will be buried beside the treat northwards.
2,000,000. Aside from the pasture lands
out a few days ago.
In the meanwhile, the burgher forces
The smoke of Dewey’s political ex.
J. R. Owing is working for M. C. Kel.
occupying Thabanchu are in a position caciously' the "perfect neutrality of the plosion has cleared away and we can Indiana has 12,000,000 arable acres
Personal Pointers.
to fight a delaying action, giving the Isthmus of Panama," and also guaran­ now survey the ground dispassionately. Thus it is possible to have a wheat
might paint his gift house Boer forces at Dewit's Dorp and Wepener teed the rights of sovereignty and pro. The hero of Manila is but human, after acreage of at least double the present
N. 1’. Hanson will hire several acres
slashed on his new ranch this summer.
time to retire in case of defeat, and it pertv of the Republic of Colombia in and all. There is withal a touch of sorrow acreage without embarrassment. And
It is a question now as to whether seem as though General French must dis­ over the territory of the isthmus as in­ in the breast of the people, Republican, it would come if the demand were
Some sneak-thief has been visiting the
sufficient. Another consideration is that
the Isle of Pines was part of the terri. pose of this Thabanchu force before he cluded within the borders of the Depart­
potato houses in this vicinity.
Populist and Prohibitionist alike, in
the yield of wheat per acre has nearly
The nice weather of this month is •P tory ceiled to the United States by Spain, can reach the rear of the Boer forces op­ ment of Panama.
l>eing so completely disenchanted. It is
M * *
doubled during the last fifty years, and
preciatcd bv the people, especially the or whether it isa part of Cuba.
posing Generals Rundle and Brabant
The news that Charles H. Allen, As­
The recent religious census ot Phila­ otherwise his flank will be open to as­
dairymen, who take much pleasure in
the best wheat growers have shown
sistant Secretary of the Navy, has been Claus, reindeer and all, are but papa that by careful cultivation the prodm'
seeing the grass grow, which means delphia reveals the fact that there are sault.
and mamma. Never was a man so
lots of milk; and milk is money now a but 1,925 Quakers in the Quaker City,
The Boers drixeu out of Lceuw Kop appointed the first Civil Governor of honored, so much for so little, and for a tion of wheat could be doubled now on
not including the base ball nine.
will probably rally at Thabanchu, where Porto Rico was published throughout time never a man bore himself so mod. the present area. Hence the fears of a
Hurra for the cows and Tillamook Co.:
Now that Lord Dunruven, ill famed in a stiff fight may be expected, Should the island a few hours after it was made
bread famine entertained by the Specta
estly amid so unaccustomed honors.
All it lacks is good shipping facilities, to yatchmg circles, i is starting to South the British fail in this attempt to bring known in Washington. The new govern­
| tor and other English papers are ground
Had Dewey, after his reception in the less, at least so far as the United State*
W«.'t to + hear additional
Ik t I 1 t Kill <1 I about
.. ... another
.. -«.Ol « L. _ — Paardeberg,
T>....... 1»
make it one of the best counties on the Africa we may expect
it ___
must «. • im- ment promises to bring contentment.
reports ot the unfairness of the Boers.
face of the globe.
menscly affect the larger issues of the When Mr. Allen arrives lie will find that I nited States and his acquisition of a is concerned, and it might be added that
Commander Seaton Schroeder, the
war, as it will undoubtedly lead to a ! there are problems which will tax his help-meet who has proven woefully un­ vast arable fields in Asia will be tilled
new governor of Guam, was a class- persistent repetition of the guerilla 1 abilities to the utmost. There are poli. meet. declining all political honors at- when there is need.
mate of Commander Wainwright at the I tactics which have l»een largely responsi-1 tical difficulties to work out, politicians tempted to be thrust upon him, retired
C. B. Wiley and Geo. W. Phelps went ■ Naval academy. Both men were
“P- ble tor tne penning up ot Lord Rol»erts to »teer clear of. systems of taxation to to private life, he would haw surrounded
to Tillamook Saturday on business.
be established and any numbir of rural
in the eyes of the America.. n
pointed bv Lincoln in 1864.
1 at Bloemfontein for so many weeks.
Geo. N. Hotlgdon came in from South
Senator Beveridge is an enthusiast on * During General Alderson's advance on 1 and municipal matters to renovate. To P*0?1” with an anra as being the one
Prairie to s|>cnd Sunday with Ins par* t|le subject of the practical benefits of
Lccuw Kop, the Canadians found them-1 a large extent, the future of Porto Rico man of the age who was ambitious to
college fraternities.
He is himself a D. selves in a tight corner Sunday, near rests with the manner in which the new lx ahove ambition. And there has been
The Netarts |M‘ople are sorry to loose K. E, mail and was steward at its chap­
in all American history, indeed in the Has opened Dressmaking Parlors in the
Donkerpoort. The Canadian Mounted j Governor conducts affairs.
their friends and nvigbors J. II. Jackson ter house while a student at Du Pau Un­
* st a
history of the civilized world, but one
East half of the Watch Tower Build­
Infantry sent to reconnoiter the Boer
and Ins sister Miss Frankie Jackson, , iversity.
Senator Chandler, front the Senate man who in the midst of the greatest
ing, where she is prepared to do
position approached within 300 vards of'
dressmaking, both fancy and
they having sold out and moved to Cali
on privileges and elections. honor that a nation could bestowsonght I
The rarefied of the South African pla­ a farm flying the hospital flag, under committee
plain. Fit guaranteed.
....... . of
.. . •Mond“v
t<> the Senate
the re­ retirement—George Washington.
teau is said to be one cause of the col- cover
of which the Boers opened such a
It is rnmeretl that Mr. H. E. Palmer lapse of the imported horses used by the
port from that committee in the case of True, Cincinnnttus, after drubbing the
hot fire on the Canadians that they were
and family, of this place, will soon move British. Some ot the British troops have
Senator Clark, of Montana. The report Volscains, returned to his plow, but
Land office at Oregon City.’«*
unable to attempt to retire until an- j,
21-t I«*
to the Willamette valley to reside in the also suffered from rarefield water and
is comparatively brief, covering only plowing was an easy job compared to Notice la hereby given that April
the followi"«
other force ot Canadians covered their .i»» * i-
” —•’
named settler ha. filed notice of hi» intent«»
j rarefield food.
"treat by threatening the rear of the
It running the bankrupt little citv ofRome. to make final proof in support of hi.« claim, «°,
Mr. John llotlgdon of this place went
will be made before the' IFfB'
not rehearse thertest.mony, bat
Senator Colberaon, of Texas, said re. Boer position.
('.rant could not stop with Richmond that said proof
co., at Tillamook, Or., on June"'’
out to South Piaineto spend a few dais ccntlv that fifteen years ago he had his
simply presents the finding of the com­ and two terms as president; he must Tillamook
1900. via
the first of the week.
mittee Hnd
and its reasons for its course
course. needs Challenge fate and meet defeat at „ _ _
The jM»pulanty of ex-Govcrnor Pingree m,nce
picture taken and a sudden death fol.
H E No IIS. for the Nw % Sec. ro. TP
Ending ot the commit tee is stated the hands of his own party in 1880.
1 lowed in his family. Ten years ago the ol Mulligan among the Poles and Hun-
names the following witne.se» to
School District No. 8.
The finding of the com. Perhaps it is well foreven Lincoln s fame his He
same coincidence was noted and since garians of Detroit is in a large measure **
continuous residence upon and cultivsu
Of said laud, vtx :
t, ln,
Report of the Beaver school for the
Marcus Curl and George Smith, of Bla” J
lous days of Southern reconstruction
month ending April 8th Number en 1 Of the hundred judges selected by the
and void on account ot briberies, at­ It is natural that one whose whole life w Quick, of Tillamook.
C ha » B Mooaxs RemHW.
lolled, 32 , aveinge attendance during New York university to decide on the work among them he first took lemons
tempted briberies and corrupt practices has hwn s^nt in "going down to the
the month. *26. The following are the names of great Americans who are to lie in their tongues.
Electnc stages, furnished luxuriously, by his agents, and ot violation of the sea m ships" should know bnt little of
mimes of thoae w ho were neither tanly commemorated in the Hall of Fame a
Land Office at Orego • City. Ore.
law of Montana, defining and punishing politics
Apr 1 il»'
nor aiment : lxna Bunn. Eva Bnnn. : very large majority— neatly all in fact— in which the fare will be 10 cents, and
Notice la hereby given th.t the folio»**
Admiral Dewey, blin-led by the fierce named «ettler has tiled notice of hi» '">e""2
from which “objectionable people will be
Mvron Armstrong. Eddie West, Philip are college professors.
a • «
to make final proof in support of hi.claim* .
A warm cricket match between the na­ excluded." are promised as a teature in
< azzle of popular adnlnticm. failed to re­ th.t
West. Florence Dollnrhiile. Leila Bixby.
«.id proof will
be made l-elote ¡T
William A. Clark, of Montana, will re.
Clerk o( Tillamook County, at Till*"100*’**'
Bert ba Farley. Frankie Purler, Alice tives of Sa vali, Somoa. provoked a tow Filth avenue. New York, after Julv 1. sign his seat in the United States Senate cognize that in order to enter the White on
June 10th. 1900. rti .
over the uni pile’s decision. In the snb- Only tine or two passengers will be al.
house he must P-ss through the caucus
Farley, ami Wilma Finlev.
.- »
The communication bv which he will
sec i0. tp
sequeut proceedings ten men were killed lower! to stand at onetime, and these will
of a national convention where H K No. 1I750 f r the Hw
K. K ki . kn * 'Voir, Teacher
make known to the Senate his intentions
the battle of Manila bnv na|„ into j
and twice that number wounded. Evi. w ays find scats soon, ow ing to the short
He rame« »he folowinr witnesses t
has already been prepared It may he
his continuous residence upon and cult>r*n
«aid land. > is:
Chicago han four banker» instate pii. dcntly the Samoans are ripe for base distance traveled by many patrons of presented this week
It may lie held ’«grnficance besides the btr’l of the of l»«vld
W Rhode«. ’•*«<• H Moore «nd *>*E
the road
son, and expect* tosend two mor*.
until later in the session, but it will be governor of Kalamakee nr the pull ofthe ■» Lesley, of Halm. Or ; Wesley u. D»»
senator from Sqaibosh. He did not rea City. Or.
Real Estate Transfers.
1000 REBELS.
handed in before the Senate has acted
upon the report of the committee on
privileges and elections declaring that he
was not duly and legally elected. Sena­
tor Clark willcarry his resignation with
him when he goes to the capital. It is
known that Senator Clark has come to
the conclusion that the most dignified
course for him to pursue is to withdraw
gracefully and go before the people of his
state with a request that thev give him
a vote of confidence and again send him
to Washington.
Dressmaking Parlors.
I' 1
B Moo««« ReT«“'-