I THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, September 28, 1899. 3 HARDWARE AND DAIRY UTENSILS STOVES & RANCES. Large Line Charter Oak Stoves. Star Estate Ranges, Umpire Air Tight Heaters, Doors, Windows & Glass, Churns & Butter Workes, Milk Cans, Paints & Oils. a 1 GROCERIES s HARDWARE. $ & We carry the Largest Stock of Hardware in Tillamook County. Before buying Nails, Windows, Doors and Sashes call and get our prices We carry a First Class Stock of Groceries and Provisions, Canned Goods, etc., which will be found complete in every line. We want your trade and will do our best to give satisfaction in all transactions. We keep in stock a nice line of China, Crockery, Glass, Tinware, etc. H H K g g CHINA & TINWARE McINTOSH & McNAIR. Tillamook L H BROWN, P kesidet .'.. D irectors : THE MYSTERY SOLVED. England now has a considerable force in this month or next is expected to yield W. H. COOPER, S ec . & T kes . L. H. BROWN, II. G. DAVIS, G. W. TEFFT. South Africa and more troops are on far more profitable returns than crops their wav, but it is doubtful whether of other years have done, partly through Zella Scovell. a Girl of Twelve the army in Natal is at present strong its utilization through the advances Fred < linker, Publlalirr Years, Commits Suicide. enough to repel a formidable invasion. chemical science has made for other than Of course England can send into South food purposes. “It has been said here Nehalem was all excitement last week Official Papar, Tillamook City and County Africa any number of troops that may within a few days,” says the correspon­ on account of the disappearance of Zella Manufacturer« of be needed and if war comes it will be dent. “that the bye-products from corn, prosecuted with tremendous vigor and produced from what was formerly re Scovell from her home, as reported in will end, it is safe to predict, in com garded as refuse, may prove to l>e as our last issue. The corner's jury unrav­ RATES op SUBSCRIPTION valuable as the bye-products from petro plete British domination of the region. elled the mystery attending the girl’s (sTHtCTI.V IN ADVANCE.) leiiin, and we have heard that very ex­ * * * disappearance, which may be briefly One year................................ $1.50 T he New York World comes out for tensive and Lromising experiments are TILLfllWOOg, OR Six months.................................................... 75 being made looking to the utilization of stated thus: In a fit of passion, after liei ng Dewey for president. This is what it Three months....................................... '50 corn for the manufacture of commodi ­ chastised by her mother, Zella Scovell, a Office at corher of Mam and 2nd streets. says: “In one wav only can the Demo­ ties formerly exclusively tuadj from cratic party elect the next President. girl only twelve years of age, tied a rojie rubber. ’ ' This is by nominating a man for whom round her neck to which she attacked a * * * every Democrat will vote. No man now THE HEADLIGHT PIRATE conspicuous as a possible Democratic The suggestion that President Me stone, weighing about thirty pounds, I Doles Out the Gems of Current candidate meets this requirement, for Kink y proffer friendly mediation in the and then jumped from a log into the is undoubtedly North Fork of the Nehalem river, 150 eveiy one, however admirably otherwise, Transvaal difficulty News and Topics. Loeal Orders Promptly pilled. Well Stoeked is part of some grand scheme or is com­ prompted by the best of motives, but yards from her home. the issue between England ami the Boer bumber Yard near Court House J erky S impson got more than he bar­ mitted to the propagation ofsome theory Corner J. E. Tuttle and Deputy Prose, gained for when addressing a local upon which there is irreconcilable party republic is in no sense the affair of the United States and both of the parties cuting Attorney B. L. Eddy proceeded division. The need of the hour is a name G.A.R. reunion in Kansas City, for he was hooted off the stage. This '*’* was the — not an ambition; a man—not a theory. to it xxould be verv likely to decline a to Nehalem on Thursday afternoon to He is a proffer of mediation. It ts true that cause of the ruction, After Jerry had | And the right man is at hand. investigate thecause ofdeath, and the made this statement ; “I glorv in the man for whom every Democrat will vote, among the outlanders there are Ameri­ same night held an inquest on the body, as well as every Republican not bound i cans who have inte’-ests in the JTanb- spunk of AguinaIdo's ____ men. They are simply fighting to regain the land the to the machine; a man for whom even vaal and it is the duty of our govern when the first witness called was: E. K. Scovell, father of the girl, on be­ Catholics took from them. A local pa- Bryan might stand aside withhonorand inent to take ail legitimate measures for per has asked : ‘Who is John Brown’s advantage to himself. He is one of the the protection of those interests. But ing asked what was the disposition of; best examples of American manhood it is not called upon to go beyond this J. P. ALLEN, his daughter he answered: “A wilful soul marching with—Otis or Aguinaldo ?• 1 believe John Brown’s soul is marching known in our history ; a man of the su­ and every consideration of sound policy disposition—badly spoilt.” He was not Proprietor- with Aguinaldo ” Mr. Simpson said in preme simplicity that is part of every requires that it shall keep aloof from surprised that she did not come in to lofty character; qualified to perceive ail the Anglo-Boer quarrel. supper, for she went off about a month substance that he would rather he with * * * Aguinaldo than with General Otis. An the obligations of a great patriotic duty ago, but came back about dusk. She Fit st class accommodation old soldier in the audience rose and said and with courage to fulfil them; a man Some of the Washington correspond generally got over such things. He upright, earnest, sincere and a Hero. at second class rate. that the speech was drifting too much ents are still predicting that there will never knew her to make threats to do into politics. Tli.s was applauded and We do not know that there is but one be a change of commander in the Phil­ violence to herself Had never expressed greeted with cries of “Throw him out!” really living, burning issue of principle ippines. One of theople would derive any lienrtit . * * * ishment, although she was vexed dur­ from the new departure if earned out. kets. They are daily being sold in tin­ When asked if she knew T he great demand for livestock, which The packers on the other hand is hacked ing the day. foil, sugar coated, and artistically ar­ whv Zeba was vexed, said, “Yes, I do,” 1 promises to extend for several years, is a by millions and about the time the shop ranged form, that they not only catch ’ and when asked if she objected to tell the eye blit too often deceived the taste. 1 condition undoubtedly most gratifying keepers got their slaughter house to * I the cause, replied, “I do.” The operating the packers would reduce the There was a time, not long ago, when to all interested in the industry. Now Running Under New Management. S. M. Batterson was one of the partv foods were served in their natural state. grower, however, does not want to per­ puce materially and install shop kee|iers ( EMMETT QUICK, Proprietor. Their kind did not lose iis individuality mit himself to become lax in his methods, to sell their meats to the com timers. who found the body. The first he heard of ! to produce good stock that will always And what would hap|>en then ? the disappearance of Zella was Wednes­ bv the cooking. But man has sought command the best money, and while we day afternoon. He, in company with First Class Herdquarter» for Traveling Men. RATES from $1 to $2 per day. many new inventions. Scientific and * * * ! are “in it” we want to set ourselves to others, talked the matter over. They chemical processes have been brought to FREE BATHS FOR OUR BOARDERS. A little over a year ago |ieople along arrived at the house before dav break making the liest of bank accounts in con ­ bear on our daily food until half the There may the eastern seaboard were having a bad 1 Thursday morning. They asked Mr. time we know not of what we eat. Many junction with reputation. TILLAMOOK OREGON bcare over a threatened attack of Span, 1 Scovell some questions, and then fixed of these eatables arc pure and whole­ j come a time, some years hence, when the ish war ships. In a few days they will up a grab hook They went up from the some, vet in all lines of trade there are rush will be over. Their the /feeder buyer again lie straining their exes to catch a I boat landing about 300 yards, where dishonorable beings ever ready to use the will get down to brass tacks and begin glimpse of a war ship, but instead of I | they came to a log sticking out in the genius of another for unprincipled pur­ to scratch over his memory and figure prepai ing to take the st >rm cellar they poses Thusthat which is adulterated is up his exjiense account to find out what will mount llie housetops. It makes a river about 50 feet, one end of which brand it was that turned him the biggest I was on the bank. About eight or ten sold for the genuine article ” pile of dollars. Reaching the conclusions xvouderfui difference who is coming. I feet from shore they saxv something in the * * * lie makes up his “blue book” and every ! w * *., water, and on examination found i . w as Tint latest advice regarding the name that goes in there has a reputation I t may be of interest to prospective ' the body of the missing girl. Thev fast- TiHiisva.ilsituation are extremely war- tor 1 a good quality, lie it beef, mutton or applicants for employment under the ! ened the body with a hook and rope and like and while some new developments pork, . and can de|>end upon having a census bureau to know that thus far out then informed Mr. Scovell thev had in the negotiations are possible the in­ study customer. The stock grower I found his daughter drowned in thé river. dications lie very strong that hostilities might just as well have a string of steady of 1,420 |M*r.ear to lie successful from ever) I body to the surface of the water, and stand finiilv on its latest proposals. The * * * When thev |M)int ot Hew except that of the appli­ , from there into the boat. British goxfrument is expected to make got the body in the boat thev discovered The statement of President bchurnian cants that fall under the lines. its reply with in the next fewiM, j>er there was something tied around her hapa tomorrow, find it is lielieved tlidt of the Philippine coinlui^sion does not * * * neck. It was a gunnv sack cloth ASTORIA AND it will reject the Boer« terms Mean, llirovx mueh new light oil the conditions E ditors had the call at the Ohio dem­ . with a rock tied to it. the latter weigh while warlike feeling in the Transvaal in the islands, nor is it . cak ulaieti to ocratic convention. An editor was non;- . ing about 30 pounds. The rope was strengthen sentiment favorable to the ha« become intense and there is said to TILLAMOOK be a tremendous pressure upon the gov­ retention of the whole of the Philippines. inaled for governor. A former editor three feet troni the neck to the rock. ernment in favor of declaring war. Pre­ Mr. Schur nan a gtirs that the United was noinmate«! for lieutenant governor Arabella Pye. who examined the bodv parations for hostilities are being steadi. Stabs having assumed s »vereignty of and an editor was nominated for state at the request ot the coroner, found no Iv pushed bv both governments. It is the archif elago ard thus become respon­ treasurer. More than this, the editor of marks of violence upon it, although she amu imi&d yU^ U»« Orange Free State sible f<>r the maintenance of |>eace, order a Coshocton democratic paper was ser- detected a bruise on the eve. a ent on will support tire Ti ansvaal republic and and justice, and security of ide and pro- grunt-at-arms of the convention. ( the ear and the ear slightly bruised WILL RUN THE * * * that it Iw aidt»'Io the Afrikanders p' i t \ among all tlm trHiea, we must ful­ The witness had known thé deceased fill t lie obligation as a matter of honor N kw Y ork is complaining of a monei ti.iuHffhout South \fnca In that case since a baby, but did not know much I« If it can hold off u till about her disposition. a formidable force cm Iw marshaled* to But may we not properly consider the «tringenci. veaiat WintKn invasion. Estimates differ sacntii'es this may involve? Gonsidri* 1 Oregon and other western farmers have Mrs. M A. Scovrii said she was the "I«ke tups every five .lays, the weather permitting, between Astoria lind Mr Schuriusn says that the old John Bull sotneof their great wheat ns to the number of men available, rang the fu Is mother ot the deceased. The last time ing faun Pl.iwhl to OO.(MM). Probably an multiplicity and heterogeneous nature < crop it can have all the money needed rill.mnok Cuy. carrying freight Hll,| paH»ellgers. she saw her alive was lietween tour and of th - trifles is something astounding; 1 111 exchange for the reuiaining niort- army of at least 60,< 00 can l»e raised ( : h vc »clock on Tuesday at her home. She that over sixty diffeient languages are 1 gages put on western farms a few yvain dill not notice anvthing wrong with her and as the Boers and there allies are among the most intrepid and stubborn simken in the *sladds and that the speech ago. £L''°*£’ saxhorn * co „ astoria ; or cohn à CO., ; She seemed to lie happy and her mother * * fighters in the world. Great Britain will of any one tribe is unintelligible to iis She 1H-LAMOOK. agents . S enator Hann i has returned vt an spoke a few words with her. need an army nt least one third greater neighbots borne of these trilies are brought 111 the clothes off , ,he the lnl line. ........... Her it is opportune time (or democratic organs rlno.rk»^- than theirs to conquer, since the country i civilized, but a nmnlier are not ___ _ t headstrong a tlmt had run out of b. V ie men. ¿ »Kh er wn. verv Mrs. to lie invaded is strongly fortified. There admitted by Mr. Schurinan that the Scovell went to Nehalem in the afternoon is one factor in the situation, however, archipelago will not lie revolutionized in leaving Zella some work to do. which which may operate against the Boers a gem ration—that is, American civin- on her return, was not done. Then she Hot Stuff. This is the possibility of a native upris­ zaiiti i xvill not generally prevail there picked some berries. Zella got into an ing There are over 690,000 natives in within that tune. Very liktly it will A well-known Mississippi farmer will altercation with her brother, when Mrs the rransvaal. 130,(KM) m the Orange tak s xeral generations io Americanise have cause to remem tier hts recent visit Scovell went out and corrected’ her Free State and 50,000 in Swaziland, < the a.C upeiagx», if indeed it ceil ever lie to Memphis, sa vs the Scimitar Hestop- daughter Then Zella became verv sauev total of s20,1100, of whom at least 150,. done, and it 1« liiqHwsible to foresee what ped tn a well |snown cafe and among to her mother, and for this she was ooi> are able laidied men and who it is trouble and expense will be incurred in other things ordered a sirloin steak. A switched. said hate the Roera to the death. A Che effort to peep nplisli it bottle of tobasco sauce was on the table, » i » * Other witnesses having been called cor. portion of the Boer artnv, therefore, and mistaking it for catsup, he spread it would h ive to l»e employed in prevent Tils corn crop of the United ales iiuitc lavishly on the steak and settled roboratmg the previous evidence the jury brougnt in a verdict that thé <1e ing an uprisitg of these natives How till* year will probably lie the IsrgeM m down to enjoy the meal. He cut off a ceased came to her .leath bv drowning ever, this max l»e a less important factor the history <»f the cum ry mii I ah > lie big piece, but no sooner had it struck by her own hands with suicidal intent than the English pa|ters would make it most valuable, I hen«tt*r k> be m » h » U m . u ...» .. ll-* apply to Sb* told *ie some time go that til-tie for many months, for they have rather than * heal «nd cotton and I he drama«» w*>exclaimrd "Now d___ n ma«. s ht intended tomarrv von. ao yo M blare been accumulating lor a long time. enorniou« crop tl at w to be hartaaifal ‘ have to settle it betww. " 1 «0. Clbc Ctillaniooli Ocabligbt. PACIFIC LUMBER CO„ All Kinds of Fine Merchantable Lumber. Fine Dressed Flooring and Finishing Lumber a Specialty. /yien (¿ou£es LARSEN HOUSE, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. THE TILLAMOOK Reduced 6.00 ROUND TRIP. 3.50 ONE WAY. W11 Steamer W. H. HARRISON or R. P ELMORE. c . u .T” us C ree - ________ ’ lumber co .. favsets.!; or to A. W. B eadlb & Co.