SPECIAL EDITION OF THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. Incorporated 1897. Established 1873. COHN & COMPANY, C. & E. THAYER, Bankers, Depository. A. J. COHN, Secretary. GEO. COHN, President. Block, TILLAMOOK, ORE Cohns The Largest and the Leading Wholesale and Retail General Merchants of Tillamook County. ( ; (i ) jrA’ HAVE BEEN DOING THE LEADING BUSINESS FOR A QUARTER OF A CENTURY. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS ON EVERY LINE WE CARRY. Hardware, GROCERIES, Dry Goods, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES. HATS AND CROCKERY. Agents Pacific Navigation Co. of Astoria ; and O. R. & N. Co. of Portland. If SMOKING Interferes with Your Business, QUIT THE BUSINESS. And for a good Smoke go to Lamb’s, Where the following high grade goods are always in stock : Correspondence solicited. GOYNE, H. T. Attorney-at-Liacu and El Belmont, Flor de Stanford, Monogram, Lorena, Flor de Selma, Bouquet de Cayo Hueso, La Sinceridad, Integridad, Henrv the Fourth, Pandora, I La Carona Koval, Gen. Arthur, Robt. Burns, Hoffman House, Liberty Council,Gen. Steedman,JacksonSquare,Capadtira, Sandow, Arthurettes, Carona, Chauncy M. Depew, Caro- nettes, Winners and Ideal Smokers. REAU LAMB'S CIGAR STORE, next door to Bank, TILLAMOOK, LOGGERS’ '¡S TILLAMOOK, ESTATE, OREGON. OREGON. S“CTI=Z=ZC jIES VTE1TSILS. g S c Trade with McIntosh & Nair, the Reliable Mer- iV J _A \ Ml fi chants, who have gained a reputation with the J O 1-7 f-1 :'?3j JrAIrJS farming community for the excellency of their Stock and the square way in which they treat their numerous customers. We carry the Largest Stock of Hardware in Tillamook County. Nails, Windows, Doors and Sashes. IF YOU WANT BUGGIES WAGONS. RAKES, FARM IMPLEMENTS, ETC., CALL AND SEE US. s 2nc3nfosb & 2Tic21air, Olairtooh On, ©*• NAVIGATION TILLAMOOK N\ arxd. COMPANY. ASTOHI2L. Steamers W. H. HARRISON or R. P. ELMORE make trips every five days between 1 illamook City and Astoria, weather permitting, carrying freight and passengers. ROUND TRIP, $6. og . ONE WAY, $3.50. Information obtained of Samuel Elmore & Co, Astoria; or Cohn A Co, Tillamook, agents. W. E. PAGE’S CASH STORE. I buy and sell all kinds of new and second hand goods and pay cash or exchange for other goods. Call and see me, W. E. PAGE, Tillamook, Or. The Red House Shoe Store. Keeps constantly on hand the 1>est brands of foot wear in the City of Till»- mook. It will pay you to call and examine these goods, and prices iiefore Pur' chasing elsewhere. No trouble to show goods. No charge for sewing riped •can,s on good purchased at my store P. F. BROWN, Manager.