Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 03, 1899, Image 1

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Ne wiest, Brightest and.:
heading Newspaper of
Tillamook County.
Patronize Local Industries and all S
Home Print Newspaper.
Vol. XII.
NO. 6.
Guaranteed First Class at
Reasonable Prices.
$1.50 per year.
I now have in stock a full assortment of Vive Mechanical Plate
Changing Cameras, also a full line of Daylight Loading Vivas.
Haven’t yoa decided yet cuhich one
to buy ?
I earpy a full line of popular prieed
instruments, ranging from $2.50
All instruments hold from 12 to 36 plates.
Fully guaranteed to do as good work as samples shown.
In addition, I sell the Ray, Quickshot and Cyclones.
It costs nothing to inspect these instruments.
Come and have a
look at them.
Vive JVI.P.C. Camera.
diets. I. CLOUGH, The ZRelietTole Druggist, Tillamook.
The best mower on the market for sale ■ this (Thursday) evening. All lovers of
at Cary’s hardware store He has the oratory and vocal music are cordially in-
exclusive agency for The McCormick j vited.
Our special illustrated and descriptive Mower.
The following officers were installed
edition of Tillamook county will be issued ' The Fraternal Union will have a social
evening, in the Oddfellows lodge
on Saturday next.
■ time on Saturday night to com mem o- j by Deputy Grand Master Alfred Dean:
New stock of clocks at Sturgeon’s. * 1 rate the introduction of the order in | Noble grand, W. Olsen; vice-grand, J.
S. Diehl; recording secretary, G. W.
Call and see the new goods at Page's this city.
Tillamook cranberries are still on sale Cohn; treasurer, I. F. Larsen; perma­
Cameras and kodak supplies at Stur. i and in fine condition in this citv, show­ nent secretary, W. J. May.
ing that those raised in thia county are
What’s the matter with the gentlemen
fine keepers.
I of Tillamook city ? They have flopped
Mrs. Sturgeon has bobinet and laces
Mr. J. Todd, of McMinnville, with his right over to 16 to 1. That was about
for neck scarfs.
son and daughter, Miss Mattie and Mr. ! the rotio of ladies over gentlemen at the
More crash suits and skirts on the way
George Todd, are in on a visit to their I institute on Tuesday evening. We fail
for Mrs. Sturgeon.
relatives in this city.
to see why the latter should not be just
Mrs. Dr. Hawke remains quite sick and
Theodore Karp had a jury trial Tues, as entnusiastic as the ladies in school
confined to her bed.
day for the larceny of a bicycle tag from matters.
Born, on Sunday, to the wife of Mr. A. Letcher's store and was found guilty
Howard Cary had the misfortune to
William Shaw, a son.
and fined $25 and cost.
get the thumb of his right hand knocked
Mr. M. Perkins returned home last week
The steamer Elmore came in on Satur- out ofjoint with a ball while catching
from Southern Oregon.
pay and left again on Tuesday, aud the in the ball game on Friday, and A. M.
Dr. W. J. May returned to the city on steamer Harrison came in on Tuesday Austin,who foolishly undertook to catch
without a mask, was hit on the side
Friday from Portland.
and left the next evening.
Mr. H. H. Downing was down from
Harness, leather, lace leather, and of the face with a ball and received a
Nehalem on Wednesday.
shoe thread, wire harness needles, awls, painful blow, thus rendering both hors
de combat.
A fine lot of second hand furniture just shoe nails and all kinds of shoe filling
at lowest prices at Page's.
" j I Mayor Eddy, on Monday evening, at
received at W. E Page’s store.
Quite an improvement has lieen made ! the teachers’ institute, when he asked
Mr. I. Simler had his finger knocked
at Cohn & Co's, dock, it having been en I the teachers how many could write a
out ofjoint playing ball Thursday.
letter which was above criticism, touched
Miss Q. Kelty came in on visit to her j larged and a new shed is to lie built, i : a tender spot. Well, those who are in
sister, Mrs. H. Aiderman, on Wednesday making quite an improvement.
the habit of receiving letters from teach­
Brevity should be the soul of wit in ad­ The county and city officials created a ers know to what extent they err in dic­
dresses and lectures at teachers’ insti­ lot of fun for spectators in a game ofball tion, and the mayor’s remarks on this
on Friday, the county winning with a
point was a just criticism.
score of 62 to 51 by the city fathers.
Dr. Wise has reurned from Nehalem
Tillamook City’s second team went to
If you want your pianos or organs
and will be at his office until next Tues-
tuned or repaired, now is the time to Bay City on Sunday and played a like
have it done for F. C. Shanahan will not team a game of ball there, in which the
Mr. E. D. Huntington, of Carrollton, remain much longer in this county.
kids of the boom city managed to beat
Wash., is visiting his sister, Mrs. W. E.
Lost, a lady'» grip on the Trask river the kids from the metropolis with a score
of 23 to 14. If they were defeated, the
road on Monday. The finder will confer
Andy Nolan returned from San Fran, a favor if they will return the same to kids, on their return home, said they had
francisco on Sunday, where he had gone Miss Pearl Sappington, at the Larsen played the most interesting game of ball
this season. The contest between these
on a visit.
house, Tillamook.
teams will be renewed in this city Sun­
Dan Pike, who left for the Klondike
Go to the Pacific Lumber Co.'s yard if day afternoon.
about two years ago, returned last week you want lumlier. The numlier of teams
One of the crew of the Elmore, who had
from that country.
hauling lumlier from there proves that
Call and see the big bargains in crock­ people have found out where to get a got on a drunk and was left behind, took
a bath in Hoquarton slough on Wednes­
ery and bed room sets, stoves and tin­ good class of lumber.
day. After the Harrison had turned and
ware at W. E. Page's.
B. H. Bunn has a general job shop in
was steaming past the dock the man—
No wonder the city officials lost the
more drunk than sober—rushed down
ball game, they forgot the Headlight, do all kinds of repairs in tin, etc., as well with the purpose of getting on board.
as fixturesandfittingsneatlvdone. Work
the official newspaper.
He jumped on the Louise, slipped and fell
The tug Robarts came in on Thursday guaranteed first class.
into the water. The hauling it required
from Yaquina loaded with flour and feed I We have just received the exclusive to pull him out showed he was well filled
agency for the “Little Samson" school up with tangle-foot and it would not
for Mr. Geo. Edmunds.
which is guaranteed to be the best have taken him long to haye drowned
Mr. Maxwell Jones, Mis» M.Davisand
Mrs. Sheldon were in the city Wednes­ shoe on earth for little folks.—Cohn & had not prompt assistance been given
j Co., The Leading Merchant».
day from Hobsonville.
[ The 15 case» of shoes received by Cohn
Mrs. Annie Marolf, wife of Mr. Embert
Mr. J. H. Jackson left Sunday for Cali­
& Co., on the last steamer are the great­ Marolf. died on Monday, uged 75 year»,
fornia to look up some mining prospects
est line that ever struck the city. Our The deceased lady was born in Switzer­
he discovered some years ago.
men's working shoes from $1.50 to $2.00 land and came to this county from that
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cohn and Council­ are the best thing ever shown.
country sixteen years ago, with her hus­
man L. Olsen left on the steamer Luella
The social time at the opera house on band and eleven children, all of whom
on Sunday on a visit to San Francisco. , I Tuesday evening after State Supt 1. H. have grown up. Five are residents of th »8
Anyone wishing repairs for mowers in Ackerman'» lecture, when the ladies of the county, viz., John, Fred, Godfried. Alex,
the way of sections, guard», guard plates Presbyterian church served refreshment», and Alljert, w hile Alfred Marolf resides
or knife heads can get them at W . H H was the means of passing a pleasant in California and Mrs. Annie Metzger
i time.
and Mrs. Mary Meyers reside in Portland.
Judge Cooper lost his pocket book on | Rev. — Lindsay, of Portland academy, The Marolf* are respected and enterpris­
the ball ground on Friday and would be I accompanied by two noted singing evan­ ing citilzens of this county, having made
obliged to the finder to have it returned gelists (Webb and wife) will commence a a host of friends since locating here.
series of meetings at the Christian church Mrs. Marolf had been sick for the past
to him.
head when he logically pointed out what |
temptations these young people would |
lie saved from were they being instructed Message From Oregon Boys Sup­
posed to Be Dead.
in high school studies. Until the matter
is thoroughly taken up and some enthu­
S an F rancisco . July 31.—There ivu
siasm aroused, we supposenothing will be
done to introduce high school studies in ' rejoicing in the Ore^oacamp this uiorn-
the public' school "ofthis district, the ¡ng when Captain U.-orawn. of company
Tillamook’s Pug editor fell all over greatest objection being thefinancial con- «, posted a cablegram from General Otis
himself last week trying to extol Claude dition of the school. In all seriousness. saying that Ralph McOby, Janie« -E.
Thayer. Now, Pug, if Claude is editing
boys are not to be blamed for becoming Lawrence and Clarence »Milla are «HH
the special edition,you unwittingly a few
hoodlums as much as their parents, for alive ami well in the Philippines, though
weeks ago tried to prove him a notorious,
if their environments tend to lower prisoners of the rebels.
ungrammatical ignoramus. We do not
rather than raise their moral characters, » Since Apoil 28, these men have been
think Mr. Thayer claim either of these
it shows that we lack in Tillamook city given up as dead On that date, at 6
honors conferred upon him by a sniffling,
institutions to counteract the evil influ­ in the morning, they were sent to re­
cringing, contemptible Pug. Of course
ences ofidleness, the saloon and gambling. connoiter territory adjacent to Mariloa.
we cannot expect Pug Watson to give us
near the company camp. All were
any credit for putting several hundred
heavily armed, and were to return at or
Who was the Official—
dollars into the edition, for a snap and a
before noon. That was the laHt heard
snarl and a carouse in a saloon is more
of the trio until yesterday, when General
Who looked like a gander in high Otis learned that they had tieen spared
in his line of enterprise.
by the insurgents, who had taken them
A bevy of old settlers congregated on grass ?
Who caught a ball on tlie fly and then prisoners. No details were received.
the ball giound oil Fridav, who were
Company M is jubilant tonight, and
seated on a bench together. There were quit ?
Who held the umpire up for contempt everybody feels like celebrating, for the
eleven of them and their ages ranged
of court and made it stick ?
men long mourned us dead will, it is
from 79 to 68 years, and combined it
Who tried to catch a ball on the fly thought, soon be on their way to the
reached 797 years. Most of these elderly
with his mouth open and his hands six friendly shores of Oregon. All are mem­
gentlemen were as spry as ever, robust
bers of company M. and many a day
and bright intellectually, thus proving feet apart?
Who had a happy faculty of going was spent by their anxious comrades in
that Tillamook is an ideal county for
down on his posterior when the ball scouring the swamps and bamboo jun­
longevity. We give lielow their names,
slipped through his pods ?
gles to find some trace of them«
the. states and the year in which they
Who was awfully surprised when lie
The remains of Private James Dnyto,
were born:
found two men were not allowed on one who (iii-<l from dysentery Saturday night
J. J McCoy, Missouri...... 1820
base ?
were buried with military honor» this
J. G. Day, New York......... 1822
Who wanted ail apron to catch the ! afternoon at the Presidio, Chaplain Gil­
N. B. Morey, Maine......... 1822
W. N. Vaughn, New York 1823
bert performed the last rite» at the hero’a
G. R. Edmunds, New York 1826
Who, after striking n ball, did not| grave. A message was received from
H. Herrington, Canada ... 1827
know enough that he had to run to the the brother of the deceased, in Prun e
J. S. Elliott, New York...... 1830
first base ?
A. Mapes, Ohio.................. 1830
Geoage ¡«land, Canada, asking that the
J. H. Nolan, Pennsylvania 1830
Who nursed his nrm as though he had body be interred in the military ceme­
W. S. Hays, Pennsylvania
been initiated into nursing a baby ?
A. Nichols, Michigan......... 1831
Who muffled the ball« as though his
Th« Oregon camp looks deserted, and
State Superintendent Ackerman rightly hands were buttered ?
everything belonging to the government
expressed the sentiment of the Headlight
Who, after a collision, looked as has la-en removed, except bed» in the
when he touched ujion high schools and though a rough and tumble scrimmage tents.
said Tillai.iaok could, and should, have had knocked all the ball play out of him?
The boys of the second regiment invit­
one Having agitated thematter several
Who struck at the ball at the same ed the Nebraska men to lunch with them
times in these columns we hope the state gait as the tune to the ‘'Dead March“ in , today, and two hour»of goisi cheer and
superintendent's remarks will lie instru­ Saul.
fellowship were »pel t happily. TheOre-
mental m creating a sentiment in favor I Who tried to catch more balls with his gonjang have don« their «harp tu wel
of introducing higher branches of study feet than with hi» hand»?
c nuing the returning volunta*««, and
in the public school of this city. We hear
Who t|^ew every ball twelve feet wide met them in a body at the transport
a great deal about boys growing up of the mark ?
hoodlums and their being allured by the
Who was not over-ailed?
inticing temptations of saloons and the
Who thought he was playing a scienti­
Pointed Paragraphs.
gambling dens. Ministers of the gospel fic game according to rules by allowing
Loafers and postage stamps are us­
scold from the pulpit and parent* are in every ball to pass through his legs and
a dilemma to know whattodo. Can we I then turning round and wondered how I ually stuck on corners.
A small boy says the worst nation on
look to the churches to interest young he missed'it.
Who surprised the spectator* when he ' earth is vaccination,
people after they have passed through
A r mk > ii as a political champaign open«
the public school and to keep them in the caught a ball ?
Who looked more like a "peach" than the speakers oom« to blow*.
path of virtue and temperance ? We
PoMibilitie* are all right in their way,
think not, tor the shrinkage in the Sun- i a “puddin' ” when running ?
but they never prove anything.
day «chool» of young people from the age i Who got as cranks a» a bed bug when
A girl Hhoiild have a chaperon until
of 14 up proves that to be an impossi­ anything did not go according to hi»
Rhe can call Home other .hup her own.
bility unless a radical change is intro­ ' idea* ?
An adherent of the faith cure Rayn the
Who won the admiration of the ladies?
duced. Young people« full of life, high
red light» in a drug store are danger sig­
spirited and naturally gay, cannot lie ex-
pected to hold the same ideas as some
Cranberry Pickers Wanted.
Many a stupid man ha» gained a repu­
of the staid member« of our churches,
tation as a wit by la-ing interviewed by a
hence the atmosphere is uncongenial and
I am now arranging for cranlierry
they drift away, becoming easy victims picking this fall, which will commence bright reporter.
Call a women an angel and ahe will
to the many temptations which beset about the 15th of September.
plead guilty every time
them. And this at an are after young
Those wishing to pick, please write at
When a man really doe« «tumble into
people have graduated from the public
a good money-making Hcheme he seldom
school and cannot find employment. The once *or Part’( ulars.
has enough monej to work it.
W. • ---------
C. K ing , Sand Lake, Ore.
state superintendent hit the nail <»n the
six months.
Rev. R. E. Dunlap con­
ducted the funeral service at the house
and the remains were buried in the
Oddfellows' cemetery on Tuesday, a
large number of friends attending the
iuneral as a token of respect to the de­
ceased lady and bereaved family.
Do you Get the Best Goods for your Money, if
not uie mould ask you to
WE DO NOT SELL AT COST OR BELOW COST, unless it be on some things we wish
We have do favorites.
to close out.
We have no baits.
We carry the best goods we can get. to sell at a reasonable price.
We have Feed of all kinds.
Campers Supplies constantly on hand. Our Tan Shoes nd Stt»w Hats go at greatly reduced prices.