Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 27, 1899, Image 1

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Newiest, Brightest and
Leading Newspaper of ®
Tillamook County.
Patronize Local Industries and all
Home Print Newspaper.
Guaranteed First Class at
Reasonable Prices.
No. 5.
Vol. XII.
$1.50 per year.
Is sometimes wrapped in a small bottle.
door was closed against death by a single bottle of medicine.
Doubtless there have been times in your experience when you were convinced that the
Isn’t it important, therefore, with such serious matters to be sure of you druggist ?
I don’t brag of an elaborate “checking” system.
____ ____
Every druggist should check prescriptions carefully. I guide myself just as much
on the quality of my drugs and the careful way in which I prepare my medicines.
. ,
lo make 18 carot gold you must have a certain amount of gold.
weights and measures.
| There will be preaching service in the
, Presbyterian church at Bay City Sunday
It is Wise Bros., dentists, from now on. | morning at 11 o’clock. Sunday school
Call and see the new goods at Page’s , at 10 o’clock. E. T. Allen in charge.
Mr. C. N. Drew returned from The
Mrs. John Barker came in on the stage Dalles on Monday, where he had attend­
ed the grand lodge of the A.O.U.W. He
on Tuesday.
Shirt waists reduced to 25 cents at reports the weather sweltering there.
The work on E. Donaldson’s engine
Summer travel to Tillamook county was completed on Wednesday and it will
be taken down in a sco w and used for a
thus far this year is very light.
logging engine for the Pacific Lumber
Something new in Ladies' shoes at
Cohn & Co.—The half heel shoe.
“Play ball,’’ will be called to-morrow
A fine lot of second hand furniture just j
(Friday) afternoon at one o’clock in the
received at W. E. Page's store.
• 1
game of base ball to be played between
Try a can of those delicious canned Tillamook Citv r vs. Tillamook county
sweet potatoes at Cohn & Co's.
Cohn & Co’s.
Mr. George A. Mowers, of Blaine, re- i The busiest man at the ball game on
turned from Portland on Tuesday.
j Sunday must have been the scorer, for the
Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. Chamberlain was Tillamook boys ran up 62 tallies to that
in from Lookout City on Tuesday.
! of 12 by Bay City. Now let’s play town
Cohn & Co. lead them all on prices for
eggs, butter, hides an I all other pro- 1 The Pacific Lumber Company has con­
• I structed a machine to bore wooden pipes,
The syrups handled by Cohn & Co. t,le latter to ** laid irom the «ty
are guaranteed full weight and the choic­ saw mill and connected with the city
water works.
est of quality.
It isn’t discreet for a girl who wants
There is good prospects for another
large crop of cranberries in T!Tlamook to get married to keep a gentleman caller
waiting for her in the parlor so long
county this year.
that he has time to find out how poorly
Born, on the 13th inst, at Lookout
the room is dusted.
City, to the wife of Mr. E. A. Chamber-
Go to the Pacific Lumber Co.’s yard if
lain, a daughter.
you want lumlier. The number of teams
A teachers'examination will take place |
hauling lumber from there proves that
on the 9th of August at the public school
people have found out where to get a
building in this city.
good class of lumber.
Supt. G. B. Lamb expects to hold a
B. H. Bunn has a general job shop in
teacher'Sjinstitute at Woods about the
Bailey’s building, where he is prepared to
15th of next month.
do all kinds of repairs in tin, etc., as well
Call and see the big bargains in crock- 1 as fixturesand fittings neatly done. Work
erv and bed room sets, stoves and tin- J guaranteed first class.
ware at W. E. Page’s.
| We have just received the exclusive
Wise Bros., dentists, will be at Effen-
agency for the “Little Samson’’ school
berg’s Hotel, Nehalem, next Monday,
shoe, which is guaranteed to be the liest
July 31st, to remain a few days.
shoe on earth for little folks.—Cohn &
“Three Ears’’ will be the topic for dis- Co., The Leading Merchants.
cussion at the service in the Court house
Sunday at 8 o’clock, p.m. E. T. Allen in
Mr. G. O. Nolan has secured another
contract from the government, that of
building a dyke in the bay, the bid being
The best mower on the market for sale
at Cary's hardware store He has the
exclusive agency for The McCormick
The 15 cases of shoes receixed by Cohn
& Co., on the last steamer are the great­
est line that ever struck the city. Our
men’s working shoes from $1.50 to $2.00
are the best thing ever shown.
W. V. Morgan is now engineer at the
Tillamook Lumlier Co., in the place of
W. C. Bailey, who resigned that position
and accepted that of a timber cruiser
for some Eastern capitalists.
Mr. E. G. E. Wist came in from Port,
Anyone wishing repairs for mowers in land on the Elmore on Sunday. Owing
the way of sections, guards, guard plates to the rough bar at Nehalem the steamer
or knife heads can get them at W. H H. could not get in there that day, but sue
ceeded in doing so on Tuesday.
For sale, a bargain, 28 acres of land,
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cohn expect to take
a trip to San Francisco on the Luella if . with well built house and two orchards,
that steamer goes to that city on her, i 300 yards from limits of Tillamook city,
, with sidewalk the whole distance.—Ap-
next voyage
The ladies of the Presbyterian church ply to A. Letcher, I illamook, Or.
A deed was placed on file last week for
will serve refreshments after State Supt.
Ackerman’s lecture at the opera house »35 ,000 on a foreclosure of the property
of the late W. S. Runyon by Richard
on Tuesday evening.
Harness, leather, lace leather, and Nixon, receiver of the Portland Savings
shoe thread, wire harness needles, awls, , bank, who bought in the property.
I have a large stock of all kinds of
shoe nails and all kinds of shoe filling
second hand goods, which I bought at a
at lowest prices at Page's.
To be truly accurate in compounding medicines is more than
bankrupt sale in Portland for spot cash, were served throughout the evening in language, also reading. On Tuesday
and will sell the same at prices that will true Persian style. Both Mr. and Mrs. and Wednesday the subjects are all
A man seldom marries his first love,
surprise the natives.
W. E. P age .
Allen spent several years as missionaries arranged. On the latter day State Super­
j Barnett, a cattle buyer, drove a herd of in Persia and were thus enable to make intendent J. II. Ackerman will address chiefly because it is impossible for him
to marry himself.
| 500 yearling steers from this county to the occasion a very interesting and en­ the institute on the course of study.
All of Washington society that knows
McMinnville last week and shipped them joyable one.
Teachers’ wanting a first-class “ up-to-
to North Yakima. They were, like all t Every citizen should attend the lecture date” note book, nicely indexed and what is what was startled the other day
cattle raised in this county, in good con- ! on Tuesday evening to be given by State complete in every particular, call in at 1 by Secretary of State Hav, who ap-
j dition.
Supt.J. H. Ackerman. We are person­ B. C. Lamb’s and inspect the National ' pea red at a swell wedding in a w hite
flannel suit. The thermometer at the
A large number of jiersons attended ally acquainted with the state superin­ Separate Leaf Note Book.
time was nearly 100 out of doors, and
I the ceremony of unveiling the monu- tendent and can testify to his ability as
somewhat higher than that figure inside
i ment erected over the grave of the late a most successful educator, and particu­
Card of Thanks.
the church.
j Bro. Thomas Williams, by Mr. Geo. K. larly as to his successful and discreet
A woman notary public in Colorado,
Rogers, head organizer of the W. of W., management of the schools of Multno­
D ear S ir ,—Will you please allow us who was recently married, asked the
mah county and the lively interest he
at the cemetery Sunday afternoon.
infused in teachers’ institutes. Perhaps through the coluffins of your paper to ' attorney general what name she should
The mail came Wednesday via Sheridan we have never forgiven him, after work­ thank the people of Tillamook and ’ use officially in the future. He has re­
and the south part of the county. This ing like a Trojan for him, when he depu­ I vicinity for their many kind acts of love plied that she must sign all documents
j route reaches the city soon after noon, tized the county superintendenev after [ and sympathy shown us in our late sad as before her marriage, for he finds no
and an effort is being made to have the
his election and accepted the position of misfortune in the loss of our daughter, law compelling or even authorizing a
letter mail and daily newspapers come principal of Harrison street school in Blanchie's eye. The sad loss has been ' woman to drop her maiden name on the
by that route in future, for it is several Portland. But then that was only that made so much easier to bear because of simple excuse of marriage. In fact, he
hours earlier than that arriving by way
city’s gain and Multnomah county’s ( the kind attentions we have received, says that there is no authority for a
of North Yamhill.
' especially from Blanchie’s little school change of name at marriage or at any
other time.
■ mates.
The hay crop, which is always a heavy
i May “ Our Father” bless you all, and
one in Tillamook county, is reported to
Startling hapfienings
are rapidly
County Teachers’ Institute.
* spare you any like affliction, and grant crowding into the life of William Wilsot.
be above the average this year. Truly
grass is king in this section of the coun­
Sloan, jr., the 20-year-old Harvard
The annual teachers’ institute for this you like consolation in every trouble.
M r . and M rs . F. H. N efe ,
try, for whatever the condition of the county will commence on Monday in
student who was to have served as chief
For Blancliie.
w’eather, grass grows to perfection and Tillamook city, at the public school,
usher at a fashionable Cambridge
the farmers know for a certainty they and will continue the two following
wedding, but who himself married the
Organ and Piano Tuning.
will harvest a good crop.
bride, Rose Lincoln Edward««, a few
days. From present indications it is
hours before the time set for the orig­
We expect to issue the special illustrat­ predicted that quite an interesting
If you want your pianos or organs
ed and descriptive edition of Tillamook institute will beheld, at which the public tuned or repaired, now is the time to inal ceremonies. Young Mr. and Mrs-
county next week. Parties wanting is earnestly invited to attend. State have it done for F. C. Shanahan will not Sloan are now in New York City-
Within twenty-four hours this is what
extra copies to send to their friends will Su|)erintendent J. H. Ackerman will be remain much longer in this county.
happened to the college boy : Tuesday
be able to obtain them at the Headlight present, and being a pleasant speaker
afternoon, May 21, he was to have been
office, wrapped for mailing, price 10c. and full of enthusiasm in school matters,
Cranberry Picker* Wanted.
head usher at his friend’s fashionable
each, or on receipt of 12c. we will mail a with a happy faculty of making teachers’
I am now arranging for cranberry wedding, but instead he eloped with the
I copy to any address as soon as the edi- institutes particularly interesting and pro
fitable, his presence w’ill be a great acqui­ , picking this fall, which will commence bride-to-be and married her. Wednesday
! tion is complete.
, morning his father, a millionaire of Buf­
sition to the institute this year. Prof. about the 15th of September.
| Mr. F. F. Fitzpatrick, writing to the
falo, disinherited him. Wednesday noon
R. C. French, of the Monmouth Normal
I Oregonian, asked this question : “Are
it was discovered that the college law
School, and ex-Superintendent L. II. once for particulars.
bicycles purchased now taxable for the
which forbids the marriage of freshmen
Baker, of Yamhill county, will have
W. C. K ing , Sand Lake, Orc.
year 1899 in counties where the bicycle­
expelled him from Harvard. The elder
charge of the regular work of instruction
tax law obtains ? What course is being
Sloan, who with his wife and daughter
in methods and school management, and
pursued in Portland with regard to such I
was in Boston Wednesday, called at the
being “up *o.date’’ in their ideas of mat­
wheels?’’ To which the Oregonian re­
The Little Nestucca salmon cannery is home of the bride’s parents in Cam-
ters pertaining to district schools,
plied: “Yes.
The regular licence of:
methods and the material required to lieing rapidly put in sha|>e for the fishing ! bridge and expressed his displeasure at
$1.25 is charged. The licence is now de­
make a successful teacher, these two season. It is expected to start canning the marriage. He said that the boy
linquent, and is subjected to a penalty
gentlemen will also help to make the in­ the 15th of August.
1 would have to take care of himself, and
of $1; but, of course, a person who has
The small schooner Petrel, of Tilla- he intimated that he might take
stitute doubly interesting. There will be
just acquired a wheel cannot well be held
a session of the institute in the opera mook, while crossing the bar, outward measures to annul the marriage on the
to be a delinquent
The license tages
house on Monday evening, at which I bound, drifted ashore on the beach south gound that the boy was under the age
are good until March 1, 1900.”
Mayor B. L. Eddy and Mr. T. B. Hand- j of the Nestucca bar and is a total wreck. of consent. Mrs. lulwardes, the mother
The price of salmon on Columbia river ley will make addresses. Prof. G. A. Sailing vessels cannot successfully run in of the bride, had expressed, it is said, her
is away up. Charles Alter, the Portland Walker will read a paper at this session, and out of the small bays along the displeasure at the marriage lietween her
buyer offish for the European markets, w hen his subject will lie “The Humani- coast. Steamers can safely do so almost daughter and young Sloan.
telegraphed his agents at Astoria to pay lies of the School,” and on Tuesday at all times.
The Arkansas City Traveler says that
6V4 cents per pouad for all fish over 25 evening there will be a lecture, free to the
Mrs. Young is the guest ef her mother,
when the printer who w.ii working on a
pounds. This is| probably the highest public, by State Superintendent J. H. Mrs. Atterbury.
farm was told by a farmer's wife to set
price that was ever paid for royal chi- Ackerman, at which a cordial invita­
Miss Jessie Ley and Agnes Stinson are a hen he replied, “Leaded or solid?”
nook salmon on the river. The other tion is extended to all the citizens to be the guests of Mrs Rock.
Which reminds us of a Uncle John Specs’«
cold-storage men will most likely meet present. After the lecture a social time
Mrs. Plank has resigned her position story of the printer in his office who was
this price, but fish are now very scarce, will lie participated in, and the ladies of
as postmistress of Neskowin.
setting up a story and heard a knight say:
though of excellent quality and color. the Presbyterian church will serve re­
The Little Nestucca cheese factory is “Begone base brevier!’’ afterward ex­
The canneries are paying
cents for freshments.
turning out a large quantity of cheese, plaining to the indignant author that
The work of the institute will com­ but the building is very much in need of there was no minion in the office.
Rev. and Mrs. E. T. Allen entertained mence at nine o’clock on Monday morn a good coat of paint.
| “Young Hammerhead seems to be on
the officers of the Presbyterian church ing, with remarks by Supt. G. B. Lamb,
There is a large numlier of camper*
his knees to every woman he meets.”
and their families on Wednesday evening after which Prof. L. H. Baker will in. I Slab Creek, the old popular resort.
“Yes, he has his trousers creased by
of last week with a Persian evening “at | troduce the subject of U. S. History ; j
Mr. and Mrs. Allen received Prof. R. C. French, numliers and ari-1 Willie Bedburg, who was hurt while
She—What would you do if I attempt­
wrestling aliout two months ago, is still
their guests in Persian costumes and the th me tic ; Prof. L. H. Baker, school
ed to run upstairs and leave you here
not about to l»e out of the house.
time was pleasantly spent in social con­ discipline ; in the afternoon, Prof. R C.
The Orctown school will close Friday
He—Hold you.
versation and in examining Persian French, geography ; Prof L. H. Baker,
) She—Pm goin’.
curios and photographs. Refreshments mental arithmetic ; Prof. R. C. French, > the 28th.
Do you Get the Best Goods for your Money.
If not uue would ask you to
WE DO NOT SELL AT COST OR BELOW COST, unless it be on some things we wish
to close out.
We have no baits.
We have do favorites.
We carrv the best goods we can get, to sell at a reasonable price.
We have Feed of all kinds.
Campers Supplies constantly on hand. Our Tan Shoes and Straw Hats go at greatly reduced prices.