Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 06, 1899, Image 2

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    _____________ THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JULY 6, 1899.
- _-------------
Large Line Charter Oak Stoves.
Star Estate Ranges,
Umpire Air Tight Heaters,
Doors, Windows &, Glass,
Churns & Butter Workes,
Milk Cans,
Paints &, Oils.
We carry the Largest Stock of
Hardware in Tillamook County.
Before buying Nails, Windows,
& Doors and Sashes call and get ia
»g our prices.
groceries .
We earn-a First Class Stock of Groceries and Provisions.
Canned Goods' etc., which will be found complete in every line,
We want your trade and will do our best to give satisfaction in all
We keep in stock a nice line of China, Crockery, Glass,
Tinware, etc.
McINTOSH & McNAIR. Tillamook.
b -ard in Cuba has reported recommend­ That this is a dangerous procedure is tion to them, simply using all proper
ing no change whatever. Eti glish offi- known to physicians, who know the efforts to induce them to apply it as soon
, ci-rs in the Philippine« report to their nature of the drugs of which most head­ as practicable.
* * *
g- vermnent that the United States arm j ache powders are composed, and to
Official Paper, Tillamook City and County I is the best fed in the world. The people some laymen who still in desjicration The federal census will lie taken one
' at li mie would not permit anything continue taking them, Leading phvsi- year hence and the question of popula-
e se, even if theie were a disposition to cians declare that the reckless use of tion will be settled regularly and, we
treat the men otherwise. Is is largely headache powders and "headache pills hope, satisfactorily to all interested com­
’ owing to this system of looking after would account for many deaths were munities. Down in Chicago they could
» the wants of the American private which the facts revealed. Last week in Alleg­ not wait for the regular census taker and
make« him the best of his kind in tin- heny, Pa., there were three deaths from have had what they are pleased to call a
world. He may not be the equal of the this cause—there had lieeti two pre­ police census taken which gives the
European for «how purposes, hut when viously—where the facts were known or Windy City over 2,000,000 inhabitants.
it comes to business he shines with the admitted. And the other day in Detroit This is probably a hint to Uncle Sam’s <
best of them.
a prominent society woman died in a few enumerators that thev must not let the I
Doles Out Gems of Current
* * *
hours after taking one of these powders. population of the city fall below that
The Treasury department has been in­ The coroner’s jury on this case recom­ number. They have what they call the
Topies and Events.
formed of the acceptance by the com­ mended that a state law be enacted to Two Million club in Chicago and its
G bn . L eonard W ood goes back to mittee of the United States senate of the enforce safe regulations upon the makers chief mission is to prove that the city
complete his splendid work of renova­ proposed currency législation agreed up- and sellers of such things, and to provide has 2,000,000 inhabitants.
When its
ting the province of Santiago at his I on by the house caucus committee. Il is for the punishment of any who offer fiat goes forth the count is a mere mat­
Brigadier-General's salary of 36,000 a thus practically assured that the Fifty- them to the public without first inform­ ter of form. It isquite within the bounds
year, declining an offer to become Presi­ Mxrh congress will decline for the gold ing the public as to the ingredients they of probability that Chicago will have* Will make trips every five days, the weather permitting, between Astoria and
dent of the street-railwav system of standard and provide that legal tender contain.
Tillamook City, carrying freight and passengers.
passed the 2,000,000 mark by June of
Washington at a salary of $30,000, says notes redeemed with gold shall tie reis­
* * *
next year.
the N. Y. World His explanation of the sued only in exchange for gold. It <
* M *
T he rebelion in Cuba and the Philip­
T he nineteenth century has witnessed !
matter is that ‘‘money is not the only ; will probably also enact legislation look- pines cost Spain, it is stated by Senor
thing in the world.” This is the speech j 1 ing to a large volume of banknote cur Villiverde, the finance minister, about more monentous changes in the organi­
of a sane man and a sound patriot. It rency, though this feature of the plan 1400.000,000, some $290,000,000 of zation of industry than have taken
D irectors :
recalls the reply of the great scientist ! will perhaps meet with more opposition which sum is represented by issues of place in the 5,000 years of previously I. H. BROWN, P resident
Agassiz to a tempting offer for a lectur­ than tin* other feature«. The most im­ bondsand other outstanding obligations. recorded history of mankind. The in­ W. 11. COOPER, S ec . & T res .
ing tour: “I have no time to make portant thing to be done is unquestiona­ There is a floating debt of $60,000,000 ventions of labor-saving machinery, '
naouey.” Jn sticking to his profession bly that of declaring that the obligations —after deducting the $20,000,000 of operation by steam and electricity, have
and continuing in the path of duty that of the government are payable in gold. cash received from the United States— I completely revolutionized production |
has led him to such a recompense of St nator Allison, who is a member of the and this debt the finance minister pro-j and displaced handcraft from its sphere |
Manufacturer« of
fame as few men of his age hrtve won in senate committee, implied in a recent poses to meet by a new issue of bonds. of individual completion. One by one '
recent years, Gen. Wood puts himself out interview that this is unnecessary, for The interest due on the bonds issued in
«>f line with the <lollar-chasing and the reason that we already have the gold behalf of Cuba and the Philippines the offered an incentive to mechanical skill
wealth worshipping spirit of the .age. To standaid. While it ih true we have that United States had declined to pay, and ingenuity have been force to give
And the man
It id in the work ot regenerating Cuba, « andard still a definite declaration by but Spain will undertake to pay, issuing j way to the machine.
ami making of th it lovely island a congress is desirable and we think this is . a loan of $60,000,000 on the security of operating the machine has become more ;
fitting abode for the spirit of liberty and , the opinion of republicans and sound , the revenue from tobacco. As to the old and more a mere automation. The
for the ho lies and souls of men, seems to j money men generally. Such ltgid.ition bonds, largely held abroad, a tax will be forces that brought about this revolu­
him a greater work than the heaping up i if it did not at once eliminate the silver imposed on the income therefrom, with tion in the mechanical arts have also
of a pile of dollars which it would he a question
as a political issue, would cer­ the consent of holders. This is a polite called into existancc the concentration
lasting trouble to protect and for which tainly
have the effect of diminishing its way of saying that Spain is unable to ' of capital essential for carrying on pro­
Local Orders Promptly Filled. Well Stocked
“there are no pockets in the shroud.” strength.
The country is prepared for pay on everything if bondholders will duction under the new conditions. The
legislation and the republican parly consent to a reduction of the interest corporate forffi of capitalistic enterprise
An I yet men—even philosophers, poets this
Lumber Yard near Court House.
and patriots—see that money is a mighty will gam strength by enacting it. Th • rate. Only with great difficulty will has gradually supplanted individualv
useful servant in this world. Perhaps, lurg“ supply and the increasing produc­ Spain be able to pay at all, in view of effort, just as the automatic. These
as an observant cynic has said, even tion of gold have rendered utterly un­ her diminished resources, hut she will tendencies toward centralization and ,
those who do not worship money tenable the assertion upon which the try to meet her obligations if her credit­ combination have become irristible and I
manifest themselves in every branch of|
“would not consider poverty as so much free nil writes so much relied, that there ors will be considerate.
The effort to
of a misfortune if the world in general is n<>t sufficient of the lellow metal for retain Cuba cost, the minister states, as industry and commerce, The depart­
meat store is the natural outgrowth of
did not regard it as so much of a crime.” the husim ns requirements cf the world. much as $360,000,000.
' modern
demands and conditions as
The Leonard Woods in all walks of life ! Pile fixing of the gold standard by legal
* * #
much as is the skyscraper office building
are the saving salt of the nation.
enactment is necessary to lirinly (»stab
I nsurance rates have gone up sky (
the rapid transit street railways and
lisli financial confidence and in our judg
* * *
high in the Transvaal, which indicates
the modern beef butchering and meat­
I t is not so much a yearning in lie-
clearly that the British insurance trusts ,
All work done on the Shortest Notice and at Reasonable Prices,
half of humanity that prompts Ihr duty more important than this.
always keep an eye to the windward packing house. Industrial evolution, is
no respecter of persons or places,
* * *
armv of promoters to enlist lor this
for business.
resistless force it crushes the weak
* * *
war and the next in the Philippines as
T he reaction in Kansas threatens to
As a reason for combining seven big builds up the strong; rejuvenates
it is a desire to secure concessions and i lie as rapid as was the downslide when
franchises from the government for en­ the state fell into the caprice-cursed con­ iron and steel trust (with $623,000,000 invigorates enterprises adapted to
terprises that promise enormous re- dition which a few Populist administra­ capital) and forming an $300.000,000 new conditions and prostrates
turns. This spirit of patriotic enter­ tions left it. There have been many illus­ ‘•affair,” this is given.:
‘‘Each of the paralyzes the misfits that stands in
prise is not confined to civilians, hut trations of returning reason on the part seven big trusts it is proposed to absorb way of progress. The manifest dutv of
applies to armv officers now serving ot Kansans and each one is more emphatic has a president who receives $50.000 a intelligent men is to accept the inevit­
under General Otis. Applications have than its predecessor. The latest evidence year. The new combine is to dis|>ense able and battle manfully for the better­
already been received by the Wai depart of wisdom comes in the wholesale re­ with six of these presidents, thus saving ment of their own condition and the
advancement of the human race.
incut for ¡»ermission to contract a rail organization of the faculty of the State an immense sum.”
ro.id from one end of the island of Luzon Agricultural college ofthat state. Nearly
* * *
to the other ami franchises for electric all of the members of the faculty were re-1 The indications are that strong pres­
street railways, lighting plants, water moved. The peculiar feature of the sit-' sure will l»e made tqion tile next congress
Eureka Harness Oil is the l>est
works ami other public improvements nation is that the members were con­ for the repeal of the provision in the
preservative of new leather
are said to hr in demand for volunteer victed, before their removal, of having armv
the best renovator <ii old
---- iy appropriation bill of the last con-
Best' 'x.'eonun'
an<l at '«west rates. Fruit delivered in good order.
leather. It
• »-»'-
oils, softens,
officers who cxptvt to return to the given more attention to the propagation i gres* declaring
„ “that
........ no
.... property
... ....................
ens and protectx. fse
.Actr”n7,’dat«””> »nd Cheapest Route to or from Tillamook.
Philippines to make their fortunes after ot Populist politics than in the broader 1 chises or concessions of any kind what-
WII I x \ ii ' l - u tO "a"ts and '"»'’eniences of passenger. First-class table set
the cruel war is over. Whether fran­ education of the Kansas youth. The
___ ever
1 ever j ____
shall _ I k - granted by the United
chises and concessions granted under ex­ change that has come over the Kansas j States or by a any military or other au-
For further particuUrsRpp,^'’ “ DA' 8 AFTER
isting conditions in the new possessions jieoplr, to produce such a tesnlt, is little I thoritv whatever in the island of Cuba
will stand the test of future litigation short of marvelous. A few years ago . during the occupation thereof by the
on your N-t harnem. your old bar
and legislation is problematic.
the failure of teachers in the school to i United States." It is apparent that syn
nwa. an.l your carrlaar top. .nd th.,
will noi only i.n.k i.-tu r i>„,
* * *
»Xo. 3 C alifornia S trfft q » v t».
place Populist principles above every ilicntes and corporations wanting con­
lonsnr Sold everywhen* In nans-all
___________ street , S an F eanciso ; or to A. W. B eadle & Co.
•Uns from half pints to ||y, aailoua.
Bur two tlrcjuh»« have pass«*d sinca the other requirement supposed to be neces­ fessions in Cuba arc preparing to urge
Mad. h, amitsKlt OIL to.
telephone whs v\lnbit<-d publicly forth»» sary to the education of a Kansas boy the rrpeal of this provision and have
Centrally Located.
first time in the United States, yet dur­ would have I »ecu cause sufficient for their already enlisted the sup|M>rt of some
Rates, $1 Per Day
ing this time its growth in this country removal. One of the most {»ernicioiis newspapers and government officials.
litis liven so rnpid that about »AO.tMHi con sequences of Populist supremacy in The ground upon which re|ieal is urged
teleph.»ms are in use »odny. through Kansas was the debauchery of the pub is that the provision is a hindrance to
which about 750,600,000 conversutioiM lie schools. Kansas has been wise in the development of business in Cuba.
M. H. LARSEN, Proprietor.
ar» carried on annual!) thiough the teie- making the change. The new teachers, There has liven no change in the Cuban
phone exchanges. The distance to ar it is announced, have lieen told that the situation to justify the slightest depar­
culate speich can h»» transmitted has school is tor the purpose of teaching ’ ture from the just principle embodied in
already i'vaeh«»«l I.AtMi miles, and there agriculture instead of tor the organixa. this action of the last congress, natnelv,
Stage and Exprpsg Office.
is no reason why this shoul.i Is» the tion ot political clubs.
in the city. No Chinese Employ ad
that the granting of franchises should lie
----------->■ ;
limit, with the Marconi system nearing
left for the people of Cuba when they
Few fieople are free all the time from , shall have established their own govern­
¡whetion The well known fa< t n.»t»d
not I*» re teru*»d h» r' tint the electri­ headache, and as it is a malady which ment. The United States is merely in
cally c«j'iip|M»d roads m this <‘<>iintri arc physicians are not often called upon military occupation, for the purpose of
far in ex ' ss <.f all the horse ami cabl ♦ specially to treat the makers of secret pacifying the island and enabling the
roa l> combined, ami the change from remedies have it pretti much their own people to form an inde|>ciident govern,
the later to the former is constantly lak way with the affiictcd. At the drug meat. In that capacity we should, as
ing plarv.
stores in about every block in everv was said by Senator Lodge, hold our.
street are to l»e had a variety of head selves absolutely free from the slightest
Fvim m.\u lends to sho v that th»» ache powders, of winch the iimts do not suspicion even that there is jobbery or fiVIRYTHIXC, STRICTLY FIRST CLASS.
ralnma furnished th«» American tro»*|« know the ingredients nor the drug men corruption, or that we are trying to ex.
First class acc<»iiiiii<»dali<ni
are aa near |i*rfvctl»»n under all circmn- the effects. There is a profit in selling ’ ploit the island for the benefit of in.
at second class rate.
Stan-'«»« as it is |HMsll>le to make them them and the buyers find temporal y dividnnls or of corporations. It niav
Claude Thayer,
A b • ••rd of ex pel ta ill the Pli il ippilV'S, relict, and that many think to lie enough. lie a fact that this poHey will retard
•Her an exliauMive investigath ii. re Some ask the quotum. "Arc they harm. I bnsincua development, but the remedy is Agent for Fireman s Fund and Londe
mnde I only tdtioa changes to ada- t less1” and. of course, u are answered that i in the hands of the Cuban people and
and Lancashire Fire Insurance
tW W mi to that »Miniate. A siniil r they are so. Then the dose is taken. • our obvious duty is to leave its applica.
"•A.lq.i.n.™ lor »Urt,turo»
3.50 ONE WAY.
Steamer W. H. HARRISON
All Kinds of Fine Merchantable Lumber.
Fine Dressed Flooring and Finishing
L unvber a Specialty.
Painter, Paper Hanger
and Decorator.
Harness Oil
% Barber
/yien poiigß.
Hot and Cold Raths.