THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JANUARY 26, 1899 SATURDAY SURPRISE SALES ! Our Third Saturday’s Surprise Sale cuas another Grand Success. Bj the large amount of our sales on these (lays it shows that the people know when they are getting bargains and are taking advantage ol it. AV e must reduce our stock to make room for New Goods in the spring. Our last year’s business was better than we expected, and from now until March first we will give our customers the benefit of our last year’s good business by having a Surprise Sale Each Saturday and giving you some Rare Bargains. Come in Next Saturday and see what we have to offer. bast Saturday uie sold high prieed Calieo and all others at 5e. a yard. (Xie sold men’s $1.50 and $2 pants for 50e. a pair. We sold all package Coffee ten pounds for $1. People must not expect to get these priecs other than Sale Days. COHN & CO,, The Leading Merchants. NICARAGUA CANAL PASSED. After some further brief addresses on payment of the moneys advanced, and ; OREGON MEMBERS ANGRY. Willapa river and harbor, $5000, and points involved the bill was passed with­ the president is empowered to declare Okanogan, $15,000. Only $20,000,000 to be Expended out a rollcall. forfeiture of the projiertv to the United Surprised at Elimination of Ya- DALY’S SCHOOL BILL Among the brief talks made just before States without the necessity of judicial quina and Boat-Railway Items. Every Year on its Construction. the vote was a brief explanation by Till­ or other ascertainment. W ashington , Jan. 21.—The river and Steps on the American Book Com­ The Senate has decided that only $20,. man of his course yesterday. He said The president is authorized to suspend pany’s Corns. 000,000 per annum is to be expended in he had under taken to delay the proceed­ payments at any time. The president is harbor committee took the Oregon dele­ the construction of the Nicaragua Canal. ings of the senate because he had been also authorized to secure any change in gation by surprise by knocking out the No matter liefore the legislature is Several senators caused considerable op­ denied his rights as a senator and to or modifications of the terms of the con­ Yaquina and boat-railway projects. likely to be discussed with more Interest position to the project, as will be seen vindicate his position as such. He was cession, either from the concessionaires Both were provided for in the former or fought with greater spirit than the is­ by the discussion, but when the bill came not only sorry for what he had done, or from Nicaragua or Costa Rica. In river and harbor bills against the pro­ sues involved in Daly’s school bill, which to a final vote only six senators voted in view of the adoption of the Spooner case of the failure in such negotiations, tect of many members of congress, but has been printed in its full text in The against it. amendment; he would offer no further ob­ the president is also empowered to nego­ the influence of the Oregon delegation Oregonian. The bill is a very long one, Carter (Montana) addressed the sen­ jection if the senate would consent to his tiate for another route across the isth­ was strong enough to retain them. forming practically a complete educa ate iu opposition to the measure on an having published as a part of his re­ mus. He is further required to open ne­ There has never been more than a small tional code; professional teachers and appropiation for the boat railway, amendment offered byCaffery. He quot­ marks all the bills and amendments on gotiations for the abrogation of the Clay- others may find minor faults to wrangle which was for the purpose of surveys over. But the main public interest re­ ed from the Ludlow commission and the Nicaragua canal subject since 1891, ton-Bulwer treaty, or any other treaty and for obtaining the right of way. lates to a radical change which the bill from the Admiral Walker to show that as he thought those would show that found to be in existence, and standing in There has never been money appropiat. proposes in tbe matter of determining the property of the Maritime Canal the scheme was a speculative one. The the way of the construction of the canal. The neutrality of the canal is guaran­ ed for the big Yaquina project, costing what text-books shall be used in the state Company was no more than a hole in condition was agreed to. $1,000,000, and every attempt to get the ground that had been filled up, and a Pettigrew also made a brief statement, teed, but the right to protect it against this appropriation has been fought stub, public school system. Under existing the interruptions of business between law, this decision is left to a jury of 44 lot of junk amounting in value to not saying that while he was unalterably op­ bornly by the house of representatives. persons, made up of state officials, more than $1000. And for this," he posed to the bill, he would not attempt the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the Chairman Burton says there is no ex­ county school superintendents, etc. said, sarcastically, “it is seriously pro­ to delay its passage. At the close of United States is reserved. cuse for the Yaquina improvement, and There is no provision for the coming posed that the government shall pay Pettigrew's remarks the termination of $5,000,000.” the long contest was suddenly reached. I generals talk too much . that 20 ports of the United States have ' together of this large number of per­ more business in a single day than Ya. sons, all of whom are actively con­ Elkins (Virginia), while favoring a There appeared to be no more speeches quina in a whole year. As to the boat nected with other public duties, of canal constructed by the United States to be made, the chair ask for further Military men of renown have been and under absolute control of this gov­ amendment. There were none, and the more noted for deeds than words. Suc­ railway proposition, he says that it is which this is a mere ex officio detail, wholly impracticable, and will cost and as a matter of fact they never meet ernment was opposed to the United bill passed to its third reading, then pass­ cessful army leaders of history were not $100,000 a year to maintain. Canal and never consider the matter in any States going into partnership with a ing without opposition on the part of lacking in proper reticence and self-con­ and locks are only projier improvement, serious and formal way. In practice the any one and without rollcall. corporation. trol. They made the best of their re­ but he does not believe the time has ar­ duty of selecting text bocks is left to the Fairbanks (Indiana), took substant­ A general sigh of relief was heard over sources, and were nor noisy and quarrel­ rived yet to enter upon even that im­ state superintendent of education. ially the same grounds as Elkins. the chamlier, and the regular business some over unavoidable difficulties. It provement. At first glance it might appear a mere Tillman (South Carolina) declared that was proceeded with. Wolcott called up must be confessed that the war between Mr. Tongue says it is peculiar that the matter of professional detail, but who­ the whole canal scheme was purely spec­ the honse anti-scalping bill. Colton ob­ the United States and Spain, more than advertisements for the contract were de­ ever will reflect that there are 8O.O0O ulative, and had for its main idea pull­ jected to the consideration of the house any previousconfliect in which this coun layed so long after being authorized by children in the Oregon public schools, ing out of the treasury $5,000,000, a bill, whereupon Wolcott moved to take try engaged, has been productive of talk, the department, and that the signing of sum which he characterized as “the last up the anti-scalping bill, which had al­ not to say volubility, among »dicers iu the contract is delayed so long after ap­ and that each is a buyer of books, will see that the thing is not without large apple on the tree.” “I believe,” he de­ ready been reported from the committee. tbe higher branches of the army service. proval. “The report on this law." he business relationship. The annual clared, “that this scheme is a steal and At this juncture Vest entered the cham­ Though the war is over their temper and says, “is unprecedented, and it is difficult school book bill of the people of Oregon nothing but a steal. The more you stir lier, saying he had been absent when the and discourse have by no means improv­ to understand the forces that are behind is estimated to run anywhere from this thing,” he shouted, “the more you vote was taken on the Nicaragua canal ed. The most unseemly exhibition of the objection to this contract. It has $75,000 t'o $100,000 ; and under a con­ investigate, the greater it becomes and bill, and he thought so important a all has just taken place in full public been subjected to more attacks and from tract made by the state board of educa­ the louder it stinks.” measure should not be passed without view. The impression left is that some­ more sources than any other river and tion—virtually by the state superintend­ Berry offered the following amendment the ayes and noes. Thereupon Morgan thing is wrong in the upper ranks of the harbor improvement liefore congress. It ent—98 per cent of this vast trade falls to section 3: moved a reconsideration, and an aye and army and that the trouble is not confin­ seems singular that thecommittce should into tbe hands of a great Eastern trust, Nothing in this act shall be construed no vote was taken. It resulted in the ed to any one individual. The language not at least have given some members called the American Book Company, to authorize the payment to said com­ passage of the bill, 48 to 6. The votes of stinging mutual criticism and even of of the delegation some opportunity to pany or to any person or persons a great, against the bill were cast by Bate, Cap rank personal abuse is a symptom of dis There is a widespread feeling that the say why that law should not be repealed. er sum than the value of such property ferv, Cockrell, Mantle, Martin and Smith. turbance much wider than could be caus­ The action of the committee was most contract by which this business was as ascertained by the commission herein ed by one or two persons who had lost unexpected and without the least warn­ turned to the American Book Company named, nor shall any warrants be deliv­ their balance and good judgment. W ben ing. Of course, I will take every step was secured through a “deal ” with the Main Features of the Bill. ered until such commission has reported The Nicaragua canal bill, as is passed, the ranking General of the army and the possible to secure the defeat of the pro­ state superintendent of education, and such value.” continues the name of the Maritime highest officer in the commissary depart­ vision making the appeal and make an that to guard aga'nst another such ex­ Morgan accepted the amendment, and Canal Company. It provides for the is­ ment resort to bitter innuendo and fur effort for the boat railway, but my perience the choice of text-books should it was agreed to. suance of 1,000,000 shares of stock at iously abusive epithets it is time to call efforts will be against tbe enormous lie taken out of the hands of the super­ Caffery's amendment was then defeated $100 each. The canal company is re­ them to order, and by effective means. intendent, and to this end the Daly bill odds.” 32 to 20. Much is heard of the moraleof an army quired to call in all the stock issued, ex­ The chairman of the committee has provides that such choice shall be made Chilton (Texas) offered an amendment cept that held by the Nicaragua and its mental state resting on a spirit of promised to give Mr. Tongue a hearing by a committee of five persons to be reducing the number of directors of the Costa Rican governments. The company zeal, confidence and nnity. An army next Monday, that he may give reasons named by a governor. It is further pro­ canal from 11 to seven, five of whom is also required to redeem and cancel wrangling at the top is not in a satisfac­ why the project should not be defeated. vided that this committee shall meet, at a are to be from the United States. The bonds and scrip heretofore issued by the tory condition. A demoralizing example Senator McBride says that the repeal definite time anti at a fixed place, so that amendment was agreed to. company, and to satisfy all cash liabili­ in high places affects all below and a will lie stricken out by the senate com­ there shall be no action through a care­ Spooner offered an amendment that if ties. To enable the company to comply remedy quickly becomes imperative, mittee on commerce, and Senator Sim­ less default of duty. Upon this issue the president lie unable to secure from with these requirements treasury war­ Gen. Miles accused Commissary General mon says that they will fight it out in the there promises to be a hot fight. The the governments ofNicaragua and Costa rants to the amount of $5,000,000 are Eagan of the ' ‘pretense for an experi­ senate. McBride savs that he would lie American Book Company is a big coil Rica such concessions as will enable the authorized, with a proviso to the effect ment," and Gen. Egan responds by ap- [ willing to have canal and locks instead cern, and there is a well grounded United States to build and prepetuallv that only so much of the amount shall plying to hie accuser unparliamentary of a boat railway on theColumbia river, opinion that it “ knows how to take care The proposed own and control the canal, he is author­ be paid as shall be required to pay the hard names made as profuse and offen­ but he will not give up one proposition of itself in a fight.” ized to negotiate for a control of or the actual cash value of the right, privileges, sive as possible. All this tempest is rais- , without substituting the other. The Ya­ change is believed to be in direct opposi­ right to construct, maintain and perpet­ franchises and property at the time of ed by the item of tinned beef, an article quina proposition was put in by the tion to its business purjsmes and in­ ually control some other canal connected the payment, the value to be determined unknown in our previous wars, and house, and he intends it shall stay on terests. On the other bam), there is a with the Atlantic and Pacific oceans; bv commissioners to be appointed bv the which in the civil war would have been the statue books. He thinks there is an belief that adoption of the Daly bill will and the president is also requested to president. This being done, the secretary classed as a luxury. Gen. Miles says apparent disposition to strike down tie to the advantage of another book com negotiate for the abrogation or modifi­ of the treasury is authorized to sub­ the beef was bad and Eagan knew it; Oregon improvements, which the senate pany. In brief, it looks like a fight be­ tween join, though we can see no reason cations of any and all treaty obligations scribe for 925.000 shares of the com­ Eagan replies with a denial and an avn- will be quick to resent. The appropriations for Oregon and for assuming that the governor will lean in any way interfering with the con­ pany's stock for the government of the lanclie of personal abuse. The country struction, ownership and perpetual con­ United States; the present members of is not ready to believe, without the amp. Washington are less than $200,000, anil to one interest rather than another. But however this may lie, it is certain that the board of directors are then to re­ lest proof, that spoiled rations were pur are as follows: trol of any such canal. Oregon — Tillamook bay, $17,000; lioth the Ixiok companies have lobby | sign, and a board of seven is to be ap­ poeelv sent to Cuba. In the climate of Passed the Bill by a Vote of 48 to 6. pointed. consisting offive in liehalf of the Cuba beef, except on tbe hoof, is per ! Upper Columbia and Snake, $5000; workers at Salem, and tbe gossip is that ishable. Gen. Miles, as the ranking offi­ there is to be a fight, in which foul W ashington , Jan. 21.—At the con­ United States, and one each in liehalf of cer of the army, should have acted with Lower Columbia, $25,000; Upper Co­ means and methods will be played for all $5000; gauging Willamette river quille, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. clusion of the morning business the Nic­ the caution of his exceptional place. at Portland, $1000; Columbia river, lie- they may tie worth. I simply give the The directors on behalf of the United aragua Canal bill was laid before the And yet the billingsgate of his adver­ low Tongue point, $40,000. talk as it is current here. I confess I senate, the pending question being upon States are to be appointed by the presi­ sary is wholly inexcusable. have not |smetration enough to fathom Washington — Olympia, $15,000; Cow ­ dent and confirmed by the senate. No the amendment of Spooner of It isconsin. There have been unguarded and un­ litz, $3000 ; Puget sound, $20,000; the matter fully, and to declare on Theamendment was accepted by Morgan two of them are to be residents of any necessary remarks from other army offi­ Swinomish, $20,000 ; Chehalis, $3000 ; which side lies the right, if, indeed it lie and was agreed to by the senate. It fol­ one state, and no person who has here­ cers holding high command. In the first tofore been interested in the canal com ­ lows; pany is to be appointed to this office. place they exaggerate the importance of “That if the president shall be unable They are also prohibited from being in­ their relation» with the puMic, which to secure from the government of Nic­ terested in contracts on the canal. Each has no desire to listen to stones of per aragua and Costa Rica such concessions of the directors, except the president, is sonal friction over the details of army as will enable the Unite 1 States to bnild to receive a salary of $5000 a year, and administration. That some minor mat and prepetuallv own and control said ters may give concern is to lie expicted . j canal, the president is authorized tonego- tbe president is to have $6000. A stormy and scandalous public quarrel All the travelling expenses are to be tiate for a control of or a right to con- will not mend them The beads of army ' paid. Annual reports are required. There struct, maintan and perpetually control departments who are vemilating their some other canal connecting the Atlantic is a provision against declaring a divi­ tal-s of woe in the presence of all man-1 and Pacific oceans, and the president is dend, except upon the net earnings. The kind are bringing descredit upon the ; required to negotiate for the abrogation company is authorized to contract for military service of the United Ulates. or modification of any and all treaty ob­ the completion of the canal within six Just how this tendency to talk too much ligations. if snch exist, as shall in any years. The payments are restricted to and badly originated is not clear. But it way interfere with the const ruction, own­ $20,000,000 annually. The canal is to lie is certain '.hat it meets with general con- ( ership and perpetual control of any such large enough "for the me of the largest demuation and should tie checked with canals provided, that no payments shall seagoing vessels.'at a cost not exceeding dignity and firmness. In all the recrimi­ he made under the provisions of this act the estimate of the engineers, and not to nation indulged in there is a taint of to or for the benefit of the stockholders exceed $110,000,000.” This amount is personal dislikrs aud an effort to make of the Maritime Canal Company, or for made a permanent appropriation for the jealous piques a matter of national inter- any of its property, unless the president work to be used as occasion may re. e»t. A halt should be sharply called on shall decide to keep the canal under the quire. The bill gives the government a tbe talking Generals.—Globe Democrat. lien upon tbe property to secure the re- c -ncesmons granted to said company. on either side. I cannot but Buspect, however, that if the American Book Company could be lieaten, it would be in the courts* of public interest and good morals. —Oregonian. The Bachelor. The Bachelor! The Bachelor! The man who lives in joy! Whose cares are few, whose friends are true, Whose peace holds no alloy; Who lights his pipe and fills his bowl, Cries “Fie!"to care and strife—O! Who takes a sip from ev'ry lip And leads a merry life—O! God bless the jolly Batchelor, Whosever blithe and gay; Who, when he won't, my lad. he don’t, And when he would, he may I The Bachelor! The Bachelor I The wight who lives alone, With friends to share his pleasures fair, But none to hear his moan; With elliows out and heels run in, For lacking of a wife—Ol With li|Mi to kiss, but no lip his; He leads a Borry life—O! God help the povern Bachelor When heart and hair grow gray. With little joy for aught, my boy, Save having of his way I County Warrants. The following county warrants are now payable, ami will be paid when pre­ sented at my office : Series E.,Nos. 1131, 1075,1091, 1073, 1092, 1090, 1043, 1044, 1125, 1126, 1127, 1066, 1067, 1118, 1093, 1098, 1099, 1100, 1088, 1074, 1071, 543, 1057, 1133, 1082, 1083, 1084, 1065, 1063, 1072, 1086, 1059, 1070, 659, 1128, 1068, 917, 1060, 1138, 1139, 1140, 1080, 1157, 1148, 1149, 1150, 1179, 1197, 1034. 1064, 1136, 1135, 1177, 1186, 1157, 1163, 1196. W. H. CARY, County Treasurer. Tillamook, Ore., January 5th, 1899. City Warrants Payable. The following warrants are now pay able at my office : Nos. 139, 140, 143, 144, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 153, 154, 157. Interest ceases from date of this notice. N. THOMPSON, City Trees. Tillamook, Ore., Jan. 12, 1899. Teachers’ Examination. N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That for the purpose of making an examination of all persons who may offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the schools of this county, the county school super­ intendent, thereof, will hold a public ex­ amination at the Court House, in Tilla­ mook City, commencing at 1 o’clock p.m., February 8th, 1899. Dated this 24th day of January, 1899. G. B. L amb , County School Superintendent. The situation at Dawson is gloomy. The number of nickels increasing, and the tlx hospitals are full. Tl>e mounted po­ lice have donated for the helpof the poor some $>19,000 in casli from their treasury. This leaves them with blit *4000 cash on hand. Commissioner Ogilvie called a meeting to decide on w*ys and means for relieving the situation, »ml a memorial asking for aid will lie sent to Washington. It is estimated that $9000 a month will bo required to pay fur the treatment of in­ digent patients, The death rate this winter bus deen almost as great as in tlie Hummer. Several stampedes to new fields have recently occurred, but in each case the goldseekers were disappointed. Accidents don’t often happen with Schillings Best baking powder.