Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 26, 1899, Image 1

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    (Che geaMiiUjt,
Pvople Who WrtJtt
has over one thousand suoscribers. \
It has more local news, and is the !
cleanest, ablest and best paper in 1
Tillamook County. People who\
want all the news and who do not
want slush, dirt and abuse, take
Good Job Printing will do well
to bear in mind that there is but
one decently equipped Job ojjice
in Tillamook County, and that
is the office o
©h« gjeiibliiUit.
(the gvabltaljt.
SWW4*54«SM«4«4Wt«4« WJ t”t” • • • •
$1.50 Per year
* May the Year 1899 be a Happy and Prospérions One to Ail. *
$ Oui Stoolz Gf G-oods
aïs 1-TEW
fi ”^X7“e
tlon. ŒOOES Orx
O ulx Slxel-ves.
Given Away
By Whom ?
When ?
How ?
Our Sales for the Past
Year have far Excelled our
Fair Dealings and Honest
G-oods have made them.
Commencing Jan 5th and Continuing until March 1st, 1899.
HOW ? We give with each dollars cash Purchase a Ticket which will entitle the holder to one chance in 27
Valuable Presents ranging from 25c. to $25, aggregating $100.
See circulars for particulars
Tilla,moolc, Oregon
Get your Timothv Seed from the firm I
connected with it so that the numerous
When these warrant dealers can mag­ almost every particular, with the excep­
of Foard & Stokes Co. at Astoria. All
inquiries about Tillamook county can be nify five into fifty they surely cannot tion of personalities, it is useless to pub­
* Concocted and Touched off by the answered promptly and intelligently, scruple at anything.
lish a rejjetition of the facts. One calls it
Mr. E. G. E. Wist’s son has been quite kinds, fresh and reasonable.
absurd to incorporate Nehalem with only
Tillamook county should be thoroughly a dozen inhabitants while the other says
sirable citizens could be induced to settle
Dr. Tatom returned to Sheridan the City on Sunday and left for Portland on Now that the Nicaragua canal bill has in this county.
and systematically assessed. By doing “the idea is to me rediculous.” Both are
the North Yamhill stage on Tuesday.
fore part of the week.
so quite a number of people would have desirous of seeing a good sized town at
Quite a number of the members of the passed the senate it should have a ten­ Talk about economy and retrenchment,
to pay their just proportion of taxation, Nehalem, which they believe will not be
Chas. E. Hall is organizing a shorthand Presbyterian church met on Monday dency to make timber claims in Tillamook
we cannot see why prisoners should be which, it must be admitted, some are not many years before there is, but think it
and typewriting class.
evening at the residence of Dr. Wiley,
fed sumptuously every day and kept in doing now. It will be noticed that Mult- is premature at present even to talk about
The band boys expect to give another where a social time was enjoyed.
Tillamook had twenty four inches of idleness in the county jail. By all means ! nomah county is to make another syste­ incorporation.
entertainment next month.
Mr. C. P. Blackburn, of Nehalem, who rain the first 21 clays of this month, and work prisoners on county roads when­ matic assessment of property the same
Mr. J. J. McGuire left here on Tuesday has been absent from the county for about , to call Tillamookers amphibious they ever this can be done, and make them as was done two years ago, and if it is
The consensus of opinion in regard to
by the North Yamhill stage.
a month, returned on Saturday with his would protest by kicking over the traces. rustle for their board, even if the taxpay­ necessary to make a thorough assessment
A teachers’ examination will take place newly married wife from Springwater,
ers do have to pay for it. Jail birds as a so often in Multnomah county, surely it the bill introduced in the state legislature
Or. They were accompanied by Mr. F-
There are 322 convicts in the state pen­ rule detest work, and if Tillamook county must also a upcessary to do so in this to reduce the number of judges in this
at the court house the Sth of Feb.
from 29 counties. It speaks well would give prisoners plenty of work and county once in a while. By making a judicial district is nothing but political
Mr. John Barker started on a visit to
that noneof these convicts industrial lessons in roads making, pos­ thorough assessment of the county more spite work, with the aim and object of
the east to be gone several months.
are from this county. This county has sibly they would be a little more careful money w ould be collected for taxes, and removing Judge R. I1. Boise. If there is
for Nehalem.
Mr. Leigh Jones, manager of the Truc­
one thing more than another which
The new postmaster, Mr. A. W Sever only one prisoner in durance vile in the about breaking the law. It is repug­ as this is what Multnomah county is should not be contaminated with politics
kee Mill Co. at Hobsonvillc, was in the
nant to prisoners to work on the roads after, there is no reason why Tillamook
ance, took charge of the post office on | county jail.
it is the judiciary of the United States,
city on Tuesday.
Tuesday morning, with Mr. Frank Sever, ■ The force of argument and the force of to be gazed at, and this is the reason we county should not do the same. When and for this reason we hope the scheme
Rev. A. R. Griggs will preach at the ance
( a person is assessed too low no one to remove a judge whose integrity, ability
as assistant. Miss L. Hunt retires, persuasion could never have convinced a
court house on SundaA at 11 a.m. There after
giving perfect satisfaction, with the jury there was force enough of water on I Perhaps the state senate thought so • blames him for keeping mum, for it should and honesty stands so prominently in
will be no evening service.
( thanks of the community for the obliging I Sunday to quench a fire in the city had it also, for it passed a bill to work prisoners ! be the duty of the assessor or his deputies
the foreground will be defeated. Possi­
j to go round and make a personal assess­
Mr. A. E. Imbler shot nine geese and i and business manner in which she con- occnrre(j then. But
then repairs are on the county roads on Tuesday.
bly there may not be sufficient business
ment of all propertv, real and personal,
three ducks while doing down to the bay i ducted the post office during her term of llecessury sometimes,
The numerous ¡latent sheets which camel j in the county. If we have a wrong sys- for two judges, but there is altogether
____________ __
with Mr. Monroe on Monday.
too much for one, and to make this a
The Tillamook hose company is com­ to our desk last week contained nearly a 1 . tern in making our assessments, would it
Mr. John Hathaway was the lucky in.
pretext to remove Judge Boise is a lame
Pay up.
dividual who won the $25 worth of mer­ Those who are indebted to me are re­ posed of representative business men, ington legislature and only about 35 lines | , not be good business judgment to adopt excuse, when behind this is well known
some of whom have large property in­
• a system which would put all taxpayers
chandise at Cohn & Co.'s store.
quested to call in and pay up. for I want terests in the city. Those who chronicle to that of the Oregon legislature. If the on an equality every few years at least ? to exist political chicanery. Judge Boise
is a most honored member of the judici­
A. I. htc ui : r .
“We cannot wish for a better county the money.
that this is not so do not confine them­ Oregon editors would discard the patent
newspaper,” remarked a gentleman when
It will be noticed that the river and ary and his age and high standing in the
selves exactly to the truth.
Real Estate Transfers.
Tom, Dick and Harry would not jump harbor bill carries with it a small appro, profession entitles him to honorable and
renewing his subscription to the Head­
Economy and retrenchment are good into the newspaper business. Personally priation of only $17,000, which is but a upright treatment, which we believe he
Jan. 20.—U. S. to Hy. J. Arnold, W. % of words for campaign purposes to pull the
have no use for p’atent sheets, neither small sum for the amount of work to be will receive, in spite of the fact that some
Se. Li and Ne. V4 of Se. 14 of sec. 22, |
County warrants wanted at Cohn &
wool over people’s eyes during the excite. should business men who advertise-, for done in Tillamook bay. Representative parties are not only trying to do Judge
tp. 2 N. R. 7 W.
Co.’s. Will pay one hundred cents on
. j ment of an election, but, trom all appear- what benefit is it to them if the money Tongue from now on will find that Tilla­ Boise an injustice but this judicial district
the dollar for them in trade or part Jan. 20.—T. J. and E. A. Lucy to P. M of|ance they are not debateable while the they pay for advertising goes to support
mook county is not going to remain quiet as well. We hope, however, to see the time
Churchman, 50x100 feet in town c. state legislature is in session.
another town ? We admit that it takes longer. The reason assigned that the bay when the judiciary shall be taken out of
Ralph Ackley has rented the store build­
a lot of labor to turn out a country news-' is not improved is alleged to be that the the domain of politics, for it is too sacred
ing next to the printing office and will Jan. 21.—U. S. to W. E. Southwick, S $4 ' One cannot help thinking, in looking paper with all home print. People ap­ commerce of the county do not warrant to be mixed up with the rogery and con.
of Sw. 1-4, Nw. '4 of Sw. 14 of Sw. L4 I over the legion of bills introduced in the preciate local industry, and this is the
nivery of politics and politicians who
put in a stock of ammunition, stationery,
it. Great heavens, what poor logic to be
and Sw. 14 of Nw. $4 of sec. 22, tp. 1 j s,ate legislature, that some of our legis- leason, perhaps, why the Headlight has
cigars, etc.
sure. The reason the commerce of Tilla­ scruple not at the darkest plot as long as
S. R. 10 W.
lators must hold the theory of, "Damn
they can accomplish their object.
Rev. Le Masters is conducting a series Jan. 23.—H. F. Goodspeed to W. S. Ran- the public, the only voice taxpayers have turned bitter opponents into friends and mook remains stunted is because our
representatives have not seen the necessity
of meetings at Beaver, and probably there
dall, lots 6 and 7 in block 1 in H. T. ;n t|le matter is to go down deei»er into
will be no services on Sunday next at the
We have received a letter from a party of making our bays and harbors naviga­ The Oregonian, referring to the politi­
Goodspeed's addition to city of Till- their jean» and pay the taxes we intend
Christian church.
Blooming, Washington co., Ore., who ble so that Tillamook can become a com­ cal plot to oust, Judge Boise, had this to
to impose upon them.’’
is desirous of locating in Tillamook, and mercial point. No representative in con­ say :
------------ —
The school directors have not yet de­ Jan. 23 —Emma and M. Perkins to Pa-|
cific Lumber Co., Ne. li of Nw. 14 of
< I The political aspirant«—with the office this is part of the inquiries he makes ; gress can rely upon support from Tilla­ The movement to abolish one of the
cided as to the advisability of opening
seeking bees disernible in their bonnets “Being desirous of starting a creamery in mook county if he ignors us on these par­ two judgeships of the third judicial dis­
the public school next Monday. Decision
sec. 19, tp. 2, S. R. 9 W.
ticular improvements. He can expect no
Jan. 23.—Mark L. and Lillie Cohn to —look askance at the proposal to reduce the famous ever green Tillamook dairy
trict—Linn, Marion, Polk, Yamhill and
will be announced later.
| some of the county officials salaries with country, I am looking out for a favor­ sympathy at election time ; therefore, if Tillamook counties—gives promise of be­
A petition has been circulated amongst
Jan. 23—Sheriff H. H. Aiderman to L. a kind of feeling like this, “I don’t like able place where to establish such, and
ing one of the warm personal interests of
the attorneys in this city protesting
you any more” to those who concocted having read your article in the Oregonian, the good graces of the people of this
Parish, sheriff’s deed.
against the bill introduced in the state Jan. 24.—F. Gandreau.to Joseph Gand- the idea and then suggested that a bill be thought you able to give me the desired county he must not crawfish under the the session. Friends of Judge Boise
allege that it has its origin with the
legislature to reduce the number of judges
information. In case such an oppor­ old chestnut that the commerce of the group of Salem lawyers now under indict­
prepared to that effect.
reau, tracts in Tillamook county.
in this judicial district.
tunity could not be had, I would like to ! county do not warrant the expenditure ment for com pFcity in frauds calculated
Jan. 24.—Joseph Kelch to Leo Bruckner,
| in improving navigation into Tillamook
J. A. Todd & Co. are about the fix the
W. L4 of Nw. 14 of Se. 14 and W. 14 of It would be interesting to know how, take stock in a well established creamery I county. This, no doubt, was true of this to defeat his election last June. The state­
upper part of their store buildings into
ment that the bar of the district favors
introduced in the state legislature origi­ or cheese maker. . . . But now wish county some years ago.
a commodious lodge room, with all the
the movement to abolish the judgeship
2, S. R. 9 W.
necessary ante-rooms and other conveni Jan. 25.—U.S. to Joseph Gandeau. W. 14 nated. Great Scott! It makesone shud­
On Saturday last the editor was called they declared to be false, and in proof
of Nw. 14 of Se. 14 and W. 14 of E. 14 der to think for what sinister purpose which is safe. For this reason 1 have
ences connected with it.
upon by a gentleman who is interested they exhibit a remonstrance against the
of Nw. 14 ofSe. 14 of sec. 5, tp. 2. some of these bills have lxx-n prepared. chosen your county, of which I have heard
Last Friday afternoon Willie Harris*
the Nehalem country, having large bill to abolish the office, signed by 38
The Headlight will deal with them with
S. R. 9 W.
interests there. Being opposed Marion county attorneys, said to be all
while cutting wood, accidentally cut his
Jan. 25.—U. S. to David A. Blank. W. 14 gloves off in the near future, especially a to be naturally adapted to the business.”
I that are not interested with the defend­
hand withan ax, cutting the bone of the
| What section of the county needs another to the bill to incorporate Nehalem city, ' ants in the election fraud cases; all the
of Nw. >4 and W. >4 of Nw. 14 of sec. few from Tillamook county.
firstfinger completely in two just above
he ma<lc the astounding assertion that
28, tp. 2 N. R. 8 W.
the object of the promoters of the bill was attorneys of Yamhill county, except one,
the last joint of the left hand.
Jan. 25.—David A. Blank toj. M. Lester, A newspaper whose columns overflow who has made up his mind to locate here ?
who is absent; and all the attorneys of
to corner the $400 paid for saloon license
The heavy rains of last week were !
W. 14 of Nw. U and W. 14 of Sw. 14 with advertisements of business men has Has Nehalem got an openingfor a cream­ within the corporation. He also stated Linn country. In addition, it is under­
more influence in attracting the attention ery ? If so, let us hear from that section.
highly appreciated, for it was instru­
of sec. 28, tp. 2 N. R . 8 W.
that the population of Nehalem city did stood that Judge Hewitt, who formerly
mental in bringing down to tide water Jan. 25.—John M. Leiter to Emma Mar- ' to and building up a city or town than
held the judgeship to which Judge Boise
The county warrant buyers, who have not exceed more than twenty person«, succeeded, says it would be impossible
millions of feet of logs, placing a com­
tin, W. H of Nw. Vi and W. Vi of Sw. any other agency that can be cmyloyed,
says the Coquille Herald. People go where been talking so earnestly about lighten­ and then showed us a petition with a for one judge to discharge the duties of
placent smile on the countenances of the
of sec 18, tp. 2 N. R. 8 XV.
, there is an enterprising community. No ing the burden of taxation, and with what number of signers protesting against the this district. It is shown that the popu­
power on earth is so strong to build up pleasure it would lie greeted by the tax­ incorporation of Nehalem city, which lation of the third judicial district is
Frank J. Clieney makes oath that he is the
Only a few new scarlet fever cases have senior
read as follows;
partner of the «rm of» J.' henev * Co. a town as a newspaper well patronized, payers, have deceived the public by the
1 greater than that of the other district
developed the past week. It looked at doinx business in the City of Toledo, County and its power should be appreciated.
articles they have published relating to
“We, the undersigned resident, pro|jcr- in the state, not excepting Multnomah
one time that an epidemic was imminent, and State aforesaid, and that -1 e «rm will pay
the indebtedness of different counties, and ty holders and taxpayers of Nehalem,
A letter reached this office from Minne- Tillamook county in particular has been Tillamook Co., hereby protest against county, where four judges are employed.
but Drs. Wiley and Hawke have kept the the sum of one hundred dol rs .or each and
fever cases well under control, and in all every eaae ol C atas . h that r-.iiuot be enred by sota, and the few words only that we unjustly treated, and this is why we make the passage of a bill introduced by Sena­ It is also alleged that Senator Adams,
who introduced the bill to abolish
could read was something about the re­ a vigorous protest.
probability it will soon lie stamped out. the use of HALL'S C atambh C cbk
The sanguinary tor Maxwell entitled an act to incorpor­ that judgeship, is the law partner
Frank J. Cheney
Beginning Saturday, January 28, the Sworn to before me and sul-cribed In my to read it was a miserable failure for it perverters of the truth lie, and they know ate the town of Nehalem, on the grounds of the chief counsel for the defend­
they lie. when they make the assertion that the majority is not in favor of the ants in the election fraud cases. These
quarantine against public meetings will presence, thia 6th day ol December
A. W. Gleason. ' waa the Norwegian language we had
that Tillamook county was bon«led to same, that the same bill was never
be declared off, consequently the religious
I wen wrestling with. Will a kind, good- the amount of $50,000 for improvements. known to us until seen in the Daily Ore­ things arc cited to support the allega­
tion that the bill has its origin in spite
services on Sunday next will be resumed
Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken internally, and natured Norwegian step into the office
as usual, with the exception of Sunday act« directly on the blood and mnc.ua «urfaees so that the editor can find out what one This is what was published in the Port­ gonian and that the town or settlement rather than in a desire to serve the
r»f Nehalem is not large enough for incor­
land newspapers:
school, which will be postponed for the of the system. Send for testimonial., free
of his countryman is desirous of know ­ “Many years ago Tillamook county poration at present, and the whole public. There is undeniably a great deal
F J. Clieney <k Co., I oledoO
' of personal feeling on both sides. Peter
ing ?
was bonded to the amount of $50,000 imputation of Nehalem docs not exceed I)’Arch, the well-known attorney of
Sold by driiyjisla, 7«.
The quarterly meeting, postponed on Hall's Famllyrills are the best
We thought some of the prominer.» . for county improvements—the only coun­ twenty inhabitants, and we, therefore, Salem, w ho was Judge Boise'« opponent
account of the fever epidemic, will beheld |
business men of Tillamook city had de­ ty thus bonded in Oregon. Outside of pray that the bill incor|M>rating Nehalem for the judgeship in the recent campaign,
hatever may be the outcome of the
at 11 a.m. on Sunday next, at the M.E.
cided to form a Chamber of Commerce, this she has a floating debt in county lie thrown into the waste basket.”
is active in support of the bill. Whitney
church, over which the pastor,Rev.
R. E. Eagancourt-martial.it may be confi- but from all appearance it is slow work script. Some of the warrants have been
We have also received two communica- Boise, of Portland, is here in the interest
Dunlap, will preside. 1
getting the organization formed. We drawing 8 per cent since (Atolier 10, tions with »request to puldish them, but of his father.
----- in
'1 the commissary-general of the army is
at B:30, and preaching at 7:30
i as the above covers the whole ground in
hope it will have a bureau of information ( I 1895.”