Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 22, 1898, Image 1

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    (Cite <)eiibitjiljt,
People Who Want
has over one thousand suoscnbers.
// has more local news, and is the
cleanest, ablest and best paper in
Tillamook County. People who
want all the news and who do not
want slush, dirt and abuse, take
Good Job Printing will do well
to bear in mind that there is but
one decently equipped Job office
in Tillamook County, and that
is the office o
®he SeaMioht.
<£he ijcnbiinhi«
Vol. II,
No. 27
TILLAMOOK. OREGON. THURSDAY. December 22nd, 1898.
Constantly on Hand. At the Lowest Price. We are
That Are Useful,
$1.50 Per year.
We Sell for
TF7za£ is nicer for a Gentleman than one of onr fine Overcoats,
Mackintoshs, lints. Umbrellas, Ties, or Handkerchiefs 1
And ivhat better for a Lady, thana Pair of our nice all wool
Blankets, a Mackintosh, or Silk Umbrella.
JI e hare many other articles suitable for presents in our line of
Clothind, Hats, Shear and Furnishing Goods.
Cali and see us.
Cash, and Sell
at a Small Profit on all lines, we
do not cut on one article, and over­
charge you on another.
J. A. TODD & CO., Tillamook, Ore.
Last Friday Mr. F‘. I). Vincent had a
narrow escape. While out on the bay
Allen House.
ducking, his skiff capsized while he was TO THE EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT.
M r . E ditor ,—I would like to induce
C. J. Duncan and H. Mitchel were in
standing up in it, when he took a sum­
mersault backward into the deep abyss. my neighbors to dehorn their calves, and 1 from Garibaldi last week.
Had he not been somewhat skillful in as your paper visits most of them, with | F. Crane was over from Miami Thurs­
liirnself, he would beyond doubt your kind permission will talk to them day of last week.
Did you see those 25c. boxes of Bon
a watery grave. He, how­ through it.
Bons at Lamb’s ?
James W. Loomis was in the city from
From four to ten days old is the most I
ever, recovered himself, collected his duds
South Prairie last week.
Alfred Magnuson had the misfortuneto
1 together, returned home and feasted on
I Miss Lily Bakerand Walter Baker, dau- have the tops of three of the fingers on his
though I have succeed at three week old. ; Hiram Perry was in from Garibaldi
his aquatic game.
’ ghter and son of the editor, came in on
I first, with scissors, clip the hair close i on Friday.
Go and get your Toys at your own
Co.’s mill at Hobsonvilie on Friday last,
I Saturday night on the stage.
over the embryo horn, then wet slightly
I. O. Himes and I. J. Jackson were in
price at Lamb’s.
—not enough to run, as it may get in 1 the city from Beaver.
' Have you seen those now sweaters at which necessitated the amputation of a
X.Y.Z., Tillamook.—If you think we the eye—then rub with caustic potash,
A. C. Demiek was a visitor to the city
, the Racket store. Better goods were part of the second finger.
never before offered for the money.
See the Candies and Nuts at Lamb’s. * h ave erred in judgment by not publishing until red. A scab will form and take on Saturday.
your first letter, it merely resolves itself some time to come off, after which the
John McNaimcr came in from Forest
| Peter Magnuson went out on the E1-
A petition is being circulated in thecitv into. Who is using the best judgment, you
hair will grow over, ami the head lie as I
Grove on Saturday.
I more on Wednesday to find a climate that recommending Mr. G. T. Shaw for ap­ ! or the editor ? You are honest enough
smooch as a natural muley. Twenty-
would be more suitable to his health.
pointment to the position of farmer at to admit that your letter is more of a
S, P. Svenson was it the city fromGar-
five cents worth of caustic potash will
ibali on Saturday.
I Dorman Edwards came in on the stage the state penitentiary. Mr. Shaw lives personal attack upon certain individuals dehorn an average band of calves.
on Saturday night from Philomath col­ at Woods and his numerous friends in than a matter of public interest, there­
G. Nelson, A. J. Phikqipy and L. J.
I have followed this method for years,
lege to spend the holidays with his par­ Tillamook city want to see this honor fore, we think we have used the best and it basso many advantages I wonder Lamb were in from llobsonville 011
conferred upon him by Governor-Elect .judgment when we refuse to publish mat­
all dairymen do not do so. Besides mak­ Saturday.
ter of a libelous character.
The many young friends of Will Illings- Geer.
Mount Reading was in the city from
ing the cattle more peaceable, and easier
xvorth will be glad to hear that he has
Come and take a look at our display
Pocket Books, large assortment, at to handle in the stables, they are more Netarts Saturday.
almost recovered from the attack of typ­ of ’Xmas goods before it is everlastingly Lamb’s.
saleable, as a man with dehorned stock
Senator J. W. Maxwell and Louis
<o late.—Lamb.
hoid fever.
• The band boys will give an entertain­ does not care to purchase horned cattle . I Johnson from Fairview registered on
C has . P ye , Nehalem.
Gold pens, endless variety, at Lamb’s. *
A news item from Washington says the ment to-morrow (Friday) evening at
Those who want to see Dr. Wise will Oregon delegation has united in recom­ the opera house, which will include the
J. 11, Mills was inthecity from Netarts
To Feminine Folks.
bear in mind that he is now at his Tilla­ mending the appointment of A. W. Sever­ amusing farce, "Going Somewhere,’’ in­
on Saturday.
mook office, to remain only as long as ance as postmaster at Tillamook. There strumental music, songs and solos, min­
C. Bowers was in from Trask 011 Sat­
In making up your list of’Xmas pre­
were several candidates for this office, strel troupe and a select dance.
he is kept busy.
sents, do not omit a good cigar or pipe urday.
A. S. Tharp was over from Ncstocton
Don’t forget the ball to be given in Mr. much interest being manifested, and the songs will be by Mr. P. McIntosh, "On for your smoking gentlemen frie ids.
C. A. Bailey’s new implement warehouse delegation has been some time in reach­
Cigars from 50c. to $10.00 per box, and on Saturday.
j Hoskins, "Break the news to mother ;’’
on Monday, Dec. 26th, when a fine sup­ ing a decision.
pipes from 15c. to $8.00 each at Lamb's.
Fredrick Roliertson was in the city
’ Mr. F. L. Sappington. "My Honolulu
No fakes at Lamb’s.
per will be served.
on Sunday, from Garibaldi.
Ladv ; and a cornet solo, "Cast Aside,’’
All those desirous of having their pho­
We have a farm of 200 acres located in
Geo. L- Irwin was in the city 011 Mon
Painless Dentistry.
by Master Herbert Cooper.
tographs taken should call at once at Klickitat county, Wash., four miles from
day from llobsonville; also H. H. John­
Dr. Tatom, the painless dentist, is at son and F. Ix-vil.
Heins’ Studio, which will close shortly, Goldendale, the count v seat. All under
the Allen house, and will remain in Til'.a-
cultivation ; good house, barn and or­ shades, at Lamb’s.
for he is going away.
G. Allison was in from Nestocton on
If you want to buy a present for your chard and well watered. We will ex­ ’ There was not enough city dads pre­ mook until after the Christmas holidays, Monday.
friend get one that is good and will last change this property for Tillamook sent Monday evening to transact busi­ and is prepared to do all kinds of den-! Lea Cox was in the city Thursday
from Beu ley.
a lifetime. The place to get it is at county property. For further particulars ness, it having been agreed at the pre­ tistry work.
Dr. Tatom will leave for Nehalem on ! W. Reifenlierg was in from Bay City
i apply to B eals B ros ., Tillamook, Or. * vious meeting that the council meet later
Letcher’s Jewelery store.
in the month to wind up the year’s busi­ the 3rd of January, and will remain there on Thursday.
Mr. Jesse Imbler, from Hood River,
See the Pijie and Tobacco display in ness, which was set for Thursday, Dec.
one week. _________________
J. Simmons was in the city from Nestoc-
who has been visiting his son, Mr. A. E. Lamb’s window.
29th. Councilman-Elect Dr. Hawke was
ton on Thursday.
Imbler, left on the steamer Elmore for
Rev. F. H. Neff, pastor of the United present. If he attended to put the retiring
Laraen House.
his home on Wednesday.
Brethren church, wishes ns to announce councilmen under autoptical examination
All ¡arsons knowing themselves to l»e
llobsonville, R. Nein, W. St a files, Alfred
The editor believes in expansion, for that owing to a misunderstanding in he must have thought it futile to operate
INDEBTED to us will please call and
amongst the new subscrilnrrs to the dates, he has withdrawn the announce­ upon so few councilmen, as City Dad
Magnuson, I/cigh Jones; Portland, C. 1.
settle at once, as we need the money.
Clough; Balm, Hans Nelson; Bay City,
H eadlight this week is the name of ment of last week in favor of the Presby­ Anderson was ready to quit sine die.
J. A. TODD & CO.
E. L. McNeil, Miles Warren, H B. Hen­
Senator Geo. W. McBride.
terians, who will commence a series of
Give the children something they can
dricks, Mrs. N.J. Hendricks, Miss Daisy
W. P. Book has filed suit in the circuit meetings in the court house one week learn from.
Books and blocks at
Holiday Goods.
B. Hendricks ; Blaine, John Moon;
court against J. Forest for $944 on a from Sunday. Mr. Neff will announce . Lamb’s.
disappointed you before and ( Woods, C. F. Murphy and wife; Wilson,
promissory note, with interest on the his meeting at a later date.
| A gentleman, who came West a few
I will not now. Don’t buy a dollar’s E. D. Severance.
same. Mr. B. L. Eddv is the attorney
Bill Books at Lamb’s.
weeks ago from North Dakota to look
worth elsewhere until you see my stock.
for plaintiff.
The secretary of the department of over the resources of Oregon, and parti-
Everybody who sees Sturgeon’s stock superintendence, a department of the i cularly that of Tillomook county, com­ Rememlier I always ha veixen/ind al ways
of holiday goods, exclaims : “Oh my, state teachers’ association, has called a plains of the false information he received will lie headquarters for Santa Claus.
Given away an Important Cabinet
S. J. STURGEON, Druggist.
there's hundreds of things to select from, meeting of the department for next Tues­ I at Forest Grove about Tillamook coun­
and it is the largest stock ever on display day and Wednesday at Portland for the ty. He was coining across the mountains
CffAi'IGO, Dec 20. —A special to the
Tribune from Washington Mays: Former
in Tillamook."
purpose of discussing thoroughly the , on horse back, but was told the only '
Seeretary of State John Sherman, in an
Cigars at Lamb’s.
various phases of needed school legisla­ was to get into Tillamook city was by
interview, tells sn interesting cabinet se-
Messrs. F. W. Beals, Geo. Bacon and
ciet, which in the days tiefore tho war
J. McNamer came in over the Wilson river tions to the legislature that is to meet in Grove wanted him to buy land near that
was fr» <|iientlv suspected, but h«V(W es­
■ city, but the visitor did not bite, but
road on Saturday from Forest Grove. January next.
tablished. With considerable emotion the
Mr. Bacon has sold out his interest in the
Prices arc right at Lamb's.
ex-secretary said:
was surprised on reaching here to hear
livery barn to his partners.
At the meeting at the M E. church on
"I tried to pro venr thi «foolish war with
J pan
Meerchum pipes at Lamb's.
Friday evening it was decided to allow
Spain As matter of fact negotiations
ing regular daily trips across the motin
Engl.sh Breakfast
The entertainment* and social given on presents to l»c placed on the tree. This
were already in progrxMMtn purchase« Juba
tains. However, he was doubly glad he
i<Lal Blend
Saturday evening by the members of the is as it should be, for people at Christmas
from Spain when the war fridingsuddeni v
had investigated for himself, for he came
Christian church at the opera house was time like plenty of latitude, and as the
rote and swept everything beforwit. And
to the conclusion that no county in Ore­
largely attended, the program appearing Christmas tree was made a union affair
>’pain would have accepts the terms.
gon contained such productive soil as
there was no necessity to curtail a lo..g
to give general satisfaction.
• This is a matter of secret history. And
was to be found in Tillamook county.
standing custom of allowing persons to
now what have wegot to show for ail
Briar wood pipes at Lamb’s.
The sanguinary ¡»erverter of the truth in
put Christmas presents on the tree for
thi<* eapence? Home islands In the Phil>
Mr. B. C. Lamb has artistically dressed
Forest Grove can crawl into his shell for •
their friends. This is now all satisfactor­
1 ppines for Instances, which are worth
his store window with all kinds of
the gentleman will locate in Tillamook
ily arranged.
¡»er annum income; in-
cigars, pipa, tobaccos and cigarettes,
Arrivent TillamoHi next day by
4 p n> Hbmt
Leave Tillamook dally except Sunday 6 p m creased indeleednets of $2«M>,OOO.INJO and
ABC blocks at Lamb's.
making a pretty display and fine lot of
Arrive N Yamhill nest day
ty. m.
a lot of i»dands inhabited mainly by rnan
The union Christmas tree will take
goods to select Christmas ¡»resents from.
AHI» IfoaaoWVIl.l.»'. —
Masonic Installation.
L »»• l illionook daily except Tuesday e- ooam <aiers. And the iikh « dentn*saing feature
place on Saturday evening at the opera
Artive llobsonville
9 00 m m
Cigars by the box at Lamb’s.
house, the committees ha ring about com­
A stated Communication ; L'vu HolMwiiivllle, except Tsesdsy 1» o»' s in of the affair is that we are now aleiut to
Dr. Clough, of Portland, was in Tilla­
Arrive Tillamook
• "O tn
of Tillamook Lodge, No. 57, -L've
pleted the necessary arrangements. A
HoL*m«Hie Mondays
... m '** in. la» called upon to pay |20 (JOU.OOO for ter­
mook last week, and has made arrange­
will lie held on St. John’s I Airlvr* ia Tillsnioik ..............
ix osra ritory that we ronl«l have taken without
large gathering is expected. The pro­
Day. on Tuesday. Ikx’enilier ’
ments to open a drug store in the city,
• x¡»ending a dollar ”
gram is short, being a song by the choir,
Ixaven Tillamook Tuesdays. Thursdays.
having rented J. A. Todd Ac Co. s ware­ prayer by Rev. A. R. Griggs. Christmas
and Saturdays at
7 a. m
in the forenoon.
Arrive«» Netarts
I I rn.
house, in which a plate glass front will * »ng by da«« one. song and exerK.se by
How arc you fixed for ’Xmas Fruit,
Ixa»rs Netarts same days,
Installation at two pm.. public to
Arrives Tillamook by
6 j . m mt Lamb curly. The boat wont Iw in
l»e pttU
class ewo. song by class three, remarks Mason's families
Candies, all prices, at Lamb’s.
Ixsvet Grand Ro«inde daily exrept wundsy i again,
by Rev. R. E. Dunlap, and song by
Basket lunch at lodge r»»om.
st*»p m . or on arrival of mailfrom McMinn­
The <mly high Grade Album* in the city
Pine Tobacco at Lamb’s.
. the choir.
All Master Masons and their families ville
Arriéra at Tillamook at 1 45.
i at Lamb’s,
Havana Cigars at Lamb’s.
Key West Cigars at Lamb’s.
are welcome.
fX-aven Tiliani'»ok I Mil y ear ept Mniiday St A
p m or on arrival of mail from X. Vamioll,
Third and last call to get those Toys
By order of the W.M.
Imported Cigars at Lamb’s,
All kinds of fhnrks for children and
a h «ch m usually 4 ys
at coat—*Lamb.
Gao. H. H aplkt , dec. i Arrives st Ursud Konde st 14$.
' “grown ups' at Lamb’s.
n are at Lamb's.
A No. 8 Granite Tea Kittle for 60c.,
and other granite ware in proportion at
The editor wishes every Tillainooker a McIntosh & McNair’s.
The imported Black Deess Goods that
merry Christmas.
Cohn & Co. are displaying are the
Pipes at Lamb’s.
prettiest you ever saw.
Books at Lamb’s.
Attorney H. B. Hendricks, of Bay City,
Games at Lamb’s.
with Mrs. Hendricks and daughter, were
! in the city on Tuesday.
’Xmas presents at Lamb’s
New stock of masks at Sturgeon’s. *
Flour and feed at J. A. Todd & Co. *
Santa Claus this week at Sturgeon’s.*
A new line of umbrellas at the Racket
All gpods warranted as represented at
A new line of caps and tarns at the
Racket store.
New stock of Children’s Caps, 25c. at
Cohn & Co.’s.
New Colors in Velvetsjusa rEceived at
Cohn & Co.’s.
Baby cloaks, hoods, mittens, etc., at
Mrs. Sturgeon’s
White skirts, night gowns, etc., at
Mrs. Sturgeon’s.
A new stock of shoes just received by
J. A. Todd & Co.
Cohn & Co. have the largest stock of
gloves in the city.
Children's books of all kinds at Stur­
geon’s drug store.
Fine handkerchiefs for ’Xmas presents
at Mrs. Sturgeon’s.
Mittens, cashmere gloves, kid gloves
at Mrs. Sturgeon’s.
Extra fine, fresh lot of Groceries at
McIntosh & McNair’s.
Holiday gifts for all, big and small, at
Sturgeon’s Drug Store.
Mr. II. Peters, postmaster at Sprague,
was in the city on Friday.
A cigar case given with each purchase
of a box of cigars at Lamb's.
We want to show you our goods.
Please call at McIntosh & McNair’s. *
It’s fun for the children to look over
Sturgeon’s great variety of novelties. *
A good advice to some people about
Christmas time is, "Be merry and wise."
A good assortment of underwear and
fine all wool hosiery at Mrs. Sturgeon’s..
Come in and see the fine line of China,
dinner and tea sets, cheap, at McIntosh &
Buy your gold watehes, chains, rings,
and jewelry of all kinds at Sturgeon’s
Drug Store.
Geo. L. Irwin, H. H. Johnson and F.
Suri, from Hobson vilie, have returned to
San Francisco.
J. A. Todd & Co. have added a com­
plete stock of Groceries, Flour, and Feed
to their stock.
The latest gag is. “May you be in hea­
ven six months before the devil knows
you are dead.”
We have just a few capes and jackets
left, which we are closing out very cheap.
—Cohn & Co.
A very neat and appropriate present
is one of those nice bottles of perfumery
at Sturgeon’s.
A full line of Men’s, Women’s. Misses'
and Children’s Rubbers just received by
J. A. Todd & Co.
Please call and examine our fine assort­
ment of China and (»lass Ware, at Mc­
Intosh ft McNair’s.
Sturgeon has a nice new stock of
Ladies' and Gent’s watches that be is
selling at a bargain.
Just received the finest line of Silks and
Black l»mw (roods every brought to the
city, at Coha ft Co.’s.
Something nice for 'Xmas ptrsents for
your wives, mothers and sweethearts at
Three arc lamps have been put up on
Main street by the electric light company,
one at each cross road. They were illu­
minated on Wednesday evening, giving
Tillamook city again a metropolitan ap­