Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 03, 1898, Image 1

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    Che g)eat»HiUjt,
yeoplc Who Want
has over one thousand suoscnbers.
// has more local news, and is the
cleanest, ablest and best paper in 1
Tillamook County. People who
want all the news and who do not
want slush, dirt and abuse, take
Good Job Printing will do well
to bear in mind that there is but
one decently equipped Job office
in Tillamook Countyt and that
is the office o
©he fienblipht.
(£hc £>eablinbt.
• •• •
Vol. II.
TILLAMOOK, OREGON, THURSDAY, November 3rd, 1898.
No. 20
4 50 PAIR
S lightly
D amaged .
Will be Placed on Sale at
$i.oo To $250,
We also have
Direct from the Factory.
Which we will close out at the fol-
lowing very low prices:
51b. B lankets (R egular P rick ) $5 00, S ale P rice ,
$6 00,
$10 00,
101b. G rey
$10 00,
101b. M ottled
$7 50.
100 PAIR of all Wool PANTS,
and 10 Dozi heavy blue and brown
flannel overshirts will besold for less
than was ever sold for here before
Call early and see our bargains.
The Hotel Arrivals.
Wm. Carter, Garbaldi; Chas. Wolley,
D kre S ur ,—We hav got up a littel
Beaver; Anton Shultson and family,
Beaver; W. C. King, Sandlake; G. Ä. skeem (see below) and want you to help
Maners, Beaver; R. David, Beaver ; W. ■ us git it thru the legislater.
J. Warren, Portland; A. N. Huntsinger |
and wife. Bay City; Mrs. Campbell and | An ackt for a bill to improve the gine-
son. Bay City ; W. Harris, Sand Lake ; I
Frank Owens, Chas Rays, Cloverdale; ral morrai toan of the community ; to
E. J. Knoblock, Woods; H. V. Scott, autherize the city of East Garibaldi to
J. E. Brown, North Yamhill; H. G. Plv- levy a tacks for the purpus of improvin
male, Portland; W. E. Knight and wife, Skunk Crick, and for purchasin, operatin
John J. Johnson, Mason Clark, Fairview; and manetainin Jim Jones’ sammon sane
W. Pallets, Trask; D. Cronin, Chester D.
Ward, Nehalem; A. J. Wilks, Dilley;J. R. and so forth and so on.
Hayden, Forest Grove; C. F. Burton,
Be it cnackted by the legislater of the
Leadville, Col.
Stait of Oregon :
Section 1. That honesty is the best
P. F. Ducham, J. Ducham, Wilson: I
Martin Peterson, Dolph; P. C. Bates, ' ---- --
town of East Gari­
Portland; H. H. Downing, Nehalem; J.: Sec. 2. That the
McNaughton. San Francisco;Ix‘igh Jones, baldi is hereby antharized and directed to
Hobsonville; C. A. Johnson, Grant Mar­ levy a tack, of foreteen mill, on the
shall, W. F. Richardson, Garibaldi; R. C. 1 dolerfor the purpns of ditchin. improvin
Nein, F. P. Hobson and wife. Hobson­ and paivin Skunk Crick so that the same
ville; G. B. Davidson, Eufalua, Wash.
Dr. F. R. Madison, E. B. Jacobz, Bay- shall be navigable for mud cat, at high
_______________ _
Sec. 3. Before any of the said tacks
. Real Estate Transfers.
shall be spent on said crick, said town
Oct. 26.—K. and S. A. Bailes to G. S. and shad perchase of Jim Jones his sammon
J. W. Bailes,Nw Vi of sec. 18, Tp. 5S„ , sane at the price of one thousend dolers,
i and said town shall hereafter operate
R. 10 W.
’ the
' ’ benefit
maintane said sane for
Oct. 26.—C. E. and Lizzie Reynold to P. t and
McIntosh and A. J. McNair, W 24*4 I the heethen in forrin lands.
feet of Lot 1 in block 10 Tillamook. I | P.S.—Mr. Editur, the dern old sane is
Oct. 28.— A. G. Beals to Lottie A. Wiley, ; , kind of roten, but Jim got soaked on it,
lots Nos. 16 and 17 in block No. 14,1 and I am a silent pardner of his. and we
A. A. Miller’s addition to Tillamook. orter help him out. Doant print this
Oct. 31.—Lawrence V. Hickey to T. M. | part.
Kellogg, Sw Vi of sec. 16, Tp. 2 N., R.
7 W.
Oct. 31.—Lawrence V. Hickey to T. M.
Kellogg, Nw V* of sec. 16 Tp, 2 N., R-
7 W.
Oct. 31.—Lawrence V. Hickey to T. M.
Kellogg. E H of Ne t* and E tv of Sc
H of sec. 36 Tp. 2 N. R. 7 W.
Nov. 1.—U. S. of A. to Charles A. Smith
N H of Sw 1* and Sw 1« of Nw 1» of
»ec 1 and Set« of sec. 2 Tp. 2 S. R 9W.
Nov. 2.—E. S. Larsen by N. J. Blagen
assignee to G. E. Withington, Sw '«
of Sc H of see. 11, W *4 of Ne t«. and
Se t* of Nel« of sec 14 Tp. 1N R 10 W.
Nov. 2.—F. R. and B. L. Beals to Ora B.
Well», 30 acres in James Quicks add.
“Savory food causes the
digestive juices to be
freely secreted”—reason
enough why Schilling's
baking powder
flavoring extract*
and spices
should be used in your
G W. Smith & Company
A fine new line of hats just received at
Cohn & Co.
Mr. Henry A. Elv was in from Spruce
on Wednesday.
The county court will meet next Wed-
nesday for business.
Mr. Myron Trowbridge was taken
quite sick on Friday.
A full line of watches and clocks jnst
received at Letcher's.
Pure Rock Candy Drips 25 cts. for Vi
gallon at Cohn & Co.
A superior lot of mackintoshes just
received at Cohn & Co.
Tom Johnson and Warren Wade left
on Thursday for Grants Pass.
Bom, to the wife of Mr. Fred Lowery,
on the 28th ult., a daughter.
Goto Cohn & Co.for your cartridges if
you want the best in market.
A full line of Composition Books just
received at the Racket Store.
Fred and Dhue McKinley are the new
proprietors of the fish market.
Miss Ethel Hoskins came in from Foley
to attend school at the academy.
Ex-County Judge W. W. Conder was
in from Nestucca on Wednesday.
Miss M. E. Duffy left on Wednesday for
Portland on the steamer Elmore.
Dr. W. Tatom and Mr. G. H. Collin-
returned to Sheridan on Saturday.
Anything wanted in the line of amu-
nition can be had at W. C, Cary's.
Headquarters for ammunition at Let­
cher’s, the largest stock in the county.
Cohn & Co.’s six and seven dollar suits
are the best every sold in town for the .
The steamer Elmore came in on Mon-
day loaded with freight and left again on
Will there be any burning questions to
decideatthe city election in Tillrmook
next month?
Revival services continue to be held at
the Christian church, conducted by Evan­
gelist Lyster.
Cary still loads shells to order. Try
his hand loaded shells, they are the best
in the market.
Dr. Hawke was called to Miama to
attend the wife of Mr. Frank Cane, who
was quite sick.
We are glad to see that Mr. Peter
Brant is able to be out again after his
recent sick spell.
Mrs. Ripley came in from Foley for
medical treatment, and is stopping at the
Tillamook hotel.
People do not have to keep their cows
up until next month, the date being from
Dec. 15 to March 15.
Mr. Ben Dixon and his daughter Edith
left on Tueeday for Michigan, where they
will make their home.
Cohn & Co. have just received a full
line of the best loaded shotgun cartridges
made. AH sizes on stock.
Mrs. John Boodle, of Hobsonville. was
a customer at Shanahan’s music store
and purchased a nice organ.
Buy your rubber boots and mackin­
toshes of D. T. E dni NOT if you want the
best goods for the least -money.
Cyclists can now ride on the side walks,
the city ordinance giving them this per­
mission from the 1st of the month.
Mr. Robert Hayden, abutcher at Forest
Grove, came in on horseback with Mr.
Emmet Quick from that city on Tuesday.
We can show the largest line of winter
boots and shoes in the city. Call and
see the large shoe department at Cohn
& Co-
Mr. and Mrs. Oswald A. B. Grosser
and Miss Lillian Booth left Tillamook
on Friday to return to their home at
Highland Lodge.
McNair and McIntosh, who bought
out Mr C-. E. Reynold's hardware store,
are taking stock and will be ready to do
business in a day or so.
Sumner Hauxhurst paid the usual fine
and cost of $6 for occupying the lied in
the cooler one night, where he was given
the privilege to sober np.
Mrs Aug. Lvdtke. from Xehalem, was
in the citv for medical treatment. Also
Mrs. Ada Morri, for the same purpose,
Dr. Hawke being their physician.
Mr William Hare anil wife, from Bay
City, came in last week to make their
home in the city. They recently returned
from Michigan, where they had gone on
a visit.
Mr. John Hisler. of Gale, Creek, will be
here Fridav for the purpose of fig"""*
on the cost of constructing the fX.qx-ed
bridge, at Besters and Fall creek on the
Wilson river.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A Todd returned
home from McMinnville on Thurwiay
¡evening They were accompanied by
Miss Emma Ford, from Santa Rosa.
Cal., who will remain here.
The Oregon annual conference of the
United Brethren, which was held at Phil­
omath last week, has appointed Rev. F.
H. Niff to Tillamook. Rev. W. W. (»reg-
on’ goes to Columbia river.
Indian Scott is dead. This occurred at
Garibaldi on Tuesday, and Mr. Thomp­
son, who has just added the undertaker’s
business to his furniture store, supplied
his first coffin for the Indian.
The following letters are advertised at
the Tillamook post office; Rev. Wilhelm
Roehmer, Mrs. Daniel Ford, Mrs. Edith
Kramer, F. A. North. E. E. Stillwell, Mr.
Perry Simmons.—I,. J. H unt , postmaster.
| If new subscribers to the Headlight con­
tinue to pour in we shall be forced to put
in a cylinder press. Ti.ls is a healthy sign,
and shows conclusively that the people
of Tillamook county appreciate a live,
progressive newspaper.
We are selling wool mackintoshes at
nearly the same price as others are ask­
ing for cotton ones. Quality considered
we are 10 jier cent cheaper on mackin­
toshes, wool underwear, than any store
in the city.—D. T. E dmunds .
$1.50 Per year.
The electric light company has made
a reduction in the price of lights, which,
as well be seen from the list below, is a
reduction of 25 per cent. This went into
effect the 1st of November. This is the
1 —, $1.40 — $ .80 — $ .50
1.50 —
3 — 3.90 — 2.10 — 1.20
4 — S.00 — 2.60 — 1.40
5 — 6.00 — 3.25 — 1.75
6 — 7.00 — 3.75 — 2.00
7 — 8.00 — 4.26 — 2.25
8 — 9.00 — 4.75 — 2.50
9 — 10.00 — 5.25 — 2.75
10 — 11.00 — 5.75 — 3.00
20 vds good cialico......... ........... $1.00
17 yds, fancy dress plaids................ 1.00
13 yds. outing flannel........................ 1.00
7 yds. heavy jeans.............................. 1.00
Ladies Pure Australian underwear at
$2.00 ix?r suit, children’s all wool suits,
umbrellas and numerous other things at
just such bargains at the Racket Store.
In Tillamook and What is Re­
Defines his Position on Equal-
Two weeks since the H kadlight gave
the following paragraph in the local
County Assessor Stephens has footed
up the totals since the board of equaliza­
tion adjourned, which gave £1,090,918
taxable property in the county and
$96.496 in the city. Judge Sappington
declines to sign the report of the board of-
equalization. He claims that a lot of
property in Tillamook county is not
assessed high enough. Unfortunately
the Judge was sick and unable to attend
when the board had the question under
consideration. •’
Some people have misconstrued this,
thinking that Judge Sappington was in
tavor of raising the assessment all over the
county. This is is not so, only in certain
locations for the purpose of making the
assessments equal. Judge Sappington
has a right to lx- heard, and the citizens
are curious to know his reasons for
declining to sign the board of equaliza­
tion report. He occupied the editor's
chair in our sanctum and submitted to
us the following statement for publica­
In your locals of the issue of Oct. 20th.
you say that—“Judge Sappington i de-
clines to sign the report of the board of
Which is correct. “He claims that a
lot of property in Tillamook County is
not assessed high enough.” This is not
correct and is misleading, making it ap.
jx-ar that I wish to raise the assessed
price of property or at least a lot of it.
I have never had a thought of
raising the price of any property
in fillamook County except for the
purpose of equalizing it, which I main­
tain is the duty of the board and
theone for which it was created, and be.
lieving that the board has failed to per.
form the duties of said board, as laid
down by law, is my reason for refusing
to sign said report.
For the benefit of your many readers
I will mention a few eases wherein I
think that there is unequal assessments:
"Land on the road that runs east from
I illamook City, the Fairview road. Land
along this road with few exceptions is
rated at $10 per acre; that of F. Sever,
ance was rated at $17 per acre; Eli
Goods|ieed's rated at $20 per acre, but
in every instant where land extended to
what is known as bottom land was
assessed at a lower rate.
Second, the land on the Bay City road,
running north from Tillamook City, was
rated at from $4 to $7 per acre, These
lands are considered the best in Tilbi.
mook County anil can lx sold for from
$f>0 to $100 per acre, while the other
land mentioned first goes lagging for a
buyer at from $40 to $50 |xr acre.
Third, there is land assessed that lavs
side by side, two pieces, one rated at $7
per acre the other $4 per acre. Take
the farm of Peter Brant, lying on the
north side of Wilson river, assessed at
$1OO. This is less than one third of the
price it has beta rented for for eight
years; also the William Johnson farm,
divided equal with his five children^
It is only natural that parents should
take advantage of the facilities for edu­
cation which St. Alphonsus academy
offers to the general public, and this,
The cheapest feed stable in Tillamook perhaps, is the reason why so many
is the “Farmer’s Barn.’’ Hay for team pupils are being taught at the academy
one night, 50c. Ticket good for 5 nights this year instead of at the public school
$1.75. Just one hulfthe price el sew he ei in this city. To say the least, it must be
In old Blackwell building. Try it. *
admitted that the academy is a well
C has E. H all , Proprietor.
ordered seminary of learning, with
Mr. Leigh Jones, manager of the Truc­ capable and experienced teachers. Here
kee Lumber Company at Hobsonville, is the secret of its success. Our public
was in the city the latter part of last schools require to be as diligently
week, and reported everything running managed, and where they have wide­
smoothly, with a large amount of busi­ awake, progressive, up to date teachers
their popularity and usefulness stand
ness, at the mill and store.
City Recorder C. N. Drew was round out pre-eminently to the front. A good
Tuesday posting notices of the city elec­ many of our public school are what
tion, which is to take place on Monday, directors or teachers make them. True it
December 5th, when the following officers is that it is impossible to add the ad­
are to lie elected: Mayor, five council, vance studies to all our public schools,
but much may yet lie accomplished in
men, recorder, treasurer and marshal.
this direction, csjiecially in schools where
There was some complaint heard on
there are several teachers. We believe
the street Sunday owing to the action of
every county should have a public high
Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Eddy noti­
school in connection with our district
fying the proprietors of the saloons that I
schools, to I m ? located in the most central
they would have to comply with the law
position. This would give pupils who
by not selling liquor on Sundays.
have graduated from the district schools
In speaking of the candidacy of Repre­ an opportunity of attaining an advance
presentative J. W’. Maxwell for the re­ education. This apjiears to us to be es­
ceivership of the Oregon City land office, sential, for there are no facilities here in
and the published statement that Recei­ Tillamook county of a public character
ver Galloway’s term expired in February where a pupil with an aptitude for learn­
of 1899, Mr. Galloway states that his ing and desirous of obtaining more in­
four years’ term does not expire until tellectual knowledge can secure it.
March, 1900.
Pupils from our districts schools should
Tom Johnson, who lost a purse con- be able to obtain this free at some cen­
tabling $70 during the big fire last sum- tral location. The State University at
mer, was fortunate enough to find it in Eugene requires a pupil to earn a certain
the pasture a few days ago. It was a I numlier of credits before he can be ad­
great surprise to Johnson to find the I mitted into that institution. These can­
purse at his feet at a time when the boys I not lx? obtain in our district schools, but
w ere jollying Him, saying he would find from high schools, colleges or academies,
it elsew’here.
consequently the State University prac­
We are selling first grade ladies’ gum tically debars pupils from our public
boots, at the same price some stores are schools became they have not had an
selling Rhode Island, Bay State, and opportunity anywhere in the county to
Conneticut brands, which are second earn those credits. Ail will admit that
grade rubbers. You will find double the this is not right. It can readily be seen
wear in first quality of rubber goods how essential it is that Tillamook
than you w ill in second grade rubl>crs. county or Tillamook city should have a
public high school, where advance
—D. T. E dmunds .
studies -----
can I m - ? obtained free of cost to
a ma- i--------
A pCAlAlun
petition IB
is being uiiuitucu
circulated 111
in Tilla-
mook which is numerously signed, the parents. Besides, parents would prefer one of these shares is rated at $200,
preambe of which reads as follows ; sending their children to a public high two at $300 each, two at $400 each.
“The undersigned hereby respectively school at home in preference to sending
This is some of the ratings I think
ask that the mail route now established them away from home and to some should lie changed by the board.
between the town of Gales Creek in other county. Let us have a little home
Fourth, examine the rating of the lots
Washington county in the state of Ore- protection right here in Tillamook, in Tillamook city. Look at the iota of J.
gon, and the postoffice of Illingsworth in , Until that time the Alphonsus academy D. Edwards anil Tom Coats lying in the
thecountyofTillamook.be ex tended from ’will take the place of the public high 8. E. part of the city, lots rated at
the said poetoffice of Illingsworth to the school. It is gratifying to know that $50, turn to the lots assessed to Judge
| parents can give their children an ad- Conder, rated at $20 per lot; W. H. H.
city of Tillamook.’’
' vance education here in Tillamook at a
A big two-year old.bear, weighing pro-' low figure at the academy, but many Cary, $30; Bowers lota rated $15 per
bably 300 pounds, was trapjicd within ( parent« would prefer a public institution lot ¡property belonging to Thayer, IK
acres assessed at $1500.
the city limits on .Monday night. for that purpose.
These are some of the ratings that I
Bruin had been feasting sumptuously ! The lowest terms of any academy in
upon the offal thrown from Olsen's can­ Oregon, where there is competition, are think needs the attention of the board.
nery, about 3(H) yards for that establish- over one third higher than in Tillamook, 1 think with three exceptions the pro.
ment. Jurd Morris and H. V. Stott set where there is no competition. . The
Ttw perty remains the same as rated by the
xt . ■ 1 «
i ’ aoiiApmv'n
(nr music? pupils,
ntittili $10
academy's forma
terms for
the trails that night, and on Tuesday ' for a term of 11 weeks, while the lowest assessor. I might mention many more
morning found the trap gone. Follow-1 I of any other academy in Oregon is $15 a but think this is sufficient.
This is my reason for my withholding
ing the track a short distance they came term of 11 weeks fo/music. A difference
across Mr. Bruin, the boys lieing delight. ' of $20 r for one pupil ’ * in “ 10 months. For my signature from said report, or in
day scholars we see that the St. Alphon-
ed capturing such big. However, bruin sus academy charges from $2 to $5 for other words refused to sign the certifi-
had to pay dearly for intruding within a term of 11 weeks, according to grades, cate.
tx-ntle readers, I am conscience
the city limits, for the boys soon killed while the lowest prices in any other
academy in Oregon is from $4 to $8 for that I am under oath. 1 am ask to
a term of the same time. The difference make a certificate, I am a servant of the
.Mr. W. C. King, of Sand Lake, was in is striking in itself Having no competi­ 'people elected by the voters of tire
the city last week with quite a quantity tion here from any other academy, every- county, and want to serve the peop'e
body can feel that the prices were put
of fine cranl>erries grown on his place. down against any and all selfish in­ I for their best interest. I ask, “Am I
We were favored with some and pro­ terests, solely for the benefit of this com I right or am I wrong ?”
nounce them excellent. Mr. King has de- munity. This is a fact that everyone
monstrated that the climate in Tillamook can see and find out. All must appreciate
such a liberal and first-class institution
Office »1 Oregon < ity, Ore.,
county is suitable for cranlierry raising. in Tillamook.
October #lh, lUp.
Nolic« I, hereby given that the billowing
This is an industry which farmers of this
named — tiler h,a nled notice of hl. intention
county should enter into. W'here they
to make final ur<«oi in <tu|>por t of hl. < I aim god
New Goo 4 a just Arrived.
that Mild proof will Ire made briore the krgl.U r
have a piece of land suitable it woaldpay
Receiver at Oregon City. Oregon, on II tem­
I have just received a lot of Ladies* all and
them to plant cranberries. After a few wool Ji ck ts. New and up to date stvlc per Zlal. iMgt. via
years Tillamook cranberries would be which 1 w II sell cheaper tnan ever. .My H. K. »71». for th.-"!-, q of Na g of H*' »1 ,nd
Ser ,o Tp I N , K. Io W
like Tillamook I mt ter and cheese upon it<xk of Misses shoes are nearly gone.
He name« the following wllntewa lo prove
i the market, in great demand and fetch­ Call soon and get the bargains. I have hie conttnuona reaidente upon and cultivation
purchased a job lot of new granite and of Mitd land, via
ing the highest cash prices. Mr. King ware which will lie in on the next boat.
Jacolr Ripley, of Foloy, Oregon . W O. Thayer,
Portland J W Maxwelt, fillamook, Oecgou I
| obtained a prtoe at the Portland ex­ . Call in and see for yourself.
Edward » laiuh of Portland. Oregou
< Ma« H. Mooaxa. Rrgt.tur.
W. E. P age , Prop., Tillamook.
position for Tillamook cranberries.