Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 20, 1898, Image 5

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_________ J BJ
Cohn 4' Co- carry a Full fa
Line of Groceries and Pro- J?
visions, which, for Quality
and Price cannot beEqual-
ed in the County.
Trade with Cohn &
Co and Get Value for
Your Money.
Ever Consigned to Tillamook.
* i
Ladies' Fancy Shoes.
Gent.'s Dress Shoes.
Children's School Shoes.
Rubber Boots, etc.
Cohn <5’ Co.’s Boots and
Ladies’and Gent.'s WOOLEN UNDERWEAR, Splendid I Shoes
cannot be Surpassed $
or Wear.
’ Comfort
Line of Dress Goods suitable for Winter Wear.
By far the Largest and Best Stock to select from in the County.
son except by repeating the costly ex­ it. The fact is going to make hundreds scarcer an awakening will came; at least within the past few’ weeks. A Demo­ exporting country in the world should
of thousands of votrs for the republicans we hope so.
cratic victory in the coining congression­ send its grain in its ow n ships. The peo­
in the elections in November. The
al elections, however, would start the ple who use more of the world’s products
R egarding the proposed new rail­ party which gave prosperity to the I
gold reserves downward again. If the than any other equal number of |>eople
road to be constructed from Hankow to country, and which can maintain it, can ' coast for a small turpentine factoryr Democrats carry the country on Novem­ on the globe should bring those products
Hong Kong, China, by an American ! appeal with confidence to the suffrages : There are two species of wood rich in ber 8 nobody will say a month or two home under their own flag. A system of
turpentine and allied products, Douglas
syndicate, ex-Senator Calvin S. Brice, I of the people.”
afterward, what everybody has been discriminating duties for the Protection
fir and “bull” pine, both of which yield
T he total mortality of the war with said ; “The American syndicate has now
saying in the past few’ months, that the of American shipping would bring all
Spain, from bullets and disease, up to on hand, on the property, part of its
M ark II anna has sounded an alarm,
banks and the treasury have more gold this to pass.
October 3, is shown by the official re­ engineering force, and is sending, as says the N. Y. World. He frankly tells and other so-called naval products. than they can profitably use. A simple 1
cords of the Adjutant General to be less rapidly as it can be equipped, a corps of his fellow-Republicans that the next
and sure way to kill financial confidence j T here is much talk going the rounds
than 3000. The figures a re much smaller engineers and other officials, who will House of Representatives is likely to be experence with “pitchy” trees know’ and business prosperity is to let the Dem­ that feeder buyers are going to discrimi­
than could reasonably have been antici­ make the survey, beginning at Hankow’ Democratic. This is true, and no won­
ocrats win an election.
nate against “common” cattle this fall,
pated in so important a conflict.
and extending to the city of Canton, der. With the Dinglev bill producing less The yield is by no means as large as the!
but w hen the growerscan get $25 a head
and thence to Hong Kong. There are revenue than enough to pay the ordinary
V igilance , intelligence and firmness on for yearlings and $30 or better for 2-
A ccording to one of the recognized in the syndicate seven representatives of expenses of the Government; w ith the tainly room for a factory that will utilize ’ the part of the American commissioners year-olds which they are doing at pre­
populist organs, “if permanent pros­ the Vanderbilt interests and three of the scandals of the war on the Republican the stumps and refuse of pitch-bearing ’ are demanded at this juncture. Inoue sent, it makes very little difference as far
perity is to prevail the power of capital Standard Oil Company, John D. Rock- party’s head ; w ith the President’s sham­ trees on the coast. It is worth investi­ j respect the conditions are adverse for as the discrimination is concerned. It
must be curtailed by the free coinage feller, Wm. Rockfeller and the president ful abuse of his appointing power in gating.
' the Americans. Public opinion in France, pays better, of course, to breed good
of silver and a large issuance of green­ of one of the largest banks ; also the pre- filling the vital departments of the army
T he Klondike spw mill man is now’ in particularly official opinion, is on Spain's cattle, but the growers cannot change
back.’* Hitherto we have been told sidents of several of our largest trust with incompetents who had pull ; w ith clover. With lumber at $250 per 1,000 i side. Some of the astutest diplomats in their herds from “common” cattle to
that currency inflation would not im­ companies, Levi P. Morton, George T. the records of the sickness and deaths in 1 feet, he cares not whether rails or cargo the w’orld are in Paris ready to coach the thoroughbreds in a day, and if they
pair the power of capital, but would Bliss and officials of the Carnegie Steel the camps, attributable solely to incap­ freight rates on the Pacific coast advance Spanish commissioners. Continental could, why then these same feeder buyers
rather stimulate productive industry. Company. Our best opinion is that it able administration ; with Alger still or not.
j Europe, jealous of America, and fearful of would likely be hunting the country over
In this restatement of the popocratic w’ill cost between $30,000,000 and $40,- holding office and controlling the army ; j
, the ultimate effect on European preten­ for “common cattle.”
position the demand for free silver, how­ 000,000. The syndicate will undoubt­ with an exasperating war-revenue meas-1 So Spain wanted to secure a man to tions in Asia which would result from a ,
ever, is surplusage, as the curtailing edly control the road for a period of four i ure w hich even with the aid of the com­ pilot her fleet along the New England I diplomatic victory at Paris for the
I n contradicting sensational reports as
process can be done so much more or five years, during which it is subject merce-crippling Dinglev bill produces a coast. “First catch your rabbit,” said ■ United States, will use their influence to scarcity of food supplies among United
readily and inexpensively by the coinage to negotiations which may change its deficit of nearly $60,000,000 during the the old recipe. As Spain did not succeed ' against this country. Nevertheless, with States troops about Santiago, a dis­
of pure paper fiat.
character. The provinces through which first three months of the fiscal year— in catching the New England coast, but judgment and determination the Aineri- I patch from that city says they have
the road will pass are the most populous : j with all these facts in evidence it will caught hades instead, it is evident that can commissioners will wi«. If they ample supplies of every kind except that
A guinaldo and his followers want in­ in China, having a population of 300,- I 1 surely be astonishing if the next Con- her search for a pilot was as premature take intelligent advantage of their op- j in sonic instances fresh meat supplies
as would be the making of a rabbit pie portunities their demands will be ( have been unsatisfactory. “Near San­
dependence and they are hopeful that 000,000.
I gress is not Democratic.
without the rabbit.
the United States will give it to them.
| granted. They must stand out for the ( tiago are great fields of pasture,” con­
They have sent a representative here to
T here is a popular notion that milk
whole of the Philippines. This is the , tinues the dispatch, “and the United
ask that our government recognize their is soured by thunder. It probably origi. itself is concerned, to the Czar's idea of G eorge J. G ould will, by decision of logical course. It is the only course! States government would do well to
independence and they are showing an nated in the fact that milk often becomes national disarmament. Of course it ob- the court appeals, be compelled to con­ I which will protect the inhabitants of the [ send live beeves here instead of contract
earnest purpose to press their cause. sour immediately after a thunder storm. | jects, and so does France and every oth- tribute to the state exchequer of New islands against Spain, against the pre-1 meat. The cost would be less and the
Aguinaldo is reported to have recently However, it is not the sound, but the 1 er big European nation. In the abstract, York $132,784 as a tax on the bequest datorv nations of continental Europe, satisfaction far greater.”
said: “America came, destroyed the general state of the atmosphere, that is every European country w ants disarma-, of $5,000,000 left him by his father. and against anarchy. It is the only
Spanish pow’er and allowed me to return to blame. The milk sours because it is meat, but in the concrete it wants its Since there still remains of the bequest course which will protect American in-' T here certainly must be money in
and reorganize the revolution until the warm. The moist, oppreesive atmos- ( neighbors to do all the disarming. Ger- a small balance of $4,867,316, his sleep terests and satisfy the American peojilc. I cattle when beef sells for from 8 to 15
revolt became general. It should not phere that immediately precedes a thun­ [ many would be glad to see France dis- ■ will probable not be disturbed bv visions By making this demand resolutely the cents per pound, and we predict that
now desert us. America interfered in der storm encourages the activity of! band 300,000 or 400,000 of her soldiers of the poorhouse as a refuge for his in­ American commissioners can, at the more men will go into the cattle busi­
Cuba for humanity's sake. For the germs in the milk, and they multiply i and evacuate her forts, while France digent old age.
same time, head oft' all chances for future ness, We do know that every man in
same reason it cannot return these very rapidly. The same condition nor-| w’ould be delighted to see the Kaiser tell
I trouble in any part of the Philippines the country who is in the cattle busi-
T he secretary of the Spanish peace
islands, to Spain.’* Aguinaldo was some mally exists in the stomach. It is moist two-thirds or three-fourths of his army
with any other nation, and prevent, im- ncss and reasonably free from debt is
time ago in favor of Philippine inde­ and warm, the temperature being 100 to go home and stay home. Neither na­ commissioners says, “We are here to de­ | mediately and forever, nil outside making money. A ranchman is scarcely
pendence under joint Eurojiean and deg. F., so that milk, when retained tion will do any thing of the kind, how­ fend ourselves, and naturally are not | ' tamjiering with the islanders such as is “in it” unless he has a bunch of cattle, so
that he can sell some every year. Work­
American control, but it is not certain there, sours very quickly. If milkis taken ever, nor woukl do it even if there were w illing to give up any of our weapons to * now’ attributed to Germany.
ing crops of potatoes in the mountains,
that he holds this idea now’. Still he alone, it passes out of the stomach in a promise on the other side to do like­ our opponents.” That is, the reports, I
would probably accept such an arrange­ about an hour, but if eaten with vegeta­ wise. Each w’ould distrust the other, that Spain is determined to resist all at- I T here has been a good deal of talk digging money out of the ground by rais­
ment if it should be deemed the best way bles or fruit, it is obliged to remain in and consequently the armies will grow tempts of the United States to take any lately about not hauling down the Amer­ ing grain and producing hay for sale may
of solving the problem of the future gov­ the stomach with them, and often creates larger instead of smaller. The Czar’s of the Philippines except part of Luzon ; ican flag from over any spot where it be all right, but no man will say but that
peace gathering will be like the interna­ are untrue. Spain is going to make the ' has once w.aved. There arc many staffs cattle arc of more profit. Get you a
ernment of the Philippines. What the no small disturbance.
monetary conferences in which the best contest it can in the Paris confer­ from which the American flag once float­ bunch of cattle. On account of the broad
insurgent leader is firmly committed to
ence, but it is not going to fight fate. It ed but now floats no more. We refer to prariea making plenty of pasture cattle
is that Spanish authority must be com­ T he fall campaign is on in the Eastern United States has participated. It will
states, but the following statement by be well attended, will evoke eloquent dis­ w’ill hang on to as many of the islands as the mastheads of merchant vessels. We should be the natural product of this
pletely eliminated from the islands.
the St. Louis Globe-Democrat is interest­ cussion among its members and in the . possible. This number will I k * small if the are uncompromisingly in favor now and country, as cotton is of the warm South­
A ccording to advices from Japan the ing aside from the fact: “The party’s newspapers all over the world, and the i American members do their work faith always of resoring the American flag to ern states or corn a product of the cen­
Despite the those mastheads, and we hojje that all tral states.
railway promoters and wreckers have war record will of course, help the re­ military appropriations of the great na- fully and intelligently.
frigidity of the political atmosphere of those who want to see the American
been getting in their work in the Orient publicans in the coming congressional tions will keep right on increasing.
France to Americans on this annexation flag in every spot where it once waved
C hina is a humorous sort of country.
in a way that recalls some of their op­ elections, but the party will not depend
F orest fires will rage in the Pacific | question, Mr. Day and his associates can will not forget to include our vanish­ Just as it is crumbling to pieces it has
erations in this country not many dec­ for victory on this record alone. When
ades back. In one of the Japanese rail­ the republicans entered power a little Northwest until the winter rains set in, get the whole Philippine archifielago if ed merchant marine on their list. This bought in Germany the fastest torpedo
way projects it is found that a large over a year ago the country was finan­ says the Pacific Lumber Trade Journal. they are resolute. The situation is en­ is something in regard to which both boat in the world, with a speed of over
inqierialistR and anti-im|>crialists ought forty statue miles an hour.
sum of money that has disappeared can cially depressed but all signs of the busi­ The fires are from three causes, namely, tirely in American control.
to agree. The time was when the Amer­ some of the imperial family arc planning
be accounted for only as promotion ex- ness stagnation have disappeared. The careless campers, slashing fires and land
penses and in another money paid in mills and factories of all sorts are again clearings. They do not materially dam­ G old from Europe is flowing into the ican flag was seen in every port. We a rapid change of base.
for stock has been dissipated without running at their full capacity, everybody age heavy growth timber, but hallow’ I New’ York banks, but the banks do not want the time to come when the
T he late Captain General of the Phil
any visible work of railroad construc­ who wants work has it, the farmers and dead trees are the first touched. At w’ant it. Like the treasury, they have a American flag will float on every sea and
tion. That is almost equal to certain have an active market fortheir products, the same time green timber is killed by larger supply of gold than they need. So in every corner of every sea ; when every ippines gives this description of Dewey's
American railroad jobbery, who secured and the country is prosperous. This the heat, and inside of a year or two fall : long as the Republicans stay in power |K>rt will l>e bright with Stars and first appearance : “At daybreak we were
large bond subsides on pajier promises sw’ift and complete business transforma- prey to the fires. There are good law’s i there will be no dearth of the yellow’ met- Stripes. The greatest manufacturing in the power of the Americans and an
that never materialized in any shape or tion is evident to everybody. It came covering the setting of fires in the forests, , al. The treasury’s free gold, now about nation on earth should have a merchant hour afterward the Spanish fleet had
manner. It looks as if Japan and other just as quick as the republican party got but they have never been thoroughly en­ $243,000,000, is at a far higher line than marine to carry its products to every ceased to exist.” The story of a defeat
eastern countries cannot learn the les- to work. Republican supremacy brought forced. Probable when timl>er becomes I was ever touched by that fund until corner of the globe. The greatest grain is not ofter so concise and dramatic.
Doles Out the Gems of
Current Topics.
The Paradise of the Coast for Dairying, Stock Raising, Timber, etc.
The Soil Surprisingly Productive.
Fine Schools and Churches.
The Land is Cheap.
Crop Failure Never Known.
G-ood Class of People.
Stock Alway Fat
One Acre of Land in Tillamook County will raise three times the amount of Grass to that raised in any other section of Oregon.
It "Tows and keeps green the year round, and is the ideal pasture for dairying.
0 •' <r to its fine < ualitv. is at a premium, bringing the Highest Cash Price in the San Francisco and Portland markets.
Xo counU in Oregon offers better advantages than Tillamook, where the industrious Home Seeker is bound to be successful.
' * •
Thrwn dpRirinw information regarding Tillamook county can secure it by writing to the H eadlight O ffice , or to any of the
perfeX reliable business men of Tillamook city.