Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 20, 1898, Image 2

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rectified. In the senate, 76 bills
Ï» liji lit sjKedily
were introduced and 32 passed. One
Fr«d C. Baker. Publisher
was lost on a square vote, but it was
subsequently amended and passed, The
others were variously disposed of, or
Officii! Paper, Tillamook City and County simply
neglected. Eighty-three bills were
introduced in the house, 45 of which
passed that body, and 10 were squarely
lost. Twenty-four senate bills passed
One year ...............
S» 5o the house, and 26 house bills passed the
Six months...........................
75 senate, though, owing to the fact that
Three months
................................................. 5°
some were amended in the second house
Office at corner of Main and 2nd streets.
the numbers of bills sent to the gover-
nor does not equal these. The governor
EDITORIAL NOTES & NEWS. has not yet vetoed any bill passed at
this session.
I ment
performed the very difficult and
delicate duties of acting provost marshal
and provost guard during the time im­
mediately following the capitulation of
Manila. It gives me much pride and
pleasure, on the eve of my departure, to
recall the way in which I have been sup­
ported by all m v troops, and the cheerful
fortitude with which they have endured
the hardships of the camjMUgn.”
-Chew the
‘•Well, what shall we do?”
rag,” aud lx: imixtscd upon ami hate
Tillamook known as a hole that no one
without wings can get into or get out
of ? That u what we are doing.
I believe that the creditors of the Wil­
son River road will consent to having
a bridge built at Bester's. Mr. Sibley
has promised to help oil behalf til the
Truckee Lumber Co. Others will likely
*7 Ji'" t U”"' ' N otice
United States Land Office,
Notice i* hereby givei that the under q<ne<i
Oregon City, Or.,
has been duly appointed by the County Court
October n, 1898.
Notice is hereby given tbst^ nt ¡.'“¿'P1,1"’;" of the State of Oregon, for Tillamook County
^lJu^r“’litied a 7‘ net f..r the executor of the last will and te tment of Mar­
shal K. Perrin deceased. All persons having
claims against said estate are hereby requested
?« .xten lv.i toslltl.ePublk- I.and Rules by to present the same to me, properly verified
act of Ang«J« 4.
11s by law required, at the bank of c|& E Thay.
of Itavton couttiv of Yamhill, State of Oregon er at Tillamook City, Oregon, within six months
from the date hereof.
Dated this 15th day of September 189«.
H. F. G oodspeed ,
Executor of last will and testament of Mar­
If that bridge can be built, Bacon & hiselrtim to said land before the Register and lie shal K Perriu. deceased.
E very old woman thinks her black cat
McXamer will continue to maintain re’veiof thia* ffice at Oregon City, on Thu.»day,
the blackest. We suppose that the K5
22ml, I898.
notice of sale of real property .
upon the road plenty of well cared for, the ?l1 December
“s*G”.n“h.‘o,fe”ayton. Oregon. Albert E.
mothers who exhibited their babies at
notice is HEREBY GIVEN that, in pUr.
stout horses. Emmet Quick will try to C.i.k ol McMinnville tiregun. I W ^'iV’xlc'
the Portland exhibition must have tho­
get them over the road, and his passen­ o' Dayton. Oregon, James I. Pletcher, ol Mt. suance of an order of the County Court of the
ught their off-springs were the prettiest
R eports about the sickness of soldiers
State of Oregon for the County of Multnomah,
I t is probable that congress will be
gers will still declare that a ride over 'A»yVämiän'pel!»on. ela.ming advertHily the duly made and entered on the 17th day of SepL
little things under the sun. We know
in Manila are exceedingly conflicting, and
called upon very early in the coming ses­
the mountains is an experience to lie re­ their claim» in this office on or before »aid tJitti ember, 1M98, I will proceed, on or after the 25th
enough to convince us that these squall-
it is difficulty to understand what are the
sion to consider the question of revenue
day of October, 1898, to sell at private sale, the
membered with pleasure.
dayofUece».beruM; R MooBM. Regiater.
real state of affairs. True, no two per­ revision. It is ¡jointed out that the re­ ers are not always the dear creatures
following debcrlbeu Real Propertv, belonging
Mr. Grayson will see where his in­
sons write alike. Some of the letters dundant revenues which are piling up in
to the Estateof Fieiderika Gallou, deceased, to-
T imber L and . A ct J une 3. 1*78 —N otice for
paint distressing pictures. We will quote the treasury make the consideration of like the cats, commence their nocturnal
P ublication .
Uuited S»Hten Laud Office,
Lota two(i), three (3), five (5), six (6) and seven
from letters before us, and allow our the revenue problem a pressing duty. howl. The most comical feature of the
Oregon City, Oregon,
(7), in Block two (2) in the town of Garibaldi,
October llth. 189M.
exhibition was a colored baby with the lished over his road.
readers to form their own conclusions ;
of Tillamook. State of Oregon.
The treasury now has a balance of about
Until these things happen, Tillamook
Notice I, hereby given that ,i’1/?!'.'.‘,1'.‘are««
name of Showball.
“An officer has written a letter to Mrs.
wilh the provisions of the act of I ol gre
That in pursuance to sail Order, said sale
$310,000,000, and would have Stillmore
and the stage stock will suffer.
E. R. H ublkr ,
Jones regarding the need of nurses, etc.
-ale of t ntber larnls in the States of Califor­ will be made for cash.
but for the anticipations of interest not
C laude T hayer .
nia Ore!..... Nevada, and Washington *erri9>- Administrator of the Estate of Freiderika Gal-
Urge this matter all you can. The lack yet due and the voluntary redempion of
R epresentative J. W. M axwell , of
ry,” as extended to all the Public Laud States lou, Deceased. Rooms 41 —42 Washington Bldg
of nurses and hospital supplies is the
by act of Augu-l 4. 1892,
unmatured bonds. The secretary of the Tillamook, will, in all probability, be
Portland, Oregon.
greatest need of the war. Think of a treasury has been compelled to adopt the appointed receiver of public moneys at
of Dayton, c ntnty of Vatnhih. Stale of °reSo"'
has tfiis day tiled In this offlee his »worn state­
man sick with typhoid fever, with no policy of relieving the money market by Oregon City, in place of Judge Galloway,
ment No 3050. for the purchase of the e S ol eH
Land Office at Oregon City, Ore.,
nurse! Think of 50 fever patients in one transferring more than a quarter of the whose term will expire next February. Wife of the Governor-Elect a Vic- Of Section No 24 in 1 ownship No is. Ra ge No 7
October 3rd, iKgs’
w and will offer proof to show that the land
Notice is hereby given dial the following
room, with one man to look after them cash balance into the banks, but this is a Mr. Maxwell is deserving of this honor,
tim of Heart Trouble.
sought is more valuable for its timber or •‘do»«« named settler lias filed notice of his intention
—that man a soldier, knowing nothing policy that cannot I k * indefinitely con­ for he has proved himself a true friend of
than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish to make final proof in support of his claim
O maha , Oct. 13.—Mrs. Sarah J. Geer, his claim to said land before the Register and and that said proof will be made before the Co’
about the care of the sick. Take this
tinued. It is expected that there will I k * the republican party. It is a source of wife of T. T. Geer, governor-elect of Receiver of this office at ,)re«ou i tty. Oregon, Clerk of Tillamook County at Tillamook Ore
on Wednesday, the mt day of December, 1S9S. on November 18th. 1898, viz:
room at night, without light, except
strong disposition to increase exjjendi- gratification to his constituents in Tilla­
He names as witnesses:
what is afforded by the single candle, tures, especially for military and naval mook county that Mr. Maxwell is being Oregon, died suddenly at an early hour Albert E. Cook, of McMinnville Yamhill H. E. 9851, for the E'4 of Ne
Nw J4 of Ne V
countv, Oregon. Riley G. Smith, of Dayt©”» of Sec. 33, and Sw *4 of Nw % of sec. 34, Tp. 2
carried by the attendant. Think of the purposes, but even these expenditures indorsed by all the prominent leaders of this morning at her apartments in the Yamhill
county, Oregon, James B. Mellott, 01 S , R 9 W.
misery of it all. Then add to this a lack
He names the following witnesses to prove
will probably leave a surplus to be got­ the republican party.
ing an attack ofasthma. Mr. Geer start­ Any mid all persons claiming adversely the
of mosquito nets to keep off flics by day ten rid of by revenue reforms. Undoubt­
of s id land, viz-
above-described lands are requested to tile their
Paul D. Shackelford, of Nestoctou. Ore.; Ralph
G overnor -E lect G eer has the sym­ ed for Salem this afternoon with the re­ claims
and mosquitoes by night. Nothing but edly it will I k proposedin congress to lop
in this office on or before said 21st day ol W. Mills, of Nestoctou, Ore.; 11. I) Shackel­
the commonest food—none of the pre­ off some of the provisions of the new pathy of every citizen of Oregon in his
December, 1898.
ford, Nestoctou, Ore. ; Nelson L. Knighten, of
C has . B. M oores . Register.
Nestoctou, Ore.
Mrs. Geer arrived in the city with her
pared foods ordinarily given the sick— revenue law, and it will have a strong bereavement. The death of his wife at
C has , B. M oores Register.
J une 3, 1878.—N otice for
this time is dQubly distressing to him, husband Tuesday evening, accompanied T imber L and , A ct
and even a lack of medicine! Crownehad
P ublication .
public support. There are features ofthc
for it is only natural to suppose that he by her sister, Mrs. Wright, and Mr.
an attack of measles, and went to the
United States Land office,
law which unquestionably can be dis­
Oregon City, Oregon.
Land Office at Oregon City, Ore.,
hospital. Of course he had his own nurse pensed with advantageously to the busi­ would be desirous of his wife participat­ Wright, of Union. Mrs. Geer was great­
October nth, 1898.
October 14th, 1898.
Notice is hereby given that the following
and a room to himself, but he told me lie ness public, ami this should I k done. The ing in some of the honors conferred upon ly fatigued by the journey and re­ Notice is hereby given that in compliance named
settler has filed notice of her intention
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
mained at the hotel to rest. Wednesday June 3rd. 1878, entitled, “Au act for the sale to make final proof in support of her claim, and
would lay in the open air and die before law is distinctively a war measure, and him.
of Umber lands in the States of California. that said proof will be made before the County
she felt better, but did not go out.
he would face again the horrors of a while it may I k expedient to retain in
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory ’ Clerk of Tillamook co., at Tillamook, Oregon,
A few more sessions of the state legis­
Last night the weather was very dis- as extended to all the Public Land States by act on December 2nd, 189S, viz:
night in such a place ; that is, the suffer­ effect portions of it, those interests upon
lature like the one just ended, where ageeable, and probably affected her. She of August 4, 1892,
ing of the men. He said to hear some which it bears hardest should I k * given
Widow of Freeman I). Cross, deceased ; H. E.
practical legislation wqs the order of the was attacked by her old trouble, and a of Dayton, countv of Yamhill, State of Oregon, 97?r, for the Nw *4 of Ne *4, Ne % of Nw 4 of
poor fellow calling for something—and relief as soon as possible. The matter is
tliis day filed in this office his sworn state­ Sec. 30 and Se *4 of Sw ’4 and fractional
day, Oregon should have some good physician was summoned, who stayed the has
of Sec. 19, Tp. 2 S, R 9 W.
ment No. 3055, for the purchase of e', of w% of Sw *4 of Sw
you know how many things are wanted one for careful deliberation, but it is plain
Section No 26 in Township No. 2 s, Ran ’e No. 7
names the fo lowing witnesses to prove
alarming symptoms by administering w. and will offer proof to show that the land her She continuous
by the sick—calling and calling until ex­ that revenue revision has Ijecome impera­
residence upon and cultivation
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone of said land, viz:
morphine hypodermically.
hausted, no man could listen without tive.
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
Charles H. Blake, Nestoctou, Or.; Herbert D.
Towards midnight Mrs. Geer rested his claim to said land before the Register and Shackelford, Nestoctou, Or.¡Nelson L. Knighten,
being sick himself. We buried 011c of our
Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oiegon, Nestoctou, Or.; Charles F. Blum, Nestoctou,
A nother bill that may be of interest to TO THE EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. easier, and later fell into an easy slumber. 0.1
company a week ago, and there are now
Tuesday, the 20th day of December, 1898, Or.
He names as witnesses:
C has . B. M oores , Register.
17 forlorn, unmarked graves, besides school districts of Tillamook county
S ir ,—Allow me space to thank you for
Kiley G. Smith, of Da} ton, Yamhill county.
those in the Catholic cemeteries. Nearly passed the state legislature. It pertains the stand you have taken in regard to about 1 o’clock and soon he himself doz­ Oregon, John Stai r, of Dayton, Yamhill county
NOTICE F or publication .
William II Fletcher, of McMinnville,
all the 1 7 deaths were the result of—no to borrowing money, and reads : our facilities of communication with the ed off. Mrs. Geer evidently passed away Oregon,
Land Office at Oregon City, Ore.,
Yamhill county, Oregon, Albe t E. Cook, of
October 14th. 1898.
while peacefully sleeping, as no sound McMinnville. Yamhill county, Oregon.
care. We need nothing from the people “The school directors of any school outside world.
Notice is hereby given tl at the following
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
at home ; that is, from the women. We district in the state of Oregon may,
above described lands are requested to file their named settler has filed notice of his intention*
This problem has been a serious one was heard from her.
in this office on or before said 20th day to make final proof In support of his claim, and
At the breaking of dawn Mr. Geer claims
have food and clothing, and arc comfort­ when authorized by a majority vote of from the beginning.
that said proof will be made before the County
of December, I898.
C erk of Tillamook County, at Tillamook Ore.,
C has . B. M oores , Register.
able enough until we are sick. Then, God the legal voters present at any legally
To some early pioneers, Mr. J. J. Mc­ awoke, and was horrified to find, when
on December 2nd, 1898, viz :
help us!” This is the dark side. Captain called school meeting, in the name and Coy, I think, and Mr. James Quick, with he touched his wife’s hand, that it was T imberland , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice for
H. E. 9770, lor the Se *4 of Nw *4, E % of Sw
P ublication .
II. L. Wells, of <!»<-* Oregon Volunteers, on the behalf of their district, contract a others, is due the inception of the first cold and stiff. Help was quickly sum­
and Sw *4 of Se
of Sec 30. Tp. 2 8, R. 9 W.
United States Land Office,
He names the following witnesses Io prove
Oregon City, Oregon,
views the situation from another stand­ debt by borrowing money or otherwise relief by the establishment of the Trask moned, but it was found Mrs. Geer was
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
point when he says; “There is no doubt not to exceed $500 for the purpose of road. The builders had the aid of the long passed assistance. It is supposed
Notice is hereby given that in compliance of said land, viz:
Charles H. Blake, Nestoctou, Ore.: H. D.
with tile provisions ot the act of Congress
»hat the men themselves are largely re­ of building a school building, or repair State of Oregon, a necessary help.
she expired about 2:30 o’clock.
Nestoctou, Or». ; Nelson L.
of June 3rd, I878, entitled “An act for the Shackelford,
Knighten, Nestoctou. Ore.; Charles F. Blum,
sponsible for their own sickness. It seems of school buildings or the purchase of
Many messages of condolence were re­ sale of timber lands in the States of California, Nestoctou,
Mr. W. S. Runyon built the Wilson
to be impossible to get them to observe land for school purposes, and issue nego­ River road at a cost which exceeded his ceived from Oregon by the bereaved as extended to all the Public Land States by
C has . B. M oores , Register.
4. 1892,
the ¡»lain anti simple hygienic rules that tiable interest-bearing warrants and fix means, and left him poor in his last husband, among them being from Gover­ act of August
have been laid down and explained to
nor Lord and Mr. Geer’s chief political of Dayton, county of Yamhill, State of Oregon,
has this day tiled in this office his sworn state­
hem. They eat and drink things they district, evidencing such debt, and they
Year by year these two roads have opponent, Will R. King.
ment No. 3053, for the purchase of the e% of w%
No. 24 in Township No. 2 S Range
should not, lie on the ground evenings,
Governor-Elect Geer returned with the No. Section
been improved, and soon the proceeds of
7 w, and will offer proof to show that the
I f you have any Property, Stock or other
and even all night, drink unwholesome
the tolls, it is hoped, will render either remains to Oregon, and the funeral took land sought is more valuable for its timber or
articles to sell, trade or lease, or need help,
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es­
want employment, etc.—Two insertions, not
water, neglect to wear their bands, do property of the district to pay the inter­ route available for all the year transit.
place on Sunday.
tablish his claim to said land before the Regis-
to exceed five lines, Fifty cents. Four inser­
’ er and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, on
not take baths as often as health re­ est thereon, or principal when due, which
tions, Seventy Five cents.
But the mountains are rugged and the
Thursday, lie 22nd day of December 1898. He
k collected iw the same man­
quires, which is daily in this climate, and
times as witnesses:
expenses are something frightful.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
Albert E. Cook, ot McMinnville, Oregon, Ri­ MONEY TO LOAN I
net generally as though there was as lit
Mr. Grayson, I believe, to be generous with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot ley G. Smith, of Dayton, Oregon, James B.
Mellott, of Dayton Oregon, Luther j Fletcher,
tic danger of fever as of a lightning collectible bv law.”
and enterprising ujxm his part, while reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood of
Dayton, Oregon.
stroke. Yet some of our apparently
the creditors of the Wilson River route or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it Any and all persons claiming adversely the
For terms apply to
T imidity seems to characterize the express themselves willing to “do all yov must take internal remedies. Hall’sCatarrh above described lands are requested to tile their
strongest and most vigorous men have
Theo. Steinliilber, Tillamook, Or.
claims in this office on or before said 22nd day of
been stricken down with fever, and one American people in asserting their claims that is possible to secure the improve­ Cure is taken rnternally, and acts directly on December, 1898.
the blood and muscoussurfaces. Hall's Catarrh
C has . B. M oorer , Register.
and LOT, near the business
of that kind died after only a few days’
ment of that road.” Rudyard Kipling Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed
part of Tillamook, a bargain, only
illness. They seem to I k as careless and assertion that America has no literature. says:
by one of the best physicians iu this country for T imberland , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice for
P ublication .
years, and is a regular prescription. It is com­
♦ 150; 4Z^ ACRES of LAND and
irresponsible as children.” No doubt The American people in most matters are
United States Land Office,
“It is not wealth nor rank nor state,
Oiegon 1 ity, Oregon,
there is a good deal of truth in the logic lacking in self-esteem, but where self-
But git up and git that makes men posed of the best tonics known, combined with
about 20 LOTS on the edge of town
the !>est blood purifiers, acting directly on the
Notice is hereby given that iu compliance
of Captain Wells’ remarks, but it seems esteem apparently is great, literary hum­
for sale at ♦12-50, if sold within 30
muscous surfaces. The perfect combination of with the provisions ot the act of Congress of
This is what is needed right here. The the two ingredients is what pioduces such won­ June 3rd, i8;8. entitled An act for the sale
that the old. old story of scant provision ility is humble indeed. The fact of the
days — See Biggs & Stephens at the
timber lands in the States of Califo nia.
made for the sick and wounded. The case are. however, that America has Trask River route has of late years been derful results in curing Catarrh. Send foi tes­ of
Court House, Tillamook.
Ore »on. Nevada, and Washington Tenito-
ry.” as extended to all Public Land States by
United States went to war for humanity just reasons to I k proud of American cursed with stage lines conducted by timonials. free.
sake, yet it is proven without a word of literature, and the councel given by the cruel or poverty stricken, stingy mail
Sold by all druggists, price 75c.
of Dayton, county of Yamhill, State of Oregon,
rates. Neat work turned out and as
doubt that hundreds of sick, wounded Vicar of Wakefield to his daughters, contractors. The horrors of the Klon­
Hall’s Family pills are the best.
has this day filed in this office his sworn s ate-
good as new by J. W. Steinmetz,
metit No 3049, for the purchase of the w>4 of e%
and dying American soldiers were placed “Hold up your heads, girls,” would I k dike have been duplicated. It seems to
of Section No 24. in Towrship No 2 S, Range No
Tillamook, Or.
in a worse condition than the Cubans well-trimed and apropos. American lit­ me that the fault of this will in the
7 w and will otfet proof t-. show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone
owing to the lack of forethought in mak­ erature has a right to holdup its head future lie with ourselves and with the
than for agricultural purposes, and tv establish
The Magic Hand Loom—Made of polished his claim to »aid land before the Register and LOST, a stick PIN with a large yellow­
ing the necessary preparations to com­ and I k proud of its achievements. It is obtuseness of the government mail offi­
Receiver of tins office at Oregon City, Oregon
ish brown stone in it, called a Karen
bat sickness and disease. Such, however, to I k hoped that our writers will bear in cials. The latter, of course, cannot be Rolled steel—Latest invention for mending on
Thiiimlay. the 22nd »lay of Dvceiiiber, I898.
Goram. Anyone finding the same will
Such a pachyder­ clothing, underware, table linen» or heel and He names as witnesses :
mind that there can not I k a literature made to change.
is war and the horrors attending it.
toe iu hosiery—A child can work it. Perfect
A. E. Cook, of McMinnville, Yamhill county
without a country, and the nearer they matous concern as a government bureau wave. Send postpaid 25cts. Greater or West Oregon,
be suitably rewarded by returning it
Riley G. Smith, of Dayton. Yamhill
Oregon, James L. bleacher, of McMinn
keep to the country whererin and where­ cannot I k sensitive to even the never Advertising ».Novelty Co , 1155% Washington
to this office.
W e give below the bill passed at the
ville, YHnibill co nty, Oregon, L J. Fletcher
with their literature deals, the nearer tiring lash of a North Yamhill stage St.. Oakland California.
of Dayton. Yamhill county, Oregon.
«¡Kcial session of the legislature for the
RATES—Weekly Oregonian
they will get to producing a national driver. Nothing but forked lightning
above-descnr>e<l lands are requestad to file their
protection of grouse and prairie chicken.
per year, $2 25 ; the
literature of which Americans may would have any effect there.
December, 1898.
It is of interest to Tillamook county, and
fjenbliitht Crnbc liliivt
reads as follows : “That it shall I k un­
lawful to take, kill, injure or destroy or
have in possession any grouse at any
time during the months of Decemlwr,
January, February, March. April, May,
June or July of any year, or Jo take,
kill, injure or destroy or have in posses­
sion ativ prairie chicken at any time I k
tween the 15th day of November and the
15th day of Auguet next following ; pro­
vided. that it shall I k unlawful to take,
kill, iniure or destroy any prairie chicken
at any time when the ground is covered
with snow sufficient for tracking, and
any ¡Krson violating any of the pro­
visions of this act shall I k deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor and upon conviction
thereof shall lx* punished bv a fine not
less than $19 nor more than $50 or by
imprisonment in the county jail ofthc
county wherein such offense may have
been committed not, less than five days
nor more than 25 days.”
I t is n source of gratification that
the s|xvial session of the legislature got
through so much work The main ob-
jects of the session were accomplished—
the election of n United States senator,
the passage of the general appropriation
bill, and the abolition of expensive com­
missions ami boards.
The board of
railroad commissioners, the equalization
Imard ami the dairy ami food cominis
sioner. were ilropjw I, and all of the laws
carrying the emergency clause
clause was omitted at first in the case of
tbc two boards, but the omission was.
E urope will have to consider possible
American needs for money much more
anxiously in the future, Doubtless there
has I kcu for many years a feeling that
the new continent could be put off with
promises. But thecontrolof this country
over money markets in the old world is
coming to I k that of a master. Our banks
lend over there heavily when it is the
most convenient market for them, but
they draw on Europe whenever they
want money and no longer have invasion
to limit their draffs.
This country is
not drawing on Europe as largely to pay
for breadstuff* as it did a year ago. and
wheat ex|H»rts for the week. flour includ­
ed. have been 3.963.20V bushels from
Atlantic ports, against 3.677.868 bush­
els last year. anti 543.417 from Pacific
¡torts, against 1,094,893 last year, mak­
ing for the three weeks 10,206,941 bush­
els from both coasts, flour included,
against 15,569.129 bushels last year.
G enerai M erritt has a word ofpraise
for the Second Oregon Volunteers, now
in Manila. And who has not a word of
praise for the Webfoot boys who made
great sacrifices when they buckled on
their armor to sustain Old Glory’s honor
and the reputation of the state of Oregon?
The general sent this letter to Colonel
Summers, the commanding officer of the
regiment ; “I desire to express to you. in
very strong terms, my appreciation of
the manner in which you and your regi-
But as to our own community there i.s
fair room for conjecture.
We must all appreciate that no man
with as much milk of human kindness in
him as a “male tiger" will ever ride 55
miles behind the ¡»oor crippled, limping,
sore shouldered, sore backed, uncared
for iKasts on the North Yamhill stage
line who will not curse his trip to Tilla­
mook for the horror he has to suffer.
North Yamhill and Tillamook will be
suggestive to him always after of a
muddy, cold, dismal torturing hell,
where inqis are goading skeletons.
covered with lacerated and raw horse
hide, and where the reigning devil is ex­
acting four dollars and a halffor twenty-
four hours surpassing the Intemo.
Tillamook must stop this.
Well, we tried the law. Citizens, busi­
ness men in this city, came to the rescue
of the stage owner, swore that a rack
of bones was not fat. God save the
mark! But was. as one business man
testilietl, “Just drawn down fine.”
The stage owner owed another man.
and he didn't want to testify, The
judge was technical to a fault jier-
haps. The culprit was discharged. and
the horse ? Well, the horse was so
“thin.” he died, 1 believe, in Tillamook
city ? Oh, we were suckers' We have not
the courage or resources to give people
who want to a chance to come and
see us and spend their money with us.
and maybe, stay and become good citi-
C has . B. M oores , Register.
in the Cir uil Court of the State of Oregon
foi Tillamook County.
T» mbkr L and . A ct J une 3.1878 —N otice F or
Viola 1>. Snyder and E. A. Snyder )
P ublication .
United States Land Office.
Oregon City, Oregon,
Lila Snyder. Stella I.vster, W. G. I
October nth, 1898.
I.yster Clareuce McKinley,
>ol"-e 1« hereby given that in compliance
Fred McKinley,Nettie McKin- i
with the proclaim,, of the act of Congreas
ley. and Henry McKi lev. min 1
of Jnne 3rd,
entitled An act for the
or heiis of U. T . .. eKi ley B. |
•ale ol timber lamia :n the S ate. of California
F. Petty grove:
Defendants. J
Oregon. Nevada and Wvdimgtmt Territory," ai
NOTH E IS HEREBY GIVEN that by virtue Aug"»u i's" lhe ' "bl'C L“'"1 b““e’ b> “C‘ °f
of a decree a.id order
du.y s
- of sale
»vcu, made,
, ,
rendered aud entered »-y the above named c urt ot Halon connty oi Vnmltill, stale of Oregon
ill said ennse on the »sth day of August itta*
couitnatidfn« t eundersigned, a duly appointed ment No. .>081, for the purchase ot the nW of s1
Towualiip No , « Rangi
q uliiled su f acting referee herein, to »ell the ofsretton "i".' No. m m
offer proof 10 «how that tKe
tullowitig dese.ibed premiaca, to-wit
land aought I. more valuable for it« limlatr or
The South half of the Northwest quarter •tonethali for agricultural purpoaea. and toes
his claim to «aid land 1« fore the Register
and the Northwest quarter of the Southwest lahh-h
e.dTR<’' a ver<’11 ,hi’
at Oregon City We
quarter aud the Southwest quarter of the North o'l Tue day, the rolh dav of December ltaH
«“»1«, 1*98.
east quarter of Section
in Tp j s R 9 w o( He namesaswitnes.es
the Willamette meridian In Oregon, excepting ami?'?*'.?!
of Dayton. Ore Rilv G
therefrom the f Mowing described premises to- Ore ArirtT'c”’
Co°*' of McMinnvIHe Ore.
wit -Heginnlng at a point >0 chains west and
, 1 "A! l*r«on« claiming adversely the
»30 chain» north of the one-fourth »ection
corner between sections >7 and >s. in Tp j s R 9 of*^LS;XCeoB °r b''or' "w ’«h
w of the W illamette meridian aforesaid it lie
in« the middle or the Ne.tucca river, thence _________ C h *’. B M ooki ., Register.
South is 50 ebaitts. thence west 40 chains
County Warrants Payable
thence South » chains thence We-t - 14 chai,,,
Series E
to the middle of ««id Xesfucca river thence
following t e meauderlngs of said river no No« 912, 1035, 949. 968,1037,913 S21 939
stream »« ro chain, to the pt.ee of Ireglnnire
and closing containing sixty nine and one 938. 1021, 940. 9.-.1, 943, 928, ----
fourth acres, more or leas.
Leaving for .ale 1042, 925, 924, 926, 927, 1008
herein Jo 75 acres, o' which property lhe above
98». 969, 1030, 1025, 955. 967
named plaintiffs and defendants are tenants in
«11932,831,832. 921, 957/
common, and to distribute the proceeds ,,f said
957, 1009,
sale pursuant to the directions contained in
»aid decrev
W. 1001, 1018, 1003, 981,982. 1012
That the undersigned, referee aforesaid will
offer for sale and will «ell a public auction to '011.965, 968,91«. 918. 915. »96. 997,99o!
the highest and best bidder for cash all of the ■ .V . 9,8. 820, 956, 1019, 988, 993 943
premises before described, in one parcel, which 1“L. 94«. 992. 1028,1032, 1014 985 95s’
sale will be held at the wo-t door of the County
S 8B ™ ’¡I6’'**1'
1008- 97«!
Court House for Tillamook County Oregon in
Tillamook City in said County, on the 5th day
ol Nove ther IM. at the hour of 1 o cto k p w
ol said day.
J..D. KowaxM referee.
94-, 818. 929, 999, 958. 922
«'2 1046^ km
flus» C. Nos. 333,125.
;, 1045
' 1O5 o
W « Cary, Co. Tre«»
San Francisco Examiner and Head­
light, $2.25, New York Thrice a-Week
World and Headlight, $2.00. Strictly
cash in advance.
FOR BALE, a bargain, a celebrated
and direct from the factory.—Apply
for particulars at the Headlight Trade
Mart Office.
TIMBER LAND for SALE on Samon-
bery River, in section 20. 3 N, 7 'V .—
Thè W % SE qr and E % S W qr Con-
sideratioiuf900.—Enquire at the Head­
light Trade Mart Office.
to the Tillamook Headlight now th»*
it is under new managemeat. Take it
on trial for four months for 50c., or
send it to yonr friends.
Headlight Printing Office at Portland
price«. All description of job print­
ing. which is quaranteed. Patromw
home industry.
SAMPLE COPIES of the HendliglB »•!*
be sent free on application. Send »
postal card or leave your name at the
office. It pays to subscribe for the le
ing, newsiest and brainiest new psp**
lUfore tn»nriiw your dwelling <*»
see the p licies issued, by the Fireman * . .e
insurance Company
The most comp
policies ever issued, covering
the baby's bottle to a bicycle, or from a P,n
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Claude Thayer Aft