the TILLAMOOK WEEKLY HEADLIGHT IS THIS FAIR? .. ~ i-------------------- ——'-------------------------------- participated in a conference between “The war has demonstrated also the An Exchange. Miteliell, Ellis, Tongue, Fulton, J . ’ value of the r«j id-fire guns and the 8-1 Brokcleigh—I say, old man, will you Hall and one other.'’ I have not person- ( inch guns as compared with the guns of givo me two tens for a $20 bill? Stakeleigh—Certainly. Here they aro. ally met nor held any corumunivation huger calibre At Santiago the second-1 Brokeicigh—Thanks. Here’s the $20 with a part of the gentlemen named nry batteries of the Brooklyn anil the, bill. It’s a bill for this suit of clothes I since coming to Oregon. have on, you know.—New York Sunday Oregon are reported to have been more T hos .H. T ongci .” effective than any other portion of their World. Comment is not necessary Hruiainent. The Manila and Santiago Those Clever Babies. balteiies also have shown that smokeless Spats—What makes infants look so wist'? Socratoots —They are trying to make is an invaluable part of a ship’s equip­ the women think they can understand the ment. NAVAL LESSONS OF THE WAR baby talk which the whole neighborhood “It is rather curious that no good springs on them.—Pittsburg News. demonstaation has been given during An Interesting Summing upof What What It Means. : the war of the value of the experimental Our Navy has Learned. “Paw,” asked little Oscar, “what does I craft which the has been this pa par mean by the lull before the interested in. The ram Katahdin has etoriu?” “Some poor fellow’s honeymoon, I sup­ The war has taught ns what some of ns had no opportunity to show its merits pose.’’—New York Journal. already held, that the torpedo boat is and the submarine boat lias also been not the formidable engine of war which I ignored. The Vesuvius, it is true, had Hot Weather Song. it has been credited witli being. Just Oh, for a seat in an ocean cave, a chance at Santiago, blit it dees not Where the crabs and the lobsters play; before the outbreak of .hostilities there Where the sharks and the whales sit upon wasitgieat (scare on account of the appear that the results were discisive as ■ their tails And soak and snore all day! flletilla of torpedo boato ami torpedo to its surpassing value in naval ope*’»-' ! in Attampt Mad3 by the Oregonian to diag Dmgrmrcaii Tungua into the Se atorlal fight. From Hillsboro Indepenpent Wilson River and Tillamook Stage Line. McNAMER & BACON. Props , EMMET QUICK. Driver. L eaves FOREST GROVE at 6 a m., SUNDAY. TUESDAY, and THURSDAY. 6 a.m., MONDAY, WEDNESDAY', FRIDAY. FARE, $4.00. Good Accommodations, through trip in 10 hours Special Rates to Campers and Fishing Parties. die Wilson River Finest Fishing in Oregon alorg ‘ and its tributaries. For particulars inquire of L eaves TILLAMOOK at The Orgoulan of Sunday last in a leading article on the Unit page discuss­ ing the coming w tnliul election, con­ tained some statements in reference to Congresetnnn Tongue, which that gentle- BACON, JOHN McNAMER, m in denies. On Monday he sent to the Oregonian the following letter: F orest G rove . L ivery and F eed S tables , T illamook . The Oregonian of yesterday in a load­ ing article upon the coming senatorial election contained references to myself wholly unwarranted. Kefering to the action of the United States senate in declining to admit Mr Cornett upon the appointment of Mr. boat destróyer, which was said to be on Oh, for a plunge in a polar sea, tions.”—Ex. Lord, you make the following statement; its way across the Atlantic from the Cape For a slide down a 1.111 of snow. For an ice cream coat and a frozen boat ■ Ex-Senotor Mitchell left no stone Vt rde Islands. When he war actually And a hut on a heaving floe! unturned to prevent Mr. Corbett being came we heard nothing imite about --New York Telegram. Common Rough Lumber at $8.00 per. thousand fssL •* seated, end there is no reason to doubt them until they were distroyed. In fact Shiplap, at $9.00 per thousand feet. . that repsentatives Tongue and Ellis did torpedo boats were not used by either Sized lumber, at 9.00 per thousand feet. THE BUTTERFLY. what they could in tho same direction.’ conbatant except occasionally for dis­ Flooring, No. 2, at $12.00 per thousand feet. ' So far as the foregoing is intended to patch bouts, a duty to which other craft !Iu Is ik Common Conversational Nalsaace Flooring, No. 1, at $16.00 per thousand feet. ”'.. tea baking powder imply or intimate t hat I took any part might be more advantageously assigned. and Every One Has Met Him. Rustic, No. 2, at $12.00 per thousand feet J ‘4^ coffee flavoring extracts “I nm so fond of riding the wheel, ’’said or endeavored to use any influence with Sigsbee made quick wo k of the Tororoff soda and spices Rustic No. 1, at $16.00 per thousand feet.' . the conversational butterfly. “ When I put i any senator to prevent the admission of San Juan, although the St. l’aul, which No. 1, Finish, at $15.00per thousand fHt. on my knickerbockers—queer name that. Mr. Corbett, or to influence votes upon , i lie commanded, was exactly the kind of I wonder if the Dutch were the first to f Mouldings, }»cent per foot, per inch in width. that matter it is without any foundation ’ vessel, unarimired and presenting a till wear them? They were an odd people any All j inch planking at $7.00 per thausaud I m L whatever. I did not communicate with side, that torpedos might be expected io way. Did you over read Washington Irv­ ing’s account of them?—oh, and speaking 114 a single senator concerning the merits inflict damage on. The Furror and the illamook umbering of Irving did you know that Henry Irv­ <-f Mr. Corbett’s rig t to admission, nor Pluton were among the very best mid | ing isn’t bis real name? He merely as­ For sale by for the purpose of influencing hie vote most modern of the the diatroyer class sumed it because it was more romantic C. W. Smith & Company either way. Mr. Coibett’s right to be and yet the Gloucester, which is merely sounding than his own, but all the same he can act. Some people say that they admitted depended upon construction of a converted viitcli, defected them both would rather see some American actor, the constitution and the precedents “The war Inis taught us to rely on our but for me ‘art is universal.’ Isn’t It Jo? When you are in town and want to stop at a nice hotel, the place to go is to established by the United States senate. battleships and cruisers w th absmuile It’s tho same with painting. If a picture How’s This. is done well, I don’t care whether it was If any one not a member of that body confidence. Hitherto the question lias painted by Sargent or Raphael. Pretty We offer Oue Hundred Dollars Reward for and wh 11 c not studied the questions been open to fair discussion in the I things those cherubs of Raphael. Always any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by involved, nor read the authorities had absence of any practical illustration of I remind me of ‘Helen’s Babies’somehow. Hall’s Catarrh Cure F. J. CHENEY & CO., Prop*., Toledo, O attempted to instruct United States their work in actual warfare. But now Wasn’t that a successful book? I’ve for­ EO\A/. G. E. WIST Proprietor. gotten how many copies were sold, but I We the undersigned, have known F. J. Che­ senators in the discharge of their sworn we know wliat they can do. The two guess it was as maDy as ‘The Bonnie Brier ney for the last fifteen vears, and believe him This Hotel has just D ebii newly furnished Hud put in duty, it would have been a piece of un­ vessels which as ships of war, have Bush.’ Queer, what a vogue those Scotch perfectly honorable in all business transations usual impertinence and probably rebuked given th« best account of themselves on writers have nowadays—Barrio and Mac« and financially able to carry out any obligations first class repair and is new hy far the best in the city lareii and Crockett. I wonder if he is ro- as it has deserved to be. their merits, without regard to the lated to Davy Crockett? Poor Frank made by their firm. E verything C omfortable and H omelike - In the same editorial, you say: milliner in which they were handled Mayo! What a run that play had! Almost ' W est T ruax , Wholesale Druggists, Toledo O. I W alding , K innan ._& M avrin , Wholesale Drug- “An unpleasant story is floating around —although that of course was above equal to ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin.’ She was a ! gists, Toledo O. Terms Reasonable. Tillamook Ore- which can hardly be beleived, but which criticism with nil our ships—save the wonderful woman — Harriet Beecher Hall’s catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting Stowe. Remarkable family all round, the | „ f it may be well enough to notice b way Oregon and Brooklyn, and these me Beechers. We’ve had severel families like Erectly u , k >.. he blood ,u>.l nmeous ,ur see of *he.«y«tem. Testimonials TeMinioatal. sent sen. free, free. Price 7Sc of warning. A plan is said to have been types of vessels w hich are likely to come that. Take the Fields, for instance. There i the.syHtem. per bottle. Sold by «11 Druggits. hatched by which the organization of more and more in vogue, not only in wore Cyrus and Dovld Dudley and Henry Hall s Family Pills are the best. the legislature on its opening day is to be the Ainercian Navy, but in navies of >1. and Stephen—and I was going to say Eugene, but ho was another lot—see the prevented by tactics yet to be agreed up­ ioreign powers. The Brooklyn, for joke? Beautiful poem, that ‘Little Boy It is a well known fact that tlio wealth Before insuring your dwelling or urniture on. A conference held here last week instahce, with only four inches of armor Blue’ of his. Reminds me of Riley—Riley of Hie nation lien in the condition of the between Mitchell, Ellis, Tongue, Fulton on her sides, was far more than a match I and Nye. That was u great combination. seethe p licies issued by the Fireman’s Fund agricultural district. The farmer is I he Poor Bill Nye! But, after all, there's only Insurance Company. The most complete John Hall and one other, is said to have for the Vizcaya, with a 12-inch armor oni-Mark Twain, just as there’s only one policies ever issued, covering everything from backbone of the country. Tile farmer evolved the plan of campaign.’’ belt. This type of vessel combines New York. All the samo, I don’t think the baby's bottle to a bicycle, or trom a pin to may better his condition by accepting So far as this naragraph refers to my­ speed whh efficiency toa more desir­ the New Yorks are going to win tho pen [ a ri.ptMilllg rifli such methods in the tilling of his land nant—not this year. Queer what a hold I Claude — • — Thayer. Agt - — self, it is untrue in every particular. I able degree. and the preparing of his product an will baseball has upon Americans; but I don’t i have not met nor conferred upon any “As for the Oregon,' she combines think it equals wheeling—and that re-1 involve the least labor and expense, our question with the gen tl-men named. great strengtn of armament with a minds me that I was going to say that Notice to Taxpayers. Who the “one other’’ is, it is impossible reasonable amount of speed and coal­ when I put on my knickerkockers”— And ■ so he flies on until you get dizzy watching I to say, but I have not met ¡personally, carrying capacity in a proportion which him and long for a butterfly net.— Charles Notice is hereby given that on the nor held any communication with a part seems to be eminently desirable. Battell Loomis In New York JournaL first Monday in October 1898, tlieCoiinty of the gentlemen named since returning Battleships will lie built more mid more a necessity now. No progressive Board of Equalization will attend nt the Foor Boy. to Oie-on. Have not conferred with on the Oregon plan with greater speed farmer can do without one. We have office of tiie County Clerk of Till­ any one upon any plan to prevent the if possible, without interfering with their hand or power sizes, see or write amook County Oregon, in Tillamook org inization of the legislature on its op effectiveness as flighting machines. Oregon and publicly examine the ening day, or at any other time. Have “The navy will have to be supplied iiHSessurint rolls and correct all errors in heard no such plan. Nothing of the with vessels particularly adapted to the valuation, description, or qualities of kind has been suggested. 1 have heard work for which at the beginning of the lands, loss or other property, and nil of no conference between anybody upon war, we were compelled to l-ny all sorts liersons interested in said assessment such a subject and certainly taken of vessles at all sorts of prices. When] I are hereby requested to appear at said part in none. Should the .legislature ad­ the war came we were practially without time and place for the purpose of correct­ sei vice. journ upon the fit st day of its meeting ships suitable tor aexiliary ing noy eirors that nmy appear in their and defer the work until its regular ses­ We had no patrol boats mid hardly any I assessments, ns no error can be corrected Always lias on Hand sion, the State could possibly survive dispatch boats, ;so that steam yachts, after the sitting of said board. FRESH BREAD, Fl ES and CAKES the calamity. Oregon has not usually tugboats mid even ocean liners had to J . S, f-te| liens. Also a complete line of suffered from a dearth of legislation. be brought or climteied for the use of the County Assessor. Fresh Fruits, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco and Stationbry. But I ceitainly hope to see this legisla­ navy. “We can speak from actual expeicnce ture either at the sjiecial or regular ses- Best Meals in the city, from 15cts up session act with reasonable promptness now on a great many questions with in the election of United Staten senator. regard to which we could only theorize I hope tc see it elect some gentleman three months ago. We know, for ••I thny, Cbollle, whnt nn extwermely who is competent to discharge the ’ instance, that dry dock« are needed, thoft looking Individuili that chappie is! ■Ally Sloper. duties of that important position with 1 large enough to receive our largest No oxpwesslon at nil WHEN YOU WANT LUMBER Remember that we keep the best of everything in Stock and at prices as low as the lowest. Following is our List of Prices. borne brands of are cheap per package. Sc hitting's Best is cheap per month. > T C o L * K'.SSii!*’- THE TILLAMOOK Mikado and Empire Cream Separators FOARD & STOKES CO‘ dignity and honor who will be a credit ' I to the State, who will attain the position 1 by clean methods and whose election will I not be regarded as a fractional triumph, but will secure to the republican party ’ of Oregon some degree of that harmony ' and peace ofjwhich it isso much needed. • That done, "Let us have peace.’’ But. Mr. Editor, let me suggest, that theeletcion of any candidate will ot be aided by misrepresenting the attitude or views or actions of public men, or b draggi ngfinto the sentorial controversy men who are taking no part in it. “The oldest inhabitant,” can recall events where abuse of public men by prominent newspapers defeated rather than secured the election of the candidate in whose interests it was made. Upoa the mem­ bers of the Oregon legislature devolves the duty of electing a United States senator. So far as I aui concer cd, they will be left untrampled in the performance of that important work. ships ami numerous enough to prevent the necessity of their lying long without repair or without having their bottoms A Busy Judge. After hearing argument in acasea rural justice said: “I’m sorter mixed on this hero matter cleaned. “The war lias shown too, that the an I II preserve my decision.” “About what time, jedgo,” said the bottoms of our ships should be the lawyer, “will you dish out them pre­ copper;sheathed so that they can be kept serves?” , . “Thar’s no tellin.” replied his honor. ut sea without the necessity of too fre­ “ I ’ ve got a sighto ’ plowin ter do nn erbout quent docking for cleaning. At present ten acres ter fence in. Jest take the pris- not oue of our important si.ip- is .copper ’ncr ter jail till fall!”—Atlanta Constitu­ shcatlied. The only sheatliad vessels tion. _______ __ ______ ' t gtinlioats of the In the navy «re six possible Mispronunciation. Annapolis classes «nd Annapolis «'»1 and Marietta I. Wallace—They «ay that If you pick np n the New Orleans ami Albany, which we hairpin on the «idewalk you will soon get bought from the Bruiilliau Government a letter. Ferry—I think there mint be a ml«pro at llie uiitbieak of the war. nunciation somewhere. I picked one up “Perhaps the important lesson which and stuck It in my pocket, and my wife we have learned — — is the necessity o( ma k- found it and I got ■ lecture.—Cincinnati iug our fighting ships i tireproof. At Enquirer._______________ ____ ..... • at _ t f- Santiago the Spanish Manila ami -- „ Laughter. took fire and they suffered as much He dared laugh in her face. ships t~------------ •Ha, ba!” be laughed. or more from this source as from the As for her, fho dared do nothing or the impact of our shells. Now it is not Ht kind. Had she ventured to laugh In her all necessary that a «shell ¡» striking a face she probably wouldn't have done a It is necss.iry T hus . b . T jn 'OIE. ship shotil'l set fire to it. thing tn the enamel. to have a certain amount of woodwork Hut «he could laugh In her sleeve.—De­ Hillsboro Sept. 19, 1898. ________ __ , The Orgonian ha« failed to publish in every vessel although so far as is troit Journal. Bl. Last Joke. this, but on Thursday morning tollowing practicable it is dispensed with. There satisfactory suli- The judj.« looked soteinn. on the 6th |>age, published the following are some for L. winch -■ no “* " “You ara to bo hanged by the neck nn stitute for wooii Ims ever been found. garbled statement: til you are dead. Have you anything to HlLLSBORO.Sept. 20.—(To the Editor.) But it is quite feasible to make such wood sa y ” * The former police reporter «miled gent.y. —A statement appears in the Orgonian a# must be fireproof by a chemical pro- "It will make a g'-od n,,oso lu,u “ that I did what I could to prevent Mr cesa which lias lieen employed in the of "onie of our fun­ New York Journal. Corbett’s being seated in th« United «.xidwork States senate. So far as the statement boat« The ward is mineralised, if yoi. Why He " “ Haved. is intended to imply or intimate that I may use that term, by being impreg­ Pteenimnn (during • xcitlng yneh» re<--) nated with plm"P'»-« ‘ e •>< . ........ “ , ” 1 -Man overboard! Shall w« k‘ took any part, or endeavored to use any drown? . nfluence with any sens or to p-event after this pro.™ ba, been undergone him Captain (promptly)-*« mwt r’-’P«"«' There Ims the admission of Mr. Corbett, or to it is impowible to burn it pick him up. It . »gain«* tb« rules fo influence votes upon that matter it is |ew Yura advisability oTlrealing the woo-l of the Weekly. ____ _____________ . without any foundation and truth. I warship« in this WI*P A"’1 varmu« ol.ject- Trick. In All Traded did not communicate with a single I ion, li ive been rais 1 to Hie increase tn ••Do you think you are i-x^rt ^nongh senator concerning the merits of Mr .eight Ute damage done to elm bee by to take dictation for that authorr a«k«l Corbetts tight to admission, nor for the King mclo-ed in the chest, of wood so one typewriter of «nother. *1 .uaaa to. It I And I am tolling be- purpose of influencing his, vote either treated ami so on. But all th-« bind. Hl tell bl*» wa" 1 — trivial trivial when the aim to b« unwmd in bis ,ton."-WMhln«um ntar iun. ere . way. I seciireil is liorne in n.iml- Another untrue statement is that I TILLAMOOK. Tillamook^ Laundry and Dije |¿ou$e. OREGON. CLASSES WERE RESUMED ON THE l-tltsi' MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER. S trict attention given to outside orders . D ying cleaning and renewing a specialty . W ork called for and delivered . COURSE OF INSTRUC­ TION HT. AT. PHON 8U» ACACE.MY la divided into four departments, vis : Primary, Intermediate. Grammar, and Senior. The year Is divided into lour term* of eleven weeks each. GRADED All work guaranteed to be first class, J. W. Atwater, Manager TUITION 1EE. Tuition Fee for one pupil for a term of eleven weeks in the Primary Department, I wo D ol ­ lar * ; in the Is tkkmmwate , T hule D ollars ; G rammar G rade , F our D ollars , feKNioR G rade , F ive D ollars . Ladle* No More Darning. Business Chance For Trade. The Magic Itami !x>om Made of polished Will trade my store «ml stock of Groc­ Rolled steel—Latest invention for mending eries, flour, feed, crockeryetcin Portland clothing, iindrrwarc. tallir linen* or lice! and Oregon for bottom land, in Tillamook toe in hosiery—A child can work ft. Perfect wave Send postpaid »5 cis. Greater or West Co. $1700 Block. Good trade. For par­ Advertising Mt Novelty Co., i 55% Washington ticulars «dress. 8t. Oakland California. M. Mel'hor. Cor. Union Ave. and Russel Street Portland. Oregon. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. Instrumental Music on the Piano or the stringed instruments, for a term of eleven weeks. T en D ollars . VOCAL MUSIC. Vocal Multe, H ight D oi . la «». BUSINESS DEPARTMENT. In the Business Department Stenograph, Book-keeping, and Type.writing included if desired. The common branches, THJ mtv -R ivx D olla as for lhe whole our*e. plain Sewing and Fancy Work free to the pupil* on Saturday afternoon. Latin, French, ami German included in the Senior tirade. Private leHsous In those !••• guagewTriN D ollar * a term. Board ami Tuition including plain and fancy needle w ok. T hiuteen ¡» ollars a month. When there are four pupil* in one family at tending, the last one 1« free. Sewing school. free to pupi’s, wi I be resumed on the fi. st Saturday in October. DO YOU KNOW iTfE NEWS 0 * PER. MONTH I I I I it Cheapness mid not morn You can have it all for REGUL tl lONH. StuJenU are entered nt any time dnntif the fteeelon. No dednction will be trade In ehher the At-demk or Music lit-partmeitt for th«- ChriMm«* or Easter Hoii-tsy f-/r withdtaw 1 the expiration <»f the term or absence, txcepfin case of dismissal or prolonged l ines* * Arademic »»r the < ommercial Department and • a *at *f <$ t >ry »nn Inattton in the bra ache* prescr’bed $re entitled to a Diploma. Frank- Wheeler. Prop. — St. Alphonsus ACADEMY, Astoria,Ore in The Evening Telegram, of Portland, Oregon, It in I he Inrg- eat evening newHpHfwr publish* »»I in Oregon; it <-ontHina all tli<* new* of the Male and nniion, Try It f r a month. A sample copy will !>e mailed to you free. Ad- dreaa THE TELEGRAM, Portland,Or » Should be the tiling cot., bit'ered in the selection of a newspaper. THE HEADLIGHT list InOTMMa coimtmiUy notwithstanding the Irantio efforts of our oorrrpetitors to replace It with cheap stuff.