T he TILLAMOOK WEEKLY HEADLIGHT STATE SCHOOL BOOKS cent from the Bat, and th« books ere paid for out ot a spacial fund and reimbursed I. William Cain, by each school district out of the general I of Dayton, county of Yamhill, State of Oregon school fund. The districts furnish tho has this day filed in this «»ffice his sworn state books to the pupils free. The cost of ment No. 3026 or the purchase of lots 1 ti 2 A STATEMENT FllOM TnE AMBII L freights and rt strlbut on Is paid by th, & S’, of N E*4 of Sec No. 4 in school dlstrlc.s from their school ap-or. CAN BOOK COMPANY. Township No. 2 S, Range No. 7 W. and tionment. The system Is so eomplh. ed will offer proof to show that the land sought is that tt Is Impossible to ascertain exactly I more valuable for its timber or stone than for thi» total tn-al cost nnef of nt the » U „ books v. . agricultural purposes, and to establish his delivered . to Gross Amount of the Business, Prices the claim to said land be lore the Register and Recei the pupils. Since the new text-book law ver of this office at Oregon City Oie. on Thurs­ and Other Informa* went into effect in Idaho, in 1S93. the con­ day, the 30th day of June, 18918. He names as sumption of books has Increased nearly tlou, witnesses: O' k II.U . . 100 par cent. There is much greater waste Frank Willis of McMinnville Oregon, David of books under a free text-book system Curtis ofTillamook, Oregon, James VV. Coffin, o Dayton, Oregon, James Bell of McMinnville,f than where the books are purchased and PORTLAND. Or., May 27.-(To the Edi­ owned by the pupils, as in Oregon. It is Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the tor.)—Much has been published of late a casg, in Idaho, «f ge’t rg something for above described lands an* requested to file their regarding the American Book Company nothing, and there ,‘s always extravagance » .u.iggo >*» uiu vuivu UU Ui UViUiV auxd jull» uay where some one else, generally the tax ­ and the coat of school books furnished by June, 1898. that company to the people of Oregon. payer, pays th© bill. Chas. B. Moore«, Register. It has been stated that the contract re­ Interested persons have persistently cir­ tail prices of school books in Oregon (that culated misstatements. I feel that the Is. th* maximum prices which can be T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 187$,—N otice F or public should be told the truth, and, there­ charged by the retail dealers) are 10 per P ublication , fore, beg space in your paper for the cent above the catalogue or list prices. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Ore- It is following brief statement, which may This Is true of mo.**t of the books. also true that th« bld of every other pub ­ March 9, 1898. — Notice i® hereby given that in throw some light upon the much-mooted compliance with the provisions of tiie act <» and grossly misrepresented text-book lisher for standard text-books at the adop- Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled “A11 act for the tlon four years ago provided for this same question. sale of timber lands tn tiie States of California, profit to the retail dealer. The law of Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory." as The American Book Company invites the Oregon Imposes conditions on the publ sher extended to all the Public Land States by act of closest investigation of the school-book which are not required by the law of any August 4, 1892, It r^iuires the contracting question, knowing that every person who other state. John G. Wisecarver, investigates candidly and without preju­ publisher to maintain a general depository of McMinnville, county of Yamhill, State of Ore. ha- tliis «lay filed in this office his sworn *tate- dice will be convinced that it has dealt or place of business In this state, and to maintain subdepositories at such points inent No. 3025, for the purchase of the E’a of W with the people of Oregon in a straight­ throughout the sta‘e (now more than 250) of Section No. 8 in Township No. z 8, Range forward. business way, and that it has as may be from time to time designated No. h W, ami will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for itstimberor endeavored to serve the people faithfully by the state board of education. We are stone than for agricultural purposes and to es­ and to promote the best interests of their therefore required to keep on sa’e and on tablish his claim to said land before the Register schools. We could not hope to retain the consignment In various parts of the state and Receiver of this office at Oregon City Ore- large numbers of books, amounting to on Thursday, the 30 day of June, 1898. He goodwill and business of the people In thousands of dnl’nrs. A number of these names as witnesses: any other way. We obtained our contract places are remote from railroads, the J. H. Bell of McMinnville, Oregon; Rily Smith four years ago against heavy competition, freight in many cases costing as much a. of Dayton, Oregon; Hiram Rummel of McMinn­ ville Ore. William H. Youngof McMinnville Ore. and the prices of ouf publications were 15 per cent. The contract requires that Any and all persons claiming adversely the as low, if not lower, than those of any the books shall be sold at uniform prices above-described lands are requested to filt "their other concern offering standard text­ at every place In the state, and in order to claims in this office on or before said 30th day of do this and to place all sections of the books to this state. June, 1898. state and all dealers on an eons! foot’ng, The official records show that there were we are obliged to pay th.'s cost of trans­ Chas. B. Moores, Register about 100,YH pupils enrolled in Oregon in portation, supply large stocks of books for 1897. Our total sales of books of all kinds which there may be no demand, and which T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice F or in Oregon during the year 1897, including are ultimately returned at our expense, and P ublication . all books sold to dealers, private schools, In a damaged condition, the loss fall’ng United States Land Office. Oregon City. Ore- colleges, academies, pedagogical works upon us. The retail prices snecifled ’n the go 1. Match 9th, 1898.- —Not Ice is hereby given that and miscellaneous books, as well as all contract are the maximum prices allowed 111 compliance with the provisions oi the act of books for public schools, including high to be charged by the retail dealers for the Cong ess of June 3 1878, entitled ‘‘Alt act for the bonks. in manv places In the state and sale of timber lands in the States of California. schools, were $48,941 89. Of this amount, at Portland the books are sold at retail at Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as $42,604 22 was for books for the public catalogue prices. We also mall the books extended to all the Public Land States by act ot schools. More than one-half of these at retail, postage prenaid, to any point in August 4,1892, books were purchased by the people at the state, at the catalogue prices. John B. Ruhr. Our opponents are rival publishing catalogue prices, and the balance ai the of McMinnville. County of YamhilL State of Ore­ gon. has this day filedin this office his sworn dealers’ contract retail prices—10 per cent houses, or their agents or their partisans. statement No. 3030, for the purchase of the above list—so that the total amount paid Their only object is to bring about a Lots 4, 5, 12 and 13of Hection No. 12in Township change of text-books. We ask In all fair­ No. 2 South Range No. 7 West, and w ill offer proof by the people for the books could not ness why a change should be made A to show that the land sought is more valuable exceed $47,994 95. Therefore, the total cost change In publishing houses would in no tor its timber or stone than for agricultural pur- of me boons to the people was less than 50 wise lessen taxes or effect any saving to ' >oses. and to establish his claim to said land cents per pupil attending school, and the the people, because the prices of all stand­ T imber L and , act J une 3, 1878—N otice For: T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice F or T imber L and , A ct J une 8, 1878.—N otice F or »efore the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the 30th, P ublication . total amount received by us for the same ard text-books are alike. It would not | P ublication . P ublication . day of June, 1898. He names as witnesses: United States Land Office, Oregon City, Ore-1 was le-ss than 43 cents per pupil. These benefit the schools, because our publica­ gon, March 23d, 1898—Notice is hereby given I Portland Adams of McMinnville, Ore; John United States Land Office. Oregon City, Ore- United States Land Office, Oregon City, Ore are actual figures. They demonstrate that tions must be conceded to cental in edttca« that in compliance uitli the provisions of the ?on, Mar. 9th, 1898.—Notice is hereby given that g n, March, 9th, 1898—Notice is hereby given th 4 Willis of McMinnville, Ore.; John Kuns <»f Mc­ Minnville, Ore.: Janies IL Bell, of McMinnville, tlonal merit those of anv other publisher. act of Congress of June 3, 2878, entitled “ An act 1 n compliance with the piovisions of the act ot in compliance with the provisions of the act of the cost of school books in Oregon is not Common business prudence and economy for the sale of timber lands in the States of Calif- J (’oiigress ofjune 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the Uongiessof June 3, 1878 entitled “Au Act for the 1 >1 c excessive. They also show the utter ab­ Any and all persons claiming adversely the ornia Oregon,- Nevad* . and Washington Territ- j sale of timber lands m the States ot California sale of timber lands in the States of California require a uniform series of books adopted surdity of the statements published by for definite periods. In no other way can ory." as extended to all the Public Laud States Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory," as Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,’’as above-desci ilH‘d lands are requested to tile their extended to all the Public Laud States by act of extended to a 1 the Public Land Stales by act of claims in this office on or before said 30th, day some of our more ignorant detractors, favorable prices be secured or the people by act of August 4, 1892, ofjune, 1H98. Chas. J Kuns; August 4,1892, that our annual business in Oregon be protected from frequent and expensive of McMinnville, County of Yamhill, State of Ore- ' August 4, 1892, Chas B. Moores, Register. Sarah Bell; Albert E. Cook, amounts to $5V u , im O, and that we sell boons changes. Our books are in use in the gon, has this day filed in this office his sworn amounting to $idu,bu0 a year in the city oi schools of the state. Large numbers of statement No. 303R, for the purchase of the E 5a 1 of McMinnville, County of Yamhill, State of of McMinnville. County of Yamhill, State of has this day filed in this office her sworn Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn Portland. There arc but two states in tne th^m, amounting to many thousands c^ of V\ % of Section No. 34, in Township No 1 S. Oregon Range No. 7 West, and will offer proof to show statement No. 3047, for the purchase of the E. 5a No. 3020. for the purchase of the Lots T imberland , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice for Union (Arkansas and Alabama) where the dollars, are the property of the schtx; that the land sought is more valuable for its of !•'. ’2 of Section No. 22 in Township No. 2 statement it, 12, i3imd 14 of Section No. b in Township No P ublication , cost of school books per pupil is Uss than natrons. These would become valueless limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, South Range No. 7 West, and will offer proo 2, South Range, No. 6 West, and will offer proof in Oregon. if a change were made. It Is manlfer« and to establish his claim tosa d land before the to show tlint tiie laid touaffit is more valuable to show that the land sought is more valuable United States Land Office, Oregon City, Ore Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon for its timber or stone tlian for agricultural pur­ for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur­ gon, March 9th. 1898—Notice is hereby given that Enemies of the American Book Comps»? folly to suggest a change on the groun ) Oregon, on Satur«!ay, the 30th. day ofjuly, poses and to establish her claim to said land poses ami Io establish his claim to said land be­ in compliance with the provisions of the act of are attempting to contuse the public mind of economy. Let us consider what s I City, before tiie Register aud Receiver of this office I898. He names as witnesses: fore the Register and Receiver of this office at by publishing tab.es of the cost of books change of text-books means. For ex» ! Joseph G. Keller of McMinnville, Ore., Olein at Oregon City. Oregon on Thursday, the 30th, Oregon City, Oregon on Thursday, the 30th, day Congress of June 1, 1^78, entitled “An act f«*r the sale of timber lands in the States of California, in other states purchased under different ample, 20 p^r cent, or 30.0')'). pupils in Ore« I Alberts of McMinnville, Ore., John Hoover of day of June, 1898. -die names as witnesses: of June, 1898. lie names as witnesses: Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," a» systems, and comparing them with the gon are in the grade that use a “First j McMinnville, Ore., Newton Wisecarver of mc - Janies H. Bell of McMinnville, Ore ; John William II Young of McMinnville, Ore.; extended to all the Public Land Slates by act retail or highest prices at which books Reader.” Tf a change were made, tho i Minnville Ore., Kuns of McMinnville Ore.; Fred H. Klyrer of David Curtis of Tillamook Ore.; Riley Smith of of August 4, 1892, I Any and all persons claiming the above-des ­ Dayto . Ore.; Frank Willis of MeM innvillc Ore adopted for use in the public schools of people would necessarily have to purchase Portland Adams, f John Kuns: lands are requested to file their claims in McMinnville Ore.; Any and all persons claiming adversely the this state may be sold by the retail deal­ 30,000 of the new "First Readers.” NJ 1 cribed ______ office on or before said Both, day of July McMinnille, Ore. above-described lands are requested to file their of McMinnville County of Yamhill, State ofOte ers. The net wnolesale or contract price standard “First Reader” is sold at le < ; this 1898.” Any and all persons claiming adversely the claims in this office on or before said 30th, day gon, lias this day filed ill this office his sworn in Chicago or New York (which is uniform than 20 cents, mn<-t of them at 25 cen*,«« '■ C has B. Moores, Register. statment No. 3021, for the purchase of the I-',. above-described lansd are requested to file their otjune, iS'1.8. to all states) Is taken as a basis of com­ Tn other words, it wou’d cost not left i of W.ofSect'on No. 22 in Township No. 2, Chas, B. Moores, Register. claims in tnis office on or before said 30th day 1 South Range No. 7 West, and will otter proof to- parison with the maximum retail price al­ than $60t the wet of United States Land office, Oregon city, Ore dav of June 1898. lie names as witnesses; la compared with the price of a standard 31500. Tn fact, a large percentage of theso , Congre Coiigie s ofjune 3. isyS, IsyS, entitle tt;t;i!;d d “ “An * act * for ' • the ’ T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice F or gon March 9th, iau8.—Notice is hereby given t’ at lliiam Rumim-l ol M« Miiinville. Ore.. Edward book used in this stale. It is a well- hooks were sold at the catalogue pr’.ce / «ale of tiinbei * 1 ' lands ’ in ’ * tlit- ’ • Mates. ‘ ■ <»f California, in compliance w ith the provisions of tin* act of Grenfell ol McMinnville. Ore,. James II. Bell of P ublication known law of production and sale that an . — Tzi ’ — „as (’«ingress of June 3. 1*78, entitled "A n net for the McMinnville, Ore., John B. Rohr of McM .nn- M cent«. “First Header-.," therefc-e. ec-t ——______ article can be purchased at a less figure extended to all the Public Land States by act United States Land Office, Oregon City, Ore­ I sale of timber lands in the States of California, the people of Oregon less than $1500 p<-r ! of August 4, 1892, Ore., at first cost from the manufacturer at the gon Mairh 9th. 1S98.—Notice is hereby givan that Oregon. Nevada ami Washington Teriltory,’ as ville, Any and all persons claiming adversely the F bedric F. K eller ; in compliance with the provisions of the act extended to all the Pu Jic Lund States by act of above p»ace of production or manufacture than year, w’hlle it would cost at least $6A7 described lands are requested Io file their to buy a supply of a new kind. An ann*. \ ' of McMinnville, County oi Yamhill State of Ore- August 4, 1892, of < 'ongrws of lune 3, 1878, en itled “ An act or at some place removed thousands of miles claims in this office on or before said 30th, «lay g n, has this day filed in this office his sworn Spencer Simmons, and when sold at retail, me cost of sale of 6000 as against 30,000 "First head­ 1 statement No. 3041. for the purchase of the N. E. the sale of timber lands in the States of Califor­ otjune, IK98 nia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,’’ ers ” in use, means practically a renewal transportation must be added to the cost 11 of Section No. 18111 Township No. 2S. Range as extend d to all the Public Land States by act of McMinnville, Cou itv of Yamhill, State of ('has. B. Moores, Reglet« r. of manufacture, as well as the profit made of these books but once In five years, the j No.6 W. and will offer proof to show that the of Aug. 8 4, 1892, Oregjii has tliis day file’<| in thisoffice his sworn same readers serving five successive clas*- 1 land Bought is more valuable for its timber or statement No. 3032, for tin* purchase of the S. by the middleman or retail dealer. David Curtis, W of Section No. 4 in Township No 2 T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice F or Our assailants have asserted that Idaho es at a nominal cost to the pupil aff • I stone than for agricultural purposes, and to bis claim tq said land before the Re of Tillamook, County of Tillam ok, State of South Range No. 7 West, and will offer P ublication . purchases our school publications cheaper first purchase. A rain. 40 per cent of tl/ ' : establish i isterand Recei ver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn proof to show that the land sought is more United States J^and Office, Oregon City, Ore­ than does the state of Oregon. This is not pupils in the pub ic schools study geogra­ Oregon on Saturday, the 30th day of July, 1898. statem nt No. 3023, for the 1 urcliaaa of Lois, 1, valuable for its timber or stone than for agricul phy. There are two hooks In use. There gon March 23d, iMJS. —Notice is hereby given that true Ln $a£t. In Oregon the people buy 2 7. and 8 of Section No. 6 11 Township No. 2 tiiral purposes and to establish his claim to said He names as witnesses. . 6 West nr.<1 will offer proof land before the Register mid Receiver of this 111 compliance with the provisions 01 the act of Congress of June t, 187s, entitled ‘‘An act for th** in Yhoijr several localities. In Idaho the classes, one-half in the elementary and Adams of McMinnville. Or. William H. Young to show that the land sought is more valu­ office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the sale of timber lands in the States of California, state purchases the books in bulk in Chi­ one-half in the advanced book. Twenty of McMinnville, Or. Clem. Albert of McMinnville able for its timber or stone than for agricultural 30th. day of June, 18V8 It«- names ns witnesMrs Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory, ’ns purposes, ami to establish his claim to said Albert E Cook of McM 1 nilville. Ore; Frank cago at xhe net wholesale contract price, thousand pupils purchasing an elementa y ' '1.Anv and all pcrsotiR claiming adverse!» the land before the Register and Receiver of this extended to all llic Public Land States by act oi of McMinnville, Ove.*, i: August 4, 1892, and pays*, the freight from Chicago to geography, If a new book were introduce ( the above-described lands are lequested to file office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the olds, Dayton, Ore.; Hiram Rummel of Idaho anB the additional expenses of displacing the one now in use, at 60 centi their claims in this office on or before said 30th 30th.'lay of June, isgK. 1 e names as witnesses: or«-. JohnC Hoover; price c» day of July, 1898. handling and distributing the books to the Pk of McMinnville, Ore.; James copy. which is the Any and nil persons claiming adversely the of McMinnville, County of Yamhill, State ol Ore­ II Beil of McMinnv Ilf, Ore.; Riley Smith of above «lescribc«! lands are ref Me v*intiville, Ote claims in this office on or liefore sai«i 3°tb, «lay statement No. 3046, for the purchase of tile E the would _ . publsher, _ Any and all persons claiming adversely the of June, 1898. of >* ’./of Section No 34 in Township No. 1 South for freights and other expenses in dis­ state » $12,000. uà1» J $12.000. Yet the annual P ublication . above-described lands are requested to file their Rang* No. 7 WH, ami will offer proof to show Chas. B. Moores Register. tributing the bonks be added to the prices of "Monteith’s Elementary Geography,’ United States Land Office, Oregon City, Ore­ claims in this office on or before said 30th, daj that the land sought is moi e valuable for its tim - paid for the books in Chicago, it will be the book now used in our schools through­ gon, March 28«!. 1898—Notice is hereby given of June, 1898. ber or stone than for agri« ill t lira I purposes, and that in compliance with the provisions of the found that the books actually cost the peo- out the state. Is but 4431 copies, costing Chas. B. Moores, R««gister T imbr L and , Acr J une 3, 1878.—N otice F or t<>establish his claim to said land before the p'e of Idaho more than they do the people $2658 60. If space permitted w*e would go act of Congres of June 3 1878, entitled “An act for Register ami Receiver of tliis oilier nt Oregon P ublication . • ity, Oregon,on Friday, the 29H1. «lay of July, of Oregon. The total cost of school books through the list of books in use and show sale of timber lands in the States of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri ory,” 18*^8 Hr names as witnesses ; tn Oregon Inst year, as shown above, was exactly what the expense of a change rj as extended to all the Public I-and States bx act T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice F or United States Land <»ffice. Oregon City, Oregon Jacob N. Wisecarvci of .McMinnville, Ore , March, 9th, iv -98. Notice is hereby given that Jess than 50 cents per pupil. Ida'^ last text-books wou’d be. The total woul] cf August 4» ‘892. P ublication . Georg«* F Bangasserof McMinnville, Ore , Port in compliance with the provisions of the act oi year paid for Its school bocks in '-^ago amount to not less than $240.000. That 1» Joseph Keller land Adams of Me «iinnville, Ore , William M 1 United States Land Offiice, Oregon City, Ore, more than $16,000, not counting »^eights the sum the people of Oregon would hav« of McMinnville, < ounty of Yamhill, State of Ore­ March 10, 1898 —Notice is hereby given that in Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An a< t for the Ion«* of M MinnvilI«*, Ore. of timber lands in the States of California, or expenses of distribution. Their school to pay out for books the first year If the gon, has this day filed in this office his sworn compliance with the provisions of th< act of sale Any tind all persons claiming adversely the Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," No. 3089. for the purchase of the W ’4 nl»ovr-«lrssiibed lands are requested to file their •nrollment was about 20,000 pupils. There­ text-books were changed. Under the pres­ statement ot W of Section No. 22 in Township No. 2 S. < ’oiigress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the as extended to all the Public Land States by act claims in this office on or before said 319th. day sale of timbiT lands in the States of California fore. their school bocks cost them at Chi­ of August 4, 1892. Range No. 7 West, and will offer proof to show ent system the annual cost of books L of July, 1898. cago more than 75 cents per pupil. Freights that the laud sought is more valuable for its Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory," as James H. Bell; The sales of text-book, Chas. B. Moores, Register. and expenses of distribution make the less than $48,(XW. normal. The books ha* timber or stone tlian for agricultural purposes, extended to all the Public Land States by act of of McMinnville, County of Yamhill. State of In this state are and to establish hisclaimto said land before the August 4,1892. total cost still greater. The maximum Oregon, has thisday file«l in this office* his sworn T imber L and , act J une 3, 1878.—N otice F or a number of years, th» been in use for Register and Receiver of this offic e at Oregon Thomas R. Willis, discount from the trade list of publishers statement No. 3"V. foi the purchase of lx»ts ___ supplied, and the sale» City.Oregon on Saturday, the 30th. day of July, Prnr. ic * a tion received by Idaho (the books being deliv­ people are well of McMinnville, county of Yamhill, State o 3, 4. 5. and 6 of Section No. 6 in Township No. 2 1898. He name« as witnesses: United States Laud Office, Oregon City Otr- ered In Chicago) is 20 per cent. In Oregon each year are only to fill In and renew Clemens Albeit of McMinnville, Ore. William Oregon, has this day filed in thi“ office hissworn > ji i< »ill tir.-d pm W'4ofN 8c W’i of S W»4 Of Sec No 2 livering the booksjn Oregon), is 10 per cent room. These figures prove the saving to ths McMinnville. Ore., Chas. J. Kuns of McMinnville ill Townshp No. 2 S, Range No, 7 W. K>ses, mid to establish his claim to said land Congress of Jum- ». IK78, entitled “An act for the from the list, The cost of freights and people by continuing In use the book* Ore., rfore the Register ami Receiver of this office at aale of timber lands in the St a tes of California Any and all persons claiming adversely the ami will offer proof to show that the land sought Oregon City Oregon on Thursday, the 30th, day Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory. ' d stribution. In fact, exceeds the difference they have on hand. The condition« now is more valuable for its timber or stone than as extended to all the Public Land Slates by act between these discounts, and we would are similar to those existing four year» above-desrri! el land- are requeste«! to fib1 theii fm agricultural purposes, and to establish his of June, iKu8. He names as witnesses; claims in this office on or before sai«l 30th..day of ( Riley Smith of Dayton, Ore : John B. Rohr of of August 4, 1892. claim to said land 1»efore the Register ami make a larger profit on our Oregon bust- ago when the present books were re­ July I89K. Rcc iver <»f this office nt Oregon City, Oregon. M< Miunville Or . Albert E C«x»k of McMinn­ Portland Adams; ness If the state bought the books from u® adopted. The public then almost unanU < ha« B Mijores, Reglst er. Ofl Thursday, the 30th day of June, 1898. He ville, Or ; David Curtis of Tillamook Or. of McMinnville, County of Yamhill, State o at our wholesale prices in the East, and Any and all persons claiming adversely the Oregon, has fhlsdax filed in thisolh« r hisswoiu mously opposed a change. They did not names a« witnesses: ehipped and distributed them at its own T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice F or David Curtis, of Tillamook. Oregon: John B above described lands arc requested to filetheir stat« men-No. 3042. for the purchase of the E ' v P ublication . expense, as Idaho does, than we make in then, nor do they now. wish to incur thf Rohr, of McMinnville, Oregon; James I! Bell of claim* in this office on or before said 30th, day ofE'^of ect ion No. 11 in Township No. 2 .*< Oregon under the present system. In expense which a change of text-book Range No. 7 Went, and will offer proof to show United States Land Office Oregon City, Oregon McMiniix ill«-. Oregon; I-dward Grenfell of .Mc­ of June, 1898. would involve. R- L. EDWARDS, Idaho the state ^x"*v*a**s the boofes In Chas. B. Moores, Register. thtit tlio land sought is tuoie valuable lot its General Agent American Book C% March 23d, 1898—Notice is hereby given that 111 Minnville Oregon Any and all persons claiming adversely the Ch'cago •» -' *•***■*«• erics per timber or alone than for agricultural purposes, compliance with the provisions of the act of .. _ _— 3, 1878. ■ 4. — w c. A ■> .... . above-described lands are requested to file their and to establish his claim to said land b«-f<«rv Congress of ... lune er titled ■« "An act O for the sale of timber lands in the States of < alifor- claims in this office 011 or before said 30th day of T imber L and , A ct J une 3. 1878.—N ot ice F or tile Register a d Receiver of this office at Oregon < Itv, Or gon,on Friday, the x/th ri.*y nia. Oregon, Nevadaniid Washington Territory'’ June 1898. P ublication of July is.,^. He 11.1 nies as wit nesses as extended to ull the Public i.aiid States by act Chas. B. Mooren, Register. E Itaiigasset <»f McMinnville i/r«’ f of August 4. »892. United States Land office, Oregon City. Ore B Georg«* Ro r of McMinnville, Ore., Prr«!i i«-k F Krllr Clemens Albert, gon M rch, qtli, IK-/K - Noti< e is lu 1 cbv given that of McMi nville, Orc., Williau Malone of Mcr in compliance with the provi-dotm of the ad of of McMinnville, county of Yamhill, Elate of T imber L and , A ct J i nk 3, 1878,—N otice for Miunvilie, <>re. Congress of June 3, 1878, e»»title«! “ aii act tor the Oregon- has thisday filed in this office his sworn Any mul all netsons claiming adversely the P ublication . sale of timber lands in the State« of Califor tia abov>- statement No 3040, for the pur* base ol the W. describe«] Is nd« are rrf June 3, 1M7M, entitled «'An s< t f >t Minnville; Ore. , . . . , . No $027. foi the purchase of the W'^ of cultural ptirp«WM*a, and to establish his claim to Congress Any and all persons claiming adversely the merit of Section No a in Township No, 2 -, said l'»no before the Register and Receiver of the sale of timl»er lamia in the stair« of < alifo« above described lands are requested to filetlicir W% nia, Oreg*»!! Nevada, sn I Wa-hingfon Territoi y Hi la office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Thur* No 6 W and will offer proof to show claims in this office ou or before said 30th, day Range to all the Public Land Matra by a. 1 that the land sought Is more valuable for day. the v»th, «lay of Juiie, i*-/8. He names as •»extended ol August 4, p.92, of July, 18*28. witnesses Ita timber or stone than for agri«ultnral purposes Chas. B. Moores, Register. James If Bel! of Me Minnville, Ore . David iieoigt F BaiigHssrr, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office «t Oregon Curtis of 'lillarno k, Or«- , Albert E. ('«rok of of McMinnville county of Yamhill, state of City Oregon on Thursday, the 30th day of June, M« Minnville, Orc Jot n B Rohr of Mc Minn­ Or gon. has tlilsday fil«-<( in tin«office Ills awor n ville Ore iSi/A He names as witneases statement No -«Ms for the purchase of the E •> Any ami all persons claiming adversely the of W 54» Lota 3. 6, n ami 14 of Hrcti«»n No. 13, n Allx-rt E. Cook, of Mr Minnville, Oregon Rily (» Smith of l>ayt«»M, Oreg«»ii; Frank U Illis, of atfove-dest rihd lands are requested to file their Township No. 1 South, l<*nge.N«> 7 West, hii *I McMinnville Oregon; I »avid Curtis of Tillamook claim- In tlii« office on or before said jotli ove-de*crfl*d lam’s are requested to file their claim to sai«1 lan«I b« for<* the Register and R» claim« in this office on o- before said yoth day STUDEBAKER WACONS, «« tver of this office at Or gon City. Oi«*>gon, on of June, »89«. Fiblsy. Ih»- Joth, «lay of July, IfrA He nanir- trict attention given to outside orders Osborne Mowers ns witnc »«rs: Cira« B Moires, Register ying cleaning and renewing a specialty Poitlnnd Aftams, ««f Mi Mlnnvillr, Otr Jf.hi» Bngrie* hay rakew, plow« and oth?r farm B. Rohr, of McMinnville, Ore F