(Cite Oeablinht, has over one thousand subscribers, /t has more local news, and is the cleanest, ablest and bed paper in Tillamook County. People who want all the news and who do not want slush, dirt and abuse, take Who Wnnt am ou It Good Job Printing will do well to bear in mind that there is but one decently equipped Job office in Tillamook Countyt and that is the office of ©he fjciibltnltt (Silt« fKitblinljt. TILLAMOOK. OREGON, THURSDAY. OCEAN PARK CAMP GROUND. HEADLIGHT X-BA YS John Malaney Sr. Prop. Yon want a wheel—see I^etcher and | Jenkins. The finest Camp Ground on the Oregon Coast. The Situation is one of uiiusiialy beauty. It is protected from the wind. It is near a lovely beach. Il aflords fine bathing and boating facilities. It is near the best dishing in America. Supplies will lie brought to your door. All prices are reasonable. Mrs. Grayson was a visitor in our city | last Monday. B. L. Eddy will speik at Woods Sat- ' tirday evening, June 4ih. I Hon. T B. Handley left Tuesday for the south eml of tbe cuu ity. Mrs. John Barker is visiting relatives and friends in Poilland. Jolin Malaney Sr. Mrs. Sturgeon carries a complete line ot laces and ribbons. Woods, Oregon June 2nd. 1898. Mr. P Brant is quite ill. 11. Orchard was a visitor to our city last week. Mr. Orchard is on his way I Jasper Smith, republican candidate I for slate board of equalization is is town to Idaho. I greeting his many friends. One that will stand these roads, Mr. Bow man editor of the H eadlight One that will not need repairs, An old man by the name of Peterson, returned Tuesday evening from a trip to I who for some time lias been on the coun­ A Particularly easy riding wheel, the south end of the county. ty died on Wednesday and was buried At a reasonable price buy George Stoddard, one of the H ead ­ at public exense. light force spent a couple of days at Dr. C. E. Hawke, assisted by Dr. E. Woods this week . Il Parker of Portland, performed a sur­ has Mias Viola Hogan, who lias spent the gical operat*on upon Mrs. Bendixon last the winter here, returned to her home at Thursday morning. At last reports she Woods hist Monday. was improving. If yotl want a good » heel, and a cheap Dr W. A. Wise expects to be at his wheel, go ami see Leteherdc Jenkins; office, ready foi business about the 10th Their wheels areO. K. of June. All those who want a tooth Baby bonnets in all styles at Mrs pulled or filled, or nny dentestry work All these wheels are Cully guaranteed and all $75,00 Sturgeon’s done will find him ready for business. JR,-A- JXZL1B L - - - - - - $50.00 $60.00 & $75.00 ¿TOSKW R COMPLETE NEW STOCK. OF ---------- HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE, FARM MACHINERY, LOGGERS SUPPLIES, FISHING TACKLE. AMUNITION ETC. A FULL LINE UK READY MIXED PAINTS Pio old shelf worn stock; Everything new and up to date. M. CARY O pposite B ank It is a well known fact that the wealth of the nation lies in the condition of the agricultural district. The farmer is the backbone of the country. The fanner may belter liis condition by accepting Buch methods in the tilling of his land and the preparing of his product as will involve the least laljor and excuse, our Mikado and Empire Cream Separators a necessity now. No progressive farmer can do without one. We have hand or (tower sizes, see or write FOARD & STOKES CO It having been reported that G. R. Huff, the regular Union nominee for County Judge, is not a taxpayer, we submit the following assess­ ment copied from the a sesHinent roll for 1897: G. R. Huff, e’a of neX. 8®«- 27, t 2 s r 9 W 80 acres. w*4 of nvg Sec 26, t 2 s, r 9 w, 75 20-100 acres. >500.00 Value Notes and accounts, 3500 Household property, 30.00 Gross value $565.00. Ex 111 pt ion $65 00. Net assess tent. $500 00. Poll tax $3.00. Property tax >13.50. Total $16.50. — Tillamook Leader. The H eadlight looked up the above matter and found the “Leader’s” article false from beginning to end. G. R. Hull' did own the laud in question but on Nov. 6th.. 1897 he Hold it to David Whitney, Jr., the deed being placed on lecord Nov. loth., 1897. There was no W. W. Curtis is in town looking after tax levied against the land till Feb. lltli What is the reason the republican 1898 and it was not assessid to Mr. ticket is sure to come < iit ahead? Be­ business interests. He is greatly pleased Huff but l<> Mr. Whitney. A short time over the action of Candidate Huff in cause it is luniiing a high Ge»*r. since Mr. Huff heard that he was being paying taxes for the Corporation in which The coining 4Hi , of July will be cele­ he isinteresled and hopes that Mr. Huff's opposed as a nou-taxpnyer and he at brated at ihe Fairview Hail Grov? once went to the Court house and asked example may prove contagious. Look out for more infoi ination next the elerk where he shou'd go to fay his Everybody who goes to Woods ami taxes. Being ¡reeled to the Sin riff’s week. wants anything in the u° of Camper’s office lie went and paid the taxes on Mr. Mrs. G O Nolan and children left supplies, groceries, provisions, and es­ Whitney’s land and now exhibits the re­ Monday moi ning on the Foresi Grove pecially fishing tackle will do well to ceipt Io the people who are asked to vo e stage on a visit to her mother at Mun- ! patronize Al. Soiillimiiyde. lie keeps a for him, as evidence of the fact that he is in >ulii. fineslock and smiles so genially oil his a taxpayer. And now W. W. Curtis, ige. I Mr. G. R. Edmund*, of Brandon, customers that they are bound to come fur Mr. Whitney, is after that receipt Coos Comity, c.ime iu last Fri«l iy air«l R« again ami patronize him forever after. and proposes to have it. visiting liis sous Dwight and Geo. E I- i Mr. Huff is either in such dense ig­ On Monday Mrs. John Marolf and m nidi. Mrs Fred Page and little Loy iim ‘1 with norance that he does not. know any! liing Thcte is no Sound reason for a repub­ what might have been a very sei i< > iim ac- about the laws of taxation, or else he is lican scratching a man on the ticket. cideii’. 'The ladies were on their way to I trying to deceive the public. Either Fiom Governor to Constable all are the Fairview Cemetery and when oppo­ propusitiou is not particularly favorable good nomiiiiitiuiis. site the Fail view creamery, the whistle to his candidacy for the office of County Judge. If Bro, Johnson, of the Leader, J op Freeman left Monday evening for blew frightening the horse, which tunic tells a few more whoppers, lie will be quickly, upsetting the buggy, throwing Portland. He intends to enlist and go Mrs. Marolf out. The horse then kick­ eligible to membership in the Ancient with the rest of the brave buys of Oie- ed himself loose from the buggy ami Order of St. Ananias. gon, to fight fol liis country. ran away. The holies suffered some Decoration Day. Wash veiling at Mrs. Sturgeon’s. bruises ami the little boy’s arm was iin- Decoration day services wer • I C. B Hadley and daughter Maud re­ broken. I he turned from Salem Sunday evening. Bro Johnson grows eloquent in de­ der the auspices of the G. A . R. lust Maud has been attending school at that nunciation over our :i«e of the word Opera House at 1 o’clock P. place and will spend “must” in connection with the election Monday. The stage was decorated with home. of certain candidates and proceeds in fl tgs, fit emblems of the day. The G. A R were about 25 strong and held Read the able letter of Hon. T. II. grandiloquent Style to recite the de­ seats of honor on the stage. claration of independence If ue had Tongue in this issue, and llien go Io Mr. W II. Reynolds P. C. acted as work and see that the man who stands known that bro. Johnson was loaded and cliHirniaii and tend the program which that he goes off so easy we would have at his post of duly regardtrbs of bis own touched him g> utly and merely Baid we give in full as follows: personal chances, is elected. C. N Drew. oi General Order, that it is absolutely essential to the well Reading Rev Dixon. Last Friday while working in Al being and credit 0/ this County and State Prayer Mayor B. L. Eddy, Rcinaik« by Whitten’s camp. Henry Mill» si nd that the confusiouists be defeated. Web­ Song lly Choir. Co «nabla Judge W. If. Cooper and T. H and fell while striking a blow with Ilia ster defines the word in part as follows: Remarks by Goy ne. ax By a quick movement » e checked “to be necessary «»r essential to the Solo and Chorus ’Just Before the Hattie Mother* a good deal of the force of the blow, hut character or end proposed;” “to be Remark« by W. L Brooks, W. J. May and T. got enough to cut his instep very badly. necessitated. ” It was ill the above B. Handley. By Choir. Jerry Muipliy is lai«l up with a badly sense that we used it—just as any oilier Song Recitation ‘Stand up for the Flag’ DE Goodspeed cut ankle. He whs trimming h « g ?t newspaper uses it—provided its editor Bring Flowers Kthel Todd OKir Tittle Severance’s « amp on the Miami, when understands the English language. The Bost Tribute Ro»*« ('lenient« Driving Home the Cowl I.is ax glamed from a knot Ami struck When a person logins to grow thin Decoration Day Ida Ooyne him on the ankle joint, causing a deep there is something wrong. The waste in SonielMx!/« Hasel brown Dai ling greater than the supply and it is only a Song of Liberty and painful wound. Fi ankle Drew question of lime when Hie end must The Old Flag Forever Annie Oliver Letcher find Jenkins have jwt receiv­ come. Do You Know What it Means, Annie WaldvogH In nine cases out of ten the trouble is The Flag is Passing ed the best kit of tools ami material for Janies Hiner with the digestive organs. If yon can Ude to Decoration Day the repairing of bicycles that money realm? Grace Ford the n to a healthy condition y«»u could purchase ami are prepare«l to do will stop the waste, put on new flesh and Mr. Reynolds then introduced Mr. C. all kinds of woik oil bicycles at short cause them to feel better in every way. N. Drew, who wore Hie blue mid Mr. W. notice ami in a wotkimmlike milliner. I'll? food they eat will lie digested and W. Jacobs, wlm wore the gray mid to ti e needs of the system, A share of your patronage is respectfully appropriated fought under < ien. Lee. Their leinmks and a normal ap|s-tite will appear. soli« ited. The two Consumption frequently follows a wete brief and to the point. wasting of Isalily tissue because iieni ly men had fought ill lliessnie battles dur­ Mrs. Haves schoo’ the to a be 1 Itliy condili »11 in a vast ruajoritv of cm sen. Get on? of their Itooks from gon. Dr. May’s remaiks were es­ teachers at the May examination. Er­ your druggist and karn aliont thia new pecially appreciate ! by the Audience. win Harrieon passed with an average of and valuable lemedy. He was in Portland at the tune when When the children nets! Castor Oil, 80 l»er cent ami Blaine II «yes ail ave-sge the Oregon boys left for the war and give them L axol , it is palatable. of 76 per cent. gave a very gisphic description of some wheels are nickle plated, I ftlwo well a fine second class wheel “The Ideal” for from S35.00 to $40.00. W. Geo. Lamb is in town. Extra flue while skirts at Mis. Stur- Dr. Ta tom of Sheridan will be in Till­ geon’s. amook City on June 15 and will remain two weeks. Mrs. W. J. May was ill for several Mrs. Theo Steinhilber and daughter days last week. returned on I he last Steamer from an ex­ Dwight Edmunds was on tile sick list tended visit in Pui tlaud. this past week. C. B. Hadley, is digging a drain from The Allen house is head quarters for his cellar under the Saloon building re­ the Forest Grove Stage Line. cently purchased from Brian Bros. The ten month, old daughter of Shelly Hon. M. E. Pogue is doing some ex­ Bailey ¡8 very low with lliuneho Pneu­ cellent work for the Republicans in this monia. County. To hear him is to be convinced, Mias Bertha Max well was in Tillamook He will epeak in Tillamook on Friday last Monday fur the first time since her mglil. recent illness. A Whopper. Nailed. When You Want a First Class Wheel Model of 1897 Model of 1898 $1.50 Per year Astoria, Ore. TILLAMOOK BAKERY, AND RESTAURANT A lways has on hand fresh bread , pies and cakes A lso a complete line of Canned, Fruits, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco and Stationery. Best ZLzCeals izx tlxe Cltsr. LupcheB from ID Gents "p _ i—== Frank Wheeler, Prop. Rpineinher that a Vote for Tongue is a For Sale vote to sustain the administration ami laulies* Bicycle. Inquire at Slur- -Z. the conduct of the wae, while a vote for geon’s Drug Hl »re. Veatch is a vote to cripple mid wesken F/A«?nn A Wara'NK the gove*iimeut nt a criti«*?! lime by depriving it of the power to borrow ' Il has been creditably reported to me McNAMER EACON Props. « money needed for the soldiers. tlist nt tli? election two years a «• r EMMET QUICK. Enver tain well known tiiiscriipnlotisindividual More new goo Is receive«! st Mrs Stur­ teavrsFerestCreves'. 6 RM Euu. Tses. Thurt who res «le» in Tillan»<«*»k, sent out over Leovei Tiilomoci H a A M Men. LUod. Fri geon’s. the rouiiiy to people who*n lie thought FARE S4-00 The candidates ar? rirculsting freely. could be thus hiflii**nc?«l, msiket bnlloty, Cood Accorr.modstoas Through Triplu 10 Hrs. The republican candidates are at par xml pretending that they were marked mid Sprciol Hitts to Campers tnd Fishing Ptrties ar? taken I limi this wan done the fusion tick* t is compose I are not wilte ml my kn->wledge com*etit an I for particulars‘tu^uire ej ir. B.4COPP J0HP MtNAMER. well fiaed ami it ia believed that that the public ia hereby warned ag^iiiixt a kin I of c.mdi«talea will l>e demouetezed similar trick at this coming election. t Eivery and Eeed Sublet, TilUmooh. . Por est Grove. ami no tn >re coineJ hereafter JvflKFii 8« Hu L. ffiver anfi Tillamook Stage Line i I See the new ad of the Ocean Park (’amp ground in this issue. Ocean Park Camp ground ¡ m one of the prettiest and best located places of its kind iu the state and those desiring to come to the coast will do well to go to Ocean Park. Sheriff A Merman, Homer Mason, G. W. Sappington and Howard Cary attend­ ed the meetings held by the republican » at Woods on Saturday and Oretown on Monday, reluming to town on Tuesday. Under the head of “Two Salaries at Once” a pop paper at Salem makes a vir­ ulent attack on a certain republican who at one time held the office of County Sup­ erintendent of Schools and al the same time that of Principal of the Harrison St. school in Portland. The pop paper claims that all this was very dishonest on the ground that no man whatever his ability could attend to both offices at the Name time. The paper says “ It is affiat - ent thal no one can perform both duties^ or in honesty draw both salaries. Just so. And it is for just this reason that the republicans of this comity are opposing the re-election of Mr. Walker the pop candidate for school superintendent in this county. Bro. Johnson of the Leader in reply to onr statement that all sound money denmcrHis would vote the republican ticket counts up (lie votes for Palmer for President aud concludes that there are only six sound money democrats in the Comity and none in Hoquarton and Ti II- mook. Of coarse Bro. Johnson is a newcomer in Tillamook but he can hardly be ignorant of l lie fait that the two moat prominent men in theCoun y Democi.« C Convention this year are gold standard men and one of them spoke on the same platform with the Editor of the H ead ­ light , for McKinley. If Bio. Johnson wants to learn sound financial ideas we can refer him to several oilier sou» d money democrats The reason there were no gold standard democrat votes in Hoquarton precinct is that like the sei Bi­ ble men I Ley are those democrats Voted for Me Kinley. Patriotic Entertain (tient- The Indies of the Christian ehnreb will give an entertainment on Saiiitdav evening June 4that the Opera House. Following is the program : Opening address /\ W Severance Song Mr and Mrs Shanahan S mg mi l tableau “Old (¡lory” Recitrlioii The battle of Manilla Edith Pci kins »Song Hazel Mc Nair Reci I at lot Ruth Coop *r Song and tableau “Cuba shall I»? free ’ Refreshments will be serve I nt the close of the exercises. Al! cordially in­ vited to attend. Admission free. S a TUX l)AV. Two IrniiKportA have been «ecured to CMuy 2500 troop« to MnnillA. Two big bnlootiH brought over from France w 111 he iim «<1 in the Cuban campaign The troop tran«|>oft« have I mwii apoken a ptrd her b'Owi up, bu wax learned that Hu damage wmn dune. W kdnknday The fir«t batth* In front of Santiago harbor occur» «! on Hun iug hradlan«! nh<| wa« Been no mor The n I i || hi then fumed th« ir attention to the fort«at the mouth of the hnrhor The bom bardnient wh « te-rifir. At almoat every ah' t great maa«ie« of mnaonry mingkd with th» bodh b of the Mp.itiiah soldier« were tlir«»wo Into t ih air. When «he Loin bard in* 11 cvau-f the f »i t« ha I b 4*11 drrnol ahe*t. It ia not kn ,wn what the Mpaniah loaa waa hilt it must have l«een «•nornioiia it ia thought that few Aineircsn« if any were hilled and i« » wounded. No damavr waa tone t<* any of nur h ar ahi pa The SpatiiNrda di«playe«| their uaiial poat and detail» are lacking Two hpauinh torpc l" ba.ta, und» r «•over of «in- kn«-«a, tried to destroy Ihe Aineiii u i fleet but w-’ie dia<'-vered and mad • a nari«jw •aeape into th hedjor. The tmtile, it 1« expe< will l< cuntintied. ( of the scenes lie wilnessed . He also told of visiting the Old Soldiers ILuue al Beaverton, a few mil -soul ol Podlsiid, and how we (Incle Sam is taking care of the brave men who one? gave lip ev­ erything thal was near ami dear to them . fur their country’s sake | The program hy the «-hildien was very goir will follow ing” was remarkably g«»od for one so in a abort time v>mng. slid brought a tear to many ail The Spanish troop chip Alphonao XfH ha« lx n ey?, as they thought of the dear < nes J r«p med by Die American Auxiliary crui««-r at. that have g »I»?, pi eh. p* never to teturn Paul. Hevenlern ahota were fired 1»y the A’ laken all in all ibe exercises acre un­ Paul be fora the Hpatilar«! a«*r rendered l*h* usually fine siul all those who assn-ted ■ietHil« of the capture have mt yet been ofli tal­ in making them so deseiv? a word of ly communicated The Monitor Monadiiock h«« «!•« been order, prsise. rite ?xer**is?s mnrlmtad by ed to Mauila end is gettlug ivady h»i t.»c trip. all j »1 hi g in »uiging ' America ’,