Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 26, 1898, Image 4

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T hursday
The Spanish fleet reached Santiago de Cuba.
It i» believed to have a large supply of a in mun­
ition on board for Blanco.
Santiago iM Hurroiindt-d by Insurgents and it
is believed the city is doomed. The American
fleet bombarded the port with terrible effect.
The only other notable incident of the day
was that a German warship passed into Havana
•nd refused to pay any attention whatever to
the American fleet but very ostentatiously sa­
luted the Spanish ships when it reached the
harbor. The ac ion was evidently intended for
an insult.
F riday .
T wo regiments of infantry now at New Orleans
w < tp ordered immediately tra1 aferred to San
J raiiciMi’o where uine transports wait to take
troops to Manila. Thirteen trainloads of troops
are at Ogden on their way westward to join the
army for Manila.
Eight thousand Spaniaidsare embarking for
the Philippines.
Tho troops of Gomez arc closing in upon
Havana an<! everybody that can do so is tn
dt avoring to get away.
France has given this country assurance of
her continued friendship and neutra ity.
M onday .
The Steamer Florida left Key West on Wed-
ncsday with troops for Cuba.
In Alabama the volunteers amongst the
nejroe« are so numerous as to far exceed the
Costello has declined to become a member of
Hagasta’s cabinet. Hs says that he sees the in­
evitable fate of Spain and he does not propose
to fall with the crash.
All is quiet along the blockading line In
front of Havana.
The blockading fleet of Havana and Cienfue-
gas is to be strengthened by the addition of a
number of warships, it is not believed that a
bombardment of Havana will be ordered. The
government prefers to capture the fortifications
without des roying them.
France lias repeated her protestations of
f'iendship for the United States and is evidently
anxious to enforce neutrality,
A Spanish Cruiser tired cn a British Steamer.
The Spaniards claim it was an accident. The
outrage occured at San Tumi.
The Steamer
uas laden with coni which the Spaniards covet
A Blockade runnel flying the British flag was
captured by the U. S. gunb'mt Osceola and tak
en to Key West yesterday.
T uksday .
England may take a hand in th • war.
has sent a large amount of warlike supplies to
Jamaica and has called in all of her otliccrs who
at u oil on a vacation.
The Oregon boys have embarked for their
long journey to Manilla and will sail today.
It is believed that Cervera an I Schley may
have done some cannonading but n * ollieint ie-
po t has been receive«I to that effect.
The North Pacific St« unship Company has
pl ced its vessels al the disposal of the govern
nielli if needed for transports.
The Monitor Monterey will be sent to Manila. ,
The blockade runner arrested yesterday ha
been released.
Hau Diego harbor California is being mined
by the government.
How Relief
A Brief Glimpse at Last Weeks
This is the sequel of a terrible calamity which
ajfected many sections of the country some years ago.
A host of victims suffered disease and death.
survivors have now a new reason to rejoice.
IBa.y City
Attorney Brooks was in town Sunday
Mi». J. J. Pye and children have it
moved to Portland where Mr. Pye ia nut
Miles Warren and son Joe have beet
to The Dalle» attending the G. A. R. en
Mr. II. Kirry, our former blacksmith
ha» accepted a positon on a boat running
on the Columbia.
Mins May Oakes was a passenger on
on the Harrison. Miss Oakes will job
her brother Ed in Sealtie.
Mr. J. Comer and son Fred aie ex
pected home soon.
Mr. ami Mr». Cary are visiting Mrs
Cary’s parents, W . N. Vaughn.
Rev. Gue preached at the M. E
church last Sunday eve and gave a very
interesting lecture on “the war” Wed­
nesday eve.
Mrs Frank Oakes and Miss Kitty have
joined Frank Oakes in Southern Oregon
Rev. Griggs will preach the memorial
sermon at the M. E. church next Sun­
day morning.
(From the ocean Wave)
DarShaw has a badly lacerated foot ,
Joe (’lai k is making a trip to the valley
thia week.
cfy it
It lasts twice as long
It is much more wholesome
. <
For Sale by
• About seven years ago the La Grippe ' many fatalities about seven years ago.
" 1 was troubled with shortness of breath,
visited various section» of the country
palpitation of the heart and a general de-
in its deadly might scattering disease and
bili'y. My back also pained me severely.
death among its hosts of victims«
“1 tried different doctors and carefully
Most of those afflicted who escaped
followed their directions, but no benefit
death then, have lived on in suffering,
was apparent. Fused numerous remedies
broken in health and ambition? for the
that were highly recommended but no
after-effects of this disease are dangerous.
satisfactory results were obtained.
A largì
large portion of the survivors have a
“ I began to give up all hope of receiving
feeling of oppression in the chest.
relief. My condition was deplorable.
A little exertion causes a violent action
"In reading a St Louis newspaper I
of the heart, described as “ palpitation.”
noticed an article extolling Dr. illiams
There is mental anxiety, depression,
Pink Pills for Pale People.
blueness of the skin, indicating impaired
“After making inquiries regarding them
circulation of the blood.
I concluded to give the pills a thorough d.
The sluggishness of its circulation im­
“ I used the first box and was wonderfully
pairs the functions of most of the organs I
. a
the stomach and intestines fail to perform
H eadquarters for tub C f . lrbrated
“ 1 bought two more boxes and continued
their work, while the appetite and d:ges-
taking them.
tion become seriously affected.
“A marked improvement was soon *
This complaint has baffled eminent
noticeable; the shortness of breath, the pah- Ibioc î t i in- a « r irflrw w' "T ▼ ■"
physicians and exhausted the results of
citation of my heart and kindred ailment»
begin to abate.
Recently, however, a means for a cure
“ After taking four boxes of these pills, I
has been obtained.
was restored to good health.
Among those who have been restored to
“ 1 feel like a new man now, and can trans­
health by it is Herman H. Eveler, of 811
act my business with increased ambition.”
W. Main Street, Jefferson, Mo., a resident
To add strength to his story Mr. Eveler
of that city for thirty-eight years, well
made affidavit before Notary Public Adam
known as a successful contractor.
Poutszong and he will gladly answer in­
He was one of the victims of the
quiries to those enclosing stamp for reply.
“Grippe” seven years ago and has since
"ST cvl
The reason that Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills
been troubled with its after-effects.
for Pale People are helpful in such cases as
“ That he lives to-day," he says, “a
this, is that they are composed of vegetable
du? to a remarkable occurrence.
remedies which act directly on the impure
“ 1 was taken with a malady just after the
blood, the foundation of disease.
u Grippe ’ ’ visited this section and caused so
t •
B illiard
Tlüamook, O» eg or.
Telephone No. 9
H H»»ll
^i-ze ■yovi
uÄ-ro sroui tire03?
te.-lzo sc
Cliff Mattoon returned from the valley
Miss Rose Weatherly left last week
for Portland.
W. R. Robeclee left last week for
Roseburg. He goes as n delegate tu the
Grand Lodge I O. O. F.
When you nre in town and want to stop at a nie« b de I, the place to go is I o
E l UA/. G. E. WIST Proprietor.
The Hchool at this place did not open
on Monday but was poslponed for two
weeks on lurcoiint "I tneasels being pre-
Mr. T. Goodrich returned from an ex-
tended It ip ihrotigh the valley towns
.Mi. Goodrich will p’obably purclnt.se h
vasoline boat which he will run on
bay this coming siiininer.
This HotEl l es just L eeh rEwly furnished erdput in
first c I hse TEpair end is 1 c v/ by far the best in the city
E verything C omfortable and H omelike -
Terirs Pccscni
Tillamook Ore
Warren Weatheriy took a coldwidei
Imtli Saturday in Ilie Neslncca,
(’. II. Waytnite HWiiin and brought him
I otil just in time. The little fellow went,
| down h « veral lint»» bill had »t If pie-
serViition enough to Imhl his breall.
■ while iHiilcr Ilie wider.
Will keep tbe best liquors in the market including the celebrated
Magnolia Whiskey and Weinhart’s Lager Beer
----- Dealer in------
Osborne Mowers
Reduced Fares!
Buggies, hay rakes, plows amt nth »r farm
ninclduet y. You « an save money by
dealing with it”*.
Special Prices uu |iu^wics and Spring
Tillamook, Ore.
LiVßl'lj ßt’djlc
wlieu you want
A Nice Rig and
A Good Sale Team
that you can drive with com­
fort mid enjoyment.
Our patrons will find every,
tiling in first class simpo mid
our prices reiiHonable.
Stea met
* Ruth
Direct troni S. F to
Freight h.ndled with diipitch
•nd at lowe.t rate». Fruit de­
livered in good order
Best iccommodetions nd Cheipest Route
to or from Tillamook.
Best meals in the City
Tillamook Ore.
How every Inuly smiled wbe:: it began
Io ruin.
R. O. Richard spent last Sunday at
Mi. Cadys.
(’ R. Richard left for Portland last
Monday, where he intend» to work on a
boat this Hummer,
A few of the Cmtlsonbeigers allended
church at Bundyville Sunday, «ho Ed
Kinnerman ami ladv of Beaver.
A few of theyoung folks of this place
attended church al Brown’» school house
No 14 Cal. St. S F. orlo
Truck«« Lumbtr Co. Agl»
--------will Bun rii« —
Steamer W. II. Harrison,
or R. P. Elmore.
1 Medicine Co. Tnconia «Vanii tell
aironi tl.eir (¡real inu-cem anti Imw tir cr­
ean t-ure you
Having n nv M cih of medicine’« fonndt'd on
l»i «-at din ov«‘i 1« * of «liiillent >clentiHtN, denion-
Nttaling U iv I mc I that every tiisvanv hns an anti- ,
<lot< and that if their Mpecifles ate u«“d accord-
ing to direction’« they neatly always cine
Their temedi« s hoy e completely tewtored to
health tunny IhoiiMan sot nnffrring humanity. |
they absolutrlv «» vah an > Ki-, a cut •• in all ra*rM
such as Morphine and Opium Habits. Drunk
«•titir-s and Tobacco Habit, liver Disease«,!
Jnundh e. Halt Rhvuiit,
V< lloyy
Pimples. (>A«tia'gta, Gaatric De'.ility of Stomach i
Dyspepaia. Chronic UomUipation; Kidney Dis­
eases such as Bright a Di'ease, Congestive
lllootl Tr«»u» les, Di ops cal Swellings. <'t ystalites *
Diabetis, Chronic Knenmatiam- no matter how .
long Maiidiiig. Neuralgia. Gout. Asthma. Bron
«bitis. l.aGrG>|X‘. Indigestion. Catanahln al 1
forma, liny l ever, Disvast a dt pending on th I
Brain. VirUgo, Dehilitatlni | a » s < cs . Impatencv 1
Net Volta Prost rat i«m. Parttlysis. Pam in the
Back. \V« akncf»s of Ihr I.intbs, Insomnia. Laasi-
tndc Piles In all form*. Ctdd* ami Cioup. Blood
Diseases of eve« v kind ami nature, including I
S'Ctoliila, llip Di va*es. White swelling, lexer
Sotrs. Curvature of the Spine. Rickets, Skin
Di «ease«. Syphilitic lyolmming, Chronic Diarrheo
Headache etc. All Fcmal«» Complaints the
Female Regulating Tabletsand Vaginal Cones
I always do theii w -rk safely atid surely when
! tixd as dircctetl Simply writ«' the company in
| Hie stitctestconfidence, describing «liseaae and
they will ■ mi y««ii free directi«mn as towhat
I remedy to use. or if you enclosa ft.oo they will
[send you a month * ft eatment adapted to youi
tmiticular case, and they w ill gnari¡«nice a cut v
if theii din'cliot s are hulowetf
These rem«Ntics are «uarly n II in tablet form,
easy to take ami «'ontain uu alcohol to injure th«'
• «Mem. Vi I k MEDICIM. COMPANY Tacuiu.«
\\ aslnngloti
When wear begins t-> exceed repair in your
body you are going to fall sick The »ignt ofit
are loss of flesh, paleness, Weakn« s*. nervoits-
i’ ness etc. The fepatr iucde«t la k»od You
think you eat enough, amt yet you tvel that you
wear out mure tissue, euvixy, nen v lurcr t an
i your fo al makes for you
The difficulty
1 is that you do n?t divest enough
Xml tbisik
i s<> wet lout >1 la worth siHing down seriouBly to
think about. If you can’t digest w I ih I you eat
take a few doses of shaker Digestive Cmdial
The effy-ct of it w III l«e to increase your fle* h and
make you t«’vl stronger You won l tall »it k
PuHif that it i* in «control of yoiir re» air appara
tn«. It • easy enough to lest th«« (or you.«i If
fake a few isUth * of shak- » Digestive Cor«lial
i Sold by diuggisls at loeeuta to |i «>o per Itollle
WantprMn lito
: i?« i’" .
ELMORE, SANBORN & Co., Astoria, or COhN & CO.,
Tillamook, Agt«.
Don’t Spend a Dollar
Charles Peterson,
l’u everyone tf”itig to ilie new
gohl Hehl»
until you have tried
1 50
practical qneationa anmueren,
not by gue»a Woik—nut In
'«tay-at-liunieM—but by vxperi-
etn’e, Hint Ims been there—lived
there—wurked there—and in
kiiw going back there, tu get
telling when to alart—how
tiill« It it will c. st—what lo lake
— how logo—how lo live—bow
to keep well—what to «to when
Bi«k—whereto g« liine—
tn pi«>apecl—how io tui.ie there,
and much more.
I lair Cutting
TM '«'Vk • *
J •
Hot and Cold Bath
Y ou can buy them in the paper 5-cent cartons
Evo y thing Strictly First Class
Ten Tabules for Five Cents.
tort to Pat .p <tep!, t. mtltT
Its material haa never before
l>een published—it ia privately «
printed—ran only be had bv
Rending to F.
SiKisnicti, ,
I'aconiM, Waali , ami enrioaitig
?-> »g.
K edqaiXatinwi,
Ibfer to any Irnitk here fut
evidence of good faith.
¡Ww l h»barc«Spit a»4
Tear I ife Away.
T»» quit tobacco easily and forever, be trag
etk. full ot 1 t ■ nvrre.nrd v go-. lake Xn To
1 v :u*. the wrtad^r-worker, that makes weak men
‘ « r<«g All dru-.*ctst«. Muortl. Cure . n»r in-
Iks«kiet ai.d samp ' free. AUdrcaa
*». rling Kvmv ly 0 Chaico vr New Yoifc
for .
If you don’t find this sort of
Ripans Tabu les
At the Druggist’s
Barber & Hairdresser.
Shaving, Hair Cutting,
■ • Shampooing etc. ,
y tv Ptuning, Next devr to Posi Ofc,
TO <1 IlK % COY.DIM OMM I> t Ì
Take LaiaMve Bromo Quini ie Tablet« Ac
Dru g tr i«h ud th< u ci cy if it fail» tvcu.c
• ‘
Will make trips every five days, the vrepther perm t'i'ig. bet ween Astoria and Tillamook Citj
cairj ing fic-ght and j avenge s.
Pronounced by Experts the Standard of the World
Ask your dealer for WINCHESTER make of Cun
Ammunition and take no other.
FREEfOur new Illustrated Catalogue.
For fur'her pn rt Icirlom «pph to
x ■
RtTAm C hemical Courx'-X R* n
I they will bo s-nt to you lv rcxi • or
t: cartons will i e mailwl lor 4S cents. Tliv
Ths cb««.»
chinees --
ire ««“ w
one that Ripins Tabules are the very medicine you need.
' to T h »
Spr- eSt. . New
Ne, York,