the WAR NEWS! psrtmeut is Mid to have chaug. d Its plaus, and it is probable that no general navo! battle will take place in weal Indian water». I he Spaui»li Deairoyer Tei lor will »ail today Dewey is .till maiiitaiuiug » strict blockade' SATURDAY ,0:30 A. M. Insurgents of the island are of little use to him. The Spanish fleet »ailed yesterday from M .rliuique for Havana. The fleet constats of7 a small Spanish gunboat» are at the harbor of I" midaole warships. Samson lias gone to meet Guyaquil. in Ecuador them, and will be Joined by the flying squadron Blanco refuse, to exchange the s newspaper­ i.ler Commodore Schley. The area', naval atl’eol the war will probably be fought with men recently captured by him, and it is piob- 1:1 one or two days. It the bombardment of San Juan the Monitor able that they will be executed as spies. Tenor, received the enemy» hottest fire for a 1.1 I half hour without sufl'eriug the least iniu’v Eeai Estate Transfers. The people at Nuevitas, Cuba are in a state of .1 .rvntlou. Spanish soldiers are deserting and May 10 98 Wm. and G. A. Brinn toC. K. Hail- going jver to the insurgents. Blanco has sent a dispatch lo Madrid to the ley 28ft of Lot 4 iu Blk lo, town of effect that the Americans bombarded Bahia Lincolu. Honda, a smalt port west of Cardenas ix ” J. A. and Jessie Wilson to H. G. The State department at Washington makes ..tfieial demal the report that the French liner Davis et al, Tract in Lot u Sec, s6 1.1 Fayette had on board any contraband goods Tp 1 s R 10 W. 1 iy supplies for the Spanish army, or any Span II tab officers. ” H. G. Davis, et al to Pacific Lumber Now that the Spanish fleet has been located, Co. same as above. an effort will be made to crush it without loss 12 ” John Gerritsee by sheriff to P. of time, and the campaign will be pressed with Coudit N E of N w y,. IV of N c. aselesa v,gor. Gen I»ee Nays that Cardenas is a strategic point and must be taken K a of Sec 7 Tp 3 N R 9 W. It is believed that a part of the Spanish 16 ” U. 8. Patcut to Anna Fetterman S 1 ft ei is off the coast of New England. Orders W % of Sec 22 Tp 1 N R 7 W. h-ive been issued to remove all women and f uldren f om Port Warren in view of a possi- 16 ” Henry Tolil t3 Mathew Dawson, Lot b.e bombardment. a blk 20 Tlhl’a ad to Nehalem SATURDAY 8:oo P. M. 16 ” Gustavus All'gon to Benjamin Dur- ■ fees W % of N H^and N %ofN E A Spanish fleet is now off Venezuelan coast M of Sec 5 Tp 2 S R 9 W. appireutly making for Havana. It is evidcntl y 17 ” Gorman Munson to Louia Nelson | a xious to avoid Samou’s fleet, aud it is believ- 16.14 A in Sec 14 Tp 4 8 R 10 W. e 1 it has instructions to apparently sail tor 18 ” R. R. and Sarah A Daniel to S. A. 1* >rto Rico and dolge arouud ou the South side McCune N E *4 of S W and W % of Cuba. Spain fears another Manila, and it is ofS E 5^ of SecH Tp 1 S R9 W. believed she has instructed her fleet to avoid a 18 ” Fred W and Ethel Kaw to A. M battle on the open sea. Kaw Lot 2 slid 7 Blk 7 IJay City. It is conceded on the continent of Europe that the Phillipincs are utterly lost Spain, In c ise that Amerioa should relinquish the prize Ordinance No- IOS. some one of the European powers, other than An ordinance to provide for the construction Spain, will get the islands All covet them. o fa certain sidewalk, and to provide for the A battle has occured at Cienfuegas between cost of building the same. the American cruisers Marblehead, Nashville The people of Tillamook City, do ordain as and Winlsow, and the Spanish forts. Great follows: d image was inflicted on the Spaniards. Thr Sec. i That a sidewalk shall be built iu American loss was i sjamau killed and 6 wound accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No ed. The Spanish cable at that point lias been iot , on the east side of Stillwell Avenue, begin­ ut. ning at the south wes* corner of Lot 5, in block Cuban insurgents have takeu Bayamo and a‘ of Hayes addition to Tillamook City, running are now in full control at that place. thence North, to the Northwest corner ef said Spain admits to having lost 300 killed and Lot and connecting with the sidewalk at the 600 wounded at Manila. Southwest cornar of Lot 4, in Block 2, Sp tin has complained to France for allow­ sec. 2. That an assessment of 25 cents per ing American warships iu one of her west front foot, be and is hereby levied, on Lot 5, in In Jia harbors, Block 2, in Hayes addition to Tillamook City, for the purpose of paying for the cost of the MONDAY 11:30 P.M. Samson’s fleet aud the Cape Verde fleet are : as material and the cost of the construction of the said sidewalk. fir apart as ever and it is impossible to •ay 1 Sec. 3 The construction of such sidewalk, when Samson will be able to corner the Span­ shall be completed on or before the 1st, day of iards and make them fight. The flying squadron under Commodore Schley June 1898, and upon the failure of the owner or owners of the said Lot mentioned In Sec. 1 aud is hastening southward. It was reported at 2, to build and complete such sidewalk on or Charleston S. C. Saturday at 5:30 P. M. The before the 26th day of May 1898 the Street Com­ Key West fleet is coaling for some kind of missioner, shall proceed to build and construct movement. said sidewalk as provided by law. Several Spanish torpedo boats are said to be Adopted by the Common Council, May 16 1898 disabled at Martinique. C. N. Drew. Dewey has not yet attacked the City of Approved, May i8tli, 1898. Recorder. Manila. He has telegraphed that the City is B. L. Eddy, surrounded by the insurgents and lie can take Mayor. it at any time. It is expected the City will surrender in a few days. Dewey captured another Spanish gunboat, the Vallejo,Saturday. The Captaiu of the Vallejo did not know of the war and steamed right under Dewey’s guns, a few, shots from which ca sed li in to quickly surrender. The reeoncentrados in Cuba are nearly all HUIE CELEB HATED VII’A dead. The Spanish s > diets are driving them A Medicine Co. T mcuiiih Wash . loll out of the tow s into the county. Blanco suppressed the news of D ?wey's vic­ about tl-eir great success mi l h iw they tory at Manila and the people of Havana have* can cure you just received the news, which to them is very demoralizing. Having a system of medicines founded on Several Spanish ministers have resigued at great discoveries of eminent scientists, demon­ Madrid, but Sagasta is still in authority. strating the fact that every disease has an anti­ dote and that if their specifics are used accord­ M onday , M ay 16 7:30 P. M. to directions they neatly always cure. The Spanish fleet is off again. The last of the ing Their remedies have completely restored to war ships sailed from Curocoa yesterday for an health many thousan s of suffering humanity, «111 known destination. The departure was en­ . they absolutely guarani ee a cure tn all cases— as Morphine and Opium Habits. Drunk- forced by the governor of the Island. It is l I such enness and Tobacco Habit. Liver Diseases, believed that the plan of the Spanish admiral is i Jaundice, Salt Rheum, Yellow Blotches, to avoid our battleships and attack only our Pimples, Gastia’gia, Gastric De ility ofSlomach Dyspepsia. Chronic Constipaiion; Kidi.ey Dis- gunboatsand coastcities. eases—such as Bright s Disease. Coi gestive A new American squadron, Squadron, headed neaaea by i>> the lIW , Blood Troubles, Drops.culSwellings, Drop» Crystalites —no matter how battleship Oregon is repor ed off Martinque «ymLv-qi», Diabetia, ¿^..«..1- Chronic lUieumatisiii Rin standing, Neuralgia. Gout, Asthma, B;on ready to do battle with the Spanish fleet should long «.hitis, LaGrippe, Indigestion. Catarrah in al it dare to return. forms, Hay Fever, Diseasr s depending on Ih A special dispatch from Washington to the Brain, Virtigo. Debilitating losses, Iinpotencv Prostration. Paralysis, Pail in the New York Journal says; President McKinley • Nervous of me the i.iiuim, Limbs, Insomnia, Lass»; Back, Weakness oi has abandoned his peaceful blockade idea tuje> piles in all forms, Golds and Croup, Blood telegraphed today to the Diseases ol eve. v kind and nature, incliidlim r.ud orders were „ . 1 Scrofula, Hip Di ew^ White «welling. Fever blockading squadron to turn all the ships loose ^/ea? UuVvatur/of the" Spine/ Rickets. Skin Oil all Spanish forts where resistance is offered. . ¡ £)i seages Syphilitic poisoning, Chronic Diarrheo Diseases, poi Every Cuban city that I, fortified will be st- I | Headache Heauhu he ^ting etc. Alt T..iii"»"^d Vag/n’1"^,,^ tacked and bombarded until every Spanish gun £|waVs do^heii work safely and surely when is silenced. i used as directed. Simply wi ite ¡he company in The last gunboat captured by Dewey is a boat , the "s'to what of 208 tons burden, with 4 modern guns. It *s I |0 uset or if you Enclose Ji.oo they will added to Dewev’s fleet. 'send you a month’s treatment adapted to your It is probsble th.tin the near future the pre. * ident will ask »ov for fx«. 100.000 s^zs zwx« more mrsrs» volunteers. si tpflrc These remedies are nearly all in tablet form, The Spanish cabinet has resigned in a body easv to take and contain no alcohol to injure the and Sagasta will form a new one, more warlike »“stem VITA MEDICINE COMPANY. Tac.nna "whe'i’wear begins to exceed in than the preceding Cabinet. bodv you are going to /all sick. 1 he signs of it ”of fle.1., paleness, WwAne.., nervous- T uesday , M ay i 7, 10:30 A. M. The repair needed is food. Samsons fleet is north ofCape Hayti but the destination is link 1.0wn. The Spanish torpedo boat Terror is at Fort de France, undergoing repairs. The U. 8. Auxiliary 8tearner Yale which the Spanish claimed to have captured passed St. think about. If you can t digest w hat you eat. take a few dose, of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Thomas yesterday sailing westward. The effect of it will l-c to 1. creaM: I our fle- li and. A number of new Spanish warship« that have make you feel stronger. You won t fall sick hitherto been without armor have been supplied Proof that it is in control of your re air appara­ tus It's easy enough to test this for jourself. with Krupp guns and German Artillerists and Takei ew battles 5f Shaker Digestive CordiaL have been added to the Spanish fleet. Sold by druggists at locents to fi.oo per l/ottle The Spanish Cape Verde fleet coaled and p»o- ' visioned at Curocoa yesterday and sailed thence westward. The last of the Oregon troops left Portland i yesterday. The Porto Rican Government w’ll allow no more Telegraphic messages sent to the U. 8. —— Dealer in---- The Hawaiian Government has refused to STUDEBAKER WACONS, issue a proclamation of neutrality. Osborne Mowers Japan has issued a protest against America seizing the Philliplnes. Buegte« hay rskes. plows and <»’’■« 'Brm machinery Yon can «ave money by T ukpday , M ay 7.30 P. M. dealing wiih me. Special Price» 0« BO ä U» »P™«« Samson's fleet and the flying squadron will unite in a campaign against the Spanish fleet WMOM- c. A. BAILEY. and a great naval battle is confidently expected Tillamook, Ore. soon. The coast of Cuba is carefully patrolled and a sharp lookout kept for the Spanish fleet. Thousands of Cubans are being forced into the Spanish army. All Cubans have received orders f om the patriot government not to resist con­ scription. The Cubans will thus fill th e Spanish army with patriots ready to betray it to de» truction whenever opportunity shall offer. Spain is busy organizing a new expedition of naval vessels and transports and will make an effort to retake the Philiipiiies __ _ England haa lately become the object of when you want Spain’s bitterest wrath and is now execrated ■ amongst all classes nt Spanisrds Englsnd s friendship tor America is the cause Mexico has expressed cordial sympathy with the United States. V. 8. naval officers complain that too much that you cun drive with com­ public? Is g ren to their plans and mortal- nt. and the government will make an effort to ob- j fort and enjoyment. nerve greater secrecy. T illamook weekly headlight BUY How Relief Came. ANTITRUST TINWARE It lasts twice as long C• Wli h you are in town and want to stop at a nice hotel, the place THE TILLAMOOK ■J E lba /. G. E. WIST Proprietor. This Hotel has just hEen CEwly furnishEd audput in first class rEpair Bnd is now hy far the best in the city E verything C omfortable Tenr.s PaascratSe, and H omelike - Tillamook Ore Œbc (Corner Saloon* •d / B^INN BROTHERS, PROPS, WONDERFUL Cure of Chronic Diseases /yen pou^e J. P. Allen, Prop i FTii A Nice Rig and A Good Safe Team waoxiabav. to jo A M A fleet of warships believed to be Samson a fleet woe sighted off the coast of Jamaica yester­ day. headed southward The Spanish fleet is believed to be-acattered. some of the »hips being seen off the coast of Vencsueta and others | among the Windward islands The navy de Our patron» will find every, tiling iu first claee »nape and our pricefl reasonable. JONES BROS and Weinhart’s Lager Beer EIKIZTXT BEOS Reduced FaresI Tillamook Ore. Tillamook pacific ^avigation Company ¡ -------Will Run fli»------ Steamer W. H. Harrison, or R. F. Elmore, « Will make trip» every five day», the weather permitting. bet ween Aitoria and Tillamook Cltg cairying fieight and pa «¡tenge'a. ELMORE, SANBORN A Co., Astorifl, or COHN & CO., Tillamook, Agtg. ONE GIVES RELIEF. Don’t Spend a Dollar for Charles Peterson, Medicine KLONDIKE KATAKISM C. A. BAILEY Livery -i- j&a'jle First class accominodntio" ul sec'lid class rate. Will keep the bent liquors ill the market including (he celebrated Magnolia Whiskey f To everyone going to the new gobi fields A BOON—A BLESSING. Barber J I 50 practical question" answered, not by ifiiea'd work—not by until you have tried ■» * MtHV-Rt-honiPR—bill by exj»eri- mice, Hint liMMfmen there—lived there--worked there—and is now going back there, to get K RICH lolling when to atari—how mill li it will , i«t— wliat to take —how logo—how lo live—Imw to keep well—what to do when »iik—whereto g, there—how to prospect—Imw to there, and much more. K Shaving Hair Cutting Shampooing Hot and Cold Bath » Everything Strictly Fini Clan Its material lia» never before KL tinted—cau only lx* had by »ndiiitf tn E S tk I kbach , Tacoma, Wash , ami enclosing 25» it. Refer to any bunk here for evidence of goow BvUntff . Mart door to Poti Ofiro TO CVRE A < <»l.f> IX ONE l»AY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet« Ac Drurg’vh rc'und ‘.be n>< »•> if it fade tocu e 5'5 • If you don’t find this sort of l Ripans Tabules At the Druggist’s «lend Five Cents to Twi R îfani C hkmîcal C ompany , N o . TO Spruce St , New York, and th»*y will be »ent to you by mail; <