lILLAXiOQK WEEKLY HEADLIGHT T* I F light x - ra ys THE ltfO|(DE^ OF gCiE^E r nra fr.cb a * • * Li>t Trullis ant Consmptiii Gii bi tint An Em|n«nnt New York Chemist and scientist Makes a Free Offer to our Readers YOU WANT LUMBER WHEN Remember that we keep the best of everything in Stock and ¿it ' prices ------- as low as the lowest, Following ....... ---------------------- is our List of Paces. Common Rough Lumber at $8 00 per. thousand feet. Shiplap, at $0.00 per tliomand feet. W. E. Page. I ■ If von are iu need of a nice rug, now ■hyour chance to get one. Mis. Wald- liugnl lias just received some new pat- Jenin,and can make rugs from 25 < ts up, ■f the nihteri tl is furnished. Call nr I Lre her samples aud get some work Sized lumber, at 9.00 per thousand feet. Flooring, No. 2, at $12.00 per thousand feet. Flooring, No. 1, at $16.00 per thousand feet. # Iliislie, No. 2, at $12 00 per thousand feet,' < t Rustic No. 1, at $16.00 per thousand feet. No. 1, Finish, at $15.00 per thousand feet. I Do von want your piano tuned? If 0 L (J. Snananan is here ready to attend Lit. .Mr. Shanahan did a large amount If work here bust Rummer all of which Lave excellent satiMfacli >n. Those de­ filing work done can leave word at Cohn [t Co’s or at Mr. Shanahan’s lesidence, bver Olsen’s store. I We will sell a few choice resilience and lui-iness lots in Me Dermotts, Ad I., A Lie fomth of lheir value. Purchasers 1 list be thoroughly responsible aud a jfiee to improve property. For further |i;iiticnlars apply lo our agent, T. II. lioyne, Beal« Bros. NOTICE. Ill persoiiH having claims of any kir¡1 Cloth. All Kinds of Cabinet work I urning- Scroll sawing ct etc. done on short notice. Screen doors ttnd Windows made to Order. JGOLD MINING The G »11 IT II Pr up’. iMwituh, II. I’.; \V.\t Conder, Secretary. ALDER CIRC RE.—No 44. Woodmen of the World, meets every second and fourth Wednes- day of each month, in W. of W. hall. G. N. Mrs. H. If. Aiderman; Mrs. C. Wahlvogel Clerk BAY CITY LOD.JK DIRKCTORY U nity K kbf . ckah lonoic No. 51 I O.O. F- Meets 2nd and 4tb Tuesday«. Mrs. Elizabeth Pye, N G., Mrs. Frank Long, V. G., J. J. l'ye, Secretary. B av C ity 2nd Hi.<14111 Nelson, W Magnuson, L n r No. .02 A. F. fit A M.—Men Saturdays in each month. Gus M . C. It Hicks, 8. W , Alfred |. W. Geo. W. Kiger, Secretary. M iriam C hapter N o . 2 o O. E. 8.—Meet*» 1st and 3rd Tuesdays in each month. Mis. Hila Wood, W M . tins Nelson, W. P.,Mrs. Maybel* Kiger, A. M.,C. H. Hicks. Secretary, P acific L odgr No. I05 I. O. G. F —Meet Fridays h for and 4th Saturday and every othe aturday in the month. C. H. Ilicks N. G AlfredDeaue, V. J. J Pye, Secretary, Collections Receive Caieful and Prompt Attention. BAY CITY, OREGON. will carry paaBenyBre at the fallowing cash ratea until further notice. 30 25 20 I. O. O F,—Mr» tsevery Tuesday night nt 7 3* p. m . in I O. O. F. Hall. C. P. K uik I soii , N. G._ Wm. Olsen, Rec. Secretary; W. J. May Per. Secretary. HILVEK WAVE CHAPTER, No. 13 O. K S Meets 2nd and 4th Saturday« ot month Luella Ford,W. M.; Carl Knudson Secretary from IT.S.Joumat of 2Mic4n» From Tillamook lo Garibaldi From Tillamook to Hobfloiiville From Tillamook to B.iy City M orning S tar R ebekah L odge N o . 5*2, I. O. O. F.—Meets on the first and third Wednesday evenings in each month. Mrs. (' M Newnmu, N. G.; Miss L. Poland, V.G.; Joe Petre, Sec. G. A. R.—Meets first Saturday of each mouth al 1 P. M. in I. O O. F. Hull. C. N. Drew, Adjutant, W. IL Reynolds Commander DENTIST, HOW TO FI|iB OUT. c I f , r some time «ml find them a kr'vat h4|p Cull and see them or write h‘“ «t once. P atents .V Services will be held at the Christian Church every Sunday at 11 A. M,; Tuesday, at 7:30 I’. M. at wilson River school house Sunday eve., a 7:30 P. M.; at Fairview every second and four Sunday n each inoath at 2 P. M. W. W. Gregory. Pastor. OREG )N. i J a men M c C ain . | a . W. S ever asce . I A SLOCUM, M. C.. I»3 Pearl St., Hew York, w rb< Editorial »nd M.n.r’ at thi« Pnper Guarantee thia cenerou« Proposition. For Sale. FOR SALE. Laud Titles ai’.d Land iffice Business a Spec ally. ^C.A.SNOW&CO M SCHOOL BOARD Cl-unì » Thayer. B L. E-hiy, and Edmunds..—Clerk, Tom Coa les. DALLAS, OREGON. every We keep a nice stuck on hand and will try to please you. C. T. McKinley. Prop Consumpiion Fits I Recorder Treasurer Marshal... ............. B I.. Ennv ...P. M c I ntosh ..... C. P. K nudson H G Pavia F. M c C ormici ...J. E Tc 1111 ........... C. N. D rew Jh.w \ kd C ary Cl. YDE CLEMEN 1» M. E CffURcn:—Rev. M . Dixon, pastor. Preaching service at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday. Sunday school at 10 A. M. Class meeting at 12 M. Piayer meeting every Thursday at 7 P. M. i 'I O pp . P atent O ffice , W ashington . D. C. IFWi --------------------------------- *-------------------- To the E ditor s —I have an absolute remedy for Consumption. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been already .................... ............................. lia« a flue lot Marlin Reynolds permanently cured. So proof-positive am I «priii-e limber l' L. EDDY 1 ^charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. ( ', a P amphlet , “ How to Obtain Patents,” withe < cost of same in* the U. S. and foreign countries^ ' sent free. Address, ATTORNEY T I.AW Caturrh Cannot be Care 1 tvith LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they can. o each the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a bloc • or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it yov must take internal remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken rnternally, and acts directly or the Blood and museoussurfaces. Hall’s Catarrh ( ure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians iu this country fo years, and is a regular prescription. It is com­ posed of the best tollies known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the nmscous surfaces. The perfect combination o the two ingredients is what pioduces such wor- dei ful results in curing Catarrh. Send for tes­ timonials. free. Spring if the time to clean up. See Atwater F. J. Cheney & Co.. Props., Toledo O and find out whac he WAI take upaad clean Sold by all druggist«, price 75c. your carpet for. Hall’s Family pills are the best. against said estate, are requested to present them to me at the Bank of C. my kind, any length desired at lowest living rates. r * A fishboat, 1G it. long, pa r oar.«, 2 -aits rowlocks, Chinook net, hangs over 100 fathoms or lines.—Boat $13;—Nel ■15;— II. Carys. Justice of the Teace.................. G. W. S appington Constable......... . . 8, V. A nderson CLARENCE TILDEN made and to he :rn 15 in .Vask t h li«re’)v offered 01 a plan thit is anr* to bring enormous returns to all persistent investors Cash $5 00 for each share desired must accompany the application for subsci iptio’i. A«l Ire**, w G old H ill P rospecting M ink D evelopment C o ,, Tacoma, Washington. For Sale. Jote) h Level. TILLAMOOK. OK KG ON OREGON CITY, Gold Discoveries The property known as Fairview Bill, *iliiHte«l on ll»e F nest Grove 10 <1 U mil»-* eitnl of I’illHinOok. lllqtl. . I ¡his oflice AND ACIOUCIIEUB, All calls promptly attended to ATTORNEY-AT-LAW have opened their M»kt f »’• th^ «nb«cri ption of 1200 shares of the company stock. A nice ranch of 22% acres, situated on main ny upon |»;iy mg 5 per iage road 3 miles east of Tillamook City. Al Subscript ions can be mnde thioiigh »Jie liesitleut cf the cent of the face value of block or ihtcngh the Sci idiiu'VR'in-An e lit :m lank veil fenced and all goo 1 agricultural and grass mid. Five room house, large barn and out- Tacoma, Wabhinglon. The opportunity lo obtain an interest in the wonderful For Sale or Rent. PHYSICIAN, SI’RGFON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, KLONDIKE h< uses. Fine young or. haidand euorgh smnl mils to make a good business of that alone, ure spring water. Situated only 1 mile from c: c imery and mile from a good graded rhool. For i'ui thcr pat ticulars, address. D. DeKalb Bowin:*-», Tillamook, Ore T illamook and N orth Y amhill :— Leave N Yamhill daily except Sunday R p. iu. Arrive at Tillamook next day by 4 p. m. Leave Tillamook daily except Sunday 6 p. in. Arrive N. Yamhill next day ’ 2 p. iu. T illamook and H orsonvillk :— L’ve Tillamook daily except Tuesday b 00 a m. Ariive Hobsonville 9 00 a.m. L’ve Hobsouville, except Tuesday to 00 a m. Arrive Tillamook 100 p m. L’ve Hubsonville Sundays 9.00a.m. Airivesin Tillamook............................... 12:00 m. N ktartr :— Leaves Tillamook Tuesdays. Thursdays, and Satin days at 7 a. m. Arrives Netarts . 11 m. leaves Netarts, same days, 1 • . rt Ari ives Tillamook by 6 j . hi . G rand R ond ;— Leaves Grand Rounde daily except Sunday alb p. in., or on arrival of mail from McMinn­ ville. Ariives nt Tillamook at 145. Leaves Tillamook Daily except Sunday at 6 p m. or ott arrival of mail from N Yamhill, a hich is usually 4 30. Arrives at Grand Ronde at 1:45. Post Office hoars, 7:30 A. M. to fl ow P. M. Money Ordei dej»artment. 8:00 A.!G. 6 00 1’. M Sundav 4 00 to 6;oo P. M ) Win WILEY. M. D., TILLAMOOK, ORB The distingui iked New York chemist, A. T. Slocum, demonstrating his discovery of a re­ liable aud absolute cure for Consumption (Pul- Q E. HAWKE M. D. , monary Tubeiculosis) and all bronchial, throat lung aud chest diseases, stubborn coughs, lung and chest affections, general decliue and weak­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON liest, loss c>f flesh, and all conditions of w«stiug away, wit! send THREE FREE BOTTLES (all Office at Allen House, Tillamook. Oregon, different) of his discoveries to any afflicted elephone No 7. reader of the H eadlight writing for them. His “New Scientific Treatment" has cured thousands permanently by its timely use, aud Q. O. NJl.AX, be couside.s it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of hi« in- ATTORNEY AT LAW faliable cure. Science daily develop** new wonders, aud Deputy District Attorney of I'iVamook Count) this great chemist, patiently experimenting for DIRECTORY. years, has produced results as bene dcial to hu- Office in Alderman Hute! Building uiauityas can be claimed by any modern geufus. Tillamook. Otegoa His asse lion that lung troubles aud consuinpt- , COUNTY OFFICIALS: ion aie curable iu auv climate is proven by j ■heartfelt letters of gratitude,” filed In his j' II. GOY Mi, Judge W. W. C onder ID. P. H arvey Americau aud European laboratories Lg thou­ Commissioner . . . ■ j C.H.W heklkr sands from those cured iu all parts CT the Clerk.......................... J. 1). E dwards world. ShviilV H. H. A 1 DMM ATTORNEY AT I.AW Treasurer...................... J ohn B arker Medical experts concede tha‘ bronchial, chert Assessor . J. S. S tephens aud lung troubles lead to consumption, which, ' Ofliie Opposite Coiu t House Sunevoi A. M A ustin uninterrupted, means speedy aud certain ' School Superintendent . . O. A. \V Al KI h Coroner C. K. R eynolds » death. Tillamook, Oregon Depute’ Prosecuting Attorney C laude T hayer Simply write to T. A. Slocum. M. Dj 98 Pine C..cuit Court convenes the 4th Monday iu street, New York, giving post-office and express I Z.ugust. and an ndjoumed trim is generally address, aud the free medicine will be promptly held hi the spring. Ccunty Court meets the first Mondays of Jan­ sent. Sufferers should take instant advantage uary March. May, July, September and No­ •This generous proposition. 0LAUDE THAYER, vember. Commissiouers court ou the Wtdnrs- Pl ease tell the LXxjtor that yow sow bls eflbr say following. I» BMdhaht PRECINCT: When I r ubber boots and shoes, old copper and bn«- half ct. per pound paid .or tuoberand act./ Li copper aud brass. J. E. Tuttle. MAIL SCHEDULE. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. LOCAL DISEASE and is the «eutt of colds and sudden rUmatic changes. It ran be cared by a pleasant remedy wuich is applied di­ rectly Into th« nostnle. Re­ in« quickly at^orbea it gi» 'S Ely'sCfeam Balm 1« arknowladgad to b« th« m*wt thorough cure for Na«a! ('«tarrb. Cold In Head and Hay Fever of aJ. rrmedim. It oper,« and cl^-an««« the ni«al paaaa*.’»-«, Aliaye [-«in and lnfl«mmat>-n. heal* It h «or-«, pro­ tect« the mam bear--* from eoid«, rector« the err.«** at tame ««d Fri« <• sac . at Dru/xwc« or by maiL BLY BKOTHKKN. u Warr«« 3tre«U Hew 1 or it i Educate Toer Bowel« With Caere reta. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever Wc, 25c. If C C C. tail, druggist« refund money- Fill n bottle or common gluw with urine hik I let ilRtuinl twenty-four hour*: a sediment «Hilling indicate« hii iiii - healthy condition of the kidney*. When urine Mtaint line.i it is evident of kidney ‘ . Too frequent denire to nrlnnte trouble. or pain in the hack, in h I ho convincing proof that the kidney* and bladder Mie out of order WH AT TO DO There ia comfort in the knowledge ho often expremred, that Dr. Kilmer’* Hwamp-Root, the great kidney teinedy fulfil* every n iuh in relieving pain in the back, ki