Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 05, 1898, Image 1

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    (fhr fírnbliaht,
people Who Want
A í J over one thousand subscribers.
hit has »tore local news, aud is the
[cleanest, ablest and best paper in
Tillamook County. People who
want all the news and who do not
want slush, dirt and abuse, take
Good Job Printing will do well
to bear in mind that there is but
one decently equipped Job office
in Tillamook Countyf and that
is the office of
CThc geablight
(the ficrtblinbts
idhen £ou waijt a
Strieilg 'First (glass Wheel,
May 5th. 1898
. and M rs. Morton of Bay City, were
HEADLIGHT X-RAYS the Mr guests
of Mr. and Mis. Crenshaw,
$1.50 Per year
Democratic Convention.
Populest Convention
The Peoples Party met in Convention
The Deinocrrlic County Convention nt Tillamook, April 30th, 1898. G. R.
met on Saturday Apr. 33lli, at the Huff was elected chairman, pro tern,
Go to Letcher’s for fishing tackle.
County court met last Monday. A Comity Court House. George Cohn was and A. Arstell, secretary. 'The follow­
Miss Mina Long, of Bay City, visited
| elected temporary chairman, and W. J. ing committees wete appointed: On
full report of its proceedings will be given | May temporary secretary.
the hub last Satuiday.
credentials, J. G. Garrett, A. W. Bunn
next week.
Sam Downs, R. Krebs and Lester and A. D. Harper.
Tom Coates was on the sick list last
Ou resolutions Jonas Olsen, W. B.
Mr. L. M. Alley mill wife, of Gari­ I Smith were appointed a committee on
Smith and F. R. Smith.
baldi were in town l..Ht Saturday oil J credentials.
Grease paint and pitch removed from all
A committee of f three was appointed
H. F. Holden, L. Hiner, K. A. Lucy,
bnwineM. They made lbia office a pleas­
goods, at the Laundry and Dye House.
C. Roy and John Sheets were appointed to confer with a i like number of the
ant call.
Democrats to fix : the number of which
See those art Imits or Sult rubber bugs
a committee 011 credentials.
the conference committee should be
See Cohn's new advertisement in this issue.
and insects at Lelchers. The trout go
A committee of three, consisting of R
composed. 'Hie committee consisted of
wild after them .
Miss Bertie Perkins took charge of the Krebs, H. Bowers and E. A. Lucy weie R. O. Richards, G. A. Walker and T.
Kilchis school last Monday.
appointed to confer with the Populist A. Williams.
On nr about June 1st, I shail close
Convention relative to fusion with
Committee on order of business: G.
tiiv gallery, on account of dull business,
long. The Laundry and Dye House does that that body.
A. Walker, A. Arstell and B. W.
and remain so until further notice.
In the afternoon the above committee Turner. The joint
‘ ‘
committee reported
O. Heins Art »Studio.
Spring is the time to clean up. See Atwater reported in favor of the apppointinent that they had agreed that conference
«committee should consist of two delegates
C. E. Esterbro<»ke and his .sister Mrs and find out what he w.ll ; ix a.» and clean
stitute a conference committee to confer from each Justice District. Accepted.
L. A. Warren of San Pedro, Cal. came your carpet for.
with the Populist relative to the distribu­
Convention adjourned until 1 o’clock.
If you want those lace cin tai- s done up tion of the offices, and the report was
in on the last trip of the steamer Harri­
nicely, seud them to the Laundry and Dye adopted, 'the committee was then
The Convention was called to order at
one o’clock.
constituted as follows:
The Steamer Harrison catne in yes­
The temporary organiz ition was made
Cap!. P. H. Crim and II. Coats, who brought
terday with a cargo of freight ami a the tug, Miami into this port last week left for
Anderson, Win. Rhoades nnd A. Lucy.
Astoria on Monday.
few passengers.
A conference committee was electfd as
The committee on credential repotted
Dr. E. H. Parker who came into Tillamook the following delegates entitled tc seats. follows: A. W Bunn, J. G. Garret,
Miss May Oaks, of Bay City, was 3
G. R. Huff iindT. A. Williams.
in connection with the ease of Miss Bertha
Tillamook visitor Friday.
Report of conference committee adopt­
N eiiai . em —E. K. Scovil, John Larson,
Maxwell, left ou Friday tor his home in Port­
Mr. Farquhar well ami favorably land.
\V. W. Jacobs, M. K. Andy, R. Krebs ed. (The report is given in proceedings
of Democratic Convention)
ami Harry Sweeny.
knawn as a large landowner in this
Alt Tillamook ciH'ens who will serve for
The Conventions endorsed the State
1 county spent several days of this week military duty in case of emergency, are request­
F oley —John Hickey and Felix Roy.
Platform of the Union Parly.
ed to rep >rt by card to ‘The Military Committee'
; in Tillamook.
G aribaldi — L. L. Smith, Frank Ek-
A ipsolution was passed obligating the
at Tillamook. State whether you own a gun roth, A. Anderson and F. P Hobson.
1 Mrs. Kate Williams is visiting her sister Mrs. aud where you can be found at any time.
County Clerk and the
~ to pay
I Harrison Wilson River.
B ay C ity —W. S. Cone, S. A. Broad­ their deputies from their own lawful
a . E. ft a M -Tillamook Lodge head, Theo. Jacoby and Fred Duscham. salaries.
| Our City was crowded with people;
No. 57. Stated communications Sa
The nominations of the Convention
I last Saturihiy — mo-t of whom came to
T illamook —Geo. Cohn, J . W. Todd,
tirday evening, Juay 6th, i8ja at 7: -
I attend the Democratic & Populist con-1
rheodote bteiithilber, W. J. May, U. were as follows;
Work in the M. M. Degree.
For County Judge, G R Huff.
■ vention.
Sojourning Brrthern c< tdiallv Morrison and I). S Fierce.
V m Z
.. ..
” Assessor A. W. Bui n.
1 If you want first class work you will get it at
By order ot the W.-M
” Surveyor W . A. Wood.
Geo II. Handley, Sec. Bowers, L. I liner, II. Herrington, Joe
j the Laund y and Dye House.
Lahman and F. M. Shearer.
Superintendent of Schools G A.
Advertised letters for May 2nd, 1898,
Tillamook «'etebrates.
F airvikw —H. F. Holden, Sam Downs, Walker.
Mr. John Larsen, E. T. McNeil, Wm.
Monday night the patriotic feelings of Louis Johnson, Tom Jenkins, J. Al.
G. It. Huff was elected chairman of
Seeley, Win. Alfred.
the Comity Central Committee.
this community found vent in an im­ Morgan and William Keeler.
Miss. Bertha Maxwell who last week I promptu celebration over the news of the
Sour» praiuie —J. B. Delsmsn, Chas.
The Convention ratified the noinina
was reported eeriously ill of appendi- gallant attack on and destruction of tae Smith, E. A. Fitzpatrick, D. Filzpatiick lions made by the Democrats.
OF --------
and John Sheets.
citis underwent a surgical operation nt
i Spanish fleet at Mimla by Admiral Dew-
the hands of Dis. Parker mid Hawke
j ey aud his gallnut tar-. Abe Colin, Theo ' C arnauan —M . S aughter and Levi
ami at la«t accounts was rapidly con- Sleinliilber ami other firemen took the Knighton.
I matter in hand and the firemen turned I B eaver —Jtto Walther, F. M. Wallace
John McNamer of the Forest Grove out in a hotly. They constructed a huge ami . Coulson.
TUHS1IAV 11:1] A. M.
H ebo —Geo. Nelson, Win. Rhoades,
' stage line was in town this week with pile of dry goods boxes on the vacant Jerry Lewallen ami i'om Owens.
Commodore Dewey is in possession ot M ml
the first stage to pass over the line this ground in front of* the school building
U nion —J. T. Weathedy, R Allan, and has his base of supplies, of coal and other
warlike stores well secured. Spain has been
year. The company expeclsto have re­ and procuring bombs, anvils and plenty A U. Lucy and 11. Booth.
given 24 hours in which to sn render her
gular stages running within a couple of I of powder proceede«! when night came to
O retown —John Kramer, E. McGlincy authority over the island. A repor; is in cir­
have a gran«! jubilation. Neai ly tne en­ C. Cm Inleiiaen, W' »iu. Pi.HiK and Al 1. culation that the Phillipine rebels cut th * cab e
I Haycock.
to aid Dewey. The Spanish fleet has b'en com
Letcher Ims the largest lusortment of tile town assembled to assist in ihegen-
S andlake — A. Hembree and Mr. pletcly swept out of cvlstatice No cable tlls-
fishing tackle ever brought to this c« unty e il r«j »icing. As the flames ci the
j patches from Manila have been rec ived since
A FULL LINK Ol- KEADY MIXED PAINTS and he will sell cheaper than you can great bunfire began to fight up the night Hat r.a.
I yesterday.
Imy anywhere else in Oregon. Fishing, bursting bombs and ringing anvils
N etarts —Ge». W.
News conies from Key West that the Spanish
No old shelf worn stock; Everything new and up to date.
rods from 5cts to $5.00; reels from 25ds ushered in the rej »icings. Several fire i A resolution was « made pledging the 1 steamer Argonaut was captured last Friday by
were sent up. Messrs. T. B. coilvenliuil ag»iinst the practice ot allow­ the gun bout Nashville. She had on boar<l a
O pposite B ank up; spoon hooks suitable for trout fish­ balloons
Spanish colonel of cavalry, a sergeant major, a
Handley nnd Editor Bowman made short ing depu ies lor the county sheriff and
ing lOcts each.
county cleik to be | aid by the county fit st lieutenant, a second lieutenant and ten
| Brinn Bros, sob! out their saloon
and after considerable discussion H was privates, besides a large cargo of at ins nnd
ammunition. She was bound from Spain to
business this week to C. B. Hadley. cheered itself hoarse < over the patriotic rtdo|,lcd.
Mr Hadley has dosed his down town senteinents express <1. After the crowd! 1 The conf *rence committee appointed
A dispatch from London says that England,
* saloon and moved his stock into the new had dispersed the celebration wi.S moved to cooler with the popnl.si uii liie has requested Spain to yield to the United States-
Preparations for the invasion of Cuba are be­
‘building, and is as comfortable in his
| ioliowing division ot otli- es: County ing rapidly pushed forward.
new quarters as a bug in a rug. Biinn far into lhe niglil.
Judge, Fop; Sheriff, Demucial; Assea-
Bros, w ill g<> to Portlainl.
¡sor, Fop; clerk, Demociat, Scnuol Supl
is commanding a great deal of attenliun,
Accidentally shot
i Fop. Treasurer, Democrat; Coinimssium r
Spain is on the verge of a revolution, and the
nevertheless we keep on selling goods.
; Silver ltepub; Surveyor. Pup., Coroner, government is about to collapse, The rage o
now being conducted at the opera house
Our s'oek of
Yesterday at about 6:15 p. in. Cleve­ ■ Dem. Tne committee also lecoiniiieiid- the people over the defeat of the Philiipliine
by Prof. Cooper the blind phrenologist.
land, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Don­ | e<i that T. J. Lucy be endorsed as can­ fleet is uncontrolable. A military dictatorship
didate for joint Repres niali e.
under the Queen aud Campas ia probable.
Mr. Cooper makes a very dear dis­
aldson, was instantly killed while out
Wylers popularity is on the increase and he is
tinction between wlmt phrenology does
hunting. Young Donaldson’s sister is
planning the flames. Martial law has beeu de­
in complete. We also keep
ill and in order to tempi her appetite and lor commissioner to fill the office of clared and the people are chatting under it.
it of all humbug pretensions and in a
A dispatch from Vancouver, wash, states that
induce her to eat something he took a commissioner, now ill egully held by C.
the 14th, infantry has been ordered to San
clear forcible and comprehensive nian-
double barrelled shot gun and saddling H. Wheeler.
Cal. Alaska troops, including the
nea sets forth its claims to the respect of
Ids horse rode over across Wilson River
The report, with the exception of the exploring expeditions are to return home.
when you want, tlrop us a line
sensible people In connection with the
There is no news from Deweys fleet as the
to fmda quail or perchance a grouse. last item thereof, was adopted.
lecture Mr. Cooper gives quite sn en­
On motion it was decided in mak'ng cablets still broken.
As he did not return at nightfall his
joyable entertainment with his pliono-
U. S. troops will soon land In Cuba. Ships
father became alarmed and arousing the nominations to Vole by ballot and by will be sent from Admiral Dewey's fleet to meet
grap •
Astoria Oregon
neighbors, started out in search of him. ■
the Oregon.
New neck bands put on at the Laundry for
Theo. Sleinliilber was appointed a
It i* believed that a naval battle occured off
It was about 15 minutes past midnight committee of one to see whether the
>5ct .
Race, Newfoundland. Heavy filing was
If that black suit Is glosay have it stained to
heard lasting fur 15 min., on Haluidsy evening
take the gloss off, Atwater will <io it for you.
the ships conrd not be seen.
The U. S warships, Nashville, Maiblehead
J E. Sibley andwife were in town on Tuesday liver at the ford near the Donaldson they had, and moved that mi miormai
ballot be taken for the ollices allowed to and Hornet had a »fieri battle with two Spanish
home. Near the river he found young the Democrats,
of this week.
cruisers yesterday. If Cieufuegas after reciev-
The schooner ‘Gem’ from San Francisco came Donaldson’s burse lied to a tree. A little
Balloting proceeded and the follow­ ing a broadside the Spanish ship fled, but it is
into the bay this me ruing.
further on he found his hat. and, some ing gentleman were nominated for believed that they will sink
Mrs. Dan Pike and Miss Maude Butler were yards further, his «lead body, already j otlices.
San Francisco will send two coal ships to Dew­
visitors from Bay City this week.
ey. Turkey has dtclaed neutrality.
stiff and cold, with a ragged gun shot For Clerk, J. F. Weatherly, of Woods.
Anton Plasker, of Duelm, Benton Co. Minn. wound, entering his left side under his
” Sheriff, Len Hiner, ol TiBaniouk.
Is coming to Tillamook with the intention of
A lways has on hand
A Spanish cruiser Is said to be lying in wait
arm pit, ami emerging at the top of the
” Tieasui er, Geo Colin ”
buy'ng a farm and remaining here.
” Commissioner, C. Christenson ol for the battle ship, Oregon, which sailed from
Mrs. Silas Morton and sister Annie have gone shoulder near the neck. The gun was Oretown.
Rio Janeiro yesterday.
to Portland where they will visit friends. Miss found standing against a huge log about
Samson's fl eel took a sudden departure from
Annie Morton expects to remain in Portlaud. 20 feet away, both barrels discharged,
For Coroner, Theo. Sleinliilber of
Key West yesterday, coaled and provisioned for
Quite a forest fire was raging for several and on top of the lug a dead quail which
a long cruise.
days in the hills above Mr. Harris’ place on the bov had shot.
W. W. Ja«*<»bs was nominated for
The flying squadron will go to sea within 24
Wilson River, The telephone line being In the
Justice of liie Pesce in the first district.
It is supposed that (he boy shot the Joe LahniNii was nominated for Con- hours.
i track of the fire succumbed to it on Monday
Ctenfuegas wss bombarded yesterday. The
quail before he came to the log. lie siable in the second district.
but was «oon repaired by Manager Tuttle,
Marblehead's gun silenced the Spanish forts and
j A very old gentleman named Mode; the father picked it up, set down bis gun ami
The nomination s of liie populist con reached the town. The Marblehead «Iso destroy
of Mrs. Leu Simmons, died in this county on climed over the log; then he took hold of vention were ratified.
ed tlio forts just finished near ('ozumas
I.Linchas from ID GEnlH
Tuesday of this week and was buried on W’ed- the gun by the muzzle ami attempted to
Four Spanish war ships have been sighted oft
nesday. Particulars were unobtainable at the
The Stale platform was adopted as the coast of Newfoudland.
the profession ui political faith
hour of going to press. Mr. Mode was alxjut 8 o
No further news has been received from
dently discharged. After the boy was
years of age
Tli® list of the precinct cutnuiitteciiieii Dewey's fleet, cable still cut.
A Spanish spy whs captured near the Magazine
A local branch of the fragile of American shot lie jumped over the log ami ran a- whs read aa follows :
on the cruiser St. Paul last night. The St. J'au I
Wheelsmen is i>ehig formed in this city and al­ bout 20 feel when he fell forward on his
R. Krelm, Nehalem; Fell* Roy. Foley; is at Philadelphia.
ready quite a number have been enrolled. face and almost instamly expired from Frans Ekruth, Garilmldi; G. B. Johnson
Outbreaks have occurred in many provinces in
The league has for its main object the con­ the shock and loss of blood.
TillaiiHAok; II. Bowers, lloquarton; Spain Many women are in the mobs. Spanish
struction and improvement of roads and the
The lx»dy war car ried home by kindly >am Downs, Fairview, Dave Fitzpatrick, troops have fire«! on the mob«.
dissemination of such information as will be of
Six of the mine s in New York harbor have
The South Prairie; P. lilelt, Beaver; J.
interest and use to its members, concerning hands and prepared for interment
I^ewellen, llcbo; Albert Lucy, Uiiiun;
routes of travel, the nature and conditions of funeral will lake place from the family Joint Ct aven, Orelowi ; Geo. Pitelps, been cut loose from their cables by Spanish
roads sad the best shipping p laces, etc.
residence to-morrow.
Nets its.
Weare reliably informed tn
private letter :
Tli® convention then sdjourtie I
The !
wh ch G. B Lamb Republican candidate for Co.
S trict attention given to outside orders .
convention was no» particularly harmoti- , We would respectfully call the attention of
Superintendent of schools wrote to s friend, f
iou« and in iny ol th » deiii Krais of the our patrons to our war newa service on the ist
that he is unalterably opposed to the present <
D ying cleaning and renewing a specialty .
Ojiinly are far from liemg pleatted with and M, pages of this issue and other issue*
outrageous monopoly on school books in this
its work, Dine complaining that they Our news is wired directly from Forest Grove
state as enjoyed bjr the Ameiican Book Com
W ork called for and delivered .
and bulletined each day on different bulletin
pany, and h* pledges himself if elected to op­
HARRIS—T h Tillmnoot, Fri<l»y Apr were swallowed wh >le by the pops, I boards of the city. Ills ns reliable as ran he
pose • id monopoly in all honorable ways 29th, ISM. to Mr. .»n i Mr,. A I limn without even being g eanel, a perfor­ obtained and condensed into the fewest winds
mance win li w ia rattier grating ou their
Our perple are greatly interested iu liMviugthe
seiisi bihues.
grip of this combine broken and the best way I llurrie, « diiughler.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
to contribute toward that end is to support
We do «»teaming and renewing at the Laund ry I
Atwater will creane your patito; for rjeto.
Take Cnscarets Candy Cathartic 10c or 25«.
and Dye Huuoe.
If C. C. C. foil to cure, druggiato refund luuuey.
One that will stand these roads,
One that will not need repairs,
A Particularly easy riding wheel,
At a reasonable price, buy
lie Rambler is a strictly first class
wheel. It has stood the test for 19years
and stands oday at the head of all.
See my Prices.
Model of 1897
Model of 1898
- $50.001
$60.00 & $75.00
All these wheels are fully guaranteed
and all 375.00 wheels are nickle plated.
I also sell a line second class wheel
“The Ideal” for from $35.00 to $40.00.
John Harken
Latest War News
32. C5AKY.
The Cuban Question
Field and Garden Seeds
Failing Too^ and ImpenjEntg
Canned, Fruits, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco
and Stationery.
in tlxe Cit’S7’-
Frank Wheeler, Prop
Tillamoo^ Laundry and Dye [loi$e.
All work guaranteed to be first class.
J. W. Atwater,
Manager. «'