THE TILLAMOOK WEEKLY HEADLIGHT* Is now on and will Continue tor the next Sixty Days. We have reduced every suit of cloths in our stock to less than cost. In boots and shoes we have made tre­ mendous reductions. As to hats you can have them at your own price. We have also made heavy reductions in groceries We have also a large lot of furnishing goods which we will sell at prices that will surprise you. P rices L ower THAT E ver B efore (i rocit Reduc­ tions In All Lines REMEMBER These reductions are made to close out and they will be for cash • COUNTY ITEMS. GATHERED BY B'JR C0RRESUN8EHTS A Brief Glimpse nt Last Weeks , Happenings Woods (KMOMTHK OCEAN WAV») A literary society w.ll be organised nt tli« Woods school house Fridiiy night. Mr. Win. Booth is having several feet of liia barn taken off as it projects into the atreet. It will be a decided im­ provement to the looks of the afreet. Miss Berry, who cloned a auccenaful term of school at Oretown, stopped a few «lays visiting friends at this place ! She left Monday morning for her home near Tillamook. Marine news is dull just now; we are piece of red and black flint rock, and is the same that Indian arrow points are «.ill expecting the “llariisuii.” made. It is about eight inches long by 1’. D. Newell ban another bump on l wo inches wide and one and a ini 1 f inches liia head; this time it takes lhe form thick, and running to a knife edge ell of a Notary Seal. around. Who knows wi at such were Our Potato Financier looked lonesome used for? Saturday, coining to town without hia While at Tillamook lately, we saw regular escort. some Sand Lake cranberries for sale in Mrs. Fred Zaddach, who has been some of the stores, the condition of which quite sick the paat week, is somewhat would tend to discourage the sale of the better. Miss Stella Hunt is staying berries. A little education along the line of keeping and handing this fruit, with her. we think would not he amiss. These Our genial sheriff, II. II. Alderman berries if properly handled can be kept was up from the county seat, posting until spring, which would he a benefit and saiving elec tion notices. to lhe grower, the merchant and the The Siletz Indian Agent is on lhe consumer. W’e hope to see some atten­ river investigating (he census taken of tion paid to lhe matter another year. t le Indians entitled to participate in the* There was a pleasant surprise party distribution of the appropriation fund. I at T. J. Harris'on the 25th. There lire niinora of our coal fields b* ing opened up in (lie near future. The quality haa been demonstrated by aimlyaia to be of the beat, and M. J. Kinney now says there is no doubt as E. A. Brooks ami family are going to quantity. leave us for another station. W’e are Rain, rain snow. and occassiomdly some Mr. Henry Ely entertained as his' guests Ed Ly ter and family and Missi Cassa Berry. They all report a pleasant W’e tin lerstnud that E. O, Mills has time. It is a known fact by all the had a pension granted him. neighbor’s and the neighbor’s children, W’e are informed that E. W. Brown, of and is verified by the above named per­ Beaver, is seriously ill. sons that Mr. Elv is sn expert cook ami Prof. F. D. Vincent passed through deserves merited praise as an all around our Imrg Saturday on his way home from housekeeper. Blaine. Wilson River M. Swab and D. F. Coulson went to Tillamook Monday and returned Wed­ nesday . L. G. Freeman is building a new pick­ etyard on his place and fixing lipin good Misses Minta and Dora Swab we-e the shape. guests of their grandparents, Mr. and l’aul Erickson baa got the main part Mrs. N. Couhon. Sunday. raised 01, his new building. Owing to the series of meetings now in School district No. 10 called a special progress at Beaver, ev Dollarhide did not till his appointment at this place Sat­ meeting and voted a 21# mill lax to pay i r t ie new seats. urday night. L iok over your supplies of stationery ami see if there is anything vou need. Brin;' your work to the II eadi . ihiit oilice as etrly ns possible, as we are itiiining our presses all the time and still find it difficult to keep up with our work. Ordinance No. 99 Ati Ordinance to fix the rate of tax. upon the taxable property co itained withi'i the corpor­ ate limit-iof Tillamook City, f >r the year 1 9S. Th*» people of Tillamook City do ordain as f ¿lows: Sec. 1. That the rate percent of tax levy for I the year 1898, upon all property both real and pers nal, situate within the corporate limits of Tillamook City, shall be and the same is hereby fixed, at, two mills, upon each doliar of of the as-.esved valuation ol such property. Sec.?. That the rate perc nt of the road tax levy, for the yerr 1898, upon al t ixable proper­ ty wit du t te corporate limits of Tillamook City ty, shall b« and the same is hereby fixed at five mills upon each dollar of the assessed val­ uation of such property t*ee 3. All Ordinances in conflict with the foreg dng provisions of this Ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed. Approved Jan. asst, 189K. B. L. Eddy, Mayor Read the third time and adoped by thj com­ mon council of Tillamook City, on this 24 day of January, A.D. 1898. C. N. Drew, Recorder. Win. Lunquist is down from Miami. N. Coulson who has been afflicted most all winter with a sore toe, made Andrew Anderson is building a front two trips to Beaver this week, conse* porch 011 his house. The long bridge across the marsh on quenlly his toe is getting better. Sweedish meetings at two o’clock P. Fred Paws’ farm, at Sand Lake, is being M every Sunday, al the Latimer repaired after so long a time. The bridge is being raised about one and si liool house. Mr. Noren co idm ts Neiudeinitea are pleased that Dick sorry to see them go, may luck and pros­ half feet, new stringers ate being plac­ ; Sales will continue to curry the mail perity go with them T. R. W’ilson was in lhe city on busi­ the services. ed beneath and some new flooring will between here and I lobsonville ; be never I’ncle John Ims recovered from his in­ ness last week. ! fails to connect unless it is an absolute jury received from lhe fill he gut last Heal Estate Transfers. replace (he old. To the Music Loving Public. In spite of lhe flimigreeable weather, ' impONSibilty. Messer Sales and Condit week. A long needpd want supplied for E. Osburn, D. D. G. M of District 4ft, our genial mail carrier ia always up and Jan. intends to arrnnre for passengers, of 17 A. W. Howe by Sheriff, to W W. C. n Miiaicinns, Tencliers mid Pupil»—Jnst installed the officers of Neat uvea Ixxlge Bert Biggs is puling in a water pipe to going. dtr, S W.of X Hi. of Sec lr Tp 4 S K which we will give full paiticulars rrceivtul n fine collection of sheet music, No. 114. I. O. O. F. in their respective lo W. later. | have lhe water to his house convenient The gentle snow-flake and bracing at stations last Saturday night, as follows: 17 John L. Shotwell to Geo. Shotwell also slandaid »Indies by J. T. Hadi, C. and handy. mospheie reminds one of lhe Klondike 1-5 interest N of S W.', W« ofs Cierny, T. Heller, W. T B. Mathews II. C. Sanders, N. G.; I F. Weatheily, E. A. Brooks and fa oily expect to climate. W* ft 8 W X of N W ’.Sec 11 Tp aS R I graded, Theo. Presser, octave V G.; W. It. Itobedee, Secv.; W. , W leave oil the Steamer Elinoie. Isludies, Theo. Moelling, Prelude*, In- Priestly, Trea ; A. Compton, War.; Daniel Nichols Ims gone to his ranch » Geo. & Juli» May Shotwell to W. w. E Osburn, I. G. The lodge has reduc­ D R. Hurlhut expects to go to some for a few days. I)au is quite a sport and or sale at Mrs. Conder 2 3 intereat in above property structiou Imoks, etc Mr. Fred Mills is now in his new other station soon. 2o Lucy and David Vanderburg lo W. W ID. C. Hower's residence. All orders ed the inialion fee from $21 to $15, is particularly fond of flailing. Conder, 1-5 interest in a ime. with a view of gaining inoie members i house. Ilia old house was blown away promptly filled f. r till grades of music. Geo. Morris made a flyiny tiip to Quite an enjoyable lime was had at El >0 Geo. ft Julia May Shotwell to W. W | by the wind storm, some time ago. dm ing the new year \ our kind patronage is solic:ted between Conder BJ* of S EK ft of N K Q llobaunville last week. I Lysters. Judging from I lie skill displaj- the lion s of 8 to 12 A. M 6 to 9 P. M. Sec 1 Tp 1 8 R 8w. Mies Minnie Nelson, who has been i ed in dancing, one would come to the ” J. C Bewley, by Sheriff to W. J. May | conclusion that possibly some w ere till- attending school at Shei idan, Ims return- Lol l. 2. lift« of Blk I Lot 1 Blk ,, J. c. Mias Mann is visiting friends in Till­ . ed home on account of ill health. 1 ored by Prof. Beggs. Bewley s ad. to Bay City. Teacher»' Evamination. amook. 11 Henry Tohl to Earl Finley, Lot 9 | The steamer ‘Amethyst’ is expected in The Literary Society at Beaver, sent a Mr Watt of Pleasant Valley is obtain­ Notice is hereby given that for the Bia 1 Toter, ad 10 Nehaletn Geo. Hunt of Cape Memes went to to Netarts Bay soon for lumber. challenge to the society at this place to ing signer« with a view of petitioning « Sarah Thompson to Geo. w. Phelps purpose of making an exmnination of Tillamuox on business. tract in Sec. ftj Tp t s R 9 w Sumner llauxliurst whs on the bva< h meet them in joint debate on the ftih, the Comity Court for a change of route all persons who may olfer themselves of Feb which was a cepted, and Win. » Wm Battersou 10 S M. Battersou J A Bigg” and wife was at tbeCity oil our public high-way to-w.ird Tills- Sunday taking in the sights. a« t andidale« for teachers .d the schools Lot 7 Tohl . addition to Nehalem. Rli adea, E. E. Cross and J R. Low- on bunineas in regard to the P O al monk City. » f. S. Patent to James ».Morgan Lot of this conniy, the co inly school super­ School District No 7 is having a new • •nee were diosen tu meet them on that Instesd of climbing up a hill for the Barnegat. aft S E M of N WH ft s i, of N E.), of intendent there..! will hold n public ex- H'liool house built. Let the goudwoik dale. sake of sliding down. The "green tim­ Sec »TpiS R 10W. nmiiiation nt the public sclnud building School Dial. No. 40 called a speciiil go Oil. >5 Mary Ann Johnson to John Anson in lillamook. Ore., on Wednesday, Feb. G. S Nelson made a tiip Io Slier idan meeting and an 8 mill tax was voted, ber" can be avoided by making a cir­ Johusou S E '.of See« IpjS K 10 XT Geo W. Phelps made a trip to Ne­ la*l week lie reports the to.ids in very and lhe Itoard decided on Mira* Lucy L. cuit ions route via Mr Watt's and com­ »th, 1898 lieginning at 1 o’clock I*. M. halem Friday, on Imaiuesa ronne* ted lead condition. ing out by Mr. Moore's bouse in Pleas­ Dated this J*i|,, day of Jun., 1898. Wooden rd, of Forest Grove as teacher The H eadlight Inn just added a ant Valley. with liia freight that was ahip|wul for for lit« summer term. O. A. Walker. Mi Scott, of this place, haa traded Bules Antomali** Numbering machine Netarts on the schooner, Free Trade, Messis. T. Goodrich and C. Beaty of1 Co. Sept, of Scli.»ls. E A. Brooks family leave I o - m lay for Ocean Paik. were seen in Spruce trapp to its other printing machinery. The which owing to the weather and wind some of liia horses and cattle for a livery stable at Newlrarg. nuinliers consec utively, their new home on the Sound Joy in, up and down the tribnUries of Beav­ inarhine bad to l>v put into Nehalem. ------------- or ¡I, er Creek They met » ilh Midi excellent duplicate, to IWJand enables us to do go with them. sneceM that they caught one of their all kimla of die* ka, warranto, receipts, B.irnegKt I m . had some Klondike wea- boll lids. stock Imuks, rattle tickets, etc , in fact ther the lest few da,'., it may be a cure While our southern rival is putting <>n all kinds u( work chat require« num- for those who have the fever. lleilwrt Alley's little girl, who has a metropolitan appearance and the new Iranng. There is no work in the printing Mis Tames Vc iee. while strolling on im-lmling iiiMruv-tiun Ixoks hii .I hem dangerously ill, is improving arrivals seem sglow with eastern enter- line »hat can not Irad<»ne, and well dune the 1‘vach a few da vs ago, found a very ' Mwixbml Mnili». All order« i prise, we are able to spruce upmswaion* at this oflive. Half an inch of snow on the night of rare Indian relic, which had Iraconie un­ promptly ttlle.1. Cell at revidetx-« ally, doll a bland smilv and emrrg« from lwlween hmm of 8 to li A. M. the 22*1, ths flist for Nchaicin this covered by the drift! >g sand. The im­ sleepy hollow, after the fashion of Itv- The new load i. progi eeeing finely plement has bceu cut hum a Leant ful Wl"1 C-w-wr»«. and 6 to 91* M. winter. 1 g'f* Icli..bjd. Barnegat. Spruce Hebo NETA RTS Nelialem SHEET MUSIC Sand Lake FOR SALE C01 ilsonburg ite «K ircc"c ■«.W ,orerw irvc-C. 'ail, dr u« I st* refund money Mrs D C Bowers