Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 27, 1898, Image 2

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® Hl ant 00 It ^jertbliuht
D. D«K. Bowman, Ed. and Mgr.
Ufficili Piper, Tillamook City nd County
One year ..................................................
Six montiis .............................................
Three months.........................................
Telephone No 6.
Office corue rot Mainland .<1 st eets.
The School Book Question.
Th» communication from the
pen of Claude Tliayer, publiwlied
in'another column, and relating to
School Book«, taken in connec­
tion with Mr. Letcher'» article in
la»t week’» isnue, demand» we
think gome notice from the editor.
Ordinarly we prefer to let corres­
pondent» discus»
the subject»
they write upon, without edit­
orial interference, but in this ca»e
there seem» to lie a misiinderstand
ing, which ought to corrected.
As Mr. Thayer truthfully says
‘'the school director» have no choice,
whatever, in the selection of the
books that are to be used in the
school».” xlie matter of Helen
the books is taken entirely on
the hands ot the director», lr
fixed by statute. The Unit
Text-Book Law was passed
1888, and the clause ofthe act r<*
furring to text-books reads H B
“It in hereby provided that sai<l neries «ball be
Introduced in all the public school« of the State
on or before the first (lay of October (188s) next
after the canvHSs of such vote by the State board
of education in »lucordance with the pro­
vision for changing text books; and any district
ncgleotm g to provide for the introduction of the
authorized series of text books shall forfeit its
proportion ofthe school fund for the succeeding
year, and every year thereafter until all of said
series are introduced; provided, that when the
persona in any school district between the ages
of four and twenty years, as shown by the
clerk’s last yearly report, shall equal one thou,
sand or more in number, the directors of such
district shall have lhe right to select lext-l>ooks
for the high schools only, but no change in the
text-books in any district shall be made at any
other time than that provided in this act; pro­
vided further, that not hlng in this act shall
prevent the State board of education ordering
the Superintendent of Public Instrnction to
issue special circulars to tin* county superlnten
dents and Stale board of examiners to select
as ill the regular vote any new text books or
series of text books ill use, when in the judge
inentofthe State board of education any text­
books or series of text, books in use is supplied
at an unreasonably high price, i>r is found lobe
excelled by some more recent publications in
that branch, or for anv good and sufficient
cause; and it is hereby provided that the county
superintendents and State board of examiners
shall select a text book or series of text-books
immediately as in answer to regular citculars
of the sit erintendent of Public Instruction and
re|>oit to them their choice, and such selection
shall Immediately thereafter be made known
officially ns in the regular selection; and such
text-book or aeries of text-books «0 selected
slinll be introduced in all the common schools
of the Slate within six months afte
announceinent, and any district neglecting to
so provide for the introduction of such text
books or sei lea of text-books shall forfeit its
proportion of the school fund for each year
thereafter until it complies with this require­
ment. *
many other were naturally mislead
by the action of the former board
of directors, in allowing other
books to be used, and not being
lawyers they did not know the
motive of the order made by the
new board, and lienee criticised
Prof. Walker and all other teach­
ers in this state are deserving of
the profound sympathy of till the
patrons of the schools, if they are
required to teach from trashy or
imperfect text-books, but there is
no way of remedying the matter
except by law In the mean
time if any of the teachers
desire to use oilier text-books as
merely supplementary, and are so
anxious to use them as to furnish
them themselves, it would seem to
ns tliev certainly ought to have
the privilege of doing so.
It will now be in order for Mr.
Bryan, of Mexico, to explain how
it is that 1897 proved to be the
best business year in the United
States witnessed by the present
from Mr. Bryan would be especi­
ally fitting in view of his state
ments (luring lite last campaign to
the effect that free coinage was the
only means by which this country
could hope or expect to attain any
degree of prosperity. It may be
that Mr. Bryan yet fa'ls to see
anything but signs of •‘temporary”
prosperity, but as lie has not said
anything on this subject for a coup­
le of monllis, it is to be presumed
that ho admits wliat the rest of
the United States has gladly pro­
claimed. Mr. Bryan might obtain
some assistance from Dunn’s Re­
view, n generally accepted author­
ity, which among a host of figures
indicating prosperity in various
branches, shows that in failures
1897 was not only the best yea r
since 1892, but on the whole the
best ever definitely known.
The Madrid government puts the
case rather inidly in admitting
that it has received “disagreeable
news” fmtn Cuba. It is getting
the worst intelligence from that
quarter that it ever obtained. The
riots in Havana give a new element
of perplexity to the Cuban problem
Two cil'cuiusfiiiiceH— Blanco's fail
lire in the field and the rejection
of tiieautonomy proposition by the
foes and friends of Spain on the
island- are responsible for the out
break. Intervention by the United
States may become ueccessary any
day as a protection to American
interests, and that might mean
war between this country and
Spain. In any case, Spain’» hold
on the island is far feeblai at this
moment than it ever was before
since lhe Spanish (lag was first
raised in that region. St. Louis
Weekly Glob e Democrat,
European demonstrations on the i
coast of China and the rapid
strengenthing of Japan’s navy show
that a new era is at hand in the
Pacific A failure to annex Hawaii
now would be the final loss of a
great opportunity.—St. Louis Week,
ly Globe Democrat.
Git yo’ Jitt’e sagebeus ready!
Trot ’em out upon the floor—
Line up there, you cuss< n ! bte idyl
Lively, now! One cotij le more.
Shorty, shed that ol’ sombrero!
Broncho, douse that cigarette!
Stop yvur cuss n’.Casiinero,
’Fore.the Indies! Now, all set!
As given by Allen & Lewis.
steady nominal at 70
72c, Eastern Oregon; Valley, 73 to 74c
34 to 36; grey, 32 @ 34c
BARLEY—Feed, $16.50, to 17.00 brewing
$1900 to $20 00.
POTATOES—In good demand at 50 to 5. C
per sack.
BUTTER—Store, in rolls 35
choice dairy, 50 (g) 55c per roll;
per roll.
EGGS.—Choice candled
40c per roll
creamery 6cC.
ittc per doz
PELTS—Good demand at9@loc
WOOL—Valley, I5< @ i 6 c ; Eastern Oregon, iOf^
HIDES—Dry, 13® 15c; green7c to 8c.
DRIED APPLES— Evaporated bleached, 6
^6%c ; evaporated unbleached, 4%@5%c.
PEARS—Sun and evaporated, 3($6c.
DRIED PLUMS—Pitless, 4^5e; prunes, 2^9
CHICKENS- $3 50 at $4.00 springs $2 50(83 00
TURKEYS—Live, lof^ilc for choice, dressed
12c (gna^e.
DUCKS—Young. $5 00 @ $6.00
Will Do Well to Remember that the
Groceries, Provisions and
Loggers Supplies Clothing,
Boots, Shoes, and General
rt ouiwUAe Tillamook maket and sells them at prices that defy competition. JTo
stale groceries, no shoddy, no cheap John articles for sale at our store.
First four forward! Back to places!
Second feller! Shuffel back!
Now you’ve got it down to cases!
Swing ’em till their trotters crack!
Gent« all right a heel an’ toein'!
Swing ’em; kiss ’em if you k.n! •
Ou to next, an’
Til. yo’ hit yer pards agin!
I’ortlHiid Market.
Class Goods
ffas now on hand the lest and most complete stock of
S’lute yer ladies; all together!
Ladies opposite the same;
Hit the lumber with your leather!
Balance alt, an’ swing your dame!
Bunch the lass es in the middle!
Circle stags,an’ do-se-do—
Pay attention to the fiddle!
Swing her’ round an’off you go!
Ladies’ lefthand to yer sonnies!
Alaman! Grand right an’ left!
Balance all an’ wi; g yer honies—
Pick 'em up an’ feel their heft!
Promeuade likeskeery cattie!
Balance all. t>n’ make 'em rattle!
Keno! Promenade to seats.
Truckee Lumber Co
Cowboy Dance
(From Denver Post)
Gent* to center; ladies round ’em
Form a baske
balance all!
Whirl yer gal to wheryo’ found ’em
Prometale around t ehall!
Ba anc ♦ to yer pards, an' trot ’em’
’Round the circle double quick !
Grab an’ kiss ’em while you've got 'em
Hold ’em to it if they kick!
Our cus­
tomers are always satisfied-
Principle Office 330 Marke' Street, San Francise'.’ Mills ntyrrnckee, Cal.
Mothers whose children are trouble«
with bad colds, croup or whooping-cougl
will do well Io read what Dr. R. IL Ro_\
ey, of Olney, Mo., says on this subject
I le writes: ‘For years we have use Cham
herlsin,« Cough Remedy, and always
keep ill the house. It is regarded it
our family as a specific for all kinds <»l
colds and coughs. The 25 and 50 cent
Lot ties for sale by S. .J. Sturgeon.
Persons who are troubled with indi­
gestion will be interested in the exper­
ience of Win. H. Penn, chief clerk in
lhe railway mail service at Des Moines,
Iowa, who writes: “It gives me pleas­
ure to testify to the merits of Chamber­
lain’s Colin, Cholera and Diarrhoer Rem­
edy. For two years I have suffered from
indigestion, and am subject to frequent
severe attacks of pain in the stomach and
bowels. One or two doses of this remedy I
never fails to give perfect relief Price
25 and 50 cents: sold by S. J. Sturgeon.
The progressive ladies of Westfield,
Inti., issued a “Woman’s Edition” of
the Westfield News, bearing date of
April 3, 1896, The paper is tilled with
matter of iiitercst to women, ami we
notice the following from a correspon­
dent, which the editors printed, realiz­
ing that it treats upon a matter of vital
importance to their sex: “The best I
remedy for croup, colds and bronchitis
that I have been able to find is Chamber-
lain’» Cough Remedy. For family use
it has no equal, I gladly recommend
it.’’ 25 and 50cent bottles for sale by
S J. Sturgeon.
Land Office at Oregon City, Ore., Jan., .5, 1K9S:
—Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the County J I n the C ircuit C ourt of the S tate of O re
Clerk of Tillamook County, at Tillamook
Ore,, on Feb. 23rd. 1898, vii:
' First National Bank of
William J. Himes;
H. E. No. toon for lhe N. E. ’4 of Sec. 27 Tp.
2 N R. 7 Weal.
Wil limn E. Burns and
Drueilla Burns.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon amt cultivation
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an
of said land, viz; Walter J Smith, of Wilson, Ore execution, judgement; order and decree duly
Tim director» are not therefore
gon; John Paquet, of Wilson, Oregon; Will­ issued out ot and under the seal of the above
iam R Illingworth,|of Wilson, Oregon; James entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated
to Illume for iiiHialing that the text
F. Reeher, of Wilson, Oregon.
the 15th. day of December 1897; upon a decree
Imok» required by law, »hall be
Chas. B. Moores, Register.
rendered and entitled in said court on the 2'th
day of August 1897, in favor of the above named
noti : e for publication .
plaintiff. First National Hank of Independence,
Them text-book», Mr. Thayer!
Land Office ht Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 24, and against the above named defendants.
insist», are filially defective in
189?:- Notice ia hereby given that the following- William F. Burns ami Drueilla Burns, for the
many tiling» and, al»o, that they
There is no hotter indication of named settler has filed notice of his Intention sum ot $770.00 with interest thereon from the
to make final proof in aupport of his claim, and 26th day of February 1R90. at the rate at 8 per
were ini reduced l»y meaiiacf whole the business of the country than in that said proof will be made before the County cent par annum in U. S. Gold Coin and the furth­
»ale bribery and corruption, On the condition of the banks. The Clerk of Tillamook County, at Tillamook Ore, er sum of $120.00 attorneys fees, and the costa
on January 14th. 1898. viz Krick Glad ; H. E, No. and disbursements of this suit taxed at $72.00
Imtli lheee matter» we will not | small number of bank failures in K»37a for the S w *4 of See. 25 Tp 2 N R 8 West. commanding, me to sell the.following describ­
prcHume to pun» judgment, It : 1897 as compared with 18 >6 anti He names the following witnesses to prove ed real property to wit:
hrs continuous residence upon and cultivation
Lots 28. >). So. Si and 32 of Section 14. I.ots o,
i» year» since we completed oured- 1895 shows a greatly improved of, said land via;
10. 22 and 2; of Section I4 and I.ots 16, 17 and
neat ion and left (heHchool room, condition over those years, and the Frank Severance, of Tillamook Or., Laurence 18 of Section 15 In Township 6. South of Range
Johnson, of Tillamook, Or., George Johnson; o 11, West of Willamette Meridan in Tillamook
and we believe praclicnl educator» contrast with 1893, the year of the Tillamook, Or., Charles Bester, of Tillamook, County, Oregon. Now therefore, by virtue of
■ said execution, judgement, order, decree and
are the best judge» of Die merit» of panic, is still more striking. Only
Chas. B. Moores.
order of sale, and in compliance with the com.
We understand Unit 105 banks of nil classes, including
mauds of said writ. I will on the 29th, day of
January 1898. at the hour of Io o’clock A M.
by a majority of Hie practical mid loan and trust eoinpanioN, in 1897
at the front door of the County Court House, in
beet qimlficd educator« of the »late announced suspensions or failure;
Tillamook City said Comity and State, sell at
the text-book» now in use, or at this against 197 in 1896, and 598
14» nd Office nt Oregon City, Oregon, Dec, 3 public auction, subject to redemption, to the
least »ollie of them, me held to be in 1193. Ths comparative liabili- 1897.—Notice is hereby given that the following highest and best bidder for cash in hand, all
named settler has filed notice of her intention to the right, title and interest which the within
very inferior.
tiesof the different years show an make final proof in support of her claim, and named defendants had at the date of the mort
Why, if such is the ca»e, the even better condition in 1897 than that said proof wilt be made before the County gage mentioned in the complaint or now has in
j ( letkof Tillamook County, at Tillamook, Ore 01 to the above described real propei ty, or any
State Board of Education doe» not do the mere number of failures. ’ on Februa ryjth, tsq R. vis Nell« M Curtis; II. E part thereof to satisfy said eaecuHou. judge­
take the nececHHiiry legal step» to The aggregate liabilities of the fail­ No. tojoH f th e Lots 1, 2, 3. «nd 4 of Sec. 6. Tp ment. order, decree, interest, costs aud all ac-
c uing costa.
I 1 8 R. 8 M
have those defective text books re- ing institutions of 1897 is GO per She names the f allowing witnesses to prove her
H H, Alderman.
Sheriff of Tillamook Co., Oregon.
placed by other and better bookw 1 cent, less than those of 1896 and htacontinnoua residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vis;
w« do lint pretend to know. One 90 per cen t. less than those of 1893. Mike Alplanalp. of Tillamook, Ore. John L.
’ Childers. of Tillamook, Ore., William A. Halt o
thing is certain, the law ia not to |
K Terr body Haya so.
Tillamook, Ore.. John Rupp, of Tillamook, Ore
blame. Tim act wan carefully
Ca.mreta Candy Cathartic, the moat won-
Chas. B. Moores.
The United Shite» can no longer
derti'l medical diaeoverv ot the a*re. p’cas-
drawn mid well ,con»iderod, and
ant and refrvahine to lhe taste, act gently
occupy a tentative position in re
and roaiUvely on kidneva. liver and bowels,
provision was made for needed
clcanalng the entire aystom. dispel colds,
gard to Hawaii. The Hawaiian
eliangt*» at any time.
cure headache, fever, habitual ■ otnttipation
Government him ottered itself free­
and bi'ionaneaa. Please buy and try a box
land Office st Orrson City. Ore . Pee yd. i »« t
A h we have already mid, llm
C. C. C. to-day; 10,
Mi.-ents. bold and !
ly to the Unit ed State«, and if we —Notice la hereby «iren that the following of
fu»r»<iieod to cure by all dru^gista.
director« uro not to blame for the
do not accept the island» wo must ■■•met Miller ba. Sled notice ol her inienil.w
I io make final proc in aup|x»t of her claim, i
order they made in tlm matter, but
reject them, in which cnse gome and that mid proof will be made before lhe
the former Iroard of director» ia to
other government will etep in and County Clerk of Tillamook Co. at Tillamook Or. I The H eadlight reaches almost every
■•a Feb uh, iM. via- Mr a. Julia earth. H. K. family in Tillamook County, and many
blame for having allowed miy other
take ¡MMHeanion. It must be either No. l.oo- for the s', of S N', s Kg of S Wg
Imndiedwof |*ople outside, ami is there­
texl-lxHik lined in place of I lie state
one thing or th e other. The sent­ •nd l.ot« of See jt Tp. t s r aw
She name, the following uttnea-eaio prove fore one of the l*r*t country newNfMipera
aerie», for by »o doing they violat­
iment of the great majority of the her ■s.utinuoiia rcideuce upon and culUtaUon to adverfi-e in. In the a hole ata’e of Ore-
ed the law mid endangered llm
people of the country is undoubt­ I of raid land, via
<•♦11. It a ill be well fur advertisers to
Mike Alplanalp. of Tillamaok itrv . John L.
Htate hc I ioo I apportionment for thi»
edly in favor of annexation, and in Childera, of Tillamook. Ore . William A. Hall, bear thia in mimi.
dieirict. School direotora »Imuld1 dicaliomt from Washingt >n point of Tillamook Ore , John Kopp, of TillamookJ
know the school law ami ace tliai , t > an early ratification oftlie I’tesi Oregon
Kami« Tour Bowel. With Caaeareta.
Cha. I> Moore.
it ia obeyed. Mr. Letcher aud dent'» treaty.
fur* «"»UpnUon forever
lûc. Sc If C. C. c. tall, drusa lata ret ami roouey
G rand C entral
H all .
Fine Liquors and Cigars
Tillamook, Oregon. “
Telephone No. 9.
D rug S tore
A Fine Line of Jewelry.
Ctatlonnry, Books.
Prncrlp’.icns Carefully Compounded
thut von ran bay a great majority <.f all articles in common use, meh a
Cook Stoves, Heating Stoves
1 inware, Queensware Furniture
Clothing and many other things
-A-t ZF’ag-e’s Seocnd. ZZarxd. Stere
go d as new for only a small per cent of a hat these articles cost new?
t... and nee for yourself and ns «ill be convinced.