TILLAMOOK WEEKLY THE HEADLIGHT; Is now on and will Continue for the next Sixty Davs. We have reduced every suit of cloths in our stock to less than cost. In boots and shoes we have made tre­ mendous reductions. As to hats •/ you can have them at •/ vour own price. We have also made heavy reductions in grocer We have also a large lot of furnishing­ goods which we will sell at prices that will surprise you. P rices L ower t H A N 1A VER B efore Great Reduc­ tions In All Lines REMEMBER These reductions are made toedose out and they will be for cash We need a new school house. get a move on you. lather they would come up like a man and get it at the mill, and not go and steal the lumber which lie lias donated for the new school liousr, at thia place. GATHERED BY O'JR CORRESPONDENTS I There ha» been about 400 ft. stolen from ' the school premises N<»w the party A Brief Glimpse at Last Weeks that got the lumber had better return . HappenlngE it at once, uh there are three eye witness­ es to the ciime. We do not wish to ex­ pose any one, so our advice is fur the guilty party to return the lumber a» we aie very likely to need it hi building our John L, SI ohii is building him a cabin new school house this spring. on bin lioniestend. COUNTY ITEMS. Hebo Mrs ( has. Ray is still improving ami will soon be up again. The little Son of David Romies fell and broke his leg a short time ago. liinrn;i Emanuel Port land. Schiller lias relumed from J. R Luwfence came near losing one of his hot m m a few days ago. The borne getting choked eating Rutabagas. Mr John Ward is nt present erecting a turning lathe, of the Lui power var­ iety . Woo< Is (FKUMTHK OCEAN WAVE) Thro. Arndt has the foundation laid for a new house. Standing room is atn premium Satur­ day nights nt the Hebo Literary Society Miss Lillie Miller has gone to Tilla­ Harry ('hit wood Im« been helping mook to spend the test ot the winter. Elmer Jackson build nn addition to bis A pleasant time is re|»orted nt the mother« homie on Salmon River. (iiiiice, at the itbidrnce of Mr. Shaw, P. \V Ryon and wife of Salmon river , Monday night. F. II Cioss is kept quite busy al’eml- ing to biiMine»s in the simp and editing lhe “Ht*lh> Suu” which, by the way, is a brilliant society luminary. Mr. I’. II Miller, who was quite bad­ ly hurt some time ago by a fall, is able Ethel Page, of Neskowin, is »topping to be around again. with her sinter, M in . E II. 81« »an Mis» Alice Gardner is recovering fiom On the Bill, Inst. Mis E II Sloan the measles, making the second case gave birth to a line boy. Mother and on Lillie Nestuccn. < hild aie doing well were visiting al Emma last wv< k. Lewis Fletcher and Tom Owens were The nice weather of Innt week made nil feel good. But last Ei iday *■ lain out in the nioiintains mid killed thiee mountain sheep mid one bear. made Hit* featl em droop. Mrs. Chas. Ray, who has been ill for the past few week is somewhat Coi 1 Isot 11 > 1 I rjr better, but is yet unable to speak. Her right side is entirely paralysed. R. (). Richards made a trip to the valley last week Sand Lake Mr». E T. (' ou I noii called on friend» I lit Beaver, Wednesday. The news comes to ns that our old Preaching at this place next Satur- | friend L .1. .lohnson ba» at hist found some one to furnish him the money to day evening, by Rev. Dollarbide. take out s patent on his Rotary engine Minaea Abby and l.innie (Nulls on which he has invented, lie has long visited friends at Blaine this week. been limidicaped for the want of money (’. Milla pasned through here Mon­ to get Ida invention patented ami has offered some - i his Sand Like friends an day . hiteiest if they would furnish the money, Mr. G T. C oii I noii , who is working blit they were too alow to bite, amt now for Jon Bixby of Beaver, look dinner some one at Portland has put up the with Ida parents at this place, Sunday money and will lake the plum We I Mr. and Mr». Mbert Getchel, foimei lirve there is merrit in the invention, ly of Sack Co., Iowa, passed tin* u_li and wish him success here Tuesday on their way to Ihav i We me told I hat E»irti-”*t Chamber- They leturned Saturday, I «in lias obtained a p t nt - n s b ar e The road ln»t wren here and Beavri buoy and is rrvr vmg many letters of in­ i" bring opened up rapidly, by Blainit» «, quiry fiom the east in i.gar«! to it. » eaverilea ami Conla*uil»uigeia. There Same of whirl* aie quite encouraging. weir 13 nt wui k oil it last week, and Who say* Sand Lake i* behiinl the limes? more hnmln are expected this w>*ek. There is sa.iie political Inlk going the They aie lodging in the house lately rounds ami (nun all indications, Sami vacat'd by C. V Johnson. Ernest Haag Lake is willing to pul a full ticket in the Arts as chief ‘cook*. N rat urea p-opk held intend to have roads if they have to The dance at A J Hembrees was make them llieimwlves well attended and all lepoited a go- «1 Mr. R O Richards tlilwta that if I e time lias Io give anybody lumber, he would Better 1 Mi. I! B >oth has sold his lease on the A. D Farmer place to Mi EMe (’t lhe Elmore. They will leturn lo Poll- Editor III: it » light : la ml this w eek. As a householder ami patron of the Mis. Balmer returned home Silnr- scloob, I write for information. Why div mi the > r. Elmore. She has been was the re« ent change imide in text vis tinj in S hi Fiiincisco iur several b x.ks? Is not Prof. Walker a belter months. judge of a good lexl book than any ami Ilciiry AIdeiman, our p'pillar -lieriff, nil of the school «liiectors? I have seen transacted business in t ur city Monday. ilie text books Mr. \\ alk»*r furnished, A number oi H e legal lights from Till­ and know that they were all right Mr. amook. E. E S I h, W. J. May, mid Walker preferred to teach from those .1 ild jc Sa |.!iiiigtoii .spent Saturday eve. text bo<*ks, and says that the ones now in cm bliig. being purchased, at so much expense, I lie I <> O F. held installation Sat are not near as good as the ones furnish­ eve. The ladiea inrnished a bmiht fill lepist which was parinken of at the ed by him fiep. The fact that Mr. Walk­ er was elected lo his uosilii n, »Imwed t*lo»e oi lhe ceiemo.iies. At lhe special school meeting the levy that lhe directors had confidence in his of 15 mills for school purponvs wascarn- ability and judgement. Whv then do • U to woik Sunday at 11:00 A. M, Rev. Potter n»i-lvtl by Rev. ti'iygs conducted lhe with and compel him to use th«»»? nml | no others, mid then find fault w ith him services. betauise lie dues not do goo of the school book trusts, or in whose in­ care. We l ope he will recover his terest is it ? health speedily. YA.urs truly, A . Letcher. The silbj 'Ct f-»r debate at the Literary Society next Saturday evening is, “Re­ solved that the Right of Fran« hike sliouhl Be given to lhe Women of lhe United States.” Ae the suhj-ct is one of connidrr able importance it is expecte«! Notice. that the ladies wdl turn out in lon e and agieatdeal of forensic talent Redisplay* To the members of Tillamook Pomona I*, of II there will be a meeting •>( »aid cd by both ladies ami gentlemen. Grange at the Vaughn School house Mm. (). P. Mattoon of this place re­ Feb 3. at 10 \. M Ithtingthv annual Th o e wdl al - » be in election ceived lhe sad intelligence of the death elec! ion of her mother a few days ago, who re­ for a dire« tor of lhe I.. C I**. R. Associa­ tion. All the members of said as>o< ia- sided in Washington. liou are requested to be present either tn pels, n oi by proxy. J. W. Maxwell Dpt. Master. O retow Oregon State Grange. A dance was held at the Bay on the I4tii, but the attendance was not large il (’. G Cutting who is in the State s , |»>ullry or gunie of :my kind in it- «<■: soil, call nt It i* reported that many epubli«*ans wrlm left the purtv two years ago and j-»lm‘d the serrietl rank« of populism have lignitic I their intention of returning to the ¡old. Fliis im good liews, and they w ill la? welcome. Report ale » says three •• woi|!»|-i.e R pm divans'* wish lo rim for Office mid i lhe banner of the Gram! Gid Party 1 lay City em. and M «. G *o D ili, of Nehil have b en lhe gn-»«'* of Air an*l A tied Dean the past week. The Commcn Comwil was ca le I to order nt 7:3)1* M. Jan. 17ih, l»v chair­ man (’. P Klim’s «il. A bill of t8S.o<) to pay f i the new hose, was j re-euted amt reíerred t>» the coiiiiiiiiiec «*n account ami current vxpen-es. Ord’iiancfrs N". 94, fixing salarie- ami nmlei takings <»f c ly «»tticers passse ’. Ordinance No 9» fixing a tax lew ot 2 mill» for ge »eral porp -es ami a mad t.«x of 4 ini 1 - p;'M*e l Also Ordinance No 96 L eiis’iig d< gM to run witlmiil lO'lars nnd tag-, pawned. The Marsh.'I hum instructed tn repnii certain t •’ ci -.»»-: i gs in fnaye m nt’- dition, lo «Irniii * m** mud h«dt‘S on first st reel nml to mu mme gravel hau'rd in «eilain places Ala * to see lo having a sh-'it pie. e of s «!e walk laid it* the w• -t Side of > luel Are. !•» c.»nne«l With Ike side Wnlit of Mr II «vs. ’lhe City Attorney was iiiMriich**! to draw up nn ordinance rekiting to fire n»m- paniea an«l I«» the ni»iM»iutii.e r of n tire Chief. The c<>un«-il 11.ea it«lj-»;i« n d Two deer were recently k Bed in this vi< in ty Mr T om n Council Meeting We kevp i» iiiei' -t ck ->o IlMiiil nml will hy lo I lense you Tillamook Fi.h Mar'-et K o -T o -B ac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco baiat cure, r-.ake* weak nxea strong, :. jod pure. 50c. fl Alldrar’ista T«* Cure C«»«««ipat.on Forever. , O**” ’* Can‘’" Cathartic. 10c or Be. If G C. C. fa. to cure. refund money Electric Fencing. Lovers of fencing will be interested in an invention which has jnst been tried in London, and which is said to do away altogether with the difficulty constantly experienced by an umpire in judging hit3 between two equally matched competitors. This end, it is de­ clared, has Loen achieved by covering th ' front of each jacket with fine copper or brass wire gauze, and connecting this with the adversary’s foil and an electric bell (of the burglar alarm pattern) and battery in the same circuit. It follows that when a hit is mado the circuit is closed, and the bell rings and continues to ring until stopped by the person in charge. A special arrangement in each foil handle provides that only a direct point produces a ring. Two entirely electrically distinct circuit) are used, each including a bell, foil and jacket; flicks or blows or grazes produce no xc- suit. The bells being of different tones, and, moreover, placed on opposite side* of the room, there is no difficulty in de­ ciding who ha.- scored a hit, or, in case * of almost simultaneous hits, who deliv­ ered the point first. By a simple ar­ rangement the wires passing from tho batteries to the combatants’ oollars aru kept well out of the way, however sud­ den may be their movement» of advance or retreat. In the Loudon trial six se­ lected amateurs competed for a pair of foils, and five bouts were fought. The experiments were completely successful. A military expert, Captain Hutton, who was present, said that the device would be of great value at such compe­ titions as the royal military tournament Fane rats In Yorkshire. A funeral is still regarded as a very high festival in rural Yorkshire. A poor woman was lately heard complaining of the fare provided at one she had at­ tended. “A paltry concern,” she said, scornfully, “Nobbut cakes and such like. Now I’ve buried five, but I sided ’em nil off with ’am!” And this: A farmer was assisting his daughter in the choice of a dress, aud, seeing her fancy incline to a blue one, said remonstrating- ly. “Nay, Law. tak the black one, hap­ pen tha might have the luck to be axed to a funeral,’’ and his counsel prevailed. What Tie Coaid Do. James Payn tells a story of a certain officer of a tran-atlsntic steamship who, in th«» ats* nee of auy clerical passenger, was asked, during a storm, to undertake the duties of chaplain. He was anxious *o oblige, but felt that he was altogether un* qual to ecclesiastical operat ions—to preaching or even reading. “I can, however,” he said, “take up a coll«jo- tion.” J » C’ 7.- <• >tt«rtpMtlon Forever. 7 ■« < .u. . ( tfitmrlic. Me crSC f C. C. C. Lu! io cure. rtrncirKBB rtfund xuuutf. Pont Tvberro and ^nioke Tonr T ITe Away* T>* qu t tobacco easily nnd forever, be mar- otic. full of Ide. n-rve and vigor, take No-To- -ae. the wonder-worker, that tnake* weak men i.ro't AH drugg’sls, Wc or II. Care guaran- ieod Booklet and sample free. Address S.wUag ReamJy Ca, Ckicago er New York