Till Jan 1 Till Jan I The Headlight ■ : The Headlight AND AND The Oregonian 1 he Toledo Blade, or The New York I rib-une. both for Both for $1.50 per Year ■ ■ ■ S « kl-25 Per Year. ■ TILLAMOOK. OREGON. THURSDAY. Dec. 23d. 1897. $1.50 Per year at a « ■ PROFESSIONAL cards . COUNTY ITEMS AV1D WILEY, M. D., 1'llYShTAN. SURGEON During the Holidays AND ACCOUCHEUR, All call» promptly attended to TILLAMOOK, ORB. GH Cous at (Cost £1 E. II AW KE M. D. To make room for Books i PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Allen Iloure, Tillamook, Oregon. Tillamook News Co felepl>o’,c No- 7- pOBERT A. MILLER. attorney - at - law O regon city . * Laud Title» »nd Land Office Buviue»» a Specialty. OREGON. ■^y A. WISE, Flooring, Rustic and First Class Finishing Lumber Ship Lap ana Sized Dimension Rough, Dimension Lumber DENTIST, The Dekmn Building T illamook Jd A Washington, Portland. O re (J ames M c C ain , ¡A. W. S everance . $12.00 7.00 6.00 Tillamook Lumbring Co 1JC (’AIN & SEVERANCE, attorneys at - law , TILLAMOOK, OKKGOR. yy j. may , ■Hlvss. $;it? limitants, Prop. TILLAMOOK, OREGON A FULL LINE OF J J. J. D aly . (O scar H ayter Dress Trimming and Lning, T.nces in Plack ami Cream, Velvets and Silks, Hosiery. Latest Styles in Gloves. MitH, Co.ds, Cnpes, Baby Coats, Hlioit and long, also Baby Dresses. Ladies Underwear, a fine line of Corsets. The latest styles just from the East in Hats, Bonnets, and Caps fur Children. J) ALY & HAY 1ER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, DALLAS, OREGON. Bültes E.a Stodg ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Late Styles, New Goods Lowest Prices. Dress Making Done to Order. J] L. EDDY Opposite H eadlight Office, Cor. Main mu' Second Street, Tillamook City, Oregon. ATTORNEY AT LAW T illamook , O regon . Q O. NOLAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW Deputy District Attorney of Tll’amook County Office iu Alderman Hotel Building Tillamook. Oregon ZB TT Y LISK’S ATTORNEY AT LAW Office Opposite Court House. Tillamook, Oregon For Sae by J. F. Tuttle. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, TILLAMOOK. OREGON “THE ALDERMAN J. P. ALLEN PJROP. C. & E- THAYER ♦ » First Class Accommodations at a Second Class Rate.. ■ General Banking and Ixehang. buUaeee. Inlet ett paid on time deport«. Exchange on Rugland. Belgium, Germany, Sand Cake Geo. Barton was in town several days this week looking after the Olsen stave Irnlta which lie bid in at R Constable sale. The greater portion of them were washed away in the freshets and what few were left would not pay to Isitlier with. The loss falls principlly on tlie boys who worked in the camp. h TILLAMOOK. .OhCOCW Oregon. ¡That old, puzzling question j is is Up up again- again ■ ¡ Whit »hall I buy 1°» Shaving Ilair Cutting Shampooing " ot and Cold Baths. •et fthing Strictly Ftnt Clast Read the answer in our windows, always acceptable -approprUte-sens.Me. I 3 Good perfumery— New and delicate odors made by Riefei perfumer. 10, 25 and 50 ct. bottle*. Bukeys ami Mrs. Mary Folands new residences are nearly completed. Friends in Astoria, The sale at Mr. Harts Saturday was answer, hoping that you will overlook the de­ well attended. Mr. lleitmlly makesan lay. We hear that there will be a dance The Antoria Progressive Commercial Associa­ excellent auctionmer. tion has ho far failed to take any action on the at Mr. Billings’s. i Tillamook transportation piopoftltioii, but I ex­ Mrs. Sliillinglaw will have a Christmas ’ We regret to learn that Mr. Rogers pect at the fiiNt of the year they will have lias given up erecting a creamery on mattern in working *hape and take up the tree at Imr home and will entertain a this prairie, will not some one else un­ matter to a nuccesHful determination. few of Her friends. Your letter to Klmore, Sanborn is a healthy dertake tlm enterprise? Mrs. T- J. Harris is improving, one and I have little doubt but that it will bring Barring tlie aliove, everything out them to time, Mr. J. Thompson is buek front tlie |iere seems to have crawled under shelter The Budget has on different ocf-aaioiiH publish­ valley. | out of the rain for tlie present, blit when ed the condition of affairs between your city 1 an5 Ch«», Kunze, elnl to llmiry C. Kunze are sorry to see him leave. A farewell ation. at al, reaMile of Daugherty D, C L. By order of the Lodge. party was given him lu«t evening at tlie IS Htepheu Weaver, to Lyrence Weaver, Geo. II. Handley. Sec., N K.g of Sec J> T|> », N. R. S W. home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Luce. Tillamook. ’¡arles Peterson, Accident to Abe Severance- Abe Severance met with a serious ac- Grace Getcliel is visiting with Dora1 cident last Saturday, wliile engaged I about tlie mill at Netarts. In handling Daniela nt the home of C. Milla. ’ a log on (lie ways, tlm log accidently E-nest Haig and Robert Richards are ' " thinking of going to Klondike. * l|'1“1 I and swung around, striking I Mr. Severance, and crushing liim Marcus Swab, who lias been sick, is; against the side of tlm building, dis- initcli better. i locating his shoulder and otherwise III- Mrs. Clay Daniels, of South I’rarie, is I juring him. He was brought over to visiting lier parents, C. Mills and oilier , town on Saturday evening for medical friends. treatment, mid it is hoped he will booh Charlev Johnson, A. W. Butin, II. P. recover from hie injuries. Rev. Joseph Shell, who bus so long Tlie sun shines. hik I deeply interested himself in secur­ ing better transportation, received re­ We hear tlie crack of the rifle in the South l’rairie cently nn encoiirnging letter from tile hills around Imre, have seen : been received and I hawten to Lt lasts twice as long It is much more wholesome (T LAUDE THAYER, turea country. Is is claimed that, dur­ ing the proceedings required to get the office established, unavoidably or other­ wise, there was a mistake made in s|>ell- ing the name, and as a consequence it w-.s enter e I on the rolls H-e-b-o, uliich we think just as good as the old time name. ‘Observer.’ P. S. We forgot to mention the fact tliut there ¡8 plenty of wood mid water ! here. neighbors. ANTITRUST TINWARE J li. GOYNU, j decorated with evergreens and flags a nd a Don’t forget the Racket store wlieu large stump and axe decorated one wide you want Xmas goods. of the hall while the letters W. O. W. Don’t make your Xmas purchases un­ adorned the opposite wall. Both were made with evergreens and were very til you have looked over Lamb's stock A Brief Glimpse at Last Weeks pretty. The programme was not too of piesenls including tlie only beautiful , Happenings long and wan well rendered throughout. bound gift books in the Tillamook I That part which especially pleased the market. audience was an excellent recitation by We publish in thia issue of the II kid - Hebo little Gertie Briscoe and J. P. Powell, light for Ihe first time a new and care­ Mr. Editor: As tUe high-waters and rain prevents comic song. There were not as many fully prepared deaeripteon of Tillamook ns from getting out mid “digging up” ladies who had baskets as was expected County written by tlie editor. Sood it any items, we will send you a brief des­ but this evidently made the bidding more to your friends w.ioiu you would induce spirited for eight shadows sold for $14.90. to come to this country. cription of our village. Hebo is situated on the banks of the The highest priced one was $2.55 and the well known stream railed, Three Rivers», lowest. 1 30. After the social, dancing Go to Geo. W Phelps, Netarts Ore., so called by its equality in the winter to was engaged in for a short time. for your flour us 1m hits just recei ved three ordinary rivers, about one mile from San Francisco a large consign­ above its intersection with the Big Ne s- ment of the first class flour that Im is Bay City tucca river, 215» miles from Tillamook, selling at <4.60 per bbl. or $1.15 per ami 7/2 miles from Woods . sack. Mr. McCoy has been spending tlie Tlie Big Nescucca Toil Road runs Prizes will be given at the new bowl­ through the village There is consid­ week in Tillamook. ing alley for the liest score for 30 games. erable travel upon it, especially in the Mrs Bold Watt and Mr. John Watt The prizes will be on exhibition liy I summer. spent Sunday i.i Tillamook. Christmastime. The first prize will lie There is a Post O.lke and some talk of A nuinlier of our citizens have been to a fine steel engraving, framed, and tlie a store here, a harness and shoemakers the county seat, making tlieir Xmas second will be a box of good cigars. shop, two dwelling houses, barns and purchases. J. P. Allen line arranged tlie office of other oiit-bnildingM. The Truckee Lumber Co. lias been re­ liis hotel formeily occupied by Kay and The school house is not far distant . Todd. in handsome shape,"Tne Alder­ The Post O:ti<*e was changed to its pre­ pairing their wharf this week. man” with Mr and Mrs. Allen at its sent situaiion a few years ago and was The union Clisistnihs services will be head will continue to grow in popularity 'managed until a short time ago by A. liekl in the M. E. church Friday eve. and will easily keep front rank amongst W. Rich«ids but is now in the hands A walkwill soon be made connecting our hotels. ofE. E. Cross, a capable and business like man. It derives its name from the the Cooperage wharf with tils land so lie new steam tug Miami came up so called Mt. Ileb», which, we have passengerscan reach Baw City at any t Im slough 011 Friday of last week and been informed, is not the old-time name stage of tide. moved Io the Tillamook Mill and Lumber ✓ of the Mt If we are not misinformed, Company's Dock. Tim carpenters me the mountain was named by the Grand BEAVER now at work building her cabin and putt­ Ronde Indians, and was spelled H-e-a- ing llie finishing touches on the hull. v o, so-called by reason of the steepness Tlie Miami is’n staunchly built limit and Jos. Bixby is cleitriug off liis ranch. of the pack-trail on the reservation aide will be a great acquisition to Ibis bay and Benver, no doubt, will Im greatly ben­ of the Mt. which was nt that time the tliesmaller harbors along tlm coast. only means of ingress and egress to Nes- efited by having two stores. ““'-J Stuigrecrx's drixg" Stcxe Tlie Nehalem Dancing Club met last Friday night in tlie Maclain hall and re- organise«l for tlie winter. Tlie me i tier­ ship roll was well filled and the following officers were elected: President, G B. I Johnson; Sec. and Tree., Win. bice: Janitor, Alex Anderson ; Boar«l of Mail- J agera, G W. Dean, Thorval-I Larsen, I anil M. E.Ziler. Owing to tlie stormy night tl.e la-lies were not very numerous ! but a social little dance was had never- llieleae Tlie clnb wilt give its next ball on New Years night to which all ais , cordially invitsd. ! The Literary entertainment and Shad­ ow Social given Tnewlay night by tlie I^<1 ies Circle was a success Irotti financially and otherwise. The hall was beautifully A. Invlt.tloa. Tlie ladies of Tillamook are respect- (u||y ¡,,toatteml tlie bowling alley a„y afternoon or evening in the week, B|1j eM|>ecjw| O11 Wednesdry afternoons Anti evenings 17 *7 il iMportaat Notice Subscriliers to the lIxiULtuHr will please take notice that at tlie begining of tlie year, tlie date line giving time of exe pi ration of their eulMcription, opposit tlieir names, on tlie addies., will be n- inove-l. I-aet year a sneaking mean advantage was taken of our sttbecrilrera by certain interested pariies, when we filed our list witli tlm County Court ami i tlie private accounts of tlie office were ; copie«! and thereby liecame tlie property ! of Otlieie, who had no biiaiueM with (them. To protect our aulmcribere from . such sneaks we remove the date line. ’ Please take account of the expiration of J your sitbscriptioii and settle when you . are able. The H kadugh T I 30 21 31 Ursula and I’hlllp Yager to C. A Me Clure 1 acre 111 Sec. So Tp l S K 10 W L WAMJ Haakine to L. II, Brown. Lot S Blk H ami Lot S Blk. 14, A- A. Miller»'» ad to Tillamook. Haul Perry to Thomae Cavanaugh, N % ol Lot 7 * Blk S Stillwells ad to Tillamook, Nancy A K. Oervla to Felix Roy, Lots ofSec lTp> N, M. mW K T and Katie Weatherly to Ju|ia B, Johnaon tract In Town of Wood« Su.au J. Iiavia to Wtu N Haya, Lota 4,», A» Sec. * Tp », 8 It ■) W Win Johnatm to Hva I each at al B W K’A olS. W.t»R s WW of S W K Sec 15 T I S K » W. New »t‘»re When in tie city call at "The New Store" on Second Avenue East, formerly known as tlie Racket Store or C. W. Smith store. Every dollars worth of good, received fresh from market; eon- siating of dry goal», groceries, crockery, glaMwarffi, and Christmas g-iods. Prices the lowest in Tillamook < ity. quality considered. A »bar e ol your l«trouage solicite«!- Dwight T Edmunds.