THE TILLAMOOK WEEKLY HEADLI QZjJl Tillamook^Laundry and Dye [Me People eat and sleep well who use , Vita Remedies. Read ad. No cure, Mrs. Durbin—How do you manage to no pay. keep the same girl s-s long? Mine al­ None but Vita Medicines cure Blood Frice List for Families ways get ho careless that I have to make Diseases No cure, no pay. Read ad.* a change every few months, O ver Shirts, Night Shirts Aprons per doz . . .40c Vita Medicines cure all sick people Mrs. Milton— Well, Mary isn’t a mode) Under Shirts, Drawers «nd >hirt Waists, nnd Skirts, per It ’ s an indisputable fad, that * Under Vests, per doz.... jic doz.. . . ........ ................... 1.20 in all respects, but my hu«bauer doz .. ,8c doz...................... • • •• 1.00 with a lighted candle, and you ever saw. ad. No cure, no pay. * Towels per doz ............... 18<-Night Drease». Chemises, wont find another store where you Table Clotlis Shells, Pillow Drawers, Combination Suits Mrs. Gayburdd (whose husband is ill If you w ant watches or j°welery as Slips Rollers, Curtains Plain and Waists per doz.......... 60c can buy so cheap as at the fi otn drink)—Well doctor-tell me the cheap as at Portland go to Letcher’s. worst. IX 1 . r County warrents wanted. W. J. May ROUGH PRY Dr, Dosetu—Well jmadaine lie will re­ Wash end dried per doz 20c Paralysis, Vertigo' Iinpotency, Dys ­ cover. Washed, drieu and starched i>er dozen' 30c pepsia, Nervous Prostration and Inaoni- I If yon don’t have a dozen pieces of any one kind, yon are “Have you learned any fancy methods nia cured. No cure, no pay. Read ad < |i irged I .r tlie-niinibei of piece« you have at «nine rules of skating?” asked the young woman. of Vita Medicine Co. If You want anything in the Auv pieces tlmt aie not in thia list go at regular lint price. “No,” replied Willie Washington. -T line of'Ti'i v i,re..V > l i > ns', St ai onery . “ I ’ m nearly dead witli Piles ” Why can skate only two ways.” not get well? Bead ad of Vita Medicine School Supplies, etc, come to “Which are they?” Co. No cure, no pay. * "Standing up nnd sitting down," Ladies, read ad of Vita Medicine Co Mr. Timide—“And what party were * you iuclined to favor during the cam­ No cure, no pay. paign. Miss Wautowed?” Asthma or Catarrh. pay. Miss Wautowed (blushing)—“Well I Read ad. Vita Medicine Co. * think I preferred the ‘pops.’ Vita Mediciiiesmiike sick people well. “I would not marry a woman who did Read ad. No cure, no pay. * not know Imw to cook.’’ Í Nerves made whole by Vita Medicines. "Oil, 1 might overlook a little thing Read ad. No cure no pay. * like Unit, if she had money enough to BRINN BROTHERS PROPS pay my board.” Liver and Kidneys made well by Vita ■Keeps on Hand a Complete Stock of • Hogan—“How did yez git that oye?” Medicine. Read ad. No cure, no pay. Brogan—“I calibrated me birt’day lash Wood wanted on subscription at the Furniture. Matting, Wall Paper, Window Shades an avenin.” D eadlight office. Bring it now. .Floor Oil Cloth. “Fredrick doesn’t love me any more.” “OliJ How I suffer—Rheumatism All Kinds of Cabinet work Turning- Scroll sawing et( “I’m sorry dear, What’s the matter?’’ and Neuralgia, Can’t he cured.” Yes Will keep ti e best liquors in the market iiicliiiling the celebrated etc. done on short notice. it can. Read ad of Vita Medicine Co “lie «ays its impossible.” No cure, no pay . * Magnolia Whiskey and Weinhart’s Lager Beer Screen doors and Windows made to Order Inquiring Tourist (in Oklahoma)— Eggs 25 cts, a doz at Colin and Co. What kind of a limn is your pastor, the SZeiXTZT BKOS Our correspondents will do us a favor Rev. Jack I .on ks ? Alkali Ike—Finest kind of a feller! if they will please remember that if the Hiiin’t got but one fault in the world— item« are received later than Tuesday dunged quarrelsome when he is drunk. evening they will be too late for th paper. This? At thia lime of the year a cold is very easily contracted, ami if left to run its The other day a thin, tired-looking course without the aid of some reliable man entered (he printing office, Hays the cough medicine is liable to result in that New York Journal, and, approaching dread d.Hease, pneumonia, We know of no better remedy to cure a cough or cold the proprietor, said : •‘1 want to have a list ptinted. Sup­ than ( 'bainbet Iain’s Cough Remedy. We have used it quite extensively ami it has pose you write it down as I tell you.” fbe proprietor made ready and the given entire satisfaction.—Olagah, Ind. Ter. Chief. mini said: This is the only remedy that is known “ ’Yes. I’m sure I locked the front to be a certain preventive of pneumonia. door.’ Have you got that?” Among the many thousands who have “Yes but I don’t understand.’* “Nevei mind. Don’t interrupt me till used it for colds and giippe, we have 1 have finished, Are you ready? All never yet learned of a single case hav­ light, then. I turned out the gas in the ing resulted in pneumonia. Persons who have weak lungs or have reasons to bath room.’ ” fear an attack of pneumonia, should keep “Well?” “ The kitchen windows are fastened. ” the remedy at hand. The 25 and 50 cent size for sale by S. J, Sturgeon. ‘•'i.s,” “The dog is in the cellar. The serv­ Town property in Tillamook, consist­ ants are a;l in in. 'Hie stable door is lock­ ing of house, Barn ami % acre of hind, ONE G!VES RELIEF A lways has on hand ed The cat is out of doors. I turned off for sale sale cheap $300.00 easy terms. FRESH BREAD, PIES AND CAKES the draughts of the range. No I do not Also 20 acres of Tide Land adjoining * smell smoke. Its not neccessaiy to go town f1000.UOensy terms. A lso a complete line of down and see if the cellar door is fastcii- Al. C^Trowbri dge n e l: I know it is. That is nobody—it is Mr. C. M. Dixon, a well known mer * Canned, Fruits, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco only the wind rattling the shutters.’” chant of Pleasant Ridge, Fulton Co., Pa and Stationery. “Is tliere anything more?” has a little girl who is frequently threat­ “Well, I think that’s about all. You ened with croup, but when the first nee, my wife asks me certain questions symptoms appear, his wife gives tier every night, just as I’m getting into bed, Lunches tram ID GentH up. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which and if I had a printed list 1 con Id show always nffords prompt relief. The 25 it to her; it would save her lots of and 5o cent sizes for Hale by 8. J. Sturg trouble. Besides that, it injures my geon . lungs to answer them. Havelhe ¡¡Sts printed ns soon as possible, please. TO ( I KK A COLD IN ONK l>AY PHUNNYGRAFS. (bïu Qfnc/hpitl'cc/ eFctcl'.f^* J. W. ATWATER, Manager. fhe Racket Store. Oe Corner Saloon ŒPurniture Store and -^^BSabinet Shop Fine Wines Liquors and Cigars 7 _¿ú_ro 37-oin. tlxirstv? 3TOXX tiled.“? Will ■3TC1X taire s 1 AND RESTAURANT ! * a ZEost Merks ixx tlxe Citv Wm Knoell, Prop In Europe, Asin, Africa, Auartalia nml America, the live great continents, Shak­ er medicines are being used bv suffering Immunity for the cine ol sic knew» ami deseiiNe. Never was there aneli a univeral de- maud never such wonderful results. Shaker Digestive Cordial, a cure for Indigestion, is prepared from lieiba and roots, and is a natural remedy, which cures by aiding nature and not by fight­ ing her. Shakers Digestive Cordial makes (hose fat, who have become thin by not di­ gesting their food. It resorts the spirits nml the appetite of those who are dejected and fagged out from the weal ing effects of indigestion. It relieves the symptoms 0» dyspepsia, and, after using for a reasonable time, finally cures the complaint. Trail bottle 10 cts. Sold by 8. J Stur­ geon. ’fake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund, the money if it fails to cure 25c 515 Don’t be persuaded into buying lini­ ments without reputation or merit— Chamlierhiin’s Pain Bahn costs no more, and its merits have been proven by a test of many years. Such letters as (lie following, from L (1. Bagley, llueneme, Cal., are constantly being received: “The best remedy for pain I have ever used is Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and 1 say so after having used it in my family for several years,” It cures rheumatism lame back, sprains and swellings. For sale by S. J. Sturgeon. For Salo A complete house-moving outfit con- Mislingof jiickacrewfl, rollerà, capstan, blocks ami rope. Will sell ¿heap if ink vit at once. C E. Reynolds. For Sale. 220 hcich , 0 miles ent»t of this placo, on Traile liver, rich eoli. Musi be rash. 8. C. Foster. A« given by Allen & Lewis. !>«» You Want to Mell? WHEAT Market, uteady nominal at 73 <0740, K ai I oi n Oregon. Valley, 76c to 77c Considerable monry is on deposit in this city (or the purchase o( impoved mi.I unimproved properly within four or live mile, of tow n Parlies having such Isnda for sale, will do well Io call nt tile lli: mi unir office mid leave di«16 30, to 17.00 brewing |2o 00 tn f -’i 5o. I'OTATOHS lu good demand at 40 to 45c per nock. BETTER Store, in roll« 30 (.435c pci roll choice dairy, 43 «t 30c per roll: ci earner? « per roll Ki’.GS -(’holer candled ijc per doa BELTS—Good demand at M$«*c WOOL Valley, !.v<<|iic, Kaatern Oregon 14c- H1DKS—Dry,tiS(0 14c; green ftc to ;e DRIED API’LEs— Evaporated bleached, 6 : 1 ' .e ; evaporate«! it&hleached, 4\(44itC DVi’KS Young fl '□ 9 f4 oo GKKSE — fy 00 (JJ 6 00. • OR RALE. In Tillamo k City Oregon. A tine Slock of», Tinware, Tinners Supplies, Undertaker* Supplies Will invoice about |2000. Store is doing an excellent business Also store building and lot on which same h situated, building la 24x65 feet in size ; lot 1»25x105. Price reasonable. Business will be wold wi?li or without stoiebuilding or lot. Also house of 10 rooms ami two lots on which same is situated, with barn and oilier outbuildings. For terms etc call on or adie« D. DvK. Bowman, Agl. II k ADT klllT Bldg. Tillamook. ' The liest lot of gold set l ings, suitable ¡for Xmas presents at Letcher’s. KLONDIKE KATAKISM K To everyone going to the new i gold fields A BOON—A BLESSING. I 50 practical questions answered, not by guess work—not In «lay-ill-homes—but by experi­ ence, that has been there—lived there—worked there—ami is now going buck there, to get r K telling when to start—bowl ^inm-li it will cost—wluit to lakt ' — how logo—how to live—how lo keep well—what to do when sick—where to go I here—how to prospect—lmw to there, and much more. l T IS A TREASURY & A TREASURE K He can give Parlies who desire Io pay up their sub-1 scription in wood must bling it before i the coming of the w inter rains. Other- i wise we cannot use it at all. Opium, Drunkenness orTobacco.IIabit cured No cure, no pay. Read nd of Vita Medicine Co. • RICH Its material has never before been published— it is privately printed—can only be had bj »sending Io E S teinbach , Tacoma, Wash , and enclosing 11.U0 Refer Io any bank licit for evidence of good faith. Go to Cary’s for glass. you any size you want. K C. A. BAILEY 8 packages of Arbuckle« best roasted coffee for C 00, or 4 packages of Ann and Hammer brand Soda for 25 cts. or 25 It-« of nails for $1.00 nt Geo W. Phelps store Netarts, Ore. Persons wishing any thing in Hie line, of Christmas goods will do well to make a visit to the Racket store next door to the H kadi . igiit office Mr Bills, the proprietor, Ims a full and conqilete line of all kinds of things to make the little people happy. I have just recieved several gold filled I ladies and gents high grade watches and I chains which I paid cnali for and so got them very cheap. If you are think­ ing of getting yourself n good watch it will pay you to get iny lowest cash prices. A. Letcher. You can buy them in the paper 5-cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. ra. >or< I. put up eh«,rly U> entity th. unlueHal premut demand tor • low prtc* If you don’t find this sort of Ripans Tabules At the Druggist’s Send Five Cents to T he R ipans C hemical C ompany , N o . to Spruce St., New York, and they will be sent to you by; or 12 cartons will be mailed for 48 cents. The chances are ten to one that Ripans Tabules are the very medicine you need. Reduced Fares! For Naic —— Dealer in---- STUDEBAKER WAGONS, A windmill with pump ami pipe com­ Inquire Osborne Mowers plete—all in good condition Buglie«. hay rake«, plow« and othjr farm machinery. Yr»n can «nve money by dealing m1 h iae. Specif»! Price« on Bug.,ic<* and Spring wagon». C. A. BAILEY, Tillamook, Ore. of Dr. W. A. Wise, or at this office. CATARRH Astoria and Tillamook la a LOCAL DISEASE G. W. KIGER, dealer in Exchange and flpney {Securities. Collections Rece« Civeful and Prompt Attention. BAY CITY, OREQQN. sM 1« th« mult 0! raid« «M •ud chmhtic chans««. It can M crinsl by • plwuwnt rrmmly which l«a|>i>ii«d di- rtclly Into th* nontnuv Bn- •!*>rb«dll gives Ely'sCream Balm J5 •' l£n<'’l^*‘dgad to be th« most thorough cure fnt Naaa! Catarrh. Cold in Head and Hay Fev-r of al rrmediea. It open# and eleanvea th« urm I paa»agt». aUaya pain and mfiamman >n. bea n the tore«, pro- tectf the membrar..- from cold#, re«tom» the nen4« »me. L Pri< e 30c. at Dru or by mail. ELY BKUTHER5. 64 Warren Street. Rew York, pacific ¡Navigation Company ------- w.:i Run rhe------ Steamer W. H. Harrison, or R. P. Elmore, Wi.l m.kt trip, every Sue dtp. th. wrrther rernvt'inz.Vetween Aatorta and Ttll.inoot CltJ caiTy ing fre ght and j a-tgenge- a. ELMORE, SANBORN A Co., Astoria, or COHN & CO., Tillamook, Aflte.