Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 25, 1897, Image 3

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Ourieivea anil Others«
. pleasant thoughts and feelings of every
kiml that eurno to us are ¿nr too nit i ii
tnrkd In *1»' oblivion of silence. The
B, e,l which If planted in the hearts and
lives of those around us would bring forth
rloh harvests of happiness is carelessly
thrown away. Such impressions should
be regarded as a kind of trust for all those
who can participate in them. If we have
uny bright thought, any hopeful outlook,
u: j joyful experience, uny loving emotion,
lot us hasten to share ami diffuse It. If
any ray of sunshine has penetrated our
I,, Arts or lives, let us gladly shed it on the
pathway of others.—New York Lodger.
His Can Opener.
At a dinner given by the Authors' club
of New York city to Hicliurd Henry Stod­
dard, ex-Judge Henry E. Howland, presi­
dent of the Century club, told this story
of the guest of honor: "Stoddard was
opining a can of tomatoes one night.
Sounds that camo from the kitchon con­
vinced Mrs. Stoddard that her husband
was not accomplishing bls task without a
struggle. Finally she called to him, • What
nre you doing, dear?' -Opening this can
,,f tomatoes,' came the rutlier gruff an­
swer. ‘What are you opening it with?’
Witli a knlfo Did you think I was using
my leethf’ ‘Not at all, dear,’ camo the
an'swci. -I thought from your languagn
j„u wero opening it with pruyer.' "
"The worst cold I ever had in my life
was cured by Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy,” writes \V. II. Norton, of
Sutter Creek, Cal. “This cold left me
with a cough and I was expectorating all
lie time. The Remedy cured me, and
I mint all my friends when troubled with
a cough or cold louse it, for it will do
them good." Sold by S. J. Sturgeon.
Fifty new suits to be tried in Judge
Pi g .’s Court. I shall try and sell fitly
bran new suits of young men’s all wool
clothes in the next ten days, if the jury
agrees to the low prices I charge for them.
Call early and take your choice.
\V. E. 1’nge's Second Hand Store.
A Daughter Saved.
strick8n ,oii!!eALVfi“pTh,!,Be V.T,nsanit^Shi Fin,ls a ^0» »"a H’P’
had Almost Fled—The Best Physicians Failed to do Anything for Her.
t'rom‘be 1‘hacan, Ithaca, ir.r.
Ithm a, N& Y., who
I w “ Au,,‘her b;,d’7mI't"ni was a couch, which
little hope wal entertained óf her r«-over7
."■« ’•
Hu- general
has entirely regained her health. Iler cm X?' 21^1 7, i r uU<1*'h,a,' »he «a» eousump-
is one of unusual interest Foilowin.r m «ni-
tlcsh rapidly. Sometimes she
Manually the language of
be confined
the bed
bed for fir two
two or or
—---- to to the
then be around
but only
Chas. JI. l.urn.tt, corroborat.d by'that if to -ee week»,
*’ ,hen
"""ud again,
^uin. inn-Iv
JiL«iOt!ier’ *U sptttkiug ,0 a «PO«« of the
“She was not only a physical wreck, hut
her mind was affected, ami at times she hmi
no realization of what she uas doing. We
feared, in fact, a complete mental overthrow
and consequent removal to a.-i asylum, for
although we had two of the best physicians
ln 1 ’e.c»ty. and had tried several proprietary
medicines, none benefited her.
read considerable about Dr.
y llhams’ I’ink Pills for Pale People, and
had also heard of some cases where they
had done g<»od and we decided to give them
a trial. We purchased some nt the drui»
store of White A Burdick, of this city.
“Hattie began to take the pills in the
early part of January of this year. Im­
provement was noticeable aft< r th.- first box
had been taken. The first hopeful sign that
I noticed was that she did not complain of
headache. The attacks of dizziness also be­
gan to abate in frequency, and she ceased to
cough. One aft. r another, the distressing
symptoms left her. She took, in all, nine
boxes of the pills. At the present time she
is ni perfect health. The alteration in he?
mind and body is almost past belief.
“ Hattie ia now seventeen years old. A
“I cannot say enough in praise of Dr. Wil,
^Tar. a,p I®*1 August she began to complain hams’ Pink Pill«, for they saved the life ol
of dizziness, which became gradually worse. our daughter.”
She suffered excessive nausea and attacks of
C harles M. P ttrnftt .
VOmitin?. There were days when she could
Subscribed and sworn to before me May
keep little or nothing on her stomach. She 8th, 1897.
C. R. W olcott , Kukiry PubHe.
Bl«o was tftttMed with kidney disease. jfer
In and for Tompkins County, N. Y.
Mood was so thfn that the drop or two drawn
Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills fhr Pnle Penrle
by the prick ef a needle was almost as color­ are sold by all dealers, or will be sent post paid
lew as w«t ». Bhe had trouble with her on reei ipt of price, 50 cent« a box. or six lioxea
kasrt and often fainted from the «lightest for f? 50 (they ar»» never »11 in bulk or’by
rianf from bed, or from the 100) by addressing I -r. WiRAtBia’ NsdivUta
Co., Schenectady, N. Y.
1/sk is coining!
Mrs. Siurgeon is now prepared to take
orders in the latest styles of winter
wraps. Be sure to see the samples.
Cuiin & Co aie paying 2Je per dcze
Asthma or Catan h
No cure, no pay, i"r egg«.
Read ad. Vita Medicine Co.
Hav for Salo
Look out tor Risk!
70 Ions of hay—half oat and »half
When Risk conies everybody will he imot by— raised on F. Schombirg’s
Inquire of B. R. Eddy
County warrents wanted.
W. J. M .IV
Paraly-is, Vertigo* Impoteucy, Dys-
pepsin, Nervous Prostration and Insotn
ni < • ined. N cure, no pev. Krud in?
of Vila Me Ik-ine (’0.
Colin JcCu. hip paying
pound for packed butler.
“I’m nearly dead with Piles ” Why
not get well? Bead ad of Vita Medicine
Co. No cure, no pay.
Radies, read a<l of Vita
No » lire, no pny.
of this place,
Must he cash.
S C Fuste».
\V. II. li Care Ims the largest Stork
of mniniinition in the county.
Vita Mi dicines make red blood, Rend
ad. No cure, no pny.
If you want watches or j°welery ns
cheap ns at Portland go to Relcher’s.
Educate Your Bowel* With Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic, curt* constipation forever
10c, 25e. If C. C- C. fail, druggists refund luouey.
f the hind together with
lei inn.
pi ice
Town pmpeitv in Tillam-»•')<, consi*t-
ing <»f hoiise, Barn mid U acre of land,
for sale sale cheap ¡|300 00 easy ternis.
Also 20 actes of lide Rand adj<dning
town 11000 00 easy tri ms.
Al. C. Tio w bridge
For Sale
A complete liouse-niovii'g outfit con­
sisting uf j.ukNciews, rollers, capstan,
blocks and rope
Will sell Jieiip if
taken nt once.
E. R< yin Ids.
Received by \V. II. IL Cary on las
ti ip of I Ian ison, a large lot of double
and single bitted axes, from the factory
east, that will be sold cheaper Ilian the
same axes were ever sold in Tillamook
before. Call and see for yourself.
1« C ure CoiiNlipatton Fvrvitr.
Take Casern e is Candy Cathartic. 10c erase.
If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund muiicy.
Croup Quicklj Curve!
For tinware of all descriptions go
the Racket Slo-e.
Remember those hand-loaded shells rd
Cari’s. They are guaranteed to give
remedy for Consumption. By its timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been already
permanently cured. So proof-positive am I
of its power that I consider it my duty to
send two bottles free to those of your readers
who have Consumption,Throat, Bronchial or
Lung Trouble, if they will write me their
express and postoffice address. Sincerely,
T A SLOCUM, M. C., 183 Pearl St., Hew Y«rk.
The Editorial and Business Management of
tlus Paper Guarantee this genoroua Proposition»
I bu ve un excelh nt Bridgi ford organ !
in iii. m I cliiwH c< n litio , lind I will sell ’
uliCiip . 'I’I k orgn h <•< •si $175, and lias 1
«•nly been used ub< i it tuo yea is
taken nt «»nee I will s ■II the organ for
Going to Portland
N*»w Haver. Conn
E\clnnge and looney ¡Securities
Collections Receive Careful and
Prompt Attention.
Call and see me.
w. E. PACE, Praprietor,
Tillamook, Oregon.
bxperi - k ^ s -
I?’ Í
VilnMvlii-ine" ti"-k'
■' l“T,e
The | ulilielieM of the 11H nil i<;ltr lime
snlisfied (hl nirelves III ¡1 the ;> ■ ople ■■ Read ml. N .i-uie, u pi.
I Tillamook coniitv <lo not want the brief1
Nerve«* made wl,"le I»«’ ita ÀI’d vii* a.
leluish of general news thal iippeais on
Read ad. No Hire, no pay.
-'pHient outni'le news ¡a per» and tl e
Livor amt Kidneys :i
1 I >' ' •«
returne of new« that nv have been able
Ri-a<! nd
N • cun, ■>» pay
to give in the Hg.ini.mnT 1« not what in Medicine
wiinteil. In order to meet the wont« o
\Voral wanted on Mil«<-i i| f un at the
Olli-subsciibere we have made arrange­ IlH im.toilT office. Bring it toi.
ments will! the two leading family news-
"Oh; How I rnif r-RI -mnati-m
nof the United Btat««, U* >'• «•
Y <-s
C h - J la­
Tribune «nd the Toledo Blade, whereby mid Neuralgia
it can. Read ad oí Y ila
we are enabled Io furnish eithei ”f ’Im. i
No cure, no pay
paper» with the UnADMOHT until Jan.
He <•»!> gi'C
Go to Cary’* for gl
1st at an additional <• 'St of only 25 cents.
At the same ti . e we have concluded to you any «ile y-“ want.
reduce the price of the H kadught until
rm lien « bo delire t„ pay up H eir mile
January 1st to one dollar p< r annum «cripti.>n in wo si must bring it l.ehne
Yuli can therefore get the III: ii>t iron .becoming of the ivi..... . rains. <>t..ir-
and the Blade or the N.
Y. Tn-
wise we cannot use it nt *H.
Imnc for only tl2-> This will give vou «11
Opium, DrunkennessorTobmco Halnl
the news of Hie entire w rid, end tlie
No curt, no pay. R< Jd "<•
l est local paper for lees than yon ha v. ■ tired
heretofore psi.I for I11R pi i> e of one. The Vita Medicine Co
llgiii>T.n.HT will hereafter be entirely
devote I to hs-al news, »nd we will I»** |
ri,I- login- it at greater length mid '
more of it than liereiofoie.
j gj r ? ¡"*3
' ZT'AU- .i_ ,.2‘ TRACE MIRKS,
Anyone seeSlrw a»*Heh s..S a«—rripnon r..sy
Sil Olrwwri Un7 fw. whettirr
embn'.ly patentsbln. Owmsnir»’»™ rtn- nr
em>l, lentlBL OldosS Mnr.r, tor^eeurliw pM<ml»
In Anertcs. Wr hav. a Ws.Mn.-i -n ■an • ■
Patents taken tlimuKh Mauu A w navivo
•ptKiiik] notice In the
Aw.n r.i /-’
' ‘ ■rf' '
Trot. W. U. P*ek% *
xnakM • »feci«.!/ t
Epilepsy« bn* vith -ut
doubt treated an A c-r-
rd more caa-** th*” •”/
i IMng Physician; hf«
I succeaa ts asf -nishttig.
We imv« heard ol c.'« *’
U *> year*’ St*. - '
cured >
him. H a
■ ■
h-mrt’.fnMy tlluBtrnted, Imwt
v«y »'kv.tfae i iirmd. week'y.t«wn*M'*’ • J***
month». Specimen cr.pte» »nd tlAMO
B uuk on P ath STM »ent free. AddreM
361 Bread war. New York*
T(»e Year is divided Into four term ol t h
•'<» each.
B usiness D epartment
or no pay.
of If,, i?'1
Most Alodern and pregressive
For catalogue or Information write to
for bargains in all kinds of Second
Hand goods.
I buy all kinds ol
goods of any value and pay cash
or exchange other goods for same.
I keep a full line of Stoves, Sewing
Machines, Lamps, Tinware, Crock­
ery, Carpets and everything in the
line of second hand goods, I also
repair Boots and Shoes and sewing
Machines and warrant a good job
];< aosd C);i:<s,-:
Vocal music, Hioiir D ollars
o W. E. Page’s
ond Hand Store
Second Hand Store
St Alplmisns
In iti uinciital music - hi H ip piano or th • • ■ i.
c 1 ¡imi rumenta, fur a term ui eleven week-
D ollar «.
H iving a system of
I iwi great discoveries <4
ientiets, demonstrating the fn.g thst
ry disease has an iHiSi.lote asid that if
•ir specWca ace used atvossMog io di­
ctions they neasty always cure.
Hieir remedies
have completely
stoSed to he.iisli so many thousands of
iffering humanity, tlkey absolutely
AB.tNTKB a cure hi all cases—surtí ns
llorphiue «nd Opium Ilidiits, Drunken­
ness and Tobacco I In Lñ I, fiver Diseases,
Jaundice, Salt Rlieiun, Yetlow Hlotclies,
I’imples, (iastnilgii, GesMc liability of
the Stomaoh, Dvupepsid, Chronic Con­
stipationKidney Diseases—such
Bright's Disease,
Congestivo f Bldod
Troubles. Dropsical SweHinge, Gsystnt-
ites, Dirtietis, Clwonic Rliemnatisui —
:>o matter how long stniuhiig, Ntmanlgia,
C.ont, Asthma, Bronchitis, LaGrippo,
Indigestion, Catarrh in Ml forms Hay-
Fever, Diseases depending oil Uio bra'n,
Vertigo, Debilitating Losaos, lippotot.cy,
Nervous Prostration, Pnralysia, J’nin in
the Hick, Weakness of tlie Limbs, In-
s minia, Lassitude, Piles in all forms,
Co|<ls ami Creitps, Blood O seases ol
every land and nature, inchidhig Seiof-
ula, Hip Disease, White Swelling, Fever
Sores. Curvature of Hie Spine, liieta’ts,
Skin Diseases, Clirouie Diarriuen, Head­
ache, Ac. All Female Complaints the
Female Regulating Tablets and Vaginal
Cones always do their wodc safely and
surely when i»od as daeeted. Simply
write the4 company in strict coiitl-
flence, discribing disease and they will
Bend you free directions as to what rem-
My to use, or if you eticlose *1 tli£.v will
send yon a month’s tmtitnient adapted
to your particular case, and limy will
guarantee a cure if their djrveümis are
followed, r
These remedies are nearly ill in tablet
form, easy to false and contain no alco-
liol to injure the system. Aditivas
I M -di.sne
Co., tiicoiiMi Wash ,
d all nA their 14re.1t success »Mid how
iy eae «*we you.
Tuition Fee for one pupil tor h t rm of cl- .
»vivkn - tn the I’rimmy llcpnitincut hr) ilbV-
L.v<s, in the I ntkiimeihatk , Turn POI.I.A • .
ItxMMAR G raok , F our D ullaks ; »¡'.Mok
3nAi)R, F ive D oi . laks .
'IM O of Chron icPiscases
’ ACAD’ MV H <!. '
> ir ilepnr'¿.oiits, viz. 1'iniiary, lutv.i.i.
. • i iMii.ir, tint! Senior.
•hoi-A.Wcndthefr K
work on
th!« dls-
he send))
bus? tx<-
-------- . "ereri
« /.cor. »-»-A^r em
¡S 3
local disease
»nd it the re,ult«!cold, »'■d
iudd«n rliaiatic than,...
IK an be cured byapl—aant
mrofly which l.«pptied di-
n- uy into the wa-r-X Be­
lte lukkiy a wuwl it givee
Ely's Cream Bahn
“ ¿.ÏBUOTH! i;-. M >Vv eofuerf-Kw
I ; the Basine» Department, Strang-«¡div p.
Notice to Fishermen
k'-cping, and Type writing i-u.Li l< <1, il tl
Il i« a muller oí common
knowlege The common branches T ihbty - fivk D oli ..
iml gem ini complaint tbal fishermen in for Uie whole course.
Pialli Sewing and Fancy Work free to
ibis c.Hitily me violating I lie full and pupil» on Su tin day aitornoon.
4111111» I hwm by fishing with lie!« on Bat­
I,atln, French and German included in tic
< ilor Grade. Private le-wonf in those Lilt
tirday evening after G o’clock and on
tage«FiVE D ollamn a term.
"iiml.iv. I’lie law wan iulemleil to pro»
. w -ucar attention paid to Physical Trail.It •»
oct lhe G h I i nml allow I Item an opp«>r-
an 1 Kllquctte.
unity to get lotlieii *puwning groumh,
ind it ia to the iiileresl of fini H-1 llirl)
•Mperially to respect it. If the prusunt
\’it Schoo! open to pupil» from 6 «o mit!l
{¡Mposition to viol tie tile law coni innt-w
I m I ih II be comp. Ile»l hm nil "Hi er of U hi H »commencing on Monday Oct. trtli Tuitvai
» per month.
7" "" ■11 1 ■ ■ ■
a * iaw in the exeiciH" oí my duty lo I;-kv
rfoard «nd Tuition ft) no a month. F.a< 1»
•ogniz »lion oí mu li violation uml Bring Ui in of n week* payable in advance.
be oftenderH b-jil lire
(i, <) Nfdnn
Dt 1». Dial. Atty.
a Caveats, anti Trade-Mark» obtained and all Pat 4
ient business conducted Gr M ooemate F ees . 5
J O ur O ffice tsOPFOtiTt U, S. P atent Omer*
Jand wecantc' uro patent ia less time than
Thia Ta Your Opport unity,
«remote from Washington.
On receipt of ten 'jents, ewih or stamps,
S Send model, drawing or photo., with
it- >n. We «¿vise, if patentable or n< t, if« o of5 a generous
Biiinplo will bo m'died of the
-- A — popular
. —. 1 Z < ‘ '..wrih nivl T Kay
/ a tr J < ver i ( ’t, uro
Jcharge. Our fee n't d e till patent is *e< tir- 'l. / moat
/ A PAMFHLET, “ H-W to Obtain Patent»," with* . Ely’»*7' < run Balm) snfiieient to demon­
»cost of same in the U. u. and foreign countries!
Fresh Fish <4 (*vc»y lisctlpl <»n in
Jscnt free. Address,
a Blrato the gieut xu'-rita of tlie remedy.
their sens.no A»e yon ion«l of
tG W, rr. u Kt., New York City.
J O rr . P atent O ffice . W ashington , D. C. *
IW. John R-.i l, Jr.. of Gr -d I’alb, Mont.,
reco.uT.. i’f: 1 : !y* • Cream L.'Jrn to me. I
ean erri'hf’.Hi-ze hici pifrt« ment, “ft is a posi­
tive enro f<>? catarrh if u-- -1 m directed.**—
Rr v. ITancteW. 1’oole. IWr UenUalFru«.
Church, Helena, Mont
Ely’s Cream Balm is the ndmowledg« <1
cure ft/r catarrh and rontnhis no mercury
nor any Injurious drug. Price, 50 cent«.
Marketon We.l M.tn M.-r- " ,
imiTF.D SY
Al4etm.ii Uol< 11! .il.lio»
LiUMTellB TililU.
L. A. CHIPMAN. Proprietor
Xrta! lkil-.rd 1868.
The only Tlagazlne on the
I \
Tpizh TOcH’ket
Clams, Ci’iibn,
Fresh, S nioked
And bait Fish?
i so
i < >
Pacific Coot.
I-x li’ero'y:.t'er re;m»n'.r, the beet
thought, of c ich wr.li s a» l.jalrnar
Hjortll Doyc' n. C.
V -ren Strxl-
dard, Erlith .'1" < : i -.r.,
ill Miller.
Its ilb. -r.-.’ ■ j T. >wi:i the treat atyle
therlorieaof the Pacific Coast.
Itita pictorial history of tbo Great
West. 11 covers the whole basin of the
Pacific, including C1 ina, Jnpr.n, and
You want it, so docs your
One Semple Cof*y. »«• SinEfl* Sumber», 35c.
Y«erfy S«b*vrlpt»on, Sj-oo.
A I! PoRtminkr, »r* «v(borf«rd to take
•u'. zeript ion«.
Overland Monthly Pub. Co.
C am rpANiisco. C al .
♦ ♦ ♦
C arefully G p .-. l -. l
H igh S chool D epart
T eacher ’ s C l' cs
Y ear divided into 2 te ‘”
P*r Tertn....
per Year
Per Month....
Per MviiUb
(pr .*>/