1 THE ÍEillaiiiovjlt ent>lipikt D. DeK. Bowman, Ed. ana Mjgr. Official Paper, Tillamook City and County KATKS or SUBSCRIPTION. (■rSICTLV 1NAUVANCK.) One year .......................................................... btx riunitila ................................. ............. Three months .............................................. .. »i no. ... .7,. Telephone No 6. Office cornerò! Mainland „ and Eliza F.Evans bis wife, Mrs. | WP < hurcli MaryHughes and Lewis Prager, Hyman M. Prager, and I William Prager, partners, defts. J By virtue of an execution, iudgeiuc nt order and decieeduly i*»ued out of and under the seal oj the above entitled court in* the above entitled j Tbe title page of Hie Oregonian of Sept. 23d contains a fine illus- t rat ion of the Portland of the fu­ ture, a smokeless miiniifactur- I cause, to me duly directed and dated the ;th day i ing riiy. The picture ought day of Sept , 1897, upon a decree rendered and j j entered in »aid court on the 27th day of August, to be mid doubtless will be realiz­ 1897. in favor of Richard Nixon as receiver of the ed, provided that Hie people of Ore­ I Portland Savings Bank, plaintiff, and against I W. S Runyon, Janies Steel, S. XV. Iler, S. V. gon stand by their beauful metrop­ Anderson, Edward Evansand Eliza F. Evans i Ids wife, Mis. W. P. ChiiYch, nee Mary Hughes. I olis as they should. There is no I I and Lewis Prager, Hyman M Prager and Win reason why Portland should not be Prager, partners, defendants, for the stun of one of the gl'ellt cities of Hie Pit-| fifty six thousand wven hundred rani sixty nine dollars and thirty-six cents, in U. S. Geld cific coast. She lias the situation, Coin, and the further sum of three thousand dollars, attorney s fees, and the further sum of j resources and surroundings to eighty dollars costs ami disbursements, with make her so ai d all she needs is interest on nil of said sums from the 25th day the loyal cooperation of the peo- of August. 1897, at the rate of eight per cent per annum, and the costs of and upon this writ, pie of the state. commanding me to make sale af the following Lumber-i Has now on hand. the lent and most complete stock of p 5 Groceries, _ , Provisions and ___ Loggers Supplies Clothing. Boots, Shoes, and Donerai Merchandise. — Ohio farmers who take the lime from their busy mid profitable du­ now in the Tillamook maket and sells them at prices that defy competition. JTo ties to listen to Mr. Bryan's 81,500 described real propepty, to wit: stale groceries, no shoddy, no cheap John articles for sale at our store. Our cus­ speech would like to Imve him ex­ Situated in the County of Tillamook and State plain how it is tlmt Ohio wool > Quite a little war Hcare was pro- of Oregon, to wit: tomers are always satisfied- The southea t quarterof section nineteen(i9> which sold at J 7c a year ago, now diiced by certain dispntchcH con- and the southwest quarter of section twenty<2o) ¡ill in Township one (1) north of range six west brings 26 cents, while silver has tabled in Hie daily uewspnpers hint of the Willamette Meridian. Also the north half of section twelve (12) and fallen 20 per cent meantime. week. It ¡ h poshible that before tbe the northeast quarter of section twenty two (22), and the south west quarter of section I lilial Hettleiiient of tbeC'ubiin ques­ twenty four, all in Township one (i) north Hobsonville, Oregon of range seven (7) west of the Willamete Merid­ The Argentine Republic, which tion war may rewult but not prol - ian. 1 PriB -ipnl Ctflce 240 Berry Street, San Francisco, Milla at Truckee Cal Also the northeast quarter and the north half 1 s lid us about eight million dollars’ able. Ours is a very patient nation of the south half of section twenty-two [22], Township two |«|, north of range nine [9J worth of wool and hides last year, and Hie present administrntion an west of the Willamette Meridian containing one thousand two hundred ami eighty(ia8o)aores is considering n proposition to shill extremely conservative one. Never­ Also lot, one (i) and the south west quarter of section two (2), and out the one million dollars' worth theless Spain Ims by Ibis lime be- the south half of the southeast quarter of 1 three (3), and the northeast quarter, and fiirtber section of lumber, kerosene, and farm im I collie convinced tlmt no the north half of the southeast quarter of sec ■ tion ten (io)aiid the southeast quarter of the plemenls which we sell her annual­ insult or injury will be tolerated, northwest quarter, and the northeast quaiter - of the southwest quarter and lotsone (1), two (2) ; ly, because of our lariir on wool ami, 111111 o 1 igb she continues to in three'3) and four (4) of section eighteen (18), | and the southwest quarter of the northeast- j mid hides. dnlge in an endless amount of brng quarter, and the west half of the southeast qiiar 1 EDITED BY and the southeast quarter of the south I V 'and bluster she will not be foolish ter west quarter, and the north half of the north- I Romsevelle Vililmaii. quarter and the nortji half of the north-’ “After a great hiiibh I i like that of ( enough to engage in a war Hint east west quarter, and the southeast quarter of the I Established 1868, northwest quarter, and lots two (2) and three (3) | 1893 or tlmt of 1873 there is noth can but add to her liumihition ami of section nineteen (I9). and the northwest 1 The only Magazine on the puarter of section twenty-one (21). and the 1 ing Io do but wait mid let the ruin. This country does not de­ south Pacific Coast. west quai ter of section (26), alt in town-; I two (2) south or range eight (8) west of the ' business of the world settle itself, sire war with Spain or any oilier ship It3 literary matter represents the best Willamette Meridian. Also the north half of the south half of section j thoughts of such writers as Hjalmar carefully keeping the ini'iin while country Imt she has nothing to fear twenty eight hS). in Township one [1] North of Iljorth Boyesen, Charles Warren Stod­ i range six '6] west of the Willamette Meridian, i the medicine men of finance with from any of them. Also the north half of section thirty two I32] , dard, Edith M. Thomas, Joaquin Miller. Its illustrations show in the best style and section thirty-three [331* anf* section 1 their features mxl rallies out of thirty-four [34j and section thiity five [8«| all in I the glories of the Pacific Coast. township one [1] north of range seven [7] west ’ the way of the sick man. When It is a pictorial history of the Great of the William t’e Meridian. “What n striking resemblance Also the north half of the northwest quarter West. It covers the whole basin of the public confidence is profoundly mid tiie southwest quarter of the northwest Pacific, including China, Japan, and and the northwest quarterofthe south­ shaken it must re-establish itself. there is between 1896 end 1897 quarter, Corea. You want it, so does your westquarter ol section twenty five, (25)Townsl ip one (i), north or range eight [8| west of the and the year of our Lord 1878 and family. ........ It. Ims been shaken by causes, and Willamette Meridian. One Semple Copy. IOC. Single Numbers, asc. Also the southwest quarter of the southeast those causes must be removed,”— 1879! In 1871 the air was resell quarter of section three [3 J, and the north [ Yearly Subscription, $3.00. west quarter of the northeast quarter, and the j Speaker Reed on the business ant with denunciations of the wick­ south AU Postmasters are authorized to take half of the northeast quarter, and the j subscriptions. ed men who would not issue all northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of I Situation. » section eight 18[. all in Township one [il. north i Overland Monthly Pub. Co. I he greenbacks which a suffering of range nine [9] west of the Willamette Merid- 1 •» S an F rancisco , C al . iaii. A Iso the east half of the southeast quarter ! Now (hat the soft coal strike people demanded, Jol.n Sherman and the northwest quaiter of the southeast 1 Ims been Hettloil without much was denounced on all hands, Sam­ quai ter, and the 1101 tbeast quarter of the south 1 west quarter of section oue|i]. To v ¡ship ♦ bloodshed, it is proper to call nt uel J. Tilden declared that only a one [11 North of range ten [mJ west of the i i. > Willamette Meridian, containing four HE* i? > tentiou of those who are scolding vast central reservoir of coin could thousand nine hundred and fourteen and *1 ^* $ niueti"iliree one-hundredths [4,914.93) acres. •A about the interference of I he court protect us against the failure of the Now, theiefore, by virtue of said execution, in iimtlers of this sort to the fact purposed return to specie payments judgement order, decree ami order of sale, and n&awMFWKaMa. F * 'Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat J in compliance vyitli the commands of said writ Caveats, ana iraue-Aiariis oDtaineaana an rac-s that the use of the injunction Ims in 1879. The fannirwas al his I will, on the 12th day of October. 1897, at the ¡ent busincssconducted for MODERATE FEES. 5 O ur O ffice is O pposite U. S. P atent O ffice J doubtless been very valuable in worst, ruined, destroyed, eaten up hour of ten o'clock A. M. at the front door of the • i and we can sc. tire patent ia less time tliaa those S County Court House, in the City of Tillamook, from Washington. t t g > preventing disturbances. It Ims by taxes mid umr.’, Down almost said County mul State, sell at public auction, i ¡remote Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-? to the very day of res.iinotioii the Ption. We advise, if patentable or n< t, free of5 subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for saved the illusion of a great deal Ccharge. Our fee not di e till patent is secured. 5 I'nited States gold coin, cash in hand, all the 5INGLE-5HÖTRIFLES 4- X- A PAMPHLET, “ How to Obtain Patents,” with* of blood by preventing the emigre croaking camo with dismal and right, title and interest whien the within nam­ $ »cost of same in’the U. S. and foreign countries? damnable iteration. When the Address, / ed d^-iemlant W. S. Runyon nad on the 23rd day Jscnt free. gatiou of those whose assemblage Pronounced by Experts tho Standard of the World. of February, 1K3, or has since acquired or now would Imve worked them into It 1st of Januaiy camo no crowds has iu ami to the above described real property, Ask your dealer for WINCHESTER make of Cun or ^O pp . P atent O ffice , VJ ashington . Ammunition and take no other. condition almost certain to rumili thronged the Sub-Treasury < COI i i- or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, FREE:—Our new Illustrated Catalogue. judg inent order, decree, interest, costs and all dors. Hardly a greenback in violence. accruing costs. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., New Haven, Ct I It Saves the Croupy Children presented and we got back to J. H. Jackson, Seaview, Vn.— We have a splendid SheriH ot Tll!amook“County, Oregon. currency of ilio world wiíbn President McKinley limy over Ily 11. II Alderman. Deputy. sale on Chamberlain's Ct ugh Remedy, niovrtn -nt or a jar. From Dated Tillamook, Oregon, Fej tember 7th 1^97 do the “democratie simplicity M iiii'l our eustoiners coming from far and moment prosperity begin near, speak of il in the highest terms stylo of living nt Washington. If, Speaker Reed in New York V many have said that lheir children ns recent events seem to indicate, Septem bei 12. would have died of croup if Chamber­ nil the rulers of the world me tnr- lain’s Cough Remedy had not been given. gets for tho bullets of assassins, n — Kellam Ac Ourren. The 25 and 50 cent Tillamook lOlinly enjoys the rep­ Lung Trouvas arti Concanipibn Can be sizes for sale by S. J. Sturgeon. body guard in ly not b i such n b id Cured. tiling after all. A ruler may !>■ utation abroad of being in many lü perfectly secure in tho esteem, con­ respects, a sportsman's paradise. I <’nll for Warrants. An Emlnennt New York Chemist and sdentisi fidence and a licet ion of all his sub This of course refers more to vari­ Makes a Free Offer to our Reauers Office of. Treasure; Tillamook County, H G rand C entral B illiard Ilian Tillamook, Ore. Aug. 10th, 1897. jocts or constituents bu t Hint does ety mid qumilily of gmno There being funds in my hands to pay the « T X Ywk chemist. \. H all . not prevent a madman from seek­ otherwise, but there is one other Th-dHtln ru following general fu i.ls warrants they are now B rr sl.Kti’H, «Ic’im i-1: his ilisaC »very o! a ing liislifeor unnerve the aim limi sense in which the term applies nble m»4. Series E. Nil's 406. 407, 266. knife. Telephone No. 9- feeling prevailing between the farm H-s Lss<4 f'esli. fl’ll <*!? c n-litiimx of was in. 4'6, 273. 417, 4>6. 427, 446. 447. 44s, 449, 45»), 445< 451. 45'2. 103, 141, 277, j. 351, 369. 395, 396. 37«, 440, wi! k I I’M REE Fit EE Ho I* TLES (al’ I he notice in miolhei column ol ' is mid eporlsmcn limn sc 424, 425. 371 X s nt ® , e e 1® e*KErv'®r w .y.-® nr jy « « !•»»• nt.li-• i’iv.it ticiil has ctircJ 411. 409. 429, 32 », 31O, 33«. 3*34.104, 153, 420. 3O9, 393, driving over bridges nt an unlaw- stale. Sportsmen in general seem ¡mn-.m *• pc: ¡HHiiciitly Ly i'.s timely use, a:n 390. 3'7- 37 ‘- 7. 3S9. 3*5. 2?6, 239. 317. 370, 397, 403, fill gait should be rend mid heeded •’» •egmil the rights of the ninclier »(•vti-. ; it a simple profe-sioiml duty t- 305, 352. 264, 278, 102, 438, 269. 290. 875, 377, 143, 394- 398. 29«, 400. 307.321.336. 383, 34S. t 5, a82. uffviii i Im .tt»iiy to donate a t; is! of his iii- 2frO. 261, 26268. 359, 33«, 39», 4 >4, 4«t, <8o. 4')4- by everybody. The hi* relating Io mid tin- rancher on the other Imnd .iDnhle c’nif. ¿••vvlope« rew wQndei'*, a-.id 4>s, 459» 4&*. 460, 475. 4S2. 46?, 469, 468, 826, 463, ill 'speed at which people should or respects the rights of the spoi ls- K icni e his gtciil cl mi piiieiitlv experi me.iling fur ’45. 453, 405. 461, 164, 472, 46#», 117, 263. 287, 357 inaii. To this rule of course there should not drive over public bridg­ «33. 3-3• 35». 430, 337, • Hr*. Ii.t* pnhhicvd result! ;»< hrne.'lvta! to h i Respectfully, es, is presumably founded on pro­ are n few exceptions. There are one t Hiilvns c tn bcclihue.l by miv mo :i get in Johu Barker, Dasse lion tl ai lung ttoiible* and cvfisiimps found scientific principles and in or two churls in the county who >n a • curable 1 1 anv climate is p-oven b County Treasurer. ol>eying them peop'c are merely nmke n kick ngnii st u limiter even heartfelt letter* of gratlt»»de.'' file ! in hi C m I ni r'i < Miinot be Cured me: hhii an l Eiitopvaii I th' ratorh » iu thou protecting their own lives and pro­ walking across their lands, let alone sdNih ( iinu IliiMc cii .U vi »*-1 parts ol the «llh I.IX-Af. Xri'I.ICATIONS. 1» they cxnnot perly. Aside from the risk run by shooting on them. Such persi ns world. reach the »eat of the . c . for their >1.*»» ’ j-rtje offer would be taken away, sud lisi of two hundred luveaiKMis wauied. J- B. SIBLEY, MaqagBi* of ^Oi1s and Mill, Monthly, rP í ila» ► jC.A.SNOW&CO.i — C. B. HADLEY, GAMBRINUS BEER Hiweon s JíeW and Select $toc\. patent F’dicinej and Drugging Notions A Line Line of Jewelry Wanted-An Idea .Tv, V ETuUliXU lu ________ I