1 *1 K TILLAMOOK weekly I 1 lllamookers Leave for the Gold Fields—Others Will Follw Soon any more [including-ourselves] have the lever very bad, but as we have no one stake us, we will stay and lit outtlmse who can't go with the very best line of, Clothing, Furnishing Goods. Men including, Heavy Wool Underwear, Over shirts, Sweaters, Rubber Boots, Gil Clothing, Heavy Shoes, Wool Socks and Wool Blankets. prices than you can buy Don't take oiir word lor it but come and see them any other place in the county. yourselves. In addition to this wo still keep in the lead furnishing all Hats, Shoes and Furnishing Goods. •/ DIHECTOI-iY NO1 ICE TO TAX PAYERS. sisteiH, (liHtthey u ill become kuliuM am! gmiile- I under the man igeinent of the ,<• only honor will be the biilliant iiifti in tlie in I lest eense ami meaning oi. whr»< success of ih ir pup:is. the word Tlieaii'angcmeiits for the re- »peiiing Joseph Si hell. Any 111 in oi this p'ace that Ims been oltlia rilliimook Academy have finally in I lie war, no matter what religion lie I been com pl t <1 ami bOtnelimi* during the pie-tent tin nth, the «cliuul will he believes in, is able to tell you nb nt I ¡e Notice is hereby given that on the first Mon­ day in October 1S97, the County Board of Equal- zi ition will attend at the otlice of the County Clerk oi Tillamook County, Oregon, in Tilla­ mook, Oregon, ami publicly examine the as­ sessment rolls, and correct all errors in valua­ tion, description, or qualities of lands, lots or oilier property, and all persons interested in Sislere, and no mutter how hostile lie is v|»ene tl; »i until Sept., we wilt not be ! to g»» to Portland or to some eastern city then allacting the main works of the »’ te to h ave b fore Sept. 20. You can make to become a gentleman or lady of high enemy al New York, ami soon to New- -'‘uramjouiiv incut for the opening oi schools | education and refinement. This is lofaljout Sep. 2- or Oct. first, but I shall write poit, ami finally beholds the capitulation 1 a privilege that every town in the 8 ■€‘*111 one week before we leave here. uf Boston il-e i. The first chapters open does not posess, and Tillamook as well frayirg that ' ¡od's blessing may rest upod the in the September C.»snivp l.;an. hb..> we are about to undertake for him, and as every other town where the Sisters l^t Me ¡iisier-' woik with you may ever further aie found, will appreciate it. The pu- W«dear gio, y I remain l’ortUnd Market. ents, especially, know that »heit children Most humbly in Christ. Mother Mary, C. I M. in tlie hamlsoi the Sisters are cine I for, Ellaino >k Academy Th!» Ta Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, carh or stamp», a gonerous sample will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure i Ely’s Cream Balm) sufficient to demon* stratu the great merits of the remedy. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren bl., New York City. LITERARY NOTES your Sisters in Tillamook- ^or n long tiilie Tillamook was in great that they watch over them ami As given by Allen & Lewis. protect them, that they are treated kindly ami liieill, turn ___ •!.. »•.. u-in,nnt. n irtiality to air , that •»Moi Sisters, and thia need whm niaiii- jiutly without pirtinlily to am ^teil for the la.-il 2 years bv a tepeated nothing wrong will l>e taught llieni, dwaand from the people of this cilv. that the will hear and a»e nothing ba l, WHEAT—Market, adv lin e nominal OATS—No. 1. ^7 are coming nt la-t, and Tillamook tlnil they are hilly watched mid protect­ nppreciate ed from any out aide influence again») POTATOES—In good d-inand at 35 to 40c tlieli education and learning j»er sack. understfliid and ll‘eir serv.ces as well as all 1 lie im| oi t— •M ciiieu of the U. S. where do, they arel,'i'»‘l at the head uf the greatest in- . n t'llioiiu of education and learning aeen And laatly W|l'.t«k, what are ills Slaters? _ tr«H»ey Lt? t0 regati„„ as ,,f generally ' ri, "K e Sistem, What brewing, 18 to JiJ BUTTER-Store, in roll« azS 27’ic per roll 4 ' 4oc per roll: c per dos HIDES—Pry,ia4*4 fjc: green t»c V» 7e- DRIED APPLES— Evaporated bleached. 6 %rj He; ex apo rated unbleached, 4*9 W- .................... defined, are ¡found, Hilda m. hi with learning and ho P’iARS— Sun and evaporated. 4««- e . most .......... of education ts a m .n who ha. man, lb**»i of h u 1 . even ,,o ’ |,| ’»e . DRIED PLUMS—Pitle««, 4^6«; prune», 5c ’fll.is . t,,e ....... “bold pleasurrs ‘»ensure^ but does not know how to me 'hemJi‘,’‘’rW*rt"'e>“*lm «g .inst them, »*••••». nor - r » Is .t »l.«y are good ff>xl for whit they are for. A 6‘-c. CHICKENS— ,3 40 at f4 00 ...1 T,“ev<>wsof I .. man ol high learning may be wrongly. . , man ot high ieuraing ma TURKEYS—Live. i2v for choice. '■’I*'lience'. a,,,! jir o i ’ * ‘"rl •' ednrate,», when be il-ee all lie kn is lo Charity , . , ’, wlim , , he n-es 1;. ; educate» ; DUCKS—Young Ji 25 << D 5*> “.lenta and h< "" ... .............................. ’Indie., orb.,,,,,,! ‘“•*”ly in taking tl*e cure ».f tlie i” ,., tl* e w .n«, i„ sick ,„1,1 g ire ‘ .............. ... e 1 dm pooi ft|u| -cl to make a apccialty of tlie «ale of i illnm .'.k Coiin’.y Dairy I.aiidH mid for tlnit purpose will a'hvxliae extensively in eaxleru p.ipera. If you have any lend, for tale now in tlie lime to bring it in - ik 'I the parents know that tlieir rliildien will our shore«, says the Com 1 nisi oner'a Virtue, which adorn the life ot a true •port of Wiohington. I). C. But many i gentleman or a true Indv. Learning in Ely’s Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and pontnins no mercury zior any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents. W. W. ( k 'I iia \ i . k C.,cuit Court convenes the 4tn Monday in August, and an adjourned term 1« ginein 1 ly held in tlie spring. County Couit meets the first Monday«of Jan­ uary, March, May, .July, September mid No­ vember. Committsioners court on the Wednes­ days following. PRECINCT: (J. W S appington Justice of the Peace 8, V. A nui . hhon otiHiable .............. CITY OFFICIALS. . ............................................... 0«o. ColtN Mayor Protect your Idem«; they nmy bring you wealth. N ees T hompson Write JOHN WEDDEKHURN ft CO.. Patent Attor­ ............................ ............ C ake K ni 1 ><> n ney«, Washington, I>. C.,for their tl.Mii» pr'ae off«/ .......... ...................... < 1! 11 \ 1 1 •. Council «n H ■ & N Epilepsy, baa without m doubt treated and cur- M W. Hanison. B I,. Eddy, and ■ >■ ■ cd more cases than any Edmunds.—Clerk, A. G. Reynolds. ■ H living Physician; his CHURCH Dlkl« TORY. ■ ■ k > success is astonishing. C hristian C ih ik h —Rev. S. G. Dallas We have heard of cases pA«tor. Service«on hnndays at it o cluck A M of ao years’ standin ^g cured and «17:301*. M. until further notice, Wanted-An Idea ■■ ■ ■ U1 C VUc:J: tie of his absolute cure, free to any sufferers whor'lay send their P. O. ai d Expre« . address. We advise anv one wishing acute toaddrcM UoI.W. H. PEEKE. F. D., ♦ Cedar St., Hew Yur* M. E CHvRCH:—Rev. R. M. Coiner, pastor. Preaching service at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. every Sunday. Sunday school at io A. M. Claws meeting at is M. Piayer meeting every Thur«day nt 7 P. M, S. I). A C hvmch Sabbath school every Sab- bath (Saturday) at 10:30 A. M followed l y preaching or Bible study. Prayermee* ing every Wednesday evening. Tract and miMlon- ary meeting Sunday« at i-> 30 A. M. 1J. (;. TABOR, Conference I.al»on r Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your l ife Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag nolle, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No To- Bae. the wonder worker, that makes weak men strong. AH druqgisu, &0c or SI. Cureguaran* teed Booklet ami sample free. Address Sterling Bemedy Co., Chicago or New Yoilt < nlarrli < Hiiiiot be Cured grey. 33 (A & choice. BARLEY—Feed W|H «non Church, Helena, Mont. at Sjc to S5C, Eastern Oregon Valley, white, 3 tu Rev. John Reid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Ely’- Cream Balin to mo. I can emphasize his statement, “It is a poni- tive cure for catarrh if used as directed.”— Rev. Francis XV. l’oole. Pastor Central Pres. COUNTY OFFICIALS: Judge Cotninisbioner . .. witfe LOCAL APPLICATION*, a« they cl n not leech the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it yov murt take internal remedies Hall's Catarrh Cure in taken riiternally, and acta directly on the Mood and hium - ous surlacv«. Hair« Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It wa« prescribed by one of the beat physician« In this country for year« and i*a regular prescription. It is com­ posed of tiie best tonics known, combined with the treat blood pi>rifi< ra, acting directly on the rnuM on* surfaros The perfect combination of the two ingredients is wdrat pioduces such won­ derful results in curing Catarrh. Rend for tes­ timonials, free F J. Cheney & Co.. Props , Toledo O Hold by all druggist«, price 75c. Hall s family pills are the best. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. A. O. V. W.—Meets every Mornlnv night nt 7 r m In I. O O P Hall .Myron Perkin« M W , I). T. Edmunds, Recorder. HOOK fit LABBER CO. -Meet« ft 1 st Wedttes* • lay night of each month in City Hull W F D Jone«. PirHldrnt: John E. Tuttle Chief, Toni Coates, Secretary. M orning S tar R krekah L ogge No <2. I. O. O. F—Meets on the first and third Wednesduy evening* lit each month .Mrs C M Newman, NG Missl. Poland, V.G ; Joe Petre, Her. O. A. It.—Meets first Watnrdav of each month at 1 P M in I. O. O. V Hall. C Drew, Adjutant. P. Brant, Commander 1.0 O. F.—Meets every Tnewfay night at 7: r M in I <» <» F Hall C P. K ihk I hoii N < Win. Olsen, Rec. Secretary; W. J May Per, Secretary. AI.DER CAMP —No jfq, Woodmen of the World, meets every Friday night in w of W hall R R. II avn , Consul, Otto Heins Clerk. A F St A. M M»-et- fir»>t Saturday uight < t each month hi Ma-onk: Hall, K. K Bay : W M F R Real«, Secretary. JOHN SON CHAPTER NO ¿4 Meets at 7 Jo P M on the 3rd Saturday of each month rt Masonic Hall J. W Maxwell, If p ■ W U Conder, Secretary. Mil VlK WAVE CHAPTER. No 13 O. E * Meets /nd and 4th Saturday* of ea. .1 month Mr«, G. W. Hit. W M I. Caatin Secretary BAY ( 1TY LODJK DIRECTORY NOTK H. UNITY R f .HF.CRAH I-ODGF. No. 41 f.O. o F — Meets 210! and 4tb Tuesdays. Mr«. ElDxlx-th IN flu-Ciact'lt C.»**ST OF THF tVATP OF 0«K GON VO« THE COCSTVOF TlEt.AMOOK. P)«, N G„ Mrs Prank Long, V G, J J Pye, Secretary In the mutter of the i r«t»lr oiTrunuii and' I B av C itv L r> r .No. . m A F Ik A M—Mee T. F Hani« 2nd ai.o 41H batiinlHV* in rach mon lb, Gui insolvents. J Nelaon W M C H IHcfca, S U Alfred Notice ia hereby given that the niid<*r«i