Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 02, 1897, Image 3

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wtnls «ro wild tn the willow«
ir .1 -way iu a»—-n
*nd toss on silkou pii
k’Mu tax u Mwfcw
*ok.«0» you
u„l it on fills cold in the city ;
tanho. 1» “ f .. |;iIUUy, warm 0« al a-ping
[B-re ra,n
I ‘T-' j ' Ewn elend» ’nko pity
P*; vournevn A-IW« and leave you.il-
L no UMbu'' ..•4-r-ki.uite.su to
I®», , '•
»’U13 “ vuy I**
!»» ■ ■ „ ,, .. iRi.i;-. :ia.t no ; Use to wail In
*i'b“V"w-nM-sT plui-e on earth, and Ikut
r'sl'ieustr fhwho, huiilio!
^Xorol- 'i'l 1 in New kork Tribune.
T|,e Riesen l-’bhH« abounds in deli-
■. h«rb« from which the must effica-
Lbalin ’huve been at all times made
L inhabitants ot tho village of
totnniliub I still use essences imide
■i, these simples, and this will upji -ar
toiarpriiHig wbm it I» known that
inhabitant» ¡ire in part descended
u the stmleiits of Prague of the fa-
’ K-i1((l of Paracelsus, who were
L.rlleil dui .ng the war of the Hussites,
, ■ ho. without doulit, were iu posses
S j of unusual botanical secrets, the
of which is nt the pre-seut
L, gkctid. But among the herbs
,t - ¡¡the Rieseiigebirge produces is one
,1 :f!l i!t;s bi come celebrated beyond nil
!>. jiltroture of fable. It is culled the
0« bakam and grows only in a
i' ueu garden, of which Rnbczahl has
L.atiJ for himself the exclusive tu-
jtvxcul. A marvelous power is attiaj-
;. I to tbit !;. rb. The most durable a : 1
ti V.C-; invi u rate ninhuiie. do not re-
I ah it h
evi u ,0 l;uurish tho
I r. ,1 M1i Euiizalil permits only a
I fu ¡¡1'ur.nmcr of bis fuverit;s to gather
II Once up. u a time a lady of distinc-
ticti who H.-aded at Licguilz tell dau-
. ; i-lriil 1-ariiig for her life, she
ent tor a peasant of tnu lrtouutaius,
aid promised him a large reward if
h would bring her a yellow balsam
from Bubezalil's garden. Seduced by
L uuiptaticii of gain, the peasant veu-
lortd to undertake the adventure. When
he ball reach id the wild and desert place
to which ilio garden is situated, he per-
ctived the wonderful plant aud, seizing
«spade, he prepared to dig it up, but
while be was trenching the earth a fn-
ims wind suddenly urose aud a voice
like thunder -, muded iu his ears words
which be did not comprehend. He rose
npqnite frightened and advanced to.
ward the place whence the uoise p»o-
P,Jed. Scarcely was he ¡«bio to resist
the wiud and keep liimself upright
Prsfutlyon the ridge of a rock he saw
[ the movement of a gigantic apparition.
It- pbau’.i iu had the human form; his
hi; beard Imug down to his breast; a
I large, hook, 1 nose gave him n deformed
mage; bis menacing eyes seemed to
I fcrt lightnings, and bis locks aud his
cb;k floated in the vt iud of the tempest.
I In cue of bis hands was an euormoua
I eiub, full of knots.
I “What 111 you about there?” cried
this sup. maturai being to tlin peasant
I The peasant, conquering like a brave
■su the i lami which nt first seized
bini, answered: ”1 seek the yellow bid­
oni A sick woman has promised to
I pay me we’.l for it. ”
“That which you hold you may take
I «ray,” replied the giant, “but take
gred care not to come a second tims. ”
At these words he brandished his club
with a terrible picture and disappeared.
, The peasant pensively descended the
B,n:t:iiu, aud the lady thought herself
ha; y when she saw herself in posses­
si of the remedy which was to shorten
hir sufleriiigs Her illness, iu fact, di-
Einished at the sight Nevcrtiieless, she
did not obtain a complete cure. She
again seat for the peasant.
"Have you again tire courage,” said
ike to him, "to go and seek for me the
. yellow balsam?”
'"Madam,” answered the peasant,
the lord of the lubuutain appeared to
it' the first time in u terrible shape and
fori .'!» me with threats to set my feet
Via in this garden. I have too much
feiroloffju ling him.”
However, the darne conquered his
f,:,: by the premise of a still larger sum
than the fir-1, i.-.xl for the second time
b1 determined to penetrate into Kabe-
eabl's dotnaiu, but scarcely liad he be­
fan to dig up the yellow balsam when
•frightful stoini cguin nrose, and the
Isure appeared to him more menacing
1 than he had seen it oil his first
jewrney. The phantom’s locks were
ni'redisordt rui; his cloak floated iu.tlie
•itiu largir folds; lightnings flushed
hi'in his eyes. Hs cried, with a voice
'"yi1 made the mountain tremble,
"hat are you about there?”
The abysses repeated, “What are you
•bout there?"
1 »cek the yellow balsam,” answered
“•c peasant. "A sick woman has prom-
M to puy me well for it.”
Abe giant could 110 longer contain his
•“s-r. "Madman, did I not caution
Joo. aud you dare return? Now yon pos-
•”’11. rave ycurself if yon can.”
At the same instant flame« appeared
’"I ou the criminal and to burn bis
th^ Tk’ powerful club flew round in
air and dashed 11 rock near him into
'ornes. The ground trembled under his
• A frightful clap of tbunrhr assist-
lo stun bun, aud h‘e fell down seMe-
He di<; not come to himself until
^-’ afterward. The graat had diaap-
bajtd, and tl»e thunder grwwled’ less
, l ! ^’ bnt he still thought he beard
bsouniiing voice of the spirit, and
‘’ limbs were ns if th< y had been
_ " <en. However, lie grasped the bal-
J" m his haud. At last, soaked with
“.»nrTr, imied with thick fogs, shoved
en” l ÍÍ ' i'K>re I"? malevolent genii, he
••ed hr -a rock to rock all the night
, ah tlie following day witbont
vingwh-re be was. At length a
Virhu *",ilb8 fouud him half dead
■ ’Migue, canted him into hta cabin
rf h'* U ,<Mlk " 11,8 D'pose and got rid
, -i« fright, after which he basteuid
•ton to Liegmta The lady waa de-
W1 : H KI.'í
llbJted to see him again with the so
much desired plant and gave him so
large a sum of mouey that he forgot the
dangers he had run aud went joyful’,
ome. ts vernl weeks el.qisi-d. Theda-ue
«PPared ihiiMt cured. Neverthel.«
•in4 viT.n not e© entirely
“If I had a third ba!«am," «aid she
l am well convinced H!3t j
out of dai.-gr r.”
She the.1 nt fcr the peasant, who at !
first was unwilling to oeme. InMigated
> ar A.
however, by some evil spirit, he at
Rugtli yielded to the entreaties of the
. HeTlLl!n’' n,,lda»i" saM be on en i
\\ hat do yon want with mi ? II
, hope that you do not require me to go a I
third time for the balsam. Heaven k- ep
me from doing so. I had a great deal of !
difficulty to get back safe and sound i
from my lust journey. I tremble yet
when I think of it”
Tho lady then conjured him iu the I
most pressing manner again to brave i
tile dangers which hitherto had cans' i I
him but a pa sing terror. She promised !
him great riches and ofi< red him a m
uificeut farm. In short, she so coin-
pietely dazzled tho rnib peasant that lie
swore, although it should cost him his I
life, to go for the last time to pull u
balsam iu the enchanted garden.
“If I com« back from it," thought he
to himself, "I shall be rich, and I mav
pass the rest of uiy days in joy and
abundance. ”
He re-entered his house making these
reflections. Nevertheless, ho did 1. t
agaiu dare to undertake the perilous
Keeps on hitnd a eomplele stock of Furniture, Mailing, Wall Paper
voyage ulcue.
Window Shinies. Floor oil cloth.
“My dear boy,” ho said to tho eld« 11
of his children, "I must go to the chapel ‘
All kinds of Cabinet work, Turning, Scroll sawing etc. etc. done on
which is at the summit of the mountain
short notice.
You will accompany me.”
Screen doo,-s and Windows made to order.
They set off together. The more they
' auvauccd the more the defiles became
narrow aud tlie mountains barren
When they arrived on the banks cf a
lake which spread calmly and darkly
between two precipitous locks, the fa’
tiler f. 11 into u profound reverie. Then
was something in his unquiet looks so
strange that his sou involuntarily trem­
‘‘What is tho matter with you, fa­
ther?” he asked.
The father remained silent. They con­
tinued to climb the sides of flic moun­
tain, aud when they were near the gar­
den the father said:
‘‘Evil spirits have misled me from
my earliest youth, and therefore I have
always aspired to tho possession of great
riches. I have never had tho fear of
God. I have never had pity for men I
have led s. wil'd and irregular life, not GO TO
giving myself the troublo to set good
examples, which is the duty of it father.
I am now called hy satau, for I must
Lung Troubles and Consumption Can be
rob the lord of the mountain cf the
yellow ba.lsaui and the lord of the moun­
tain will destroy me.”
An Emjnennt New York Chemist and scientist
The sou began to weep. “Fathir,”
Makes a Free Offer to our Readers
he exclaimed, ‘‘renounce your project. when you want
Return to tho bouse. God is merciful.”
Wild, however, with despair, the A Nice Rig and
The distinguished New York chemist, A. T.
father imd already seized the spade and
Slocum, demonstrating his discovery of a re-
liable mid absolute cure for Consumption (pul­
set to work. In an instant nil the ele­
monary 'l uberciilosis) and all bronchial, throat
that you can drive with com­
ments appeared to be confounded to-
lung and chest dis uses, stubborn coughs, lung
getlicr, the winds were unchained, the
fort and enjoyment.
and ciiest affections, general decline and weak­
clouds burst, the breoks were chan;;' '1
Our patrons will find every,
ness, loss of fledi, and all conditions of wasting
into imp, tuous torrents, groans ii- tn I
thing in first class shape and
away, will send THREE FREE HOTTI.ES (all
from all the plants in the garden. The
different) of his discoveries to any afflicted
our prices reasomiide.
mountain opened and from its crest de­
readei of the H eadlight writing for them.
scended, iu the midst of tho hnrricaue,
BROS. His “New Scientific Treatment'' has cured
a giant of prodigious size, holding iu
thousands permanently by its timely use, and
he considers it a simple professional duty to
his hand an immense club. He took tlie
suffering humanity to donate a trial of his in-
peasant aud hurled him iu the air. .‘.u
fallable cure.
enormous reck fcvil down and revered
Science daily develop«* new wonders, and
him with its ruins. The son heard the
this great chemist, patiently experimenting for
moans of bis father, which gradually
years, has produced results as beneficial to hu­
became weaker. For a long time lie re­
manity as can be claimed by any modern genius.
mained astounded iu the- place. At l..-t,
Hisasse tion that lung troubles and consumpt­
the sky clearing up, lie rose ami, thor
ion arc curable in an v climate is proven by
“heartfelt letters of gratitude " filed in his
oughly frightened, sought the chapel in
American and European laboratories in thou­
order to recommend himself to God.
Fresh Fish oi every disci iption in
sands ftom those cured iu all parts of the
At the moment at which the peasant
(heir season. Are you fond of
became no more, the lady cf Lieguitz,
Medical experts concede that bronchial, chest
who had appeared to be almost entirely
Clams, Crabs,
ami lung troubles lead to consumption, which,
recovered, suddenly died.—New York
means speedy ami certain
Fresh; Smoked
And Salt Fish?
Simply write to T. A. Slocum M. D ; 9« Pine
Th« Crocodile's Strong Jaw.
street, New York, giving post office and express
Sir Samuel Baker, iu his “Wild IF so go t o
address, and rhe free medicine will be promptly
Beasts,” says that the power of the jaws
se.it Sufferers should take instant advantage
of tlie crocodile is terrific. Once lie h id
of his generous proposition.
Please tell the Doctor that you saw his offer
the metal of a large bock, the thickness
in the Headlight.
Market oil West Vlni" Sf«et, Oppo.lt«
of ordinary telegraph w ire, completely
Alderman Hotel Building.
bent tegetber, the barbed point being
pressed tightly against the ska»k ¡.ml
L A. CHIPMAN.’ Proprietor
rendered useless. This compressicu was
caused by the snap of the jaws wl cn
seizing a live duck, which he had used TILLAMOOK
as a bait, th« hook being fastened be­
neath one wing. Ou one occasion he
found a fish weighing 70 pound« bitten
clean through as if oividi-l by a knite
This, again, was the work cf a em'P
from the jaw s of a crocodile. M. Paul
Bert once made experiments on the
2iertrtc§imkv, yvup.
atreugth of a cjocodile's jaws by uh an» Slmviug. Hrtir Culli.'»""«’ «11 Tonwrlal Work
of a dynamometer. He fouud that a
Done in the latest Style of the Art.
crocodile weighing 120 pounds exerted
a force of 308 pounds in closing ins 1 w
The lion has an enormous jaw power
Razors Honed
15 cH.
On one occasion an African trateltr
on Short Notice
25 Ct»
pushed the butt end of his gun into a
lion’s mouth, and the pressor of the
jaws cracked it as though it bad been
struck by a steam hammer.
> ontaina M ore iwroaTAHT and E s ^ extiai . F ka -
1 liis space ùelon^rs to
Dr. AV
-------------- .—
Expert Cooks Claim that
\A/c are selling more af this kind than all
□thar braqdB Cumbinad.
will be convinced.
Foard & Stokes;.
wa - ma
Astoria, Oregon.
Keep an eye on it for
liis announeEinEnts
HPurniture Store and
(Satinet Shop
Wilson River and
E mmet Q uick , D river -
M c N amer , P rop .
S uihìujf , Tuesdnj b ii . k I Thursdays
Leaves Forest Grove, 6 A. M.
Leaves Tillamook,
6 A.M., Mondays, Wednesdays & Fiidays.
I ••••••
Tn the Dim« Mnwum.
Borneo Chief-Say filler», the bald-
bowled bearded lady lay» over n. .11.
,bar‘.S Snake Charmer-Freak
Finest Fishing in Oregon Along the Wilson Rivet and its Tributaries, Giant
fill Scenery, University Falls and Good Accomodations.
Best Lcation on the Beach.
Plenty of good, spring water at hand, sheltered
from the wind, good bathing, good boating; everything
mede pleasant for visitors. Also general store where
you can get your supplies and provisions, feed etc,
—. m Harvard Thl* %e®r.
ri'KEs required of a first cla*s Writing Machine
than can be found in anv other O hk Standard
f’pewiiter. Our price U within the reach of
fl parties reqnirfiiK a high grade machine.
Write us for full parln ulsrs.
fcusttóe Wilisii.
no-2u WEST LAKE ST ,
Established 1868.
The only Magazine on the
Pacific Coast.
TH literary matter represents the belt
thought» oi such writers as Hjalmar
ttZJth Bovesen, Charles Warren btol-
clard, BdiS M Thomas, Joaqmn Mfiler.
Itsillustrationssliowinthe best sty
inp graduated fl°™ ‘‘“^"up't’be st^'y
of theology Are
h market for
that there 1« « k* "U " Haver-
minister»? It would »«m •«■
hill Gazette.
G. W. PHELPS, Netarts, Ore
J. P. ALLEN. Prop'r.
Noted for Its Fine Cuisine Department.
Best Meals In the City.
A lways
has on hand
A lso a
complete line of
Canned, Fruits, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco
and Stationery.
Best Z xz E qsl I s in. tlxe Citsr
LunchEH from 10 Gents up.
Don’t Spend a Dollar
until you have tried
'/AeMunfion Typewriter Co.
You can buy them in the paper 5-ccnt cartons
Ten Tabnles for Five Cents.
IU. un la pul w «haui-lr P. «ruMfr Uw uul.wual
lor • low prlew
If you don’t find this sort of
Ripans Tabules
At the Druggist’s
XUrT01t W« u.ortal.-Ph.lade.phm
ml 4 P. M. Train at Forest drove.
...... •
Hally Dutle«.
The best part tit one's life 1» the p«r
formance of one's dally duties. Al
bighei motive«, ideas, lonc-ption. a nd
sentiments in a man'» life are o‘
value if they do not strengthen him tor
^better discharge of the duties which
devolve upon him in the ordinary affairs
of life.—New York Ledger.
'Fish TOarksf
Tillamook Stage
T- C.
Try it and you
il’ *° <’°e’ yO,,r
Send Five Cent, to T hz Rtr»x. C hsmical C omvanv , N o . io
Spruce St., New York, and they will be Mnt to you by mail; or
11 carton, w ill be mailed for 48 cent«. The chancaa are ten to
one that Rirnn. Tabule. are the very medicine you need.
Overland Monthly Pub. Co-
• am F hahcwco . C au
K ipaiM Tabule* bave comi ? to »taj.