Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 02, 1897, Image 2

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thi-re in a marked tendency upward they wished to make ail example
downward, but the present in of him for for tliB benefit of others.
D. DcK. Bo* man, Ed. and Mgr.
dicatioiiB are for a further advance. At any rate their judgement was
Thia nieanu higher pricee for flour utterly unjust.
DIficial sper, Tillamook City and County
for tlie people but it alno iiteane a
gain for the fafmere, and whenever
Beware of Setting Forest Fires.
good time* come to thiu i -I iihh they
The time of year I ihh now come
One year
........................................................ 31.bO. quickly diAnse themaelveu through
Six inoiiUifi
l *>.
\vh‘*n foiewt fires are most to be,
Three months........................
»*’ out the entire community.
Often dreaded, and too much care can
advancee in farm product* are ab­
not be taken to prevent them. This!
sorbed by lhe speculators, and the
county lias too frequently seen llio
producer* are not benefited. Till*
1 inch, per month .... fo 78
per year|« 75
awful results oi carelessness in |
1 ”
».as •• ...” ” 2o.oo .e-aMoii, though, lhe advance line
... ”
” 3300
this direction. Many millions ol
” 60.0c coinc so early that the producers
. ”
” 100.00
feet of the best timber in America
11.00 ..
___ r per
_. _____
i, cal nojc»M. toclH
line , and seta after will profit largely by it.
have been sacrificed to the care-I
the fir*» I inc lion. Only
' fida per line fui • first
This is a significant coinmentary
tM the........
thereafter for reiculHr adve-
in«! ftion and 3 eta
lessness of some hunter, camper or :
rti»ei m .
Lost, Hound, For Kent. For Stile, Wanted, and on Brylin’s predictions in the farm
il oiighlless rancher. It may he
Spt < ial noticeH, lit cliHisilied “ad" coltimna, at
ing regions hist summer that -f
Un- aanie rate.
well for some of these careless per-,
I.e^a! noticeM, Nonpareil, focts. per line for McKinley
flr*t iii-ertioii and 5ctH per line for each NiibHe
sons to re.ul the law on the subject
quent Insertion.
would drop to 25c, Possibly these
of setting forest fires. Here^t is:
\II notice* or communication* khoiild
predictions won some votes for
L. .«ent in nN early in the week as possible.
“Be it enacted by the Senate and I
Bryan; lor he had
considerable House of Repiesentativas of the United
Ci Unni 00 It
Is Always
Tlie Clxea.pest’
lhe * 1 ruckee
Lumber •'■Company
Has now on hand the best and most complete stock of
;• Groceries, Provisions and
h. Loggers Supplies Clothing,
<;*Boots, Shoes, and General
1 Merchandise,
now iu the Tillamook niaket ami sells them at prices that defy competition. No
no chi ap John articles for sale at our store.
Oar cus­
always satisfied.
strength among the farmers. It States of America in Congress assembled, I
would be interesting to lind out That any person who shall wilully oi
what his dupes among the wheat maliciousl v set on fire, or cause to be set
on fire any timber, underbrush, or grass ,
-rowers think of him now. 1‘roh
upon the public domain, or shall care­
Telephone No 6.
ably Bryan himself did not believe lessly or neglegently leave or stilL r tire |
Olhce cornerò! Main und 2d street*
1 Ids predictions would come true. to burn unattended near any timber oi |
Despite his superficial seiublaiice other infhimimible material, shall be j
The County Knocked Out.
of siiiartiiess he is remarkably ig­ deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and j
upon conviction thereof in any district :
The ("are of 1*. C, Warren vs. norant on questions of economics j
court of lhe United States having juris- j
Tillamook County, which came up anil polities; but he scarcely was , diction
li.-t Lv.i xxf » I... .................. 1.11 I
• •
of the Hume, shall lie «» lined
in n •
on i writ of review in the Circuit stupid enough to suppoi-e that Mc­ Milni not mole than live thousand dollars !
lt Saves the Croupy Children
Court, tliie term was one of con- Kinley’s election would
reduce or be imprisoned for h term of lint more
Seaview, Vu.—We have a Hplendiil
siih'iable interest to the people ol lhe wheot price to 25c, or lo re­ than two years, or both.
I b;-le on Chiiinlit-rliiiii’» Cough Remedy,
S ec . 2. that any person who shall build and our cu-itmm-re coming ( ioiii far and
tl ■ county. Mi-. Warren o-.vns n duce it nt all. His assertions in
u camp lire, or any other lire, mi or lie ir
large tract of hind on Nt-kaini-j farming regions that it would cut any f .rest, timber, oi oilier inflammable near, »peak of it in Hie liiglieet leims
many have said that 1 heir children
Mountain, through which it cer­ price of farm products were mere­ material upon public domain, shall, be­
aould have died of croup if Chamber­
tain road was located which it Wils ly part of the false pretences, tlie fore breaking camp or leaving said fire, lain's C’oiiixli Remedy bad not been given.
intended should eventually reach nbu.se and inisrepre entation of op­ totally extinguish the nine. Any person — Kellam & Oiirren. The 25 and 50 cent
failing sluill be deemed gu lly of a mis- , sizes (or sale by 8. J. Sturgeon.
the ('¡at op Comity line and there ponents and the general and par­
deme nor, upon conviction I herof ill any
connect with a road leading from ticular lying which constituted tliej district court of tlie United Suites having
“My boy came home from school one
that county southward. The road I’opocraiie plan of campaign in ’96 jurisdiction of the same, shall he fined in : -lay with his hand badly lacerated and
bleeding, and suffering great pain,” says
zigzaggeil in an apparently aimless
Several forces contribute to pro­ a sum no not more than one tliou-a id
I Mr. E. J. Schall, with Mover Bros. >
f. liion
through Mr. Warren’s duce the wheat advance. The Old
' Drug Co., Hl. L'inie, Mo. “I dressed tlie
mor than one year, oi Imtli.
lauds and necessitated his building World’s crop is short, the stock
S ec 3. That in nil cases arising under I wound,and applied Chamberlains I'ain
about 8 miles of fence to properly left over from previous years
is lliis act the fines collected »ball be paid j Balm freely. All pain ceased, and in a
en< Ii e his place. To this lie .mall and the improvement in the into the public-school finn.l of the comity . 1 lemarkaldy short time it healed without
naturally demurred and sought a general trade puts an
increased in which tlie the land where the offence J leaving a scar. For woiunls, sprains,
I swellings and rheumatism I know of no
<onipromise with the commission­ aiiiount of money in circulation, was committed are situate
medicine equal toil I consider it a
Approve I, February 24, 1897.
ers, ottering another and what lie ntiqmenls Hie paiehasing power of
I household necessity.” The 25 and 50 ct,
thought a fur more feasible route. lhe people, mid adds lo the de­
I sizes fol- sale by S. J Sturgeon.
“The first six months of the McKinley
The Court however did not look at mand for wheat and nil other ar­
adminslratioii is in marked contrast | Ow ing to over-crowding and bail ventil­
the hi liter in Ills light and refused ticle
T he last-mimed influence with the coi responding period of the j ation, the air of the schoolroom is often
' .' ",'' < lo e and impure, and teachers and
all oilers of oompromiso. The will lemain.
Possibly next year Cleveland adminslratioii. ....
I lien bank«
pupils frequently sulTei hoin lung and
mailer came before the Circuit theoiilsiib
world's wheat yield; were tumbling, Ini-iiie.^s I, ,
inoat troubles. To ah such we would |
Com I al this term and was decided may he large, and in llinl case tin- pn’ting up their shutters, mauillactories
s y, try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy I
against the county, oil the ground foreign market for American wheat
going into llm hands of receivers, men For coughs, colds, weak lungs and broil- I
of insiifl'icieut notice Inning been will decline, but the domestic de­ »eie i.lle everywhere, and strike’« nini ''‘i"1
"'her remedy eau rom- |
given of tlie location of the propos- mand will continue at a high riots were the order of the dav. N’..w pure with it. Says A. C. Freed, Snpt. I
■ d road, tlie notices not having figure, and this will prevent wheat I he r dh o ids cannot imnisli ears enough of schools, Prairie Depot, Ohio: “llav- !
ing «erne knowledge of lhe eflicacy of
level lo move the crops, the prices are good,
been posted in public places. Peo­ from dropping to the low
and tlie birmera hunting for more help, i Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, 1 have
ple, generally are inclined to look at w hich it rested during lhe great
1 mills and faclotiesnre reopening, banks ■ no hesitation in recommending it to ill*
poll the entire road as a mistake, er part of t lie time since the panic hue
complaining only of a plethora of who sillier i«om coughs, lung troubes,
on account of its location, Inti the in the summer
1893. The i lendv money, ami general activity and ‘ etc.” For i ale l»y S. .1 . Sturgeon.
Tlio HEADLIGHT Hus Double the bo tin
fide Subscription list of any other News«
aper hl Tillamook County
p lilion for the road came in pro­ ■ armer as well as other workers cheeituhiesH are resinning.”,
perly signed and the report of I lo­ perhaps to n greater extent than I
60 VSAftS’
ot I ho viewers being favorable, the other workers, has suflered from
The French say “it is the impossible
law really left (he court but little the industrial stagnation of the' hat happens.” This has proved to be
di cretion in the lualler. Judge past 4 ye..is, but to him anil them the case with the Mount l.ebain)ii Shak­
(' aider iii.d Commissioner Harvey prosperity lias come.—St. Louis ers. Thewhole scienlinc world has been
ubiringto cure dyspepsia, but every
have all along quietly opposed the Globe Democrat.
effort seemed to meet with defeat. The
expenditure of money on tlie road
siitTriing from stomach t.ronbleH Inis be*
in.til the matter of title was set 11< d
An Unjust Judgment-
Anvnne pending a sketch a..d description may
quickly ascertain, free, whether an invention is
no desire for food and th it which they do
but Coin.nissio icr Wheeler urged
prolirthly patentable. Communications strictly
Ill another column will h • found eat causes them pain and distress. Sleep­
confidential. Oldest agency for securing patents
on, ami as the road was in bis di
in Ameiica. We have a Washington office.
dispatch r< luting to captain less nights are the rule ami not the ex­
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
special notice in tlio
trie! mil the C.inimissioners lia-1
I’hntnas, f.iriiii’i ly of lhe MleHinei- ception, and thousands of sufferers have
in ide a tacit agreement not to in
beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of
ITui-ki-i-, inul his punishment on become discouraged.
Journal, week'y. terms$3.01 u year;
t.'i'.eie with each other's districts.
'Flie Shakers of Mount Lelmnon re- , H ■tv >< scientific
:x in aths. Specimen copies and H and
ii'coiinl of tin- In-s of toe steamer
B ook on P atents sent free. Addiess
cenlly came to the front with their Di­
Mi. Wlieilei was given his own
'ili-xii-o, Evi-.' body here will b» gestive Cordial, which contains not only
361 Broadway. New York.
way in tlie matter. Personally
sorry lo i-eiul the dispnti-h and the a food already digested, Imt is a digester
we know nothing of the loeiilion ol
In d infm titl'd ini-ii geiu-rnlly ex- of footi. It promptly telieves nearly all
the road but it is the gen -ral opin
Ask your drug­
pi e
tin* In-lii-f I li.lt the sentence of (orina of indigestion
I n the (’ irwit ( ovrt of the S tate of O re ­
gist for one of their books.
ion Hull had Hie road been locnted
gon fur ihr C ocnty of T h . i . amouk .
the Board of Local Inspi-ctors for
Laxol, the new Castor Oil, is being us­ .. E. Reyn«»Ids
on tlie other side of Neknrm-y ii
I’ugi-t Sound District was unjust. ed in hospitals. Il is sw« et as honey.
would have I.... ii muoll i-iisier oil
Il is quite true that the ship was i
William Qui« k
const i m l ion 'and iniicli < lieilpei
licfendant J
i diin^eri-us wali-fs, where care-
Mi-Iuln h ft To-tnseud will |>-iy the
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an
As it is, the comity court will I ful navijalion is necessary, but liiglu-st market price in cast. io. d.ii.y
execution issued out of the above entitled
b ■ coni iii -Iled to m i ke u new survey . I
captain riiomas bad pul his ship luiller delivered at their factory at Tilla­ court on a judgement rendered on the and day
o 'January IS96. iu an action before W B. Smith
appoint new viewirs and do tin 1 into the liniids of one of lhe most mook.
a Jmticcof the Peace in and for the Precinct of
preliminary work of locating th, skillful pilots on the const and
' Fairview in the county of Tillamook. State of*
Oregon, which said judgement was docketed in
load nil o\> i again. T his will pill witli tin- surrender of his ship into
be Clerk's vfltee of saixl Circuit Court, on th?
tlie comity t-> considerable exp ns.
17.h dav o.’ June
in favor of the above
lhe pilots hands lie virtually sur-
l».it it is I lie only way ol saving ri odvreil his authority. Wlmt
named Pla itifi*. and against the above name«]
defendant for the «uni of Twenty Seven dollari
th» slill huger expense of losing posibli- ditTi rence it could have
' [^17.00) and the further sum of
1 16 oo costs
with luterest at the rate of 10 per cent per nn-
a'l lhe work alri-ady done. Tin in ide lor the captain to b» on deck
num from the * day of June iS9j...............
and to me
< -unity
court Inis not y.-t Inul
directed and delive-ed. as sheriff oi Tillamook
lo, « not appear, as the pilot had
’ M M
F at
time to express itself in tlie mallei the lompi ’i-nii-iit of tlie ship, and
I oun»v. Orc-on. conn, a nd ing me to satisfy
■»aid Judgement interest and coat out of the per
*’h«»ehW,t’ '■ w“11 òi*'*
but we mult island that it is pro
-onal property of said defendant, and for want
-.ipl.iiii Thomas could not have
thereof then out of the real property of said dc-
b.Ide that the cominiHsiom-rs will given order* contrary to those of
f-n iant, and by virtue of said execution 1 have
favor a compromise with Mr. Wai
' 'I ►
\ u-il n I
1 — .1 H3
<1.epilot even had lie desired. T he
ren ami tlie eonlimianee of the
tv '.I»w t
< ’4 it tit’i
:•-! t .
i.ici lli.'.t Goodall Perkins X Co.
which William <pvx' < ams in and to a tr-i t
lo id on (lie general plan nrgimilh
I -Ii .rnpli I nt once to have cap­
outline 1.
The net ion of t lie court
- I • I. <
tain Thoma-1 take charge of another
th 77 degn*e ?** following the Center of
is awaited w itli interest.
hip is evident that they held him
10 » m 4»c< 6A to the iiiltbdpt. hereof: th
S 77
degrees E m S ft in t’ereitte. of said CTUlty
blainek -s. If. -aptaiu
I road ’ • intersect the «a d line of I.o* »
D«i| ir Wheat.
V •
si BLEY, Manger of ¡Shore and Mill,
Hobsonville, Oregon
Principal Office 249 Berry Street, San Francisco, Mills at Truckee
^ù.ie 3TCVL tlxixst^r^
.A.xe 3TOVL tired.'?
■\X7“ill “3TCXX taire eorrxetlxirxg*?
Ciarlç E. [ladleij’s flew ¡Saloon
Is tlie pla.ee to gret it
Clarlz l~eeps tl'xe loest.
CoxTie arxä.see fox^re-uLX
Reduced Fares!
Astoria and
Will make
Steamer W. H. Harrison,
or R. P. Elmore,
trip eve./ five days, the weather permitting, between Astoria and Tillamoo C ty
Varying freight mid passeuge**a.
ELMORE, SANBORN & Co., Astoria, or COHN & CO., Tillamook, Agts
G rand C entral
H all .
Fine Llquot s and Cigat*9 _
TI'lamook, Oregon
1 * '» ■ ■ »
Telephone No. 9.
W W '■
flew and ¡Select 0tcc\.
p ¡tent tydicines and Druggist’s Notions.
r «> th
■ X on E lice oi «aid T.ot It • S bank . f
rn d nt nil lie did »o in li«ti n'ng to
t>»n *‘<mgl th W !y ; l »••.« the s Fault
For venr* past th* cxpeelalit»
of said
lo the peliiiou of a lot i-f g'ddy
«’«.ugh to :i: ike a west? ng of a jo n th s
tli.it “dollam wheat" niight cmue md irr---poii'-ilile you ng Cliristinn
jplueufbr . Sec 3» To vni ip one «oath Kann
xx M
aw » its rcrxx
N nc Wr«t In Till «mo.-k C noty
it ;.iin some time in the Inline ><« T.iidea vorei s who 11.ought more of
To Tire E iutor I—I hive an abMute thercfo.e by virtue of said exe____
„ ill
,,, „ , I
I «
med to be an ii id« scent di mm, yet their own pb-iisiin* than tlu-v did remedy f>T Comuinyb- ii. Fy its timely use al public auction, tn t* e high« Tattoo
-4 and beM bi
th -usinds of hopeless CBM3 hive been already
tim« veiy tiling Ims appealed.
ofllie livi sot their fellow pa
y cured So ,
f poeMWe am I I n»iK»k Cky. in Til's monk «’ untk. Oregon <- t
\\ h< al Ims pas*» <1 t! v I (MR- inai k ers mid mi took the io >re danger- 4 ns power thit I consider it my duty to ! the AMh day of September i*q_* at lo o'clock it»
ttnj tv.> bstUi frtt to those of your restera
in New Yoik. St. Ixiuie. Minin.ip- ■tischannel. It looks very niueli who have Consuinptkwi,Throat. Gronchia! <* the forenoon <>f mi id «lav the above described
reel property t«i euti«fy said mdgvment. o«t<
oli-« limi oilier point*. There wil
is though th» inspector« bud pun­ Lung Trouble if they wiil write me thlr a td ccruiuii coats.
ex -rese and postoffice atidress. Sirx-errtv.
Civen nuder my hand this iMh day ci August
I* rnpi.l IliictiiHlioiiH in prie», of ished captain Tlionms simply t» T A noevw. M. C m I» rr*rl St . Ww Y-rt.
r.’ The
an<! F»
v urto. M there alwnys is when show their brief milliorily < r
1.M» « -A«.r Y.IUM4QI*» U m » gtoerviM i'n ixwalx ».
J II Jack 0.» sheriff d Tdl vx»'. Co Dre
By H II A1.L:
I u d>
A Fine Line of Jewery.
ItitlMiry, Books.
^«serlpthüs CiriWly Csmponntfed