JLLAM ook ------ T— H EADLIGHT. THURSDAY, JUNB 17, 1807 A PLOVER ON GUARD. 0E$ OF gjlEfldE 1 ltD plover, still circling over • i ■ it I lc I ov « r, your houeo of love! rX li.-.rm it and none »»kria it , y..u ire ki*epi«ff your wutoh above. t'l’g Tndlai ml S orsbi », u ,, j.8 (till An Bm|„.Bnt^Yor|lChMniBti|nd -he doth lovo you and wr 11 epurove you, r little love l'iril g » gray and sweet. k „ml (»1« n »wopt <’• a h id ove you, she would trust you the twain to moot. M 4ke, a Fr„ Oder to our Reader» Everybody Saya So. de feyj r, hshitunl . onstlpation » •'I,1’ ,U”’,-ne«s. Pl.ase buy and trv p. ..' ,‘iMlV;l<’.9S,»»e«Bta. Ifo g. aiaiiiovd tu cure by all druggists. ' ow 1.1 mo puss, uir, a hi.rn.hfeH lara, sir, '■* .¡1 11 ; lie- i'rGJX c« y°ur ‘ I’«-1 <»•* bfue. ; . . yolr family Luth health and wealth, Anu to be ui faithful and kind as yon. t n ,t a shadow steals o'er th® meadow Thu he * il swoop n< 1 to urlvo nway ; 1 «n’in eiovir and wind (he rover means iU to his love in gray. Tbs shower« so .-.uatiy and sweet as honey . powi »* t ' trouble his anxious breast. x one purcaaoe for love or money ‘ wMtcbiul Lnuart uud that pleasant nMitt -^Katherine Tynan Hinkaon. POETS OF SOUTH AMERICA. Thwr Creation, Have Been Marvelous as Vol«, of SpacUta Life. Swecof toe most beautiful and syiu- ^lelic ii;U-rpret4.tlo«S of lift» ill verse ,t linvo been luatio during recent years \ Iii j-irom tna i ei.s of ti.o Latin A„1Wl«iin poets, «id yet tlieee wrlton» aia ilitile i' “1 outside i f their own coun- t iiicli ttof those who liare written lnspieol p einsln the present generation (ja-, u-11 ,V.- and melodious language of (alderon i.nd Cervantes is long, and it hi’ itcdiM tl.o»o whose i « mou *1 history has 1-. iLU-kalilo mid picturesque ns the wofk that they Live produced. In South linwica Ihu lotniis that havo found fin or iwTt' lien v i ck of life; the experience Ina teen the m H of the orchid and the rea- Kit for it. In tl.o land of picture and Ikxiin, of Chile it was nty i rliilcgo 11 meet Ani’ r I), n do la IJi’.rra. tlm friend , > ihlimti-.dii i:nd the Chilean jnlnls- t.cto England, tlieauthorof i.evernl liisiks ,ia Greek forms < f verse and on rhythmic eipre>sion, ono of the most courtly and »¿I .rly nan in literature. Iio wrote the giTl.ll < I1..’ W ’ > opened tho Chilean expo- silica, ono - j—••nsef art i.nd science that in recent trie, have 1. e.: a ’.equate to roiilly.grent .«hslons. I i this'ode ns, hears tile Mil ic irt!.i3 ii’au. i of machinery uud llnds his I Ain in the .1 v,’ triumphant f ro;;ri>.. mid »er.tha sod of tl.o living mid inspiring ago [ net tn Buenos Ayres Senor Carlos Gtido y Simin, tae Ixuigfellmv of A,rgcn- i::a, i.. . 1-vi lyand beautiful cluirac- tcr, vim»» i ' "Kideation of his work with l.i, Ilf- is i s marked. 11» won the heart of tho Argentines by his sympothg with 11* pubfto suffering during tim yoJlow fever epiiNtiio ia nil. Ho Is an old man now; lio has tsimc out cf life in public servhe wltiiclri.a hands mid, like many who have lived f" rothirs, has not uocuinuluted a fur- t ...’4> for hinis. If. But ho lies gained that v hlch is nsiro than material wealth. The peopleof the [ urpljrepublic are very proud of their vein .-able poet, of his philanthro­ py ar d integrity as well its ills verse’, »nd they'are about to presout to 1dm a home ai d a tribute out of their ample purrs» that ho who Ims loved thorn may pass ids mv A old ag • amid tho evidences of their grateful affix tion.—Review of lieviews. Patagonia and Chi-chi. is fho iMimo givpn by goriiii natives ton Aide wort < f ckiGrwmon ti er brew in the autumn, when tho wild apples are ripe. Their method of making it iyitnple in tiio extreme. Pitfl uro dug in the wirth and carofuUy lined v* ith’the hides of hprsc-t to prevenlHniy of tho jufoe soaking into the earth. Than the apple« are gathered and thrown into the pita. They decay end ferment, and their juice provides the material for tho grand annual drinking bout of the Putagonmn mon. TEe women liave learned By experience wbat the ywuilt« of this bout too ffeqwont- lvare. fo when It commences they go round cXreklly collecting knives arid oyer dur.- gwo«9 weapo*igjiom the men. W i H j the« and with their children Jhry thrTi steal away and hide ki the woods until their lordk ami masters shall h:V. « drunk thein- *kes itaad mid alept ttteiriE&lves sober Hhin. It is a flsnrwbat sad reflection that ttfias« applet urw tlio wniy logniy left by a ------- * jCXr^tHe Iew dovotejl JtiuitF, who, sca>n»a- Thv, (.|U differ.nt) of hl» disouveries to any uRIleted I rcutivt of the writing for tl:< tern. I Hi* “Ntw Scientific Treatment’ lias cured ’ I m pcrmni.tHlIy by it« timely u»e, ami j b- a simple profosioual duty l<> »11 fming humanity to donate a dial of his iu- I tallalGe cure. | heienct dally developed uew wonder», and tbits great c’aeiiiut, patiently experimenting for ; years, ha i produced leuults us beneiisial to bu­ rn I .ime.lbyany nio-km y ei.ius. Irtsas.’.e Hun that lung trouble and cunMimpl- w»Ji a t m any climate is proven by , •heartiutt letters of gratitude,” hied in his I ¿nieikmi and Einopcan laboratories in thou­ sands ft oiu those cured in all parts of the j world. I Medical experts concede that bronchial, chest i aud lung troubles lead to consumption, which, : uni. t.Trupted, means speedy ami ccitaiu death. | Simply write to T. A. Slocum. M. 1) ; gS Pine s-.rcet, .Nv w lotk, giving post office and express addiesand the fixe medicine will be promntly seat. Auffeiers should take instant advantage of his g .-neiuus proposition. Ple-isv tell the Doctor that you saw his in the Headlight. XDITBD BY E5nwil!i ■yosiund H1H heade of .three horses ot thaw horre-a wa3 ^¡jj jo have iwther •fl>‘ head for.lte size. It waaa t n very t ‘r*. nii»’iiorso,( head, o'xclnaive of C J“' ID*»a"r«l-23 in length. W Iwuls of the two other hors<m t;18_ .¡J*” nWht," .he .aid indignantly, « mu« le a dreadfully geiflah, dis ***>*• «feature." ', »—A,j mal*s T'xi think so?” asks her "n ft that was simply» T t — in «Ue.' ’ in i?'1'*1' "WD.l’a* w»a not »nialL your new oue, frlim’ Dob^dy mt behind a *•*<» to «ue it”— London Th The only Magazine on the Pacific Coast. Its literary matter represent, the best In S o °‘ “'■lcl1 writ«r» a» Hjalmar I ljorth Boyesen, Charles Warren Stod- boon ON l’ATr.NTs scut tree. Address MUNN 4 CO., 361 Broadway, New York. Contains M ore I mportant and E sshntiat . F ea - tures required of a first class Writing Machine than can Le found in anv other O ne Standard Typewriter. Our price is within the reach of ' ll parties requiring a high grade machine. Wine us for full particulars. The Alitns‘o/1 Typewriter Co. MANUFACTURERS CHICAGO, ILL. You Get the Profits Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbers and Middlemen by buying di­ rect from the manufacturer. s E If so you will be interested in . ay hat we say in this advertisement, If not you will be still more interested. Please bear this in mind that the H eadlight contains IVIore Local News à* ■ ; by one half than any other newspaper pub­ lished in this county. It also contains More County News than any other paper,having correspondents in every community in the county H eadlight is the V the M unson T ypewrit 340-2« WEST LAKE ST., County Official Paper and the only papcrcontainingall the official notices and reports of ful 1 proceedings of the Con nty Court. It is also The City Official Paper of Tillamook City, and the only paper that publishesall the City ordinances and notices. It may save you many times the cost ofthe paper in one year to take the official paper The H eadlight is also the No better wheel made than the Acme ¡Bicycle Do no* he deceived by cHnrlni advertIwroHitu and think you c&a ia?t toe best imuie, finest finist and KIObT FePULAB tEWINC MACHINS for a mere Bnn~. B ut from roltablo jranafactnrera that hnve pained a re nutation by honest mid tqraro dcalinif. There iRnonoin the world flat <»n i fix I In raeenanlcal e iwtraetlon, durability cf voikir.f; parti'.fiRfWM'oP finish, beirwty In appearance, or baa os many improvements aj tiio MFW HOWE. Built in our own factory by skilled workmen, using the best material and the most improved machinery. IVa ha-o no agents Sold direct from factory to the 1 ider, fully warranted. Shipped anywhere for examination. . WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. Tho Kcw Homa Sewing Machine 0». GUA-rTGW.MMS. BOSTOM, J!ASH. 29 UMIOM SQUAW.. EY. L31CAGO. III. S t , L outs , M o . D allas , T ex ^ j . L a « F£UK(T«co, C al . ¿nor a , G a . FCR SALE BY N. TH MPSON. Tillamook, WRITE FOR Our iiiteresting Oiler Agent. Acme Cycle Co., Elkhart, Ind. being now in its tenth year. It has done more for this County than all other papers combined. The size of the paper has just been creased one half and the Headlight stands easily at the head of all papers in this county. It already has J MORE READERS than all other papers in the county combined. You want the Headlight And we want you to have it, and there no reason why you shouldn't. Read Our Special Offer Sample and mi A Great Magazine Offer 3 3 Ynma, "I for for 1 The retular .si.w:ip’io" pdee •>< A yearfor »2.(K>, er 6 me. f-r 91 "Dsmorest's Magazine' • Judge s Library.’ and “Fun^y Pictures ’ <» • k ’ v eiiUr •spe "•>! I” JtidwesLIb arv nt!-1 replete wlh *“ ‘ The H eadlight ¡ show in nearly all the homes of this County. In order to make it unanimous we have determined to offer the H eadlight for the next thirty ‘lay’ up to duly 10th to all new subscribers ami to all old subscribers who pay up, for one year in advance, for •r 7 . ’ 'r *7 * • • i - ■ w, a - » 11 For BRARV. (a a magazine niagadu’’ ol of f'»nj fna.) • - .'.Vi - : />, "i- . • - ■ there i< lenuh in ev« ry ’ire oi It .......... i............ to Hold On. ’TtlnJ°U 1 lnto “ *'«*** pkwaai d »v- * rin r,, ’kT’ •’’«nins» you, till it «'«‘liu an *'■» n, B"1 "n ■ minute longer, “P ,!h’n’ ,or Hute» ju»t the >tarCq,tinie "uu the tide'll turn.—Httr- "**"!• Stowe. t i à I Writing in Sight 60 VEARG* EXPERIÛNCS. • T i WM mb . MatablMied 1S68, conquest of South America, flst out irvo con- ’tit the Pate ................. goinan no agt ’s TI JI v jc Jesuits took with them varions im^lemantsttf hus- Isndfy and lsndfy ami European grata« gratae and sacci« suxls for «utivatloa. but they were all soon nMtrder- °C and ofily tho apple trees fl/;: cri shed, IWlnn evwfrtel and .3 produced —---- > .» excellent . fruit.* e . . * • In P^pfigntcd f .u_ . mero congenial to t>:em tlian'to •HMionaries. —Chain buy Journal. t “A» Loag m a Floor Barrel." It I" probable thjrt at first thought mo !*’»’:>« would l,e inclined to de.ibt the ac- of th- old »tying that a horec’1 ~~ j» M i'uig :u a Hour barrel. Flour ftrh wy ».inewhot in length. Some * » titer and .hrtrter, Home ^loader »•»little higher. An avrragc flour bar- m it »bout 5* iiM lwe In baijurt. vie.1"11" tn W*ln,n the old sajhng w««kfa- TOWnwia up hli wiLd the.other da? to !» hlmwW jaii i,ow 1MMtr niglrt it woe, i Overland Monthly, > y-»-»« n-’ie 75 Cts This oiler will only last until Julv 10th so y hi had better subscribe right now. (Lbc Beablictbf’ i