Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 17, 1897, Image 2

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Attorney General McKenna is
The occurrence of Wednesday
wiih deplor-, going to try his Imml at enforcing
D. DaK. BowmiH, Ed. and Mgr.
able in every respect. It is not Io the Sherman anti-trust law, which
-s--------------------------------------------- i the credit of any city to have such the Cleveland administration de­
Official Paper, Tillamook City and County U things occur in tt. But there is clared could not be enforced. He
probubly only one way to avoid has directed that suit be enter­
nit Court
them, and that in not to give oc- ed in the
One year
*1 bO. I’asi iii for
re Slock
tin in. TiVamook is against Hie
Six montila
........... 75*
Tin eu mouilla
Ni ! not di-respectfill to ministers
of Exchange,
City, Ibr
— ----
When you want to be able to select from the best
selected stock of general merchandise in Tillamook
Count just come to the store of (lie
1 I lie Go1 pel. Rev. Mr. Corner, of violation of the anti trust law by
; the M. F, Church, Rev. Mr. Dallas boycotting commisniou merchants
1 inch, per month
per y cm
3 ”
a.25 ... . ”
” 2o.oe of t lie < In i«l ian f 'lliirch, and ol her i who sold «lock to those who did
kcol. ”
” 3300
” fio.oo
»• J oq . oq ' ministers reside here, mid have not belong to Hie exchange. —Ex.
Local nolle*«, ioc H per line; an<l sets, nfter I lie respect of everybody.
the fir*»t iiiNertioii. (Inly Get» per line for finit
At Hobsonville, Oregon.
tiiiertioii and 3 cts thereafter for regular adve-
The publishers of the HEADLIGHT
rlisei ».
We have just received a splendid new stock of
Lost, Found, For Kent, For Sale, Wanted, and
feel highly grat¡tied over the many
tip« ciul notices, ill classified "ad" columns, nt turbed by thoughtless youngsters,
the same rate.
expressions of appreciation heard
Provisions, Loggers Supplies,
Legal notices, Nonpareil, locts. per line for but they treat “the boys” kindly
fit st insertion and ôcts per line for each siibse
Boots. Shoes, etc., the
and with consideraiion, mid get
qiient Insertion.
/BP*** \II notice>* or coniiniiiiicatioiis hliotild
very best,which we Sell at the
j along with them swimmingly.
be .*ent in as early in the week as possible.
at the lowest living rates.
Not a boy in Tillamook lias ever many times whether the six page
I offered them either inmiltor indig- size will be maintained. We re­
Our Syrups are Unrivalled, our Teas are the Finest
) The HEMJLIGHT has Double the bona
fide Subscription list of any other News­ I nity.
If that Monday night meet­ ply decidedly in the affirmative.
All Our Stock is First Class.
paper in Tillamook County.
ing "fur women only” had not
J j7 SIBLEY Mana9er °f Store and Mill, Hobsonville, Ors.
Telephone No 8.
been held, mid if the hoys had not be made larger instead of smaller,
Office coruerol Main and 2d streets
Piincipal Ollice, »49, Berry St., S. E. Mills at Truc Le». C
I been told Hull they were a lot **f but we believe the present size to
j ‘‘young hoodlums,’’ whom it was
The Republican Senators who i the special mission of the preacher publishing. The future will, of
fiametl the tariff biII have denoun­ | lo “learn how to belui ve ill church’’ cm rse, depend largely upon the
ced aa false the published charges there would have been no trouble. support which the paper receives
that the Sugar Trust controlled ! The public in general does not ex­ in its new form.
the formation of the schedules of cuse either the boys or the preach­
The publishers of the H eadlight
the tariff hill relating to its |uo- er for the purls which both took in will undertake to keep fully
Information Wanted
duct, mid have challenged a public the matter.
Information ¡8 wanted concerning the When you leant the very best bread you
abreast of Hie county with their
w hereabouts of a man named William J. will always be sure to find it at the new
investigation of the statement.
paper and even ahead of it, but if Stretch. He came to Tillamook from
The right of every individual l<> the people want a first class paper South Bend Washington about three
Business report« from nil part« have and lie governed by bis own
I years ago. lie is about 60 years of nge,
they must of course support it.
and is a limber cruiser by trade. I’er-,
of the country continue to be en. opinions in all matters of religious
We do not believe that there is , sons sending information to this office Tl’fepn you want a meal cooked to order and just
COUliiging. Dun’« Review of
suited to your taste you, can get it at the new
belief is SO well recognized by and another county in the state, of the , will be rewarded for their trouble.
of guaranteed in our constitution
week «Low« that the quantity
population of Tillamook Scanty,
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
the that 110 room should be left for
business handled through
that basso large an all home print with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they ennnot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood Our place will also be headquarters for Confectionery
country is nearly a«great 11« in the cavil or dispute; but it seem« that
county paper in it as is the H ead ­ or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it
Candies, Nuts, etc. A share of the public patron
year« of greatest prosperity,
yov must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh
such is not the case.
age is respectfully solicited.
light . We invile the co-openr Cure is taken rnternally, and acts directly on
May business exceeding (lull of
Every day men are held up to the tion of every one in the cosinty to ' the blood and muscoussurfaces. Hall's Catarrh
1 Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed
April, which was within 10 per execration of the faithful because
make the paper still larger and by one of the best physicians in this country for
cent of the largest 011
they find it impossible to twist better. The only way to do this years, and is a regular prescription. It is com­
posed of the best tonics known, combined with
While the margin« of profit are their mind« into mi endorsement
best blood purifiers, acting directly on the
is to roll in your subscriptions, and | ■ the
muscous surfaces. The perfect combination of
«mallei' than
heretofore, the of the creed« of others, and an
I the two ingredients is what produces such won­ For the Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars go to the
those of your neighbors.
derful results in curing Catarrh. Send for tes­
auvmut of bii«ine«H handled is advocacy of their opinions.
timonials, free.
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Props., Toledo 0
larger mid with gratifying pro«-
It is impossible for any man to
Sold by all druggists, price 75c.
After the 25th of July next, the tax
pucta for the future.
Hall's Family pills are the best.
thoroughly control his opinions. roll be delinqent Slid costs added, All
C. II. SMITH, Proprietor.
Prenatal influences, early educa­ parties knowing themselves indebted
‘‘There’s no use in talking,” says W.
The Southern wing of the pro­ tion, e.i vironment, observation and
II. Broadwell, druggist, 1.« Cvgne, Kas.,
Our Building is New, Neat and Pleasant and our Liquor the
ì. H. Jackson, Sheriff. ‘‘Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di-
tection party in the Semite receiv­ study, all tend to milking what a
arlioea Remedy does the work
Very Best in the City.
taking medicines of my own preparation
ed another acquisition to it« rank« iiiiiii believes mid what lie does not
OH! OH!! OH!!!
others, I took a dose of Chamberlain's
Kapp's Basran Draught.
this week in the transfer of Hon. believe mid as all these circum­ A printer doesn't rush to the doctor and it lieljied me; a second dose cured
when he is out of “sorts.” Jtor to the me. Candidly and conscientiously, I
J, C. McLaurin from the House to stances differ with different indi­
baker when he is out of “pi.” Nor Io can receomend it as the best thing on
market.” The 25 and 50 cent sizes
the Senate, to succeed the late vidual«, ho there inuHt of necessity Iiell when want« the ’‘devil.” Nor to the
or sale by S. J. Stuigei.ii,
Senator Earle, of South Carolina. lie a variety of lieliefs. The man
Nor lothe gmishop when he wants a
1'aaturage Notice.
Mr. McLaurin’s speeches in the who rails at his neighbor because “shooting stick.” Nor to n cabinet shop
j All persons desiriug to find good
House during the consideration of he differs from him in opinion
pHStui age for horses ami cutie, will do I
hank when lie wants “quoins” Nor to well lo see me slsmt it. Price are as
the Dingley bill were strongly in simply show« his own narrowness,
a girl when lie wants a "press.” Nor to follows
Fur yearling 15c per month,
favor of protection mid against ignorance and egotism. Bread 1 n lawyer when lie lias a "dirty case.” 2 year old 20c, 3 vear old 25c. Horses
*1.00 per month The pasture is on the
the Democratic theory office raw minded men, —gentlemen, rarely Nor to a butcher when lie wants “plist." | premises of 0. E. Thayer, mi l is on tide
Fine Liquors and Cigars
Nor to a pump when he’s dry—and lias I laud. I will not lie responsible for any
materiel. There were already five fall out with each other over differ­ ten cents in Ins pocket —Ex
lost stock. I'urpes desiring to pasture
Tillamook, Qrsgon.
' stock on the above premices must make
Southern protectionists ill the Se­ ence« of opinion 011 religion mid
arrangenients with me Irefore putting on
Telephone No. 9.
WANTED-ANIDEA of some simple their stock.
other matters.
nate and thirty in (he House,
Home Bakery
in. Ccnnecticn
C. M. EDIE, Proprietor
Durant's energetic attorneys
have enhanced their reputation as
law twisters, mid brought shame
upon American civilization. There
is no other enlightened country
under heaven where human lite is
so undervalued. There is no na>
tion so stained with blood of the
innocent«—110 nation where jus-
live is ho tardy in her movement«
—no nation which offers the
facilities for Hie escape of the nmr
defer —as our professedly Christian
“The future is mt dark with
forebodings. It is illuminated
with rational hope. The revival
of industry is near, and with the
establishment of a revenue law
sufficient to bring into the Treasury
nn amount adequate to meet the
reasonable needs of our govern-
meat, and with the estabiishnient
of our fi nances on a sound eiidur-
iug Imais, nothing now f«*reseeii
etui delay the recovery of pant
losse« nnd the inauguration of «
new forward movement along the
lines of material advancement Mid
social progress, which we may
humbly trust is in the benevolent
mind of God to bestow upon the I
American people.—From Secretary I
Gage's Cincinnati speech, May 28.
liipana Tabules have come to stay.
thing to patent f Protect your Ideas ; they may
bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDKR-
Ilt'rtN A CO., I’stent Attorneys, Waahlrigtun,
I>. O., for their >l.stw prise offer.
for those who find it.
What is the missing word in the following
Schillings Best tea is not only pure but it
is.............. because -it is fresh-roasted.
Get a juckage of Sehillmft Mr if tea at your grocers; take out the 17/Zcfl»
Tktot, send it with your guess to Schilling't But Tia, San Francisco, by
August jist
One guess allowed for every yellow ticket. If your guess reaches us before
July ist, you are entitled to two guesses for each ticket.
If only one person finds the word he gets $1000.
$tooo will be divided equally among thdtn.
If several find it, the
Every one sending a yellow ticket will get a set of cardboard creeping
babies at the end of the contest.
Those sending three or more in one en­
C. A. Bailey.
Mr. Isaac Horner, proprietor ot the
Burton House, Burton, W. V., and one
of tlie most widely known men in ...»
state was cured of rheumatism after
three years of suffering. He Bays: “I
have not sufficient cnniiiHiiid uf hingmige
to convey an idea of what I suffered, mv
Iihysicisns told me that nothing could
>e done foi me and my friends were fully
convinced that nothing hut death would
relieve me of mv suffering.
18IM, Mr Evens, then salesman for the
Wheeling I>rug Co., reccomended Cham­
ber Iain's Pain Italm. At this time my
foot and limb were swollen to more titan
double their normal size and it seemed
to me my leg would burst, but soon after
I began using the Pain Balm the swel­
ling Is-gan to decrease, (lie pain to leave
and now I consider that I am entirely
cured. For sale by 8. J. Sturgeon.
A II. Patter, with E, C. Atkin« A Co.
bidiumipoli«, Ind., writes: “I have nev­
er before given a testimonial in mv life.
But I will say that for tluee years we
have never lieeu without Chamberlain's
Colie, Cholera amt Diarrhira Remedy
in the house, and my wife would as soon
think of being without flour as a lottie
of thia Remedy in the summer season.
We have used it with all tluee of our
children, and it has never failed to cure
—not simply stop pain, but cure abso­
lutely. It is all right, and any one who
tries it will liml it so.” For sale by
8. J. Sturgeon.
velope will r^teiv« * charming 1898 calendar, no advertisement on it
-^ llzezkt
J. P ALLEN. Prop'r.
Noted for Its Fine Cuisine Department.
Beat Meals in the City.
flew and ¡Select ^toclç.
patent NJedicine^ and Druggist’s Notions-
Tn addition to the $1000 offered we will pay $100 each to the two persons
who send in the largest number of SiAilNaft Best yellow tickets before June
15 th.
Cut this out.
two weeks.
gan Francisco
You won’t see it again for
si Schilling ¿7* Company
• „
A Fine Line of Jewery
lUtinirj, Basks.
KLVS i srm HAI M laawaaHH.«.«.
Apply tuto the eoMrV«. h le get
t eheorbed sn
reme «t Drerrwe why mail ; Mirpe, ter. hr man. I
ELI BROTHERS, M Warren SL, N.« Vort City.
hMcriptim Carifilij hapaiahi