IH!) Z HEADLIGHT X-BAYS The meeting at llie Christian Clmrcli are still in progress. COUNTY ITEMS. Hon. W. W. Cornier left for the south If you want a good cow cheap, inquire GATHERED BY OUR CORRESPOIOEMTS. end of the county on We«lues4ay. al I his office. L. L. Stilwell and family move«l on Io A fine second blind 22 rifle for sale. A Brief Glimpse at Last Weeks their newplace on Tuesday. Inquire ut this office. Happenings. We w ill take wood, i>otatoe«, chickens, Auviliiiig in the picture line can be **ggs, berrioHor any thing we can use aa had al the Elite Foto Parlors NeTARTS payment on your Hiibsciiptiun. Pay up re- .lean Jenkins mid Holley Orchard and get your paper one year for 75 els. Geo. I ’ helps lias leased Happy Camp tinned from Purl laud on Tuesday. A |lft jeweled patnnt regulator. P 8. ofC. B Hadley Hello Charley—where «re 5011 going Bartlett movement, in a gohl fille«l case Several loads of campers have already for your tire crackers? Why, to tl.e for $13, regular price $22.50, for one arrived at the Netarts beach from the K. cket stiae of course. week only, A. Leleher. Willamette valley Yon cun get n fine 10c lunch at Mrs. Sturgeon carries a fine line of Ja». Thompson, of Nehalem, made a Kuoell’s, at any hour al the day. laces and insertions. business trip Io Nelarts Monday. Ladies have you seen the nice duck A subscription is be being circulated John Childers and family were on the suits at Olsen’s? Il not, just go and see for a telephone line to Nelnits Bay. A beach Sunday a.id Monday, from Trask them mid you will be sure to buy one line to Netarts is just what is wanted. river. For fireworks go to KnOcll’s Boom it along. Judge W. W. Conder was at Netarts Pay up your subxcriplioiis, and yon Sturgeon’s is the pllics to buy your looking .»ver the county roads in this c.m get the II eaiii . iuii T for one year fur drugs am! druggist sundries. part of the county . Ila ia looking over 75 ct». if paid in advance 'fhe Elite Foto Parlors will receive on wkalis known as the llodgdon Nothing but first class work turned out next l»oat, direct from New York, a large from Cape Mears light house to the at tlie Elite Foto Parlors. At the same line of picture frames which will be sold Netarts beach, with a view of opening old stand next to the II eaiiliuiit Office far below anything of the kind heretofore the same fur travel, Geo. W. Fletcher from the smith end sold in Tillamook. Wesley Smith, of Trask river, of the County was ill town this week and For the finest canned fruits go to the beach Sunday. made the II kaih . ioiit office a pleasant Olsen,« 11. SOUTH PRAIRIE For the next week I will give 20 par Bicycle enamel in all colors, in cans, cent off of the price mi watches : nd Miss Eynon of Tillamook has been for Mlle by C. E. Reynolds. jewelery. This is for one week only, so visiting with her sister Mrs. J. Ely. Dr. W A. Wise, our dentist, will soon come and get a goisl watch while they Miss Mann «pent Sunday among the lie in town again prepared to do work in aie cheap. A Letcher. the resident« «t Tillamook bridge. his line in such a way ns ro satisfy any W. II. Mills, of McMinnville, came in one. Janik out fur his aiiiiouncnieiit. Mrs. John Fleming who lias been on over the mountains on Wednesday. Now is your chance to subset ¡lie for Mr. Mills is simply looking about for the sick list for some time improves the IlKAiii.mirr, the only paper contain­ amusement, and finds Tillamook County very slowly. ing nil tli« local and county news. Only a good place for a pleasure seeker. The welcome intelligence that a new, 75 cla. per year if you subscribe now. hook oil travels is forthcoming, hy Luge assortment of the choicest per- ('bailey Wells, prospective member of News ia received at the hour of going fernery nt Sturgeon’s Drug Store. the Royal Geographical Society of Lon- to p o a that the Tin* kce Lumber Messrs. Matt Redmond and Wilber donis hereby kindly acknowledged. C'uinpan) ’s factory in San Francisco was cuinpi« lely destroyed by lire on Sunday. Cook of McMinnville College spent a few European papers please copy. days on the Tillamook streams this week. Mrs. Pag«*, landlady of the leading Joseph Todd, of the firm of Kay etc They started for home yesterday hy way hotel at Neskowin, made us a pleasant Todd, cl M c .M iii ville, with biaucli stole of (L ande Romle visit a lew days since. Mrs. 1’nge is here, Caine into town Tuesday over the Those fine Inces at Olsens are just wlint one of the early pioneers of Nestucca, Yamhill Road, accompanied hy his wife. von w»nt to trim a smuttier suit. and was for a few years mail earlier and W. C. King of Sand Lake is in town. stage driver on a difllcult stage route, John Dudley and family, John I ’ erkins Mi. King reports the eranberry crop as undergoing trials that would sound very gi rally damaged by frost, though not and wife mid Fred Perkiua got into Tilla­ much like romance to her eastern sis­ mook Tuesday and went into camp nt as badly ns had been feared. Netarts mi Wednesday, from Yamhill terhood. A line lot of floor paints,in all shades, County, Fred mid John Perkins me Some new things in brief,—Clay Dan­ ie» it ved at U. E. Reynolds. cousins of Myron Perkins of Tillamook iels'mile of wire fence—Addie Harris’ Major (iso. Williams of Salem, of the We are here to stay. We have found new' well curb—F. M. Lamb’s new front lii m of Williams and English, bankers the people want honest goods nt honest gate—the coming bridge al the mouth of was in the city this week lie came in prices. A full line of slnple and fancy Bewley—Frank Ely’s new wagon and— with his friend Geo W. Davis. groceries also feed coming oil llie nex Tom Coates’ dream at Skookum Lake. Mr Holcombe received a letter last Tuesday from his wife staling that she and the children had enjoyed a delight­ ful trip across the mountains to their home al Newport. The new water motor in the H ead ­ light office has attracted a great.deal of attention Many persons have betn looking al it with a view of putting hi a similar power for themselves. boat from San Fransisco. I. J. Lamb Manager. Dr. Tnlom the "painless tooth extrac­ tor" ami dentist will he in town on the to-day. He will stop at the Allen bouse for some days and do work for those re­ quiring anything in his line. Geo W. Oavis, president of the Pio­ neer Sandstone company of Salem, was here tin. week taking a look nt the sandstone near Bay City Mr. Davis ia looking for a superior quality of atone to be used in the great Spree kies building in San Eraiui.eo, but he did not And exactly what he wauled here How­ ever he did Ibid what lie pronoun« ed the "bast agncultuial Comity in West­ ern Oregon." I., 8 Maynard ha« the thank, of thia office for a box of the finest strawberries we have ever seen . They are of a new variety known as the Maialiall, and have lately been introduced here by Mr. kMynard. The plante came from Griaaly Creak, California. The la-rriea mi-asuied from 3 to 5 incite» in circum­ ference, and 2i) of them filled the ordi­ nary ailed lierry box. They have a moat delicious flavoi, and it ia doubtful it any nicer lievriea have evei been raised in this unuiity. Fred Ileali sold out most of his furniture by public miction on I'neeiiay. Charley Reynolds acted as auctioneer mid enc- ceeileil iu disposing of the various mtirlea to the satisfaction of the owner amt the public. Mr Beale will shortly take hie departure w ith hit family tor British Columbia where he has entered Into some important lumber contract«. Mr. Beale has been m buxine.» here for a number of yenra and he ie one of the fuelling kind of business men that sill prove Agissl aeceaaion to any com- uiuuily into wliicli lie may enter. FOR THK JULY N ew G oods ! N ew G oods ! N ew G oods !! Il'f have just received a full new line of Organdies, Dim­ ities, Calicos, Hats, shoes, etc, etc. for the summer trade. ell and see us and you will not be disappointed either in qwlityof goods or prices. Colin. Co., The Leaders in Low Prices Jasper I.ouper of Oretown had the There are a few campers nt tne mouth BUSINESS LOCALS misfortune to lose a valuable horse this of Slab Creek. J i (Sit tiiii’i ¿clear Havana cigars at week while enroute to Tillamook. in b’s. * We are needing rain; late sown grain If you want a high grade bicycle for The only first class cigars in the city and garden truck are especially suffer­ less than half the list price go to Letcher». at I.amb’B. , ing. No more to be had after those now on New good a arriving on every boat for the La Mode Millinery Parlors. hand are sold at ent prices. SAND LAKE Copper paint for boats is the beat Fine 5ct cigu.s ut the Tillamook You will find it at C. E. Reynold'» Bakery. hardware store. Jeff Hanis has returned from the val­ Asli onia 10c per foot at Reynold's ley. The Malaney Brothers inform as that hardware store. the new steamer, which they have on The flounder are very plentiful in the Go to Letcher’s for your fishing tackle: bay now. It is an easy matter for one the ways is about complete. A delay in the largest assortment ever brought tv person to catch from 15 to 25 in an hour. the shipment of some iron has delayed town. them somewhat, but they hope to Sttftionary, notions and school sup­ It is reported that Mr. Lessick will not have the vessel launched in time to toot plies at the New Racket Store.—Elite be back and is directing bis personal their whistle on the 4th of July. Fotograf Building. tf property Io be sold off. Wool and hides wanted at Colin A Co. Educate Tour Bowels With Cascareta. If you hnve comb honey for sale bring The road on the white bill will soon Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. nnike it possible once more for us to 10c. 25c. If C. C. C. fall, druggists refund money. it to Cohn & Co. drive through to Spruce. New goods arriving on every boat for For Hale. La Mode Millinery Parlor». There will be a Sunday School picnic OR ETOWN Work harness, curt and horse, and Mrs. Williams, of La Mode Millinery Mr. ami Mr», l.sngeoy have niovei'. at Sand Cape, on June 13. Woods one good cow for sale, cheap. Inqnlie Parlors, has secured the assistance of bc I ioo I is invited to join and make the i.ito the Hardman house. at this office. t. f. Miss Nellie Hutchins, of Portland, time enjoy able. Several men are engaged on the Gov­ to assist her in the store during the Jim Thompson, a brother of Mrs. L. ernment work in the Neatnoca Bay. month ofjune. Do Ton Want Hose? They iluuct however, make fa»t progress A. Hoyte is here oil a visit, and will If so please remember th at J. E. Tut ­ spend a month or so on the bead, to en ­ Cohn Co. are bringing in a large line owing to the fact that they can only tle keep an excellent supply of all kinds of goods’especially for the fourth ofJulv work a tew hours each day at the lowest joy himself. of cotton Imse rubber Hued, and rubber tides. lmse wound with wire. Our prices are NEHALEM just light. Mr. Myers has gone to Oregon City. Evangelist Pierce delivered an address to'Women only mi Monday night. It was I mainly outlie sul ject of theatre gi ing ill d The mill company «re making con­ dancing and the evils which the preach­ siderable improvement in their office, er imagines to he iuseperably connected repairing and painting, and putting in with those amusement*. Decor«!ion Day was suitably observed several new «leaks, which will make the All of ChambeiIain's remedies for here. A very large crowd gathering oltice very much nicer than it ever WHS sale by Sturgeon. from Oretown, Meda and Slab Creek before. One new model winchester, 31-70 cal met nt the Oretown school house on Mon­ Colin A Co. have just received a fine and reloading tools for sale nt n sacrifice. day mid formed a procession which line of summer dress goods, they Hie Also I lie i< llowing tools for sale cheap: slowly wended its way up to the ceme­ some of the latest styles now worn by 4 1-82 win. 34 win . 41 win also all kinds tery. Flowers weie scattered over the the ladies in Poll land, don't tail logo of rifle mill pistol cartridges on hand graves of our loved ones. A programme ami examine them belor trying elsewhere. Blasting powder by the keg, 10 cl». per had beer, arranged consisting <>t recita­ tions and singing wl ich wiin well ex­ Win. Kuoell Inis fixed up a nice ice pound at latlvliera. ecuted. Mr. Murphy delivered a short cieiiin parlor, where you can get a nice Mita in hlaek and colors at Mrs. Stur­ address on the observation of the day dish cl ice eieiiiii when ever you wish it. geon's. which was followed with piayei by Mr. The meetings in the Christian ('lunch me being well attended; there have been some additions, anil others are ex­ pected to follow The oidmaiiee of baptism will l>e admiuiiteieil in the Tinsk River Bunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Service» every night next week at 7:j0. Bunday at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m Munday night Evangelist Pierce will give another talk to Infidels. hurrah (From the Nehalem Times.) S. M. Bat terson spent a day or so in Astoria this week. C. H. Wheeler left Friday for Portland on business. Astoria and Win. Meyers has returned from Seaside where lie has been employed in Logan’s mill, and is running the big saw at Himple & Wheeler’s mill. Alex Sutton and Joe Croneti, both of Nehalem fishermen, had the misfortune to lose a gill net on the mouth of the Columbia river a few days ago. The loss to them is about >150. Varner. Mr Atteibury closed the exercises with a few well-choesn Harry Sweeney returned Sunday from Hep­ ner where he has been shearing sheep for a few Last Sunday I lie Junior base ball team remarks. weeks. He reports a successful season’s work. of Ihi« place went Io South Ptairie for n The weather in that part of the state hiemlly inntcli game wiib the nine of warm and needs rain wry badly. BAY CITY that place. The «lay a as one of those perfect « for outdoor «port Hint are ho Mr Davi» in here looking over the rare in Tillamook, warm enough to keep WOODS di-posits of »tone n itli the idea ot open­ every |»ore open in exercise «ml just ing a quarry Over 100 head of cattle was sold enough breeze for comfort, without driven out of the comity lust week. We weie without cliun-h .eiv'c-’s last This will leave quite a sum chilling the players. Quite a number money diove out from town, ami with the Fair­ Sunday a» Rev. rotter »ent to his Ne­ distributed among our farm view team llie neighbor« made up a halem people. Krelie Bros, are at woik nt tlieir Lit'le good crowd of spectators The game Mrs. Geo. Kiger will go to Portland Neel ucce mill getting out lumber for the I'hey are limning was pleasant throughout, both sides ex­ tllia week as delegate to Grand Chapter Big Nealucca bridge hibiting that spirit of emulation, which O. E 8. Mr Gits Nelson will repre­ a full crew, and it will not take long fur them to saw out the amount of lumber ought to mat k «11 athletic renlests. required. sent Bay City Lodge at Grand I«.dge The “Kids” by their superior agility Last Saturday a Columbia river fish The many friends of Mrs. Nevins me proved themselves loo much for llielr net was picked upon the Imu-li liv Mr. more rnaure antagonists, and taking pleased to see her at home again. Jackaon just soulh oi Ca|>e lanikent. the lead in the start kept it up to the The net, when it came nslioie, had» Messrs. Tilden and Parker have been liig Million and several deep see fieli in finish. In the last inning the young* nt Tillamook this past week. lueeliee. sters got rattled, ami by A series of wild The liasebiill team is planning to throws ami fumbled balls let in a bunch play another game outlie Fourth They of run«, w lilch cut down their majority Get you a pair of tlioaa tan shoes at may go to Tillamook hut we would fav­ by one half. !leie is the score: Olsens, or th* Tillamook team cotuirg here. "K idi ” R uns O uts Capes 42.25, black skirts $2.25 at Mrs Ray City is making progress even in tlieae hard limes. Ice cream pallors Sturgeon's. Stilwell P. 3 4 Hotline are the iateet addition» to our hunineas C. 3 4 J. E. Tuttle is pulling in water pipe, enterprises. Edmunds R. F. ft 0 connecting residences in ths souther» 11 andlry 8. 8. ft 1 part aftowu with Hie water mains. Brown 3d B. 3 3 EMMA The latest styles of sailors and dress Bowers 1 L. F. 6 o J. D. Chitwood made a trip to Dallas shapes Jntt recieved at Mrs. Slurgawi's Kimball 4 1 R. Hits week. McKinley C. F. 3 4 Fancy silks for waistajust received at Hunt 2d B. 3 4 Jeff Harris ot Sand Lake is at Einma Mrs. Sturgeon's. Total 31) 27 this week . You want to paint your kitchen floor, Rl’xa O uts S oith Tastane Grandpa Sloan will leave fur Dallas and the place to go for the paint i* E. Reynolds, lie lisa just what on Monday. Martin 3f I_________________________ 1 sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO.: O ff . F« tv » t Ornai. Hate Hail. T)p. TQize Is coining about July 4th and will be ready to at­ tend to all dental work at short notice. Dr- \\ ise has been prac­ ticing his profession in I illamook for a number of years and s noted for the unvarying excellence and artistic finish of his work Charges always reasonable and entire sat­ isfaction guaranteed. UZ . WISE w «« hi »< ito ». 0. C. '