Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 10, 1897, Image 2

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paper—that is increased the size forget for the time being that we
the paper just one half, and we ¡are merchant®, newspaper men,'
D. DeK. Bowman, Rd. and M«r.
believe this will accommodate the lawyers or wliat not anti only re
additional news and advertising tnenilier that we are citizens of the
Official Paper, Tillamook City and County that has so rapidly accumulated on greatest republic on earth, anil let i
ua celebrate with a spirit worthy '
our bands of late.
When you want to be able to »elect from the best
the sons and daughters of the no­
selected stock of general merchandise in Tillamook
One year
Il bO. elapsed since the H eadlight was ble sires who gave to it» this grand
Hix luoiitha
Countv just come to the store of the
Th tee monthu...........................................
established we believe that it has ¡country. Only by so doing can
done more to advertise the county we succeed in the celebration and
than nil other agencies combined. above all show ourselves worthy
1 lurh, per month
»o 7»
p<-ryear|6 75
tills of the land which we
>>5 ■
" ” St»-"3 For the greater portion of
J 75
33 °o|
Q •
6 75
60 00 period it has been I lie only tiews- our own.
j •» »»
. "
‘ 100.00
Local uotu-e. loci, per line: and set, after paper published here, and it
the Br-t hoerlii>i>. OnlyScla per hue for fir.l
At Hobsonville, Oregon.
nieertioii and 3 ct. thereafter lor regular adve- I never failed to extol to the utmost
The efforts being made to cap­
I,o«r, Pound. For Rent, KorSnle, Wanted, and all the resource» and advantage» ture the dynamiters of trout slionld
We have just received a splendid new stock of
6|a-eial notice*, IIIclasailled "ad" column», al
lite »ame rate.
Tillamook County not be relaxed. The matter is of
Provisions, Loggers Supplies,
I.eaal notice», Nonpareil, loct». per line tor of the county.
Br.l Inaetlmti and Set» per line lor each aulree-
qiient iii.ertioii.
Clothing, Boots. Shoes, etc., the
i U notice, or communication, should debt which as a county it lias not years ago Tillamook was famous
very best,which we sell at the
be Meat ill a. early in the wee. a. possible.
shown itself of late over-anxious almost the world over for its mag­
at the lowest living rates.
to repay.
nificent fishing. The sport lias al­
The HEADLIGHT ha. Doable the bona
Our Syrups are Unrivalled, our Teas are the Finest
fide Sabecrlptloa Hat of any other News­
However we have no cause for ready been seriously interfered
All Our Stock is First Class.
paper la Tillamouk Coaaty.
complaint. Notwithstanding the with by the miscreants who in or­
J. E. SIBLEY, Manager of Store and Mill, Hobsonville, Ore.
Telephon« No 6.
fact that other papers have been der to gratify the desire for sim­
Office coruerof Main and 2d streets
offered for nothing our subscrip­ ply one day’s success are willing
Principal Office, 249, Berry St., S. E. Milla at Truc kee, C
tion list lias continued to increase to ruin all future chances of sport.
Volume Ten
until tl.e present issue exceeds But it means more to us than a few
Last week's issue of the II kad - by 300 that made at the beginning trout. It is our magnificent trout
LIGHT closed the ninth yenr of it» of any previous year.
streams that attract summer tour­
history, and with the pres-
The future policy of the Head- ists. Destroy the trout fishing
ent number begins Voliime X. light will be as in the past: The and you destroy the attraction
The paper is therefore 110 longer paper will be iindevintingly loyal that brings visitors here, and per
Information Wanted
y°u want the very best bread you
either an infant oran experiment, to the interests o f Tillamook Co. consequence you destroy a not in
Information ie wanted concerning the
whereabouts of a man named William J. will always be sure tojuid it at the hew
but an assured fixture, and a more I ii politic» it will continue to be considerable source of revenue.
Stretch, lie came to Tillamook from
■ or les» potent factor ill the future republican.
Smith Bend Washington about three
progress and well being of the
Almighty Voice, an Indian out­ years ago. tie ia about 60 years of age,
It starts out in its tenth volume
and is a timber cruiser by trade, Per-
county. The first copy of the with charity towards all and ma­ law, was recently killed by the sons sending information to this office
hen you want a meal cooked to order and just
H eadlight issued bea i h the date lice toward none. Sincerely grate- authorities. We suggest that his will be rewarded for their trouble.
tf suited to your taste you can get it at the new
June Sth 188S, and has the name of fill for past favors we solicit such a body be
decently interred,
Catarrh Cannot l>e Cured
ISestaixxarxt in. Ccn.n.eotion.
C. E. Wilson it Co. at its head ns continuation of thegeiierous favor and his name given to Billy Bryan, wilh LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood
bte he^da^artersfor Confectionery,
proprietors, and J. B. Edwards as of the public as the paper may the only man whom we can at or
constitutional disease, and in order to cure it
Lunates, Nuts, etc. ol share of the public natron
Editor. It was a 4 column 8 page deserve.
age is respectfully solicited.
present remember as being worthy Cure is taken rnternally, and acts directly on
affair with patent inside; but what
the blood and inuscous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh
of it.
Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed
Considerable complaint has been
it lacked in size it made up in vim
by one of the best physicians iu this country for
years, and is a regular prescription. It is com­
and ambition, and it was a credit made from time to time by church
TlieSan Francisco Examiner posed
of the best tonics known, combined with
to the county, being also the first people here, of di»turbance of their has been sued for libel by Claus the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the
muscous surfaces. The perfect combination of
meetings by young men, and, even Spreckle», llie damage demanded the two ingredients is what produces such won­ Forthe Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars goto the
paper published in it.
results in curing Catarrh. Send for tes­
The paper continued under the young women and perhaps, some­ being 81,000,000. It I iiih not derful
timonials, free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo 0
proprietorship of Wilson it Co. times, by older persons. The been supposed heretofore that
Sold by alt druggists, price 75c.
until November 1888 when it pass- H eadlight doe» not set itself up the character» of the men in the
Hall's Family pills are the best.
C. II. SMITH, Proprietor.
inlo the bands of Theodore Sleiu- iih an authority in religious mat­ sugar trust were capable of dam­ “There’s no use in talking,” says W.
Our Building is New, Neat and Pleasant and our Liquor
hilber, who continued its ] nidi- ters but it deplores the fact that age to that amount. However 11. Broadwell, druggist, La Cygne, Kas.,
‘‘Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Di-
cation until Ocl. 1889, when it pass­ miic I i iispirit as this should exist Claus Spreckle» is desrevedly held arlioea Remedy does the work. After
Very Best in the City.
taking medicines of my own preparation
ed into the bands of W. F. I) Jones. amongst any of the young people in high esteem by bis fellow others,
I took a dose of Chamberlain’s
Kopp'a Bear nn Draught.
In December ot the »nine year Mr. here. The churches do not com­ citizen» in San Francisco noil and it helped me; a second do««* cured
me. Candidly and conscientiously, I
can reccomend it as the best thing on
Jones sold a half i nteresl ill the pel anyone to attend their services. elsewhere.
the market.” The 25 and 50 cent sizes
paper to If. C. Lamb, who continu­ Wlibever goes to them goes of liis
or sale by S. J. Stuigeoii.
ed in the part.proprietorship un­ owr free will and lie owes it to
The people of the United Staten
Pasturage Notice.
til April 1891, when he retired, the people whose meetings he thus are now actually paying • three
All persons <leairing to find goo<l
and went into the stationery busi­ attends to pay respectful attention dollar» per annum to foreign »hip puHluiHge for liorseM mid cutte, will do
well to «ee me about it. Price areas
ness. In July 1893 Mr, Jones Io what is being »aid, whether he owner» for what they buy and follows.
For yearling 15e per month,
»ell. Why not apply the principle 2 year old 20c,
3 vear old 25c.
disposed of the paper to Tom agrees with the sentiments ex-
of protection to the merchant 11.00 per month . The pasture is on the
premises of C. E. Thayer, an 1 ¡ noii title
Conte», now deputy county clerk, pre»»ed, or not. To so conduct nftvrine
save land. • I will not be responsible for any
and went to Astoria associating one’s self as in liny way to dis- this $200000 000 per year?
lost stock. Parties desiring to pasture
stock on the above pieinices must make
himself with a daily paper there. Imb a respectable religious meet­
arrangements wilh me before putting on
their stock.
To Our <’<»rrei»|»<»n<lriit«.
Mr. Coates conliued in the man. ing is not only nn evidence of bail
C. A. Bailey.
The II kadi . kimt feel« that it Inta cause
iigement of the paper until May manner» but it is decidedly unfair
for self eongriiluhition on account of its
1894, when the paper again passed and unjust to those who are thus regular corps of efficient correspondents, Mr. Isaac Horner, proprietor of
Burton House. Burton, W. V., and
into the hands of Mr. Jone» wlm disturbed. This i» a fi ee country. and lias only thia aiiggestioini to make of
the niOHt widely known men in
mail your copy so as to resell thia office
was cured of rheumatism after
retained it litilil August 1890, Every man Ims a right to worshiu not Inter than Tuesday evening. The state
three years of »utfering.
He ways: *‘I
when it passed into the hands of God according to the dictates of Inst aide of the 11« idlight goes to press have not sufficient command of language
to convey an idea of what I suffered, my
Wednesday afternoon, and
its present owners.
ihysieians told me that nothing could
hi» own conscience, and the fact on
arriving at that time can not possibly be >e done for me and my friends were fully
J. P ALLEN. Prop'r.
The growth of the paper in size that some worship him in a way inserted until the following week when convinced that nothing but death would
Not.« for It* Fino Oultlne Deportment.
relieve me of my suffering.
and patronage Inis been coliinien- that seem» ridiculous to others it is of little value.
1894, Mr Evens, ilien salesman for the
»urate wilh that of Hie eounty in does not give the hitter n right to To occasional correspondents we Wheeling Drug Co., receomeiided Cham-
l>eilain'» Pain Balin. At tliis time my
which it is publi»lled.
attend the meetings of the former would say that we value contributions foot and limb were swollen to more Ilian
, very highly, ami we have only
thin double their normal aile and it seemed
From a patent inside it develop- mid ridicule them. We believe ' stipulation to make, and on this we to me my leg would burst, Imt soon after
Best Meals In the City.
liegan using the Pain Balm the swel­
into an nil home print, and by ac­ that church people me perfectly must insist that they avoid all personal­ I ling
began to decrease, the pain to leave
tual count of words of home IIHW' justifiable in appealing to the laws ities. The Editor of the H eadlight has and now I consider that I am entirely
no tasle for spleen and carrion, and our
published it ba» for some time lor protection and only wonder that ' readers
have as little as we
We have
almost double db'COUiited any they do not do so more frequently. ' inserted a few things against our better A H. Putter, with E, C. Atkins A Co.
Intllti nspolia, Ind., writes: “I have nev­
other paper ever published here. Either hr hair when you attend re­ 'judgement, Imt we must drsw the er before given s testimonial in my life
i line. Tlie official acts or public utter- Bull will say that for three years we
In fact Buch has been the growth of ligious meetings or else staj- at home. ( mice» of any peison are proper subjects have never Iwen without Chamberlain’»
lor criticism, Imt not their private char- Colie, Cholera and Diarrluea Remedv
the business of the paper that for a
! actera. Correspondents will please bear in tlie house, anil my wife would as soon
think of being without flour an a hottie
number of months the publishers
The pinna outlined by the fire ibis in mind.
of this Remedy in the smuttier season.
have found it necessary to puldiali men of thia city for a Fourth of
We have used it will, all three of our
vhildreu, and it has never failed to cure
nearly nil matter “solid,” much of July celebration will, we feel as-
—not simply stop pain, Imt cure alts...
Inlely. It ia nil right, ami anv one who
it being set in ‘'Nonpareil’* type, »tired, meet with the approbation
triea it will find it no." For sale by
the smallest ever used in news­ of all our p>*ople, and if they are
NßW and Select gtoclç.
8. J. Sturgeon.
papers. Adverltsers have also followed out they cannot but meet
Patent RJedicineg and Druggist’^ Notion?.
: ►
Thl. 1« Tsar Oppwrtnnlty.
been greatly crowded and the ser­ with tlie unqualified succe»» which
On rweeipt ot ten orata, cash or »temps,
vice Inis been far from satisfactory they no richly deserve, Now that
• ftaserons «ample will ba mailed of tho
UMM* popnlar t'aUrrh aad Hay Fev.r Cura
to the publishers, Much valuable the firemen have taken the iuitia-
Ely’« Crram Halrul ssAeiant to .ietuon-
• irais ths great mérite of the ramedy.
advertising has also been turned live it remains for the rest of us
away for want of space, and even to fall in with their plans and ren­
M Warren SL, New York City.
Rev. John Raid. Jr . ot C.mat Faite, Mont,
considerable local news baa been der every assistance in our power.
rac.uimeuded FJy’_- t'reant Itelrn to ms I
crowded out.
eau emphaaue tua «talement, "Il ia a po«i.
No local jealousies or enmitien
Uva cura tvr calarrh if uwad aa diraated."—
All this will now be remedied. ilHiuld l>e permitted to interfere
Rev Francia W Tools, Paator Central Prea.
WANTED-AN IDEA5r£~£<£ Cburvh. H. lama. Mont
Itatiaaary, lids.
We have with this ibbue
hmriptlm Cirafilly Campiindid
(»» they too often do) in the site- thin« to
J tVtr.I nmrM«. .Ihr, mar
Ey'. Crean Bdra te the aeknowled»-.!
Write JOHN ★ xpbsa.
two more pages to the size of the cess of the celebration. Let tin Bl UN Ä CO .ltet.nl Attorney*, w — k .
aura for calarrh and eontaina no at.r.it
D.C.. fi>rih«trtl..«» prisa «Oar.
tîilli-tnuwlt geaMight.
tf tf
tf tf
tf tf tf
tf tf
tf tf
tf tf tf
tf tf
tf tf
C. M. EDIE, Proprietor.
A Fine Line of Jewery.
nor any injunous drug.
Priea, M oanu