The Headlight The ^orn Circulation •■of t|e- -and- The Oregonian both for $2.00 per Year. Vol. IX, No. 40. TILLAMOOK. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAIL SCHEDULE. t ,., amook AMD COUNTY ITEMS N orth YAMmLi.:— I eave N. Yamhill daily except Sunday 8 p. m. Arrive at Tillamook next day by 4 P m. Leave Tillamook daily except Sunday 6 p. m. Arrive N. Yamhill next day .............. 2p. m. T illamook and GATHERED BY OUR CORRESPONDENTS. H obsonvili . e :— L’ve Tillamook daily except Tuesday b oo a.m. Arrive Hobsouville 9:00 a.m. L’ve Hobsouville, except Tuesday 1:15 p.m. Arrive Tillamook............................ 5*>5P-m- G rand R ond :— K .. . Leaves Grand Rounde daily except Sunday at 6 p. in., or 011 arrival of mail from McMinn­ ville. Arrives at Tillamook at r.45. Leaves Tillamook Daily except Sunday at 6 p. 111. or on arrival of mail from N. Yamhill, which is usually 4:30. Arrives at Grand Ronde at im­ post Office hours, 7:30 A. M. t 8:00 P. M Money Order department, 8:00 A.M. >;oo P. M Sunday 4:00 to 6:00 P. M. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A Bi ief Glimpse at Last Weeks Happenings. . LAMB N etarts :— Leaves Tillamook Tuesdays, Thursdays, ... 7 a. m. and Saturdays at 12 m. Arrives Netarts Ip. in. Leaves Netarts, same days,. .. 6 p. m. Arrives Tillamook by .......... Glenora Gleanings Lage,lt The Examiner the ONLY paper that will give a full account of the great Corbett-Fitzsini- nions prizefight 0AVID WILEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND ACCOUCHEUR, All calls promptly attended to TILLAMOOK, ORE rs . d . c . bowers , teacher oe vocal and Instrumental music. Terms for Pia­ M no, 34 lessons for 18.00 or 3 lessons for ,1.00 Voice culture at low rates. Residence opposite School House. Tillamook, Oregon. £a31lcdc SlZitliiiciii e? ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. |J. J. ITALY. (O scar H avtku . QALY & HAYTER, M rs . K atie W illiams , P rop . Hats, Bonnets, Clii IdrtMi’s Hats, Childrens Fascinators, Baby Outfits, Dress Trim­ mings and. Ladies Burnish­ ing Goods. Late Styles, New Goods Lowest Prices. The mail carrier’s horse dropped dead fourteen miles this side of Gules Creek last week Mr. Reelier, who was currying the muil, cauie on toot to this place, when lie procured Hiiotlier horse, und succeeded in gelling to the end of the route (Illingworth) Although a little later than schedule time. Tlie nnnual school meeting was held on Monday at the schoolhouse. J. F. Reelier whs elected director, ami F. H. Herrington clerk. A a pec in I school meeting has been called to elec, another director in place of W. J. Smith, who resigned. Woods Wavelets. (EROM THE OCEAN WAVE) II A Miles was couimtaaioned a notary public* Feb. 27. C. C. Christensen, of Oretown, has been granted a patent on a sluice-box. Roy Mattoon left for Eastern Oregon Saturday where he expects to spend the summer. Albert Lucy, who ha» »pent several months at Athena, Oregon, returned Opposite H eadlight Office, Cor. Main and home Friday. Second Street. Tillamook City, Oregon. DALLAS, OREGON (J LA UDE THAYER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. lycCAIN & SEVEKANCE, Emma Tkis space belongs to Williams "Drug Qo. ^hc will be iq business in a s^cri D. C. McNeil luid a touch of la grippe last week. time, at Tillamook, ©regon- J. D. Chitwood was laid up witli a severe touch of laziiie»» last w*ek. TII.I.AMOOK, OHKGON. J- 8- STEPHENS Real Fatale Agent, and Representing lhe Home Mutual Iusurane Co. of California J. 8. STEPHENS, representing F. Weber S . of Portland forSchoil Supplies. Office at Allen Hotel' Several head of cattle have died here from e larvation. At the request of some of my friendfl, I have decided to lake a limited number of pupils in music. Thorough instruc­ tion. For terms, etc., address Mrs. J. D. Kelly. TILLAMOOK. OR. GREAT REDUCTION B ANKof AT REDUCED RATES C. & E. THAYER The TILLAMOOK LUMBERING CO. will not be undersold and will make better rates than any other mill Get our prices and be convinced. Discount on large orders and for cash. Our mill is in better shape than ever and we are prepared to turn out first class lumber of all kinds. Ueaeial ItanklKg »nd Kachan»« baehiei». luterewl paid on lime deposit». Kxi'linnge on >oy8—not ours, you know. We are not very hard to please if we get the right kind of a teacher. We dont exactly want an angel, neither do we desire a devil—probably a mixture of both would fill the bill. Applications should be sent in immediately ns school will begin about the first or tenth of April. ig more thaq double that of any other paper in Tillamoo^ County. COUNTY COURT RECORD OF IRE FEBRUARY MELTING. List of Claims Allowed and Business Transacted. A legnlur term of Hi* County Comt was held, beginning March 1st, 1897. Present, W. W Conder, Judge, C. H. Wheeler, Commissioner, D. 1‘ Harvey, Coinniiflsioiier, J. D Edwards, Clerk, and J. IL Jackton, Sheriff. The following claims were allowed : W. W, Conder, Judge, salary, *41.66 »* Tom Contes. Dep. Cl’k., BO 00 G A Walker, Si h. Supt ' I »» 33 33 I» J D. Edwards, Co. Clk. 133.33 >» J . II. Jackson, Sheriff, 183.33 John Barker, Co. Treue., »» 41 66 J S Siepliene, Assessor, work 20.00 C. 11 Wheeler, Com., mileage A sal. 17 00 II. H. A Idei man Dep. Slier. salary 50 00 D. P. Harvey Com. mileage A salary 9 20 Herald I'ub. Co. Delinquent tax lint 22 11 Jasper Smith, making jury lint 3d Diet. 3.00 Tlie Anti-Hen Ordinnaee George Bodyfelt making jury list Sdiut 2 00 Will C. Smith milking jury liut 3d diet. Mr. Editor of lhe Tillamock H ead ­ light : 2.00 Lein Pm ker for 2 days’ work drawing In your issue of the 13th of February, 6.00 1897, you publish the doings or business 1’1 Ians for Daugherty bridge B. C. Lamb for supplieu, 53 65 transactions of the Tillamook City W . L. Brooks 4 da. at teacher«’ exam town council, I read that the “Learned 12.00 Veteran Councilman'*, C E Reynolds, G. R. Huff " ’’ ” 12.00 wants an ordinance made, framed, con­ G. A. Walker ” ” ’’ 12 00 cocted and put into existence bearing E. F. I.yster for bomd of H. L. Tucker, lhe title of “Anti-llen Ordinance” to 16 00 compel every owner of a hen or hens to Colin A Co. aupplieit, 10 55 keep them continually on his own prem­ E. K. Scovell, Jualli'e’» fcea in llio ises, feed them out of his own barrel, and to scratch on their own dung-hill. cuxe of Oregon vu Srnninore Int «lint 5.85 Herinnii Bt liollnieyer, Conet. 4.70 That's a law that is wanted all over the ChriB Olson, witness, 1.60 county; but a hat hens are they that Gilbert Denn, juror, 1.00 are to be shut up—hen chickens, hen »* 1 20 J. B. Pnpe, turkeys, crows, blackbirds, or buzzards? >» R. Krebs, 1.20 Well, what about lhe cwks—oh I 1 beg M 1.20 H. Lund berg pardon, roosters, I should say,—are 1.20 Chas Robitcli »» they not obnoxious, obstreperous, irre­ IsOO Osinr Bergman » sponsible, deslinclive animals as well as .60 L. B. Alley, rejected juror, lhe hens? Seeing that Bro. Reynolds' 11. A. Bloom Rd’ Sup. snl 10.00 fellow councilmen aie not willing to F. Long, supplies furnished N. B have the roving commission of their 16.10 hens curtailed or vetoed, why nut coin­ Morev 10 50 Tillntnook l'ub. Co. printing promise the matter and make that Jet. heads A blanks, ordinance to act in the manner and 8.05 style of the cow ordinance of Tillamook G. A. Walker, stAiups, etc., 2.00 city. That ordinance forces the W. Jacobson for 2 iron Mumpers, 20 00 owners of cows to take them ofF the .1 R. Hicks Rd work dist 1, 6.1)0 streets and shut them up al night, till a Krebs Bros., lumber, 26.74 certain hour the next morning; but it b M Daily filed bis bond as super­ does not compel them to feed those cows at night, so per consequence, as visor of Dial. No. 4 in the sum ol $100, , soon as let out in (he morning, they, : and the bond whs approved. L. F. Aimnnmison filed Ids deed con­ being hungry, rush for the street, well known to them, on which the farmer is veying to Tillamook Co certain lands coining to town with his produce to sell, fora highway in the Nestucca country.’ Th« county clerk whh ordered to can­ eggs, butter, or vegetables, and some feed for his team; and possibly not cel tlie Male of the following properly having lhe 20 cents to pay lhe livery I belonging to Margaret Thompson and man for stable loom, he hauls his wag­ which had been sold for laxea; to-wit, and H E << of N on to one side of the road, or on an open I Lot 4, E «, of H E lot, tiirna his team around to lhe feed he I E ¿4 mc 18 Tp 3 N R 7 W, E % of N W Lola 1 ami 2, E % of ¡8 W 1$ of «e* 19 has for them, covers up his produce, 1 of tec 19 L and «tarts about his business Then T 3 N R 7 W, W % of H E of N W of sec 17, see the cows mount into Itis wagon, cap- 3 N R 7 W, 8 W Sixe hislxixe.ofbuUer.ndI eggs to get Tp3NR7W,amf the clerk wax or- , . , , . .I aa .- aa .I IxUll« IIUlHllirllillU Ilf r AM I* t > 1 t\l (ZX11 tlie garden truck Mini the little that s tiered to l»«ne certiHcntea »1 redemption. In tlie matter of the (coiiatruction of there for the team. So 'the team Hint i has to haul a load home again must go tlie Duuglierly alougli bridge, the follow- hungry till it get. home, jil»t to fen«l tlie , W D. Wood, *972, approach«», per town cow» What provision i» there made in that, lineal foot, $1 92. cow ordinance by which tlie farmer can I George Menns, *580, approaches per collect pay for tne damage» done to liim ; foot, *2 10, breakwater, *1 26. | hy the town cow«, for lhe loea of hia | C E, Donaldson, *480, pier protection produce and team’» fodder, end In»« of ■ per foot *1.36, approaches, *1.80. lilil« ehaaiiiR a cow to get Rome article' The contract was awarded to C. E. We will he highly pleased when the »lie ba* »tuck her born» into and ' Doiinlilnmi »ml ha wan required to fur- II ka D lig H t comes out ill its new garb. paekerl away with her when tliere’» niali bolide ill the sum of *5o0 Nick Drostoff was granted a license to Our animal schoolmeetiiig passed oft noiliitig leit ill the wagon for her to eat? | •ell »piriluoua liquors in less quantities Noria The writer of thie article, on one quietly. Nic Afolien was elected dirwe- than one gallon, nt Nehalem. t-ir for one year in the place of D. C. occasion, wa» compelled Io chase an old In lhe matter of the building of a cow for two hour» around lhe town till . McNeil, resigned, and Elwood Hlinm bridge aero»» the Big Nestucca the fol- lie landed her ill an old barn on the wan elected director fur three yearn. J lowing bide were made: D Chitwood was re-elected clerk. The wonth aide of town, to get hi» bridle off i George Means, *7175 her head Ami alien one of lliom* 1 district lias taken initiative »le|m to«"id C. F. Royal A Son, Salem, *5084. Wood A Kigur, *0200. building » »< -hoollmUMr this coining sum­ oiinoxioue lien» gel* a nice, ripe tomato The contrai l was awarded to C. F. mer Their echo-d will commence the in her nmutli from Bro. Reynold»’ fiist Monday in May, »ml the liourd ol garden, Ireaide» plugging all bi» melon» | Royal A Soil In the matter nt the delinquent tei directors is ready now to receive appli­ mid »quaaliea Io find u ripe one, where for 1894 »nd 1895 th« warrants hav­ cation« for the m ho I. will lie get lhe recotnpenee for the roll ing expired on, and llieie is still tax due deelrriction of yigetalile»? Echo ttnyn oil, »»id rolls, it we» ordered that lhe Oretown Offering» clerk place warrants thereon fur th« "Where?” Wade in, Bi other Reynolds, and pul collection of said taxes, said warrants to be made returnable on Monday, the 3d Mr. AndrewCommon« now ha» a flour that lien oriiitiauce in lull force, and you day ol May, IW7. mill which run» by water power with mi will make a better record lor youraelf Court adjourned. over »hot wheel. Ile raieea hi» own than all the eOUllrinsd Oregon Congrea»* men, and all the farmer» doing a wheat and grind« whenever he i« ready. A. L«tclier »ml G. Jenkins have bought prodine buaineM in Tillamook city will At tlie school Imuae meeting last week "•puke” a good word in the «men cor­ the tool» ol A II.Harris, and will here­ several women were prenent. O. Nash i ner for the bishop to light you through after do all work in th« jewelry line. was elected as director »nd 8. H. Rock purgatory, eapecially if yon will faateu Bring na your Irada. Hatinfaction guaran as clerk a ring in lli« »idewalk for them to lie teed. I will personally look alterali work entrusted to my store. Fine watch work Thia di«t»ict ia in need of a fool leather, their boreee to in front of your «tore I a specialty. A Letcher. Marlro I’oio. one who holds a first—elate certificate