their ballots. D O><. «)*■»<, Kt id Mgr. Official Paper, Tillamook City and County Wlmt to do in the matter 1» the queslion. '¡'Im peo­ ple can **t medicine for children. Fine Liquore and Cigars who, dieregartliug the well being a good vegetable ganden is impon- ilixt the tVsy» mid M chii . Coniliiilte» Tillamook, Oregon- I lixd infuimally .¿le.'l to Hi. »grieultu- Doctor* recominend it in place of Castor of llie slate, tlisregardiiig every­ nible without expensive irrigation, H badqcartkrs for thk C elebrated ml »rliediile wliict ibm dulie» liigli Oil. everything in the line of eatablcH Telephone Ne. 9. thing except their own Hellish enough to practically aliut ilia Canadian end», have rel'liseil to go in and coats money, wood is worth from faiin.m out of our niarkat. They will A NEW KNITTING AND CROCHET hel|> to organiie tlm legislature. «5.00 to «(> 00, and it takes prac­ einleavui to .ecure a recoii.iil.rution on ING," of 64 pages, over 5c original design« ill u - i The alate ol Oregon is greater tically as much of it there its here. llie part of the Coinniittoe by offering trated, beautiful lace patterns, shawls, hooda, jackets, etc., haa been published by The Home, than nnv one man in it, The In addition to all tliia, every class special inducement* in tlie way of cou- 141 Milk St., Boston, Mass , and will be sent I of business ia sadly overdone, ce.siuna to certain of our goods and with a subscription to that paper, The Home duty ol'the»e would-be lawmakers product», but IliaA'onnnittee had already ia a jo pane monthly filled with original stories is much sharper, is to cease acting like a lot of competition gone over tile inall*i very carefully and literary and domestic topics and fashions. Its politimil lunatic« and go abend employment is much harder to gel, l>wn convince! dial Canadiau cum peti­ department of Fancy Work is a special feature new and original designs each issue. The and organize the legislature and mid wages m a lower, if any differ­ tion was ruining our farmer*, in section* price of subscription ia 50 cents per year and then go ahead and elect »ome ence, than here, as workingmen of the country, williuut l>eiiig of any will include one of these books As a special special benefit to anybody except the inducement to trial subscriber«, a copy of thia lepreseiitutive mail to the otliee of come into direct competition with Canadian., under tlie low diilie* of th* I kj ok will be given with a six fniouths' subscrip­ Vailed Slates Senator. If Keuatoi t'liinese labor and a hiiiii II army of piaaenl tariff bill, and it ia not likely to tion, The price of book is 25 cents, but a six months' subscription and the book combined Mitchell cannot ho re-elected then 1 unemployed white men ready to change. will b* aont for only I.’» eants Their annual work for any wage» they can get. In their teal to giv* their paper» the premium liat for 1897 will be «ent free on appli­ elect someone else. These Bild cation. Best Meals in the City. ding »linesmen may owe HOlllU The only possible advantage to be new. of the progiea. that I. being made oil the tariff bill aonie well meaning allegiance to «ome particular IIIHII, gained ia that of climate, mid that Nolle« for Publication. TILLAMOOK, OREOON Washington correepondenta have been but they were not, a* lliey •«Will depends largely upon the consti­ making a great deal of niiiieeeaMry I.and Office at Oregon City, Ogn., January 6th to imagine, elected merely a* sen­ tution mid taste of the individual. double for the committee by sending llie 189;. Notice is hereby given that the following, named settler has filed notice of his intention We would advise any on« who rates left iu achedulea that have been to make final proof in support of his claim, and atorial electors. They have other tliilie* than that of electing a is doing well here mid who IlH* iufoiiually oouaideied by the committee that said proof will be made l»efore the Co. Clerk of Tillamook County at Tillamook, Ogn., United States Senator, and of the “California fever”, to think to their papers with die statement that on Feb. 23rd, t 897. via Paul Ericsson; H E lliey liave been definitely agreed upon. 9J- J for the 8 K # ofN E \ of sec 28, S of N very seriously before he yield, to tlieae duties they are utterly negli­ the malady and leaves Tillamook Neither Chairman Dingley nor any W k «nd 8 W of N E >« of sec. 27, Tp. 2 ft. R. gent They are not only guilty of 9 W He names the following witnesses to for the land of great promise, but oilier member of the Committee will kindergarten method* of polities, (oftentimes) of very small fulfill- coutid.r any duty definitely decided prove his continuous residence upon and culti­ vation of, said land, via G R. Huff, of Nestoe­ upon until the entire ?>ill is ready to be ton, Ogn ; James L. Simmon«, of Nestocton. lint they are betrayeio of the trust nient. reported They do not wish to be com ­ Ogn , Goran Munson, of Nestocton. Ogn J. p. repoaed in them by the people of mended or coiuienined for fractious of Norberg, of Nestocton, Otegon. the etale of Oregon, and ahould Port li Robert A Miller, Register. the bill but for the whole measure, resign and let «eneible men be which will be made public when it is as given by Allen A I.ewis appointed ill llteir place, men wlm completed. H|«U. or ointment for Catarrh that WHEAT— Markets aie somewhat higher. Th« Senate Committee on Election« Contain Mercury, have brains enougli to enteitaiu It «porters value tor Eastern Oregon, 80 to 8ac hating decided not to re-op«n die Dul'eut a« mercury will surely destroy the sen«e of mor« than a single idea, and that valley Bate 8yc case, no objection was made to the »«ell and completely derange the whole sys- nil extremely narrow one, at one OAfM—Na.1, white. 40 to 42c; grey, ($ j^c * the mucous •wearing iu of beiiator Keuney, when ten when entering it through choice. time. lue credentials were presented, although surfaces. Such articles should never be used HARLEY- Fred fi- aye pet roll .»«.ion when the popuhata joined the you get th* genuine It ia taken internally «nd Different «ection* of the stale are ehoue dairy. P*r roll, creamery iRffsoc demo, rata and refused by a bare major­ made tn Toledo. Ohio, by F. J Cheney A Co groaning under eileting abuses per roll. ity to allow Col l*ul'ont to bo seated. Testimonial* free. ami demanding remedial legisla­ •old hy druggists pricers cents per bottle. KGUS~-rhoice candled steady at tj^c Hall a Family Pills are the best tion, ami all are limiting anxiously FllOVISiOwn,— CHy cured hams tie, side«, Mr». Knight— Does your hatband • re «S tote for «houlders 7’ 4 to 714c for toward Salem foi relief; but these pure lard ia vtadts lb tint treat you th* miii « now ** I,a did when Guaranteed to euro RIII oim Attacks and Stitimry, ■••kt. frmriptim Cirtfilly Cmyoiidid. CuasupaUoo, S im .; litio Ihrnus. pusillaiiiinoii* political shyster« DKIKI» APFI RS-FvapiMaiod bleached, sc. lie we* c«eriing you? evaporated unbleachM. yr Mr* Laight — Pr«Uy much. He keep« •went nbliviou* to all this and hum PEARS- Sun and evaporated, «fee. “Whet d whether to wife made up'** duties a* was «speet«d of iheiu l>y TV K»KV»-Ure 10« ue. itlf «i, for «hatee give him lace certain«, a dinner wet, “Oh, yea Site now read* wliat «VC «* Y osa* fe a» i« fe m new perlieree. or a drawing room the pa«ple who honored them with writer and be eat» what »be cook».”—E* UKKSK-V.u.t fe«e«fe> cUck." BVT WE SELL THE Very Best of Everything At the lowest living figure. Our stock includes every­ thing in the line of General Merchandise Provisions, Loggers’ Supplies, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, etc., etc. Try our Delicious Syrups. THE TRUCKEE LUMBER COMPANY J. E. SIBLEY, ‘IQorth Pacific Brewery JOHN KOPP Proprietor ASTORIA, The favorite beer made on this coast, considered by many to be superior to Milwaukee beer. Call for it. and insist having ) Kopp’s beer. ' NEW BUREAU SALOON, G C H GAMBR1NUS BEER flew and ¡Select jStocl^. patent ^edicines and Druggist’s Notions. ~x~ A Fine Line of Jewelry