The ^Worn Circulation ••of t§e- The Headlight -and- The Oregonian iS more thaq double that of any other paper in Tillamoo^ County. both for $2.00 per Year. Vol. IX. No. 37. TILLAMOOK. OREGON, THURSDAY. MAIL SCHEDULE. T illamook and N orth Y amhill :— Lxa*« N. Yamhill daily except Sunday 8 p. tu Arrive at Tillamook next day by 4 P- m. Leave Tillamook daily except Sunday 6 p. tn. Arrive N. Yamhill next day 1 p. tu. T illamook and K orsonvillk :— L’ve Tillamook daily except Tuesday 6:oo Arrive Hobsonville 9.00a.m. L’ve Hobsonville, except Tuesday 2:15 p.m. Arrive Tillamook .............................. 5-15 p.m. N btarts :— Leaves Tillamook Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at ..7a. in. Arrives Netarts 12 nt. Leaves Netarts, same days, . 1 p. m. Arrives Tillamook by . 6 p.m. G rand R ond :— Leaves Grand Round« daily t-xcepr.Buitday at 6 p. m., or on arrival of mail from McMinn­ ville. Arrives at Tillamook at 1:45. Leaves Tillamook Daily except Sunday at 6 p. in. or on arrival of mail from N. Yamhill, which ia usually 4:30. Arrives at Grand Konde at 1-45. Post Office hours, 7:30 A. M. to 8:00 P. M Money Order department, 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P. M Sunday 4 00 to 6:00 P. M. 0AVID WILEY, M. D., Mrs. H. 8. Newman of COUNTY ITEMS. DO YOU SMOKE? DO YOU READ? (V GATHERED .BÏ OUR CORRESPONDENTS. ued ths remainder of the week . A Brief Glimpse at Last Weeks Happenings. days hi eur city. T. A. Sells the very best C igars f LAMB Sells books, Newspapers, and Periodicals. contin­ fishing and The party consisted of Mr. Burke, Mr. T. Hines, two of Mr. Tillamook AND ACCOUCHEUR, Pow­ Leach Maurice the fine are now trout are poor, as thia la their spawning season prepared to go to is for bloom in our gardens. buds The Also the inspire Synthyrie, our first spring wild flower, The majority of the population of Bay well. looking This returned from their Eastern trip. Wocde Wavelet«. TILLAMOOK, ORE. Xacfllcdc, eflZiU inciijcPatl cz> J D. KELLY, M. D. P hysician and 8 urgkon , Operative surgery a specialty. Office In th house formerly occupied by Dr. Wiley. Below is the present fee bill and the reductiou Present Reduced $1.00 Town visit, $1.00 now S» Prescription, $1.00 S» Country visit. $i.«o per mile, (added to town charge) 8.00 Obstetrics (town) $10.00 now (mileage added in country) All cases lu surgery proportionately low. Dr. J. D. Kelley. TILLAMOOK. OR. M rs . K atie W illiams , P rop . Has just recieved a new and complete line of Hats, Bonnets, Children’s Hats, Childrens Fascinators, Baby Outfits, Dress Trim­ mings and Ladies Burnish­ ing Goods. Late Styles, New Goods yy j. may , Lowest Prices. Dress Making Done to Order. attorney - at - law , TII.I.AMOOK, ORHGON. Opposite H eadlight Office, Cor. Main and Second Street, Tillamook City, Oregon. cheese factory soon. say Krebs Brotherg their that new mill et Lillie Nestiicca io now running and that they are now making an excel- lenl quality of lumber no they have the best of tirnbsrand au abundance of it. bushels of potatoes while he whs on a visit to Throe Rivers for a few days. We have of other heard thieving petty around town of late. Some one ought to sot n bear trap for the gentleman. E. E. Gooding started witli a band of sheep Sunday to Three Rivers, where lie line recently taken a lionieatead. the opinion tlm The Truckee mill did not start Mon­ day, owing to ti e illness of engineer A. Campbell. was in levying a We are having high tax already levied by the city, was unwarranted by law and the unaninioue 8. pay a double poll tax. water this week new The only d stinctively estab­ has Government in our midst, for doing the city printing. was somewhat lengthy and his honor, So there the city Recorder, demurred eoniewhat st leading it. several of the hard words has caused many persons to take bad colds. John Westenherger has been quite unwell of He etubbed his toes on posed to give Hadley it him urged slashing this wintsr; a let Altenbergor, Joo Anton Resch, Sloan, and Bauer, Chitwood. in town last business doing week board the sclieol of directors. and The editor ol the IlBADiranT eat a at martyr the Recorder's coiistruclioa of hie carefully penned effusion but had to take it, he only objecting when the Recorder made finances him say that the Mr. J. S. Stephens, of Tillamook City, councilman keep on to grind out the whole grist, and he kept nt it. of a nd (ell dis but up, by and groaned like Mr. D. C. McNeil lias done It The will come under the head of "Emma " weather The hid of the lleaDi iGHT was the first opened. will be no more Slab Creek items; they The recent had bneinees attended to wae the reading of the bids name of the ofii;e is Emma with tax that the men of Tillamook will refuse to witli J . D. Chitwood postmaster. whs poll seiitiineiit was againat the payment of «itch poll tax. It i« absolutely certain Emma Items. Steve ex­ fre«ly action «f the county upon our people in addition to the poll late; lie has been nursing the grippe. N. L. Fletcher lost about eight or ten Tlia tlmt comniissioneri lished a new post office We understand Nehalem io to have a rogula «11 There wm but littl« regular bnainexa «able from reading the minutM. Th. were pleased to reach our mild climate cuBied. pressed TheU. (r*OM TH, OCKAS WAVE) in m«uib«n being present. again as they found the East extremely and lots of wet wuather. AU call, promptly attended to met «veiling, matter of the claeh between th« city and have county authorities r.lntive to tin» col­ They lection of poll tax wh « informally dia- Geiuger Geo. Mrs. and has so far been a very mild winter lor stock . council Mcnclxy City has been prostrated with la grippe line been in bloom lor a week or more. Cattle are town Th« ■easion l»«t of enow sufficient fall cold. The crocus and daffodils are budded are swelling on the Award* the City Printing to the Headlight last Friday to whiten Bay City Heights Mr. ell's boys, and Mine others. but MAYBE you WRITE from party Gales Creek were at McNamer’e camp this week. RECORD IF ITS LIST KEETIMC. Moore of Nehalem spent a fsw There was a A camping TOWN COUNCIL. is logging as soon as weather permits. Glenora Gleanings The steelhead snlmeu PHYSICIAN. SURGEON 'Tillamook visiting iu Bay City. The revival servicee are to be If you do T A 1\ A ID keeps the best remember l—iwYlvl-D Stationery in. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. FEB. 18,1897. $1.50 Per Year were in a that critical city moae from the condition bauds I hey wore the of condition,—whether critical in, from or imluriil They are purchasing some school appar­ causes or wasting disease, deponent didn’t say. However, the jot» was atus through Mr. Stephens. finally finally finished and Ilia Recorder iJ. J. D aly . , C acar H avtbb . Oretown Offering« J) ALY & HAYTER, A party was held at the home of Mrs. L. Commons Friday, ÇLAUDE THAYER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, TILLAMOOK. OHKUON. (J a M kb M c C ain , (A. W. S kvbranci . IJJoCAIN Sc SEVERANCE, «Jan. 12. of last.week owing lo the severe vlorni and high water. Thunder and hal| Uhe Williams. Drug (So. who will be iq business in about two storing sic more frequent here than in wee^s, at Tillamook, ©regon. George Miznsrnnd wife returned from Riileni last Tuesday. » take them to the valley' and sell them . A petition STEPHENS & BIGG8. The Heventb Day Adventiats are still Oeeeiel Banking end Bechen«« tornine.« Inlareal paid on time depoaite. Keahan«« on Kugland, Belgium, Germany, lerdri and all foreign colorirle«. Tillamook, Oregon. Q. W. KIGER, DIALER IN Exchange end bjonei] Securities. 1 LUMBER AT redgrci ? es The TILLAMOOK LUMBERING CO. will not be undersold and will make better rates than any other mill Get our prices and be convinced. Discount on large orders and for cash. Our mill is in better shape than ever and we are prepared to turn out first class lumber of all kinds. Tillamook Lumbering Co OKO. OOM». Fr«»id«nt, JOMM BAHKXR, holding services every evening at the ■AV OITY, OREOQN A COMPLETE • • op NEW • -w. • STOCK Haidwaie, Stores, Tinware-, O^xtlex-y, Farm ZvCaclxixxexsr CHA£. pETE^fl, 1 X-cg-grexs S-mpplies, etc., etc. -Zùk-lso ^islxixxgr Tackle and. BARBER ^mvLixlticxx. HOT ANO 6ILD BITIS • f | WE- KEE-P/I FINE-LINE- OF PÆINTS Everything in our Line is New and up to date. Call and See for yourselves. W. H. H. CAREY, Opposite the Bank. of land to the Woodmen for a cemeteri. and fence the tra ct the prong of Yamhill where an wanted Reynolds He thought liens anti-lien ordinance. were dangerous animals to run at large, were they obstreperous, obnoxious, He proposed this summer to squashes, low necked raise early rose spring alien he expecta to go to Rose­ didn't propose to have any rloil gasied liens scratching them up. People who remain H. Wheeler arrived in from Aatoria C lie Wednesday via Seaside. soon hr says the as llm weather (’apt. Webber, formerly of moderates, the schooner (’onHanza, is UMComniand. have opened up a new logging camp al II imp- Is A Wheeler'« mill The liuilier will be tuksn from the mill «•nnipany’s land ad­ the young people in official paper the as pumpkins, nml all sorts of truck, and he will joining the mill making ber, They are cutting tim­ etc roads the when weather is favorable, and will not begin hauling until spring opens up this iieigliboihood lately. designated and awarded the printing. until he lie will not louse his eyesight. taining many of promptly counted out, and the H ev O- iught dishonest. T. U. Moore started Saturday for North a pitchfork into bis eye is ii.ncli better Hpirituliatic demonstrations are enter­ of doing the work, hut bud the temerity to ask a dollar to doit, and they were irresponsible, destructive, and positively 11 igginladham A Murphy Bros, The little son of Andiew Commons, 000 per annuin. Edmunds A Co. didn’t e»en offer »5 00 for the privilege Councilman Win. Armstrong has donated two acres Oretown schoobhouae. kept chickens should eillier keep a poke on them or keep 'em shut up, and lie would siicrilie hie kingdom or knock out the liens. Couneiliiiiiu believe in curtailing old liens. If they didn't Hadley tbo lilanly ol the warned lo aclalch, let ’em ; if they wauled loeackle, let 'em; it is u free country, and lie would fight a hen ordinance. Why mil luiild and let III« liens viailin* lie deceived into depositing lheir fruit in 'em? But Reynohls said such was a suggestion unworthy of a Christian such as himself nml he wouldn't heed Th. hen business, the It matter remains iinsrttled llenry Beaver Budget. customed W. T. West was up to days laat week doing few a Blaine carpenter work for Geo. Mower* E. W. Btown lisa been quite |Kx>ily but is Iwtter at prevent. No difference how it rainn, snow* our mail carrier, G. blow* W. or Wallace, Crenshaw, with energy, first ia a<- hie to do Ins Tiler. Irenig no fuitlier council adjourned. plumbing ill readiii* sa for thet-iiy water. Everybody wants the water, but nil are waiting till lliejlast minute. T here will l>e a grm d rush at the last nienieiit to get plumbing done, miii I somebody have to wait. here. Ths water will ill Bonn be FOR SALE The windmill, talik and pump former­ ly used in tlieciiy wnier works of Tilla­ Everything in prime condition. mook. M ill lie sold cheap. Beaver lias made new a J your plumbing «lone at once been such mid the aube<-ription list has Notice is hereby given Hint a conven­ so im ieased witldn the pm»t few months tion will Ire held on Saturday Mar. «ill that the piibliabere and Mi la afford Joe. B iby, having bid lowest, the l»a*»er lo increaoe feel that they can and make other in th. City »< Tillamook, fur the purpose malerial im- of •Iwlillg two delegates to llm next the addition to our «i-hoolhouae. if the water from which we ex| 1«. J «Hr J. W. Maxwell adfled. The chenge will ne< esaiiale au Hindi additional pieee work that it wd I 1« obtained for the pre«N»ea. Ilia Each Grange in Titearlay In May 18*7. Mrs. frlith Coulson, our acknowledged I« maeting of derive pow< r is brought to th** city, the Uy ail beat gardener of Beaver, ia already Allen lion-, al tile the pfovenienta Stuart, Ohio, last fall to at one o'l-lrick I’. M site of the $67, waw awarded Ilia contract lo build Alvis Finley, who went from here tu E. Tuttle N.aiee The patronage of the II ka DHO ut hae departure. We have a furniture fav’^ry umler I be Biaiiagemeut of «Messrs l’uicell, Fiiiisy Apply lo Baller get ready for it l*y getting ia right on the dot. Laik*pur ia coining up; look out! Colleetiane Receive Coreful end Prompt Attention chartered ior this port. tug will he in who some time since ran C. & E. THAYEK new road supervisor ap)>ointed. GREAT REDUCTION also land, B. C. circulated and is being numerously signed, to have a Real F.itate Agents and Representing the Home Mutual Insurane Co. of California J. 8. 8TEPHEN9, representing F. Weber & . of Portland for Schoil Supplies. Office at Allen Hotel- Seven Bixlers ia The from Clackamas and lay it off in lol«. Co. have captured a pair of Arctic Owls. J. 8. 1TEPHIMI The arhooner Rio Rey «ailed from Ran Francisco for thia |»ort on the 9th. The buys will clear They are alive ami have a ravenous sppetii**. Mir. Robinson intends to OUKGON If F L. Logan, the Seaeide sawmill man, ha« just returned from a three past years. The Robinson bovs AllOliNh. S-AT-LAW, IN CONNECTION tices for the magnificent sum of 10,1X10, months trip to England Our mail failed to arrive on Th tired ay This space belongs to Tllt.AMOOK, al actual cost and the ’publishing of no­ (From the Nehalem Time«.) health improving. DALLAS, OREGON H baii - The offered to do all the job printing i . ight Johnie Whiteman returned from Cali­ fornia last week and reports his mothers ATTORNEYS AT LAW, JOtUH BIGOB drew a long sigh of relief. Nehalem Note« Cobb Ifeit* Ne M«'.ua anil IH.OO, times, (three for twenty-four «1.00; also voice culture at low rates Yours re»|reclfully, italeiii; F. AHemler, TTIIaim»«>k River Ben Eurner, iTemmnt Valley; tl>e Mrs H D. C ItoWOre. (ileaeon, Han Franneco; II Orchard, T F'. Ileiglea, P-.rll^i d, E B. Johneon, City Joe K Hlebe, II. Begxs, Barnegat; Mies Mary Abplanalp, Burt la ml; A nnrntrer of paaaeiigeie are awaiting Ilaekius, Miami. tlx Cliilkat. Vm. I few tin roiiglibred brown Icgl orn <■ ks (m sal. at «100 each; also two Wliila l.eghorns A 11 M. Her., Hay City, Ora.