Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 10, 1896, Image 2

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WtUamuok Oenbliaht
elements, and between these ele­ going to prtpa, and we crowded other
ments there is bound to be more matter out to ninks room for the ticket
D. DeK. B.wm.d, Ed. and Mgr.
And yet forsooth, we inunt be accused
or less conflict; but there is no
of being the organ of a certain faction
The editot of this paper knows little
Official Paper, Tillamook City and County
partake of the nature of personal of th« political factions that, unforlun-'
vituperation and spleen, anil why alely, exist litre, and cares less. He
(sruicrLv inadvanck .)
it should be waged unceasingly, can neither be allured into them by bait
11 bO.
One year
nor frightened into them witli potato
...7.5. in season and out of season, ad in
Six month*
Three month«
M anufacturers of L umber and B oxes , and dealers in
finitum ad nauseum.
But there
Ho lias a mind of his own and pro- i
are many reasons why it should posea to apeak it whenever he feels
called upon to do so, the wheezy whine
i Inch, per month
. Jo.76
per y*at >6.75 not.
- ”
2-35 .......... ”
” 2o-°°
New comiminities, more than of a sour-stomached cotemporary, and
col. “
3 75
’’ 33oo
• ••
6.75 ......... ”
" 60.00 old established ones, need to be the carping criticiam of those who Insist
•• •»
11.00............. ”
” ioo.oo
on thinking for themselves but who are ,
Local iiottc««, torts per Hue; and jets, after united in everything tending to not willing to give the same privilege to
th« first insertion Only Acts per line for first
msertion and 3 cts thereafter for regular adve- build themselves lip and advance others, to the contrary notwithstanding. ■
Lost, Found, For Rent, For Sale, Wanted, and all their various interests.
Special notices, hi classified ' ad" columns, at
The new town lias little use for
the same rate
Legal notices, Nonpareil, tocts. per line for selfish, narrow-minded
first insertion and dels per line for each subse
(From our Regular Correspondent.)
qiient Insertion.
men, men who do not interest
EM^All notices or communications should
iiicluetrioue gentlemen wlm me
themselves in the welfare of the
be sent in as early in the week as possible.
wr ting and talking about alleged dis-
town, but who are in it simply as
Miieion in tli» republican party ar» uieie-
leaches, to fatten themselves at ly »bowing that they do not know the
Telephone No 6.
the expense of its life-blood. difference between a variation in the
Olilce corner of Main and 2d street..
Such men are a curie to any town, i ndiviilnal opinion» of republic*)!» mid
The republican
mid Hie less business they receive party dimension.
The city election is over, mill
pal ly ia not, never baa been, mid novel
will be mi organization of cuckoo», will­
Hie officers for the next year will
kind of men a new town needs is ing to accept mnl echo opinions given
soon lie in the pogitions to which
Let uh men who are not only ready to by aurone man. One of the parly’»
they have been clioaen.
make money, but ready to spend »1 rongi'st elements of power lias always
stunil by them,anil help to make
it to build up the town, mid ready been the encouragement of individuality
their administration 11 success.
on th» part of its members in the ex­
to unite with other business men
pression of opinions ns to party policy.
to advertise their towns and the Republican Senators amt Representa­
If the last city campaign was Il I resources of Hie
surrounding tive» who linve come to Washington to
sample of Tillamook city cani- country.
J. E. SIBLEY, Manager Stör» and Mill, Hobeonvllle, Oreje,
Take this town and attend the session of Congress have, ns
paigns, i, we would suggest a change county, for example. There is no Inis always been usual, expressed their
Principal Office, 349, Berry St., S. F. Mill« at Truckee. Cal..
in the length of terms of city offi­ valid rsason why the county ..pinion» on what should be the party
cers from one year to fifty years. should not have twice its present
those opinions have not nil been »like, n
The hist campaign was a disgrace population.
It simply has not sei of pooVly informed democrat» have
to the town.
been properly advertised. If the tried to create th» impreesion that dis­
people generally knew the advan­ sension was rainpmit in the party.
The San Francisco Examiner tages of Tillamook county, its They are in n sense excusable. They
are bound to say something, mnl as
mid the Oregonian are engaged in wonderful resources, the fertility
there in nothing good llmv can say for
a wordy war over some statements of its soil, the salubrity of its cli­ the democrat» they have, like n shyster
made in the latter concerning the mate, together with all its other lawyer with a bad case, taken to lying r
The favorite beer made
-------------- —-----------
morals of Cniif >rnians in genera), natural advantages, there would be about the other side. The republican
this coast, considered
Supplying families with our bottle
and San Francisco in particular. such a rush of immigration as has party was never freer of dissension tlimi
by many to be superior
beer, direct, or through any house
The statements made by the Ore­ never before been witnessed in the at this time. While expressing their
handling our beer, a specialty. A»k
individual opinions of what the party in
your dealer for price per dos. or can.
gonian are rather sevore, and, we United States.
But there has Congress ought to <lo Ibis winter nearly Will be dispatched from it. and insist
n having
think, to a large extent incorrect, been no unity of purpose or action I every Senator or Representative invaria­
Kopp’s beer.
but such as they are, the San and consequently about the only bly adds, ‘•but the policy of the party
Francisco newspapers tire entirely new settlers we have are t hone
responsible for them. Scarcely an who have been induced to come held as noon as we know the recoininen- on or about Nov. 9th, 1896
dations of .Ml Cleveland and Secretary
issue of those papers comes out here liy their friends, or who have Carlisle,” or words to that efteil.
on the route from that
but some mole-hill of wrong doing rend the local papers, the outside Those who are hoping that talking about
. point to the
is magnified into a mountain of circulation of which is necessarily dissention will really make it in the re­
C. H. SMITH, Prop'r.
vice, and every possible means of quite limited.
Coquille River
the printer's mid illuntrator’s art
And in the matter of internal Congress meets and the republican cau­
W ines , L iquors and C igars .
>s resorted to, to give publicity to improvements, new communities cus decide« upon the party policy. touching at all intermedi­
Kopp’s Beer on Draught
every filthy detail of sucl. crimes especially need to be united. In the Then they will »ee that the republicans ate points if inducements
ns do occur.
country, roads mid bridges are to ill Congress, excepting, of course, those offer, and will remain per­
After a residence of many be built, and in towns side-walks who bolted the St. Louis convention manently on that route,
years in California, we think we and sewers need to bo constructed, and supported Bryan, who still call making regular trips.
themselves republicans but are not so
are competent to judge, mid we do ami water works built.
In otliwr considered by Hie republican», will act
For rates or other infor-
not believe that Californians, iis a communities, as in tills, appropri­ hb n unit upon all questions affecting
apply at the offi­
rule, are either worse or better ations need to bo secured from the that line of policy.
While making no pretense to know in ces of the Compapy,
than other people would bo under general government; mid nil these
Worcester Block Portland
similar circumstances or environ­ things require that men forget advance of the republic!)!! caucus what
will be determined upon, your corres­ lor 121 - 123. Davis Street,
G rand C entral B illiard
their personal spleen, spites, and pondent is confident that the feeling
H all .
that an early extra session of Congress
differences and act together.
Fin« Liquors and Clgar9
No one cares to live in a divi­ will lie called by l’rssident McKinley for
It requires mi enormous amount
the purpose of passing a general tariff
Tillamook, Oregon.
of gull on the part ofthe free trade ded community, and a desirable
bill i» «o prevalent that one of the
democrats to argue that. President class of immigrants avoid it as decisions will be that it is unnecessary
Telephone Ne. 9.
McKinley ought not to call mi they would a neighborhood infect­ to attempt tariff legislation at Hie short
extra session of Congress to act up­ ed with ii contagious disease. No session, especially when it is a matter of
1» a
on the tariff, but should allow the divided community lias ever pros­ doubt belli as to whether even so mod­ LOCAL DISEASE
is the result of colds and
Our country is dotted erate a bill as th» Bingley emergency ■nd
matter to go over to Hie regular pered.
climatic changes.
measure, passed by the Hous», could be It sudden
can be cured by a pleasant
session in December, 181*7, mid over with towns Hint to-day are passed by tlie Senate or would be »igned remedy
which Is applied di­
Into the nostrils. Be­
when they try I'» strengthen their mere villages, when they might by Mr.Cleveland. Even if Mr. Cleve­ rectly
ing Quickly absorbed it gives
argument by trotting out the as­ just ns well have been populous land would promise in advance that i* relief at once.
sertion Hint an extra session will cities—only they got to wrangling should become n law, either with or
acknowledged to be the most thorough cure for
upset business they only make a mid lighting. The man wlm fo­ without liis signature, mid a sufficient is Nasal
Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay Fever of all
J. P ALLEN. Prop'r.
millibar of Senator» would pledge them­ remedies.
It opens and cleanses the meal passages,
bad case worse.
For the repub­ ments strife mid discord between selves to make it» passage certain, it is allays
pain and inflammation, heals the sores, pro­
the membrat-s from colds, restores the sensls
Noted for Its Fins Cuisine Department.
lican party to defer action upon the neighbora is a public enemy mid a doubtful whether the Bingley bill would tects
of taste and smell. Price 50c. at DriiL'iiistBor by mail.
ELY BROTHERS, 6« Warren Street, New York.
tariff for nine months after it has nuisance, of whom Hie sooner Hie be pushed in the Senate
Last winter
the power to act would lie like town rids itself, the better. The it would have been a good bill to pass,
sending for a doctor mid after liav town and county of Tillamook but with tlie prospect of a genuine and
general republican tariff bill in four or
ing his prescription for the patient have a grand future before them » five mouths it is different now
Best Meals in the City.
filled to put the msdieine away for but the present generation will
Whether there will be any attempt at
nine months mid let the patient not live to see it unless we net financial legislation at the abort se-«ion
will depend largely ii|»>n the condition
worry along as best he may. The unitedly.
of llie Treasury.
Senator Chandler
voters have prescribed a protective
thinks the Secietary of the Treasury
tariff for Uncle Bam ami the task
We understand from good authority ought to be autlioiiied to borrow the
of administering the medicine Ims that the H kadi . iqhi whs , by certain money needed to make op the deficit in
been entrusted to a republican parties, severely criUcissd for th« kindly receipts ns long ns it exists, and he may
mention made of certain candidates for try to push the idea in the Senate, limit
President mid ll republican Con­
city otlices voted on last Monday. We hasn't the ghost of a show, becau-s it
gress, and it will bo faithfully per. do not know who the parties making
would be oppsml by all the silver Sen­
formed. It is nonssnse to talk' ^ho criticism were, mid we care less
ators regardless of party and by a num­
about mi extra tariff session of Wo supposed that the people of Till«* ber of republicans who me opposed to
Cougi ess hurting business.
Fail­ mook knew their own minds when they further bond issues. Il is probable Hint
1 called a convention end nominated the Mr. Cleveland'» message will renew hie
ure to hold one would lie more
men in question
They had been
likely to hurt business, iis Hie boom introduced Io us by prominent citizens recommendation tlmt tlie green-backs
be retired, but it will not lie acted upon
a hich started the day after elec­ het e a* good men—as amongst the best
tion was based largely upon the
Thia la Yonr Opportunity.
belief that tariff legislation would nomination ton city othce could have
turned the n suddenly vile.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
at on< e follow Hie inauguration Of
We would have given equally kindly a generous sample will be mailed of the
in nwchani'nl o>rwtmct-on. dnrabiHtT of
the new administration.
mention of the worthy men on the othei most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
UM«« eg
General Merchandise
Clothing, Footwear!
Sperry Flour, Best California.
We wish to call attention to our
teas. We guarantee satisfaction to
the most fastidious.
Nortlj pacific ^tcam^hip Co’^ ^orth Pacific Brewery
JOHN KOPP, Proprietor.
Steamer “Chilkat”
Ely’s Cream Balm
New and Select £toc\.
patent l^edicineg and Druggist’s Notions.
A Pion for Unity
The last city election has taught
us on« lesson, and that is, that
there is a «nd lack of harmony mid
unity of action amongst th«, differ­
ent elements in this city.
Mueli of this i», of coms«, to be
In every town there
mi v diverse interests and diverse
ticket, had we known who they were in
time tn do so The candidate for mayoi
on the opposition ticket had positively
stated to tlie editor <»f the II maim . ight I
that he would not he * candidate
course he had a pufact light to change
| hie mind if lie desired, but the editor H \
1 not a mind reader, ami did not know of
| it until it was too late to give the kindly
'mention which be would have l*een
glad to give.
As to the other candi­
dates, we received their name« after our
fount were ready to lock up and .were
i Ely's Cream llaiui) sufficient to demon*
•Irate the great merits of the remedy.
The flew Home Sewing Machine Co
66 Warren 8L, New York City.
a*>|-SA».™oo,clu An-unoál.
Rev John Reid. Jr., of Great Falla, Mont,
recommended Elv'c Cream Balm to me. I
can emphasise Vis statement, “It is a j»o«i-
tive cure for catarrh if n^e-l m directed.”—
Rev. Francis W. l’.bde, raster Central Prea.
Church, H Icon, M ol L
The Headlight is poeitiw|y tbeonlv
Ely’s Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury printing, til., in Tillamook County thm
is equipped for doing first chute job 'print­
nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 oenta.
ing . Ourwork »hows for it-«>U C»ll
nn.l seeaatnples of work when you w,..t
anything in the line of job printing
Rlpan.* Tabules cure headache
A Fine Line of Jewelry.
Nnriptlam Cirifilly C»oi|ioiiiidd.