Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 01, 1896, Image 4

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There will be a dance in Bay City Sat­
urday n glit
Music by Nevins Oiches-
The North Yamhill stage was out of
Picture Mouldings any size ami price hick on Tuesday.
An unfortunate
just received at H«ins Art Studio break down delayed the mail for several
C. B. Hadley returned on Sunday from hours.
a business trip to Portland.
Mr. Grayson of the Trask River House
Lee Laughlin has purchased the ami Toll Road was in town yesterday
Mower«’ property at the end of Second and made the H eadlight offi«a pleas­
ant call. He reports quite an improve­
Street and will move into it today.
ment in the Road in the vicinity of
Dr. J. D. Kelly will return from Port- Cnion , Camp Hill and Twelve Mile
laml improved in health ready to le.uma Hil| H’1OII1,(| ¡>ol|, of
cuu |,HVe
his profession about October l.>t
been made materially lessening the dis
Trolling for silvers'!des will soon he in tance and making the roads much eas-
The shining beanties are coming iei to travel. .Mr. Gray is determined
i to make his road one of the best in the
in in considerable numbers.
Mr. L. Brown’s
is un­
J. E. Tuttle, of the Ann of Tuttle and
dergoing a < o«t of paint^aml general fix­
I Carey, hardware dealers, having pur­
ing about his yard and back-grounds.
chased the entire telephone system of
Frank Trout’s woo<l-aaw has been this county and the waterworks, will
making excellent music for the past few henceforth devote himself entirely to
weeks. He is however, about through t hose two branches of business.
He is
here in town.
fitting up the IIutchings building, dead
If we had a little more of our preaenl ene«l the walls ami in other way simule it
weather, the fisherman think that there a first class huikling for h « entrai lele-
I phone office. He will put in a pumping
would be a great run of Silversides.
engine in the waterworks ami make
Those who want a bargain in glass I other improvements in the near future.
can get it in all sizes and at reduced
Mr. Tuttle is a rusl 1er nml will give the
prices at (’ E. Reynolds; 3 panes 10 x 12
people of this county excellent service.
for 25 <ts
Oretown Item».
M. W. Mowers and family will leave
and Miss Maggie Wilson
oday for Jackson county Oregon where
they will make their home in the future. have gone to Salem to attend the Fair.
The good wishes of their many friends
Mr. James B. Upton formerly of this
go with them .
place ami two daughters, spent a few
(’lias. Majors has started
a singing weeks at Siletz ibis season.
school on the Pra;rie at the
C Christensen returned last
school house
His pupils speak very week from the Valley. She surprised
highly of him as an instructor.
every one hv »hiving horn Grande Ronde
U pholb T hing D onk
Mattresses an 1 to the Bay in an incredibly short time.
lounges made, an<l old lounges taken in i Her son ('laud accompanied her.
exchange for new ones.
Shop next door
Mrs. Adeline Donnie, wilow of the
G. O nken .
late Major William Donnie; who has
Beale Brothers have a tract of land on been spending th« summer at Alder
the Miami liver that they desire denied Hill, the home of her daughter Mrs.
and will let the contract for. the Maine to P H. Crim, on Nestuca Bay has returned
any party or parties making a reasonable to California
Ordinal! • No
An ordimiiice to amend Ordinance
Mrs O. Walters is at present quite
No I4 enlille«!, "An Ordinance to Define
seriously sick
the Width of Sidewalks ami lhe ( 011-
Mis« Cassu Berry is wield'ng the birch strr.clion of the same,” approved May
in Mr. Hay’s district.
26. 1891.
Mrs N. Coulson who has be#n af­
The people of Tillamook City «Io ordain
flicted with a very sore limb is convales­ as follows:
Sec L—That section 1 oi ordinance
Mr. T. R Wilson is nursing one of No 14, entitle.I, “An Ordinance to De­
Job’s comforters on the on l of bin nos»». fine the Wi.lth of Sidewalks and the
The object of anxiety is evidently per construction of llie sain« he amended to
read as follows:
forming its mission.
That the «ide walk on Fr »nt street
R O. Richards ami J. Ford are busily
engaged at their saw-mill
They are from the E«st side of First Avena« West
prepared to supply all demands for lum­ to the W«st side of second avenue la»sl :
First street from the East si»leof second
avenue East to the East side of 3»i ave­
Mi.s William Barrett of Sheridan has
nue West: Stillwell avenue on the Elint
been spending lhe past fortnight with
side from the South side of First street to
her many friends in this vicinity.
the south side of Front stieet, and the
The Beaverites are at present hauling W’est side from lhe North side of second
lumber and arranging the site prepara­ street to the South si»le oi Front street;
tion to the erection of a church edifice First and Second Avenue East from lhe.
and parsonage
Mr. Finley has kindly South side of Front street to the North
consented to donate sufficient land fin side of Fourth street, shall be eight feet
the above named pm pose.
wide ami shall be constructed with four
Alter seeing so many bechelors with longi I nd in al sills 2x6 inches well bedded
their numerous eccentric ways. J. R. or set firmly upon under pt inning when
Finley’s oldest s»>n resolved to go hack necessary io bring it on the estabbshe»!
to his own native land, the buckeye grade and all side walks to be covered
state, and there lake unto himself the w ith 1
x 8 inch plunk laid crossw *••
maiden lie had wooed so long ago
Our am! firmly spiked with 20d. nails, the
genial poSlmtHtress informs us that her side walks on ail other streets ami
brother arrived at his destination ¡II parts of streets to he five feet ami shall
safety an I that the knot was tied.
be constructed with three longitudinal
S en ac a .
sills 2x6 inches well bedded or sei
firmly upon under pinning, when neces­
Wood wanted on subs ription at the sary to bling it to th« established grade
H eadlight Office.
All street crossings to he made with
three 3 x 12 inch plank with approaches
constructed with 3 x 12 inch plank, with
Dr. Linton is selling his personal prop- (iross sills of 4x6 inches placed lour
perly with the expectation of going to feet apart, with a f«»nr inch level t :o one
New Mexico shortly, lie contemplates' fool and all plank in < io ^- s walks Io I e
making it tiis home in the near future. nailed with 60d spikes.
W. 11. R eynoi . ds , Mayor.
'The postmaster, V. Sutton, of Oretown *
Nnllce .*• Br.il«» Builder».
Notice is hare by given that seale.l bid»
plans, »pe< itnatioiis, anil »trained dia-
graine will be received by the County
( .„nJ of lhe County of Tillamook, State
of Oregon, at the officii of tiie Comity
Clerk of said County untlll wednesduy
thettlh. day of January 18U7 at 9 o’clock
A. M. for the building of « bridge across
lhe Big Neatucca river in Section 12 1.4
S. It. 1(1 w. near th» residence of W. Kel-
low. said bridge to be of first ‘1‘iss yellow
1 ir, The main span of said bridge is from
200 to220 feet with one approach about
the sale» length, bidders will b» required
to furnish their own plans and specifica­
tions, th» pmly or parties receiving the
contract will I .«allowed until lhe first day
ofSeptember 1897 in which to complete
Notice of Construction 4>f
Notice in hereby given tl.Ht
mon council ol Tillamook « ¡ty jn
m»»ok ruiiiily Oregon will « onMru. t1'
“Sewer” within the v« rporat« | ln
Tillamook «diy a* follows lo-wit-
Commencing at the Nuith W..^
ner of block No. 9 : thence we«L .
lhe south side uf First Street, to ||ie
W. comer «4 block No. 8; thence A’,
along the East side of First Ave \\
Io lJ<M|mirtuii almigh, said sew*-i |M
lined will. 2 inch fir plank, >lh.|
sew er to have a fall of 1 inch to tfie |(((,C
said sewer to lie out of lhe general fin,
ot thecity, and the common c<*Uin i| w
r.t 7:30 o,«d.»rk p. in. on the 7tfi
October 1896 hear and «leleimine ,|
jeclion 11ml reitionslrances thereto ¡t
said bridge.
By Order of the County Court.
By order of the Common «minciI
This 22nd day of September 1896.
this 29tli »lay oi Sept. 1896.
J. 1). Kdwarlis.
H. II. A ldi -. rm
County Clerk.
R ccoi .I fi
Wanted—several faithful men or wo
men to travel for responsible establish©»!
house in Oregon
Salary $780, payable
$15 tvcekly ami expenses. P*»sition per­
manent. Reference
Enclose s“lf-«d-
«11 CSS stamped envelope. The National
Star Building, Chicago.
The I Ivadlight is posilivelv thè <.|,|v
print ing ofHce in Tilliimook ('ouiity
iseqiiipped fot doing liibt elassjol. prj|1(.
ing. Our work xhows for itself. Cali
ami se© saniples <>f w ork when y.-u W;||(l
jinylhing in thè lim» tif job printinu>
a V
k J.
120 Front St. Portland Ore.,
we Handle All Grades of
has left for parts unknow n and lhe office
is short about $300 a(*coi»!ing to the in­
spectors estimation.
'The last seen 01
By virtue af an Execution issued out of the
heard of him he was in San L’rancjsco Honorable Circuit Court of the State of Oregrn
for the County of Tillamook on a judgement ami
Cali fo: nia.
decree of said court made and entered on the
'lhe post office at Ileho came very 25th day ot August 1S96 in favor of John Hob­
offer. Call at at thy office in Beals Block
Mr J. F Hay and Mr. Lewis spent a
near being burned Tuesday
morning bins, Plaintiff and against James A. 'lay'.or
Ti llamook.
few days at the Sea View Hotel, Mi­
A fire broke out on the roof of the build­ Def’t for the sumoftwo hundred an 1 fifty dollars
Page A Son of Portland have eighteen llay represents the Nestucca Cannery ('o ing and it was with some difficult)’ that gold coin, and the further sum of forty dollars
costs together with interest thereon from tie
years good record. Good Sales week af­ and Mr Davis, McGowen & Co.; they it was extinguislied, hut lhe postmaster
r;th day of July 1895 at the rate of 8 per cent
ter week ami month after month, and are inspecting the Canneries here, w ith and mail carrier both being present they per annum and accruing costs, commanding
year after year, are the best tests ofCom- a view to purchasing.
to Sell all the right, title and interest of s .id
succeeded in saving the office.
defendant. James A. Taylor, in aud to the fol
niission merchants. Receiver of butter,
Mr. and Mrs, Longeoy arrived at
lowing described premises to wit: Lots 8, 9, 10.
Glenora Items.
cheese. eggs and honey.
Oretown a few »lavs ago, with the intcii
and 11 all lying and being in block number ij,
'¡'he McKinley (>lul) will hold it«
Mr Frank Bester wlm has been in in the Town of Ocean Park, in the County of
Tillamook and State of Oregon,
regular meeting on Saturday evening, benefit of Mr. Longcoy’s health
Forest Grove the past week visiting bis
I will on the 24th »lay of October 1896 at ten
D I.) eK. Bowman, the editor of the
Mr. O. M. Cleghorn of Portland and sister M im . (’. B. Stokes, slopped al Ibis o'clock A. M. at the front door of the Court
H eadlight will make aniubhess devot­ Mrs. S M. Decker of Ohio, cousin* of place Monday night.
House of Tillamook County, Oregon in Tilla­
mook City said County ami State sell at public
ing himself partly to the speech made C"l W. F. Cody, the famous “Buffalo
Mr. and Mrs. Harris and Mis. Wall auction to the highest ami best bidder for cash,
by Mr. Whitney last Saturday evening
Bill’’ have returned to Portlamj, after
all the right, title and interest of the defendant
have returned from Sandy.
in or to said real property to satisfy said execu­
One day last week thirteen men were
Miss Clarice Reeher came back from tion, order judgement and decree, interest costs
congregated in one of the saloons of the
Portland Wed.
By a mistake of tin* an»l accruing costs.
town. A Bryan man offered to bet that
Miss More i« visiting her «inter Mrs
Dated at Tillamook this 24 day of Sept iS/>.
pi inter sh« w as spoken of List w eek as
there were more Bryan men present than Longeoy f ir a few weeks.
J. 11. J ackson ,
being a relative of the Lees. The par­
Sheriff of Tillamook County. Oregon.
McKinlev men. The bet was mad»» and
Mr. Will Christensen gave a boating agraph should have simply stated that
the yule taken eleven for McKinley and
pai ty to a niimbei of his young friends James L»-e ami family were camping
two for Bryan. The Bryan men subsid­
a few «veilings ago. Had the evening her«». They went from Glenora to
I11 the Circuit ('onrt of the state of Oregon,
been «»rdeied for the occasion it could not 1 illamook and are now at that phme, they
Ira Tomlinson and Jack Burdick went have been more perfect.
are of course no relati v es of the Reehei *s for the Comity of Tillamook. Oregon. William
Ryan. Plaintiff vs George W. Pet I it. Alfarata.
to Netarts Sunday on business and on
Captain ami Mrs P. H Crim spent ten
Pheasants ami quail are very plentiful. Pettit S l II. A. Woodford, D •fi*n<Iant>
returning along the corduroy road the
Notice is hereby given that w hereas on the
No’s 1 and 5 show a root of a tooth
Many have been Mick here lately with
No. 6 represents badly decayed teeth
Imrse started to run away. Mr. Tom­ days at Silelz and Salmon River, where
they went to see •Mr. t in '¡»tensen*» in- a wort <»f epidemic cold, with lever and 24th day of August. 1X96 in the above named with a porcelain or gold crown, ready to
that have been filleil with gold, pi »i ce-
linson reined the burse in Mitddenly and
court and action, the plaintiff obtained judge­
ventioii tried.
prostration. Every one will be thankful ment by the eoiiHideration of said court against set in place. No’s 2, 3, and 4 show them lain, or natural enamel, and thus «ave» I
it fell, sustaining injuries that resulted in
its death. Both occupints of th« car
Mr. J. Myers has lAtiimeil from \\ lien the “every lasting rains” begin. , the defendants for the sum of 158850, S100.00 completed.
for years.
atioiJi’.ys I«*. < and jia.oo cost«, toxellier with!
< Iregon City ;
were thrown out but escaped unhurt.
, interest thereon nt th • rate of toper cent per'
Bay < Ity Breezes.
RIIIHIIII, wine IS. I jml 2 Hient was li.il) enrolled
The above items were received too Inti-
The largest supply of main springs foi
and dockete I m the oP.i* e of the clei k of said 1
clocks and watches ever broiigli toTilla last week for publication
Mrs. \V. C. Moi loti while visiting court on the said 24th day of August, D96.
m<iok, has just been received by Addie:
friends at Sami Lake recently, met w ith I That said judgement ordered certain property
Foley F*la»li ch .
Harris, the Jew Iler, with Letcher. He
an accident, breaking her collar bone. to be «old to satisfy said judgement, among I
which is the property hereinafter described.
can fit any size <>f watch or (dock ami all
She is repotted as getting along very
And whereas on the 3d day of September, 1896 j
Mr. and Mrs Win. II. Essani have
work is guaranteed. All kinds of re-1
well consul» ling the shaking up she got execution was duly issued in said action, to 1
pairing at whort notice and satisfaction gone to the \ alley with a load of salmon by lhe fall of her hor.-e.
me directed and delivered and commanding me
and butter.
among other things to make the sum due there
Elder Hicks is expected to deliver a on l»y sale of lhe property ordered to be sold
l he Balea laiys are improving their
lecture in Bay Cilv at mi early dale which is hereinafter *lescril»ed.
In moving ths large press on which the
time this nice weather «dealing theii
Now therefore, on the 24th day of October.
upon the occult sciences.
llRtDLiOiir is printed it was quite
No. 7 shows a case prepared for the
ranch and fixing to build a house. They
1896, at the hour of 2 o’clock p. in. on said day,
b elly broken. For a time it was quite
Miss Alice Robbins who ha» been
And No. 9 repiesenti»
bridge,No. 8.
intend 10 put up a small store and
I will sell al public auction for tash in hand,
a serious problem as to whet her or not the
ill with Typhoid (ever for several weeks to the highest and be>t bidder st the < onrt
the piece of work cemented in place
present edition would com« out on time
is convalescent.
House «ioor in Tillamook, in Tillamook County
Miss May .Means closed her term of
Oregon, the following property, to-wit; —
but Carl Knudson took the press in hand
(1) AH of the right, title and inteiest which
ami in a short time it was just as good as school Saturday in district No. 15 with joining school Districts me applying
lie defendant II. A. Woodford, ow ned, in aud
new. W« can leccommeml Mr. Knudson a basket dinner ami r«» ilatioiis by the for permission Io enter our s» h<»ol which to. an uudi* ide«l G interest oi lots 7 A; ft, bl.>ek
iis a line mechanic wlm can be relied scholars w hich waa enjoy#*! bv all I »rea­
indicates that its superiority is wull 8, of Tillamook, in Tillamook county, Oregon
on the 16th »lav ofSeptember, 1895.
upon at all turn s for thorough work.
known and appreciated
(2) The undivided h interest in lots 7 & S.
Several parties of fishermen went out
Mock 3. town of Tillamook, in Tillamook
Mrs Sturgeon will receive a fine as­ countyOregon, or all the right, title and in-I
on Friday evening to tempt the festive
(From the Time«.)
It «ill be a math., of interest to til» |."l,lie to „Htch tliis an<l hr the rea.l.ng
Rortnient of latest Fall styles oli next terest, in and to the same, the defendant. George J
sAlnion trout. One party consisting of
W. I’ettitt, owned in 01 to the same, on the i6lh
E G E Wist has gone to Sun Fran boat.
mailer will l„. eban-ed oceassionally and short article» on lhe different pints "»
( bilk Hadley, Henry Crenshaw, On
day of Decembe- ’895.
Nolan, T<»m Coates, Maurice Goodman, cisco to make ai'rangemenls for dispos­
' inlistr) uill 1,eexplained for the 1.>.1 of tie 1«. pie. \\ e aim to Is-
Glass for silent Reynolds', cheap *r
(31 All of the rig t title ami interest ol the
round np to dale dentist. Next week uill appear a »holt ait
Tlwdore Stehihilber ami the editor of the ing of his canned salmon ami procur­ thau anywhere else in town; 3 pan* s • lefendaiit, Alf ra . retitt, had in or to lots 1
block rail W DStiluells addition in the
If siitisfa» - 10 x 12 for 2> cents and all other size
H eadi . ight went to the Trask
On the ing a soldering machine.
x"Urs truly
town of Lincoln, Tillamook county, Oregon,
way they picket! up rancher John lory arrangements can he made and in piopoi tion .
now known as Tillamook city.
*V; A. W ih K.
Larsen to teach them how to do the they doubtless rail, lie will begin opera­
Said sale is held and had in obedience to siid
Notice to Shippers.
buaineas, I.arsen showded them so well
order of sale duly issued out of said court to
that he caught about all th# fish, Ilia
On ami after October lOtli regular satisfy sard execution, order of sale, and the
Mrs. Petti Lunglieart is quite ill with
140 Front SfrBHt,
sums due plaintiff therein, together with costs
good luck was supposed by his nil re- inflammatory rheumatism.
wli iifnge charges will be made on and accruing costs.
goneiate friends to be th« result of hin
freight passing over our dock at H o I m O ii «
J. H. J acksox ,
I. T Wilson the painter, returned to villa
well known pietv.
Sheriff of Tillamook county. Oregon 1
The other party consisted of Joint this city Sunday alter «pending a few
Truck*e Lumber Co of 8. F.
Baiker and a number of friends
They muntin*in California, lit* expects to re-
E Siai.Kv Mgr.
went to the Wilson river and returned main here this winter.
tn pursuance of s decree »nd order i.f ante
Advertised I.etter List.
laden with finny sp »»Is.
J. B. Pape lehuned to this city Friday
i rentlered In the Circuit Court of the State „(
Advertised letters for October are as On-eon for Tillain ok County on the a.th day.
For yom window panes, oi glass of after having spent the past few months
ofAugu»! is»«. In the ca.e of Anton Wicke
any dimension«, cal I at C. E Reynolds. throughout the East and Middle West. follows:
pl«lutilf V». Conrad Zwickel. defendant, 1 will
He guarantees that lie will sell them He is here to secure about MOO acres of
Mr J. S Thonipp, I’eti Petit, Mr
G. expoae for aateand aell aa the law directa at the
limber land for an eastern capitalist and
clieapet than anyone In Tillamook.
F. Neff. J. W M bivii H‘11, Fivd I . ckev, doot nf the Countr Court hon«e of aald County
expects to return to Poitland in about
in Tillamook tu asid conuty on Saturday the
Joe Lamb, Mr
William Griffith, Mr l;th da, ofuelolier isos at the hour of to o’el.sk
two weeks
Du li­ A M lhe rratpropi rty described in asid decree
I R Hicks, the newly appointed dep­ zig.
andoid-r.f -al-, eta The South Weat one
li. J. llt'NT, Poatinn*ter
uty fish coin hi iaeiouer arrested Aug
u ohh. South We.( H of section >c the south
I have purchased the interest of J
K. I.udtka, Frank I.nmleiberg and Herman
H of the South ioi % and lhe South East '
of the S.vth
Went l,
Tuttle in the hardware busine«« formai I* Schollmeyer for >umlay tishing. They
vi NiTxn S tatks L and O fuvx
in Tp. 1 s k ill W. nf ,he
vomlucte*! tinder the firm name of lutti« were taken be foie Jiwtirv Scovell on
September n>th. iSqt».
mettt Meridian, cont: Inin« H m .u fe* of ¡ n,j
JtCarey. \ll poisons knowing tbem- Monday but no charge w;>s made
Notice is hervm given that the approved plat th« Mme beta# the tract #nan<| grant««) to the
svlvr« in«lel>t*»*l to th# firm of Tuttle A ngainai them mm it was thought that of survey of fractional township. 1 S. R, 9 West defendant to rhe d> fendant by th»- L. g. Govern­
Cary will plea»« mil and pav the amount there was not sufficient evidence to con­ ha* been te«eeivv*l fmtn the Surveyor «»enernl ment, deecribe-d in aecciver « Fiu.il Receipt No
oft!i#lrlii<l#bte*ln### to me
All per- vict. ('hits, Seaman was ariexted for of Oregoa. and on Oct. 27th. 0*9^ at nine o’clock >M5*aud dat«M Rrceirera oflke at Oregon Citv
A M. of Mid day. «aid plat will be filed in this Ore. September sth 1891
sons having claims agninst the firm will Saturday night fishing and will be given otficc aud the land therein embrace*) will bt
Dated Ti 11 a «nook Ore. tfeptembBr 17. inq 6.
present them to me for settlement.
•u’4ecl to eutry on and after Mid date
a trial Oct ibid.—Time«.
J H. J acbsox .
Roaxar A. N illbb . Register
Sheriff of Tillamook County Oregon
W. H.H.O aby . j
W illi am ti.uu»wAY, Receiver
We have tlie best Cold Storage for
Rutter in the Citv, with a large city
and county trade and e.-in realize the
best 1 narket priCes, pronipt ¡sales ¿and
< juick returns is our 11 lotto.
CfoWn and Bridge Wor'lç
tí & Farrell
W ith Refrigerator ami Cold Storage
laeilitie ?S we are prepared to properly
handle al grades of Butter
M <* get highest market price, charge
ihc nominal commission of 5 per cent
:,,"l make prompt cash return
We guarantee return of all butte
Reference, any Portland Bank.
( orrespondence solicited. Make us a
trial consignment.